21. Jerusalem - secret architecture with 5:12,
cube, fantasy "Jesus" on the central axis of Jerusalem

Jerusalem rectangle with a 12:5 proportion
[This 5:12 rectangle we had already in
Washington DC (White House), in New York (Central Park),
and in Stonehenge (station stones). And I believe that
also the UNO main building in New York is a rectangle
with 5:12].
A "holy rock" on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
- the "Dome of Tablets"
There is a strange "holy" rock in the mosque on Temple
Mount (1h49min.58sec.) [
that's why the
mosque is also called Dome of the Rock].

The Dome of the Rock - contains a "holy rock"
In 1991 Dr. Ashur Kaufman found out that the Jewish
foundation stone (with [fantasy] Isaac sacrifice) is north
of the Temple Mount mosque [Dome of the Rock] in a "Dome
of the Tablets" [little temple of the Tablets]
(1h50min.16sec.). "Tablets" means the [fantasy] tablets
from the [fantasy] Moses with his [fantasy] laws, the
tablets were put into the Ark of the Covenant in the
[fantasy] Solomon's Temple [Jewish archaeology has not
found any remnant in Jerusalem from this temple until
today (2017)] (1h50min.40sec.). - Book: The Bible

Beside the Dome of the Rock is the Dome of the Tablets -
The Dome of the Tablets
The rectangle of Jerusalem: 5:12 - holy crossing
points - number 1728 etc.
John Michell / Christine Rhone described in their book
"Twelve-Tribe Nations. Sacred Number and the Golden Age"
(1h50min.44sec.) a secret geometry:
-- in Jerusalem there is a 5:12 rectangle
(1h50min.59sec.) with one point at former Jaffa Gate, in
another corner of the town wall [and with the "Golden
Gate" near the Temple Hill] (1h51min.10sec.)
Jerusalem Rectangle with former Jaffa
Gate and with the "Golden Gate"
-- Richard Heath shows in his book "Sacred Number" (1h51min.18sec.)
that when equal axes are drawn within the rectangle then
the crossing points come exactly over the [fantasy] "Rock
of Calvary" in the Church of the [fantasy] Holy Sepulcher
- where [fantasy] Jesus was [fantasy] crucified - and over
the "dome of the Tablets" on the Temple Mount
(1h51min.30sec.). All in all the crossing points are
pointing to the most holy spots of [fantasy] Christianity
and [fantasy] Jewry (1h51min.38sec.).
![Jerusalem Rectangle with the crossing points
with the [fantasy] Church of the Holy Sepulchre with
the [fantasy] "Rock of Calvary" - and the
[fantasy] "Dome of the Tablets" Jerusalem Rectangle with the crossing points
with the [fantasy] Church of the Holy Sepulchre with
the [fantasy] "Rock of Calvary" - and the
[fantasy] "Dome of the Tablets"](021-025-Jerusalem-Winnipeg-d/007-Jerusalem-rectangle-crossing-points-66pr.jpg)
Jerusalem Rectangle with the crossing points with the
[fantasy] Church of the Holy Sepulcher with the
[fantasy] "Rock of Calvary" - and the [fantasy] "Dome of
the Tablets"
The Jerusalem rectangle is 1728 cubits long (one
cubit=1.728 English Feet) - and this figure was already
applied with the cube architecture in Washington DC
(1h51min.58sec.) [with the White House Rectangle which has
also a proportion of 5:12].
Cubes in [fantasy] religions
[Fantasy] cube in [fantasy] Solomon's
Temple and it's [fantasy] proportions (described in the
[fantasy] Torah (fantasy Old Testament)
-- the
[fantasy] Ark of the Covenant
is in a [fantasy] cube chamber of 20 cubits x 20 cubits
x 20 cubits in [fantasy] Solomon's Temple
-- in [fantasy] Islam in Mecca the Ka'aba cube (kaaba
(Arab.) means "cube") (1h52min.30sec.)
-- Kabbalah in [fantasy] Jewish mysticism means also
"cube", and in the "tree of life" one can detect also a
cube (1h52min.35sec.).

Fantasy chamber of fantasy Ark of the Covenant - a
fantasy stone in a big black cube for fantasy Islam in
22. Greek mythology with Apollo and
a cube
-- Apollo and Artemis were born on the small island of

Mapa de Grecia con Delphi, Atenas y Delos
-- the population of Delos consulted the oracle of
Delphi to learn how to defend a plague sent by Apollo.
The oracle responded that the cube altar for Apollo had
to be doubled in it's volume (1h53min.5sec.). Archytas
solved the mathematic cube problem how to double the
volume (1h53min.8sec.).
Archytas "428–347 BC - was an Ancient Greek
philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, statesman, and strategist."
Some cube symbolism on the world:
-- Delos Altar birthplace of Apollo and Artemis
-- [Fantasy] Judaism: [fantasy] Holy Chamber with the
[fantasy] Ark
-- [Fantasy] Christianity with New Jerusalem=Washington
-- [Fantasy] Islam: [fantasy] Ka'aba in Mecca
-- Free Masonry
-- Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco with a cube

Doubling a cube volume - Fantasy religions have all
cube problems: fantasy Jewry, fantasy Christianity,
fantasy Islam
Striking seems that the word "cubit" comes from the word
"cube" as it seems (1h53min.36sec.).
Jerusalem Rectangle and the axis
The complete Jerusalem rectangle is 1,728 feet long. The
relations of the half triangles are 6:5 (symbolizing the
relation between macrocosm and microcosm)
(1h53min.44sec.). The axis are the symbol for the great
"enigma of alchemy" (1h53min.56sec.).

Jerusalem rectangle with proportions 6:5
It does not seem a coincidence that the canonical Egyptian
cubit=1.728 English feet (1h54min.9sec.).
Fantasy: Moses=Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten
In the book of Ahmed Osman: "Moses and Akhenaten: The
Secret History of Egypt at the Time of the Exodus"
Osman states the theory that Moses was actually the
Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten (1h54min.19sec.).

Moses and Akhenaten
Fantasy life of Jesus: was along an axis (all is on one
line!) - with a "Golden Gate" (!!!)

Fantasy "Jesus Line"
From the Mount of Olives to Jerusalem the [fantasy] sites
of [fantasy] events with [fantasy] Jesus are installed
along an axis in one line (1h54min.33sec.):
-- first: [fantasy] Jesus was teaching on the Olive
Mountain (Mount of Olives) (1h54min.39sec.)
-- [fantasy] Jesus came to Jerusalem on a horse passing
the oldest gate in Jerusalem's city wall, the "Golden
Gate" - the same name like "Golden Gate Bridge" in San
Francisco (1h54min.52sec.)
-- and there were more [fantasy] meetings at the "Golden
Gate" of Jerusalem (1h55min.0sec.)
-- Jewish fantasy tells that the new [fantasy] Messias
will enter Jerusalem also passing the same "Golden Gate"
-- in 1541 Suleiman the Great sealed the "Golden Gate"
closing it with a wall to prevent that any [fantasy]
Messias of the Jews will enter passing there (!)
-- and there is one more "Golden Gate" on the Temple Mount
which is under Muslim control today (1h55min.22sec.)
-- [fantasy] Jesus was kicking out the capitalists from
the Temple Mount where the [fantasy] First Temple should
have stood (1h55min.36sec.) [but never stood there because
there was no Jerusalem in these old times nor was any King
David nor was any King Solomon or all was at another place
which is not detected yet].
Fantasy life of Jesus: Garden of Gethsemane and
[fantasy] crucifixion - the "Jesus line"
-- the "Garden of Gethsemane" is the night where [fantasy]
Jesus is said having prayed one night before his [fantasy]
crucifixion [but he never prayed there] (1h55min.44sec.)
-- [fantasy] Jesus sweat [fantasy] drops of blood here
-- the [fantasy] crucifixion happened at Calvary
(Golgotha) and his body was placed at a [fantasy] sacred
cave of grave (sepulchre) [fantasy] "just a few dozen feet
away" (1h55min.57sec.)

Fantasy "Jesus Line" passing the "Golden Gate" and the
Temple Mount - fantasy "Jesus Line" from the Mount of
Olives to the fantasy crucifixion - map
Fantasy life of Jesus: all is on one straight
line - on the middle axes (!) of Jerusalem's rectangle
We see: [fantasy] Jesus has acted just on one straight
line (from the east to the west): Mount of Olives - garden
of Gethsemane - Golden Gate of the city wall - money
changers kicked out from the [Fantasy] Temple Mount -
Sanctum Sanctorum (Holy of Holies, [fantasy] Ark in the
cube chamber of [fantasy] Solomon's temple) - calvary -
holy sepulchre (1h56min.2sec.).
And this line is the middle axes of Jerusalem's rectangle
(!) (1h56min.6sec.). [Extraterrestrials arranged all books
and geography very fine].
Winnipeg: Manitoba Legislative Building
(Manitoba, Canada): center of North "America",
sphinxes, octagon, cube etc.
Egypt and Free Mason "Manitoba Legislative Building" of
British Free Mason architect Frank Worthington
Simon - research by Frank Albo

Map with the position of Winnipeg in Canada - the center
of gravity of North "America" - the Manitoba Legislative
Building is full of Freemasonism
Winnipeg is the geographical center of
North "America" (1h59min.20sec.).
Winnipeg is the capital of Manitoba province in
Canada. Frank Albo, a historian focused on architecture
was researching the Manitoba Legislative Building
(1h56min.25sec.). He states:
-- this should be a reconstruction of [fantasy] Solomon's
temple (1h56min.28sec.)
-- and the facade is all over loaded with secrets
Manitoba Legislative Building was designed by the
architect Frank Worthington Simon and it was erected in
1920, and all Premiers of Manitoba were Freemasons working
in this building (1h56min.50sec.).
Frank Worthington Simon (1862-1933) was a
British architect who had worked for the satanist Royals
already. [So he was at least a Free Mason or even a
satanist with the satanist Royal family]. Then he came
to Canada and Manitoba Legislative Building in Winnipeg
is the most famous building he designed in Canada (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Worthington_Simon).
The Manitoba Legislative Building is full of Free Masonic
-- the facade has 2 Egyptians sphinxes on the top flanking
the entrance - as there are 2 sphinxes in the "House of
the Temple" in Washington DC (1h56min.59sec.)

Winnipeg: Manitoba Legislative Building with 2 sphinxes
- Legislative Building in Winnipeg: Mercury flying boy
on the roof - like in Paris
[The wings are the symbol for the capacity to fly - so
Mercury was an extraterrestrial - and also the
University of Zurich has the same arquitecture]
-- on the top of the dome (cupola) is a 13 feet high
golden statue of Mercury, a golden boy with wings [wings
are the symbol for an extraterrestrial] - which can also
be seen in Paris (1h57min.8sec.)
-- there is a cubic space called "Grand Staircase" in the
inner of the building, and this inner cubic space of the
building measures 66.6' feet on the edge (1h57min.17sec.)
-- also in Paris are places with 666 (1h57min.27sec.)

Winnipeg: Legislative Building with a cube of 66.6 feet
"on edge"
-- Albo's research states: there are 2 13 feet high
cleansing rooms (1h57min.36sec.)
-- in the rotunda antechamber there is a mural drawing
depicting World War I, but one of the depicted figures is
in white clothes with an open chest which is one of the
initiated Free Masons - so this antechamber seems to be an
initiation chamber of the Free Masons (1h58min.7sec.)

Winnipeg: Legislative Building, mural painting of WWI -
Freemasonism: a "freemason" gets his initiation in white
without eyes
-- the cupola's rosette of the central dome is painted
-- and there is a room "pool of the black star" [8 pointed
octagram star] (1h58min.23sec.) [this seems to be a copy
of the Pantheon in Rome]

Winnipeg: Legislative Building with an octagram star
-- "just off the rotunda" there is the reception suite of
the Lt. Governor's, this is the only space off limits
(prohibited) to the public (1h58min.31sec.)
-- Albo measured the chamber and it's a cube of 20 cubits
- like the [fantasy] cube in Jerusalem with the [fantasy]
Ark - so it's not strange that the Reception Suite chamber
is "off limits to the public" (1h58min.49sec.)

Winnipeg: Legislative Building: the governor's reception
suite is a cube, edge lenght is 20 cubits
-- the Ark of the Covenant is on the facade on the top of
the gable, and the Ark of the Covenant (war chest) is
flanked by two warriors (1h59min.9sec.).

Winnipeg: Legislative Building with fantasy Ark of
Covenant being guarded by two warriors
Winnipeg is the geographical center of North "America"
The black star is placed "at the heart of the legislative
building", or: is deliberately placed "upon this navel
point" on the center of North "America" (1h59min.26sec.).

Winnipeg is the geographical center of North "America"
Scott Onstott means that this Manitoba Legislative
Building is a talisman controlling the energies of North
"America" (1h59min.39sec.).
Disney Land: Magic Kingdom with
secret club 33
-- Disney Land has a mysterious private "Club 33"
(2h0min.16sec.), membership costs 20,000 dollars
(2h0min.28sec.), and it's the only place in Disney Land
where alcohol is served (2h0min.32sec.)

Disneyland with a "Club 33" - just celebrating the
highest grade no. 33 of Satanist Freemasonry
24. Egypt - Great Pyramid and the Ark of the
Covenant - it was an Egypt invention
Nassim Haramein states to believe that
[fantasy] Moses took the power source of the pyramid
putting it into an Ark of the Covenant before leaving
Egypt (2h0min.56sec.).
The Ark of the Covenant fits precisely in the stoned
coffin (granite box) in the cube chamber of the King's
chamber in the Great Pyramid (2h1min.5sec.).

Great Pyramid: fantasy Ark of the Covenant in the king's
The exterior volume of the granite box in the cube chamber
of the King's chamber has the doubled volume of the
interior volume (2h1min.14sec.) - doubling cube volumes
was also the problem in Delos with Apollo's cube
Scott Onstott thinks that the Ark of the Covenant was an
Egypt invention and was copied by the [partly fantasy]
Jewish Torah (2h1min.32sec.).
Hermine and the Ark with the power source
Hermine believes that the power source was with a black
hole. Microscopic Black Holes can be created in particle
accelerators (2h1min.50sec.). He believes that the power
source in the Ark provoked fire columns which could be
observed and are prescribed in [fantasy] Torah
(2h1min.56sec.). Hermine also means that stars are
"black holes" (2h2min.4sec.). Sun spots are black
because they are black holes (2h2min.11sec.).
25. [Fantasy] Jesus as a reason for
Christianization terrorism: Isis Venus temples
transformed into Jesus churches [by Templar
Masonry] - and Osiris' ceremony
[Fantasy] Jesus in Jerusalem: Church of the Holy [fantasy]
Sepulcher ([fantasy] tomb)
Symbolism is very rich in this "Church of the Holy
[fantasy] Sepulcher" (2h2min.34sec.). "It's architecture
is a patchwork" made of many layers (2h2min.39sec.).
Fantasy Calvary chapel
(Golgotha chapel)
Calvary means "place of the skull" (2h3min.11sec.)

Fantasy Calvary Chapel for the fantasy crucifixion of
a fantasy "Jesus"
Temple of Isis - of Aphrodite - of Venus - and then a
[terrorist fantasy] church
[Fantasy] Roman king Constantine defined this "Church of
the Holy Sepulcher" as the holy church of [fantasy] Jesus.
Before it was the temple of Venus (2h3min.22sec.), in the
Greek world Aphrodite (2h3min.27sec.), in the Egyptian
world it was Isis (2h3min.33sec.).

Venus, more lovely than criminal Church with
crucifixions - Aphrodite and Isis are more lovely than
criminal terrorist Church with crucifixions
Christian dictatorship layed their criminal war fantasies
over the Egypt culture, not only here (2h3min.40sec.).
[Criminal and Satanist Vatican invented the Roman Empire
(see the book: Kolumbus kam als Letzter) and defined this
spot as "Church of the Holy Sepulcher" in Jerusalem -
without any proof].
Albrecht Dürer and one more [fantasy] "Jesus", here in
a Greek style
[In 1509 - https://www.gallery.ca/en/see/collections/artwork.php?mkey=3069]
[fantasy] Jesus was depicted by Albrecht Dürer on the
painting “The Man of Sorrows Standing by the Column."
[There are many such paintings with a suffering
fantasy Jesus - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_of_Sorrows].
So, this [fantasy] Jesus
by Dürer was depicted here as an Egyptian beggar
Albrecht Dürer with a beggar, another
fantasy "Jesus"
Egypt idea with Osiris: souls being
"weighted" - Lady Justice is doing the same until
The Egypt imagination is that at the end of life on Earth
Osiris will "weight" the souls if they may pass into the
kingdom of the dead "Duat", or bad souls will be eaten by
wild animals for being eaten and destroyed. These animals
were partly crocodile, lion and hippopotamus
(2h4min.20sec.). This imagination of classifying souls is
living until today with the "Lady Justice" weighting the
cases with a balance (2h4min.40sec.).