Number puzzle solved: Jewish population figures before and after the persecution of the Jews 1933-1948
1933: 14.6 million - 1935/6: Nuremberg Laws + 4-6 million - 1948: 15 to 18 million - 1950s: 11 million
London March 24, 1933: Daily Express says: 14.6 million Jews worldwide -- 1933: Jews in Europe - maps -- 1935/6: Nuremberg Laws in 3R: 4 to 6 million people worldwide are counted MORE as Jews -- The extrapolation: 4 to 6 million Jews worldwide MORE from 1935/6 -- 1933 to 1936: calculation: Judaism worldwide 1933: 14,288,383 Jews - from 1936: at least 19,941,399.6 Jews -- New York Times, February 22, 1948: There are 15-18 million Jews worldwide -- June 13, 1946: Analysis of the Basel News (Basler Nachrichten) on Jewish emigration from 1933 to 1945 -- Red Cross in Arolsen: List with 13 camps - but there were around 300 camps in total (!!!) -- 1950s: Yearbooks are indicating 11 million Jews
by Michael Palomino (2020 - translation 2021)
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On this website the Jewish number puzzle is solved.
-- London March 24, 1933: Daily Express says: 14.6 million Jews worldwide
-- Nuremberg Laws 1935/6: 4 to 6 million people are counted MORE than Jews worldwide
-- New York Times February 22nd, 1948: There are 15-18 million Jews worldwide
-- June 13, 1946: Analysis of the newspaper Basel News (Basler Nachrichten) about Jewish emigration 1933-1945
-- Red Cross in Arolsen: List of 13 camps - but there were approx. 300 camps (!!!)
-- 1950s: yearbooks indicating 11 million Jews.
London March 24, 1933: Daily Express says: 14.6 million Jews worldwide
Article: Boycott off German goods - Mass demonstrations in many districts - Dramatic action
"Daily Express" Special Political Correspondent.
ALL Israel is uniting in wrath against the Nazi onslaught on the Jews in Germany.
Adolf Hitler, swept into power by an appeal to elemental patriotism, is making history of a kind he least expected. Thinking to unite only the German nation to race consciousness he has roused the whole Jewish people to a national renaissance.
The appearance of the swastika symbol of a new Germany has called forth the Lion of Judah, the old battle symbol of Jewish defiance.
Fourteen million Jews dispersed throughout the world have banded together as one man to declare war on the German persecutors of their co-religionists. Sectional differences and antagonisms have been submerged in one common aim - to stand by the 600.000 Jews of Germany who are terrorized by Hitlerist anti-semitism, and to compel Fascist Germany to end its campaign of violence and suppression directed against its Jewish minority."
1933: Jews in Europe - maps
1935/6: Nuremberg Laws in 3R: 4 to 6 million people worldwide are counted MORE as Jews
Now the Nazi government in Berlin introduced new race laws and therefore many more Jews were counted, see the following book:
Mr. Yehuda Bauer wrote a fine book about Jewish history and emigration from 1933 to 1939, with the title Joint Distribution Committee (Index - link). He clearly states that from 1935/6 onwards, 100,000s more people were considered to be more Jews. He mentions little Austria several times, e.g. after the "Union" with the Third Reich ("Anschluss") in 1938:
[5] Book by Yehuda Bauer: My Brother's Keeper. A History of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee 1929-1939; The Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia 1974 (Amazon link)
Quote: "In March 1938 Hitler conquered Austria by a Blumenkrieg, that is, the only things that were thrown at the German soldiers upon their entry into Austria were flowers. Austrian Jews, 185,246 of them, and an unknown number of persons considered Jewish by Nazi criteria found themselves trapped." (p.179 - Yehuda Bauer, chapter 4.20 - link)Later in the book, Bauer presents very precise data about Austria in the year of 1938: In addition to 185,246 Jews (Yeuda Bauer Chapter 6.1 link), the Nuremberg Laws of 1935/6 provokes that at least 150,000 persons are qualified as half, quarter and 3/4 Jews. Thus the complete number of Jews in Austria is almost doubled by the Nuremberg Laws - Yehuda Bauer Chapter 6.3 link.
Quote: "Emigration through IKG [Israeli Cult Congregation - Israelitische Kultusgemeinde] was slow in starting. From the first days of Nazi rule a parallel emigration office operated under the auspices of Frank van Gheel-Gildemeester, son of a Dutch court chaplain, whose actual intentions and connections with the Germans have not quite been cleared up to this day. His main concern was with the so-called non-Aryans, that is, converted Jews or descendants of Jews who fell under the definition of a Jew by Nazi standards. There were at least 150,000 of these in Austria, and Gildemeester claims that 30,000 had emigrated by the summer of 1939." (p.228 - Yehuda Bauer Chapter 6.3 link)
[Thus, in Austria of 1938 after the "Anschluss", the number of Jews was rising from 185,246 plus 150,000 to at least 335,246 who are defined as Jews - that means, the number of Jews had almost doubled].
The extrapolation: 4 to 6 million Jews worldwide MORE from 1935/6
Extrapolated to the whole world, I estimate 4 to 6 million MORE people who were considered Jews from 1935/6 onwards. If it is possible to almost double the number of Jews in Austria by half, quarter and 3/4 Jews, this can also be assumed for Germany, and even more for the Eastern European countries, where Jews were settled after the plague expulsions from around the year 1500 and were broadly rooted.
In addition, the families were controlled up to the 5th degree, including eighth and 1/16 Jews, which is likely to have increased the number of Jews tenfold.
Estimation: If there were 14.6 million Jews worldwide in 1933, from 1935/6 there were 4 to 6 million more Jews worldwide thus 18 to 20.6 million Jews worldwide.
These 4 to 6 million MORE people, who were considered as Jews worldwide from 1935/6 onward, are the basis for the later number of Jews in February 1948, when the WJC in New York reported 15 to 18 million Jews worldwide (see the article "Armies for Palestine" being published by NYTimes from February 22nd, 1948). That means that between 1935/6 and 1948 2 to 3 million Jews had died or had been killed or changed their religion after persecution for years.
1933 to 1936: calculation: Judaism worldwide 1933: 14,288,383 Jews - from 1936: at least 19,941,399.6 Jews
Calculating the numbers on the cards gives the following estimated numbers for 1933 and 1936:
1933 and Nuremberg Laws 1935/6: Central Europe: Increase in the number of Jews by approx. 50%
Germany 1933: 565,000 Jews - from 1936: 847,500 Jews
Austria 1933: 250,000 Jews - from 1936: 375,000 Jews
CSSR 1933: 357,000 Jews - from 1936: 535,500 Jews
Hungary 1933: 445,000 Jews - from 1936: 667,500 Jews
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
Total: 1933: 1,617,000 - from 1936: 2,425,500 Jews
1933 and Nuremberg Laws 1935/6: Switzerland: Increase in the number of Jews by approx. 20%
For a long time Switzerland had a settlement ban for Jews, which was only lifted with Napoleon. The roots are correspondingly low and the increase with half, quarter and 3/4 Jews should only have been around 50%:
Switzerland 1933: 18,000 Jews - from 1936: 21,600 Jews
1933 and Nuremberg Laws 1935/6: Eastern Europe: Increase in the number of Jews by approx. 50%
Estonia 1933: 5,000 Jews - from 1936: 7,500 Jews
Latvia 1933: 95,000 Jews - from 1936: 142,500 Jews
Poland 1933: 3,000,000 Jews - from 1936: 4,500,000 Jews
Romania: 980,000 Jews - from 1936: 1,470,000 Jews
Western Soviet Union: 2,525,000 Jews - from 1936: 3,787,500 Jews
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
Total: 1933: 6,605,000 Jews - from 1936: 9,907,500 Jews
Central and Eastern Europe and Switzerland total 1933: 8,240,000 Jews - from 1936: 12,354,600 Jews
1933 and Nuremberg Laws 1935/6: Western Europe: Increase in the number of Jews by approx. 50%
France 1933: 225,000 Jews - from 1936: 337,500 Jews
Holland / Netherlands 1933: 160,000 Jews - from 1936: 240,000 Jews
Belgium 1933: 60,000 Jews - from 1936: 90,000 Jews
Luxemburg 1933: 2,200 Jews - from 1936: 3,300 Jews
Great Britain 1933: 300,000 Jews - from 1936: 450,000 Jews
Ireland 1933: 3,600 Jews - from 1936: 5,400 Jews
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
Total 1933: 750,800 Jews - from 1936: 1,126,200 Jews
1933 and Nuremberg Laws 1935/6: Northern Europe: Increase in the number of Jews by approx. 50%
Denmark 1933: 6,000 Jews - 1936: 9,000 Jews
Norway 1933: 1,500 Jews - 1936: 2,250 Jews
Sweden 1933: 6500 Jews - 1936: 9750 Jews
Finland 1933: 1,800 Jews - 1936: 2,700 Jews
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------
Total 1933: 15,800 Jews - 1936: 23,700 Jews
1933 and Nuremberg Laws 1935/6: Southern Europe: Increase in the number of Jews by approx. 50%
Italy 1933: 48,000 Jews - from 1936: 72,000 Jews
Spain 1933: 4,000 Jews - from 1936: 6,000 Jews
Portugal 1933: 1,000 Jews - from 1936: 1,500 Jews
Yugoslavia 1933: 70,000 Jews - from 1936: 105,000 Jews
Bulgaria 1933: 50,000 Jews - from 1936: 75,000 Jews
Albania 1933: 200 Jews - from 1936: 300 Jews
Greece 1933: 100,000 Jews - from 1936: 150,000 Jews
Turkey (European part) 1933: 56,000 Jews - from 1936: 84,000 Jews
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
Total 1933: 329,200 Jews - from 1936: 493,800 Jews
Western Europe + Northern Europe + Southern Europe 1933: 1,095,800 Jews - from 1936: 1,643,700 Jews
Total number of Jews in Europe with the European Soviet Union: 1933: 9,335,800 Jews - from 1936: 13,998,300 Jews
The figures for the other countries for the 1933 Jewish population are from the 1933 World Almanac
Africa 1933 and from 1936 + 20% (countries with more than 1000 Jews)
In Africa, Jews and Muslims or Jews and African tribes seldom married, therefore, from 1935/6, only a 20% surcharge is assumed for Africa:
Libya 1933: 24,342 Jews - from 1936: 29,210.4
Morocco (French part) 1933: 120,000 Jews - from 1936: 144,000 Jews
Morocco (Spanish part) 1933: 15,000 Jews - from 1936: 18,000 Jews
South Africa 1933: 71,816 Jews - from 1936: 86,179.2 Jews
Tangier 1933: 8000 Jews - from 1936: 9600 Jews
Tunisia 1933: 65,000 Jews - from 1936: 78,000 Jews
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Total in Africa (countries with more than 1000 Jews): 1933: 304,158 Jews - from 1936: 364,989.6 Jews
Asia 1933 and from 1936 + 20% (countries with more than 1000 Jews)
In Asia, Jews and Muslims seldom married, so from 1935/6 onwards only a 20% surcharge is assumed for Asia:
China 1933: 15,000 Jews - from 1936: 18,000 Jews
Iran 1933: 40,000 Jews - from 1936: 48,000 Jews
Iraq 1933: 87,488 Jews - from 1936: 104,985.6 Jews
Japan 1933: 1,000 Jews - from 1936: 1,200 Jews
Palestine 1933: 175,006 Jews - from 1936: 210,007.2 Jews
Russia Asian part 1933: 49,571 - 1936: 59,485.2 Jews
Syria + Lebanon 1933: 26,051 Jews - from 1936: 31,261
Asiatic Turkey 1933: 26,280 Jews - from 1936: 31,536 Jews
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
Total in Asia (countries with more than 1000 Jews): 1933: 420,396 - from 1936: 504,475.2 Jews
"America" 1933 and from 1936 + 20% (countries with more than 1000 Jews)
In "America" Jews were banned for a long time (like Muslims), and in the short period from 1850 to 1933 there was hardly any admixture, therefore for "America" only a surcharge of 20% is taken for the period from 1935 / 6:
Brazil 1933: 40,000 Jews - from 1936: 48,000 Jews
Chile 1933: 2200 Jews - from 1936: 2640 Jews
Canada 1933: 155,614 Jews - from 1936: 186,736.8 Jews
Cuba 1933: 7,800 Jews - from 1936: 9,360 Jews
Mexico 1933: 16,000 Jews - from 1936: 19,200 Jews
Uruguay 1933: 5000 Jews - from 1936: 6000 Jews
"USA" 1933: 4,228,029 Jews - From 1936: 5,073,634.8 Jews
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Total in "America" (countries with more than 1000 Jews): 1933: 4,454,643 Jews - from 1936: 5,345,571.6 Jews
Africa + Asia + "America" 1933: 4,952,583 Jews - from 1936: 5,943,099.6 Jews
Judaism worldwide 1933: 14,288,383 Jews - from 1936: at least 19,941,399.6 Jews
(USSR: 2,672,398:
- of which Transcaucasian Republic: 52.194
- of which Turkmenistan 2040
- of which Ukraine 1,574,425
- of which Uzbekistan 37,834
- of which Belarus 407,959
New York Times, February 22, 1948: There are 15-18 million Jews worldwide
(The article is available on microfilm in every university library).
NYTimes of February 22, 1948: 15 to 18 million Jews worldwide are prepared for the War of Independence - Article: "Armies for Palestine" [3]
Here in this article of Feb. 22, 1948 are indicated 15 to 18 million Jews worldwide. It is an article that was written shortly before the establishment of the state of Herzl-Israel. At this time, the Arab-English side and the Jewish-Zionist side were preparing for the first war in Palestine and for the Jewish side every person who has any Jewish descent counts, i.e. according to the Nuremberg Laws of 1935/6 all half, quarter and 3/4 Jews count, and possibly also "eighth Jews" and "sixteenth Jews".
"Armies for Palestine
Need for International Force of 70,000 - Believed Indicated as U.N. Faces Decision
By Hanson W. Baldwin
The use of force in Palestine is the major issue before the United Nations and the world this week.
In its consideration of the thorny problem the Security Council must calimate the size and capabilities of the opposing forces in the Middle East and the possible courses they may take.
"The Jewish areas of Palestine are an enclave surrounded by Arabs. There are 650,000 to 700,000 Jews in Palestine and about 1,250,000 Arabs. Another 500,000 Jews inhabit other Arabs countries in the Middle East. The Arab population of these states, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, ASyria, Lebanon, Iraq. Yemen and Trans-Jordan, is more than 30,000,000.
In these countries the Jews are tied by bonds of religion to the rest of the fifteen to eighteen million Jews and most of the Arab inhabitants share their religion with the rest of the world's 221,000,000 Muslims, who are concentrated in Turkey, the Middle East, India and the Orient."
In this number "15 to 18 million Jews" the quarter, half, 3/4, 1/8 and 1/16 Jews are counted, who correspond to the counting method of 1935/6 (Nuremberg Laws) for presenting any human being with a Jewish descent as ready to fight.
June 13, 1946: Analysis of the Basel News (Basler Nachrichten) on Jewish emigration from 1933 to 1945
from Basler Nachrichten: What is the number of Jewish victims? (orig. German: Wie hoch ist die Zahl der jüdischen Opfer?)
Basel News (Basler Nachrichten) of June 13, 1946 indicating the Flight from Barbarossa in 1941 [2]
(The article is publicly available at the University Library of Basel. The article gives valuable emigration data, but is otherwise absolutely incomplete).
According to this official article, only 1-1.5 million Jewish victims are possible under the Nazi regime.
The newspaper (since the merger with the "National Newspaper (National-Zeitung)" has been called the "Basel Newspaper" ("Basler Zeitung") mentions:
-- the "Great Flight from Barbarossa": in 1941 many Jews flee to Russia or Siberia (this is also mentioned in the Encyclopaedia Judaica in the article: Holocaust, Rescue from - link)
-- there re emigration figures of Jews overseas 1933-1941
-- there are valuable emigration figures 1933-1945 (compare the information provided by Yehuda Bauer in the book "Joint Distribution Committee" for Jewish emigration 1933-1939)
But look here what is not mentioned:
-- the statistical expansion of Judaism by 4 to 6 million through the Nuremberg Laws 1935/1936, so that 4 to 6 million people were counted MORE as Jews worldwide
-- the Stalin deportations in 1940 and 1941 from the Russian western border to the interior of Siberia with death in the snow or death in the Red Army
-- the persecution of 1/2, 1/4 and 3/4 Jews (non-Aryans) or there had to be an Aryan certificate up to the 5th degree (and the church opened the family and wedding records to enable this persecution)
-- ghettos and mass shootings are missing in the article (when the Jewish zones are getting more and more "narrow")
-- death on the run or murder by smugglers who simulated to bring Jews to a safe country
-- the mass death in Nazi camps, bunker construction and rocket tunnel construction (film among others: The Underground Reich - link)
-- the mass death in Russian camps and in Siberia (Gulag camps)
-- the mass death in the Red Army (see among others: Pinkus: The Soviet Government and the Jews)
-- the hiding places, forged passports and changes of identity (change of name or religion) even after 1945 etc.
-- the secret displacement of Jews from German concentration camps to the Gulag 1943-1944 (Auschwitz transit camp - see the work of Burg)
-- the emigration from 1945, either directly, or then via DP camps (Displaced Persons)
-- Jewish children in Christian families who were kept to replace fallen men in the war
-- Jews who were not born after 1945, when Jewish women were no longer fertile after constant hunger, etc. etc.
That is why the Holocaust table (4-6 million victims, respectively there are 3 to 5 million Jews lost in 2 generations) is important.
The missing data in the article in the Basler Nachrichten (today: Basler Zeitung) is a catastrophe and where this article can be seen there should be a supplement sheet added with the additional data.
Red Cross in Arolsen: List with 13 camps - but there were around 300 camps in total (!!!)
This list of the Red Cross from Arolsen indicating 13 camps from the Nazi times is circulating everywhere, for example on Facebook here:
List of the Red Cross from Arolsen indicating 13 camps - but in total there were approx. 300 camps! [4]
Well, where is the mistake on this list? There are only 13 camps out of around 300 on the list. This means that you can multiply the number of victims on this list by 20 and then you get the actual number of victims in the Nazi area for the people who were all considered Jews at the time. The list of 300 camps would be about 5 pages.
1950s: Yearbooks are indicating 11 million Jews
This number of 11 million Jews worldwide is the pure Jewish number WITHOUT the additional half, quarter and 3/4 Jews from 1935/6.
All in all, the number of "full Jews" fell by 3.4 million Jews from 1933 (14.6 million Jews) to the 1950s (11 million Jews).
There are also about 3 million Jews who are missing in the balance sheets
-- Jewish children who were no longer returned to their Jewish parents from Eastern European farms because the children replaced fallen men from the farm's family
-- Jews with a change of religion (which usually also included a change of name)
-- Jews who were no longer born to sterile Jewish women after years of hardship, because the Jewish women were no longer fertile.
And In the 1960s, the Soviet Union undertook major actions in the SU and throughout the Eastern Bloc states to "russify" Jews and forbid them to travel to Israel, because from May 1948 Israel became a satellite of the "USA" and all offers from Soviet Union (see Pinkus: The Soviet Government and the Jews - Index).
"Russification" means new Russian names, and Jewish communities were destroyed and Moses fantasy came to an end.
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Photo sources
[1] Daily Express, March 24, 1933: article: "Judea declares war on Germany" indicating 14 million Jews worldwide who should help to 600.000 German Jews: https://www.islam-radio.net/historia/dailyex.htm - Foto: https://www.islam-radio.net/historia/dailyex.jpg
[2] Basler Nachrichten, June 13, 1946: What is the number of Jewish victims? (orig. German: Wie hoch ist die Zahl der jüdischen Opfer?): see microfilm at Basel University Library, print it!
[3] NYTimes, February 22, 1948: Artickle "Armies for Palestine" is indicating 15 to 18 million Jews worldwide: se microfilm of New York Times in any university library worldwide, print it!
[4] Table of the REd Cross at Arolsen indicating only 13 concentration camps in the Third Reich - but in total there were approx. 300 camps:
[5] Yehuda Bauer: My Brother's Keeper. A History of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee 1929-1939; The Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia 1974: https://www.amazon.com/brothers-Distribution-Committee-1929-1939-Hardcover/dp/B010EVF61C
[6] Jews in Europe 1933, map 01:
[7] Jews in Europe 1933, map 02: https://www.eternalechoes.org/at/for-the-classroom/exercises/1-jewish-life-in-europe-before-wwii