Chapter 1. A Time of Crisis: 1929-1932
[1.7. Economic
policy against the Jews in Eastern Europe since 1919 -
methods - especially anti-Semitic Poland]
[Since 1919: Poland:
Anti-Jewish tax system: 10 % population pay 40 % of the
taxes - robbery]
In all these countries taxation was levied first on the
traders and artisans - largely Jews. This was done because
the government did not wish to antagonize the peasants on
the one hand or the rich gentile landowning and merchant
classes on the other. The Jews in Poland, though composing
10 percent of the population, paid 40 percent of the
taxes. Having obtained these taxes, the government was
reluctant to provide services to the Jews from whom such a
large proportion of these monies had come. Subventions to
Jewish institutions were ridiculously small,
[Since 1919: Eastern
Europe: No economic help to Jews]
and no government plans were ever formulated to ease the
Jewish economic problem in Poland, Romania, or the Baltic
[Since 1919: Eastern
Europe: Jews are an other nation - Jews are enemies]
The economic problem came on top of anti-Semitic feelings.
Modern nationalism saw the Jew as a foreigner and
therefore an enemy. There were constant reports of
anti-Jewish excesses, caused by economic factors,
religious prejudice, or nationalist agitation.
[Lodz October 1928:
Strike against Jewish workers - propaganda for a boycott
against Jews]
In October 1928 Polish factory workers went on strike at
Lodz to protest the employment of Jews. A boycott against
Jews was propagated by the National Democratic (Endek)
opposition to the regime of Marshal Pilsudski, the Polish
strong man.
Ritual murder stories were spread in Lublin and Vilna in
1929. Attacks on the Jewish population occurred at
Bialoczow and Zaleszczyki.
[1929-1932: Eastern
Europe: Riots against Jews]
A serious (p.29)
riot, involving the destruction of two synagogues, a
Jewish editorial office, and some Jewish buildings,
occurred in June 1929 at Lwów. Riots occurred at
Volkovysk, in Lithuania, in the autumn of 1929, in which
20 Jews were injured. In Romania, anti-Jewish riots
occurred constantly. In late 1929 there were riots at
Chisme, near Ismail, and students held anti-Jewish
meetings in Cluj and other places. The same pattern
repeated itself, tediously and dangerously, in 1930, 1931,
and 1932, even before the Nazi type of anti-Semitism had
gained its major victory.
[1919-1931: Poland:
Discrimination by economic law against Jews is taken
over from Russian law]
Discriminatory laws against Jews, a residue of czarist
legislation, were in force in the formerly Russian part of
Poland (Congress Poland) for 13 years after the
establishment of Polish independence, despite the fact
that Poland had signed the 1919 Versailles Convention for
the protection of national minorities. Under the law,
-- Jewish patients were refused admittance to hospitals
maintained by general taxes,
-- and Jews were forbidden to rent state lands,
-- punished for changing their names (from Jewish-sounding
ones to Polish ones),
-- forbidden to participate in village administration,
-- liable to deportation to a certain distance from the
borders "to prevent smuggling",
-- and forbidden to engage in mining.
These laws were not abolished until March 1931.
[1919-1931: Most of the
Polish Jewish organizations boycott the Polish
government - exception Agudah]
On the whole, the Polish government of Pilsudski's
followers was not overtly or violently anti-Semitic, but
since it did not enjoy the support of the majority of the
population, it was afraid of antagonizing the anti-Jewish
majority of peasant and town dwellers, and consequently
did little to protect the Jews. Most of the Jewish parties
- Zionists, Bundists,
(Footnote: The Bund (Allgemeiner Yiddischer Arbeter-Bund),
founded in 1898, was an anti-Zionist Jewish socialist
party with a very large following in Poland)
and Yiddish Autonomists
(Footnote: Yiddish Autonomists ("Folkists"), a middle- and
lower-middle-class movement, aspired to the creation of
Jewish national life on the basis of cultural autonomy in
the Diaspora)
- refused to be drawn into the circle of Pilsudski's
supporters, and (p.30)
only the Orthodox Agudah
(Footnote: Agudat Yisrael was an ultra-Orthodox movement,
anti-Zionist at first, then slowly becoming non-Zionist. A
working-class section (Poalei Agudat Yisrael) in time
became supporters of a radical Orthodox Zionism).
broke Jewish solidarity by becoming part of the government
bloc. In return, the Agudah were granted an election law
for Jewish communities that allowed them to influence
elections by excluding anyone who had "publicly" expressed
his disapproval of Jewish religion. This provision enabled
the Agudah to exclude many of their opponents from Jewish
community administration.
[Since 1924: Poland in
economic depression - discrimination of Jews in public
The Polish economic crisis of 1924-26 turned into a
semipermanent depression, aggravated by the autarkic and
nationalistic policies of the government. There was
considerable administrative discrimination. Jews made up
about one-third of the population in Warsaw, and they
composed 27.3 percent of the Polish urban population
generally. Yet their share in the municipal administration
all over the country was only 3.4 percent in 1931. In
Congress Poland only one Jew was employed in the postal
services. Of the 4,342 employees of Warsaw's municipal
trolley lines 2 were Jews, and among the 20,000 Warsaw
city employees there were 50 Jews. In state administration
and the courts the number of Jews came to 2 percent; in
the police, customs, and prisons, to 0.18 percent.
(End note 6: R. Mahler: Jews in Public Service and the
Liberal Professions in Poland, 1918-39; In: Jewish Social
Studies 6, no. 4 (October 1944)
[Since 1924: Poland in
economic depression - discrimination of Jewish schools
and of Jewish students]
Jewish schools had to be maintained by Jews, and the
government gave ridiculously small subsidies. Of the 300
million zloty budget of the Ministry of Education in
1930/1, Jewish schools got 242,000 zloty; later they got
even less. Thus they had to support their own schools. At
the same time, more and more Jewish students flocked to
them, as the general schools tended to discriminate
against Jews in every possible way. The number of Jewish
students in Polish academic institutions between 1925 and
1931 decreased by 10 percent, while the number of students
generally increased by 15 percent.
(End note 7: Ibid. [R. Mahler: Jews in Public Service and
the Liberal Professions in Poland, 1918-39; In: Jewish
Social Studies 6, no. 4 (October 1944)])
[Since 1927: Poland's new
artisan laws against Jewish artisans and peddlers]
Artisans had been subjected to restrictive regulations
since 1927. The government was supposedly trying to
modernize production, (p.31)
but these regulations had to do less with modernization
than with nationalism and anti-Semitism. By a decree of
December 12, 1927, every artisan was forced to pass tests
in Polish history, geography, and language, as if that was
a vital prerequisite for a Polish Jew who had been a
satisfactory shoemaker for 20 or 30 years. The older
people, who did not know Polish beyond what was needed for
everyday use, who had never studied or showed interest in
Polish geography or history, were now forced to go to
school and undergo examinations. Licenses were introduced,
both for artisans and for traders. For young people three
years of apprenticeship with a master recognized by the
authorities and another three years at a trade school were
now required. For the 150,000 families of Jewish artisans
this was a terrible calamity. The 345,000 smaller traders
and peddlers now had to pay for licenses that they simply
could not afford, and their position was no easier than
that of the artisan.
[Since 1924 approx.:
Tobacco industry and alcohol industry become state's
monopolies in Poland - Jews dismissed]
The Jewish worker and employee in Poland did not fare any
better. All but 440 of the 3,000 Jews who had formerly
found a living in the tobacco industry were dismissed when
tobacco became a government monopoly. The same thing
occurred in the alcohol industry, where "in one of the
largest distilleries, the administration categorically
declared that it had received verbal instructions not to
employ any Jews."
(End note 8: Landau reports, 1929-31, file 139)
[Late 1920s: Poland
dismisses all Jews from railway]
6,000 Jews employed on the railways were dismissed in the
late 1920s.
[1929: Poland's monopoly
on wood industry without Jews]
The wood industry had employed 25,000 Jews, but by 1929 no
Jews were working in the government-owned wood monopoly.
[1931: Poland: Wide
spread poverty under Jewish population]
In 1931, according to Jacob Lestschinsky, the noted Jewish
-- 48.86 % of Polish Jews had an income of less than 50
zloty ($ 10) a week,
-- 29.06 % between 50 and 100 zloty,
-- and only 17.25 % over 100 zloty.
(End note 9: Cited by Faust; In: Book of American
Federation of Polish Jews. 25th annual convention, June
11-12, 1933)
The result of all this was increasing misery. By 1929
between 25 and 30 % of Polish Jews were living on the
subsistence level. Something had to be done quickly.
[Late 1920s: Jewish
poverty in Romanian Bessarabia, Bucovina and northern
An equally terrible situation prevailed in Romanian
Bessarabia, Bucovina, and parts of northern Transylvania,
as well as in Subcarpathian (p.32)
Russia. There, a primitive Jewish rural population lived
among even more primitive local peasants and shepherds. In
the late 1920s, as a result of the economic developments
already briefly outlined, the anti-Semitic propaganda of
Romanian nationalist students, supported by some German
colonists, found a ready response. This was aggravated by
famine resulting from crop failures in Bessarabia in
1928/9. The government was no help at all, though the new
"peasant" regime of Juliu Maniu, installed in December
1928, promised that a firm line would be taken against the
anti-Semites. The Jewish community itself was split. The
Union of Hebrew Congregations and the Bucharest community
(headed by Dr. Wilhelm Filderman, a friend of JDC)
supported the Liberal party, which was defeated in the
elections. Others, such as the Zionists, wanted to be
independent, whereas the Agudists supported Maniu. The new
government also passed a community law which was, in a
way, parallel to the Polish law mentioned above, and was
also inspired by Agudist rabbis.
The grimmest situation of all confronted JDC in northern
Transylvania, in the areas of Máramarossziget and
Satu-Mare. Extreme poverty reigned there, and the
slightest economical and political upheaval could and did
cause calamity.
[Late 1920s: Eastern
Europe: Not integrated Jewry, economical crises and
nationalism provoke exclusion of the Jews]
This, then, was the situation confronting East European
Jewry: newly developing nations engaged in the painful
transition to a modern economy were determined to exclude
the Jew from economic life. As the traditional middleman
between town and country, the Jew no longer fitted into
the economic picture. Excluded from the promise of
economic advancement and from political influence, a
stranger in language, religion, and cultural background,
hated an despised, he was the first victim of every
economic and social disturbance.