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Encyclopaedia Judaica

Racist Fantasy Zionism 15: Fantasy Zionist ideological problems in Israel 1948-1970

Law questions - who is a Fantasy Jew - who is an Israeli - Six-Day War "solving" the national identity problem - friendships with Arab Fantasy Muslims are a problem for racist Fantasy Zionists

from: [[Fantasy]] Zionism; In: Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971, vol. 16

presented by Michael Palomino (2008 / 2019)

3 fantasies - but Mother Earth is REAL
Moses is a fantasy - nothing could be found of him. The proofs are in the book: The Bible unearthed - link. So, Jewry is a fantasy, and also the Jewish calendar is a fantasy. Also Jesus is a fantasy: nothing could be found, but it's a code fantasy with the numbers 3,12,13 and 33 - link. So, Christiandom is a fantasy, and also the Christian calendar is a fantasy - and the Vatican is a criminal pedophile satanic bank mafia - link with videos - link with news. Also Muhammad is a fantasy: nothing could be found, and the name "Muhammad" was used only since 850, not in 600 - link.
Therefore also the Muslim calendar is only a fantasy. Peace and healings and instructions how to handle the planet are with Mother Earth - Mother Earth is REAL and everybody can learn it: http://www.med-etc.com - have a good day. - Michael Palomino, May 12, 2019

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[[Addition: Racist state ideology of Israel
The whole racist state ideology of Israel with it's racist Fantasy Mose and with it's racist Herzl booklet "The [[Fantasy]] Jewish State" are not mentioned in the article. And the main problem that a religion cannot be a "nation" and that the whole existence of Israel is impossible is never discussed...]]

[Law in racist Herzl Israel for a "characteristic Fantasy Jewish life": questions of intermarriage - Sabbath]

In [[racist Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel itself, the first generation of statehood produced essentially two sets of internal cultural problems. Both were not new; both were deeply embedded in tensions inherent in [[racist Fantasy]] Zionism almost from the beginning. Religious and secular forces fought each other over the role that [[Fantasy]] Jewish religion was to play in the life of the total community. For the religious such questions as whom one married, or whether public transport and all public services were to function on the Sabbath, were not matters of private conscience.

They went to the very roots of the issue of why a [[Fantasy]] Jewish state had to be created in [[Fantasy]] Zion in the first place. It was to be something more than a refugee camp, or a large-scale attempt to create a "[[Fantasy]] Jewish Albania". The purpose of this effort was to make it possible for a characteristic [[Fantasy]] Jewish life in line with tradition to be lived in contemporary settings of one's own. Amid the secular forces the imposition by the State of the Orthodox religious rules on personal status, so that, for example, one was not free to marry out of the faith if one chose, or the legal definition of "who is a [[Fantasy]] Jew" only by the norms of rabbinic law (so that children of gentile mothers born and raised in [[racist Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel as [[Fantasy]] Jews were not so registered by secular law until 1970), raised great anger. On the view of the secular thinkers a modern state and society required an absolute separation between religion and public order.

[[These racist Fantasy Zionist laws made Israel ridiculous, and it can be admitted that there were many more racist laws in racist Israel of dictator Ben-Gurion. Details were NOT presented in European school books...]]

[Identity question: who is a Fantasy Jew - who is Israeli - Six-Day War solves the problem... - and the battle for the right of "Soviet" Fantasy Jews]

Another continuing battle was that between those who preferred to regard themselves as Israelis, with little concern or identification either with the [[Fantasy]] Jewish past in the Exile or with the present-day [[Fantasy]] Jewish majority in the Diaspora, and those who kept insisting that [[Fantasy]] Jews in the new state were still primarily [[Fantasy]] Jews and not Israelis. The events of 1967 and the rise of [[Fantasy]] Jewish passion in Soviet [[Fantasy]] Jewry effectively made an end to this latter debate. It became clear to almost everyone that [[racist Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel and the [[Fantasy]] Jews of the world stood together in crisis; that even the [[Fantasy]] Jews of the U.S., the richest of Diasporas, did not feel themselves as living on a different plane from the [[Fantasy]] Jews in [[racist Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel; and that everywhere the rescue of the Soviet [[Fantasy]] Jews was regarded as a prime purpose.

The seal was thus set (col. 1064)

on a development which had begun with the very foundation of the State in one of its earliest constitutional acts, "the Law of Return", under which any [[Fantasy]] Jews anywhere has the right to claim Israel citizenship upon arrival in the country and his right to immigrate into [[racist Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel is inalienable.

[[To the contrary the Palestinians were left without passport...]]

The government of [[racist Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel had made it its duty to intervene diplomatically on behalf of [[Fantasy]] Jewish communities in trouble, from the very beginning of its existence. [[Racist Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel had never allowed any doubts to persist that the defense of [[Fantasy]] Jewish interests all over the world was an integral element of its foreign policy. It had certainly presumed that world [[Fantasy]] Jewry would stand with [[racist Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel and that its policies on all matters of major concern would parallel those of the State. In June 1967 these presumptions of world-wide [[Fantasy]] Jewish support for [[racist Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel were fully realized. Soon thereafter there was another demonstration of the principle that defense of [[Fantasy]] Jews all over the world was central to Israel's policy. It took the leading role in the battle which soon broke into the open for the rights of Soviet [[Fantasy]] Jews.

[Friendships between Fantasy Jews and Arab Fantasy Muslims put racist Fantasy Zionists into question]

Perhaps the most difficult, in the long run, of the problems of [[Fantasy]] Jewish self-definition in [[racist Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel was its relationship to the Arab [[Fantasy Muslims]]. On the one hand there was lasting tensions; on the other there was increased contact after 1967 and an ever greater straining to recognize and encounter Arab [[Fantasy Muslims]] as equal human beings. Here, too, the new generation was heir to a moral concern as old as the very beginnings of [[racist Fantasy]] Zionism. At the beginning of the 20th century Ahad (Aḥad) Ha-Am had expressed the fear that the new generation was heir to a moral concern as old as the very beginnings of [[racist Fantasy]] Zionism. At the beginning of the 20th century Ahad (Aḥad) Ha-Am had expressed the fear that the new [[Fantasy]] Jewish settlement in Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]] might be so constructed as to harm the Arab [[Fantasy Muslims]] and he had pleaded for sensitivity to this possibility. In actual day-to-day life throughout the years of [[racist Fantasy]] Zionist immigration there were not only riots and battles but also friendships and accommodations between the two communities.

Eventually every [[racist Fantasy]] Zionist theory had had to face the question of the Arab [[Fantasy Muslims]]. The newest note after the Six-Day War was sounded by those intellectuals and politicians in [[racist Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel who saw the main road to peace in active consent and even cooperation by [[racist Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel in the establishment of Palestinian Arab independence in a part of the previous area of Palestine (including Transjordan).

[[Palestinian activists never will accept that Israel robbed the whole shore line...]].

[The question about Fantasy Jewish identity in racist Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl Israel]

Looking toward the last third of the 20th century [[racist Fantasy]] Zionism as an organized movement was weaker than it had been a generation before, but the result of its labors, the [[racist]] State of Israel, was strongly established. As an organization the world [[racist Fantasy]] Zionist movement inevitably no longer occupied the central place in the [[Fantasy]] Jewish world, for it had been replaced by the government of [[racist Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel, but [[Fantasy]] Zionist sentiment now pervaded the whole of [[Fantasy]] Jewish organized endeavor. Thee possibilities of substantial new immigration were again in view and the [[racist Fantasy]] Zionist movement continued to assert that the encouragement of such processes was its most characteristic task. But the basic question that [[racist Fantasy]] Zionism had posed when it first appeared, even before Theodor Herzl, still remained open - and embattled: What would be the nature of the new [[Fantasy]] Jews and of the new [[Fantasy]] Jewish society? To what degree would it be conventionally modern and Western and to what degree would it be connected with the classic [[Fantasy]] Jewish past - or, for that matter, to what degree would the [[Fantasy]] Jews in Israel "de-Westernize" in order, hopefully, to come to terms with the Middle Eastern world within which they were living?

If, at the very least, there would be major [[Fantasy]] Jewish communities in the Diaspora for along time to come, and perhaps permanently, what was to be the continuing relationship between the [[Fantasy]] Jewish national community in [[racist Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel and that Diaspora?

How, for that matter, was the continuity of [[Fantasy]] Jewish loyalty in the far-off communities to be fostered and preserved?

What, in short, was the new [[Fantasy]] Jew, the [[racist Fantasy]] Zionist and [[racist Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel successor to his ghetto ancestors, to be?

In 1971 there were as yet no answers - but it was equally clear that these (col. 1065)

questions would continue to be wrestled with and lived through for many years to come.

See also *Mizrachi, *Po'alei [[Fantasy]] Zion, *Revisionists, *Berit Shalom.> (col. 1066)

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Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol.
                        16, col. 1063-1064
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[Fantasy]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1063-1064
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol.
                        16, col.1065-1066
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[Fantasy]] Zionism, vol. 16, col.1065-1066

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