Details about Mr. Mustache, which was NOT a Teuton!
Dear ... XYZ,
-- Hitler was a quarter Rothschild (book: Hitler was a
British agent)
-- Hitler wanted half the world, and Japan should have
the other half (book: Roosevelt: How he saw it)
-- Hitler simulated that he would want to found Israel
by sending Jews to Palestine with property and furniture
- but in the end he wanted to occupy it and the Jews
would have come back under his control
-- So, overall it was like this: Herzl wrote the book
"The Jewish State" (1896) with the program to found
Israel, and in order to drive all Jews into the desert
of Israel, one has to provoke anti-Semitism - that is
what it says there is this book which has not been
banned to this day, and this is how it is still done
today by the Mossad: Attacks against Jews are simulated
provoking new fear so 1,000s of Jews are again
emigrating to IL again and again
-- Hitler was in high lodges, and he was an agent of
Rothschild from London, and high industrialists shoved
millions up into Hitler's ass in order to drive him
against Russia, because Shell and Ford etc. had already
divided the Russian territories among themselves
Website: Hitler's Financiers:
-- but since Japan failed in 1940 and remained neutral
because Hitler had concluded a Hitler-Stalin pact with
Stalin in 1939, every German soldier knew since 1940
that Hitler would become a second Napoleon
-- Hitler should have resigned or should have worked
towards a war of attrition against Russia in order to
win against Russia - but he didn't want that because he
had already won 10 times with lightning war (Blitzkrieg)
- the plan was to win against Russia in 12 weeks -
somewhat naive, why this? Because the Red Army had lost
against Finland, German generals laughed at the Russians
- and Stalin made the German generals laugh [book:
Valentin Falin: Second Front]
-- in 1933, Judaism was declared an enemy of the state
after the declaration of war [by Zionist WJC] against
Germany (article: Judea Declares War on Germany), the
agitation continued, the Jews lost more and more, they
were portrayed in the propaganda as bacillus or as child
-- At the same time Germany lost all trading partners and
was totally boycotted by the "USA"
-- from 1939 Jews were war enemies for Hitler, lost their
houses, apartments, furniture, had to give away their
gold, were deported, arrived in the ghettos in Eastern
Europe Jews were shot in groups, the ghetto became always
smaller and smaller, from 1943 some of the Jews were
returned to the Third Reich for working into the bunkers
Website Tunnel Constructioning in 3R:
-- Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews by separating
women and men, that's why there were ramps when a
deportation train arrived
-- In the end, many Jews came to the bunker with mass
death, others allowed themselves to be driven on to the
Gulag to Russia, also with mass death or with death in the
Red Army or death in Siberia at minus 40 degrees
-- after 1945 Stalin arranged the surviving Jews in
Eastern Europe, but they were not allowed to go to Western
Europe, and so those who had been shifted to the Gulag
before lost all their bank accounts in Western Europe
-- At the end of the war the system of concentrations
camps was at an end, and the German army "Wehrmacht" had
food deposits but these food depotits were not opened for
the concentration camps, so that 1,000 Jews in the German
concentration camps died of epidemics and hunger, which
were hopelessly overcrowded by the end of 1944 [because
the Third Reich became always more little and only few
concentration camps remained]
-- Pinkus estimates the number of dead Jews in the Red
Army at 2 million (book: The Soviet Government and the
-- for 1933 there are 14 million Jews in the world
(Article: War Declaration on Germany)
-- from 1935/6 the Nuremberg Laws provoke 4 to 6 million
MORE Jews in the world, so the total number of Jews comes
to 18 to 20 million Jews (I discovered this addition to
the statistics in 2010 and this research result is NOT
recognized by the Israel Association of Municipalities
until today, akdh is only laughing at this result)
-- In 1948 there are 15 to 18 million Jews in the world
(Article: Armies for Palestine)
-- you can see that there could have been a maximum of 5
million Jewish deaths.
Here is the calculation: Number puzzle solved:
Hitler + Rothschild was an alliance to drive Jews
to Israel
The high crime is that Hitler and Rothschild WORKED
TOGETHER to drive German Jews and Austrian Jews to
Israel to the desert, where they immediately faced the
threat of war against the Muslims, and this was HIDDEN
in Europe.
Germany 1943-1945: Millions of Jewish homes destroyed
by US and UK bombs!
In addition, the Second World War could have ended at
the end of 1943, but the Zionists Roosevelt and
Eisenhower and above all Morgenthau wanted to see
Germany burn, the generals [Montgomery and Patten] were
stopped and then almost all German cities were burnt
down. Millions of JEWISH HOUSES, which could have been
returned to the Jews after 1945, were also destroyed.
THIS crime is NEVER mentioned until today, except on my
After 1945 there were further losses in Judaism
-- Change of religion
-- Change of names (as a result, many Jews lost their
bank accounts again, because they never wanted to
identify themselves, and the banks looked in vain for
customers with the old names)
-- Surviving Jewish woman suffered sometimes infertility
due to a long hunger period
-- Jewish children were no longer returned from farms in
Eastern Europe because they replaced the fallen men.
Thus the number of 6 million Jewish losses is justified.
The table - the division into 3 parts of the
persecution of the Jews
The table of persecution of the Jews is here:
The persecution of the Jews was carried out by Hitler
AND Stalin, and the third factor is emigration.
The 6 million number
In 2010 and after that, I came to the conclusion that
the 6 million figure for Judaism between 1933 and 1945
is correct - so the victims really were that high,
especially if you take into account the loss of Jewish
children after 1945. In Russia there are over 20 million
[war victims in the Red Army], in Germany between 1945
and 1950 several million [German soldiers killed] in the
Rhine meadow camps and by hunger and epidemics [in the
occupied German zones].
The goal of politics is to avoid war, discussions on
numbers have been resolved.
The 6 million are right. Point.
Right-wing groups only block research
Further education is important in natural medicine and
the Alexander technique, yoga and languages. "Radicals"
are fairly blocking more than helping anything.
With kind regards
Michael Palomino, Lima - history, sociology, natural