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Groundwater 02: pollution and contamination
Contamination of groundwater by industries, dumping grounds, washing agents, pesticides, medicaments, road salt, and gasoline stations etc.-- purification of contaminated groundwater -- prevention and groundwater protection
Groundwater pollution and pollution of waters by toxic seepage water of a dumping ground [z002]
by Michael Palomino (2013)
Part 1: groundwater in general - part 2: pollution and contamination - part 3: salinization, oversalted wells
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Origins of groundwater pollution and contamination
Scheme 01: Groundwater contamination by industries, agriculture and surface coal mining [1]
Groundwater can be contaminated
-- by industries (gasoline stations inclusive)
-- by agriculture (sewage, nitrogen)
-- by surface coal mining (residuals)
-- by dumping grounds (seepage water contains toxic substances) which is covered in this case.
The contaminant plume in the groundwater system
Scheme 02: Contamination of groundwater by a hole in an industrial tank in the soil contaminating groundwater and a distant river [2]
A hole in an industrial basin or tank in the earth is not recognized for years and is contaminating earth. When it's raining seepage water is spreading the toxic substances down to the groundwater.
When toxic substances are reaching the groundwater, then they will be spread in the whole groundwater system for kilometers and 100,000s or even millions of m3 of groundwater will be contaminated. Eventually these toxic substances will also emerge in distant waters like creeks and rivers and can cause all possible illnesses up to cancer and death with humans and animals and plants. There will be dead rivers, for example in China.
Scheme 03: Groundwater contamination and contamination of waters by seepage water of a dumping site [z002]
A dumping site is not only a site or a deposit, but it will rain there and when toxic waste is put there rain water will take the toxics spreading them in the ground by seepage water taking them to the groundwater. Groundwater system will spread these toxic substances of the dumping ground and everything will be contaminated, also distant lakes, ponds and rivers.
That's why dumping deposits should be absolutely evaded. Instead the whole world should install well sophisticated recycling systems, and when recycling is working then it also brings profits. Chemical waste has to be recycled by chemical industry.
Scheme 04: Groundwater contamination by a dumping site, example in Wuppertal, Germany, with sulfate, chlorides, PAK, MKW, phthalates etc. [3]
PAK are cancer causing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in fuels. MKW are mineral oil hydrocarbons, solvents in fuels.
These toxics in the seepage water from a dumping ground can be very very toxic. When there are sulfate, chlorides, PAK, MKW and phthalates this can have only negative consequences.
In the town of Wuppertal in Germany the government did not do much but covered the dumping ground and nothing more was done, with the argument that no humans were affected by the contamination of the dumping ground [web02]. Well, for this town of Wuppertal animals and fields and crops do not seem so important when they are contaminated with cancer causing PAK...
Example: In Nuremberg in Germany there is a special dumping ground (hazardous waste deposit) where also combat agents and chemicals were put: "Combat agents from Second World War and waste from chemistry, mineral oils, pesticide industry and metallurgic industry" [web03]. The seepage water was transporting these toxics into the groundwater thus the neighboring Silver Lake in the public park was contaminated and any swimming is forbidden there - aside of the death of plants and animals. Among others this lake contains the nerve poison hydrogen sulfide and caused the death of about 50 persons after swimming until today [web04]. But it seems strange that this lethal toxic soap in Nuremberg has no fence!!!
Dumping ground, for example in Seoul in South Korea, the biggest dumping ground in the world [4], can produce toxic seepage water contaminating groundwater
In the case of Nuremberg distant waters were contaminated by a dumping ground, for example Silver Lake in Nuremberg, where swimming is forbidden nowadays [5]
Such dumping grounds are contaminating groundwaters and other waters regularly. Criminal chemical industry pretends that all would be an "act of nature" and does not want to pay the damage nor eliminate the toxic dumping grounds, for example criminal chemical industry in the region of Basel (Ciba Geigy, Sandoz, today Novartis, and La Roche) which have a dumping ground in a groundwater protection territory in the forest of Muttenz, and they also had a chemical dumping ground in Jura Mountains which was redeveloped only after a harsh political struggle - and criminal chemical industry representatives only claimed that there would be no danger. In Muttenz only a partly remediation of the dumping ground will be performed instead of the elimination of the garbage... [web05]
When towns without canalization are using groundwater under the town and are wasting the territory at the same time
Scheme 05: When towns on a stable stony ground are overexploiting and contaminating their groundwater [z003]
When a town is on a clay layer and groundwater below the clay layer is overexploited, then the town will sink (cases of Venice, Mexico City, Bangkok, Shanghai and about 50 more Chinese towns).
Picture 1: A little town is installing a groundwater well (blue) using more groundwater (blue flashes) than is coming after (green flashes). At the same time sewage water (brown flashes) begins to contaminate the ground, purification plants are missing.
Picture 2: The groundwater well has to be drilled always deeper and deeper (blue). Toxics from sewage waters (brown flashes) are coming deeper into the ground by rain and seepage water.
Picture 3: When groundwater under the town has gone, new groundwater wells are drilled out of the town (blue). At the same time groundwater is filling up under the town, but is contaminated now by the sewage substances (brown spots) in the earth, thus this new groundwater is toxic and unusable. And pollution of the ground with sewage waters is going on (brown flashes).
Picture 4: The town is becoming even bigger and the groundwater wells are getting more and more dry. The town is going on with pollution of the ground (brown spots). The town has to install a water supply from more distant locations.
Measures are:
-- modernization of sewage systems with purification plants stopping any contamination of the ground any more
-- this makes possible a self-cleaning of the groundwater
-- so the groundwater under the town can be used again.
More kinds of pollution of groundwater:
Repair shops with an earthy soil
Pollution by an overturned barrel [6]
When in underdeveloped countries cars and motor bikes are repaired on the bare earthy soil, this is a big danger because any vessel can have a hole, but dwellers mean that this would be "not do bad". Oil drops in the earth are normal, and when there is some rain oil drops are spreading and the population means that the earth would be purified...-- pollution of groundwater by solvents (for example in Bremen) [web06]
Pollution by washing agents
-- this pollution provoked that garden wells could not be used any more (for example in Bremen) [web06]
-- solvents come among others from washing agents when cars are washed on the earth without canalization.
Contamination of groundwater by pesticides (called "plant protection products")
<Pesticides are used in agriculture, in the forest, in the garden, on parking lots, on railway lines, but also in stables and in households against vermin and weeds, and also against bothering insects. Pesticides have a disadvantage contaminating groundwater and are not being reduced for a long time. With a certain concentration groundwater becomes inedible and toxic. Many pesticides are absolutely poisonous for fishes when they reach waters. One of the mostly spread pesticides was atrazine. yet in 1991 401 tons of this agent were distributed in Austria. Since 1994 atrazine is forbidden.> [web07]
(orig. German:
<Pestizide werden in der Landwirtschaft, im Forst, im Hausgarten, auf Parkplätzen, auf Schienentrassen aber auch im Stall und im Haushalt gegen Pflanzenschädlinge, Unkräuter und gegen lästige Insekten eingesetzt. Pestizide haben einen Nachteil: Sie werden im Grundwasser sehr lange nicht abgebaut. Ab einer gewissen Konzentration wird das Grundwasser dann nicht mehr trinkbar. Viele Pestizide sind akut fischgiftig, wenn sie ins Wasser gelangen. Einer der verbreitetsten Unkrautvernichter war das Atrazin. Noch 1991 wurden Österreichweit 401 Tonnen dieses Wirkstoffes in Verkehr gebracht. Seit 1994 ist Atrazin verboten.> [web07]
Pesticides are spread with an airplane (here in Argentina) [7] not only intoxicating the plants but also the complete earth and little
animals and organisms in the earth and in deep heights also over the earth (evaporation).
-- glyphosates are pesticides used in agriculture and on railway lines, and glyphosates are not only killing weeds, but are said killing little organisms like bacteria and fungus in the earth [web01]
-- on agriculture fields the pesticides are taken by the rain and seepage water is taking them to the groundwater system
-- therefore whole groundwater systems are contaminated with pesticides of agriculture which thus becomes a toxic agriculture
-- when railway lines have no protection bed recollecting the sewage waters the pesticides are taken by the rain and seeping water is taking them to the groundwater.
In groundwater of Korneuburg near Vienna for example where is an industry the following contamination of groundwater was found:
-- clopyralid (for broad leafing weeds and for lawn, hardly decomposable, in the "U.S.A." forbidden in 1999 [web08]) and thiamethoxam (nerve poison from criminal Swiss company Syngenta [web09] against termites and beetles also provoking holocaust of bees [web10])
-- decomposition products of pesticide
-- pesticide of Florasulam [web11] (agent Florasulam against "weeds" on grain fields [web12])
After years of working with pesticides the earth of the fields is contaminated for decades with these pesticides and is also intoxicating the bees [web13] and other insects and groundwater systems.
Scheme: contamination with pesticides spread by air and rain and rain spreading earth which is contaminated with pesticides
Scheme 06: contamination with pesticides by air and rain, rain spreading earth which is contaminated with pesticides [8]
Pesticides are not only contaminating the plants, the soil and little organisms in the soil, but there is mutilation and mass murder with these criminal pesticides:
Contamination of pesticide workers by pesticides
Spraying pesticides by hand [9]. The worker is also contaminated.
As a simple side effect pesticides are also entering the persons from whom the pesticides are spread. In the body of the worker the pesticides are provoking many illnesses from continuing headache up to genetic mutations with children or infertility with men and woman [web14]. According to indications of "Toxcenter" pesticides can provoke damaged smell, troubles with hormones [infertility], vulnerability of infections, and secondary also paralyzations and dizziness can be provoked [web15]. Agriculture workers often have no knowledge about the toxicity of the pesticides and suffering the illnesses and damages they are often committing suicide. Additionally residues of pesticides can be found in 80% of the fruits and vegetables which were sprayed with pesticides and the consequences are unknown until today. And additionally to all this the organic agents of pesticides are contaminating soils and groundwaters for decades [web16].
We thank the criminal chemical industry for their cultural contribution - and this criminal chemical industry never wants to pay for any damage they are causing. More criminality is not possible: Bayer, Novartis, Syngenta etc.
Contamination of bees by pesticides up to bee mass murder and bee holocaust
Dead bees on a honeycomb [10] Pesticides provoke nerve damage with the bees and are promoting parasites.
Pesticides in the plant are also in nectar and in pollen intoxicating also the bees, for example the nerve poison neonicotinoid troubling the awareness of the bees so they cannot find their way any more. Neonicotinoid is also supporting invasions of parasite nosema. And partly the pesticides remain in the earth for decades contaminating the air over this soil (ambient noise). A collective diarrhea of the bees is ending their existence then [web13] and bee holocaust by pesticides is continuing.
We thank the criminal chemical industry for their cultural contribution - and this criminal chemical industry never wants to pay for any damage they are causing. More criminality is not possible: Bayer, Novartis, Syngenta etc. Such chemical companies are mass murderer having profits with nerve poisons and they don't want to change it's incredible.
Contamination of the complete human population eating meat with pesticides
When cuttle is eating the contaminated plants so their meat is also contaminated with pesticides and men eating meat are also eating the pesticides [web17].
Example of a criminal "marketing": criminal Swiss company of "Syngenta" is bribing farmers in Thailand for the purchase of highly toxic pesticides (2006)
Absolutely toxic pesticide "Gramoxone" of criminal Swiss company "Syngenta" from criminal Switzerland [12]
Criminal company of "Syngenta" from criminal bank secret Switzerland, logo [11]. Criminal Syngenta is selling highly toxic "plant protection products", lethal victims inclusive
Look how criminal Swiss strategists are manipulating people in Thailand:
Report, translated by Michael Palomino:
<In Thailand Syngenta tried an aggressive selling strategy bribing farmers with propaganda presents. On propaganda posters can be seen a bottle of the controversial pesticide of "Gramoxone" (Paraquat) which is encircles by huge off-road vehicles and some motor bikes. Compared with the average month's salary of a Thai farmer of about 60 US Dollars such a car or even a motor bike is an unfulfillable wish.
This herbicide is highly toxic and has provoked a big number of lethal victims and intoxications already and in the neighboring country of Malaysia it is already forbidden. But Syngenta is even inventing the propaganda text "Luck in every bottle" which can be rated only as cynically.
Syngenta is violating any behavior codex of food and agriculture organization of United Nations FAO prohibiting any propaganda with bribes or presents for manipulating sellings of pesticides.> [web18]
(original in German:
<In Thailand versucht Syngenta mit einer aggressiven Verkaufsstrategie, Bauern mit Werbegeschenken zu bestechen. Auf dem Werbeplakat prangt ein Behälter mit dem umstrittenen Pestizid Gramoxone (Paraquat) umringt von einem riesigen Geländewagen und mehreren Motorrädern. "Diese Preise kann gewinnen, wer ein Flasche Gramoxone kauft." Bei einem durchschnittlichen Monatsverdienst eines thailändischen Bauern von ca. 60 US$ stellt ein Auto oder selbst ein Motorrad einen unerfüllbaren Wunsch dar.Das Herbizid ist hochgiftig, hat schon zu unzähligen Todesopfern und Vergiftungen geführt und ist daher im Nachbarland Malaysia verboten. Der Syngenta-Werbespruch "Glück in jeder Flasche" kann in diesem Zusammenhang nur noch als zynisch beurteilt werden.
Syngenta verletzt damit den Verhaltenskodex der Lebensmittel- und Landwirtschaftsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen FAO, der besagt, dass die Werbung keine unangebrachten Anreize oder Geschenke beinhalten soll, die zum Kauf von Pestiziden ermuntern.> [web18]
More kinds of intoxications of groundwater are:
Intoxication of groundwater by chlorides in road salt
A mobile salt shaker - a gritter (spreading vehicle) - passing a forest [13] contaminating groundwater with chlorides
-- chlorides in road salts get into groundwater along the streets and are not decomposed
-- limit value is 60 mg per liter, and from 200 mg per liter chlorides have corrosive characters attacking iron and concrete
-- chlorides in the soil and in the groundwater can also dissolve heavy metals thus groundwater can also be charged with heavy metals
-- and the elimination of chlorides in groundwater can only be performed by dilution [web01].
Therefore car traffic with road salt in winter times is much more damaging than generally known.
Contamination of groundwater by hormonal active substances
Toxic pills are also called "medicaments" - but often contain hormonal active substances [14].
"Medicaments" are often containing hormonal active substances which are discharged by urine into the water circulation system and are also reaching groundwater systems. And there are not only medicaments with it:
-- hormonal active substances are in medicaments (discharged by urine), are in industrial chemicals, and are in cleaning agents for households
-- these hormonal active substances are not filtered in purification plants but are reaching rivers and waters where fishes and frogs are genetically manipulated up to changes of sexes
-- and these hormonal active substances in waters are also seeping into groundwater systems [web01].
Thus drinking groundwater means that men will be women at the end...
Contamination of groundwater systems by big fires in chemical industries
After big fires in chemical active companies a contamination of groundwater systems can be expected because fire water had contact with chemical agents and was seeping partly in the ground. For example after a big fire in a tire production in spring 2005 in Schmöckwitz near Berlin a contamination of groundwater wells was stated in the beginning of 2006 [web19]. Or on 1 November 1986 the big fire in the poison chemical production center of Schweizerhalle on the Rhine River in criminal Switzerland with a burning chemical storehouse provoked a killing wave of fire water in the Rhine River passing whole Germany and Holland. Criminal Swiss bosses of criminal Swiss chemical industries of Sandoz, Mr. Marc Moret, claimed first that this "red Rhine River" would be only a dye. The complete Rhine fauna was killed in a giant chemical holocaust.
In this chemical storehouse had been "more than 1,000 tons of pesticides and plant protection products" [web20]. Rhine River is polluted for over 2 weeks and during over 2 weeks Germany and Holland have to stop preparing drinking water from the polluted Rhine River [web21]. Hole Rhine River was red down to Holland [web22]. There was no justice, criminal Sandoz intoxicating the whole world with pesticides had not to pay anything for this fish holocaust in Rhine River. But two firemen were sentenced for having lead fire water into the Rhine [web23]. Local population is partly very sensitive making posters blaming Sandoz for fish holocaust: Sandoz is Shamedoz, a shame (orig. German: Sandoz is Schandoz) [web24]. Also 25 years after this fire the former location of the chemical storehouse is charged with toxic agents yet. Not only this: chemical storehouses are going on being located next to open lawn and forests! [web25]. Popular saying is also coming up with the text "The more red - the more dead" (orig. German: "Je röter desto töter" [web26]. The charge for the groundwater system is absolutely concealed...
Big fire of 1 November 1986 in a chemical storehouse in the location of "Schweizerhalle" in criminal Switzerland, title page of newspaper BLICK ("GLIMPSE") [z004]
Marc Moret, the boss of Sandoz, he was claiming that the red color was only a dye, and then he invented the saying "On the way for a better chemistry" (orig. German: "Auf dem Weg zur besseren Chemie") but pesticides never were less poisoning... [z005]
The poison wave with the toxic pesticide cocktail of Schweizerhalle provoked a fish holocaust in Rhine River [z006]
Mr. Marc Moret was living in the center of Swiss upper class in Gstaad and "did not want to have any problem". He was giving NO report during 3 weeks until 21 November 1986 despite of all demonstrations and newspaper reports, and at the end he had NOT TO PAY ANYTHING and Sandoz was NEVER condemned for this fish holocaust. That means that there is a high probability that he was calling around in whole Europe during these 3 weeks manipulating and bribing people and "friends" so Sandoz was not confined for this holocaust in Rhine River. And there were NEVER talks about groundwater. And world wide pollution with pesticides of Sandoz (today it is called Novartis) is going on every day in the whole world. Well, with all respect, but such a poison boss is an ASSHOLE, but he is not an exception for the criminal Swiss upper class which is full of such criminal persons. But since then Germany and Holland know that Switzerland is a poison land.
Fire water at the burnt storehouse of Schweizerhalle had a pink color, and in the background forest can be seen [z007]
Fish holocaust (also called "mass death of fish") was continuing during 2 weeks down to Holland, here the red Rhine River with killed eel in Iffezheim [z008]
Sandoz is a Shamedoz (orig. German: Schandoz), poster of a demonstration put to Helvetia statue at Central Bridge in Basel [z009]
Burnt storehouse of Sandoz in Schweizerhalle. Aside open meadow can be seen. But chemistry is silent about groundwater contamination since then... [z010]
After this big fire in Schweizerhalle and fish holocaust in Rhine River there was a saying In the population: "The more red the more dead" (orig. German: "Je röter desto töter") [z011]
Facts: In the storehouse "over 1,000 tons of pesticides and plant protection agents" were stored [web20] Rhine River was intoxicated for 2 weeks and over 2 weeks it was not possible to take drinking water from the river in whole Germany and Holland [web21]. Whole Rhine River between Basel and Holland was red [web22]. But there was no justice, and criminal Sandoz company contaminating the whole world with pesticides had not to pay any cent for this fish holocaust in Rhine River. But two firemen who had fed fire water into Rhine River were sentenced [web23]. Local population is partly very sensitive making posters against this criminal company of Sandoz complaining the fish holocaust: Sandoz is Shamedoz, a shame [web24]. The location of the former storehouse is charged with toxic agents yet after 25 years after the fire. Not only this: There is going on to be lawn and forest next to the chemical storehouses! [web25]. And popular memory was creating the saying "The more red the more dead" ("Je röter, desto töter") [web26]. But the charge of groundwater is consequently concealed...
This was one more greeting from toxic Switzerland. I was present at this location these days myself and I saw the red Rhine River with my own eyes. To Swiss bosses humans and nature are not important, and the fact is that "Switzerland is a piece of shit" for the whole world exporting toxic "medicaments", "vaccines", pesticides (all reaching groundwater systems) and bank secret (destroying moral world wide). Swiss policy is absolute criminality destroying the whole world with bank secret and pesticides - also when they are even forbidden in Switzerland - and only Switzerland should be "the best".
The tanks in the earth had their sense for World War times when they were so deep so bombs could not tough them. But after about 80 to 100 years of use they have to be recycled and new tanks are placed often in cellar basements or in cabins preventing any pollution of the earth.
Contamination of groundwater with fuels (gasoline and oils)
Gasoline station with tanks directly in the earth [15]
Parking lot with many oil spots could be seen in 2007 in malecón Cisneros in Lima-Miraflores (Peru) [16] When rain is coming the oil enters canalization and water systems - arriving at the end also groundwater systems.
Concretely there are the following contaminations by fuels:
-- oil spots from vehicles on parking lots or on gravel or meadows
-- leaking out gasoline of gasoline stations when the tanks are directly in the earth
-- leaking gasoline from tank farms
-- leaking heating oils of old tanks which are installed in the earth next to residential houses.
Contamination of groundwater with fuels ("fuel mixture") with antiknock agent MTBE
Fuels are a "fuel mixture" of xyloles, benzoles (collective abbreviation is BTEX [web27]) and with the antiknock agent MTBE. When there is a hole in a tank, then these three components are spreading in a different way. Antiknock agent MTBE is the fastest and is coming farthest in a short time [web28].
Gasoline mixture in the groundwater system - antiknock agent MTBE is the fastest
Scheme 07 of a gasoline damage (red with cross) and different distribution of xylole (orange), benzole (yellow) and MTBE (green) [17]
Scheme 08: MTBE plume is reaching the control tube first [18]
Scheme 09: MTBE plume is reaching the river first [19]. River water becomes inedible.
Scheme 10: MTBE plume is reaching the deep groundwater system and is contaminating a groundwater well [20]. The water of the well becomes inedible.
Scheme 11: MTBE plume also has different densities [21]
-- fuels can leaking out and by seepage water are brought to groundwater systems, and the antiknock agent is the fastest element
-- antiknock agent MTBE provokes a bad smell provoking that groundwater is inedible as drinking water, the more % MTBE is mixed in the fuel (in the "U.S.A." there are up to 15 volume percent, in Europe much less) [web01]
-- and antiknock agent MTBE is biologically only badly decomposing itself [web01].
When there are tank farms near rivers - like for example in Karlsruhe in Germany having a direct charge and discharge of ships on the river - then these waters are automatically contaminated with a high percentage of MTBE [web29].
Additionally bad smelling MTBE is also excreted by fumes of vehicles and by evaporation at gasoline stations thus MTBE is completely in the water circulation in the clouds and in the rain, in the seepage water and in the groundwater systems just contaminating everything [web29].
Scheme 12: Contamination of groundwater systems by MTBE [22]: by leakages (1), evaporation at gasoline stations (2), accidents (3) and fumes of motor vehicles (4) passing cloud forming (5) and rain (6), entering the ground by seepage water (7) seeping into groundwater (10), or during rainy days MTBE in fumes is taken by the rain and then MTBE is in the sewage water of the streets seeping into the free earth (8) seeping through the earth layer (9) into groundwater (10), or MTBE is coming down in the rain on rivers and lakes infiltrating groundwater systems of rivers and lakes (11).
MTBE is on streets during rainy days. This residual water from the streets is mostly seeping into earthy grounds reaching groundwater systems with all their toxic elements (also with MTBE) [web29].
Expensive purification of contaminated groundwater
Office of water and shipping economy (Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt) in Hamburg in Wedel District, boards [23]
For purification of the industrial contaminated groundwater there are offices of water economy or departments of environment, and purification will be very expensive with millions.
A chemical laboratory for groundwater analysis [24]
-- first analysis of contaminated groundwater is performed and much time is needed for finding out all toxic elements with tests [web11]
Big chemical laboratory [25]
-- then there is an analysis of the toxic effect of the toxic elements with humans in a bigger laboratory [web11].
Well, mostly there are only rat experiments and rats are killed in the experiment and not humans. Chemistry is a holocaust industry with 1,000s of killed animals in any big chemistry plant...
Swimming is forbidden, danger of life at Silver Lake in Nuremberg (orig. German: Baden verboten, Lebensgefahr) [26]
-- after analysis measures are published [web11]
For example there are prohibitions for swimming in the case of a contamination of a lake by a neighboring toxic dumping site like at Silver Lake in Nuremberg with a warning from lethal hydrogen sulfide in the water.
We thank criminal chemistry for this "contribution of culture"! And the authorities let chemistry work with the argument of "working places". Well, now chemistry in fact has created more working places!
Building blocking wells in the region of Vienna around a tank farm [27]
-- then remediation of the contaminated groundwater is performed but can last decades and expensive constructions have to be put: there are blocking wells pumping out the contaminated groundwater and purifying it chemically [web19].
Eventually also contaminated earth has to be exchanged - for example on contaminated territories of gasoline stations and industries, or reactive walls with active coal are installed [web11]. A permeable wall is put down to the groundwater system and in this wall is a layer with active coal decontaminating the groundwater with it's chemical reaction [web30]. Filters have to be exchanged from time to time because activity of active coal is limited and is ceasing.
Scheme showing groundwater purification with a reactive wall [28]
When there is a limited quantity of contaminated groundwater [or when a town is limited with financial means] then the contaminated groundwater can be pumped out by a blocking well and can be lead to a big river so the pollution is diluted and cannot be found any more [web11].
When there is contaminated earth with pesticides the complete earth should be exchanged.
Part 1: groundwater in general - part 2: pollution and contamination - part 3: salinization, oversalted wells
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[web01] web site "Gewässergüte Grundwasser": http://www.salzburg.gv.at/themen/nuw/gewaesserschutz/gewaesserschutz_guete/gw/pestizid.htm
[web02] dumping site of Wuppertal with toxic seepage water: http://www.wuppertal.de/rathaus-buergerservice/umweltschutz/boden/102370100000277898.php
[web03] contamination Silver Lake of Nuremberg: https://blog.hep-cat.de/?p=7995
[web04] lethal Silver Lake in Nuremberg: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silbersee_%28N%C3%BCrnberg%29
[web05] No complete restauration (Keine Totalsanierung):
[web06] Ground and contaminated area (Boden, Altlasten): http://www.umwelt.bremen.de/de/detail.php?gsid=bremen179.c.17783.de
[web07] web site "Gewässergüte Grundwasser": http://www.salzburg.gv.at/themen/nuw/gewaesserschutz/gewaesserschutz_guete/gw/pestizid.htm
[web08] Cloparylid: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clopyralid
[web09] Thiamethoxam of criminal Swiss company Syngenta: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiamethoxam
[web10] Thiamethoxam a nerve toxic against termites and beetles provoking bee holocaust: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiamethoxam
[web11] BH: groundwater restoration: http://noe.orf.at/news/stories/2562629/
[web12] agent florasulam against "weeds" on grain fields: http://www.dowagro.com/de/produkte/PRODUKTSEITEN/15_primus.htm
[web13] beekeeper web site of Germany (Imkerseite des Umweltbund): http://www.umweltbund.de/imkerei
-- mutilations and sterilizations of garden shop workers:
-- endocrine effect of pesticides (German: Endokrine Wirkung von Pestiziden): http://www.pan-germany.org/download/pan_studie_endokrine_pestizide_1303.pdf
[web15] http://toxcenter.org/artikel/Symptome-durch-Umweltgifte-Nervenschaeden-Immunschaeden.php
[web16] Pesticides in pesticide circuit (Pestizide und Pestizidkreislauf): http://www.evb.ch/p20000.html
[web17] 50 years after the book of "Silent Spring": http://www.unesco.de/7444.html
[web18] criminal company Syngenta bribing farmers in Thailand for selling toxic pesticides: http://www.greenpeace-aachen.de/archiv/gentechnik/gentechnik_weltweit.php
[web19] blocking wells after contamination after big fire:
[web20] photo gallery about burnt chemical storehouse in Schweizerhalle 1986, photo text of photo Nº 5, over 1,000 tons of pesticides
[web21] photo gallery about burnt chemical storehouse in Schweizerhalle 1986, photo text of photo Nº 6, no drinking water extraction for 2 weeks
[web22] photo gallery about burnt chemical storehouse in Schweizerhalle 1986, photo text of photo Nº 7, red Rhine River with dead eel in Iffezheim, Germany:
[web23] photo gallery about burnt chemical storehouse in Schweizerhalle 1986, photo text of photo Nº 15: http://www.20min.ch/ro/diashows/diashow.tmpl?showid=41521
[web24] photo gallery about burnt chemical storehouse in Schweizerhalle 1986, photo text of photo Nº 21: http://www.20min.ch/ro/diashows/diashow.tmpl?showid=41521
[web25] photo gallery about burnt chemical storehouse in Schweizerhalle 1986, photo text of photo Nº 26: http://www.20min.ch/ro/diashows/diashow.tmpl?showid=41521
[web26] Schweizerhalle 1986: http://www.fotocommunity.de/pc/pc/display/26197616
[web27] BTEX: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/BTEX
[web28] MTBE groundwater plume: http://www.mtbe.de/grundwasserfahnen.html
[web29] MTBE in flowing waters:
[web30] reactive wall: http://www.bafu.admin.ch/in_situ_sanierung/04107/04121/04131/04316/index.html?lang=de
[web31] groundwater: www.lanuv.nrw.de/wasser/grundwasser.htm
[web32] well drilling: http://www.uni-muenster.de/GeoPalaeontologie/Geologie/Angewandte/HLLBrunnen-Grundwassermessstellen.html
[web33] http://www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at/cps/rde/xchg/ooe/hs.xsl/18696_DEU_HTML.htm
[web34] groundwater for wet meadows (Grundwasser für die Auen): http://www.ag.ch/umwelt-aargau/pdf/UAG_So_15_26.pdf
[web35] groundwater in big valleys with artesian water:
[web36] projected rest house "Schwyzerland" near natural reserve "Sägel" was not allowed to be built:
Photo sources
[1] groundwater contamination by industry, agriculture and coal mines: http://www.lanuv.nrw.de/wasser/grundwasser.htm
[2] groundwater contamination by industrial leakage in the groundwater reaching a river: http://earthsci.org/education/teacher/basicgeol/groundwa/groundwa.html
[3]: groundwater contamination by dumping site, example Wuppertal, scheme:
[4] dumping site of Seoul in South Korea: http://www.solartaxi.com/blog/2008/06/17/garbage/
[5] Silver Lake in Nuremberg, swimming forbidden: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Silbersee_N%C3%BCrnberg.jpg
[6] contamination by overturned barrel: http://www.umwelt.bremen.de/de/detail.php?gsid=bremen179.c.17783.de
[7] spraying pesticides with airplane contaminating plants and earth, Argentina: http://www.greenpeace-aachen.de/archiv/gentechnik/gentechnik_weltweit.php
[8] scheme: contamination with pesticides by air and rain and moved contaminated earth:
[9] spraying pesticides by hand: http://www.greenpeace.de/themen/chemie/nachrichten/artikel/blinde_behoerden_finden_keine_pestizide/ansicht/bild/
[10] dead bees on honeycomb: http://neulichimgarten.de/blog/dies-und-das/bienensterben-woran-sind-die-bienen-verstorben/
[11] logo of criminal pesticide fabrication plant of Syngenta in criminal Switzerland: http://www.ecodesk.com/sustainability/syngenta
[12] highly toxic pesticide Gramoxone of the criminal company Syngenta from criminal Switzerland:
[13] gritter passing forest in winter: http://www.epochtimes.de/kommunen-ruesten-sich-fuer-harten-winter-814930.html
[14] toxic pills as "medicaments":
[15] gasoline station with tanks in the earth: http://www.trialexhibitsinc.com/blog/1-5-billion-dollar-verdict-against-exxon-mobil/
[16] oil spots on parking lots in Lima-Miraflores: photo by Michael Palomino from 2007
[17, 18, 19, 20] accident with gasoline mixture with MTBE plumes which are faster than all others, schemes:
[21] MTBE plumes with different densities, scheme: http://toxics.usgs.gov/sites/laurel_bay/photos.html
[22] scheme of MTBE contamination of the world with fumes, evaporation, accidents and gasoline stations:
[23] water economy office Hamburg-Wesel, boards:
[24] laboratory for groundwater analysis: http://www.solvay.de/DE/AktuellesDE/Aktuelles/20130412_Grundwasseranalysieren.aspx
[25] big chemical laboratory: http://www.unibw.de/bauv3/labor/chemielabor
[26] water contamination by a neighboring dumping site near Silver Lake, Nuremberg, prohibition shield forbidding swimming: https://blog.hep-cat.de/?p=7995
[27] blocking wells in the region of Vienna for a tank farm: http://www.wien.gv.at/rk/msg/2003/0507/015.html
[28]: groundwater purification with reactive wall: http://www.bafu.admin.ch/in_situ_sanierung/04107/04121/04131/04316/index.html?lang=de
[29] groundwater monitoring well, scheme: http://www.uni-muenster.de/GeoPalaeontologie/Geologie/Angewandte/HLLBrunnen-Grundwassermessstellen.html
[30] groundwater monitoring well overground: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grundwassermessstelle
[31] groundwater monitoring well underground: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grundwassermessstelle
[32] groundwater monitoring well, inner sight:
[33] shield "groundwater protection zone" ("Grundwasserschutzgebiet") Appenzell, criminal Switzerland:
[34] groundwater protection zone Eisenstadt, Germany:
[35] Wiese River near Basel passing protected landscape with water protecting zone near aside in Riehen near Basel, photo by Thomas Wicki
[36] natural meadow with water protection zone of Riehen near Basel:
[37] Plan of "custom free freeway" violating landscape protected zone of Riehen in criminal Switzerland: http://truz.org/bilder/LPWieseA4.jpg;
[38] plan of "custom free freeway" destroying protected landscape of Riehen near Basel, photo by Thomas Wicki:
[39] building of "custom free freeway" near Basel violating the protected landscape with water protection zones near aside: photos by Thomas Wicki:
[40] bridge of "custom free freeway" in Riehen near Basel violating the protected landscape with Wiese River:
[41, 42] river flood plain of Elbe River near Doemitz, Germany: http://www.schoepfung.eu/landschaften-pflanzenwelt/gewaesser/hochwasser/flussaue.htm
[43, 44] flooded meadows after floods in Germany: http://www.fotocommunity.de/pc/pc/display/23613994
[45] meanders of Reuss River of Bremgarten, Switzerland: http://maps.google.com/
[46] protection strip with plants between field and waters:
[47] forbid dumping site, example Bonfol in the 1970s, Jura, Switzerland: newspaper "Le Cotidien Jurassien" / web site by Greenpeace:
[48] forbid monocultures and spraying pesticides:
[49] original landscape with little fields and little walls between Ayacucho and Andahuaylas in Peru: photo by Michael Palomino 2009
[50] original landscape with fields, shrubs and trees limiting fields between Ayacucho and Andahuaylas: photo by Michael Palomino 2009
[51] original agriculture with field with shrubs, trees and cactus as limitation in Salasaca-Wasalata in Ecuador: photo by Michael Palomino 2010
[52] original agriculture with fields with shrubs, trees, little forests and cactus limiting the fields in Salasaca in Ecuador: photo by Michael Palomino 2010
[53] motorway without canalization passing forests contaminating groundwater when its raining or salting:
[54] country road without canalization passing fields and meadows contaminating groundwater with rain or snowmelt:
[55] map with criminal motorway A2 in the region of Lake Sempach: www.search.ch
[56] map with criminal motorway A4 in the region of Lake Lauerz with a natural reserve "Sägel" just aside: www.search.ch
[57] road sign "dangerous freight forbidden":
[58] graphics with MTBE contents of gasoline in Europe and in "U.S.A.":
[59] tank farms on river sides and waters must be forbidden, e.g. Karlsruhe on Rhine River: www.karlsruhe.de/b3.de
[60] tanks in the earth must be forbidden worldwide: http://www.geomatrix.at/index.php?id=243
[61] putting loose gravel: http://www.badische-zeitung.de/suedwest-1/bequem-aber-verboten-beim-streuen-von-salz-droht-bussgeld--68410687.html
[62] herbs of natural medicine: http://www.reise-im-web.com/wellness-magazin/kraeuter/lexikon
[63] book by Dr. Peter D'Adamo and Mrs. Catherine Whitnehy: Eat right 4 your type:
[z001] dumping site of Cologne: http://www.juergen-seidel.de/bilddatenbank/product_info.php/info/p5714_2513-03.html/XTCsid/3667e2e21514309bbb3c87bb53d27367
[z002] groundwater contamination by dumping site with seepage water in the groundwater contaminating also a far river:
http://earthsci.org/education/teacher/basicgeol/groundwa/groundwa.html, mit einer Müllhalde variiert von Michael Palomino
[z003] towns with groundwater consumption and groundwater contamination, scheme:
[z004] big fire of Schweizerhalle, Switzerland, 1 November 1986, title page of BLICK: http://blog.jacomet.ch/?p=227
[z005] Marc Moret 1987, boss of Sandoz, a liar asshole from Swiss upper class from Gstaad:
[z006] dead eel from Rhine River in the following days of 1 November 1986 after big fire of Schweizerhalle, a fish holocaust:
[z007] Schweizerhalle 1986, pink fire water and forest in the background: http://www.20min.ch/ro/diashows/diashow.tmpl?showid=41521, photo Nº4
[z008] red Rhine River and killed eels in Iffezheim after the catastrophe of Schweizerhalle in 1986, a fish holocaust:
http://www.20min.ch/ro/diashows/diashow.tmpl?showid=41521, photo Nº 7
[z009] poster "shamedoz" (orig. German: Schandoz): http://www.20min.ch/ro/diashows/diashow.tmpl?showid=41521, photo Nº 21
[z010] burnt storehouse after chemical big fire of Schweizerhalle in 1986: http://www.20min.ch/ro/diashows/diashow.tmpl?showid=41521, photo Nº 26
[z011] saying after the catastrophe of Schweizerhalle of 1986 with a red toxic Rhine River: "The more red the more dead" (original German: "Je röter desto töter":
[z012] wild creek in a "concrete basin" in Brienz before violent storm of 2006: http://www.worldisround.com/articles/6168/photo12.html (2005)
[z013] channeled Dreisam River with dikes in the lower part between Freiburg and Riegel in Germany: http://www.freiburg-entdecken.de/riegel-und-das-ende-der-dreisam/