architecture of extraterrestrials - data from
Scott Onstott - with photos index 01
Secret architecture
of extraterrestrials - movie protocol with
from: Video: Secrets in Plain Sight 1-23 (full
Video: Secret architecture
- geheime Architektur - arquitectura
secreta (3h43min.)
Secret geometry in Washington DC
- 2. Legend of Isis and Osiris
1. Street design in
Washington DC with triangles, rectangles,
pentagrams, cubes, Rosslyn, 1-dollar bill
with codes 9, 13, 32, and 33, Royal Mile,
fantasy "Jesus" with 33 code, Isis,
Osiris, Sirius, Washington Monument and
Great Pyramid of Egypt etc. - 2. The
Egyptian legend of Isis and Osiris: with
13 parts and 1 penis of gold

Washington DC, street design with a
Templar Cross - The House of the Temple
shows 2 sphinxes, 33 columns, 33 feet
high, and an unfinished pyramid with 13
steps etc. (this is the copy of a
mausoleum in Old Greece in former
Halikarnassos, today Turkey)
Secret geometry in New York City
- 4. UN flag=Free Mason flag with code
3. New York -
secret geometry: Central Park - Statue of
Liberty - UNO -- 4. Flags: UN flag -
Israel flag project - numbers 13 and 33

UNO headquarter's height is 555 feet as the
side length of the Great Pyramid of Giza is
555 feet as is the height of the Washington
Monument with 555 feet
3. New York - secret
geometry: Central Park - Statue of Liberty -
UNO -- 4. Flags: UN flag - Israel flag
project - numbers 13 and 33 -- New York:
Central Park -- Central Park: Jacqueline
Kennedy Onassis reservoir - aqueduct -
Metropolitan Museum of Arts -- Central Park:
Cleopatra's obelisk - temple of Isis - water
pipe ("aqueduct") -- New York: Statue of
Liberty -- New York: Statue of Liberty was
first a project for Suez Canal -
Liberty=Isis without breasts -- Suez Canal:
pyramid with angles 51º51' like the Great
Pyramid (Giza) -- Statue of Liberty=Isis: 7
rays like Apollo had -- Statue of Liberty:
based on 11 pointed irregular "base star" --
UNO in New York -- New York: UN headquarter:
555' high - the dimensions of the Great
Pyramid: 555' -- UN in New York: Tomato's
monuments with structures in structures --
UN in New York: Security Council Chamber
with central table with number 13 -- UN in
New York: Security Council Chamber with NWO
propaganda in a mural picture -- sun and
moon -- Adam, Eve and Luzifer and an apple -
and child Kain -- circle of the sun/son --
phoenix and underworld of war -- French
Revolution motto without death - without
underworld of war (!) -- science in the
upper right -- activities in the top picture
-- 4. Flags: UN flag - Israel flag project -
numbers 13 and 33 -- UN flag: number 13 -
number 33 -- The code of arms of Israel
flag: number 13 -- The code of arms of the
Virgin Islands: another eagle like "USA"
have -- Flag of "USA": numbers 5,6, and 13
Stonehenge - Lundy Island -- 6.
Mile+foot+moon+Earth - numbers 3456,
108, 528 -- 7. Stonehenge, the quarry
and islands 5:12 - Newton and his 33
5. Stonehenge - secret geometry - 5:12
triangle, 7 pointed star, number 1234
Stonehenge+Lundy Island -- 6. Mile and foot
and moon and Earth - numbers 3456, 108, 528
-- 7. Stonehenge, the quarry and islands
5:12 - Newton and his 33

Stonehenge, the rectangle of the Station
Stones has a proportion of 5:12 -- map with
Stonehenge and Caldey Island, the number of
12.369 is the number of full moons per year
5. Stonehenge - secret geometry - 5:12
triangle, 7 pointed star, number 1234 between
Stonehenge and Lundy Island -- New York with a
triangle in Central Park like Stonehenge --
Stonehenge: the original proportion 5:12 --
Stonehenge: William Stukeley and druids for
Freemasonry -- Stonehenge: 7 pointed star and
Isis -- Distances: Stonehenge - Averbury -
Silbury Hill -- Stonehenge, Averbury monument
and Silbury Hill monument - numbers with sun,
moon, and cube of Isis -- Stonehenge and it's
quarry in Preseli Hills in Wales apr. 130
Miles away -- Number 1234: Stonehenge - Lundy
Island 123.4 Miles -- Triangle Stonehenge -
Preseli Hills quarry - Lundy Island: 5:12 --
Stonehenge copies in the world - criminal
Satanist Freemasons and Illuminati installing
their power symbols - e.g. in Peru in Lima --
6. Mile and foot and moon and Earth - numbers
3456, 108, 528 -- The mile and Stonehenge: 108
Royal Miles = 123.4 Statute Miles -- Number
108: Earth, religions, moon etc. -- Moon and
number 108: radius 1080 Royal Miles -- Foot
and Earth: 360 degreesx365.242 days x foot x
1,000 = Earth's circumference -- Mile and
Earth: 12 with potency 5 by 10 Miles = Earth's
circumference -- The English Foot is the
origin of the ancient measuring system -- 7.
Stonehenge, the quarry and islands 5:12
- Newton and his 33 -- Stonehenge: Lundy
Island+Caldey Island: 3:2 - Stonehenge-Caldey
Island=12.369 = number of full moons per year
-- Newton: his temperature scale and number 33
Great Pyramid of Giza with
29.9792458º - 9. 7:11 - 10.
Numbers 864, 400, meter with
1/299,792,458 - 11.
Great Pyramid: Polestar, Orion, Sirius
-- 12. Heliopolis - 9 gods (the Ennead)
-- Athos: a pyramidion and enneagram
The Great Pyramid of Giza,
proportions, position, connections with
stars, and Athos with a pyramidion with an
8. The Great Pyramid of Giza: 1/11
Mile high - "pyramidion" with 1 1/11
feet - position 29.9792458º Latitude
-- John Greaves and Newton and the
Great Pyramid -- Unfinished Great
Pyramid - the missing top of the
Great Pyramid "pyramidion" -- Cut
stones at the pyramids of Egypt --
9. Statue of Liberty: proportion
7:11 -- Proportion 11:14 -- Great
Pyramid's position=speed of light in
the vacuum - number 29.9792458:
29.9792458: Place of the Great
Pyramid in the world = speed of
light in the vacuum -- 10. Moon and
sun - numbers 864, 400, meter with
1/299,792,458: 864: Distances and
time are connected with the sun --
The km - moon and sun and the number
of 400 - the meter -- 11. Great
Pyramid and stars: Polestar, Orion,
Sirius: Great Pyramid: the pyramid
shafts and the stars: Polestar,
Orion, Sirius etc. -- Stars in
Washington DC: Spica, Arcturus,
Regulus -- Orion constellation with
a knife or a phallus - fertile
region where stars are born -- Orion
constellation: pyramids=belt stars
of the Orion constellation -- Orion
constellation and Sirius: belt stars
pointing to Sirius -- 12. Heliopolis
- 9 gods (the Ennead) - number 9:
Pyramids pointing to wisdom center
Heliopolis -- Egyptian Obelisks in
the world are -- Heliopolis=cult
center of the 9 great Egyptian gods
(the Ennead) -- Greece: a pyramidion
and a 9 pointed star (enneagram) on
Athos mountain
San Francisco - Transamerica
Pyramid 864 feet, nonagon, Coit Tower
with octagon -- 14.
Vatican - old wisdom in Alexandria
- Medici, Italy, secret societies -- 15.
San Francisco: Silver Gate and Golden
Transamerica Pyramid in San
Francisco - 864 feet high - 9
gods of Ennead of Heliopolis
in San Francisco's nonagon
San Francisco: Michael H. de Young Museum with
a pyramid on it's roof -- San Francisco:
Transamerica Pyramid - number 864 -- The site
of the Transamerica Pyramid - the little and
the big nonagon -- The nonagon and
Treasure Island -- Treasure Island and the
star shaped barracks - hieroglyph for sun god
Horus -- Scott Onstott on Treasure Island -
Sun Tower project for 2022 - and a "moon bus"
no. 108 -- Nonagon of Transamerica Pyramid
with Treasure Island - and the penis of Osiris
-- Telegraph Hill with a watch tower "Coit
Tower" - octagon and 8 gods of Hermopolis --
14. The old wisdom - destroyed by the criminal
racist Vatican - some old wisdom survived in
Alexandria - Medici, Italy, secret societies
-- 15. San Francisco: Silver Gate and Golden
Gate -- San Francisco: Golden Gate Bridge -
"Golden Gate"=Egypt Duat -- Silver Gate -
Alcatraz prison island - Golden Gate -- Angel
Island and Belvedere Peninsula
16: Great
Pyramid of Giza (02) with moon
and Earth: 7:11, 3:4:5, 11:3 -- 17: St. Mary's
Chapel in Glastonbury (Wales) -- 18. Numbers 4, 10,
81 -- 19. Pyramids in Dashur
- numbers 5+6 -- 20. 6:5 and 864
The Pi rectangle of the Great Pyramid --
Great Pyramid with moon and Earth
proportions -- 3:4:5 triangles - number 6 --
Diameters 11:3 in the proportion of Earth
and moon -- Canonical numbers --
Proportions: Stonehenge = Great Pyramid --
17. St. Mary's Chapel in Glastonbury (South
England) -- How the "holy architecture" came
to Europe -- 18. Numbers 4, 10, 81 --
Number 4 with tetractys of Pythagoras --
Number 4 and 10 with Pythagoras -- Number 10
-- Number 81 in decimal system and in the
elements system -- Number 81 in the relation
between moon and sun -- More number 10s --
19. More pyramids in Egypt: Dashur with Bent
Pyramid and Red Pyramid - numbers 5+6 --
Dashur: the Red Pyramid celebrating number 5
with a pentagon for the Golden Cut -- Number
5 for microcosm on Earth -- Dashur: the Bent
Pyramid with two inclination angles - with a
pentagon celebrating number 5 (microcosm)
and a hexagon celebrating number 6
(macrocosm) TOGETHER -- Alchemy -- Albrecht
Dürer with 2 vesica pisces on pentagon and
hexagon -- Albrecht Dürer picture
"Melancholia" with hidden pentagon and
hexagon -- Egyptian temple gateway with 1:2
and 5:6:10 proportions -- 20. Numbers and
proportion 6:5 -- France: street geometry
around Rennes Le Château: pentagram (5) and
hexagram (6) -- Street geometry in
Washington: street pentagram (5) and street
cube (6) -- Washington Memorial: triple 6
and triple 5 with 6660''-555' - symbolizing
macrocosm and microcosm -- More numbers and
proportion 6:5: precessional period - orbits
-- Numbers 6:5 (macrocosm+microcosm) - and:
864 (sun's diameter) -- Phi and Pi
21. Jerusalem
- 22. Apollo's cube - 23. Winnipeg -
24. Ark of the Covenant - 25. Isis
Venus temples - and Osiris' ceremony
21. Jerusalem - secret architecture with
5:12, cube, fantasy "Jesus" on the central
axis of Jerusalem etc. -- A "holy
rock" on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem - the
"Dome of Tablets" -- The rectangle of
Jerusalem: 5:12 - holy crossing points -
number 1728 etc. -- Cubes in [fantasy]
religions -- [Fantasy] cube in [fantasy]
Solomon's Temple and it's [fantasy]
proportions (described in the [fantasy]
Torah (fantasy Old Testament) -- 22. Greek
mythology with Apollo and a cube --
Jerusalem Rectangle and the axis -- Fantasy:
Moses=Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten -- Fantasy
life of Jesus: was along an axis (all is on
one line!) - with a "Golden Gate" (!!!) --
Fantasy life of Jesus: Garden of Gethsemane
and [fantasy] crucifixion - the "Jesus line"
-- Fantasy life of Jesus: all is on one
straight line - on the middle axes of
Jerusalem's rectangle -- 23. Winnipeg:
Manitoba Legislative Building (Manitoba,
Canada): center of North "America",
sphinxes, octagon, cube etc. -- Egypt and
Free Mason "Manitoba Legislative Building"
of British Free Mason architect Frank
Worthington Simon - research by Frank Albo
-- Disney Land: Magic Kingdom with secret
club 33 -- 24. Egypt - Great Pyramid and the
Ark of the Covenant - it was an Egypt
invention -- 25. [Fantasy] Jesus as a reason
for [fantasy] Christianization terrorism:
Isis Venus temples transformed into [fantasy
Free Mason] Jesus churches - and Osiris'
ceremony -- [Fantasy] Jesus in Jerusalem:
Church of the Holy [fantasy] Sepulcher
([fantasy] tomb) -- Fantasy Calvary chapel
(Golgotha chapel) -- Temple of Isis - of
Aphrodite - of Venus - and then a [terrorist
fantasy] church -- Albrecht Dürer and one
more [fantasy] "Jesus", here in a Greek
style -- Egypt idea with Osiris: souls being
"weighted" - Lady Justice is doing the same
until today...
26. Rome,
Vatican and obelisks -- 27. Number
273 -- 28. Pantheon
and moon numbers 13+28, 364+1
Colosseum is
"on the line" between
Satanist Vatican,
Capitoline Hill, Arch of
Septimus Severus - and on
the other side Golgotha
with fantasy crucifixion
of fantasy Jesus
Pope Sixtus
V made obelisk games in
Rome as symbols for men,
and he let install new
fountains in Rome as a
female symbolic
counterpart, map
Moon orbit
and medium women's
menstruation are 27.3 days
The roof of
the Pantheon has 28 rays -
representing the moon
month with 13 months for
364 days - and 1 extra day
women, these are
your numbers!!!
27.3 days=one
moon orbit
around the Earth
cycle (average)
of the moon
compared with
the Earth
of pregnancy
(average) = 10
moon months
of moon months
in a moon year
of days in one
moon month
of days in one
moon year with
13 moon months
women, these
are your
26. Rome and Vatican: Sixtus V, obelisks,
fountains, season lines, Pantheon, number
273, 28 etc. -- The line "rock of
Golgotha" to St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome
- with Capitoline Hill (Campidoglio) on
the line -- More locations "on the line":
arch of Septimus Severus - Colosseum -
Egyptian obelisk "Lateranense" -- Pope
Sixtus V = 6:5 - and his works in Rome: 4
obelisks, 6 new streets, 14 fountains, all
with astronomical significance -- Obelisk
season lines in Rome -- The Vatican's
obelisk with a cross=hieroglyph of
Heliopolis -- Rome: The Pantheon -- 27.
Number 273: circle - square - moon orbit -
menstruation cycle - pregnancy cycle -
Celsius scale -- The Pantheon and it's
sphere -- And then came the [criminal
fantasy] Church christianizing the
Pantheon in Rome -- Number 7 -- Number 8
-- 28. Pantheon and moon numbers 13 and 28
-- Rome: Pantheon, cupola, oculus, number
28, moon year 364+1 days, Sothic year of
Antikythera mechanism with 365 days -
Sothus=Sirius -- Temple of Isis on Philae
Island (South Egypt) - number 13, number
28, and 1 penis as a symbol for an extra