Encyclopaedia Judaica
Racist Fantasy Zionism 08: Emigration drive 1919-1939
Massacre on 100,000 Fantasy Jews in Eastern Europe 1919-1921 - anti-Semitic Poland 1919-1939 - Fantasy Jewish Agency since 1929 - naive leaders Brandeis and Weizmann - naive leaders Nordau and Jabotinsky with "catastrophic" Fantasy Zionism theory
from: [[Fantasy]] Zionism; In: Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971, vol. 16
presented by Michael Palomino (2008 / 2019)
3 fantasies - but Mother Earth is REAL
Moses is a fantasy - nothing could be found of him. The proofs are in the book: The Bible unearthed - link. So, Jewry is a fantasy, and also the Jewish calendar is a fantasy. Also Jesus is a fantasy: nothing could be found, but it's a code fantasy with the numbers 3,12,13 and 33 - link. So, Christiandom is a fantasy, and also the Christian calendar is a fantasy - and the Vatican is a criminal pedophile satanic bank mafia - link with videos - link with news. Also Muhammad is a fantasy: nothing could be found, and the name "Muhammad" was used only since 850, not in 600 - link. Therefore also the Muslim calendar is only a fantasy. Peace and healings and instructions how to handle the planet are with Mother Earth - Mother Earth is REAL and everybody can learn it: http://www.med-etc.com - have a good day. - Michael Palomino, May 12, 2019
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[100,000 Fantasy Jews killed in Ukrainian Polish war 1919-1921]
The sense of disaster was already deeply embedded in the consciousness of European [[Fantasy]] Jews by the events which followed right after the end of World War I. The far greater horrors of the Nazi Holocaust have by now half obscured the murder of about (col. 1054)
one hundred thousand Fantasy Jews, including women and children, in the Russian-Polish borderland, where Ukrainian and counter-revolutionary Russian army units systematically engaged in killing [[Fantasy]] Jews in the years 1919-21. These pogroms had a profound effect on the [[Fantasy]] Jewish delegation in Paris, which agreed to plead unanimously for national minority rights because the hatred of [[Fantasy]] Jews as [[Fantasy]] Jews was so rabid in eastern Europe.
[[But these minority rights were only written on paper at the end]].
Moreover, major figures among Western [[Fantasy]] Jewry increasingly became less doctrinaire. Men such as Louis Marshall could not accept the [[racist Fantasy]] Zionist notion that all [[Fantasy]] Jews everywhere belonged to a national entity other than that of the majority of the people in the political state into which they were born, and they could not therefore agree that [[Fantasy]] Jews ought to be working for their ingathering in [[Fantasy]] Zion. Nonetheless, such figures responded to the dire need of East European [[Fantasy]] Jews both by trying to alleviate the immediate situation and by accepting that, on purely humanitarian grounds, those who wished to go to Palestine should be helped to do so.
[Polish anti-Semitic system 1921-1939 - union of non-Fantasy Zionists and racist Fantasy Zionists in 1929 with the creation of the "Fantasy Jewish Agency"]
Even after the pogroms ended and a certain amount of surface stability was created in Eastern Europe, the largest community outside the [[criminal racist]] United States, that of Poland, was increasingly harassed by a regime of economic exclusion and of numerus clausus at the universities and in the professions. Year by year the life of these [[Fantasy]] Jews was becoming more unbearable, and there were occasional pogroms in Poland in the 1930s to underline their misery. The situation was only relatively better in some of the other countries in the area. The "non-[[Fantasy]] Zionists" who were persuaded by Chaim Weizmann in 1929 to join with the [[racist Fantasy]] Zionists on the basis of parity in creating the "enlarged" [[Fantasy]] Jewish Agency were moved by a sense of the direst [[Fantasy]] Jewish needs and a growing undercurrent of fear of worse things to come. This, rather than [[racist Fantasy]] Zionist ideology of any variety, was the dominant note in the development of [[racist Fantasy]] Zionism itself even before Hitler appeared on the scene, and certainly after 1933.> (col. 1055)
[[Addition: The reasons for Polish anti-Semitism since 1919
The reasons for Polish anti-Semitism were many:
-- impossible economic development because of new national borderlines and the isolation of the Russian market, see:Joint
-- Polish nationalism with anti-Semitic parties since 1921, see *Poland 1919-1939
-- [[Fantasy]] Jewish economic methods, see Joint
-- and above all [[Fantasy]] Jews were defined as a political enemy now because they were considered a "foreign nation", see Joint
There were anti-[[Fantasy]] Jewish boycotts in Poland long before Hitler came to power, see: *Boycott, anti-[[Fantasy]] Jewish], and "American" [[Fantasy]] Jews were giving money to [[Fantasy]] Jewish organizations to help the [[Fantasy]] Jews in eastern Europe, e.g., to the Joint. All this anti-Semitic movements in whole Europe could have been omitted when the criminal anti-Semitic "Christian" church would have been forced to correct their racist anti-Semitic Bible and their racist anti-Semitic rites, but the Bible is not corrected until now (2008), and the anti-[[Fantasy]] Jewish rites and habits of the criminal church were corrected only in the 1960s...]]
[Fantasy Jewish emigration to the criminal racist "USA" limited since 1924]
Ideological stamps were thus deeply impressed on the [[Fantasy]] Jewish community in Palestine. Great numbers of those who came in the 1920s and even in the 1930s chose their paths because they believed in some version of the [[racist Fantasy]] Zionist vision and found in it their path toward national and personal realization.
[[They believed in the elimination of the Arab Fantasy Muslims and in the enslavement of the Arab Fantasy Muslims, or they did not know anything of Arab Fantasy Muslims. They got into the war trap...]]
Nonetheless, the dominant element in creating many more candidates for immigration to Palestine than were ever permitted to arrive was not [[racist Fantasy]] Zionist ideology, at least not in its cultural, "synthetic" form, but the growing horror of anti-Semitism, at a time when other doors to safety were closing or were entirely closed to [[Fantasy]] Jews. (col. 1054)
[[The gates were not completely closed: "USA" officially limited immigration in 1924, so many Fantasy Jews had to emigrate to little countries in the Caribbean Sea, e.g., Cuba, or the Fantasy Jews were forced to adopt "Christianity" and new names and emigrated under "Christian" quotas. Since 1929 since the world wide economic crisis anti-Semitism was coming up and the main problem - the racist anti-Semitic "Christian" church - was never blamed, but anti-Semitic parties, the product of the Church's anti-Semitism were blamed...]]
[Racist Fantasy Zionist views in the "US" government since 1924 and the hope for a Fantasy Jewish Empire]
<In 1924 the U.S. government formally approved the League of Nations Mandate for (col. 1087)
Palestine and its guarantee of [[Fantasy]] Jewish national rights.
[[In the same year the Fantasy Jewish immigration to the criminal racist "USA" had been limited, so the "Fantasy Jewish national rights" for Palestine seem to be a kind of compensation]].
Every president of the [[criminal racist]] United States after Woodrow Wilson had made declarations favorable to [[racist Fantasy]] Zionist aspirations, and the majority of Congress was moved several times to declare its pro-[[Fantasy]] Zionist views, both officially in joint resolutions and informally.> (col. 1088)
[[By this the "US" government kept a racist peace in the interior - but by supporting the racist Fantasy Zionists primarily a new battle field was foreseen in the future - with the racist Herzl booklet "The Fantasy Jewish State" as its base. It seems that the racist "US" government and their lodges hoped for a collaboration with a future Fantasy Jewish Empire from the Nile to the Euphrates. And it seems that's why there are the wars of the "USA" in the Middle East against the Arab Fantasy Muslims, and that's why "American" atomic bomb technology can be found in racist Fantasy Zionist Israel etc. And the hope for a Fantasy Jewish Empire - it seems - does not stop until now (2008)]].
[Racist Fantasy Zionists in the highest "US" justice levels: naive Brandeis - racist Fantasy Zionist leader Weizmann fighting for more racist Fantasy Zionist settlements and institutions in Palestine - emigration step by step]
[[We see now that the racist Fantasy Zionist Fantasy Jewish leaders are never thinking that Fantasy Jewry is a religion any more. The racist Fantasy Zionist Fantasy Jewish leaders think that Fantasy Jewry would be a nation, and by this national madness they are under pressure of all other countries in the world to construct a "Fantasy Jewish State" to save the Fantasy Jews from nationalism of the others. And when there were difficulties always the other nation (e.g., Fantasy Christian British policy) was the culprit and never the racist Fantasy Zionist. And of course it was never told to the naive Fantasy Jewish population in eastern Europe that there were Arab Fantasy Muslims in Palestine...]]
The sense of need and foreboding had come to formal expression in [[racist Fantasy]] Zionist thought immediately after World War I. Louis Brandeis, by then a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States, who had served as the leader of American [[racist Fantasy]] Zionism during the war years, believed that, with the achievement of the Balfour Declaration, the political struggle of [[racist Fantasy]] Zionism was over and that, henceforth, the [[Fantasy]] Jewish settlement in Palestine should be fostered through the orderly processes of investment, on the highest principles of business accountability.
[[It seems that Brandeis never was told that the Arab population in Palestine was never asked. And it seems that Brandeis had never read the racist Herzl booklet "The Fantasy Jewish State" with the racist Fantasy Zionist project to drive all Arab Fantasy Muslims away and to enslave all Arab Fantasy Muslims, according to 1st Fantasy Mose chapter 15 phrase 18 from the Nile to the Euphrates. Racist Fantasy Zionism now got naive supporters in the criminal racist "USA", and by this naivety of the stupid "American" representatives the world got one more eternal war: the Middle East Conflict...]]
Tis soon led to a shattering struggle with Weizmann, who continued to believe in the need for a movement of [[racist Fantasy]] Zionist national consciousness. He wanted the [[racist Fantasy]] Zionist movement to work toward a yishuv [[[[Fantasy]] Jews in Palestine before Herzl Israel foundation, before 1948]] which would be a left-wing liberal, in part moderately Socialist, Hebrew-speaking society and he saw its embodiment mainly in the collective and cooperative enterprise of the labor pioneers who needed non-profitable funds, such as the *Keren Hayesod, to create their network of settlements and institutions.
In short, Weizmann intended to realize the "synthetic" [[racist Fantasy]] Zionism which he had defined in the days of his youthful opposition to Herzl. Both Brandeis and Weizmann, despite their difference, wanted to create the [[Fantasy]] Jewish community in Palestine step by step, according to plan, with the presumption that there was time aplenty to do it.
[Naive Nordau and Jabotinsky want the big emigration wave from eastern Europe: "catastrophic" Fantasy Zionism]
Right after World War I Max Nordau, the still-living colleague of Herzl, and later also Vladimir Jabotinsky, arose against such views. Nordau and Jabotinsky did not believe that the [[Fantasy]] Jews of eastern Europe would find safety in any years of seeming quiet that might follow after the Russian-Polish upheavals and they were equally convinced that the [[Fantasy Christian]] British government, the holder of the Mandate, would find reasons of its own for making the large-scale (col. 1055)
immigration of [[Fantasy]] Jews into Palestine an ever more difficult enterprise. Nordau proposed, melodramatically, that without any meticulous planning or preparation, or even arrangement for solid housing, [[Fantasy]] Jews, mainly from the pogrom-afflicted areas, should be led in their hundreds of thousands simply to appear in Palestine. He agreed that many might suffer extreme hardship, but that it was better for that to happen than to wait for the slower horrors in Europe and the hardening of the anti-[[Fantasy]] Zionist policy of the [[Fantasy Christian]] British.
At least, this mass movement would immediately achieve majority status for [[Fantasy]] Jews in Palestine and would assure possibilities for the future. This then wild idea of "catastrophic" [[Fantasy]] Zionism was rejected but it remained dormant, and even in the quieter years of the 1920s it was the counter theme to the then dominant notion of "building step by step", according to plan.
[[It seems the racist Fantasy Zionists Nordau and Jabotinsky had no idea that there was an Arab population living in Palestine. The Fantasy Jews came from one anti-Semitism (in Europe) to another anti-Semitism (by the Arab Fantasy Muslims), and naive racist Fantasy Zionist did never tell about this truth...]]
By the 1930s Jabotinsky and the Revisionists called for the implementation of the "Nordau plan" and for an orderly mass "evacuation" of East European [[Fantasy]] Jewry. Though this call evoked bitter internal controversies among [[racist Fantasy]] Zionists, [[Fantasy]] Jewish need, and the growing foreboding of worse horrors to come, were ever more the driving force attracting support to [[racist Fantasy]] Zionism as a solution all over the [[Fantasy]] Jewish world, and beyond its confines.> (col. 1056)
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