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Jesus FANTASY news 06: The Shroud of Turin is a FAKE

The fake spots on the fake Shroud of Turin
Das Turiner Grabtuch ist GEFÄLSCHT - die
                    Blutflecken sind zu über 50% an FALSCHEN ORTEN
The Shroud of Turin is a FAKE - by 50%, the blood stains are on WRONG LOCATIONS - investigation of 2019

presented by Michael Palomino (2018 - translation 2022)

2019: 3 FANTASIES - Moses = FANTASY - Jesus = FANTASY - Muhammad = FANTASY - but Mother Earth is REAL
The [Fantasy] -Moses is a FANTASY - nothing was found of him. The evidence is shown in the book "The Bible Unearthed" - link. So Judaism is pure imagination, and the Jewish calendar is only a imagination. The [Fantasy] Jesus is also a FANTASY - nothing was found from him, but that is a code fantasy with the numbers 3,12,13, and 33 - link. That is why the [Jesus fantasy] Christianity is just a imagination, and also the [Jesus fantasy] Christian calendar is only a imagination - and the [cr.ped.gay Jesus Fantasy] Vatican is just a criminal pedophile Satanist drug money laundering machine - link with videos - link with reports. The Mohammed is also only a imagination - it was not found one little piece of him, and the name "Mohammed" was only in use from 850, not by 600 - link. Thus, the Muslim calendar is only a imagination. Peace with healing and instructions for maintaining the planet can be found with Mother Earth - Mother Earth is real and everyone can learn that: http://www.med-etc.com - Have a nice day! - Michael Palomino, May 12th 2019

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6. Summary: The fake spots on the fake Shroud of Turin
-- The cloth is made of flax, which was produced in Europe between 1260 and 1390
-- In 2018, the two researchers Matteo Borrini and Luigi Garlaschelli wanted to find out with forensic analytical means whether the spots on the tomb cloth are realistic or painted
-- The researcher Luigi Garlaschelli was experimenting on his own body simulating blood wounds, wrapped up with a cloth of the same quality
-- All possible positions were simulated, horizontal, vertical etc.
-- The conclusion is clear: at least 50% of the spots on the so-called "Shroud of Turin" are a FAKE, are pure FANTASY and are smeared by hand or painted with brushes.
--The crap is just another FAKE as everything is FAKE in the criminal pedophile-satanic gay Church.
Michael Palomino, 7.8.2022

The Shroud is also FAKE: the blood stains are at the wrong place - investigation 2018

Sputnik-Ticker online, Logo

July 16, 2018: Experts from Italy+GB: The Shroud of Turin is a FAKE: the blood stains are not where they should be
Enigmatic Jesus reliquary: Turin grave towel is said to be a fake
(orig. German: Rätselhafte Jesus-Reliquie: Turiner Grabtuch soll eine Fälschung sein)


<Experts from Italy and Great Britain tend to assume that the Turin Grave towel (Shroud of Turin) is a fake. They came to this conclusion after examining the bruises on the body of Christ with the help of a doll. The blood stains on the shroud are located in other places than they should have been.

But how these spots were painted on the cloth and what fabric it is remains unclear for the time being.

The analysis of the blood stains on the Turin Shroud showed that they could not possibly be left behind from a body wrapped in the cloth. This is the conclusion of at least the anthropologist Mr. Matteo Borrini from Liverpool John Moores University and the chemist Mr. Luigi Garlaschelli. The results were published in the "Journal of Forensic Sciences" (link).

The Turin Shroud is a Christian sanctuary - a four -meter cloth, into which the body of Jesus Christ was supposedly wrapped after his death.

Some of the believers are convinced that there are real traces of the face and body of Christ on the towel, so that the Turin Shroud is one of the greatest relics in Christianity. Some representatives of the Church also consider the cloth for real. The cloth has been examined several times to confirm or refute its authenticity.

[The invention of a cloth with blood stains - "discovered" in France in 1353]

The relic was discovered in France in 1353. First it was exposed by Geoffroy de Charny in the city of Lirey near Troyes in the Champagne. In 1452, King Ludwig of  Savoy bought the grave towel, which has been kept in Chambéry since then. In 1532 it was damaged in a fire.

In 1898, when the towel was exposed, a photographer Mr. Secondo Pia took some pictures and discovered the traces of a human face on the negatives. This discovery triggered a number of questions that primarily concerned the authenticity of the cloth and of the person being depicted on it. But correct investigations could only be carried out in the late 20th century.

[Red liquid with iron oxide - can be color, blood can be]

Until that day, it was not possible yet to find out where the blood stains on the Shroud come from (or if it is really blood at all). It was only stated that there is iron oxide in it.

["Shroud" of Turin was produced between 1275 and 1381]

This liquid could have come on the cloth also by painting. And in 1988 it was found out that this cloth had been produced between 1275 and 1381. But these data were often criticized: some experts are convinced that the accuracy of this fixing of age could be influenced by the content of the oils in the cloth with which it was severely soaked in 1532. In addition, the cloth was exposed to enormously high temperatures during the fire mentioned.

["Grave towel" was approx. 33 BC. Plus / minus 250 years made]

In 2013, another analysis [stating it was more precise] claimed that the cloth had been produced in about 33 BC (plus/minus 250 years). [Code 33 again, well done, the criminal Satanic Vatican has faked something again].

[DNS found by different human breeds]

A new DNS examination of the tomb cloth gave the result that with this cloth several humans from different ethnic and geographic origin had contact with it.

[IT+GB experts: stains come from a standing body - and some spots are totally unrealistic]

The latest analysis in general is proving that all of this relic is a FAKE. The researchers found that the spots can only come from a vertical standing body, and one part of the spots should be unrealistic at all.

[Simulations with a doll and blood / synthetic blood that flows out of wounds - channels without large spots - spot on the cross is impossible]

Borrini and Garrlaschelli were making experiments with a doll for finding out how the blood which came out of the wounds of the body of the arms and legs of Christ, was flowing. For that they used real human blood as also artificial blood with identical properties.

The experts analyzed how the blood flows from different parts of the body in the lower and horizontal condition, etc. Among other things, they examined the short blood flows on the left back of the hand and next to the stab wound on the chest - and found some important discrepancies.

First, the spots on the crap show that the blood had to be dripped from the back of the hand and the arms below a 45-degree angle, which is impossible for a lying body.

"The angle between the shoulder and the body should be between 80 and 100 degrees so that the blood can flow from the hand to the elbow and on the outside of the forearm, as it can be seen on the shroud," the researchers write.

The blood from the stab wound was concentrated in the cloth in which the puppet was wrapped in, on the same position as on the cloth. But then it was flowing down in rivulets without provoking a big stain.

Another spot - on the cross - could not be imitated at all by Borrini and Garlaschelli, not important it the puppet was upright or put down in a horizontal position. On the cross there did not come out any blood stain.

[The conclusion: Some spots are "unrealistic"]

“We preconditioned that the stains on the Turin cloth were blood stains from the wounds of Christ at his crucifixion, but with our experiments we concluded that the presumed bruises do not match these stains. Even permitting different situations provoking a blood flow (for example during the transport of the body or even after the death already, they [these positions] are not documented, and some stains are completely unrealistic", the experts said.

[Nobody knows where the stains come from on the wrong "grave cloth" at all]

However, this is by no means a final point when examining the Turin Shroud. Where the stains come from on it remains a secret for the time being.>

[The solution must be like this: Criminal pedophile Catholic Satanist gay Vatican is good in faking with PAINTING
Michael Palomino, Aug.7, 2022].


Corriere della Sera - Corriere Torino

Corriere della sera online Logo
16-07-2018: La Sindone è un falso - indagine sulla posizione di presunte macchie di sangue - pubblicato sulla Gazzetta di Scienze Forensi
Ricerca sulla Sindone: «Almeno metà delle macchie di sangue sono false»
July 16, 2018: Grave cloth is a FAKE - investigation of positions of the supposed blood stains - published in Journal of Forensic Sciences
Science about the Shroud of Turin: "At least 50% of the blood stains are wrong"


<di Redazione online

Solo alcune sarebbero compatibili con la posizione di un uomo crocifisso: lo dimostrerebbe un esperimento condotto con nuove tecniche

TORINO - Solo alcune macchie di sangue sarebbero compatibili con la posizione di un uomo crocifisso; il resto - almeno la metà - sarebbero false. È il risultato di una nuova ricerca sulla Sindone di Torino. In pratica, molte macchie non troverebbero giustificazione in nessuna posizione del corpo, né sulla croce né nel sepolcro.

Università di Liverpool e Cicap

A indicarlo sono i dati pubblicati sul Journal of Forensic Sciences e basati su un esperimento che, con le tecniche di medicina forense, ha ricostruito la formazione delle macchie. Condotto da Matteo Borrini, dell’università di Liverpool, e Luigi Garlaschelli, del Cicap.

La storia inizia nel Trecento

La storia del misterioso lenzuolo di lino [falso] - un sindòn, dal greco «tessuto» - inizia nel 1353 a Lirey, in Francia, quando il cavaliere Goffredo di Charny sostiene di possedere la reliquia delle reliquie: il sudario di Cristo su cui è rimasta impressa l’immagine del viso e del corpo. In seguito, attraverso una lunga serie di peripezie, al principio del Cinquecento la Sindone grazie a una compravendita approda a Chambéry, prima capitale del Ducato di Savoia, e viene custodita in una cappella con facoltà di pubblica ostensione autorizzata dal pontefice Giulio II, il cosiddetto papa guerriero. Il lenzuolo segue le vicende politiche sabaude e nel 1578 viene portata a Torino, nuova capitale del Ducato, da Emanuele Filiberto. Vi resterà fino a oggi, salvo due intervalli significativi: andrà a Genova durante l’assedio francese e dal 1939 al 1946 nel santuario di Montevergine, in Irpinia, negli anni della seconda guerra mondiale.>


<from the online editorial team:

Only a few of the spots would have been right for a position of a crucified man: this was demonstrated by an experiment with new techniques.

Turin - Only a few blood stains would be right in connection with the position of a crucified, the rest - at least half - would be wrong. This is the result of a new research on the Turin Shroud. In practice, many spots would not find a justification at any point in the body, neither on the cross nor in the grave.

University of Liverpool and Cicap

This is shown by the data published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences based on an experiment that has reconstructed stain formation with the techniques of forensic medicine. Led by Matteo Borrini from the University of Liverpool and Luigi Garlaschelli from the Cicap.

The story begins in the fourteenth century

The story of the mysterious [fake] linen - a "sindòn" de la palabra griega "tessuto" - begins in 1353 in Lirey, France, when the knight Goffredo Charny claims to have the relics of the relics: the grave cloth of Christ, on which the image of face and body is imprinted. Later, after many changes of location, the cloth landed at the beginning of the 16th century thanks to a sale in Chambéry, the first capital of the Duchy of Savoy, and was kept in a chapel where Pope Julius II (warrior pope) authorized the public exhibition. The cloth followed the political events in Savoy and was brought to Turin, the new capital of the Duchy, by Emanuele Filiberto in 1578. To date, it has remained there, except for two significant intermediate times: during the French siege it was in Genoa, and from 1939 to 1946 during the Second World War it was in the sanctuary of Montevergine in Irpinia.>


Grenzwissenschaft aktuell online, Logo

July 17, 2018: Shroud of Turin: The position of the blood stains is not true - it is all an "artistic representation" with a lot of imagination to keep power and nothing else

Study: "Traces of blood on the Shroud of Turin not realistically distributed"
(orig. German: Studie: “Blutspuren auf dem Turiner Grabtuch nicht realistisch verteilt")


<Liverpool (Great Britain) - In a recent study, skeptical scientists question the distribution of the blood traces on the so-called Turin cloth in such a way that they do not have the result of a realistic and natural blood outflow from the wounds and the absorption by linen on a lying body could be.

[...] How Matteo Borrini from John Moores University together with the "Sceptic" Luigi Garlaschelli from the Italian "Committee for Investigation of pseudo scientific claims" (Comitato Italiano per Il Controllo delle Affermazioni Sulle Pseudoscienze, Cicap) are reporting currently in the "Journal of Forensic Sciences “(DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.13867) report, there is “no way that the traces of blood come from a body that was once put flat on the linen. In addition, the traces of blood are not compatible one with another, and in some cases, if at all, then they only can be explained by a body or a person who stood upright during the blood flow and intake by the fabric. And there are other yet which are completely unrealistic.

Instead of examining the substances that form blood traces themselves, the researchers used a model simulating the blood flow of two kinds of blood (real and artificial blood). They put the doll into different positions and let flow blood from it's wounds how it can beseen on the cloth with it's picture of the body on the left hand, on the forearms, the "lance wound" on the torso, and on the hip. The method came from forensic research and is known as "Bloodstain Pattern Analysis" (PBA).

"For the positions assumed for the body, the blood traces do not match the characteristic wounds on the body and the way in which blood is flowing there and then distributing over a correspondingly stored body," said the research duo. "The discrepancies that we have identified speak not only against the authenticity of the blood traces themselves, but also against the ones of the linen cloth (in the sense of the cloth of Jesus) and suggest that it is an artistic or didactic representation from the 14th century."

Since critics and skeptics have so far not been able to explain satisfactorily how the body image and some of the blood traces have come on the linen, also this analysis will not end the discussion about the Turin tomb cloth.>


El Mundo
17.7.2018: Tela de Turín = "representación artistica o didactica"
Al menos la mitad de las manchas de la Sábana Santa fueron hechas con pincel
July 17, 2018: Shroud of Turin = "artistic or didactic representation"
At least 50% of the stains on the tomb cloth were painted with a brush

<Los investigadores se basaron en la misma metodología que se usa para las escenas de crímenes.

Un estudio, realizado por dos italianos expertos en medicina forense, llegó a la conclusión de que al menos la mitad de las manchas del Santo Sudario, la tela que según la tradición católica sirvió para envolver el cuerpo de Cristo, SON FALSAS.

El estudio, publicado en el Journal of Forensic Sciences, fue realizado por Matteo Borrini, de la Liverpool John Moores University, y por Luigi Garlaschelli, del Comité para el Control de las Afirmaciones sobre las Pseudociencias (CICAP), y divulgado este martes por el diario italiano La Stampa.

["Representation artistica o didactica"]

"Hay muchas contradicciones que indican que el Santo Sudario no es auténtico, y de que se trata de una representación artística o didáctica de la pasión de Cristo realizada hacia el siglo XIV", concluyeron los investigadores.

[Propio experimento de Garlaschelli]

Garlaschelli prestó su propio cuerpo para hacer el experimento en el que se usó sangre verdadera y artificial.

Los investigadores se basaron en la misma metodología que se usa para las escenas de crímenes, y determinaron que muchas manchas de sangre no son compatibles con la posición de una persona crucificada.

"Simulamos la crucifixión con cruces de distintas formas, de diversos tipos de madera y con diferentes posiciones del cuerpo: brazos horizontales, verticales, sobre la cabeza", contaron los expertos.

[La tela falsa]

La célebre reliquia, que se custodia en Turín (norte de Italia) es un lienzo de 436 centímetros de largo por 110 de ancho, y representa a un hombre que fue crucificado con clavos en las manos y en los pies.

El lienzo, que según varias explicaciones científicas sería "falso", fue fotografiado en 1898 por primera vez y la imagen del sudario coincidió con un "perfecto negativo", lo que fue tachado de "milagro".

Desde entonces la reliquia despierta todo tipo de debates, tanto científicos como teológicos, por lo que la Iglesia católica no ha manifestado oficialmente su aceptación o rechazo, considerando que se trata de una manifestación de devoción popular.

En 1988, tres laboratorios de Estados Unidos, Suiza e Inglaterra establecieron que el lino fue fabricado en la Edad Media, entre 1260 y 1390.

Borrini y Galarchelli consideran que la sangre acumulada bajo la cintura no se justifica con la posición, ni la que se encuentra en los riñones, aunque precisaron que no analizaron la sustancia que formó las manchas.

"Parecen creadas en forma artificial, con un dedo o un pincel", subrayaron.>

<The investigators based their investigation into the same methodology as in criminal cases.

A study carried out by two Italian forensic doctors came to the conclusion that at least half of the spots on the Holy Shroud of Turin, the cloth that was used according to the Catholic tradition to wrap the body, ARE WRONG.

The study published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences (link) was carried out by Matteo Borrini from the Liverpool John Moores University and Luigi Garlaschelli from the Committee for the Control of Pseudo-Science Claims (CICAP) and published on Tuesday by the Italian daily La Stampa.

["Artistic or didactic representation"]

"There are many contradictions that indicate that the Holy Grave cloth is not authentic and that it is an artistic or didactic representation of the Passion of Christ around the fourteenth century," concluded the researchers.

[Own experiment by Garlaschelli]

Garlaschelli used is own body as a model for the experiment using real blood and artificial blood.

The investigators based their investigation into the same methodology as in crime cases and found that many blood stains are not compatible with the position of a crucified person.

"We simulate the crucifixion with crosses of different shapes, different types of wood and different postures: horizontal, vertical and vertically over head," said the experts.

[The Shroud fake]

The famous relic, which is kept in Turin (northern Italy), is a 436 centimeter long and 110 centimeter wide linen cloth representing a man which was crucified with nails on hands and feet.

This linen cloth, which would be "wrong" according to various scientific explanations, was first photographed in 1898 and the image of the grave was coordinated with a "perfect negative", which was called "miracle".

Since then, the relic has triggered all kinds of scientific and theological debates, and the Catholic Church has not officially expressed its acceptance or rejection and regarded it as an expression of popular piety.

In 1988, three laboratories in the USA, Switzerland and England found that flax was produced in the Middle Ages between 1260 and 1390.

Borrini and Galarchelli believe that the blood which had accumulated under the waist is neither justified by the position nor by the kidneys, but they explained that they did not analyze the substance that formed these spots.

"They look artificially created, with a finger or a brush," they emphasized.>


El Comercio del Perú online, Logo
17-07-2018: 50% manchas inexplicables en la "tela de Turín"
Aumentan las dudas sobre la autenticidad del Santo Sudario
July 17, 2018: 50% of the blood stains on the "Turin Shroud" are inexplicable:
The doubts about the reality of the tomb cloth are increasing

<Un estudio concluyó que la mitad de las manchas que hay en la tela, que según la tradición católica sirvió para envolver el cuerpo de Cristo, son falsas.

Un estudio, realizado por dos italianos expertos en medicina forense, concluyó que al menos la mitad de las manchas del Santo Sudario, la tela que según la tradición católica sirvió para envolver el cuerpo de Cristo son falsas.

El estudio, publicado en el Journal of Forensic Sciences, fue realizado por Matteo Borrini, de la Liverpool John Moores University, y por Luigi Garlaschelli, del Comité para el Control de las Afirmaciones sobre las Pseudociencias (CICAP), y divulgado este martes por el diario italiano "La Stampa".

["Representación artística o didáctica"]

"Hay muchas contradicciones que indican que el Santo Sudario no es auténtico, y de que se trata de una representación artística o didáctica de la pasión de Cristo realizada hacia el siglo XIV", concluyeron los investigadores.

Garlaschelli prestó su propio cuerpo para hacer el experimento en el que se usó sangre verdadera y artificial.

Los estudiosos se basaron en la misma metodología que se usa para las escenas de crímenes, y determinaron que muchas manchas de sangre no son compatibles con la posición de una persona crucificada.

"Simulamos la crucifixión con cruces de distintas formas, de diversos tipos de madera y con diferentes posiciones del cuerpo: brazos horizontales, verticales, sobre la cabeza", contaron los expertos.

La célebre reliquia, que se custodia en Turín (norte de Italia) es un lienzo de 436 centímetros de largo por 110 de ancho, y representa a un hombre que fue crucificado con clavos en las manos y en los pies.

El lienzo, que según varias explicaciones científicas sería "falso", fue fotografiado en 1898 por primera vez y la imagen del sudario coincidió con un "perfecto negativo", lo que fue tachado de "milagro".

Desde entonces la reliquia despierta todo tipo de debates, tanto científicos como teológicos, por lo que la Iglesia Católica no ha manifestado oficialmente su aceptación o rechazo, considerando que se trata de una manifestación de devoción popular.

En 1988, tres laboratorios de Estados Unidos, Suiza e Inglaterra establecieron que el lino fue fabricado en la Edad Media, entre 1260 y 1390.

Borrini y Galarchelli consideran que la sangre acumulada bajo la cintura no se justifica con la posición, ni la que se encuentra en los riñones, aunque precisaron que no analizaron la sustancia que formó las manchas.

"Parecen creadas en forma artificial, con un dedo o un pincel", subrayaron.

Fuente: AFP>

<A study came to the conclusion that half of the spots on the cloth, which served according to Catholic tradition to protect wrapping the cadaver of Christ, are wrong.

A study carried out by two Italian forensic experts came to the conclusion that at least half of the spots on the Holy tomb cloth, the cloth that was used in the Catholic tradition to wrap the body of Christ, are wrong.

The study published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences was carried out by Matteo Borrini from the Liverpool John Moores University and Luigi Garlaschelli from the Committee for the Control of Pseudo-Science Claims (CICAP) and published on Tuesday by the Italian newspaper "La Stampa".

["Artistic or didactic representation]

"There are many contradictions that indicate that the Holy Shroud towel is not authentic and that it is an artistic or didactic representation of the Passion of Christ around the fourteenth century," the researchers closed.

Garlaschelli was using his own body as a model for executing this experiment using real and artificial blood.

The two scientists were basing their experiment on the same methodology as in crime scenes and found that many blood stains are not compatible with the position of a crucified person.

Die berühmte Reliquie, die in Turin (Norditalien) aufbewahrt wird, ist eine 436 Zentimeter lange und 110 Zentimeter breite Leinwand, die einen Mann darstellt, der mit Nägeln in Händen und Füßen gekreuzigt wurde.

"We simulate the crucifixion with crosses of different shapes, different types of wood and different postures: horizontal, vertical and over head," said the experts.

The famous relic, which is kept in Turin (northern Italy), is a 436 centimeter long and 110 centimeter wide linen cloth representing a man being crucified with nails in hands and feet.

The linen cloth, which was declared a "fake" according to various scientific explanations, was first photographed in 1898 and the image of the grave cloth fell together with a "perfect negative", which was called "miracle".

Since then, the relic has triggered all possible scientific and theological debates, and the Catholic Church has not officially expressed its acceptance or rejection because it is regarded as an expression of popular piety.

In 1988, three laboratories in the USA, Switzerland and England found out that flax was produced in the Middle Ages between 1260 and 1390.

Borrini and Galarchelli believe that the blood which had accumulated under the waist is neither justified by the position nor by the kidneys, and at the same time they explained that they did not analyze the substance that the spots formed.

"They seem to be artificially created, with a finger or a brush," they emphasized.

Source: AFP>

The Sun
                          online, Logo
July 16, 2018: Turin shroud with impossible blood patterns: a model was printing the fabric
Turin Shroud mystery deepens as bloodstains throw up even more questions over Christ’s ‘crucifixion’ cloth

<Experts have rejected claims that the Shroud of Turin was Jesus' burial cloth after a new investigation concludes that the bloodstains were probably left by somebody standing - not a corpse

THE Turin Shroud has baffled scholars through the ages – with some claiming the mysterious relic is the bloodstained burial cloth of Christ himself.

But experts have now uncovered new evidence that casts even more doubt on the divine nature of the cloth.

[The model was standing upright]

A new forensic investigation has concluded that the bloodstains were probably left by somebody standing up rather than a corpse.

The linen cloth, which has a faintly stained image of a man visible on it, is believed by some Christians to depict Jesus.

The Shroud is thought by some to have been used to wrap Christ's body after his crucifixion.

It is one of the world's most enduring mysteries and has been put under close scrutiny for years.

Radiocarbon dating, microscopic analysis, image enhancement and pollen testing have all been used to try and establish the cloth's veracity.

[Gay criminal pedophile Vatican rates the "shroud" as an "icon"]

It’s because of this ongoing uncertainty that the Vatican has classified the Shroud as an icon: a piece of art representing immense religious significance.

If it was proved to be the real deal, it would be upgraded to a relic — something touched, owned or a part of someone embodying real religious impact.

[Forensic scientists: the model was upright]

New research in the Journal of Forensic Sciences, however, shows that the bloodstains are unlikely to be those of a corpse - according to a BuzzFeed report.

Instead, analysis conducted by two forensic scientists, suggests that somebody who was standing was used to imprint the linen cloth.

The pattern of the stains are said to be too inconsistent to have been imprinted by a particular pose - such as being hung on a T-shaped cross.

The forensic investigation was carried out by Dr Matteo Borrino, of Liverpool John Moores University, and the University of Pavia's Luigi Garlaschelli.

The test, seeking to determine whether the stains were from a 'T-shaped' or 'Y-shaped' crucifixion, used similar techniques to a crime scene investigation.

Both real and synthetic blood were used to test on the famous Shroud.

[Result: totally contradictional bloodstains]

Dr Matteo Borrini said the joint research delved into the pattern of the blood splatters, and their alignment to each other on the cloth.

He said: "A crucified or hanging person should leave a distinct blood pattern on the cloth, which would be fascinating information to have.” But the results did not leave as distinct or consistent a pattern as might have been expected.

He explained that the results showed that if it had been a death shroud of an executed person, hung on a cross, or pulled down from one for burial "shouldn't be so inconsistent".

He concluded that the pattern of the blood splatters were more likely to indicate a standing body than a face down corpse or a victim of a crucifixion.

[The meaning of Jonathyn Priest]

A bloodstain pattern expert, Jonathyn Priest, told Buzzfeed that the methodology of the tests was ‘sound’.

However,  he noted that the findings were based on body parts held in a fixed position, instead of the corpse being carried or prepared for burial.

He added that where the linen cloth showed blood patterns at wrist level, these might have come from a source other than small veins and arteries in the hands - which might mean that the heart was still beating when the stain was created.

The results of this new research come a year after other experts said the Shroud of Turin was stained with the blood of a torture victims, supporting the idea that it was used to bury Jesus.

The linen cloth, according to Elvio Carlino, a researcher at the Institute of Crystallography in Bari, Italy, contained substances called creatinine and ferritin, found in patients who suffer forceful traumas like torture.>


Photo sources
[1] Photo of the faked Shroud of Turin: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/310607705522211029/visual-search/?x=15&y=15&w=481&h=481

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