Nazism has its base in Darwinism which says the stronger
will kill the weaker, and the "Aryan" race would be the
best. So this movement is against any human rights and has
nothing to do with human existence and cultural wealth.
The question is always if a balance is balanced, and if
the real living standard of a country is going up or down,
with human rights. It seems strange that racist Darwinism
is not forbidden until today]].
a new Nazi movement that emerged after World War II and is
based on anti-Semitic doctrines similar to those
propounded in Hitler's Mein
Kampf and exemplified in the structure and
aspirations of the Third Reich. Since Neo-Nazism's appeal,
like that of Nazism, is specifically German, it is in
Germany that one would expect the movement to flourish.
However, as incitement to race hatred, as well as any
attempt to resuscitate the Nazi Party, are explicitly
outlawed by the Constitution and the criminal laws of the
German Federal Republic (as well as in the Communist
German Democratic Republic), no party overtly attempting
to revive Nazism can legally exist there.
Although National Socialist parties openly propagating
anti-Semitism, displaying the swastika flags, and
glorifying Nazi achievements sprang up under Colin Jordan
in Great Britain and Lincoln Rockwell (murdered in 1967)
in the United States, both have been utterly
inconsequential fringe movements, of interest to the
social pathologist rather than the student of politics.
Allowing for a broader definition, Neo-Nazism has come to
be identified with German anti-Semitic ultra nationalist,
extreme right-wing movements, whether made up of old or
new Nazis.
Alfred Loritz]
Without seriously threatening the still fragile German
democracy, a number of such movements gained some
short-lived popularity and notoriety. The first to draw,
if somewhat unwittingly, ex-Nazis into a political party
was Alfred Loritz, a confused demagogue with an anti-Nazi
record. His Bavarian Economic
Reconstruction Association, founded in 1945 with
U.S. consent, denounced Allied policies and articulated
the widespread economic discontent of the "pre-economic
miracle" era. The "blonde Hitler", as he was sometimes
called, frightened the young republic and the world at
large when he gained 14.4% of the vote (col. 954)
in his native Bavaria, winning 12 seats in the Bundestag,
after the first German general election (1949). The lack
of positive policies, however, coupled with internal
dissensions, rent the party asunder long before it failed
to gain a single seat in the following (1953) general
Fritz Dorls - Dr. Naumann]
Similarly spectacular and ominous was Fritz Dorls's
deliberate attempt to revive Nazism through the Socialist
Reich Party (SRP). Its leadership was made up entirely of
old Nazis, the most prominent of whom was the deputy
chairman, Ernst Rhemer, the Wehrmacht officer who
successfully thwarted the July 20, 1944, plot against
Hitler. Apart from distributing anti-Semitic election
leaflets, reminiscent of Der Stuermer, the SRP even boasted a
gang organized on storm-troop lines, the so-called
Reichsfront. In 1951 when the SRP gained 11% of the Lower
Saxony vote, an alarmed federal government contested the
party's legality before the Constitutional Court. Declared
illegal as an attempt to reestablish the proscribed Nazi
Party, this particular specter of resurgent Nazism
It reappeared a year later when the British arrested Dr.
Naumann, one of Dr. Goebbels' top-ranking officials, whose
plot to subvert the respectable Free Democratic Party by
infiltrating ex-Nazis into key positions was well on the
way to succeeding.
In the 1960s [[after faked Eichmann and Auschwitz trials
never menitoning mass death in tunnel systems and secret
deportations of Jews to the Gulag]] the spectacular and
unexpected success of the NDP (National Democratic Party
of Germany) aroused worldwide fears of a Nazi
revival. Founded in 1965 by Adolf von Thadden to unite the
hitherto splintered and ineffectual "nationalist
opposition", the party shocked the German and world
opinion when in the 1966-67 Land elections [[provincial elections]]
it gained admission to a number of Land parliaments
[[province parliaments]] by substantially exceeding the
required 5% of the vote.
[[Right wing parties in Germany got their force also by
the immigration of may Turkish foreign workers because
these Turkish foreign workers hadly wanted any
integration, and German politics (Adenauer, Erhardt,
Brandt, Schmidt, Kohl etc.) not either did anything for
any integration of these Turkish families and denied this
NPD (National Party of Germany)]
Careful not to fall foul of the Constitutional Court, the
NPD, run largely by ex-Nazis, appealed to exactly the same
prejudices and self-assertions to which Germans responded
so overwhelmingly in the Hitler era. Jews were not openly
denigrated, but the [[racist Zionist CIA Herzl]] State of
Israel and its policies were viciously attacked [[breaking
a taboo against racist Zionists operating world wide]].
The "domination by alien bog powers", reminiscent of the
Nazi fiction of "Judean-Marxist world conspiracy", was
denounced, as were references to Nazi crime. The party
manifesto demanded "an end to the lie of Germany's
exclusive guilt which serves to extort continuously
thousands of millions from our people", apparently a
reference to *restitution and compensation payment to
Israel and individual Jews.
[[Well, since the 1990s it's well known that Hitler and
his party had not survived the year of 1932 when there
would not have been funds from abroad, and without the
industrial help of "USA" there never had been any war. But
concerning the deportations of Jews and mass death of Jews
in tunnel systems the objection of NPD is NOT justified
because this was only a German Nazi program. A big part of
the Jews also was deported from the Third Reich to the
Soviet Gulag, but it seems that NPD NEVER published this
but made it's policy always against Zionist Israel not
blaming Stalin for the russification of the Jews since
Israel went with CIA in 1948]].
Beset like its predecessors by internecine leadership
struggles and lacking forward-looking policies, the NPD
failed to gain the qualifying 5% in the 1969 general
election. This failure led to a crisis of confidence,
which resulted in the party losing its seats in the
various Land
parliaments after the 1970 elections [[despite of "Six Day
War" with the extention of statal territory of Zionist
Israel in 1968]].
At that time it was doubtful whether Neo-Nazism still
commanded a politically meaningful potential, although the
phenomenon still lingered on in violently "anti-Israel"
weeklies (like the Deutsche
National Zeitung) or in the publications of
ex-Reich press chief Suedermann's Druffel Verlag and
similar publishing houses.
[[Well, racist Zionist Israel was more and more
destructing Muslim world by help of "USA" with the dream
installing Great Israel. There were not only in Germany
publications against this, but above all in Russia and in
Communist parties in Europe. But this is not mentioned in
Encyclopaedia Judaica]].
In Austria, Neo-Nazism lacked the organizational framework
of a sufficiently numerous following to qualify as a
politically relevant force. Among the minuscule groupings
more or less openly committed to propagating Nazi ideas
and extolling Nazi achievements, Theodor Soucek's Sozialorganische Bewegung
Europas (SOBRE, [[Social Organic Movement of
Europe]]) was perhaps the most noteworthy in the early
1950s. It tried to coordinate efforts of Nazi
collaborators and sympathizers in the former occupied
territories to revitalize the Hitlerian "new order" in the
context of the then emerging Europe. SOBRE enjoyed the
support of Konrad Windisch, one of the founders of the Bund Heimattreuer Jugend
(BHJ, [[Confederation of Youth loyal to their home]]),
whose initials HJ (for Hitler
Jugend [[Hitler Youth]]) proclaimed its
ideological lineage and (col. 955)
identification. Despite the insignificance of these
movements, residual anti-Semitism and subliminal Nazi
sympathies seemed to be more widespread in Austria than in
Germany, thus the marked reluctance of Austrian
authorities to prosecute and of juries to convict such war
criminals and Eichmann aides as Murer, Novak, or Raiakovic
and the parsimoniousness of Austrian restitution.
[[Well, Auschwitz was one location, but not the main
location of the Holocaust, but the main locations were the
tunnel systems and the secret deportations to the Gulag
which were absolutely concealed in these times presenting
Eichmann and Auschwitz as the main location of the
destruction of Jewry. There is no article about the tunnel
systems in Zionist Encyclopaedia Judaica...]]
Argentina figured prominently in the Nazis' plans to save
the movement and themselves after defeat
[[and Swiss government representatives and Swiss lawyers
helped very well to the Nazis enabling the trip to
Argentina, and it can be admitted that this was all well
watched by the "American" government thinking that this
would be a measure against Communism in South America]].
. This tied in well with President Peron's dreams of
Argentinian hegemony based on a modernized army and an
independent armament industry, which the Nazi experts were
to develop. Nazis headed nuclear research institutes,
while World War II air aces like Rudel and Galland advised
the Argentinian air force and Professor Tank, a German jet
designer, started an Argentinian aircraft industry.
Eichmann and his aides (Klingenfuss, Rademacher, and Dr.
Mengele) found sanctuary, while Johannes von Leers, head
of an anti-Jewish department in Goebbels's Propaganda
Ministry, became Peron's adviser. Moreover, the Nazi
gospel continued to be preached in German in Der Weg (Buenos
Aires) and other Duerer Verlag publications.
[[It can be concluded that all these activites were well
watched and approved by the "USA" hindering Stalin's
communists the entry for South "America". Because some
communist Jews were leading communist movements in South
"America". But this was "forgotten" to mention by
Encyclopaedia Judaica...]]
Argentina to Egypt]
After Peron's fall (1955), some of these fugitives moved
to Egypt (a Nazi sanctuary since 1945 [[headed against the
racist Zionist movement with the aim of a Great Israel
from the Nile to the Euphrates]]), where military needs
and anti-Israel, anti-Semitic resentments offered them
scope. Years later the effort of ex-Nazis to develop
Egyptian jet engines, supersonic fighters, and rockets
(the Messerschmidt, Brandner, and Pilz teams) caused
greater international consternation than the activities of
von Leers and S. S. General Bender in the Egyptian
Ministry of National Guidance or of the former Gestapo
chief Sellman as a police adviser on "anti-Jewish action".
On the whole, however, in 1970 Neo-Nazis seemed to be
[ER.H.]> (col. 956)
There were many more neo-Nazi movements in the world: in
Chile, in France, whole Spain under Franco, in Italy with
Mussolini ceremonies etc. And also many religions have
Darwinist and Nazi material in their "holy books" - and it
seems very strange but these "religions" are absolutely
The problem is that "USA" with its CIA world manipulations
and with its wars in the world have not made democracy
more credible in the world. So, under "US" leadership
peace never came. Communism was financed by "US" banks,
and since the globalization there is a global religious
spiritual war, and "US" warriors are fighting against
their own shadow up to their financial self-destruction.
Human rights would be good, also for "USA" and for