26. Rome and Vatican: Sixtus V, obelisks,
fountains, season lines, Pantheon, number 273, 28
The line "rock of Golgotha" to St. Peter's Cathedral
in Rome - with Capitoline Hill (Campidoglio) on the

The line between fantasy crucifixion of Golgotha and
fantasy Saint Peter's Tomb (grave)
Peter means "rock" (Greek: petros="the rock" -
(2h5min.37sec.). When [fantasy] Jesus said, "upon this
rock I will build my church", so [fantasy] Simon got the
name of a [fantasy] "Peter" (2h5min.43sec.).
Drawing a line from the [fantasy] "rock of Golgotha" in
Jerusalem to the [fantasy] "St. Peter's tomb" in Rome
this line is passing directly over the Capitoline Hill
(in Italian: Campidoglio) passing precisely the statue
of Marcus Aurelius which was headed to the ancient Roman
Forum (2h6min.10sec.). Michelangelo turned the monument
by 180 degrees with it's head to the [gay and sterile]
Vatican (2h6min.37sec.).

The line is passing Capitoline Hill (in Italian:
Campidoglio) - Capitoline Hill in Rome with a statue
of (fantasy?) Marcus Aurelius
[The Roman
Empire is an INVENTION of the Vatican mafia giving
Rome a "big past". But Rome was never more than a
part of Central Italy. See: Zillmer: Columbus was
the last - original German: Kolumbus kam als
The Capitoline Hill Square (Campidoglio Square) is a 12
pointed elliptical star. With it's 12 points and the
center the figure is symbolizing the zodiacs and the
monument in the center is the symbol of the sun
(2h6min.47sec.) - an ellipse is another female symbol
for fertility - the vagina, symbol of Venus
[Therefore here is another holy sexual connection
depicted between man and woman - the man's statue with
the ellipses on the ground].

Capitoline Square with a 12 pointed flower star in
ellipses, female symbol for vagina
Holy places were "christianized", this was normal, and
their power was absorbed into the "body of the church"
Scott Onstott means that before erecting the St. Peter's
Church ["Basilica"] a line was drawn between the "rock
of Golgotha" to Capitoline hill square (Campidoglio
square) and then this line was prolonged to erect the
"St. Peter's Church" in Rome (2h7min.6sec.).
![All is on one direct line: fantasy
crucifixion of Golgotha, Capitoline Hill and
[gay+sterile] Vatican with fantasy Bible and
fantasy "Jesus" and fantasy Holy Peter All is on one direct line: fantasy
crucifixion of Golgotha, Capitoline Hill and
[gay+sterile] Vatican with fantasy Bible and
fantasy "Jesus" and fantasy Holy Peter](026-028-Rome+numbers-d/005-direct-Line-Golgotha-Capitoline-hill-Vatican-66pr.jpg)
All is on one direct line: fantasy crucifixion of
Golgotha, Capitoline Hill and [gay+sterile] Vatican
with fantasy Bible and fantasy "Jesus" and fantasy
Holy Peter
More locations "on the line": arch of Septimus
Severus - Colosseum - Egyptian obelisk "Lateranense"
-- on the line is the arch of Septimus Severus

Rome: the Arch of Septimus Severus is "on the line"
between Vatican, Capitoline Hill, and Golgotha with
the fantasy crucifixion
-- almost on this line is the mile stone of Rome from
where all distances in the [fantasy] "Roman Empire" were
measured [Vatican history propaganda says]
[These stone stories with distances seem to be invented
by the Church because the Roman Empire is an invented
story of the Church and Rome was never bigger than
Central Italy - and "Romans" were called the Greek
soldiers abroad; see: Hans-Joachim Zillmer: Kolumbus kam
als letzter].
-- on the line is also the Colosseum (2h7min.44sec.),
and as the Colosseum is another ellipse this is another
female symbol for fertility - vagina, symbol of Venus
-- on the line is also the Egyptian obelisk in Rome at
Lateran Palace ("Lateranense"), the highest Egyptian
obelisk of the world (2h8min.25sec.).

Colosseum is "on the line" between Satanist Vatican,
Capitoline Hill, Arch of Septimus Severus - and on the
other side Golgotha with fantasy crucifixion of
fantasy Jesus
The obelisk at Lateran Palace ("Lateranense") in Rome
came from the quarry of Karnak in Luxor, being moved to
Rome [so the rumors say] by the son of King Constantine
in the fourth century (2h8min.42sec.). It was placed in
the "Circus Maximus", and then under pope Sixtus V
[gay+sterile] it was moved to Lateran Palace
(Lateranense), and the Marcus Aurelius monument was
replaced from Lateranense Palace to Capitoline Hill as a
counter symbol with the Colosseum between

Rome: obelisk at Lateran Palace (Lateranense) is also
just "on the line" - Pope Sixtus V let change the
positions of the obelisk to the Lateranense, and the
Marcus Aurelius monument was changed from Lateranense
to the Capitoline Hill, all just "on the line" with
the Colosseum, Vatican and fantasy crucifixion of
fantasy Jesus
Pope Sixtus V [gay+sterile]= 6:5 - and his
works in Rome: 4 obelisks, 6 new streets, 14
fountains, all with astronomical significance

Pope Sixtus V, portrait - his name is the symbol of
macrocosm (sixtus=Latin: 6) and microcosm (V=5)
[Gay and sterile] Pope Sixtus V is another relation 6:5
with symbolizing macrocosm and microcosm (Sixtus=Latin:
6, V=5) - just like the world is ordered, his real name
was Felice Peretti di Montalto (2h9min.16sec.).
[Gay and sterile] Sixtus V redesigned much of Rome also
when he was only 5 years long a pope:
-- to move the complete church of the Holy [fantasy]
Tomb ("holy sepulchre") from Jerusalem to Rome was too
much and was not performed (2h9min.27sec.), but
-- he let move 4 Egyptian obelisks to Rome
(2h9min.35sec.) being placed at [gay+sterile] Vatican,
Flaminio, Sallustiano, Esquilini (2h9min.18sec.)
-- completed [gay+sterile] Vatican church
-- opened 6 streets
-- installed 14 fountains (2h9min.41sec.)
and much more (2h9min.44sec.).

Pope Sixtus V let erect 4 obelisks in Rome being
robbed from Egypt - Pope Sixtus V with his map of 5
obelisks in Rome - all stolen from Egypt
Jan Wicherink & Aaron Parlier (www.keiofsolomon.org)
found out:
Obelisk season lines in Rome
These obelisks are describing summer and winter solstice
in two lines:
-- the
line from [gay+sterile] Vatican (obelisk
at St. Peter Square) - Flaminio (Piazza del Popolo)
is summer solstice sunrise
-- the
line Sallustiano (Piazza di Spagna) -
Esquiline (in front of Santa Maria Maggiore)
is winter solstice sunrise,
for this connection a new street was "opened"
[This means: for "installing" new streets and
avenues 1000s of
house owners were expropriated and 1000s of houses were
destroyed for installing new avenues in an imperial
stile, and at the same time these avenues are also a
protection against big fires].
![[Gay+sterile] Sixtus V placed the
obelisks for summer solstice sunrise and winter
solstice sunrise [Gay+sterile] Sixtus V placed the obelisks
for summer solstice sunrise and winter solstice
[Gay+sterile] Sixtus V placed the obelisks for summer
solstice sunrise and winter solstice sunrise
And: Sixtus V
-- let restore an ancient aqueduct (2h10min.50sec.)
-- let build [shell] fountains next to the obelisks
symbolizing the feminine to "accompany" the most
obelisks (2h10min.54sec.)
[so the obelisks are the symbol for the penis and the
shell fountains for the vagina]

Vatican Square with an obelisk (masculine) and 2
fountains (feminine)
-- the fountain chain was from the "Four Fountains"
Square ("Quattro Fontane") passing the "Dioscuri
Mountain" ("Fontana dei Dioscuri" - sons of Zeus
[web01]) to the fountain "Acqua Felice" (2h11min.4sec.)

Pope Sixtus V made obelisk games in Rome as symbols
for men, and he let install new fountains in Rome as a
female symbolic counterpart, map
-- the
line between Vatican's obelisk and the
square with the fountain "Fontana dei Dioscuri" is
the line for equinoctial sunrise:
when day and night have the same length, [when spring
and autumn begin] (2h11min.14sec.)
-- the tomb of [gay+sterile] Pope Sixtus V was installed
in the Vatican's St. Peter's Basilica (in the Basilica
de Santa Maria Maggiore) - near the Vatican's obelisk
It seems that Pope Sixtus V wanted to wake up the world
giving astronomical signs (2h11min.34sec.).
Let's have a look to Peter's Square of [gay+sterile]
Vatican. The square and the fountains of the [gay
Satanist] Vatican:
-- the square was parted into 8
-- 2 fountains were built near the Vatican's obelisk
within a "galactic mid plain" (2h11min.54sec.)
-- the axis passing the basilica is the ecliptic
-- the other paths symbolize equinox and solstice
-- the whole square of [gay+sterile] Vatican is another
octagram star with the sun [represented as an obelisk]
as it's base working as a sundial (2h12min.12sec.).

Vatican Square is designed as an octagon working as a
sundial - Vatican Square, octagon sundial 02 with
galactic midplane, ecliptic, solstice and equinox
The Vatican's obelisk with a [fantasy]
cross=hieroglyph of Heliopolis
The Egypt obelisk on the Vatican's square is violated by
a Christian [fantasy] cross - the official story says
this is a christianized obelisk (2h12min.20sec.).
Now the researchers Graham Hancock&Robert Bauval
have found out - see their book "Talisman. Sacred
cities, secret faith" - that an obelisk with a cross on
it's top is the hieroglyph for Heliopolis - the city
where the obelisk was probably coming from

Obelisk in Rome with terrorist "Christian" cross
[With this it becomes clear another
time: all is planned IN ADVANCE by a hidden
extraterrestrial power].
On December 25 on Christmas Morning there is a special
astronomical view from the [gay+sterile] Vatican Square:
the "Silver Gate of Birth" of the constellation in the
sky is over the Vatican Square, the galactic mid plain
comes down to the Roman Pantheon (2h13min.10sec.).
![[Gay+sterile] Vatican Square on December 25
with lines crossing at "Silver Gate" [Gay+sterile] Vatican Square on December 25
with lines crossing at "Silver Gate"](026-028-Rome+numbers-d/020-Vatican-square-on-25dec-w-silver-gate-66pr.jpg)
[Gay+sterile] Vatican Square on December 25 with lines
crossing at "Silver Gate"
Rome: The Pantheon
According to CIA Wikipedia the Pantheon was
completed under Hadrian and dedicated at about 126 AD

Pantheon, one more temple occupied by criminal
terrorist Church - Pantheon in Rome, the sight inside
with niches and sun rays

Pantheon floor pattern with different stone
Scott Onstott means that the Pantheon is a calendar in
-- the architecture work is brilliant with a great dome
(cupola) with reinforced concrete never been applied
before and then only in modern days (2h13min.22sec.)
-- the floor is with circles where the columns of the
provinces were placed (2h13min.38sec.)
-- the mixture of circles and squares is symbolizing the
system between Earth and moon [male and female]
27. Number 273: circle - square -
moon orbit - menstruation cycle - pregnancy cycle
- Celsius scale
-- when a circle is in a square then the square has
27.3% more surface than the circle (2h13min.54sec.)

A circle in a square is 27.3% less big than the
-- when the circle and the square have the same
circumference the diameter of the circle is 27.3%
larger than the edge of the square (2h14min.4sec.)

When a square and a circle have the same
circumference the diameter of the circle is 27.3%
longer than the edge of the square
-- the moon as a flat disc has 27.3% of the size of
Earth as a flat disc which is the fraction 3 to 11

Moon disc is 27.3% of the Earth disc.
The number 273 has much to do with the moon and with
-- the moon's orbital period is 27.3 days which is one
moon month like women's menstruation cycle

Moon orbit and medium women's menstruation are 27.3
-- pregnancy and gestation of women is lasting
normally 273 days, just 10 moon orbits

Pregnancy is 273 days, the moon has an orbital
period of 27.3 days, so one pregnancy are 10 medium
menstruation cycles
273 with temperature:
-- Celsius scale of temperature is defined with an
absolute zero point of cold with -273º Celsius

Absolute zero point is minus 273 degrees Celsius -
what a coincidence
273 with mathematic and geometric relations:
-- the disc surface moon size is 27.3% the Earth's
disc surface with the proportion 3:11 (2h14min.16sec.)
-- the square around a circle has 27.3% more area than
the circle (2h13min.53sec.)
Science means that all these numbers of 273 are "pure
coincidence" (2h15min.8sec.).
-- the proportions from Earth to the moon are also like
the proportions of the Great Pyramid with the two
circles with the radius of half the base and the height
radius (2h14min.18sec.)
The Pantheon and it's inner sphere
-- the roof is made in a way so a globe (sphere) is
fitting perfectly into the Pantheon, may be a celestial
sphere (2h15min.22sec.)

The Pantheon in Rome has a roof in a way so a sphere
inside is possible - Pantheon in Rome with the 7
principle Roman gods: Diana, Mercury, Venus, Apollo,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
-- there are 7 alcoves, and the original Roman statuary
was with 7 gods Diana, Mercury, Venus, Apollo, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn just perfectly (2h15min.27sec.)
And then came the [criminal fantasy] Church
christianizing the Pantheon in Rome
[Criminal racist fantasy] Church "christianized" the
Pantheon in 609 replacing the Roman statues
-- replacing the Roman gods by astrological zodiac
symbols (2h15min.43sec.)
-- adding the spheres of Ptolemaeus (2h15min.47sec.)
-- so the gods are replaced by the visible planets in a
Chaldean or Ptolemaic order and around them are the
stars (2h15min.59sec.).

Pantheon in Rome since 609 with astrology and it's
symbols - Ptolemaic spheres
Mark Booth in "The Secret History of the World" writes:
"Ptolemy's map of the spheres [...] is a spiritual
dimension of the cosmos, a dimension which seemed more
real to the ancients than the material cosmos."
-- the days of the week go with the planets
Monday=moon, mardi (French)=Mars, mercredi
(French)=Mercury, jeudi (French)=Jupiter, vendredi
(French)=Venus, Saturday=Saturn, Sunday=sun

Pantheon, planets and day names
Number 7
-- the planets and days in the pantheon form a 7 pointed
star (heptagon) (2h16min.47sec.)
Number 8
-- the Pantheon in Rome is a perfect octagon
28. Pantheon and moon numbers 13 and 28, 364
Rome: Pantheon, cupola, oculus, number 28,
moon year 364+1 days, Sothic year of Antikythera
mechanism with 365 days - Sothis=Sirius
-- in the cupola of the Pantheon the oculus is the only
light in the hall, so it is the symbol for the sun
-- the 5 rows of the cupola may be in connection with
the 5 with the simple eye visible planets Mercury -
Venus - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn (2h17min.16sec.).

Pantheon in Rome, the roof hole ("oculus") and the
visible planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
- The roof of the Pantheon has 28 rays
-- the roof of the Pantheon has 28 rays (2h17min.27sec.)
which is a symbolism for menstruation and moon month
with 28 days, resulting a complete moon year with 13
moon months of 364 days (2h17min.29sec.) and 1 extra day
- being represented in the saying "a year and a day"

Moon calendar with 13 months with 28 days results in
364 days and 1 extra day
Richard Heath detected that this moon calendar was used
in the Bronze Age already (2h17min.52sec.).
But the Antikythera clock and calendar mechanism has
exactly 365 days and is a bronze mechanical computer
based on Sothic year (2h17min.57sec.).

The clock+calendar mechanism found at the Greek island
of Antikythera is working with Sothic year directly
with 365 days
Sothus is the Greek name for Sirius (2h18min.4sec.), the
star the Egyptians based their new year on. The
Egyptians based on the sight of Sirius their New Year
"The Sothic cycle, or Canicular
period, is a period of 1,461 ancient Egyptian years (of
365 days each) or 1,460 Julian years (averaging
365.25 days each)."
And the 28 days fit the Osiris story
Temple of Isis on Philae Island (South of
Egypt) - number 13, number 28, and 1 penis as a
symbol for an extra day
On the Nile island "Philae" [near Aswan Dam] is the
Temple of Isis. Here are inscriptions telling the
Osiris story: hero Osiris has 28 stalks of
lead emerging from his dead body (2h18min.24sec.).
Isis recollected 13 pieces of Osiris -
representing the 13 month calendar with months of 28
days (2h18min.30sec.). But she cannot find his penis.
Then she makes a penis of gold. This missing phallus
represents 1 extra day completing the Sothic
year (2h18min.38sec.).
Temple of Isis on Philae Island in South of Egypt

Isis-Osiris story: 28 stalks in the body of Osiris -
Isis-Osiris story with 28 stalks and 1 missing penis,