<dann meine Assoziation zu den Film-Milliardären im
Kalifornien (eigtl. Neo-Israel, das Nenn-Israel in Nahost
als vorgebl. Judenstaat ist nur politisch als Ablenkung
vorgeschoben!). Da wurde doch ausgerechnet vor Malibu im
Kuestengewässer eine seltsam anmutende Struktur am
Meeresboden entdeckt die eine Art riesigen Hangar
assozieren lässt: eine Formation mit 'Tor'- Öffnungen dran
die kuenstlich wirken.
Nun ist die weitere Ausforschung verboten worden.
Aber nun gibts mögliche Natur-Erklärung dazu:>
<A little more than 6 miles off the coast
of Point Dume in Malibu, California, an
unusual-looking structure sits on the sea bed
floor. Based on images obtained on Google Earth, the
oval-shaped object has a huge flat top and
what appear to be pillars or columns that seem
to reveal the entrance to a darker, inner
The anomaly — for the moment, we’ll call it
that — is approximately 2,000 feet below the
surface of the water, measuring nearly 3 miles
wide. What exactly is this thing?
According to the website of a California-based
radio program, “Fade to Black,” this may be
“the Holy Grail of UFO/USO [unidentified
submerged objects]” that researchers have been
looking for over the last 40 years.
Watch this video created by “Fade to
Black” radio host Jimmy Church about the
Malibu underwater anomaly.
Jimmy Church, who hosts “Fade to Black” on the
Dark Matter Radio Network, told The Huffington
Post one of his listeners — someone named
Maxwell — contacted him last month with a Google
Earth image showing something odd, underwater
off the coast of Malibu. Church then asked
graphic designer Dale Romero to capture as many
angled images of the anomaly as he could.
“I needed him to find a way to get it under and
above the water,” Church said. “My first
impression was that it was Greek, it looked
artificial and didn’t look natural.
“When you’re looking at it from above, it’s a
nearly perfect oval shape,” Church continued.
“In the natural surroundings, nothing is
symmetrical. Everything is eroded and covered in
rocks and sloping and peaking, and right here,
for 2 miles, it is a perfect oval with a black
separation or outline to it.
“It just stands out that it has to be some type
of roof. It’s not unlike a domed stadium or a
covered indoor race track or an Olympic arena —
it’s got that feel to it. It looks like a
perfect oval manmade structure sitting on a
construction site.”
Using the Google Earth coordinates —
which are, by the way, 34° 1’23.31″N
118° 59’45.64″W — Church and Romero
came up with a series of images, starting from
due south, looking north, all the way around and
ending up at due north, looking back south.
Check out this Google Earth slideshow
of the alleged Malibu Anomaly.
As unusual as this “anomaly” appears, is
alien-UFO base the only realistic explanation
for it?
“I didn’t see anything special about it. I
think it’s because it looks like there’s a flat
surface and then, below it, it looks like there
are these vertical columns, so somebody can say,
‘Oh, this is the entryway to something
special,’” said earthquake geologist David
Schwartz of the U.S. Geological Survey.
“I think it’s natural and is a part of the
continental shelf,” Schwartz told HuffPost.
“It’s just a complicated part of what’s now
offshore that has seen some erosion and, maybe,
slumping when perhaps this was partially exposed
when sea level was lower. This is a really major
earthquake area and perhaps some of these
features are a result of slope failures, due to
“There’s no flag under the water that says:
‘I’m the entrance to an alien base.’ There’s
nothing unnatural-looking about it — it’s just
showing some sort of variation in the offshore
coastal morphology,” Schwartz said.
Schwartz shared with HuffPost a research paper published in
2009 by the Geological Society of America,
showing cross-sections of the anomaly area —
designated as Sycamore Knoll — by those who
actually studied this underwater region.
The following image is from that paper. If you
look to the left of the middle of the
illustration, you can clearly see the
oval-shaped “anomaly” some refer to as an
underwater UFO base:
“This is interpreted as a thrust fault,”
Schwartz said, “meaning one side of the crust
moves up over the other — and what we’re looking
at is interpreted as being the surface
expression of this Dume thrust, which is part of
a large fault system in Southern California.”
The bottom line, he added, “is that people have
recognized this.”
Could that be the final truth of what this
object is?
HuffPost reached out to John Anthony West, an
independent Egyptologist, who won an Emmy award
for his research for the 1993 NBC documentary,
“Mystery of the Sphinx,” in which he and
geologist Robert Schoch presented evidence that
the Great Sphinx of Giza may be thousands of
years older than previously thought.
West examined the images of the Malibu
underwater object.
“The pictures are a bit misleading in that it
looks as though it’s on the shore,” West told
HuffPost. “My first reaction — knowing that it
was 2,000 feet under the water — was that, under
no circumstances could it, in fact, be
artificial, manmade. And I have enough
experience, looking at geology and
distinguishing between what could perhaps be
artificial, and then there’s sort of a gray area
in-between. As far as I’m concerned, there’s no
gray area.”
West says he’s inclined to go along with the
geological explanation.
“It doesn’t look at all manmade. It has what
look like pillars there, but they’re unevenly
spaced and then, to the right, you see other
seemingly pillars still attached, actually, to
the bedrock, in the process of forming.”
And yet, West acknowledges Unidentified Flying
“I’m convinced that UFOs are a reality —
there’s too much evidence out there. Beyond
that, we don’t know anything. We don’t know who
they are, why they’re here, [or] how much of
this stuff is our own government. A point beyond
that is that anything that isn’t explained or
that can’t be explained by current scientific
methods, automatically it’s aliens. It’s the
explanation of last resort, and I just don’t buy
Also weighing in on the Malibu mystery is former FBI Special Agent Ben
Hansen, who has an extensive background
investigating and analyzing questionable
pictures and videos.
Hansen supplied HuffPost with the following
Google Earth image of the underwater object in
“This was taken from a different angle of the
‘mysterious base,’” Hansen told HuffPost in an
email. “The dark areas that people are saying
look like the inside of the base really starts
to look just like shading of indentations to the
shelf, and the ‘pillars’ are now represented as
jagged ridges.”
Hansen cautions about how we interpret things
we see on Google Earth.
“Google obtains their underwater data from
several different sources, including satellite
radar and echo sonar from the Navy, NOAA, NASA
and other agencies. Because they often use very
different technologies, the derived information
isn’t always going to agree. When it doesn’t,
Google relies on its automatic 3D
auto-generation programs to make sense of it.
“We’re dealing with limited information to
render the graphic because we can see it
evidenced in the disparity of image quality
between the anomaly and the areas immediately
surrounding it,” Hansen added. “The blurry
sections and jagged edges obviously suggest a
patchwork of image processing has taken place.”
In the end, we’re left with a variety of
theories to explain the Malibu anomaly, a.k.a.
Sycamore Knoll. Will the
UFO-alien-underwater-base proponents be
eventually proven right, leaving geologists in
the deep blue dust, scratching their heads and
wondering how they got it wrong?
West concedes the possibility that this object
could be an entrance of sorts, in the same way
that the action of moving water can form caves
below the surface.
“There’s no big mystery to this thing 2,000
feet under the sea in terms of it being an
entrance,” West said. “Of course, until you get
a camera there, you don’t know where the
entrance is leading. I’d hazard a guess that it
doesn’t go in too far, and if they do get in
there, I think the chances are that they’re not
going to find the lost treasures of