Hostile European governments - the negative
propaganda from Nazi Berlin against Jewish refugees
is "successful"]
[Since 1934 approx.:
European governments are indifferent and partly
hostile to German Jewish refugees]
Besides trying to find places of refuge for Germany's
Jews, McDonald saw that his main task was to ease the
fate of those German (p.148)
Jewish refugees who were now in European countries.
There he encountered governmental indifference -
sometimes even hostility - that nullified much of his
[European governments
want to get rid of the German Jewish refugees by
He was perfectly aware that the governments saw in him a
means of getting rid of the refugees.
(End note 31: WAC, Box 316 (d), McDonald to Warburg,
8/16/34 [16 August 1934])
[Nov 1934: McDonalds
reports high charges for documents and no work
permission for Jewish refugees]
At a meeting of the governing body of the High
Commission in early November 1934 he chided the
governments for harrying the refugees, making them pay
exorbitant sums for official papers, and especially for
refusing them the right to work. He tried to prove to
them that they would only gain by allowing refugees to
enter their countries and work there.
[Since 1933: Hitler
regime makes propaganda against refugees in whole
Europe - and governments let starve the refugees]
However, German anti-Jewish and antirefugee propaganda
had obviously been successful, and had "made the
position of the refugees more uncertain in some
countries and their admission more difficult in others."
(End note 32: JDC Library, London meeting of governing
body, 11/1-2/34 [1-2 November 1934])