But how these spots were painted on the cloth and
what fabric it is remains unclear for the time being.
The analysis of the blood stains on the Turin
Shroud showed that they could not possibly be left
behind from a body wrapped in the cloth.
This is the conclusion of at least the anthropologist
Mr. Matteo Borrini from Liverpool John Moores
University and the chemist Mr. Luigi Garlaschelli. The
results were published in the "Journal of Forensic
Sciences" (link).
The Turin Shroud is a Christian sanctuary - a four
-meter cloth, into which the body of Jesus Christ was
supposedly wrapped after his death.
Some of the believers are convinced that there are
real traces of the face and body of Christ on the
towel, so that the Turin Shroud is one of the greatest
relics in Christianity. Some representatives of the
Church also consider the cloth for real. The cloth has
been examined several times to confirm or refute its
[The invention of a cloth with blood stains -
"discovered" in France in 1353]
The relic was discovered in France in 1353. First it
was exposed by Geoffroy de Charny in the city of Lirey
near Troyes in the Champagne. In 1452, King Ludwig
of Savoy bought the grave towel, which has been
kept in Chambéry since then. In 1532 it was damaged in
a fire.
In 1898, when the towel was exposed, a photographer
Mr. Secondo Pia took some pictures and discovered the
traces of a human face on the negatives. This
discovery triggered a number of questions that
primarily concerned the authenticity of the cloth and
of the person being depicted on it. But correct
investigations could only be carried out in the late
20th century.
[Red liquid with iron oxide - can be color, blood
can be]
Until that day, it was not possible yet to find out
where the blood stains on the Shroud come from (or if
it is really blood at all). It was only stated that
there is iron oxide in it.
["Shroud" of Turin was produced between 1275 and
This liquid could have come on the cloth also by
painting. And in 1988 it was found out that this cloth
had been produced between 1275 and 1381. But these
data were often criticized: some experts are convinced
that the accuracy of this fixing of age could be
influenced by the content of the oils in the cloth
with which it was severely soaked in 1532. In
addition, the cloth was exposed to enormously high
temperatures during the fire mentioned.
["Grave towel" was approx. 33 BC. Plus / minus 250
years made]
In 2013, another analysis [stating it was more
precise] claimed that the cloth had been produced in
about 33 BC (plus/minus 250 years). [Code 33 again,
well done, the criminal Satanic Vatican has faked
something again].
[DNS found by different human breeds]
A new DNS examination of the tomb cloth gave the
result that with this cloth several humans from
different ethnic and geographic origin had contact
with it.
[IT+GB experts: stains come from a standing body -
and some spots are totally unrealistic]
The latest analysis in general is proving that all of
this relic is a FAKE. The researchers found that the
spots can only come from a vertical standing body, and
one part of the spots should be unrealistic at all.
[Simulations with a doll and blood / synthetic
blood that flows out of wounds - channels without
large spots - spot on the cross is impossible]
Borrini and Garrlaschelli were making experiments with
a doll for finding out how the blood which came out of
the wounds of the body of the arms and legs of Christ,
was flowing. For that they used real human blood as
also artificial blood with identical properties.
The experts analyzed how the blood flows from
different parts of the body in the lower and
horizontal condition, etc. Among other things, they
examined the short blood flows on the left back of the
hand and next to the stab wound on the chest - and
found some important discrepancies.
First, the spots on the crap show that the blood had
to be dripped from the back of the hand and the arms
below a 45-degree angle, which is impossible for a
lying body.
"The angle between the shoulder and the body should be
between 80 and 100 degrees so that the blood can flow
from the hand to the elbow and on the outside of the
forearm, as it can be seen on the shroud," the
researchers write.
The blood from the stab wound was concentrated in the
cloth in which the puppet was wrapped in, on the same
position as on the cloth. But then it was
flowing down in rivulets without provoking a big
Another spot - on the cross - could not be imitated at
all by Borrini and Garlaschelli, not important it the
puppet was upright or put down in a horizontal
position. On the cross there did not come out any
blood stain.
[The conclusion: Some spots are "unrealistic"]
“We preconditioned that the stains on the Turin cloth
were blood stains from the wounds of Christ at his
crucifixion, but with our experiments we
concluded that the presumed bruises do not match
these stains. Even permitting different
situations provoking a blood flow (for example during
the transport of the body or even after the death
already, they [these positions] are not documented,
and some stains are completely unrealistic", the
experts said.
[Nobody knows where the stains come from on the
wrong "grave cloth" at all]
However, this is by no means a final point when
examining the Turin Shroud. Where the stains come from
on it remains a secret for the time being.>
[The solution must be like this: Criminal pedophile
Catholic Satanist gay Vatican is good in faking with
Michael Palomino, Aug.7, 2022].
Corriere della Sera - Corriere Torino
![]() |
Translation: |
16-07-2018: La
Sindone è un falso - indagine sulla
posizione di presunte macchie di sangue -
pubblicato sulla Gazzetta di Scienze
Forensi Ricerca sulla Sindone: «Almeno metà delle macchie di sangue sono false» |
16, 2018: Grave cloth is a FAKE -
investigation of positions of the supposed
blood stains - published in Journal of
Forensic Sciences Science about the Shroud of Turin: "At least 50% of the blood stains are wrong" |
https://torino.corriere.it/cronaca/18_luglio_16/ricerca-sindone-almeno-meta-macchie-sangue-sono-false-766eb87e-88f3-11e8-b6ba-4bfe4aefe0a3.shtml | |
Noticia: A indicarlo
sono i dati pubblicati sul Journal of
Forensic Sciences e basati su un
esperimento che, con le tecniche di
medicina forense, ha ricostruito la
formazione delle macchie. Condotto da
Matteo Borrini, dell’università di
Liverpool, e Luigi Garlaschelli, del
Cicap. La storia del
misterioso lenzuolo di lino [falso] - un sindòn,
dal greco «tessuto» - inizia nel 1353 a
Lirey, in Francia, quando il cavaliere
Goffredo di Charny sostiene di possedere la
reliquia delle reliquie: il sudario di
Cristo su cui è rimasta impressa l’immagine
del viso e del corpo. In seguito, attraverso
una lunga serie di peripezie, al principio
del Cinquecento la Sindone grazie a una
compravendita approda a Chambéry, prima
capitale del Ducato di Savoia, e viene
custodita in una cappella con facoltà di
pubblica ostensione autorizzata dal
pontefice Giulio II, il cosiddetto papa
guerriero. Il lenzuolo segue le vicende
politiche sabaude e nel 1578 viene portata a
Torino, nuova capitale del Ducato, da
Emanuele Filiberto. Vi resterà fino a oggi,
salvo due intervalli significativi: andrà a
Genova durante l’assedio francese e dal 1939
al 1946 nel santuario di Montevergine, in
Irpinia, negli anni della seconda guerra
mondiale.> |
Translation: <from the online editorial team: Only a few of the spots would have been right for a position of a crucified man: this was demonstrated by an experiment with new techniques. Turin - Only a few blood stains would be right in connection with the position of a crucified, the rest - at least half - would be wrong. This is the result of a new research on the Turin Shroud. In practice, many spots would not find a justification at any point in the body, neither on the cross nor in the grave. University of Liverpool and Cicap This is shown by the data published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences based on an experiment that has reconstructed stain formation with the techniques of forensic medicine. Led by Matteo Borrini from the University of Liverpool and Luigi Garlaschelli from the Cicap. The story begins in the fourteenth century The story of the mysterious [fake] linen - a "sindòn" de la palabra griega "tessuto" - begins in 1353 in Lirey, France, when the knight Goffredo Charny claims to have the relics of the relics: the grave cloth of Christ, on which the image of face and body is imprinted. Later, after many changes of location, the cloth landed at the beginning of the 16th century thanks to a sale in Chambéry, the first capital of the Duchy of Savoy, and was kept in a chapel where Pope Julius II (warrior pope) authorized the public exhibition. The cloth followed the political events in Savoy and was brought to Turin, the new capital of the Duchy, by Emanuele Filiberto in 1578. To date, it has remained there, except for two significant intermediate times: during the French siege it was in Genoa, and from 1939 to 1946 during the Second World War it was in the sanctuary of Montevergine in Irpinia.> |
July 17, 2018: Shroud of Turin: The position of the
blood stains is not true - it is all an "artistic
representation" with a lot of imagination to keep
power and nothing else
Study: "Traces of blood on the Shroud of Turin not
realistically distributed"
(orig. German: Studie: “Blutspuren auf dem Turiner
Grabtuch nicht realistisch verteilt")