13. San Francisco - secret geometry:
Transamerica Pyramid 864 feet, nonagon, Coit Tower
with octagon

Map of San Francisco with the most important features
for Egyptian sun cult
San Francisco: Michael H. de Young Museum with a
pyramid on it's roof
The first De Young Museum in San Francisco was built in
1894, and it had
-- a complete pyramid over it's entrance (with the top,
see the photo)
-- Egyptian sphinx statues at it's entrance
-- Scott Onstott means that this intrance with a pyramid
was the anticipation of the Louvre pyramid museum's
intrance (1h24min.17sec.).

De Young Museum of 1894 in San Francisco - De Young
Museum of today with sphinxes
During the earthquake of 1906 the De Young Museum was
destroyed and then rebuilt. Presently (2011) the De Young
Museum is in it's third house case (1h24min.24sec.).
The original entrance of 1896 was flanked by two sphinxes
and have survived until today at the De Young Museum's
entrance (1h24min.29sec.).
San Francisco: Transamerica Pyramid - number 864
Transamerica Pyramid was built in 1972 (

Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco - This
Transamerica Pyramid is like an obelisk
But this pyramid is very steep and reminds one to be an
obelisk (1h24min.46sec.). But it's not a true obelisk
because the building is not made of one piece
(1h24min.51sec.). The side shafts are the elevators
which should stabilize the pyramid against
earthquakes. In the eastern "wing" are elevators, in the
western "wing" is a stair case. The big top of the
pyramid is protected with aluminum panels. And on this big top with aluminum
protection there is a glass top of 11 feet
with the red warning light for aircrafts and the
seasonal beacon ("Crown Jewel") for special days (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transamerica_Pyramid).
Height 1 is: 853' (feet) (1h25min.5sec.)
Height 2 of the glass pyramidion cap with it's mast is:
11' (feet) (1h25min.11sec.)
Height totally: 864' (feet) (1h25min.17sec.).
Transamerica Pyramid has an official height of 853 feet
- and the pyramidion of glass of the Transamerica
Pyramid is 11 feet high
This would be the tallest obelisk in the world
(1h25min.20sec.). Other master pieces with number 864 are:
-- the sun with 864,000 Miles of diameter (99.9% accuracy)
-- 60s x 60min. x 24h=86,400 seconds per day
So this Transamerica Pyramid is a solar symbol
In the night the Transamerica Pyramid is shining with a
brilliant light in the glass pyramidion cap on the top -
-- during July 4
which is "US" Independence Day (1h26min.2sec. - https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transamerica_Pyramid)
-- during Christmas holiday season (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transamerica_Pyramid)
-- during September 11 for 9/11 2001
[fantasies] (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transamerica_Pyramid).
July 4 is also Aphelion, the farest point of the Earth's
orbit from the sun (1h26min.9sec.).

Light of Transamerica Pyramid on July 4th, "US"
Indipendence Day
The site of the Transamerica Pyramid - the little and
the big nonagon
The Transamerica Pyramid is at the end of Columbus Avenue.
Two avenues are starting here in a 40º angle
(1h26min.26sec.). The atrium of the pyramid is also with
40º angles, a nine sided atrium nonagon (1h26min.35sec.).
[Therefore the Transamerica Pyramid contains a LITTLE
nonagon, and at the same time a BIG nonagon is starting
from this pyramid. So the 9 Egyptian gods with Ennead are
honored TWO times here].

From the Transamerica Pyramid a nonagon is starting with
40 degrees angles - San Francisco, the nonagon starting
from the Transamerican Pyramid touching precisely
Treasure Island
The nonagon and Treasure Island
A nine sided nonagon with 40º angles being started with
Columbus Avenue brings out that the artificially built
Treasure Island is just touching this nonagon - Treasure
Island was completed in 1937 for the "Golden Gate National
Exhibition" (1h27min.7sec.).
Treasure Island was built among others with
the rubble from the earthquake of 1906. Then Navy took
the island in an exchange purchase with the town's
administration and a military airport was installed on
Treasure Island. During WWII Treasure Island was under
the occupation of "Treasure Island Naval Base". This
criminal Navy provoked the contamination of ground
water and of the whole island with asbestos, plutonium
and radium. It was military zone until 1996. Since 1996
Treasure Island was given back to the town and about
1,400 people live on the island. Renovation of the whole
island is needed.

Treasure Island with the Golden Gate Exposition of
Treasure Island and the star shaped barracks -
hieroglyph for sun god Horus
For the exposition in 1937 a tower was built on the island
which was torn down after the exposition. During WWII the
Navy occupated Treasure Island after a controversy
discussion with the town and Navy built unusual buildings
there destroying the exposition area: star shaped barracks
were built and the tower of the exposition was destroyed
for this (1h27min.26sec.).

Treasure Island with 2 hectagram star Navy barracks at
the left and right side of the former fair's alley - The
navy barracks on Treasure Island respect the former
fair's mall
Considering the unusual form of these 6 pointed star
barracks something special must be with it: the exposition
had a big alley, and the star shaped barracks respected
this big alley, too (1h27min.35sec.). The Masonic author
Albert Churchward means that the two barracks represent
the hieroglyph of sun god Horus (1h27min.44sec.). Six
triangles in hieroglyphs mean "land of the spirit"
In the hieroglyph alphabet on the web side of
Mediawiki a five pointed star in the hieroglyph list as
number N14 for "sky", a six pointed star cannot be
found. (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:WikiHiero/Syntax).

Albert Churchward means, the navy barracks are a
hieroglyph for sun god Horus -- hieroglyph with 6
triangles means also "Land of the Spirit"
Since [1996] Treasure Island is open to the public
Scott Onstott on Treasure Island - Sun Tower project
for 2022 - and a "moon bus" no. 108
The barracks were abandoned, but symbolism remains.
Skyskrapers are planned there for 2022 with a "Sun Tower"
of 650' (feet) replacing the star shaped barracks
(1h28min.22sec.). The bus line for Treasure Island is
number 108 (1h28min.28sec.). Moon radius is 1080 Miles, so
there is a "Moon Bus" to the "Sun Tower" (1h28min.38sec.).

Sun Tower project on Treasure Island for 2022 - with a
moon bus no. 108
Nonagon of Transamerica Pyramid with Treasure
Island - and the penis of Osiris
Nonagon was the principle place for the 9 highest Egypt
gods, the Ennead group (1h28min.52sec.). Putting the nine
sided scheme with the Ennead gods over the nonagon of San
Francisco the Transamerica Pyramid comes out as the
phallus of Osiris (1h28min.59sec.).

9 gods of Ennead of Heliopolis in San Francisco's
nonagon - Osiris has it's place at the Transamerica
Telegraph Hill with a watch tower "Coit Tower" -
octagon and 8 gods of Hermopolis
The Coit Tower on Telegraph Hill is just in the range of
the nonagon with the Transamerica Pyramid. The Coit Tower
was built in 1933 by Arthur Brown who had built three
buildings in the Federal Triangle before already in [Free
Mason Illuminati] Washington DC (1h29min.23sec.).
A certain Mrs. Coit adored the local fire
brigade and allegedly she had helped them extinguishing
a fire. After her death she let 100,000 dollars to the
town and with this money the "Coit Tower" was built
honoring the local fire brigade and as a view attraction
for the town (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coit_Tower).

Coit Tower with an octagon is within the nonagon of the
Ennead with the Transamerica Pyramid
The "Coit Tower" was built in the form of a 8 gods'
octagon (the first 8 Egyptian gods within the later 9
Egyptian gods) - with a female vesica pisces form around:
The "Coit Tower" is an octagon and fits with the octagram
star of Washington DC with the Egypt group of 8 gods
"Hermopolis Ogdoad" (Amun, Kauket, Amaunet, Hauhet,
Naunet, Heh, Nun, Kuk) (1h29min.36sec.). This is the
oldest Egyptian creation myth with 4 male and 4 female
gods before the 9 Egyptian gods of the Ennead group
(1h29min.44sec.). Ogdoad [unity of 8, Greek: 8=okto] was
in Hermopolis, and Hermopolis was the city of Hermes, in
Latin: Mercury (1h30min.1sec.).

San Francisco: Coit Tower at Telegraph Hill - Coit Tower
with octagon, could symbolize the ogdoad of Egyptian
gods at Hermopolis

Ogdoad of Hermopolis - Map of Egypt with Giza and
Hermopolis where the 8 gods of ogdoad were
The basement of the Coit Tower is another Vesica Pisces = two
circles crossing forming a vagina
(1h30min.20sec.). And the name "Coit" is really very
near to the word of "coitus", a tower in an oval, in
the Egypt myth it means the sacred union with sex of
Isis and Osiris as it's depicted at the Washington
Monument in Washington DC (1h30min.29sec.).

Coit Tower is in an octagon and around it is built the
housing case is formed with a female vesica pisces -
Coit Tower in an octagon with completed lines of a
female vesica pisces around it

Washington Monument symbolizing coitus between Isis and
Osiris - like Coit Tower
14. The old wisdom - destroyed by
the criminal racist Vatican - some old wisdom
survived in Alexandria - Medici, Italy, secret
Graham Hancock&Robert Bauval
showed in their book "Talisman" that all this wisdom
was transmitted up to the Manichees, Bogomils, and
Cathars but all these groups were eliminated and wiped
out by the [criminal racist] Catholic Church [with
defamation, torture, murder on stake etc.]
(1h30min.45sec.). "[Gay] Pope Innocent III [he
calls himself "innocent"!!!] ordered an estimated one
million Cathars massacred in the Albigensian Crusade."

Manichees were exterminated by the criminal Vatican's
order and propaganda - Criminal Vatican let
exterminate Cathars burning them on stake destroying
their wisdom about Old Egypt

Criminal pope Innocent III ordered the extermination
of the Cathars with their wisdom
100 years later the [satanist] Vatican permitted that
Cosimo de Medici recovered the book "Corpus Medica"
which was written in the 1st century in Alexandria
(1h31min.6sec.). This work had not been destroyed by the
big fire of the library of Alexandria and this "Corpus
Medica" [with it's old geometry] was the spirit for the
Italian "Renaissance", and then went underground into
secret societies until today, Templars, Freemasons etc.

Cosimo de Medici introduced the book "Corpus Medica"
from Alexandria which was the base for common
Renaissance arquitecture in Italy
fire of Alexandria destroying the big library was
supposedly provoked by criminal Christian mafia
against Muslim high civilization - see the book of
Zillmer: Kolumbus kam als Letzter - or it was just
an accident with a candle. Because there was no
other building destroyed so there was no war
action as it seems].
15. San Francisco: Silver Gate and Golden Gate
San Francisco: Golden Gate Bridge -
"Golden Gate"=Egypt Duat
This is nor a golden gate nor a gate bridge. This
"Golden Gate Bridge" was built in the same year as
Treasure Island was built in 1937 (1h31min.30sec.). And
this "Golden Gate Bridge" was the symbol for the
fullfillment of the [white racist] belief in a "Manifest
Destiny" [to exterminate all natives occupying all the
land to the West Coast]. (1h31min.40sec.) with goddess
Columbia as representative for the white "U.S."
population - [natives and blacks do not count]
Golden Gate Bridge is also a symbol of racist philosophy
of the "Manifest Destiny" that the white race would
exterminate and dominate all others with blacks and

Goddess Columbia in white and with blond hair occupying
all to the West Coast according to the white racist
philosophy to occupate the whole continent - blacks and
natives don't count
Further important details:
During 1848 gold rush in California [serving as an
occupation action of the racist white colonialists
moving the "frontier" to the coast line] the strait of
San Francisco was renamed "Golden Gate". The tides are
very strong there with 10km/h during falling tide and
8km/h during rising tide (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Gate).
The Golden Gate Bridge is 67m high (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Gate_Bridge).
"Golden Gate" in the Egypt sense of myths was Duat [where the elected good souls return to
eternity] (1h32min.10sec.) - this
is the Egyptian underworld where the [good, elected]
souls of the deads are ending
(1h18min.50sec.-19min.1sec.) - in the Golden
Gate (1h32min.10sec.).
Golden Gate was guarded by Osiris, and Silver Gate was
guarded by Isis, the Great Mother of the sun [where the
human souls were born] (1h32min.16sec.). So: the souls
are coming from the "divine source" passing the Silver
Gate from their journey, these souls are incarnated upon
the Earth (1h32min.24sec.) [and after life on Earth the
good souls are passing the Golden Gate reaching
eternity, and the bad souls will be eaten by animals.
This election is performing Osiris (2h4min.0-40sec.)].

Silver Gate for birth of souls with Isis and Golden Gate
for recollection of sould with Osiris
Silver Gate - Alcatraz prison island - Golden Gate
The thesis of Scott Onstott is:
-- Treasure Island represents the Silver Gate of Isis -
Treasure Island has 7 sides which is Isis' number with 7
rays on her head (1h32min.34sec.), "perhaps the gift of
incarnation itself is the treasure" (1h32min.38sec.)
-- the souls pass westward [because of the Earth's
rotation] as the white [racist] settlers were driving
[eliminating almost all natives] (1h32min.45sec.)
-- there is a direct line from Treasure Island passing
Alcatraz prison island to the Golden Gate Bridge
-- Alcatraz prison island is the symbol for the body on
Earth in general which is the prison of the soul during
the life on Earth according to the Cathar's belief

Treasure Island has 7 sides dedicated to Isis with 7
rays - Map with Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz prison
island and Treasure Island, the symbol for the Silver

Alcatraz Prison Island - symbol for the body as a prison
for the soul between Silver Gate and Golden Gate
Angel Island and Belvedere Peninsula
Above can be seen Angel Island with views of the bay
(1h33min.3sec.), and next to it is Belvedere Peninsula
with the most precious locations of the "USA", a
concentration of money like nowhere else, so the money
mafia took this place to guard the bay views for them

Map with Angle Island and with the peninsula of