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Reports about Mileva Einstein 2004 (1a): Manfred Wasmayr: The tragedy of the couple Albert and Mileva Einstein (4 pages) - the report

Lieserl - the formation of Mileva - letters in the "we" mode - from 1905: Mileva is systematically discriminated by the Jewish Einstein family - the theory of relativity - the fiasco in Berlin 1914 - the failure of Einstein, the melancolic Einstein

With Einstein ALL is only stolen. And Drude+Planck from "Annals of Physics" in Berlin helped him to steal (!). This is gang criminality! Michael Palomino, Oct.20, 2019

from: Physikgeschichte PLUS LUCIS 1/2004, S.30-33 - Link pdf (4 pages)

1. Der Bericht - 2. Chronologie der Daten

translated and presented by Michael Palomino (2019)
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-- 1969+1983: Desanka Trbuhovic-Gjuric: "Im Schatten Albert Einsteins. Das tragische Leben der Mileva Marić" (in 1969 the book was edited in Serbian, in 1983 in German)
-- October 1983: The topic of Mileva is opened in the women's review "Emma" with the article "The Mother of the Theory of Relativity" (original German: "Die Mutter der Relativitätstheorie")
-- 1990: speech of Senta Trömel-Plötz at AAAS meeting: The Woman, who did Einsteins Mathematics 1990
-- 1993: Book by Senta Trömel-Plötz: Mother's language - father land (original German: Vatersprache - Mutterland): Description of the case of Einstein and Mileva (Amazon-Link) [p.30]
-- 1994: Albert Einstein/Mileva Marić: On Sunday I will kiss you orally (original German: Am Sonntag küß ich Dich mündlich (love letters 1897 - 1903) ediiton Piper, 1994
-- 2002: John Stachel: "Albert Einstein and Mileva Marić: A collaboration that Failed to Develop"; In: Einstein from B to Z, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2002.
-- Prof. Armin Hermann, Einstein biographer [S.33]

Einstein biographies concealing the mathematics of Mileva and concealing the first child Lieserl:
-- Johannes Wickert with monographies of editor Rowohlt
-- Banesh Hoffmann/Helen Dukas of editor Fischer pocket book [S.30]
-- Peter Michelmore, is said to be an "Einstein specialist" [S.32]
-- John Stachel: he is editor of the Einstein letters Einstein Papers Project


Solovine, youth friend of Albert Einstein [S.32]

Ljubomir Bata-Damic, colleague student of Mileva [S.32]
Michele Besso, good friend of Mileva in Zureich (Zurich) [S.33]

1. The report (translation)

The tragedy of the couple Albert and Mileva Einstein

Manfred Wasmayr

OStR Mag. Manfred Wasmayr, Neumarkt a. W. - Physikgeschichte PLUS LUCIS 1/2004 (Austria)

Most readers of PLUS LUCIS will spontaneously ask themselves: What has lost a tragedy of a couple in a training journal for physics teachers? There are several reasons why I decided to write an article about the tragedy of the couple Albert and Mileva Einstein. One of the reasons is the portrayal of the case of Einstein / Marić by the German author Senta Trömel-Plötz in her book Mother's Language - father land (original German: Vatersprache - Mutterland), which in my opinion can not remain uncontested in its feminist exaggeration and one-sidedness. Another reason is that even in 8th grade lessons I was repeatedly asked by woman students that half of the Special Theory of Relativity (in short: SRT) came actually by Einstein's first wife, Mileva Marić. And a third reason was the fact that in earlier Einstein biographies (Johannes Wickert in the monographs by editor Rowohlt, Banesh Hoffmann / Helen Dukas by editor Fischer pocket books) both was concealed: the mathematical talent of Mileva Marić as a kind of spiritual dowry into marriage, and the premarital birth of the first child "Lieserl", which was released for adoption because of the oppressive poverty of the young couple, all this was concealed with silence.
[Last letters mention a scarlet fever with the daughter "Lieserl", which around 1900 was often deadly yet. That means, there could also be a secret grave, or a baby skeleton in the Maric family grave].
So nobody needs to worry about being harassed by what Egon Friedell rightly so contemptuously called "underpants biographies". The privacy of the young Einsteins will be respected if possible - which one can not necessarily say by the edition of her love letters that were published some years ago. I will refer exclusively to the following three sources:

1. Senta Trömel-Plötz: Mileva Einstein-Marić: The Woman, who did Einsteins Mathematics (in German: Die Frau, die Einsteins mathematische Probleme löste; edition Verlag Frauenoffensive, 1991 [in 2019 this edition is not existing any more].
2. John Stachel: "Albert Einstein and Mileva Marić: A collaboration that Failed to Develop"; In: Einstein from B to Z, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2002.
3. Albert Einstein/Mileva Marić: On Sunday I kiss you orally (original German: Am Sonntag küß ich Dich mündlich) - love letters 1897 - 1903) edition Piper, 1994 (and in it there is the very excellent, very detailed foreword by the science historian Armin Hermann "Einstein and the women"). This last book was discussed a short time after it's edition in PLUS LUCIS number 2/95 by Prof. Kühnelt. In the meantime it's unfortunately out of print.

The study and the first child Lieserl which was given away

In October 1896, the then seventeen-year-old Albert Einstein enrolled at the Polytechnic University of Zurich, which later became world famous, not least because of him under the name of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich. Among the eleven freshman students, there was also Mileva Marić, who was 3 1/2 years older than he was. Mileva Maric came from today's Vojvodina. How the two young students got closer to each other personally by studying the lecture notes can be understood very clearly in their above-quoted love letters. It shows us a young physicist, euphorically exhilarated both by the emerging love relationship with Mileva and by his spiritual successes in studying physics, but at the same time desperately seeking a job in order to found a family (by the way, an oppressive parallel to life Christian Doppler).
[Einstein has taken a huge sting at ETH Zurich being a truant and with rebellions in internships, and he was allowed to pass with 4.91 whereas a 5.00 was required for the diploma, so the professors could not recommend this rebel Einstein to other universities - although Einstein had visions of a world formula and made his own science].
John Stachel demonstrates very convincingly that giving away the first-born child Lieserl was THE SHADOW which charged the mutual relationship for the rest of their lives, therefore I also searched the correspondence above all for the birth of that first child. This birth must have happened pretty precisely during the turn of the year 1901/02, in the homeland of Mileva. The length of Mileva's stay with her parents in Wojwodina is not clear from the letters (Einstein's letters are undated), but it must have been almost a year. When reading the correspondence, one can not shake the suspicion that the rat-poor and destitute young bride and groom wanted to keep the pregnancy secret from their Swiss friends. Mileva came back to Berne towards the end of 1901 [[or beginning of 1902?]] without her baby coming from her parents to Albert Einstein, so it is certain that Einstein never saw his firstborn daughter at all!
[Einstein makes EVERYTHING WRONG with Mileva: He impregnates her, with no cash reserves and without a job, and Mileva does not even have a diploma, and Mileva permits all that (!). But from May 1902 on appr. Einstein has his job at Patent Office in Berne and there is NO reason to give the child away - or he thinks that a child would harm his carreer? A letter is stating clearly that he wanted to have the child growing with him (!)].
The letter No. 49 of Feb. 4, 1902, in which he asks Mileva at least for a drawing of the child, I even learn that he never got to see a portrait of his little daughter. Nearly a year after the return of Mileva from her native country, the wedding took place in the close circle of January 6, 1903, whereby this close circle did not consist of the parents of the bridegroom nor of the bride, but the parents were absent, but there were only Einstein's debating friends Conrad Habicht and Maurice Solovine serving as witnesses to this marriage. It should not be concealed here [S.30] that Einstein's parents sought to hinder the marriage of their son by any means - perhaps understandable in view of the age of Einstein (little more than 23 years) and, above all, Einstein's father [[Hermann Einstein]] had enormous business difficulties provoking his sudden death just in the same year [[1902]].
-- the stupid Hermann Einstein insisted on the production of electrical appliances with direct current (DC), and this stubborn buck became more and more finished by the competition, which produced equipment for alternating current (AC), this happened in Ulm, in Munich, or in Italy loosing much money from other Einstein family members (!)
-- on the deathbed, the stubborn Hermann Einstein gives the consent to marriage - the mother Pauline Einstein never gives].
To return to "Lieserl" and the infinitely long shadow that comes from its disappearance: although in the letter of February 4, 1902, it says:
"The only thing left to do is to ask how we could take our Lieserl, I do not want to have to give it up,"
(original German: "Das einzige, was noch zu lösen übrig wäre, das wäre die Frage, wie wir unser Lieserl zu uns nehmen könnten; ich möchte nicht, dass wir es aus der Hand geben müssen")
there is the following passage in the last of the survived love letters on Sept. 23, 1903:
"I am very sorry about the story with Lieserl, scarlet fever can provoke consequences for life easily. If only everything goes well. With what name Lieserl is registered? We must take great care that the child will not experience difficulties later."
(original German: "Die Geschichte mit Lieserl tut mir sehr leid. Es bleibt so leicht vom Scharlach etwas zurück. Wenn nur alles gut vorbei geht. Als was ist denn das Lieserl eingetragen? Wir müssen sehr Sorge tragen, dass dem Kinde nicht später Schwierigkeiten erwachsen.")
These lines have fueled speculation that the infant was threatened with permanent mental or physical damage, and that it could have been placed either with relatives or in an asylum. In any case, it's track lost in the shortest time completely and forever.

Why did I go into this matter in such detail with Lieserl? It is because she, too, has a lot to do with the question posed by the feminist side: Why did not the married couple Albert and Mileva Einstein become a second couple like the Curie couple? Of the many answers that can be considered for this sensitive issue, one of them is the tremendous mental burden that Mileva took from this "child abduction" that can only be described as traumatic. The older of Einstein's two sons, Hans Albert (who, unlike his brother Eduard, who was six years his junior, who only rarely left psychiatric institutions after a suicide attempt at the age of nineteen, became at least a university professor of hydraulics at the University of Berkeley), he said that his mother consistently refused to talk about this sad subject explaining that "it was too personal." Hans Albert Einstein is certainly not wrong if he sees in the loss of Lieserl the root of estrangement between his parents.
[The real reason for the split of Einstein and Mileva was the Jewish Einstein family in Berlin which did not accept the marriage between Einstein (Jewish) and Mileva (Christian Orthodox) - and Einstein let it happen that he was lured to Berlin by fake promised of Max Planck - in: Wolff: Preisgeld 2019 - and the Emperor family in Berlin (Kaiser) introduced Einstein into the world wide nobel families with all "blue blood" women...].

The mental potency of Mileva

Now, there is the second delicate question: did Mileva Marić have the scientific level to become alongside Albert Einstein a "second Madame Curie"? In October 1983, in the German women's rewiew "Emma" an essay about on Mileva Marić was published with the title "The Mother of the Theory of Relativity" (orig. German: "Die Mutter der Relativitätstheorie") and some of it must have been distributed to our women students (and to their parents of course). This text is a construction of facts and fictions which came from a Serbian descendant of Mileva, university professor of mathematics at the University of Belgrade, Ms. Desanka Trbuhovic-Gjuric, with her book "In the Shadow of Albert Einstein. The Tragic Life of Mileva Marić" (published in 1969 in Serbo-Croatian and published in German in 1983). Let's see about this book the following quote from the essay by Mrs. Trömel-Plötz (1):
"I would have liked to meet the woman author of this biography, who when I read her work the first time did not let me go any more. I would have liked to ask her if we would know Mileva Einstein-Marić as a mathematician and physicist today, if she had not been Albert Einstein's wife; whether she could not have resisted the mental exploitation; why marrying Albert Einstein she was no longer thinking of her own dreams and hopes; why she did not resist to the seizure of her creativity and energy by her husband."

[Mileva had a helper's syndrome].
[Origin and qualifications]

Mileva Marić was born in Wojwodina in 1875 (this was then a part of Austria-Hungary), she was a daughter of a Serbian official of the k.u.k. Monarchy and of a mother from Montenegro. She passed a school career, with always better schools, at the end she was in the physics class of the Zagreb Secondary School she was the only girl there. With 19 years, she decided to go to a country where women were accepted for studying, and this was Switzerland.
[Supplement: Women were also admitted to study in France, in: Stachel: Collaboration failed 1996/2002 - in other states women were only allowed to listen or not at all].
After completing her matriculation examination in Zurich and studying medicine for one semester, she enrolled at the same time with Albert Einstein at the Polytechnic University in Zurich in the VI A department, which was responsible for the education of physics and mathematics teachers. We already heard how the two approached each other through the jointly attended physics lectures. Both of them then wrote their diploma thesis in 1900 to Prof. Weber (and later there was a big quarrel with him)
[Supplement: The dispute with Dr. Weber
Einstein often skipped lectures and was a rebel in the internships. He passed his diploma with 4.91, although 5.0 was required [[6.0 is the maximum in Switzerland]]. That's why Prof. Weber did not want to give him an assistant position as a first job. This made Mileva a rebell now (because she had her helper syndrome) and she withdrew her thesis in protest - see: Plötz: The Woman Who - 1990].
and the topics of both thesis dealt with the same field, namely that of heat conduction. But while Mileva was fascinated by the work on this subject, Einstein later found that the topic had been completely uninteresting to him.

[1903-1905: Einstein obviously destroyed letters with Mileva's instructions on the special relativity theory SRT]

Apparently, Einstein already played in a higher league physically, because as the letters confirm, he devoured the theoretical writings of Helmholtz, Kirchhoff, Boltzmann, Maxwell, Lorentz and Planck [[but WITH Mileva]]. By the way, Einstein was considering writing to Boltzmann in writing - an exciting thought that can only be regretted that it could not be realized, apparently because of Boltzmann's already miserable mental state. One could better estimate the degree to which Mileva Einstein-Marić influenced the establishment of the SRT's if more of her letters to Einstein had survived. But unfortunately her letters to him do not even account for a fifth of the entire correspondence - a shortcoming for which the editors [[John Stachel]] can give no reason, but which can either be seen as a hard-to-excuse "negligence" of Albert Einstein - or of course (and that has also happened from a feminist point of view) as his attempt to destroy traces of his wife's collaboration.

Of its ten letters received, one refers explicitly to Einstein's discussion of electrodynamics of moving bodies, from which the SRT was to develop in the 1905 annus mirabilis. In all other letters the topics are only family matters, vacation planning, exam preparation, human and very human matters.

[1903-1905: Mileva is silent - Albert stays in exuberance with colleagues]

The testimony of her correspondence is supplemented by that of her friends and acquaintances from that time. They all agree in describing the extreme silence of Mileva Einstein, while for her husband it was almost a necessity, but above all a pleasure, to "think in company", this means,. to discuss everything in a circle of colleagues [[in the group "Olympia Academia", German: "Akademie Olympia"]].

Maurice Solovine, one of the two childhood friends from her [p.31] panel discussion "Olympia Academia" recalls:
"Mileva, intelligent and reserved, listened attentively but never participated in the discussion."
(original German:
"Mileva, intelligent und reserviert, hörte uns aufmerksam zu, nahm aber nie an der Diskussion teil.")

[From September 1903, Mileva was pregnant with the first son Hans Albert, and after May 14, 1904 she took care of the first child. There wasn't much to talk more ...]

[John Stachel examines the "we" mode in the letters - 1902: Albert Einstein with a "brilliant" dissertation - but withdrawn]

John Stachel is aware of the bold claims of Mrs. Trömel-Plötz, which are also published in English under the title "The Woman, who did Einstein's Mathematics", and so he controls all the surviving testimonies of both Albert and Mileva Einstein for signs of common, scientific effort. While both are still discussing the work on the molecular forces in the we-mode, Mileva talks about the doctoral thesis that Einstein submitted to the University of Zurich in 1902, but later retired because of the differences of opinion with Prof. Weber, admiring the brilliant work, which Albert has accomplished, and adds:
"He is a really gorgeous guy".
(original German: "Er ist ein wirklich prächtiger Bursche".)
This view of facts will change to the contrary in some years.
[Thesis: Maybe the dissertation was written by Mileva, too, and Weber detected that? Where is Einstein's dissertation of 1902?]
The only passage which speaks of "our work on relative movements" and which no longer refers to the now rather insignificant work on the molecular forces is one from 1901; So there were still four labor-intensive years until the publication of the SRT in 1905. John Stachel takes great care to show that this one place is not enough to call Mileva Einstein co-author of the SRT. To complete the indications about their diplomas, Albert Einstein received for his thesis a 4.5 (6 was the best, 1 the worst grade) and Mileva a 4. For the final exam, Albert had a grade point average of 4.91 and he "passed through" (so the words of Mrs. Trömel-Plötz), while Mileva failed with a grade point average of 4.00.

Even with the repetition of her diploma examination a year later, she failed despite intensive, joint preparation with Albert again. Her frustration was so total that she vowed never to work with Prof. Weber again. Not unimportant to know that she was already three months pregnant - both reasons enough to start a longer, apparently bitter home leave with her parents.
[Remark: Mileva Maric makes a big mistake: she wants to play "Professor": She fights against Prof. Weber, who wants to give the truant and rebel Einstein no assistant job. It seems that that's why Prof. Weber gives her bad marks because she (with her helper's syndrome) defends a truant and a rebel - see Plötz: The woman who - 1990]
Even with the repetition of her diploma examination a year later, she failed despite intensive, joint preparation with Albert again. Her frustration was so total that she vowed never to work with Prof. Weber again. Not unimportant to know that she was already three months pregnant - both reasons enough to start a longer, apparently bitter home leave with her parents.
[Einstein Makes EVERYTHING WRONG with Mileva: He impregnates her, with no cash reserves and without a job, and Mileva does not even have a diploma, and Mileva allows it (!). When Prof. Weber knew about Mileva's pregnancy, Prof. Weber will have thought, this is female blackmail (!)].

[since 1905: the systematic discrimination of Mileva]

[um 1900: misogynist professors at the Polytechnic in Zureich? - The thesis of Trömel-Plötz 1990]

For Ms. Trömel-Plötz, this course of events is, of course, proof of the absolute misogyny of the professorship of the ETH Zurich, and she is bold in asserting that nothing has changed in the last 100 years against this misogyny! A somewhat one-dimensional view of things. But Ms. Trömel-Plötz is also saying very true things we can agree, for example:
"The marriage irrevocably changed the life of Mileva Marić: not only did she finish her scientific career before she could really start, but she also ended her life as an independent woman, becoming a spouse and mother, responsible for the needs of others. Her energies, her powers, her creativity were no longer hers alone. Maybe she was not aware of that in the beginning that she was not working any more for her herself, but for her husband."

[This is not right: Mileva signed the works of 1905 with Einstein-Maric and wanted her representation in the world of physicists,. but the bosses of the review "Annals" of the Emperor of Germany did not allow it (!)].
Very characteristic of her restrained, introverted nature seems to me the following statement Milevas: One of the brothers Habicht asked her why she had not given her name for the patent application of the Einstein Habicht apparatus, and she replied:
"What for? We're both just one stone." [[Einstein=ein Stein=English: one stone]]
Einstein himself has described his wife in retrospect from later times [[describing her how she was in 1918 appr., shortly before the divorce]] (and with the experience of many more women) as "not at all malicious, but suspicious, taciturn and depressed" and explained this with "a schizophrenic heredity", which then with his son Eduard unfortunately may have broken out.
[But this is the reaction to the divorce and to the mass robbery by Einstein to Mileva with the robbery of copyrights. And the son Eduard was only desperate after all the discrimination by the father since 1914].
At the sad climax of the divorce proceedings, he once describes her to his cousin and future second wife, Elsa, "the most sour-headed sow-pot".
[original German: "den sauertöpfischsten Sauertopf"].

[Supplement: Systematic discrimination against Mileva 1914-1919 - she was right to be "sour" (!)
The Jewish racist Einstein family in Berlin did not accept the Christian Orthodox Mileva and did not accept her marriage with Einstein. And Einstein did not tell his family what Mileva had contributed to his work (Wolff: 2019 prize money). When in 1914, Einstein was living in Berlin for 3 months with Mileva and the two sons in a flat in Berlin, Einstein was often picked up in the evening by other women for having festivals in other beds in other flats, and Mileva had to sleep alone with the sons in the apartment (Ripota: Insights 2018). Mileva was systematically humiliated, discriminated and isolated by Einstein, and the sons got it all. This made Mileva naturally suspicious, taciturn and depressive like a "sour pot". And war inflation in Germany provoked that Einstein's money from Berlin was always less worth. So: Einstein was in the noble families fucking around, and he let Mileva in the "cellar". Therefore, Mileva had all reason to be "sour" against this stupid Albert Einstein!].

In addition, all friends from that time testify to a passion for frenzied jealousy that showed up on all appropriate and inappropriate occasions.
[Einstein blocked Mileva to enter to the world of the "great physicians", therefore Mileva was jealous].
And this jealousy did not only extend to people, but finally included physics as a whole. While she had proudly referred to the scientific achievements of her young husband in the letters of 1903-04, she sensed how the fame and meteoric academic career that had come over Albert since "annus mirabilis" in 1905 increasingly estranged each other.
[Supplement: Einstein systematically isolates Mileva
Einstein has NEVER advocated for Mileva, NEVER dedicated her own book, NEVER mentioned it in an article or speech. From 1910, Mileva realizes that Einstein completely excludes her from the higher sciences. And that's why Mileva developed a jealousy because there were no women's rights at that time].

It may even be quite true what Mileva's fellow student Mr. Ljubomir Bata-Damic wrote about her:
"We looked up to Mileva as a deity, this was the way she impressed us with her mathematical knowledge and her genius ... She solved for him all mathematical problems, especially as far as the theory of relativity is concerned."
On the other hand, there are testimonies of Albert Einstein's friends from this time stating that the problems that Mileva had to solve for Albert nowhere surpassed the level of elemental algebra.
[Conclusion: So, Einstein's friends indirectly confirm that Einstein did not even master the "elementary algebra" (!!!)]
Maybe, Einstein specialist Peter Michelmore sums it up well writing the following (back translation):
"Mileva helped him solve certain mathematical problems, but nobody could assist with the creative work, the flow of fresh ideas ..."
To this is fitting Einstein's statement of later times:
"Since the mathematicians took the SRT in their hands, I do not understand it anymore."

[Conclusion: Einstein really did not understand anything of high maths...]

[The Theory of Relativity: Math + Physics + Philosophy]

It certainly can not be ruled out that Mileva was the better mathematician in the Einstein couple, but anyone who really got involved with the SRT knows that it is an indissoluble building of mathematics, physics, and philosophy. Although Euclid is not a philosopher, thinking about Euclid's axioms is quite a philosophical activity. And Albert Einstein started in his twelfth year with it! Einstein probably did not exaggerate when he wrote to his youth friend Solovine:
"The interest in philosophy has always present with me."
(original German:
"Das Interesse für Philosophie war bei mir immer da." )
So he had already begun an intensive reading of Kant long before his degree at secondary school (Swiss "Matura"). I would dare to assert that only a philosophically trained head, who had really absorbed Kant's category theory, could become the founder of the SRT. At these philosophical-physical heights Mileva apparently could no longer follow him, for this he had to install a suitable circle of friends, these were the people of the group "Olympia Academica" (German: "Akademie Olympia") which was meeting regularly in their flat, consisting of three people!
[Remark: A teamwork invented the "special theory of relativity": Einstein, Solovine, Habicht, and Mileva
So, when the "Olympia Academy" group has found this theory of relativity, the following members have to be mentioned as authors for this work: Einstein, Maurice Solovine und Conrad Habicht - and the maths did Mileva. At times more people were involved, so there were often more than 3 people present! - Mossad Wikipedia link].

[The fiasco in Berlin 1914 - Einstein prefers his Jewish family and the pomp]

The marriage between Mileva and Albert Einstein lasted from 1903 to 1914 (the final divorce, however, was then in 1919, and the driving force behind this was Einstein's second wife, his cousin Elsa, and behind Elsa stood Einstein's mother [[racist Jewish Pauline Einstein]]!). How one has to imagine daily life of this couple in those years, can be heard by Einstein's own words in this way [[in 1912 appr.]]:
Einstein: "I treat Mileva like an employee, but I can not quit her, I have my own bedroom and I do avoid being alone with her. So in this way, I can accept "living together" just well."
So, one can assume that this marriage of the Einsteins was already in 1910 when the second [p.32] son Eduard was born, had been completely shattered already, and the birth of the second son was obviously a desperate attempt by the spouses to repair the marriage. Many readers will wonder how to make such ingenious, scientific achievements of the highest creativity under such gloomy circumstances. Einstein would have answered: Now more than ever! In the original Einstein words it sounds like this:
"It's no wonder that under these circumstances the love of science is growing lifting me from the valley of tears into quiet spheres, impersonal and without rants and whining."
(original German: "Kein Wunder, wenn unter diesen Umständen die Liebe zur Wissenschaft gedeiht, die mich aus dem Jammertal empor hebt in ruhige Sphären, unpersönlich und ohne Schimpfen und Jammern.")
Einstein had thus started to flee from the depressing everyday's life of his marriage. Eyewitnesses from that time have the following words for this time:
"None of the colleagues who heard his apt remarks and loud laughter would have believed that his marriage was breaking up in this period."
(original German:
"Keiner der Kollegen, die seine treffenden Bemerkungen und sein lautes Lachen hörten, hätten geglaubt, dass seine Ehe gerade zerbrach.")

The end of the common household came with the move to Berlin in the summer [[spring]] of 1914. Mileva fell into depression as the nearer the move came.
"Constantly she cries about Berlin before me and mentioning her fear of my relatives." (apparently a justifiable fear).
(original German:
"Unausgesetzt weint sie mir von Berlin vor und ihrer Angst vor meinen Verwandten." (offenbar eine nur allzu berechtigte Angst).)

[Einstein's parents had written enough bad words against Mileva - and it seems that Einstein never told his parents that it was Mileva who knows the high mathematics ...]
Mileva arrived in Berlin at the end of April 1914 - one month after Albert - with the sons, and the only thing she detected after some weeks when the summer holyday was over that this could not go on like this. The faithful friend Michele Besso came from Switzerland to accompany Mileva and the two sons to Zurich, and reports:
"It was a right funeral procession to the train station. Einstein only cried twice in his life: when his father died in 1902 and now when his family left him."
(original German: "Es war ein rechter Trauerzug zum Bahnhof. Einstein hat nur zweimal in seinem Leben geweint: als 1902 sein Vater starb und jetzt, als seine Familie ihn verließ.")
It is difficult to get a clear picture of Albert Einstein's further "telephone" relationship with his divorced wife and her two children. It's a safe information that Einstein in 1919 was committing himself withing the divorce negotiations to give the complete Nobel Prize sum to her and to the two wons - and this commitment came two years before he was awarded! So sure were both that his award with the Nobel Prize was imminent.
[Jewish Zionist Mafia: The Jew Einstein was in conversation since 1910 as a Nobel laureate, although his works were published WITHOUT sources, and although Mileva Einstein has probably done at least half the work on it. Exactly because of his fakes, the prize was given to him only when the pressure of the Jewish-Zionist Rothschild media became too great and the lack of ALL sources was downplayed in his articles - and Mileva Einstein was no longer an issue. The Nobel Prize Committee has apparently waited for the divorce, and with a solstice in 1919 and a star light aberration in 1919 Einstein was made world famous so the Nobel Prize Committee was giving in to the pressure of the Jewish Zionist media. Einstein became a tool of the WJC for the foundation of IL in the desert...]
Senta Trömel-Plötz rates the fact that Albert Einstein gave the entire Nobel Prize sum undivided to his wife to Zurich, as a confession of his bad conscience, which he allegedly had every reason, after he had kept silent her share for his cientific publications as she had not existed.

A very bold interpretation! Regarding the further course of Mileva's life, Jürgen Renn and Robert Schulmann are writing, the editors of (3):
"After Albert's divorce, Mileva lived in Zurich until the end of her life, she did not remarry, although the divorce proceedings were very painful a kind of reconciliation came in the late twenties, and over the last two decades several hundred letters have been exchanged between her and Albert."

["Reconciliation": 3 houses in Zurich bought from the Nobel Prize money
In 1923, Mileva Einstein gets the Nobel Prize money, can buy from the prize money of Albert Einstein THREE houses in Zureich - THAT is then the "reconciliation" - until the son Eduard in 1929 goes crazy causing high psychiatry costs and the Albert Einstein still travels with women, instead of taking care of the sons. From 1930 to 1947 the three houses are sold because of economic crisis since 1929 and the WWII events - see: Wolff: Preisgeld 2019].

Banesh Hoffmann and Helen Dukas are in their biography even:
"Although the marriage was not happy and was later divorced, Mileva and Albert remained friends for life."

[The failure Einstein - the melancholich Einstein]

This description seems to be more a tremendous whitewashing than the truth consideirng the indications of Mrs. Trömel-Plötz, according to which Albert Einstein almost did not care about his sick son (he visited him for the last time in 1933 in the psychiatry) and allegedly refused to even talk about his first marriage and his two children. One of the most profound experts in Einstein's biography, Prof. Armin Hermann, sums up Einstein's private life in the form that Einstein failed twice as a husband and three times as a father. There is virtually no doubt about that.
[There are more children, e.g. Evelyn Einstein, the daughter of Einstein and a ballet dancer from New York, Evelyn is then adopted by Einstein's son Hans Albert and later plays an important role in the search for the Einstein letters. And there may be more children of Einstein without knowing it...].

So, the revelations in the last few years provoked that Einstein was taken from the podium - especially for women, but basically he was put there against his own will! So - and I say this as a happy husband, father and grandfather - there remains a deep relaiton also far beyond our technical, human relationship. Now I at least know why Albert Einstein looks so melancholic from the screen's background into my eyes, whenever I turn my PC off or on. He truly had many reasons to be melancholic. [p.33]


2. Chronology

1875: Birth of Mileva Marić in Wojwodina - at that time Austria-Hungary [p.31]
-- daughter of a Serbian official of the kuk monarchy, the mother comes from Montenegro [p.31]
-- best schools and grades, with 19 years, she is a private student and the only girl in the physics class of the Secondary High School of Zagreb [p.31]
-- Switzerland is the only country where women are allowed to study, and Mileva Marić goes there to the Polytechnic in Zureich (Zurich), Division VI A, training as a physics and mathematics teacher [p.31]

[Supplement: Women were also admitted to study in France, in: Stachel: Collaboration failed 1996/2002 - in other states women were only allowed to listen or not at all].

-- 1891: Albert Einstein begins as a 12-year-old with the study of Euclid with his axioms [p.32]

Youth of Einstein
-- youth friend Solovine [p.32]
-- from 1894: Einstein begins to read Kant from the age of 15, with Kant's category theory [p.32]

October 1896: Einstein (17) enrolls at the Polytechnic Zurich
-- in the first semester class are 11 people, among them the 3 1/2 years older Mileva Marić, Serbian, from today's Vojvodina [p.30]
-- Einstein has with Mileva Marić success events with love and spirit in physics studies [S.30]
-- 1896-1900: Mileva has joint physics lectures with Albert Einstein [p.31]

Zurich 1896-1900: For other women, Mileva Einstein is like a "deity" in mathematics
-- this is the admiration like of other women for Mileva for her mathematical knowledge and genius
during her studies [p.32]
-- e.g. collegue student Ljubomir Bata-Damic describes: Mileva has solved for Einstein "all mathematical problems", "especially as far as the theory of relativity is concerned" [p.32]

"We looked up to Mileva as a deity, she impressed us so much with her mathematical knowledge and her genius ... She solved for him all mathematical problems, especially as far as the theory of relativity is concerned." [p.32]

-- Mileva is the better mathematician [p.32]
-- Einstein's friends, however, claim that Mileva could only "elementary algebra" and never knew more than that [p.32]

[Conclusion: Einstein couldn't high maths and never wanted to learn it
So this Einstein's friends are proving indirectly that Einstein did not even master the "elementary algebra" (!!!). Einstein himself shouted around in the Polytechnicum that Mileva is solving the maths for him, and later he even confessed that he rated high maths as not important for physics].

1900: Diploma thesis
-- 1900: Albert Einstein and Mileva Marić both write their diploma thesis with Prof. Weber, the topics are both about heat conduction [p.31]
-- Mileva is fascinated by the topic, Albert Einstein not at all, but he was completely uninteresting, he says later [p.31]
-- but then comes a disagreement with Prof. Weber [[because Prof. Weber gives the truant and rebel Einstein an average grade of only 4.91 and then Einstein gets no assistant job]]. [p.31]
-- Einstein studied the books of Helmholtz, Kirchhoff, Boltzmann, Maxwell, Lorentz and Planck [p.31]
-- Einstein wanted to contact Boltzmann in writing, but this was apparently no longer possible because of the decrepit constitution of Boltzmann [p.31]

1900: diploma grading
-- Albert Einstein gets 4,5 (between enough and good) for his diploma thesis [p.32]
-- Mileva Einstein gets a 4 (enough) for her diploma thesis [p.32]

1900: final exams: Einstein 4,91 - Mileva 4,00
-- Albert Einstein gets a grade point average of 4.91 and is "let through" [p.32] [[although he has truanted a lot, was often a rebel in the internships, and principally at the Polytechnic a 5.0 is requested to be achieved to get the diploma]]
-- Mileva Marić gets a grade point average of 4.00 and does not get the diploma [p.32]

[Remark: Mileva Maric makes a big mistake: she wants to play "Professor": She fights against Prof. Weber, who wants to give the truant and rebel Einstein no assistant job. It seems that that's why Prof. Weber gives her bad marks because she (with her helper's syndrome) defends a truant and a rebel - see Plötz: The woman who - 1990]

from 1900: job search and first child without marriage
Mileva is pregnant by Einstein, and Einstein is desperately looking for a job - so was also the case with Christian Doppler [S.30]

[Einstein Makes EVERYTHING WRONG with Mileva: He impregnates her, with no cash reserves and without a job, and Mileva does not even have a diploma, and Mileva lets it go (!). Prof. Weber will have thought, this is female blackmail (!)].

1901: The "our" mode at work on the molecular forces
A letter testifies to a joint work on the work on molecular forces: "of our work on relative movements" [p.32]

May 1901: Mileva's second diploma attempt fails
-- 1901: Mileva Marić prepares intensively and together with Albert Einstein to repeat the diploma examination [p.32]
-- 1901 Mileva Marić retakes the diploma and passes again - and Mileva vows never to collaborate with Prof. Weber [p.32]
-- Wasmayr says Mileva Marić failed because she was 3 months pregnant [p.32]
-- then Mileva Marić goes to the Wojwodina to secretly carry the child to full term [p.32]

June until the end of 1901: carry a child to full term secretly
In total, Mileva is about 1 year away to carry out the illegitimate child in the Wojwodina, there is a clear suspicion that Einstein + Mileva wanted to keep secret the first child from the acquaintances in Zureich [[and also from the Jewish family members of Einstein]] p.30]

December 1901: Birth of Lieserl
The birth of Lieserl was in December 1901 in the home land of Mileva with the parents in the Wojwodina - Einstein's letters from this period are undated [S.30]

Late 1901: Mileva returns to Berne without a baby
-- Albert Einstein himself has NEVER seen his first daughter [S.30]

[Mileva is travelling from Zurich to Wojwodina many times, Einstein has his first private teacher jobs and never travels for seeing Lieserl].

4.2.1902: Einstein letter asking for a picture of Lieserl
Einstein asks in a letter to Mileva for a drawing of the child, so it seems that Albert Einstein has not even seen a photo of his little daughter [p.30]

-- 4.2.1902: Einstein suggests getting Lieserl to Switzerland, because he does not want to give it away [p.31]

1902: Einstein submits his doctoral thesis to the University of Zureich
-- and Mileva Einstein says [[to her friend Helene?]] that his work is a "brilliant work" and that Albert Einstein "He is a truly magnificent lad" [p.32]
-- because of disagreements with Dr. Weber, Einstein pulls back from his doctoral thesis [p.32]

[May be this doctoral thesis was also written by Mileva and Dr. Weber has seen this? Where is this doctoral thesis from 1902?]

Middle 1902 ca: Lieserl is released for adoption for lack of money
-- for John Stachel, this giving away of the first child Lieserl is THE shadow in the relationship, Einstein and Mileva have no money to start a family [S.30]

-- before 1903: The parents of Albert Einstein try to prevent the marriage with Mileva by any means, he is only 23 and has no good job, and Einstein's father has great business difficulties itself [p.31]

Milan 10.10.1902: Death of father Hermann Einstein - Albert Einstein is crying
[p.33]; The death of father Hermann Einstein takes place surprisingly, the great business difficulties have destroyed him [p.31]

-- the stupid Hermann Einstein insisted on the production of electrical appliances with direct current (DC), and this stubborn buck became more and more finished by the competition, which produced equipment for alternating current (AC), this happened in Ulm, in Munich, or in Italy loosing much money from other Einstein family members (!)
-- on the deathbed, the stubborn Hermann Einstein gives the consent to marriage - the mother Pauline Einstein never gives].

Berne 6.1.1903 Wedding of Albert + Mileva in the highest circles - with the friends Habicht+Solovine
without the parents of the two, they all stay away, there are only two witnesses, the debating friends of Einstein: Conrad Habicht and Maurice Solovine [p.30]

[Jewish racist Einstein parents with Moses fantasy and Christian Orthodox Maric parents with Jesus fantasy don't want this connection of Einstein and Mileva boycotting the couple].

-- From February 1903: Trömel-Plötz claims that with this marriage ends the scientific career of Mileva before it could even begin, and that her life as an independent woman is over [p.32]

[Supplement: Trömel-Plötz forgets the manipulation of the journal "Annalen der Physik", which deleted the name Marić from all jointly signed works ("Einstein-Maric") of 1901 and 1905, and Einstein permitted this that only his family name "Einstein" was printed. This discrimination against Mileva was gang criminality of Einstein with the bosses of the journal "Annals of Physics" in Leipzig (!)]

-- Mileva has a restrained, introverted nature [p.32]

October 1903: Adoption of Lieserl?

Vojvodina 23.9.1903: The child Lieserl is said suffering scarlet fever, Einstein asks for the registered name. From now on ther eis no news about Lieserl any more [p.31]

Vojvodina from October 1903: The adoption of Lieserl must have been traumatic for Mileva [p.31]

[Remark: But Einstein had already his job at the Patent Office in Berne since 1902 already - so there was no reason to give the child away. Or Einstein thought that a child would destroy his career?].

1903/04: Mileva always points with pride to the scientific achievements of Albert Einstein [p.32]

[This seems to be the compensation for the loss of the daughter Lieserl].

1903-1919: Marriage of Albert and Mileva Einstein [p.32]

1904-1905: The development of the Special Theory of Relativity
-- According to Wasmayr, this special theory of relativity is a "philosophical-physical high-altitude flight", and this was built up in the circle of friends of "Olympia Academica", and Mileva only listened, perhaps because she did not understand much of philosophy [p.32]
-- The letters of Albert Einstein to Mileva Marić during the period of special relativity [[1904-1905]] development are rare, it seems that Einstein lost letters, or Einstein deliberately destroyed letters from Mileva with her instructions on the special Theory of Relativity for destroying traces of Mileva's involvement [p.31]
-- from this time only 10 letters of Mileva to Albert have survived, and only one relates to the "electrodynamics of moving bodies", from which the SRT is then developed; all other letters deal with family, vacations, exams, social affairs [p. 31]
-- friends and acquaintances of the time of the development of the special theory of relativity [[1904-1905]], e.g. Maurice Solovine, describe Mileva Einstein with an "extreme silence", while Albert Einstein is always together in the circle of colleagues and is discussing everything: "being with friends for thinking" [p.31]

-- The Einstein discussion circle is called "Olympia Academy" and there is Maurice Solovine, and Mileva Einstein is always listening, but says nothing [p.31-32]

-- The special theory of relativity is an interaction of math + physics + philosophy and requires knowledge in philosophy [p.32]

[Remark: A teamwork invented the "special theory of relativity": Einstein, Solovine, Habicht, and Mileva
So, when the "Olympia Academy" group has found this theory of relativity, the following members have to be mentioned as authors for this work: Einstein, Maurice Solovine und Conrad Habicht - and the maths did Mileva].

1905: "annus mirablis" with four scriptures of Albert Einstein in the review "Annals of Physics" - name manipulations against Mileva

[-- All WITHOUT citation, this is a scientific scam on the public
-- with the signature "Einstein-Marić", and the head of the journal "Annals of Physics" ("Annalen der Physik") in Leipzig eliminates Mileva Marić as an author and only Einstein is celebrated, Solovine and Habicht have not even signed, and this feed on Einstein is yet another scientific scam at the public and at all precursors of this work - it's gang criminality (!)]

from 1905: Polytechnicum (since 1911 ETH) becomes world famous because of Einstein [[not due to Mileva!]]

from 1905: Einstein becomes famous against his will [p.33]

from 1905: Albert Einstein conceals Mileva's share in the works of Einstein [p.33]

from 1905: Beginning alienation: Albert Einstein is becoming more and more famous and gives nothing to Mileva
With this, alienation begins with Albert and Mileva [p.32].

[Supplement: Einstein systematically isolates Mileva
Einstein has NEVER advocated for Mileva, NEVER dedicated her own book, NEVER mentioned it in an article or speech. From 1910, Mileva realizes that Einstein completely excludes her from the higher sciences. And that's why Mileva developed a jealousy because there were no women's rights at that time].

[[1908]]: The patent for the Einstein Habicht apparatus WITHOUT Mileva

[[Mileva has significantly contributed to the Einstein-Habicht apparatus with analysis of experimental data, but refuses to sign under the patent application - see: Plötz 1990]].

One of the Habicht brothers asks Mileva why she did not signing with her name for the patent application for the Einstein Habicht apparatus, and Mileva answers, "Why, we're both just one stone." [p.32]

[[Einstein=ein Stein=English: one stone]]

from 1910: Disrupted marriage between Albert and Mileva Einstein
-- from 1910 appr.: The marriage of Einstein with Mileva is shattered [p.32-33], and the second son Eduard (born in 1910) seems an attempt to save the marriage [p.33]
-- Albert Einstein reacts to the frustration at home supposedly with a new "love of science" [p.33]:

Einstein: "No wonder, if under these circumstances the love of science grows, which lifts me out of the valley of tears into quiet spheres, impersonal and without rants and whining." [p.33]

-- Colleagues suspect nothing of the sad family life with the Einsteins [p.33].

1910 appr.: For Mileva the Albert Einstein is no longer a "splendid lad"

[There is also an affair of Einstein with another woman, or just a rumor, but it caused Mileva much black energy].

from 1912 ca .: Einstein says Mileva is like an employee:

Einstein: "I treat Mileva like an employee, but I can not quit her, I have my own bedroom and I do avoid being alone with her. So in this way, I can accept "living together" just well." [p.32]

1914: Mileva's depression because of Berlin and the Jewish Einstein family
Mileva Einstein gets depression because of moving to Berlin, keeps crying and is afraid of the [[Jewish-racist]] Einstein relatives [p.33]
March 1914: Albert Einstein moves to Berlin [p.33]
April 1914: Mileva Einstein arrives in Berlin with her sons Hans Albert Einstein (10) and Eduard Einstein (4) [p.33].
[Einstein lives with Mileva and the two sons in Berlin in a flat, but for many nights, this Einstein is picked up by Berlin women for festivals in other beds, and Mileva and the two sons are witnesses of this, and Einstein is not fighting for his Mileva nor for his sons any more, but he likes to make love everywhere with every offer in Berlin - see: Ripota: Einsichten 2018
Einstein gives Mileva also written instructions when she has to retreat, and makes clear that a further living together will be without emotions].
June 1914: Mileva Einstein states that this can not go together with this Albert Einstein and decides the return to Zureich (Zurich) [p.33]
July 1914: Mileva's friend Michele Besso comes from Switzerland to Berlin to pick up Mileva and the two sons there and travel with them back to Zureich. Later Besso describes the scene: "It was a right funeral procession to the station.", and Albert Einstein was crying [p.33]

1914-1920: The divorce proceedings are very painful for Mileva [p.33]

-- from 1914: mental separation of Albert and Mileva Einstein
The driving force behind the divorce is the future, second wife Elsa, a [[Jewish]] cousin, and she was supported by Einstein's [[Jewish]] mother (Pauline Einstein) to lure Albert Einstein away from [[Christian Orthodox]] Mileva [p.32].

[Conclusion: Einstein is in the middle of a religious war, and he gives in to his Jewish family members instead to find Mother Earth].
ab 1917ca.: Mileva entwickelt eine "rasende Eifersucht"
bei allen passenden und unpassenden Gelegenheiten, so berichten später die Freunde
-- Eifersucht auf Albert Einstein
-- Eifersucht auf die Physik als Ganzes [S.32]

from 1917appr.: Mileva develops a "raging jealousy"
on all appropriate and inappropriate occasions, the friends later report
-- jealousy of Albert Einstein
-- jealousy of physics as a whole [p.32]
[Einstein blocked Mileva to enter to the world of the "great physicians", therefore Mileva was jealous].
The sad climax of the divorce process [[1919]]: divorce between Albert and Mileva Einstein
Einstein says to his cousin and future second wife Elsa, he has with Mileva "the most sour sour pot" [p.32]
[Supplement: Systematic discrimination against Mileva 1914-1919 - she was right to be "sour" (!)
The Jewish racist Einstein family in Berlin did not accept the Christian Orthodox Mileva and did not accept her marriage with Einstein. And Einstein did not tell his family what Mileva had contributed to his work (Wolff: 2019 prize money). When in 1914, Einstein was living in Berlin for 3 months with Mileva and the two sons in a flat in Berlin, Einstein was often picked up in the evening by other women for having festivals in other beds in other flats, and Mileva had to sleep alone with the sons in the apartment (Ripota: Insights 2018). Mileva was systematically humiliated, discriminated and isolated by Einstein, and the sons got it all. This made Mileva naturally suspicious, taciturn and depressive like a "sour pot". And war inflation in Germany provoked that Einstein's money from Berlin was always less worth. So: Einstein was in the noble families fucking around, and he let Mileva in the "cellar". Therefore, Mileva had all reason to be "sour" against this stupid Albert Einstein!].

1919: Divorce proceedings: Einstein agrees to give Mileva all the prize money that is sure to come
[p.33]; this can be taken as an admission of how high the share of Mileva in Einstein's work was [p.33]
[Jewish Zionist Mafia: The Jew Einstein was in conversation since 1910 as a Nobel laureate, although his works were published WITHOUT sources, and although Mileva Einstein has probably done at least half the work on it. Exactly because of his fakes, the prize was given to him only when the pressure of the Jewish-Zionist Rothschild media became too great and the lack of ALL sources was downplayed in his articles - and Mileva Einstein was no longer an issue. The Nobel Prize Committee has apparently waited for the divorce, and with a solstice in 1919 and a star light aberration in 1919 Einstein was made world famous so the Nobel Prize Committee was giving in to the pressure of the Jewish Zionist media. Einstein became a tool of the WJC for the foundation of IL in the desert...]

1920s appr.: Einstein judges Mileva as "not at all malicious, but suspicious, taciturn and depressed"
and explains this with "a schizophrenic genome" [p.32]

[But this is the normal reaction to the divorce and the mass robbery by Einstein to Mileva with the robbery of all copyrights].

from 1920: Mileva does not marry after the divorce [p.33]

from 1920 ca .: Mileva is silent about the first child Lieserl
Einstein friends in Zureich ask Mileva to talk about the given away child Lieserl, but Mileva denies the statement because, "that's too personal", son Hans Albert communicates this in the acquaintance [p.31]

late 1920s / from 1928 appr.: Alleged reconciliation between Albert Einstein and Mileva Einstein

["Reconciliation: 3 houses in Zurich bought from the Nobel Prize money
In 1923, Mileva Einstein gets the Nobel Prize money, can buy from the prize money of Albert Einstein THREE houses in Zureich - THAT is then the "reconciliation" - until the son Eduard in 1929 goes crazy causing high psychiatry costs and the Albert Einstein still travels with women, instead of taking care of the sons. From 1930 to 1947 the three houses are sold because of crisis and WWII events - see: Wolff: Preisgeld 2019].

1928-1948: Albert and Mileva Einstein write several hundred letters [p.33]

     [[This is mainly about home purchase, illness of son Eduard, costs, expenses, house sales]].

[[1929]]: Suicide attempt by son Eduard Einstein
Son Eduard Einstein [[born 1910]] makes with 19 a suicide attempt and is since then mostly in psychiatric institutions [p.31]

[and at the end has a legal guardian - see: Wolff: Preisgeld 2019].

from 1929: The "science" claims that Eduard is "schizophrenic"
and it is claimed that this is in the family of Mileva] p.32]

[Eduard Einstein lets himself go - and the Bleuler psychiatry claims "schizophrenic"
The criminal psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler was a director at the "Psychiatric University Hospital Burghölzli" from 1898 to 1927 and installed there the sweeping defamation "schizophrenic" for all those who did not fit into the scheme. Eduard Einstein now gets to feel exactly THAT criminal Bleuler, because he lets his emotions run wild, instead of "developing" the family with discipline. Psychoanalysis comes only with C.G. Jung, but then Eduard Einstein is already dead].

from 1929:
-- Albert Einstein practically does not care about the exploding Eduard [p.33]
-- Albert Einstein refuses to talk about his family in Zureich [p.33]

from the 1930s about: Einstein still can not do math (!!!)
[p.32] Einstein can not do math, he says that himself over and over again, e.g. with the following statement, perhaps from the 1930s:
"Since the mathematicians took the SRT in their hands, I do not understand it anymore." [P.32]
1933: Albert Einstein visits son Eduard in the psychiatric clinic Burghölzli
There Einstein sees his son Eduard for the last time, he NEVER comes on a visit again, even at Mileva's death Einstein is not coming, not to their funeral, not to sight the estate, just not ... [p.33]
[This is how Jewish racism goes against Orthodox Christians. The whole thing is a religious war carried out by the Einstein family against Mileva's family].
[[from 1936 with doctoral title]] Son Hans Albert Einstein makes a career as a physics engineer
-- last as University Professor of Hydraulics at the University of Berkeley near San Francisco [p.31]
-- son Hans Albert Einstein thinks that the loss of the first child Lieserl is the root of alienation between Albert and Mileva [[he does not see Sigmund Freud against women ("hysterical") and Bleuler against women ("schizophrenic"), and he does not see the helper syndrome, which is defined only in 1977]] [p.31]

1969: Buch von Desanka Trbuhovic-Gjuric: "Im Schatten Albert Einsteins. Das tragische Leben der Mileva Marić"
erschienen 1969 auf Serbokroatisch

1983: book of Desanka Trbuhovic-Gjuric: "In the shadow of Albert Einstein. The tragic life of Mileva Marić"
is published in German in 1983 [p.31]

October 1983: Magazine "EMMA" with the article "The Mother of the Theory of Relativity" (orig. German: "Die Mutter der Relativitätstheorie")
The topic with Mileva is opened in the magazine "Emma" with the article "The Mother of the Theory of Relativity", is according to Wasmayr a "construct of facts and fictions" [p.31]

[[1980s: more and more Einstein letters are published]]

1990: The criminal Albert Einstein becomes more and more visible

1990 [[annual meeting of the AAAS in the "USA" with the topic Einstein]]:
-- Senta Trömel-Plötz says in her speech, Mileva Einstein had become a victim of the misogyny of the professors at the Polytechnic, only because of that she had failed twice [p.32]
-- Senta Trömel-Plötz says in her lecture that the misogyny at ETH [[until 1911 "Polytechnic"]] has not changed so far [p.32]
[[Trömel-Plötz forgets important details: all the stupidity of Albert Einstein, the rebellions of Albert Einstein, and then Dr. Weber did not want to give an assistence job to Einstein, and this provoked Milleva's rebellion against Dr. Weber, so she retired her diploma thesis (!) - see: Plötz 1990!]]
Beginning in 1990, from the publication of the letters, it is speculated that Lieserl may have died from scarlet fever, or had remained mentally handicapped by scarlet fever and been housed in an asylum [p.31].

1990s approx .: Einstein biographer Prof. Armin Hermann says Einstein has failed as a husband 2x and 3x as a father
[But there were even more Einstein children with other women, for example Evelyn Einstein, and may be there are many secret Einstein children with other women yet who don't know it (!)].
from the 1990s: The criminal Einstein is brought from the pedestal, but actually he NEVER wanted to become famous [p.33].

-- 2002: John Stachel publishes: "Albert Einstein and Mileva Maric: A collaboration that failed to develop"
In: Einstein from B to Z, Birkhäuser publishing house, 2002 [p.32]
-- Stachel examines all letters in "we" mode and notes that the work on molecular forces was discussed in the "we" mode, but Albert Einstein's thesis is no longer described in the "we" mode, but she describes his work as "brilliant work" [p.32]

2004: Manfred Wasmayr publishes: "The tragedy of the couple Albert and Mileva Einstein" (4 pages)

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[web01] https://www.wikiwand.com/de/Patricia_Jünger
[web02] Karl-Sczuka Prize, Oct.18, 1986: "Sehr geehrter Herr - Ein Requiem": http://web.ard.de/ard-chronik/index/2059
[web03] Mossad-Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patricia_Jünger
[web04] Evan Harris Walker: Ms. Einstein (1990): https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/13fbac_491f456c13d2467e8731acdd828a3851.pdf, p.4
[web05] Conclusion Michael Palomino
[web06] Barbara Wolff: What happened with the prize money? (original German: Der Nobelpreis für Physik für das Jahr 1921 – was geschah mit dem Preisgeld?) - https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/sites/default/files/P493.pdf
