-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4
Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit
Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4
Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das
individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches
Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4
Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)
Stress reactions are genetically well controllable and
according to the blood groups these stress reactions are
different. "Neuro chemically steered reactions to stress"
are different, respectively humans of the same blood group
have a similar reaction on stress (richtig leben, p.31).
[Corresponding to this one should lead gymnastics lessons in
school and also elect professions].
Forming the different characters according to
blood groups by the different conditions of life
Drive for survival has created the different blood groups,
also with different characters which are adapted to the main
conditions and main activities in every case (richtig leben,
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
<Aggression, attraction and cooperation are all kinds of
behavior which are part for the reproduction of the breed.
But one know that these kinds of behavior are not without
conscience but by the time it has developed by the
environment conditions and by the cultural influence.
This form of patterns of behavior is one example of an
evolution of the mind. [...] These patterns of personalities
are in a tight connection with chemical processes which are
steered according to their blood groups. And for the mental
health body's own chemical substances play a great role."
(richtig leben, p.46)
(orig. German:
"Aggression, Anziehungskraft und Kooperation sind allesamt
Verhaltensweisen, die der Erhaltung der Art dienen.
Allerdings sind diese Verhaltensweisen bekanntlich nicht
unbewusst, sondern wurden im Laufe der Zeit durch
Veränderungen in den Umweltbedingungen und kulturellen
Einflüssen weiterentwickelt.
Diese Form von Verhaltensmustern könnte man als Beispiel
einer Evolution des Verstandes bezeichnen. [...] Diese
Persönlichkeitsmuster stehen in engem Zusammenhang mit
chemischen Prozessen, die in ihren Abläufen
blutgruppenspezifisch beeinflusst sind. Und für die
seelische Gesundheit spielen körpereigene chemische
Substanzen eine bedeutsame Rolle." (richtig leben, S.46)
Permanent stress of "civilization" is destroying
the humans
Today the permanent stress of "civilization" is destroying
the humans. Some humans can handle this in a "cool" way,
others not (richtig leben, p.48). With too much charge the
immune system is collapsing and the diseases are governing
instead of the immune system (richtig leben, p.49):
<When the balance pans of the vegetative nervous system
(sympathetic branch, responsible for stress reaction, and
para sympathetic branch, responsible for relaxation and for
the recovery of the nervous system; richtig leben, p.49) is
in an imbalance over a certain time, then the collapse is
coming unavoidably.> (richtig leben, p.50)
(orig. German:
"Befinden sich die Waagschalen des vegetativen
Nervensystems (sympathischer Zweig, für Stressreaktion
zuständig, und parasympathischer Zweig, für die
Entspannung und für die Genesung des Nervensystems
zuständig; richtig leben, S.49) über längere Zeit im
Ungleichgewicht, kommt es unweigerlich zu einem
Zusammenbruch." (richtig leben, S.50)
Add to this there are wrong adaptations and wrong conditions
which are not at all corresponding to the blood group:
<Excess of stress during a long period provokes wrong
adaptations with the humans.> (richtig leben, p.49)
(orig. German:
"Ein Übermass an Stress über einen ausgedehnten Zeitraum
führt bei allen Menschen zu Fehlanpassung." (richtig
leben, S.49)
With a permanent stress hypothalamus is not finishing any
more to give the stress signal, and this has it's
-- a messenger hormone of hypothalamus is giving the signal
of stress to the hypophysis gland
-- hypophysis gland is liberating ACTH (adrenocorticortrope
-- ACTH is giving the signal of stress to the kidneys
-- and the kidneys are liberating adrenaline (epinephrin)
and Cortisol (richtig leben, p.51).
Cortisol is splitting muscle proteins and is converting them
into energy (richtig leben, p.57).
When there is an emergency situation, the supra renal gland
is liberating two catecholamines:
-- epinephrin / adrenanaline
-- noradrenalin / norepiephrin (richtig leben, p.51).
And these are the consequences:
-- heart frequency is rising
-- blood pressure is rising
-- digestion activities are sinking
-- attention is rising
-- the body is preparing bodily activities (richtig leben,
When there are bodily extreme situations, then also the
catabolic hormone Cortisol is liberated.
-- cortisol is converting muscle tissue into energy and is
reducing muscle tissue
-- cortisol is stimulating and is ordering the positive
survival forces
-- when cortisol is liberated too long on a high level, then
this "is affecting the balance of the activity of several
inner organs", with heavy consequences of a "cortisol
-- ulcers, high blood pressure, heart diseases, muscle
reduction, old skin, high danger of broken bones,
-- immune system is extremely in danger
-- there are also cognitive dysfunctions, thinking is partly
not controllable any more, in extreme cases there can be
Alzheimer and dementia (richtig leben, p.52).
Illnesses in connection with states of stress:
reduce the danger of the "line of collapse" with blood
group nutrition
Often there can be observed the following principle: As soon
as there are illnesses or stress, there are inflammations
and other vulnerabilities. According to Dr. Hahnemann this
chain of emerging diseases is a so called "line of collapse"
of vulnerabilities. According to Dr. D'Adamo this "line of
collapse" is depending on the blood group and can be
minimized by following blood group nutrition (richtig leben,
Stress reaction according to blood group gen 9q34
A big part of stress reaction is fixed on the blood group
gen "9q34". There is an interplay "between the blood group
gen and the gens which are responsible for the management of
the stress reactions." (richtig leben, p.49)
Every blood group has it's own kind to react on stress, and
to handle stress. Every blood group "has got a unique and
individual chemical profile" with it's stress reaction
8richtig leben, p.54).
Chemical procedures with stress reactions
according to blood groups
Blood group 0 needs a long
time until an organic stress is indicated
Humans of blood group 0: Organically seen they have the most
little cortisol reaction and adrenalin reaction, similar to
blood group AB (richtig leben, p.54).
Persons of blood group 0 need a longer time until an organic
stress reaction is coming. After a dramatic situation these
persons can calm down fast until the regeneration is
completed (richtig leben, p.55).
In the body of the persons with blood group 0 first the
catecholamines noradrenaline and adrenaline are liberated,
to faster reactions are possible. The reduction process is
slowly then: The enzyme of monoamine oxidase (MAO) which is
working among others with the reduction of catecholamines
like adrenaline, is the least active in the platelets of
blood group 0 (richtig leben, p.55).
Stress during a longer time with persons of blood group 0 is
provoking exhaustion (richtig leben, p.55-56). Liberation
from stress with persons of blood group 0 is proceeded by
anger and aggression (richtig leben, p.56).
[So these persons need a mental development to overcome
stress with measures so no stress will be].
Naturally higher cortisol
level of blood group A - and organic stress can be reduced
only badly
Persons of blood group A have - organically considered - the
tendency for an over reaction on stress, measurable with the
cortisol level, similar to blood group B (richtig leben,
Persons of blood group A naturally have a higher cortisol
level in their blood than all other blood groups (richtig
leben, p.54) and they are forming more adrenaline during a
stress reaction than the others (richtig leben, p.55).
Therefore, blood group A has - organically considered -
always a heavier charge of stress and is also the worst
blood group in reducing it's stress (richtig leben, p.54).
Adrenaline and other catecholamines are well reduced, among
others with the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO). But the
higher cortisol charges are - among others - a cause for
higher rates for cancer and heart diseases with blood group
A (richtig leben, p.55).
Stress with blood group B
with higher cortisol liberation - and fast reduction of
Blood group B has like blood group A a naturally higher
cortisol level than blood group 0, but not so high like
blood group A (richtig leben, p.59). Blood group B is
reacting to stress with some more liberation of cortisol.
According to Dr. D'Adamo this is probably an inherited
reaction from blood group A (richtig leben, p.57).
In general blood group B is reacting in a sensitive way to
stress, but after the event is reducing the hormones fast
(richtig leben, p.57). Blood group B can reduce organic
stress in a fast way (richtig leben, p.59).
Blood groups B and AB can also excrete nitric oxides faster
than other blood groups (richtig leben, p.77), which is
produced by the conversion of the amino acid arginine
(richtig leben, p.76). So, the recovery from stress
situations is going on faster with blood groups B and AB
with positive consequences for the cardiovascular system.
Blood group B and AB have their most power when they are
starting from an inner balance, for example starting from a
meditation (richtig leben, p.77).
Stress with blood group AB
similar to blood group 0
With organic stress blood group AB is reacting similar to
blood group 0 (richtig leben, p.57)
[with a long starting time, and when the catastrophe is
coming the stress hormones are reduced only slowly].
But there are also similarities with blood group B:
Blood group B and AB can excrete faster their nitric oxides
than other blood groups (richtig leben, p.77) which is
produced by the conversion of amino acid arginine (richtig
leben, p.76). Therefore the recovery from stress situations
is faster with blood groups B and AB and this has positive
consequences for the cardiovascular system. Blood group B
and AB have their best power when they are starting from an
inner balance, for example starting with a meditation
(richtig leben, p.77).
Example: 5 km run 4 times per week with blood
groups 0, A, and B
The test is a running training of 5 km several times per
week. With every 5 km run endorphins are liberated
pretending a feeling of euphoria. But by the time the
members of the different blood groups are in very different
conditions because long runs are not suitable for every
blood group.
5 km run with blood group 0: the run is always faster
Blood group 0 is feeling absolutely fit after the run, is
always feeling better and is running faster with every run
(richtig leben, p.58).
After the run their heart is reaching fast the frequency of
rest. After the run the members of blood group 0 are
beginning their work again with full joy and energy (richtig
leben, p.59).
5 km run with blood group A: no energy after the run -
wrong adaption - break up of the running training
Blood group A has to strain oneself more during the run and
has a higher heart frequency than the members of blood group
0 (richtig leben, p.58-59). After the run the members of
blood group A are feeling better first, but after 1 to 2
hours after the run their organism is becoming lazy and
their concentration is reduced (richtig leben, p.58).
After the run their heart needs a longer time for reaching
the frequency of rest again. Members of blood group A have
difficulties to begin work again after the run. Partly the
members are suffering dizziness after getting up (richtig
leben, p.59).
The 5 km run with members of blood group A has also long
term consequences: The members are not sleeping well any
more and they are feeling themselves more and more under
pressure (richtig leben, p.59).
All in all cortisol level is always rising and rising, and
this cortisol level is even the highest naturally with blood
group A. Cortisol level is rising much too high. At the same
time sexual hormone dehydroepiandrosterone is reduced more
and more. So one can see: members of blood group A are
absolutely overcharged with this 5 km run several times per
week. An adaption to the conditions would be a wrong
adaption. Blood group A has to stop this running training. A
normalization of the organism needs days, weeks or even
longer (richtig leben, p.59).
[Running training several times per week is for the organism
of blood group A just the wrong thing to keep the body fit].
5 km run with blood group
B: fit and fast reduction of stress
Members of blood group B have a higher cortisol level, but
also can reduce this stress fast. Blood group B members feel
well after some weeks with 5 km run trainings per week and
they are feeling themselves full of energy. A combination
with 2 times yoga per week is optimal (richtig leben, p.59).
Factor of "condition" with the blood groups
When sports are "daily" and greater charges are not felt any
more, than the conditions can change: Humans of blood group
A can suffer more charges than not trained humans of blood
group 0.
Therefore all blood groups can do everything, but at least
the quantity of competitions is different:
-- blood group A makes less competitions than blood group 0
-- blood group 0 in a state of exhaustion [in a wrong
adaption state] should not do any training "on a high level
of charge" any more [but should adapt it's rhythm of life to
the blood group first].
According to "a study" blood group A can stay well one or
two competitions per year. When there are more competitions,
the performance will be reduced (richtig leben, p.60). Blood
group 0 can take part at competitions without limit with
good performances (richtig leben, p.61).