Blood group nutrition:
introduce it step by step
Food has to be rated in a
new way - effects and change step by step - ideas about
by Michael Palomino (2006 / 2012)
-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4
Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes
Leben. Mit Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4
Blood Types, 4 Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben.
Das individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches
Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types,
4 Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)
The principle of blood
group nutrition: different enzymes reacting
differently according to blood group
Many lectins [proteins of plants] are reacting differently
when humans are eating them, according to blood groups,
positively or negatively. When there is a negative
reaction, these lectins
-- provoke an agglutination (conglomeration) of cells. The
lectin is like a glue working like an "agglutinin"
-- or the lectin provokes that anti bodies are formed with
an agglutinating effect
-- or the lectin provokes that blood cells are
agglutinating (4 Strategien, p.400).
The rating of food: very
good supporting the body, neutral, and to be
According to the different reactions of the lectins in the
human body according to the blood groups, Dr. Peter
D'Adamo is rating the food in "very good food, supporting
the body"; in "neutral" food, and in "food to be
eliminated" (4 Strategien, p.389).
"The very good food supporting the body is working like
medicine for the body; the food which has to be eliminated
has got an effect like a poison. Neutral food is working
like normal food. Neutral food has not any positive effect
on health, but the person is feeling well with them for
sure because neutral food contains many nutrients which
are needed by the body." (4 Strategien, p.389)
(orig. in German:
"Die sehr bekömmlichen Lebensmittel wirken wie Arzneien;
die Nahrungsmittel, die man meiden soll, wirken wie
Gifte. Die neutralen Lebensmittel wirken einfach wie
Essen. Zwar haben die neutralen Nahrungsmittel wohl
keine positiven Wirkungen auf die Gesundheit, aber sie
tun Ihnen sicherlich gut in dem Sinn, dass sie viele
Nährstoffe enthalten, die der Körper braucht." (4
Strategien, S.389)
Blood group nutrition
can be introduced step by step
Blood group nutrition respectively blood group diet should
be introduced step by step because the change will also be
felt step by step, and any change is motivating one more
change with some more food (4 Strategien, p.395). When a
new balance of alimentation has been found, then it will
also be possible to vary the diet plan sometimes. This is
normal. Strict obedience of the plan is not normal (4
Strategien, p.386).
There are the following principles:
"Blood group diet should be a contribution to feel oneself
well, not bad and not discriminated." (4 Strategien,
(orig. German:
"Die Blutgruppendiät soll dazu beitragen, dass Sie sich
gut fühlen, nicht schlecht und benachteiligt." (4
Strategien, S.386).
And all variations of food should be used because for
everybody will be something in it. Italian kitchen does
not only consist in tomato sauce for example (4
Strategien, p.387).
Incompatible food has to stay out in the first phase of
blood group nutrition. But when the change with blood
group nutrition has been completed it can be that the
first incompatible food is well compatible then. This
counts e.g. for peanuts with blood group A (4 Strategien,
One should also eat from all sectors of food regularly.
Dr. D'Adamo says:
"Try [...] that you eat food from all groups of food." (4
Strategien, p.389)
(orig. German:
"Versuchen Sie [...] möglichst gleichmässig Lebensmittel
aus allen Nahrungsmittelgruppen zu verzehren." (4
Strategien, S.389)
Add to this it is better to eat little portions several
times and not big portions only some few times per day. It
is better to eat 5 to 7 times per week little portions
concerning "medical food", because
"Following a quota 5 to 7 times per week the precious
nutrients enter the blood constantly." (4 Strategien,
(orig. German:
"Dadurch sorgen Sie dafür, dass die wertvollsten
Nährstoffe weiter gleichbleibend ins Blut gelangen." (4
Strategien, S.389)
Damaging food should be omitted, above all
-- when there is an allergy against some food
-- when there is an inflammation of the colon (4
Strategien, p.390).
Sour digestion of meat
and basic (alkaline) digestion of bread or potatoes
It's not so good to eat animal protein and big quantities
of carbohydrates at the same time. So, one should evade
eating meat and big quantities of bread or potatoes at the
same time, because
-- meat is digested in a strongly sour area
-- but carbohydrates are digested in a strongly basic
(alkaline) area.
When both things are eaten at the same time, then the
digestion in the stomach has to switch constantly between
sour and alkaline area, and the stomach never can
concentrate on the digestion of of food itself. Instead of
eating carbohydrates with the meat vegetables are
suggested (4 Strategien, p.390). [But little quantities of
bread or potatoes are no problem with meat].
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
"It can be that the most important thing with food for you
is the combination in the meal, for example to evade the
combination of animal protein (e.g. meat) with big
quantities of carbohydrates like bread or potatoes. That's
important because animal products provoke in the stomach
an acid environment. But carbohydrates are digested in the
stomach in a strongly basic (alkaline) environment. When
these kinds of food are combined [in big quantities] then
the body is processing proteins and carbohydrates in a
constant change - and this does not to seem a good method.
Separating the kinds of food the stomach can concentrate
himself on processing. One can take [with the meat] food
low-carb but fiber-rich vegetables, for example leafy
vegetables. Tofu and vegetable proteins are essentially
predigested, so they can be combined with meat products."
(4 Strategien, p.390)
(orig. German:
"Möglicherweise ist das einzig Wichtige, worauf Sie bei
der Verbindung von Nahrungsmitteln achten müssen, die
Kombination von tierischem Eiweiss, z.B. Fleisch, mit
grossen Mengen an Kohlenhydraten wie Brot und Kartoffeln
zu vermeiden. Das ist deshalb wichtig, weil tierische
Produkte im Magen in stark saurem Milieu, Kohlenhydrate
im Darm dagegen in stark basischem Milieu verdaut
werden. Kombiniert man diese Nahrungsmittel, 'knabbert'
der Körper abwechselnd am Eiweiss, dann wieder an den
Kohlenhydraten - wohl kaum eine sehr wirksame Methode.
Trennt man diese Nahrungsmittelgruppen, kann sich der
Magen voll und ganz auf die vorliegende Arbeit
konzentrieren. Nehmen Sie statt dessen kohlenhydratarme,
ballaststoffreiche Gemüsebeilagen zu sich,
beispielsweise Blattgemüse. Dass man eiweissreiche und
kohlehydratreiche Lebensmittel nicht verbinden soll,
gilt nicht für Tofu und andere pflanzliche Proteine, die
im wesentlichen vorverdaut sind." (4 Strategien, S.390)
Blood group nutrition
eliminates overweight
With blood group nutrition the enzymes and the organism
are in complete harmony and no damaging food is hindering
the processings. This provokes that any gain of weight is
stopped. But another fact will come: Cell metabolism is
working that optimal so the superfluous pounds are going
(4 Strategien, p.391).
"When you are following the diet, your metabolism is
changing to it's normal level, so the taken calories are
burnt and processed more efficiently; digestion system is
processing the nutrients in a right way and is reducing
water accumulations in the body. In this way weight
reduction is coming immediately." (4 Strategien, p.391)
(orig. German:
"Wenn Sie sich an Ihre Diät halten, stellt sich Ihr
Stoffwechsel auf das normale Niveau um, so dass Sie die
aufgenommenen Kalorien wirksamer verbrennen; das
Verdauungssystem verarbeitet dann die Nährstoffe richtig
und reduziert die Wasseransammlung im Körper. Auf diese
Weise nimmt man sofort ab." (4 Strategien, S.391)
In the beginning of it's change of alimentation can even
be too much weight reduction. Then one has to find out the
new ideal balance with it's food (4 Strategien, p.392).
Additional products in
addition to blood group nutrition
Basically there no additional products are needed, but
some are very useful:
-- for pregnant women: iron, calcium, and folic acid
-- women in general need much calcium, above all when
their nutrition does only contain few milk products
-- persons with a heavy bodily work or are under special
stress, pensioners, ill persons or strong smokers need
individual compounds (4 Strategien, p.396).
The quantity of a meal
Culture to eat much in the industrial countries provokes
the consequence that the population is more and more fat.
Stomach is expanding. Cells of stomach walls "are under a
heavy charge". After eating one should not feel lazy, then
one did not eat too much (4 Strategien, p.392).
"When you always eat so much so you feel absolutely
saturated and after the meal you feel lazy, then you
should try to eat less. You have to learn to listen to
your body." (4 Strategien, p.392).
(orig. German:
"Wenn Sie immer so viel essen, dass Sie sich völlig
gesättigt und nach dem Essen träge fühlen, sollten Sie
versuchen, weniger zu essen. Lernen Sie, auf Ihren
Körper zu hören." (4 Strategien, S.392)
Food advice
should be always meager and biological meat
-- without antibiotics, because there never was any
antibiotic before
-- without feeding of corn, because corn did not exist in
former times
-- but with feeding of grass and alfalfa grasses because
in this way the animals were fed also in former times (4
Strategien, p. 393).
Fat from fish with omega 3
fatty acids
Fat from fishes "contains much omega 3 fatty acid which
demonstrably are lowering the level of cholesterol and
which are demonstrably reinforcing the heart." (4
Strategien, p.393)
(orig. German:
Fett von Fischen "enthält viele Omega-3-Fettsäuren, die
nachweislich den Cholesterinwert senken und das Herz
stärken." (4 Strategien, S.393)
Canned food is without any
vitamin which is sensitive to heat
Canned food is produced under heat and pressure:
-- all vitamins sensitive to heat are destroyed with it
-- only vitamins not sensitive to heat are preserved (4
Strategien, p.394)
-- enzymes are partly destroyed by the heat
-- generally canned food has got a low level of fibers
-- and generally canned food has got a higher level of
salt balancing the loss of taste during the heat and
pressure processing (4 Strategien, p.395).
Considering the same quantity of vitamins and enzymes and
fibers, all in all canned food costs much more than fresh
fruits and fresh vegetables (4 Strategien, p.395).
Freezing "hardly changes the content of nutrients of
food." (4 Strategien, p.395)
(orig. German:
Einfrieren "ändert den Nährstoffgehalt des Lebensmittels
kaum." (4 Strategien, S.395)
in the Asian wok pan
-- this deep wok pan has got only a little bottom with the
maximum of heat, and there is a broad margin where heat is
-- with this wok pan roasting of food is well possible
without damaging the food in the fat on the ground
-- first the poors of the food are closed so the flavoring
is preserved, and by working with the spoon the lower food
is put up where it is cooked with less high temperatures
-- in this wok pan cooking is processed with sesame or
peanut oil which are more heat-resistant than safflower or
rapeseed oils
-- first the food should be cooked on the ground which
needs a longer time, and then the middle of the pan is set
free and other food is given into the pan which needs less
time for cooking, so at the end all food is cooked at the
same time in one pan (4 Strategien, p.395).
is a grain from Mexico (4 Strategien, p.398).
Spelt is "a kind of wheat which obviously does not provoke
any problem, to the contrary normal wheat wholemeal bread
provokes many problems." (4 Strategien, p.398)
(orig. German:
Dinkel ist "ein Weizenabkömmling, der offenbar keine
Probleme verursacht, die sich beim Verzehr von
Weizenvollkornbrot ergeben." (4 Strategien, S.398)
[But pay attention: A bread called "spelt bread" often
also contains normal wheat. When one wants to evade the
damaging wheat in any case so one has to make one's
personal bread at home, for example with spelt flour, soya
flour, and amaranth flour etc. Stupid industry mostly is
not capable until today to produce this because they want
ill people and not healthy people...]
Essen bread / bread of
germinated wheat grain ("germinated wheat")
Breads of germed wheat grain don't contain gluten lectins
any more because they were eliminated by the germination
process. Breads are "living" food "with many positive
beneficial and effective enzymes", and "normally they can
be found in the well tempered shelves of health stores."
(4 Strategien, p.398)
(orig. German:
Die Brote sind ein "lebendiges" Lebensmittel "mit vielen
bekömmlichen, wirksamen Enzymen" und "finden sich
normalerweise in den Kühlregalen von Naturkostläden und
Reformhäusern" wieder (4 Strategien, S.398).
"Germed bread has a some sweetish taste because by the
germination process also sugar is liberated. Therefore
this bread is humid and soft. Toasted it has an excellent
taste." (4 Strategien, p.399)
(orig. German:
"Keimlingsbrot schmeckt ein wenig süsslich, da durch den
Keimungsprozess auch Zucker freigesetzt wird. Deshalb
ist es feucht und weich. Getostet schmeckt es herrlich."
(4 Strategien, S.399).
"Evade industrially fabricated germinated breads because
normally only a little part is of flour with germinated
wheat, but the big part of these industrial breads are of
normal whole grain wheat." (4 Strategies, p.398-399)
(orig. German:
"Meiden Sie industriell hergestellte Keimlingsbrote, da
sie normalerweise einen geringen Gehalt an
Auswuchsweizen und eine überwiegende Menge aus
Vollkornweizen in der Rezeptur enthalten." (4
Strategien, S.398-399)
and oils
-- according to Dr. D'Adamo coconut and other tropical
oils should be omitted because of their saturated fatty
acids, because these can damage cardiovascular system (4
Strategien, p.397)
-- much oil consumption of oils with polyunsaturated fatty
acids can support certain forms of cancer, "above all when
these fats are strongly heated during the cooking process"
(4 Strategien, p.397)
[Therefore there is the advice to add the oil of a sauce
only at the end of the cooking process when the food has
been taken from the stove but is yet in the pot mixing all
in the pot].
-- olive oil is the best beneficial oil at all with simple
unsaturated fat acids with a positive effect on heart and
arteries (4 Strategien, p.397).