16. Great Pyramid of Giza with moon and Earth:
7:11, 3:4:5, 11:3
The pyramids of Giza are said to be located in the middle
of the Earth (1h33min.41sec.) [the pyramids of Giza are at
the center of gravity of the continental masses - this is
also stated in the Däniken books].

Map: Giza is at the center of gravity of all continents
And: researcher Jim Alison found out that Giza is in the
middle between North Pole and the center of the Earth

Giza is at a crosspoint of the Earth's vesica pisces -
The Great Pyramid is the heart of Egypt (1h34min.30sec.).

Great Pyramid
The Pi rectangle of the Great Pyramid
More secrets about the Great Pyramid:
-- comparing the surface with the circle with the height
of the Great Pyramid as a radius another harmony comes
out: the circle made of the height of the pyramid is as
long as the perimeter of the surface (1h35min.0sec.)
-- when the circle is placed over the squared pyramid's
surface a secret diagram half circle half square comes
out, "a secret diagram which encodes much wisdom"
(1h35min.8sec.) because the circle is the radius x Pi, so
the rectangle is also Pi long and can be measured easily

Great Pyramid: circle and square - the circle is as long
as the square
Great Pyramid with moon and Earth proportions
See now the book
John Michell: The Dimensions of Paradise. Sacred
Geometry, Ancient Science, and the Heavenly Order on
Earth (1h35min.20sec.).
-- height to horizontal length of the Great Pyramid is
7:11, a little circle with the difference of the heights
is formed at the top so little triangles with Pythagoras'
basic proportions 3:4:5 are coming out (1h35min.18sec.)

Circles with height of the pyramid and half length of
the pyramid and a circle with the difference - so
triangles with Pythagoras' basic proportions are coming
-- the diameter of the circle with the height of the Great
Pyramid in correlation with the diameter of the circle
with the difference between half length and height is 11:3
-- and these are exactly the proportions of Earth and
moon: 11:3 (99.97% accuracy) (1h35min.36sec.):
Proportions Earth to moon are 11 to 3
coming out also in the diagram of the Great Pyramid
So, the Great Pyramid contents the relative sizes
of moon and Earth [life itself] (1h35min.54sec.).
3:4:5 triangles - number 6
The 3:4:5 triangles have the surface 6, a perfect number
of math, e.g. with calculations like 1+2+3=1x2x3 which is
the only case at all etc. (1h36min.10sec.).

Basic Pythagoras triangle has the proportions 3:4:5 with
a surface 6
Planet number 6 is Saturn and with this number 6 is
connected all what is larger than human scale
Diameters 11:3 in the proportion of Earth and moon
When 11:3 is multiplied by 720 Earth's and moon diameter
come out with 7920 and 2160 Miles, both with 99.97%
accuracy (1h37min.2sec.).

The proportions of the Great Pyramid of Giza multiplied
by 720 results the real distances in Royal Miles of
Edinburgh - the "canonical numbers"
Canonical numbers
John Michell called these the "Canonical Numbers": 1080 -
2160 - 3960 - 5040 - 7920 (1h37min.12sec.).
Proportions: Stonehenge = Great Pyramid
Stonehenge has exactly the same proportions like the Great
Pyramid, the diagram fits Stonehenge exactly

Stonehenge has the same proportions as the Great Pyramid
-- diameter of the inner Stonehenge circle (corresponding
to the length of the Great Pyramid): 79.2' (feet)
-- radius of the inner Stonehenge circle (corresponding to
half of the length of the Great Pyramid): 39.6' (feet)
-- radius of the outer Stonehenge circle (corresponding to
the height of the Great Pyramid): 50.4' (feet)
Stonehenge is matching the canonical numbers
17. St. Mary's Chapel in Glastonbury (South
This chapel in Glastonbury (South England) fits the
canonical numbers measured in English feet. The legend
says that after the [fantasy] crucifixion a [fantasy]
Joseph went to England to the druids founding the first
Christian church. This was later rebuilt as St. Mary's
Chapel in the 12th century (1h37min.50sec.). Some say that
this [fantasy] Joseph was [fantasy] Jesus' uncle [!]

Saint Mary's Chapel in Glastonbury (South England) - the
proportions fit the canonical proportions of the Great
Pyramid and of Stonehenge
The dimensions are: inner circle 21.6' -
width of the chapel 39.6' - outer
circle 79.2'.
These dimensions fit the canonical number proportions of
Stonehenge and of the Great Pyramid (1h38min.22sec.).
The width of 39.6' put on the outer circle provokes a
hexagram or hexagon (1h38min.27sec.). In Jerusalem similar
structures can be found (1h38min.53sec.).
[Supplement: How the
"holy architecture" came to Europe
First the Arab fortress architecture
was detected by the crusaders and Templars in the
Crusader States. Then, after much corruption, fraud,
slavery and after the disaster of Acre (Akko) in 1291,
the Arab architecture was brought to Europe (see the
castles with 4 towers in Europe). And this Templars
installed the cathedrals eliminating all temples in
connection with Isis and Osiris in Europe. Then the Da
Vinci group got the old book "Corpus medica" of
Alexandria and developed the maximum of architecture
with it with cathedrals and Italian "Renaissance"].
18. Numbers 4, 10, 81
Number 4 with tetractys of Pythagoras
Pythagoras the tetractys triangle with 4 points at
each side was the best combination of numbers
Number 4 stands for
-- 4 elements (1h39min.23sec.)
-- 4 is basic element of musical harmony with interval's
harmony (1h39min.27sec.)
-- 4 is in 3 dimensions the basic for architecture
spheres (Isotropic Vector Matrix) (1h39min.31sec.)
-- 4 represents the 4 dimensions 1D, 2D, 3D, and 4D, the
structure of space itself: the line (1 dimension) - the
plane (2 dimensions) - solid (3 dimensions) - hyper (4
dimensions) (1h39min.34sec.).

Tetractys, "magic 4" of Pythagoras - Tetractys with
the 4 elements: water, air, earth, fire

Tetractys with musical intervals: fundamental, octave,
fifth, and fourth - Tetractys in 3 dimensions for
architecture: a 3 side pyramid comes out

Tetractys with 4 dimensions: line, plane, solid, hyper
- 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D
Number 4 and 10 with Pythagoras
The sum of the points of the
tetractys triangle is 10 (1h39min.39sec.).
Number 10
The sum of the
points of the tetractys triangle is 10
The word "digit" for the numbers comes from Latin
"digit" which is "finger" in English, and 10 fingers are
natural (1h39min.59sec.).
Number 81
Number 81 in decimal system and in the elements
In the book by Peter Plichta "God's Secret Formula"
Peter Plichta proves that there is much more with
number 10 than only the hands:
With 10 figures number 81 comes out and this 81 is
important for the decimal system (1h40min.17sec.):
-- decimals of 0.123456789 are equal to 1/81
-- there are 81 stable elements on Earth
(1h40min.58sec.): all elements from 84 on are
radioactive and decaying, and the elements 43 and 61 are
invented respectively never have been found or are
artificially synthesized (1h41min.15sec.)
-- the 81 stable elements are categorized in 10 types of
isotopes (1h41min.28sec.)

81 stable elements: all elements from 84 on are
radioactive with decay, and the elements 43 and 61 do
not exist on Earth -
so there are 81 real stable elements.
Number 81 in the relation
between moon and sun
Mrs. Renna Shesso shows in her book "Math for Mystics:
From the Fibonacci sequence to Luna's Labyrinth to the
Golden Section and Other Secrets of Sacred Geometry":
-- the moon is moving 81 times faster through the space
than the Earth (1h41min.48sec.)
-- the moon has 1/81 of the mass of
Earth (1h41min.52sec.)

The moon moves 81 times faster in space than Earth -
Earth is 81 times bigger than the moon is big.
-- Magic moon square is a 9x9 square with 81 numbers

Magic square of the moon
The numbers associated with the Moon in this
magic moon square are 9, 81, 369, and 3321. This is
- Each row and column of the magic square contains
nine numbers.
- The square contains 81 numbers total, ranging
from 1 to 81.
- Each row, column and diagonal adds up to 369.
- All of the numbers in the square add up to
-- magic squares have it's originate at least in China
2,600 years ago (1h42min.8sec.)
More number 10s
-- there are 10 super strings (1h42min.19sec.)
-- there are 10 centers on the Jewish "Tree of Life"
-- vesica pisces gives 10 triangles (1h42min.28sec.).
19. More pyramids in Egypt: Dashur with Bent
Pyramid and Red Pyramid - numbers 5+6
In Dashur [about 20km south of Giza] there are more
-- the Bent Pyramid with two inclination angles
-- the Red Pyramid with a normal form (1h42min.43sec.).
(see e.g.

Dashur in Egypt (apr. 20km south of Giza), Bent Pyramid
and Red Pyramid
Also the pyramids of Dashur represent macrocosm and
microcosm (1h42min.58sec.).
Dashur: the Red Pyramid celebrating number 5 with a
pentagon for the Golden Cut
-- is not that steep as the Great Pyramid, the angle is
43º22' (1h42min.58sec.)
-- with the surface of the triangle of the Red Pyramid
results a pentagon of 5 triangles (1h43min.8sec.).

Red Pyramid of Dashur has an inclination angle of 43º
22' - Red Pyramid of Dashur has a top angle of 72º
forming a pentagon with 5 triangles in the surface
Pentagram is a powerful talisman with the golden number

Pentagon 5 pointed star with golden number Phi - a
pentagon with golden cut with the golden number Phi [1]
Number 5 for microcosm on Earth
is one of the most important numbers in nature:
-- nature is arranging many structures with the Golden
Cut with Phi (1h43min.31sec.)
-- nature is arranging plants and flowers often with a 5
pointed star
-- 5 is associated with the microcosm (1h43min.45sec.).

Nature with a Golden Cut of Phi - Number 5 is the
symbol of nature for microcosm on Earth
[Many times the flowers have a structure of 5: 5 petals, 5
sepals, 5 anthers etc.].

5 petals, for example Geranium robertianum [2] -
5 petals: Pineland
Hibiscus (Hibiscus aculeatus) [3]
Dashur: the Bent
Pyramid with two inclination angles - with a
pentagon celebrating number 5 (microcosm) and a
hexagon celebrating number 6 (macrocosm) TOGETHER
-- is the only pyramid known until today with two slope
angles: 54º31'13'' (steeper than the Great Pyramid) and

Bent Pyramid of Dashur with 2 inclination angles,
54º31'13'' and 43º21'00''
-- with the pyramid's surface of the first angle a hexagon
with 6 pointed star comes out (1h43min.59sec.)
-- the triangle of the upper surface provokes a pentagon
like the triangle of the the Red Pyramid (1h44min.9sec.).

The Bent Pyramid's first inclination angle provokes a
hexagon, number 6 stands for macrocosm - The Bent
Pyramid with two inclination angles provoking a
hexagon on the bottom and a pentagon on the top -
representing number 6 for macrocosm and 5 for
Thus in the Bent Pyramid there are pentagons and hexagons
combined in one pyramid (1h44min.15sec.).

Bent Pyramid, the complete 4-5-6 scheme
Number 5 stands for microcosm - number 6 stands for
macrocosm (1h44min.24sec.).

Pentagon to hexagon is microcosm (on Earth) to macrocosm
The word of "alchemy" comes from "Al Kemi" which means
"The Way of Egypt" (1h44min.30sec.) - "Kemi" means Egypt
In the Bent Pyramid there is a key relation 6:5 which is -
according to Scott Onstott - a key for whole Dashur
Albrecht Dürer with 2 vesica pisces on pentagon
and hexagon
The figure hexagon+pentagon+circles becomes a doubled "
Vesica Pisces" crossway
vagina figure (1h44min.48sec.).

Albrecht Dürer was drawing 2 vesica pisces over a
pentagon and a hexagon crossway so a doubled vesica
pisces comes out.
Albrecht Dürer picture "Melancholia"
with hidden pentagon and hexagon
Dürer's painting
"Melancholia" has a hidden proportions with side
length of 11:14, and with a pentagon and a hexagon,
see John Michell: The Dimensions of Paradise

Albrecht Dürer's "Melancholia I" in a 14:11 frame with
mysticism - Albrecht Dürer's "Melancholia I" with a
hidden pentagon and a hidden pentagon
Egyptian temple gateway with 1:2 and 5:6:10 proportions
Schwaller de Lubicz analyzed an Egyptian gateway:
-- proportions width to height were 1:2 (1h45min.48sec.)
-- proportions of side walls to the entrance free space
were 6:10:6 (1h45min.53sec.).

Egyptian gateway with the proportions 1:2 and 5:6:10
20. Numbers and proportion 6:5 and 864
France: street geometry around Rennes Le Château:
pentagram (5) and hexagram (6)
-- in the region of Rennes-le-Château which is a former
Catherer region there are visible a 5 pointed star at the
right side (pentagram) and a 6 pointed star (hexagram) at
the left side (1h46min.17sec.)

Region of Rennes-le-Château with a pentagram and a
hexagram star
Street geometry in Washington DC: street pentagram (5)
and street cube (6)
-- there is a 5 pointed star at the top of the cube which
has 6 visible points (1h46min.22sec.)

Washington DC with street design with a pentagram 5
pointed star and a cube with 6 visible points
Washington Memorial: triple 6 and triple 5 with
6660''-555' - symbolizing macrocosm (space) and
microcosm (life on Earth)
-- the Washington Memorial is 555' feet tall, are 6660''
inches so it's an example for triple 5 and triple 6
-- so the Washington Memorial also represents the
relationship of microcosm (number 5) and macrocosm (number
6) (1h46min.30sec.)
[as the Bent Pyramid in Dashur].

Washington Monument with a triple 5 for microcosm and a
triple 6 for macrocosm
-- and the architects put this Washington Monument into a
vesica pisces symbolizing the holy sexuality

Washington Monument with vesica pisces symbolizing holy
More numbers and proportion 6:5: precessional period -
A bigger example of 6:5 proportion in astronomy is here:
25,920 years is a Precessional Period of the Earth axis
21,600 Nautical Miles is Equatorial Circumference
This proportion is 6:5 (1h47min.4sec.).

Precessional period in years to the equatorial
circumference in nautical miles is 6:5
Numbers 6:5 (macrocosm+microcosm) - and: 864 (sun's
Alex B. Geddes also discovered proportions between
macrocosm and microcosm.
Martineau: A Little Book of Coincidence in the Solar
System (1h47min.18sec.) shows us:
-- planets have elliptic orbits around the sun
[respectively every star is a sun with planets in elliptic
orbits around] (1h47min.29sec.)
-- the proportions of the ellipses are always 6:5 with a
little factor for each planet (1h47min.41sec.)

Orbits are ellipses - orbit calculations with
aberrations 8-6-4
-- the factors added are 4/1000, 6/1000, and 8/1000
-- the same number 864 is within the distance of
Stonehenge to Lundy Island in Miles and is the height of
the San Francisco Pyramid in feet (1h47min.59sec.)
-- the diameter of the sun is 864,000 Miles
Orbit relationships between the planets of our solar

Stonehenge and the Transamerica Pyramid have 864 figures
- The sun's diameter is 864,000 Royal Miles
Phi and Pi
-- 6/5 Phi
2=Pi with 99.9985%
accuracy (1h48min.23sec.)

The relation between Pi and Phi