Colonialism in Chronology - chapter III
"American" Holocaust in Central and South "America"
3.5.a Inquisition in Peru
Zeal for mission - colonial witchcraft - inquisition tribunal in Lima - inspection journeys with burning of cultural objects - prison for healers and resistance - execration of astrologers - devaluation of natives and native wisdom - demonstrations in public tribunals (autodafés, show trials) - lawsuits - universitary medicine - syncretism
Inca flute player with ruins of Pisac in the back ground [3]
Arriaga: Extirpación de la idolatría (1621), cover [28]
Native healer (curandero) in Peru with fire, pot and herbs [58]
"Christian" torture with a rack (stretching bank, extension bed) and in the background can be seen torture by hanging [49]
"Christian" torture method with fixed head and arms and lashes on the back [50]
Machine gun for mass destruction [67] - "Christian" work and new false god!
by Michael Palomino (2007 / 2014)
Translation in 2014
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from: Walter Andritzky: Traditional psychotherapy and shamanism in Peru (original German: Traditionelle Psychotherapie und Schamanismus in Peru); Edition VWB for science and formation 1999
Natives in Peru attacked by criminal "Christian" Church - in fact it is a Nazi Church, proofs provided!
Natives of Peru were attacked by criminal "Christian" Church since 1535 and they were partly exterminated, they were totally deprived of all rights and fortune, and their wisdom is almost totally exterminated. This is the work of criminal "Christian" Nazi Church of Vatican. Until today the "Christian" government in Lima has tight relations with this criminal Vatican for drug dealing around the world...
The data about the criminal "Christian" Church in Peru are from this book:
Andritzky: Traditional psycho therapy and shamanism in Peru (original in German: Traditionelle Psychotherapie und Schamanismus in Peru), Buchdeckel [1]
"Christian" Church was penetrating and violating and partly systematically exterminating the following spheres:
High Andes of Peru [2]
Inca flute player with ruins of Pisac in the back ground [3]
Fortress of Sacsayhuamán above Cusco [4]
Fortress of Sacsayhuamán above Cusco, giant stones, cut and put by extraterrestrials [5]
Cusco, one of the walls with cut stones in the center - cut by extraterrestrials [6]
Peruvian natives (indígenas) with lamas [8]
Peruvian fabrics with bright colors [7]
One can see that the Peruvian natives have a complete identity and they have much to give and to tell when you are listening to them. And what did the racist "Christian" Church? This arrogant "Christian" Church just stated that all other belief does not count but the Bible God...
Cathedral of criminal "Christian" Church in Lima [9]
Recommended books about inquisition in Peru
-- Arriaga, P. 1920: La extirpacion e la idolatria en el Peru; San Marti, Lima 1920
-- Beltran y Rozpide, R. 1921: Colleccion de memorias o relacion que escribieron los Virreyes del Peru; 1: Relacion que el principe de Esquilache hace al senor Marques de Guadalcazar sobre el estado que deja las provincias del Peru; Lima 1921
-- Boleslao Lewin 1950: El Santo Oficio en America y el mas grande proceso inquisitorial en el Peru; Soc. Hebr. Argentina, Buenos Aires 1950
-- Bonet, E. 1982: La inquisicion; Ed. Ministerio de Cultura, Madrid 1982
-- Contreras, J. 1982: La inquisicion en cifras; In: Bonet, E.: La inquisicion; Ed. Ministerio de Cultura, Madrid 1982
-- Palma, R. 1863: Anales de la inquisicion de Lima; Lima 1863
chapa: this is a child being born with the feet downwards and mostly this child is becoming a healer then (p.35)
chuchos, curis: twins who have died (p.35)
conopa: this is a little animal statue of stone (p.35), these are cultural objects like pots, sea shells, trumpets etc. (p.36)
dańo (Span.): normally it means damage, in the connection with belief it means damaging witchcraft (p.13)
exposición (Span.): exhibition of confiscated cultural objects before they are burnt (p.36)
House of the Holy Cross: prison for healers (p.35,37)
huaca (Span.): god of the natives of the Andes Mountains
idiolatria (Span.): idolatry
malquis: adored mummies (p.35)
mamazara: corn cob of stone (p.35)
Real Cedula (Span.): Royal juridical ordinance (S.27)
Santo Oficio (Span.): inquisition's tribunal of the Church (S.21)
supersticion (Span.): superstition
susto (Span.): fear with a shock (S.13)
taqui onkoy (Quechua): "Dancer's illness" [meditation of dancing] of the upheaval movement under Tupac Amaru 1560-1572 (p.40)
visita (Span.): normally this word means just a "visit", but in the connection with colonial inquisition it means a "trip of inspection" to the native villages with the destruction of their culture of gods and with the destruction of their healing methods (p.21)
visitadore (Span.): ecclesial inspector for the destruction of the native culture (p.35)
Remark: gods of the natives are extraterrestrials
One has to consider that all gods of the natives are mostly extraterrestrials who really have come to the Earth in a time before for teaching agriculture and administration to the humans. This criminal Church is destroying so the heritage not only of the natives but also of the extraterrestrials who had helped the humans in agriculture and in administration. And in this way this criminal "Christian" Church is really destroying something very holy when the cultures of the natives are destroyed. And now one can see the details how this criminal "Christian" Church destroyed these cultures - or could not despite of all destructive zeal.
Michael Palomino, 2014
Since the 16th century: "Christian" zeal of mission is not working
The troublesome mission and manipulations in the regions of the natives without roads remain without success
In the "New World" the Church "is confronted by devils and demons". The Church which performed in Europe a witch persecution is just making the same thing in their colonial territories and is calling all other as "superstition", "heretic" and "rebellion". The "purity of the catholic belief" should be saved and the belief itself should be spread without limits (p.28).
But the residential areas of the natives are hardly or not at all developed and thus are hardly accessible (p.27). The "missioners" are trying their mission in the native's villages "without reaching that they would adopt the "Christian" belief (p.21). At the same time these journeys and trips are time consuming and expensive because the regions are hardly accessible without communication lines (p.27).
The natives then are putting some of their holy persons replacing them with holy persons of the "Christian" belief:
"The natives are replacing "Christian" holy persons by their own holy persons, for example flash "('illapa') is 'Santiago', and they were continuing their old practices mainly." (p.21)
(original in German: "Die Indianer setzten einige ihrer Götter mit christlichen Heiligen gleich, z.B. den Blitz ('Illapa') mit 'Santiago', und vollzogen im übrigen die alten Praktiken weiter." (S.21)All in all this "Christian" manipulation in the first 80 years of the occupation has hardly any success (p.34). Up to the end of the 16th century the Spanish crown is managing the "Christian" manipulation without a big interest. The local priests are partly rejecting the manipulation work. For example they don't consider it necessary to fight the "superstition" of the natives. During the 16th and 17th century the Spanish occupants are worried mostly about the fast stockpiling of resources and treasures. As long as the natives are not hindering the interests of the Spanish occupants there will not be much action against them. Only when the native cults are provoking an anti "Christian" movement within "Christianity" in Peru then precise measures are taken because then the Spanish occupation is put into question as a whole (p.35).
At the same time the natives are interpreting the marching-in of the Spanish occupants as a punishment by their own gods for own faults. The native healers being leaders in the resistance movements are appealing in these cases to go on with sacrifices for the native gods for appeasing them, and for chasing the destructive Church God away from the country (p.41).
Healer and woman healer ("sorcerer" and "witch") from Europe coming to Peru healing in Peru - "Christian" description as a "colonial sorcerer" / "colonial witch"
Women from Europe who are woman healers in Peru are condemned as so called "colonial witches". They are learning the element of the healing arts (coca, idols, herbs, prayers), and the "Christian" Church is considering them as a kind of "ally of the enemy" (p.29).
The colonial witches are adapting also the purification rites of the native healing arts as for example the purification with a guinea ig (p.34).
Since 16th century: cruel inquisition: Church fighting colonial witchcraft
Inquisition and stake from 1500 to 1570 against healers and woman healers from Europe
Inquisition in Peru is lasting 250 years (p.29). Any connection with other gods than the Church's God is rated as a "pact with the devil" which is reinforced at witch's Saturday (witch's sabbat). And every action on the base of this connection with other gods is rated for the church as a damaging witchcraft (p.25).
Within this operation only "colonial sorcerers" and "colonial witches" are pursued who came from Spain immigrating to Peru. Native healers and woman healers and native "sorcerers" or "witches" are not persecuted directly but only indirectly condemning actions performed by "colonial sorcerers" and by "colonial witches" which are performed by native healers (p.34). Therefore the delicts causing lawsuits in Lima cannot be compared with the European "witch syndrome" (p.34).
All in all Church has big problems in maintaining their claim of power over the whole world because it is turning out that this God of the Church is not at all the most powerful one... (p.25)
In 1560 the rebellious movement of "taqui onkoy" ("dancer's illness") is beginning (p.40) with trance dances and with incorporations of gods as also with prophecies of the native healers that the Andine goddesses ("huacas") will join together for driving the Church's God away (p.41). This rebellious movement under the leadership of Tupac Amaru [spoken: Amarú] is installing arm's deposits and is preparing an armed rebellion but is betrayed then (p.41). It is estimated that this detected rebellion movement under Amaru is also a reason to pursue the healers in Peru more and more (p.40).
Until 1570 under the leadership of the "Christian" bishops there are organized execution by stake in 1548, 1560, and 1565 (see: BOLESLAO LEWIN 1950, p.56). In this epoch 15 "witches" and three "sorcerers" were burnt according to PALMA (1947). In Spain itself the inquisition was reaching it's peak at the end of the 16th century (CONTRERAS 1982, p.76) (p.28).
Inquisition tribunal in Lima since 1570
"With the 'Real Cedula' of Jan 1, 1569 the idea of the foundation of inquisition tribunals was presented for Mexico and for Lima. Affected people and juridical object of this inquisition should not be the natives but the 'Old Christians', that means the not converted Jews." (p.27)
(original in German: "Mit der 'Real Cedula' vom 25.1.1569 wurde die Gründung der Inquisitionstribunale in Mexiko und Lima angeregt, wobei unter Ausschluss der Eingeborenen nur 'Altchristen', d.h. nicht die konvertierten Juden, rechtlich Objekt der Inquisition sein durften." (S.27)
The conditions in Peru during this epoch are like this:
[Peru is with apartheid]. In Peru are "Spanish villages" and there is the countryside with the natives. In 1574 the "Christian" colonial population is estimated on 60,000 to 70,000 (BONET 1982, p.83) (p.27).
The inquisitorial trials since the foundation of the tribunal ('Santo Oficio') since 1570 are reported in any detail with their records which can be seen in the archbishop archives in Lima today (p.21). But all in all the hard situation with the non existing communication ways is hardly permitting to bring people from far regions to the tribunal in Lima. Thus compared with Europe there are not many inquisitorial trials in Peru (p.27). All in all there are 18 death penalties because of "witchcraft" being performed on the Plaza de Acho in Lima, separated from the ceremonies of the autodafés (p.29).
The trials which have been performed are very interesting for controlling how the natives managed the situation against the "Christianization" (p.27).
"After in 1570 the 'Santo Oficio' with it's office of a general inquisitor was established there were all in all 20 public and 9 private autodafés until 1806 [burnings of heretics]. During the processes 58 accused persons were burnt alive and 9 were burnt 'as a picture" and 458 were excommunicated (PALMA 1863)." (p.28)
(original in German: "Nachdem 1570 das 'Santo Oficio' mit dem Amt des Generalinquisitors etabliert war, fanden bis 1806 insgesamt zwanzig öffentliche und neun private Autodafés statt [Ketzerverbrennungen]. In deren Verlauf wurden 58 Angeklagte lebendig und neun 'im Bilde' verbrannt sowie 458 exkommuniziert (PALMA 1863)." (S.28)
In 1572 the leader of the rebellion of the "dancing illness" movement, Tupac Amaru, is executed in Cusco (p.41).
In 1586 the Pope Sixtus V is prohibiting the prediction of the future with the bull "Caeli et terrae Creator" (p.29).
Pope Sixtus V [10] - just one of the Nazi Church bosses
Since 1590 there is a new native rebellious movement 'muru onkoy' because of epidemics in the native population. The leading healers are calling for resistance for saving the natives from the death. Culturally these epidemics are called a punishment by the gods because the gods had not received their sacrifices any more (p.41).
In 1600 there are outbreaks of volcanoes in the region of Arequipa with long lasting earthquakes. The healers are interpreting these events again as a punishment of the gods and the healers are announcing that they had had a presentiment. Further on the healers are announcing that the volcanoes of Qate and Arequipa would unify for destroying and exterminating all Christian natives and Spaniards. This resistance movement of 'muru onkoy' is getting stronger and stronger (p.41).
1619: Francisco de Borja taking some decisions
Francisco de Borja, viceroy of Peru [12] reinforcing the Church's Nazi pressure against the natives with their beliefs and experiences
In 1619 under viceroy Francisco Borja the "Christian" Spanish leadership is coming to the conclusion that it's mission would only have a success
-- with forced education of the chief's children
-- with the installation of prisons for powerful "sorcerers and dogmatists of the natives" (p.34).
In 1619 under viceroy Francisco Borja the mandate of the inspection journeys and inspection trips is given to the Jesuits giving them the right and authority of installing a forced education for children and for installing prisons for leading native personalities (p.34).
Since 1619: "Inspection trips and inspection journeys" by Jesuit pastors in Peru destroying everything
It is estimated that the rebellious movement of the natives are an important factor for the "inspection trips and journeys". Healing arts and native mythology [with all the heritage of the extraterrestrials of a former epoch] should be destroyed braking any resistance which could be dangerous for the Church. But all in all the missioners remain only a short time in a village, and therefore there is not changing much with this (p.42).
During these inquisition trips and journeys the Jesuits are in the countryside in the native villages on a "visit" collecting the "false gods" burning them and whipping the natives (see: ARRIAGA 1920, p.15ff.) with the slogan "All what can be burnt has to be burnt and the rest has to be hacked." (p.35)
(original in German: "Alles, was man verbrennen kann, verbrennt man, und den Rest zerhacke man." (S.35)
The healers should go on to be active but simply without "idolatry" (p.35). Thus the goal was to destroy all cultural objects and to detect the main god (main "huaca") of every native village and to destroy it (p.35). Thus the criminal Church wanted to reduce the natives on the bodily and material level how it had already happened in Europe (p.36) [destroying all old rites and cults in Central and Western Europe with criminal Church activities since the Roman times, in Eastern Europe the destructive work of the criminal Church was going on by "Christian orders" since 1291 since the defeat of the criminal Church with their crusader states].
The procedure of destruction was tactically very well organized. The central person of a village like a chief or a "sorcerer" should be manipulated so they would denounce themselves mutually. In the case of a refusal of an interrogation a punishment was following (p.35), in the case of refusal of any "cooperation" there were threats of cutting hair queues, threats of bans, and threats of removal from office. Arriaga is describing the development of systematic question forms with suggestive questions for spying the chiefs and healers. After the spying action a mass is hold and then every person is interrogated one by one (p.36).
Near the huacas crosses are installed, and during a following day an expedition ('exposición') is fixed where all cultural objects have to be given away and have to be exposed as if it would be "degenerate art" (p.36).
[The heritage of the extraterrestrials was treated like "degenerate art" - this is the way of acting of this Nazi Church!]
God in the moon pyramid in Trujillo [11]
Example of "huaca", pyramid of the Sun in Peru [13]
According to ARRIAGA (1920, p.15ff.) such confiscated objects are:
-- feather trimming
-- little animal figurines of stone ('conopas')
-- corn cobs of stone ('mamazaras')
-- adored mummies ('malquis')
-- pots, jugs, vessels for making and drinking local corn beverages (chicha)
-- vessels for sacrificing the gods (huacas)
-- trumpets of copper, sometimes also of silver
-- big sea shells and other instruments which were means for calling to festivities
-- many beautiful drums because all women had at least one drum for dances
-- many well worked cradles (p.35).
One can see such objects in museums in Peru, e.g. in the Regional Museum in Ica in southern Peru:
Examples of native arts and pottery with gods (extraterrestrials) on it: Paracas culture in the Regional Museum of Ica
Paracas culture with a plate with a god in it, a classical extraterrestrial [35] - A vessel of Paracas culture in Peru with a god like being, an extraterrestrial [36]
Examples of native arts and pottery with gods (extraterrestrials) on it: Nasca culture in the Regional Museum of Ica
Vitrine with music instruments of Nasca culture, Regional Museum of Ica, Peru [14]
Nasca culture, ceramic drum with a face of a god (extraterrestrial of former times) [15]
Nasca culture, shepherd's flutes made of bones [16]
Nasca culture, trumpet with a face of a god on it (extraterrestrial of former times) [17]
Nasca culture, an abalone horn "Pututo" / "Pututu" [18]
Examples of native arts and pottery with gods (extraterrestrials) on it: Wari (Huari) culture in the Regional Museum of Ica
Wari (Huari) culture, jar with a face [19]
Wari (Huari) culture, baking pan with gods (extraterrestrials) on it [20]
Wari (Huari) culture, cup with a god (extraterrestrial) on it [21]
Examples of native arts and pottery with gods (extraterrestrials) on it: Inca culture in the Regional Museum of Ica As one can see the Inca pottery is not depicting gods and extraterrestrials any more but only geometric forms or sometimes were totally in black. The reason for this impersonal and sad patterns is not explained, but this may be one reason that the Inca culture was not very sympathetic to the cultures of before.
Inca culture, carafe with geometric pattern [22]
Inka culture, small oil can with a geometric pattern [23]
Inca culture, big soup bowl in black [24]
So what happened to all the beautiful items of the Peruvian cultures of before:
A stake is piled by the Nazi "Christs" and the cultural objects are burnt [the parallel to the book burning in 1933 is fairly real]. Then follows a big mass where the natives should denounce themselves of "idolatry" and should deprive oneself mutually of their power. During this event it is suggested to present the names of the most important "sorcerers" in the church in public for evading any relapse (p.36).
As "superstition" ('superstición') or as "idolatry" ('idiolatria') are prohibited:
-- holy prayers
-- fortune telling
-- lent (starving without food)
-- confessing
-- dances
-- music
-- festivities (p.36).
[We see that this Nazi Church in South "America" - here with the example of Peru - was doing just the same thing to the natives what religious Muslim extremists are doing also to tolerant Muslims and to other people of other belief when the Muslim extremists want to erect a theocracy. The methods are exactly the same].
After his "inspection trips" the Jesuit priest Arriaga is compiling a propaganda book against the natives in the Andes Mountains like "Hammer Against Witches" (German: Hexenhammer; Latin: "Malleus Maleficarum");
The main festivity of the Incas was "Inti Raymi" in Sacsayhuamán near Cusco, but there were many more festivities for the "old gods" who are all extraterrestrials of former times:
Festival "Inti Raymi" (Quechua: inti=sun, raymi=festival) in Sacsayhuamán near Cusco 01+02 [25,26]
So there is the question: Did Peruvians and other South "Americans" have culture before 1492? Yes, they had rich cultures, sometimes with sacrifices, but not with many wars! And what did this white Nazi Church with them since 1492? Extermination! There is NO compensation given by this criminal Church until today for the natives of today (2014). Additionally one has to know that the natives are often suffering in the mountains without power or window glasses in the cold! This is the work of racist "Christian" of today in Peru!
Hammer against witches (Hexenhammer, Malleus Maleficarum) [27] found it's copyists!
Arriaga's book is called "Extirpation of idolatry in Peru" (Spanish: "La extirpación de la idolatría en el Perú") (p.35,265).
Arriaga: Extirpación de la idolatría (1621), cover [28]
The native healers are cursed in this work (ARRIAGA 1920, p.112):
"When these old men are remaining in their villages this is the biggest damage and the main cause for their errors." (p.35)
(original in German: "Das Verbleiben dieser Alten in ihren Dörfern ist der grösste Schaden und die Hauptursache ihrer Irrtümer." (S.35)
Since 1619: prison and detention for healers ("sorcerers")
The Spanish occupation force is giving the order to Jesuit priest Arriaga for the installation of prisons for "sorcerers" and two schools should be founded in Lima and in Cusco for the children of the chiefs. Both is completed in 1619 yet. Two more prisons in Lima and in Cusco are not built because of lack of financial sources (BELTRAN Y ROZPIDE 1921). In 1621 in the "House of the Holy Cross" are living about 40 of the most capable old "sorcerers" of Peru where they are manipulated daily by a priest in a "Christian" way, with much food, with voluntary work spinning wool. All in all this prison is very loss-making because there is no forced labor (p.37).
Many of the imprisoned old "sorcerers" are giving the "huacas" away and are receiving the sacraments yet. This action is rated as a "success" by Jesuit priest Arriaga. The house is (MEDINA 1877, p.414) according to rumors a consultation meeting point for people who need a healing. This cannot be hindered completely (p.37).
Healers in the countryside who are not imprisoned in the central prison are ordered to live near houses of priests. Jesuit priest Arriaga cannot prevail with his wish to install a prison against healers in every diocese and he is presenting his idea in a big book (compendium) "La extirpación de la idolatría en el Perú" (1920, p.112) to lodge the healers in pious households, in convents and in hospitals (p.38).
Resistance of the native population against "inspection trips" and "inspection journeys" of Jesuit priests
Resistance is very varied:
-- cultural objects are hidden
-- priests are shown only not important "huacas" (p.36)
-- dead bodies buried in churches are taken out
-- formally the holy figures and the "Christian" rites are adapted as a facade but the mythology of the Andes is continuing in the hearts (p.37).
The parallel existence of "Christian" manipulation and of the old mythology (syncretism) is living until today (p.37).
1630: Execration of astronomers
On May 15, 1630, an edict is published against "astronomers", the "edict of 1630 against astronomers" (p.29) for defining the delict of "betrayal" (p.28). The edict is posted at all doors of churches (p.29).
All in all fortune telling is rated as a mingling into the divine destiny (p.30). In the edict of 1630 the following types of fortune telling are prohibited:
Astronomers were adored in many native cultures
-- with the Maya calendar stone in Central "America"
-- with the graved stones with astronomers on it in the Stone's Museum in Ica in Peru
-- with the sun stone in Machu Picchu near Cusco in Peru.
Sun stone / calendar stone of the Maya natives in Mexico [29]
Astronomer of an old culture of Peru, graved stone in the Stones Museum in Ica, Peru [30]
Sun Stone in Machu Picchu near Cusco in Peru [31]
-- necromancy (asking the deads)
-- geomancy (interpretation of geological phenomena)
-- hydromancy (watching waters)
-- oneiromancy (interpretation of dreams)
-- chiromancy (arts of palmestry) (p.29).
-- prophecy of events far away in locations, towns and provinces are forbidden because there is the reproach that there would be a "pact"
-- the indication of locations where treasures can be found under the earth or in the sea are forbidden because there is the reproach that there would be a "pact"
-- prophecy with seeds of avas [flower], of wheat, of corn or with coins should be prohibited
-- also the customs of sacred water, sacred aprons and other sacred clothes should be prohibited
-- spreading of little boxes, of slogans, of recipes with names, words, superstitious prayers, signs with circles, signs with dashes, condemnable symbols, relics of holy people, magnets, hair bands (ribbons), powder etc. should be prohibited
-- use of smelling agents and perfumes like achuma (San Pedro), chamico (angel's trumpet) and coca for paralyzing the spirits and for getting fantastic messages as a revelation or as a message for the future should be prohibited (p.30).
In the "Hammer Against Witches" (German: Hexenhammer; Latin: "Malleus Maleficarum") more delicts are listed yet:
-- prophecy by drugs
-- prophecy by watching the day [watching weather, daylight, clouds, animals etc.]
-- prophecy by watching hours (Haruspices)
-- prophecy by watching birds
-- prophecy by watching the bladebones (spatulamancy)
-- founding plumb (p.29).
Example holy birds
Watching birds seemed to be very important considering cultural objects where birds are painted, see here some examples:
Big drum of Nasca culture in Peru with many birds on it [32]
Pan pipe of Nasca culture in Peru with birds on it [33]
Jug of Nasca culture in Peru with many birds (hummingbirds) on it [37]
Jug in form of a bird of Paracas (speak: Parácas) culture in Peru [34]
Jug of Chincha culture in Peru in form of a bird [38]
After this edict of 1630 a denouncing wave followed in Peru and then a detention wave (p.30).
On April 1, 1631, Pope Urban VIII is releasing another bull reinforcing the prohibition of astronomers (p.29).
Pope Urban VIII, portrait of one more Nazi leader of "Christian" Nazi church for exterminating other cultures [39]
The verdicts of the inquisition as also the verdicts because of "fraud" are delivered by the civil criminal court (p.28-29). By the time the "Christian" Church is developing the calumny that the local healers would be defrauders. In this way the reputation of the healers was systematically destroyed charging them with a stigma (p.29).
[This is all "Christian" Nazi tactic. And "Christian" medicine in Europe was not at all better or was even much worse in those times! But what did the "Christians"? They destroyed all temples using the bases as bases for their ridiculous churches stating only one single God would count]:
Church on Inca walls for example in Vilcashuamán in Peru 01+02 [40,41]
1650-1700: The peak of inquisition in Peru
Inquisition in Peru is reaching it's peak in the second half of the 17th century. From 1650 to 1700
Museum: Inquisition and torture museum in Lima - "Christian" working methodsIn Lima in the center just next to the national parliament on the Abancay Avenue near the Rimac River there is a torture museum where one can see what kind of torture was committed by this criminal "Christian" Nazi Church against the natives. These methods were spread in the whole world where the criminal "Christian" Nazi Church was governing, in Europe, in Asia, and in the "Americas". Also the black slaves from Africa were affected. There are many torture museums like this also in Europe in capitals or in castles:
Lima, Inquisition and torture museum [42]
Lima, Inquisition and torture museum, the scripture at the facade [43]
Lima, the entry of the ancient inquisition's tribunal [44]
Depiction of a historic autodafé in Lima where many members are shaking their crosses for a certain "Jesus" [45]
Torture method fixing feet [46]
Torture method giving liquids on to the face [47]
Torture method with a detention in a mini cell [48]
"Christian" torture with a rack (stretching bank, extension bed) and in the background can be seen torture by hanging [49]
Torture method with fixed head and arms and lashes on the back [50]
We thank this criminal "Christian" Nazi Church for it's criminal cultural enrichment! Until today this criminal Nazi Church is partly working with secret services and other spying groups for terrorizing people without end - and at the same time just this Vatican Church is working in the drug business with the Peruvian government! That's why this criminal Church is never abrogated in Peru either!
Did anybody say anything about a compensation for the natives?
-- 120 men have to stay inquisition trials, 11 of them are blamed to be "sorcerers"
-- and there are 64 more women, from them 49 are blamed to be "witches" (MANARELLI 1983, p.142) (p.28)
whereas the cases of women are "colonial witches", mostly Spanish men and Spanish women, or mestizos who are practicing the customs of the native healers or native woman healer (p.30).
[There is never mentioned what was healed and how many times it was healed!!!]
Concerning healing arts the convicted persons in Lima are mostly women whereas the woman healers are mostly also defamed because of their sexually free life ("scandalous life"). But more than a membership to the "lower class" was not provable at all. They are making their living with healing as a single or as a widow, and 50% of the convicted had healing as their unique income knowing the healing plants. But the criminal "Christian" Church is just blaming the accused persons having concluded a "pact with the devil" which is rejected vehemently by the woman healers (p.29).
The "Christian" men are fearing the woman healers in general claiming that the woman healers could
-- cause illnesses
-- cause impotence
-- the brides of the "Christian" men could be supplied with "love beverages"
-- the brides of the "Christian" men could get a lover by witchcraft (p.29).
Devaluation of the native existence and of the native wisdom by inquisition
With these convictions by inquisition the "Christians" are upgraded and the natives ares [indirectly] systematically downgraded and criminalized:
"By the introduction of Spanish colonial inquisition in the New World since the beginning of 17th century a radical downgrading concerning their social status was performed concerning the local popular healers which were more and more pursued now by the Dominican and Jesuit priests." (p.21)
(original in German: "Die Einführung der spanisch-kolonialen Inquisition in der neuen Welt führte ab dem Beginn des 17. Jh.s zu einer radikalen Abwertung des sozialen Status der einheimischen Volksheiler, die sich nun zunehmenden Verfolgungen der Dominikaner- und Jesuitenpatres ausgesetzt sahen." (S.21)
Emblem of the Dominicans in Lima [52] - Emblem of the Franciscans in Lima [53] - Emblem of the Jesuits in Lima [54]
[The noblemen of Lima were just playing a "game" against the natives who "has" and who does "not have". The arrogant criminal "Christian" noblemen for example were taking horse cars - her a historical white horse car as a tourist attraction in the center of Lima of today]:
Lima with white horse car, in colonial times only for racist whites... [51]
The "Christian" dominance is trying systematically to defame and to eradicate the local healers but this elimination of popular healers is not completed in South "America" - but it is completed in Europe. In South "America" there was only the systematic devaluation, defamation and discrimination [without considering the healing results] (p.22). As a base of defamation and punishment campaigns served the "inspection trips" ("visitas") performed by missioners and the "inquiries" during these inspection trips (p.21). These "inspection trips" of the Jesuit priests had only a temporary "success" (p.22).
Studying the sources the result comes out that there was action against "colonial witchcraft" as also against native healers. The healers are deprived from it's legacy, their existence is discriminated and criminalized and there is the reproach of "fraud" or of "not being scientific" (p.21).
[This method of 1: defaming and 2: discriminating and 3: criminalizing intelligent persons was performed by criminal "Christian" Church also against mathematic talents and since 1945 is also applied by criminal European justice against pioneer historians fighting the giant manipulations of the criminal "U.S.A." in the world].These persons being presented by "Christian" missioners as "sorcerers" or as "bitch" are the chiefs of the village communities which is hold together by blood heritage ('ayllu'). These chiefs were "central personalities who were performing the old rites and sacrifices incorporating the continuity of the old world vision of the Andes." (p.21-22)
Native healers ("curanderos", "chamanes") with their native healing art ("curanderismo", "chamanismo") in Peru
One has to imagine that all these healing methods were taught by the gods thus by different extraterrestrials. In Europe the criminal Nazi Church destroyed almost 100% of these old healing methods, but in South "America" they could destroy the old healing methods only at the coast lines but not in the inner of the countries.
Native healer (curandero) in Peru with fire, pot and herbs [58]
Native healer (shaman) in the Peruvian jungle with a healing procession [59]
Native healer (curandero) in Peru with guinea pig diagnostic [60]
Insofar it's important to make a difference between the local healers and the healers of Europe having emigrated to South "America" as "sorcerer" or as "witch" (p.22).
Any called ghost is rated as a "demon" in the "Christian" Church, and witchcraft is just defined with the call of such a "demon" (p.22). As a worshipping of such a "demon" counts
-- the animistic adoration of nature [belief in ghosts or belief in the immortality of the soul]
-- the adoration of stones, sea shells, mountain peaks
-- the adoration of sun and moon (p.34).
With this the statutory offense of "witchcraft", "superstition" and "illegal arts" was fulfilled for the "Christian" Church, whereas a "pact with the demon" against the Church was supposed (p.22).
Punishments: Humiliation with demonstrations (autodafés, show trials) up to the stake
Emblem of Spanish inquisition with olive branch, cross and sword, the olive branch as symbol for mercy, sword as the symbol for punishment [55]
In Peru there is not only action with the stake as in Europe, but the humiliating demonstrations (autodafés, show trials) become a kind of tradition for discriminating the healers and woman healers and downgrading them (p.28). The autodafé [show trial] is a kind of popular festivity, mostly given by the reason of an arrival of a new viceroy, or there is a birth in the royal family, or there is a marriage of a prince. After a military parade a common "confession of belief of all present people" is performed, and then the presentation of "frightening examples" of accused people is following (p.29):
-- the accused person is forced to deny it's belief in public
-- there are demonstrations with candles
-- there is a dress of a San Benito bag
-- and there is lashing.
[just the same like in extremist Islam today...]
and when there is "witchcraft"
-- there are bans
-- and the witches are half naked on a mule presented in the town (p.28).
Abjuration formula is the following one:
"I swear that all who are against the holy catholic belief will be worth only to be damned. I promise never to ally with them but to pursue them and to detect heresy which is known to me..." (SANTOS GARCIA, 1953, p.101) (p.29
(in German: "Ich schwöre, dass alle, die sich gegen den heiligen katholischen Glauben wenden, der Verdammnis wert sind. Ich verspreche, mich nie mit ihnen zu verbünden, sondern sie zu verfolgen und mir bekannte Häresien aufzudecken ..." (SANTOS GARCIA, 1953, S.101) (S.29)
Concrete lawsuits and trials of the "Christian" inquisition in Peru according to the trial documents of the Holy Office (Santo Oficio) in Lima
The case of a Ayahuasca healer of the jungle tribes in Peru: healing with a smooth and black stone
Example of Cusco: The Church is destroying systematically the temples and installing it's churches on the basic walls
Cusco, a church on the basic walls of the Temple of the Sun [56]
Cusco, church with the walls of the Temple of the Sun, also inside [57]
How should the natives take earnest the criminal stupid "Christians" when only churches were built on the basements of the old temples but nothing was taught what was taught to the natives by the extraterrestrials before?
The nobility of the Incas was systematically exterminated and with them the connection to the extraterrestrials (to the gods) had gone.
The stupid "Christians" did never listen to the enemies and the "Christians" had no idea of extraterrestrials...
-- this black stone was used according to the tradition in the highlands
-- little objects could be torn out of the body (p.30).
The worker Alejandro de Vargas, a mestizo from Cajamarca, is reporting his healing method before the inquisition tribunal: He is rubbing the ill part of the body with a little, long and smooth black stone, a so called "anchies". At the same time lama fat is applied (p.30). Then he is tearing little things from the bodies of the patients (p.31).
[There is not reported if he was healing with this method, but it seems he was healing a lot!]
Case of a "purification of a house" by smoking the house and finding a needle guinea pig
Francisco Hazana, a black person hardly speaking any Spanish, is healing illnesses with a holy palm branch:
-- he is smoking the house with rosemary and roasted olives in a flower pot
-- he is distributing holy water into the corners
-- he is slapping with the arms as if he wants to frighten something until he is reaching the door of the house
-- there he is digging out a black guinea pig which is prepared with needles (p.31).
The case of a lethal curse against a woman thief
In 1650 two "witches" are indicating having cursed Mrs. Francisca Leonor because she had stolen 20 cotton bundles from her master, Mrs. Maria Limac. The cursing procession is performed like this: They take pot, put inside some vanilla branches, some thistles, some thorns, earth and bones from deads covering the pot then with a white stone representing the soul of the woman thief. In this way the stone is cursed and 7 months later the woman thief is dying who is indicating in the last hour of her life that both women had killed her (p.31).
The case of a defamation reading the mass without being a priest
The delict reading a mass without being installed in the office of a priest is rising often, depending on the case there is a "black mass" or there is a liturgic mass used for the purpose of a healing witchcraft, for prophecy or for a damaging witchcraft (black magic) (p.31).
As one example there is for example the case of Joseph Nicolas Michel, a 28 years old Spaniard and teacher from La Paz. He was blamed having converted whites into black people with magic arts during 40 masses. In an autodafé the repentant confessing culprit had to march with a knights armor (breast harness) for superstitious people, hypocrites and defrauders, with a long stick around his neck and with a green candle in his hands (p.31).
The case of analogue magic practices penetrating limbs of toads for damaging enemies
The 70 years old free mulatto Mr. Antonio Hurtado from Moquegua is using needles penetrating the limbs of a toad cursing during this procession his human enemies for being damages on just the same limbs of their body. And he is presenting himself just to the victims pretending being a healer stating that his clients had been bedeviled. As a punishment for this fraud Mr. Antonio Hurtado gets some lashes (p.31).
And there are more topics of lawsuits
-- magic love (p.31-33)
-- cocaine witchcraft (p.33)
-- devil witchcraft (p.33)
-- the alleged conversion of humans into cats (p.33)
etc. etc.
Inquisition provoking the introduction of "universitary medicine" step by step
Step by step - as the defamations of the local healing arts is going on - "universitary medicine" is introduced starting in Lima being spread in the "Christian" towns. But the rural population of the natives remains more with the old local healing methods of their healers (p.22).
"Inquisition is fulfilling [...] an "additional role for introducing the European medicine". Magic practices were criminalized and they were suppressed being illegal until today as it was also done with the popular healers." (p.28)
(German text: "Die Inquisition erfüllt [...] eine "Hilfsrolle bei der Einführung der europäischen Medizin". Magische Praktiken wurden kriminalisiert und ebenso wie die Volksheiler in die bis heute währende Illegalität gedrängt." (S.28)
[But this was only performed successfully in the towns. And it seems strange that there is no list with successful healings].
Native healer and native woman healing the victims of the Church
We know that "normal medicine" is only treating symptoms and is provoking more side effects even provoking more ill people at the end. To the contrary the local healers are indicating that the illnesses of the ill people would come from the collaboration with the Spaniards and that the surrender to "Christianity" would be the cause. The healers are making a walk with these traditional victims for appeasing the gods for their ideological sins of their patients, see VEGA BAZAN 1655; cited according to GAGLIANO 1976, p.52 (p.33).
Nature is the natural pharmacy - why should there be a chemical pharmacy?
Huaraz in Peru with Rio Santa Valley with it's mountain ranges [61] - this is a natural pharmacy
All kinds of herbs and stones are to have within these 1000 meters of difference of height. The same counts for Ayacucho, for Cusco, for Arequipa and so on. Why should the natives resign to their healers and medicine so? But the fact is that the humans are the victims of the racist criminal Nazi Church! The fact is: Europe is the illness and the natives are health! Only take care when you are traveling in Peru not traveling through the night because many drivers are sleepy and buses fall regularly down the slopes, 1 per week...
So, considering this holocaust and cultural extermination against the natives in Peru - did anybody say anything about compensation?
Devil is appearing to the local healers (SILBERBLATT 1983, p.412) since the Spanish occupation often in form of a Spaniard or in form of a Holy "Santiago" (p.34).
Examples of late "inspection trips" against "superstition" with syncretism
"Inspection trip" in Santiago de Carampona 1723: lawsuit against "superstition" because of stones and hairs
Several persons are accused
-- having adored stones and different bull's hairs on an altar
-- having stained stones and sea shells with lama blood and with guinea pig blood and having stored it like this
-- having organized secret religious meetings and pilgrimages during the night with adoration of stones in a near lagoon (p.37).
In 1730 the burning of the objects follows (p.37).
"Inspection trip" in Cajamarca in about 1725: lawsuit against "sorcerer" on a hill
Two healers are confronted with the reproach that they had performed witchcraft on a hill
-- with a colorful little piece of fabric and with sea shells, pots and with different herbs, tobacco and little stones on it
-- with a pot under fire and with the herb "guachumar" in it.
In this statement of one of the accused persons the mixing of old and new belief is coming out:
[In 1821 Peru gets it's independence].
(German text:
"Der Angeklagte sagte aus, dass
'der in der Mitte durchlöcherte Stein San Pedro heisse und er ihn den Kranken bringt, um sie damit zu reinigen und dass er wegen seiner Götzenanbeterei Vaterunser zu beten pflegte, das Ave Maria und das Credo und in der Mitte seiner Werkzeuge das Bild des gekreuzigten Christus stellt und er später die Rassel ergreift, um zu tanzen und in seiner Sprache zu singen.'
Dann sagte er, 'dass er dauernd mit dem Dämon spräche, der sich ihm in Form eines Mannes mit buntem Kleid zeigte, dass er aber manchmal, obwohl er ihn riefe, nicht erscheine, was Zeichen dafür war, dass er die verlorenen Sachen nicht wiederfinden würde' (BELLIDO 1984, S.178ff.)." (S.37)
"The accused person was stating that
'the stone in the middle with holes would be called Holy Peter (San Pedro) and that he is bringing it to the ill persons for purifying them with it and that he is praying the Lord's Prayer because of his idolatry, also the Ave Maria and also the Credo, and in the middle of his tools would be the picture of the crossed Jesus and later he is taking a rattle for dancing and singing in his language.'
Then he said 'that he would speak with the demon without limits that is presenting himself in form of a man with colored clothes, but sometimes he would not appear whereas of being called which was a sign that he would not find the lost things again.' (BELLIDO 1984, p.178ff.)" (p.37)
Since 1800: The new false gods of industrialization on the bases of "Christianity"
Industrialization on the bases of "Christianity" is creating the destructive and destructive false gods and superstition
-- the machine is multiplying the false god of profit
-- beer and alcoholic beverages are making the natives drunk without end loosing their contact to the basic forces of nature and gods
-- the car is the new false god of reputation
-- the airplane, machine-guns, bombs, and tanks are the new false gods of the war
-- as a diversion there are more false gods coming now with radio, TV, video, CD, DVD and destructive brutal games
-- Internet is giving access children to porno
-- "globalization" is multiplying the false god of profits again
-- and unemployment should always be "caused by oneself"
-- and psychology was invented to protect the new rulers never having the idea defining war as an illness.
Examples for "Christian" industrialization for more profits and loosing the heart
The "Christian" introduced the loom, but then also introduced the abrogation of the loom by introducing the weaving machines. The old models from Europe were sold to Central and South "America".
The loom was introduced by "Christians" [62]
Weaving machine from 1764 [63]
Weaving machine of the 1970s [64]
There is only noise, heart has gone...
All in all these new false "Christian" gods of industrialization have an absolute destructive effect provoking also high criminality rates and illness rates. At the same time the little markets of the "underdeveloped countries" are raped by the industrial goods. But the Church is hardly ever pillorying or shaming to these sins.
New "Christian" false gods of destructiveness
Here are the new gods of "Christianity": cars, airplanes, machine guns, atomic bombs, globalization, profits - they loose their heart and are only destroying life instead of creating and fostering life... - criminal "Christian" governments and Churches.
Minivan rolling over, 4 deads, Trujillo, Oct 8, 2011 [65] - cars are a false god causing 1,000s of deads every year for nothing...
The bird as an emblem on the air plane is from the natives. But the corrupt Peruvian government is abusing this and is often using the Peruvian airlines for drug dealing with tight connections with the Vatican. That's why the Peruvian airlines had to quit so often - but the white and mestizo racist government in Lima is filling it's pockets...
Airplane of Peruvian Airlines (Boeing 737-200) in Cusco [66]
Machine gun for mass destruction [67] - "Christian" work and new false god!
"Christian" Atomic bomb "Little Boy" [68]
New "Christian" false gods of destructiveness
UNO in New York [69] is not for more peace in the world but for justifying wars and for bribing people
The "Christian" false god "TV" is an instrument of diverting and making stupid the whole world [70] - governments are censoring TV so unimportant news is filling the brains of the masses
Stock exchange in New York [71] is only one more false god of "Christianity" for making stupid the public because what you win you also loose and only illegal insider wisdom is giving you a profit - and many loose there everything...
New "Christian" false gods of destructiveness
New false god: Queue with unemployment [72] - the bosses say they need a stock of unemployment for having a reserve in the emergency case...
New false god: war with mass death, example Syria [73]
Psychological session [74] - the psychologists declare that they have no power and that the politicians and wars would be "normal"... - psychology is serving the war mongers and not for peace - instead of detaining the war mongers at last!
All in all this shows that the former "colonial states" of Europe and "U.S.A." are the mentally "underdeveloped countries" now, but the governments are not recognizing that they should learn from the natives. The members of the secret lodges want wars for their careers...
(Conclusion by Michael Palomino).
Photo sources
[1] Andritzky, cover: http://www.amazon.de/Traditionelle-Psychotherapie-Schamanismus-Peru-Geschichte/dp/3861352141
[2] high Andes in Peru: http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/poverty-matters/2010/sep/20/vidal-latin-america-expedition-peru
[3] Inca flute player with ruins in the back ground: http://www.el-inca.de/die-inkas/
[4] Fortress of Sacsayhuamán above Cusco: http://www.cuzcoeats.com/2012/09/sacsayhuaman-a-fun-place-to-relax-play-and-visit/#/
[5] Fortress of Sacsayhuamán above Cusco, giant stones: http://www.allmystery.de/themen/gw104761
[6] Cusco, one of the walls with cut stones in the center: http://www.allmystery.de/themen/gw104761
[7] Peruvian fabrics with bright colors: http://www.perutravelblog.net/cultura/el-mercado-que-tiene-todo-en-peru/
[8] Peruvian natives (indígenas) with lamas: http://www.charango.cl/paginas/los_quechuas.htm
[9] Cathedral in Lima: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lima.Catedral.JPG
[10] Pope Sixtus V: http://www.saint-mike.org/library/papal_library/sixtus_v/sixtus_v.html
[11] Example of "huaca", God in the Moon pyramid in Trujillo: http://www.panoramio.com/user/3401921/tags/Peru%20-%20Huaca%20de%20la%20Luna%20%28Trujillo%29
[12] Francisco de Borja, viceroy of Peru: http://www.geneall.net/H/per_page.php?id=47227
[13] Example of "huaca", pyramid of the Sun in Peru: http://www.delange.org/SunMoonTemple/SunMoonTemple.htm
[14-18] Examples of music instrument of Nasca culture in the Regional Museum in Ica, Peru:
[19-21] Examples of vessels of Wari culture with gods (extraterrestrials) on it in the Regional Museum in Ica, Peru: http://www.am-sur.com/am-sur/peru/Ica/museo-regional-de-Ica/D/05-01-Wari-kultur-keramik.html
[22-24] Examples of vessels of Inca culture with geometric patterns in the Regional Museum in Ica, Peru: http://www.am-sur.com/am-sur/peru/Ica/museo-regional-de-Ica/D/07-02-Inka-kultur-keramik.html
[25] Inti Raymi in Sacsayhuamán near Cusco 01: http://www.peru-travel.info/novedades-peru.asp
[26] Inti Raymi in Sacsayhuamán near Cusco 02: http://imagenes-eventos.blogspot.com/2013/06/inti-raymi-el-magnetismo-de-la-soberana.html
[27] Hammer Against Witches (German: Hexenhammer; Latin: "Malleus Maleficarum): http://www.rooketime.se/Hexenhammer.html
[28] Arriaga: Extirpación de la idolatría, cover: http://www.brown.edu/Facilities/John_Carter_Brown_Library/perusource/peru/ch_arriaga.php
[29] Sun stone / calendar stone of the Maya natives in Mexico: http://www.advent-verlag.de/cms/cms/front_content.php?idcat=339&idart=3117
[30] astronomer of an old culture of Peru in a graved stone in the Stones Museum of Ica in Peru: photo by Michael Palomino
[31] Sun stone in Machu Picchu near Cusco in Peru: https://www.flickr.com/photos/30957604@N06/3595097991/
[32,33] Drum and pan pipe of Nasca culture of Peru with birds on it: photos by Michael Palomino
[35] Paracas culture with a plate with a god in it, a classical extraterrestrial: photo by Michael Palomino
[36] A vessel of Paracas culture in Peru with a god like being, an extraterrestrial: photo by Michael Palomino
[37,38] Jugs in form of birds of Parácas and Chincha culture of Peru: photos by Michael Palomino
[39] Pope and ecclesial Nazi boss Urban VIII, portrait: http://www.haberciblog.com/2012_10_21_archive.html
[40] church on Inca walls in Vilcashuamán in Peru 01: http://www.flickr.com/photos/27547235@N00/page4/
[41] church on Inca walls in Vilcashuamán in Peru 02: http://www.traficoperu.com/ESPANOL/ciud3.htm
[42-50] Inquisition and torture museum in Lima: photos by Michael Palomino (2011)
[51] Lima with white horse car: http://mitiempo.pe/comparte/mi-pareja/14866/a-caballo-en-la-plaza-mayor
[52] Emblem of the Dominicans in Lima: http://historiaenaccion3052.blogspot.com/2012/07/la-evangelizacion-en-el-virreynato-del.html
[53] Emblem of the Franciscans in Lima: http://historiaenaccion3052.blogspot.com/2012/07/la-evangelizacion-en-el-virreynato-del.html
[54] Emblem of the Jesuits in Lima: http://historiaenaccion3052.blogspot.com/2012/07/la-evangelizacion-en-el-virreynato-del.html
[55] Emblem of Spanish inquisition with olive branch, cross and sword: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inquisition
[56+57] Cusco, a church on the basic walls of the Temple of the Sun: photos by Michael Palomino
[58] native healer (curandero) in Peru with fire, pot and herbs: http://curanderismoadadaption.blogspot.com/
[59] shaman in the Peruvian jungle with healing procession: http://komikame.wordpress.com/ayahuasca-y-plantas-maestras/chamanes-del-amazonas/
[60] native healer (curandero) in Peru with guinea pig diagnostic: http://www.maestrocuranderojr.com/radiografia-del-cuy-2/
[61] Huaraz in Peru with Rio Santa Valley with it's mountain ranges: http://www.thisfabtrek.com/journey/south-america/peru/20120720-huaraz.php
[62] loom: http://ixcheltextiles.com/links/
[63] weaving machine from 1764: http://www.monografias.com/trabajos14/revol-industrial/revol-industrial.shtml
[64] weaving machine of the 1970s: http://www.gbiu.de/GB/04/01-Textil/01.htm
[65] Minivan rolling over, 4 deads, Trujillo, Oct 8, 2011:
[66] Airplane of Peruvian Airlines: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peruvian_Airlines
[67] machine gun for mass destruction: http://www.military-page.de/waffen/saco/m60/m60_01.htm
[68] atomic bomb "Little Boy": http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Boy
[69] UNO in New York: http://www.die-erde.com/nordamerika/picture.php?picture=85
[70] TV is only for diverting and making stupid the people:
[71] Stock exchange in New York: http://www.ksta.de/wirtschaft/nach-turbulenzen-us-boerse-schliesst-im-plus,15187248,13101948.html
[72] queue with unemployment: http://www.br.de/franken/inhalt/zeitgeschichte/60-jahre-ba-arbeitsmarkt100.html
[73] new false god: war with mass death, example Syria: http://www.taz.de/!119816/
[74] psychological session: http://www.onlinecollege.org/jobs/education/school-psychologist/