Example: Hurricane "Ivan" in the Caribbean 2004 [1]
The initial position: Storms and
hurricanes, and the delta is shrinking
"USA" are not ready to engage themselves in climate
protection. Greenhouse effect and climate warming
are accepted - against any evidence of nature and
against any statement of research. In general the
reasons for greenhouse effect are power plants for
production of electricity, defective house
constructions which need much air condition in
summer and sometimes much heating in winter, and
large quantities of car traffic.
Philipp Cooney, chairman of the "US"
environment council retrospectively always had falsified
the results of the climate research for years [1],
and thus he had played down the damaging effect. And
this picture of "freedom" is copied in certain
Caribbean sea and Atlantic become warmer and warmer.
Water is volatilizing more and more, building always
bigger clusters of clouds and bigger cyclones, and
by this the storms get always heavier and stronger.

Hurricanes: Map
of danger of the "USA" [2].
This map gives a wrong picture: Not only the
designated coasts are in danger, but also the
regions behind the coasts are in danger, above all
the Southern States as a whole from Texas to Florida.
Add to this an "American" map
of danger shows that the whole Southern and Eastern
coast - the Bahamas included - are endangered by
hurricanes. And in spite of all these facts "USA"
are not ready to work on climate protection.
Concretely: This is not only a potential endangering
of life but also common suicide.
So the real map
of danger of the "USA"looks like this:

(Map from Michael Palomino 2006)

Map with the
hurricane routes [3]
Above all in the region of the
Caribbean Sea the water gets so warm that hurricanes
can build up just in series. South Eastern "US"
states together with Caribbean Islands (above all
Cuba, Santo Domingo / Haiti and Jamaica) have got
their position just in the so called hurricane
aisle. So these regions get more and more
uninhabitable. Little less affected are Texas and
Mexico. Seldom affected are other countries in
Middle "America".
 New Orleans
French Quarter: Houses in colonial style on
Bourbon Street, with coach for tourists in the
colonial manorial racist color: white [4].
New Orleans had been built by
French racist colonists at the sea in a long
distance to the mouth of the Mississippi - on a safe
ground. The delta was stable: High tide and low tide
took land from the delta away, and the Mississippi
River was reproducing it by his bed loads and
sedimentations. With the construction of levees the
reproduction got to an end.
But then were changes: From about 1800 on some of
the great marshes around had been dried up.
Mississippi River had been straightened and the
mouth had been walled up by levees. The result was a
dried marsh sink under sea level which should be
kept dry by pump stations. Slaves and less earning
people were living in this sink.
Mississippi River was forced into levees, so his
river bed could not change anymore and he could not
spread his load anymore, but the load was sedimented
between the levees and after the end of the levees.
The levees are hindering the replacement
respectively the sedimentation, so the Mississippi
delta cannot be preserved anymore. It gets less and
less every day as many other channeled deltas on the
World which have their mound in levees into the
The levees had been built by slaves and some Irish


Orleans with Mississippi-Delta in
1812 [5]
Orleans and marshes around it in 1812 [6]
Orleans in 2005: Marsh areas became
residential areas under sea level [7]
Orleans and the Mississippi-"Delta" on a
satellite photo in 2005: The delta
has got big holes... [8]
Orleans: Residential areas in the marsh
sink under sea level on a romantic map [9]
New Orleans:
Pumping station no. 3 on Elmwood Channel, levees,
houses under sea level [10]
town of New Orleans is sinking 8 mm every year.
Clinton administration had a program to heighten and
to enforce the levees and for water gate
constructioning protecting the town from water
"USA" also developed a war program for South
"American" Columbia with the destruction of farmland
because of drug cultivation. But in drug dealing
from Columbia "US" representatives of the government
are part of it. By this poison spraying in Columbia
also rain forest is destructed, and Ecuador has to
arm to protect himself against "rebels". Therefore
the whole region of Columbia and Ecuador had been
militarized by the "USA". So, this Clinton policy
was a complete disaster and did not at all bring
From 2000 on "President" Bush never realized the
levee program for New Orleans. Instead he went into
war in 2001 and splashed all the money not only in
Columbia - but also in Afghanistan and in Iraq.
The levee and water gate works to preserve New
Orleans began in 2003 / 2004 only, much too late.
And against climate warnings nothing had been
done... [3]

"Katrina" over New Orleans on 2005-08-29 [11]
Hurricane Katrina:
Flight, Superdome, broken levees, evacuation, dead
bodies, gangs, plundering, explosions, water
pollution, loss of electricity
At the end of August 2005 on 29 August 2005
hurricane Katrina hit the coast of the Southern
states of the "USA": Mississippi, Louisiana and
Alabama, a territory as big as half of France
respectively as big as England. The levees around
New Orleans had not been enforced and not been
heightened, and there were hardly fixed water gates
to protect the water entrances for New Orleans from
the water pressure which would be produced by a

New Orleans:
Refuge in the Superdome before hurricane Katrina
will arrive [12]
mayor of New Orleans called for flight. These who
had no possibility to fly should get shelter and
refuge in the great "Superdome" stadium .

Biloxi after
hurricane "Katrina": Some peaces of wood are left

Gulfport: Timber and cars put together after
hurricane "Katrina" [14]
calculations were predicting that the center of
hurricane Katrina would hit New Orleans. Shortly
before - and in a strange way and unpredictable -
Katrina turned a little from New Orleans away. The
center of the hurricane hit the white peopled
tourist location Biloxy: with winds of over 200 km/h
and a monster wave of about 9 m height. Biloxy is a
symbol of money town: It gets it's main income by
casinos only. The wooden houses were crashed without
In New Orleans itself most of the windows were
crashed, funnels were falling from the roofs on
cars, road signs were swirling around, trees were
rooted out falling on the houses or blocked the
roads etc. But the wooden houses in the sink almost
all stayed.
Factor wooden house:
Why had these been all wooden houses? Wooden houses
are constructed fast and sold fast, very good for
the "American" society which is changing often the
work place and is changing the domicile so. At the
same time it seems absolutely suicidal to live in a
hurricane endangered zone in wooden houses. And
these wooden houses need enormous electricity
because of air condition to survive subtropical
summers, and perhaps also for electric heating in
winter. This combination is provoking the
electricity consumption and the Greenhouse effect by
old out-dated power plants, too [4].

New Orleans:
Damages by wind: Hyatt Hotel without windows [15],
and bricks on cars [16]
was moving away to the upcountry until Georgia. In
New Orleans the staying population thought first
having "survived" because the center of Katrina had
spared New Orleans. Some of the people who had
stayed went walking in the streets and examined the
damages. The media thought that there were only some
broken windows and cars and could be repaired
easily. Some went even to the bars and were taking a

New Orleans:
Broken levee because of water pressure and influing
water after hurricane "Katrina" [17]
the flood was coming. The water pressure from the
outside was so high that one weak point after
another was breaking now, not in levees to the sea,
but within New Orleans. Three places were broken,
and the sink got filled.
Nobody of the responsibles of the Bush
administration had calculated a theater like this
although they had been always warned from precisely
this theater. Now revenge came for the negligence
not having reinforced and heightened the levees and
not having fixed water gates to protect the town,
when at the same time by greenhouse effect the sea
level was always heightening and the storms were
getting more and more stronger, and at the same time
the town was sinking every year.
more facts: |

New Orleans:
Black population is optimistic [18]. But can they
swim? Are they doing water sports? Yes! Have they
got little boats or surfboards for the emergency
case? Yes! But do they expect such floods? No!
population of New Orleans lived near the sea but
mostly could not swim. At the same time it's not so
good to swim in the sea because around New Orleans
many chemical production plants and refineries are
settled endangering the sea water. The negligence of
the "American" school system not teaching children
and adults to swim got a deadly circumstance for
people who dared to walk in the floods [4].
New Orleans territory partially is under sea level.
Rowboats, kayaks or surfboards partially were
destroyed [6]. When the flood was coming people who
were staying there took their refuge in the attics
thinking that the flood would not come up to the
attic. But it came. By these circumstances the black
population which had stayed in the houses in the
sink was absolutely trapped in the coming floods [4]
and they did not know making holes in their roofs to
save themselves onto the roof [6].
New Orleans after broken levees: Houses in the water
to the edge of the roof [19, 20].
water was rising partly to the edge of the roof, and
the population did not know anymore where to fly.
They had always trusted in "God", but this time they
should perish. They did not have the idea to make
wholes in the roofs to get on the roof. They were
drowning in misery in the attics, partly whole
families, because they did not have the courage tho
make wholes in the roofs and get onto the roof.

New Orleans:
Rescue by helicopter after hurricane "Katrina" [30]

New Orleans: A
canal bridge of a freeway sticking out from the
water after hurricane Katrina [21]
administration which was making so proud wars
overseas - this Bush administration had totally
failed in the own country. The power generators at
the flooded ground failed, and drinking water supply
failed. Add to this chemical plants, refineries and
oil platforms in the region were heavily damaged. So
chemicals were flowing into the water. But: As long
as the levees could not have been repared, there was
no sense to pump water out, and without
electricity the water could not be brought out at
all. And the water was rising to the height of the
Superdome. In some quarters the water was standing 7
m high...
New Orleans:
The Superdome staying under water... [22]
situation became a massacre now: No electricity and
no water in the town. The water was reaching the
Superdome. In the Superdome the toilets failed
because of lack of water and lack of electricity.
People were dying because of lack of water. In the
hospitals people were dying because of lack of
medicine. People were drowning in the floods because
they had never learned swimming.

New Orleans:
Evacuation from the Superdome in buses under water
the rescue? The evacuation was beginning slowly -
after 3 days. The food supply and the emergency
water supply needed 4 days starting time. The supply
of little air-screw boats needed 7 days starting
time. It seems nobody was declared responsible for
such a case...

New Orleans:
After the first decline of the floods dead bodies
rest: Dead body without pall [24] and dead body in a
pall [25], victims of hurricane Katrina.
staying water became foul water: with excrements,
chemical contamination, and with swimming dead
bodies like trunks in it. After the decline of the
water the dead bodies simply were on the pavement.

New Orleans:
Dead body under a pall, provisionally marked as a
grave, after Katrina [31]

Flooded and damaged refinery [26]. New Orleans: A
chemical depot es exploding [27]. The fires cannot
be erased. And how much pollution is going into the
air by this?
the same time a smell of dead bodies was coming out
of the houses where the dead bodies had not been
saved yet. And by the broken gas pipes explosions
and fires were breaking out and nobody could erase
them because there was no way to get through the
Ransacking gangs were challenging army and police.
But the ransacked goods could not be taken with in
the evacuation. Extreme gangs who had ransacked
weapons lost their mind and were shooting at all
what was moving. So rescue teams could go into the
flooded area only under weapon protection to make
their rescue work...

New Orleans:
Levee repair after "Katrina" [28], but there are
practically no free access routes.
levee repair needed 7 days. And it needed 7 days to
have restored some pumps to get the water out so the
water level was declining at last a little. On 7
September 2005 were working only 3 of 148 water
pumps. There were people waiting 7 days in their
houses until they were rescued, or they had died
before. The same suffered many pets and domestic
animals. Europe and so called developing countries
offered aid, pop stars and film stars were giving
whole aircraft loadings for aid, because world power
"USA" itself seemed not to be capable to organize
enough help...

The first water
pumps are pumping the dirty water out of New Orleans
into the sea on 2005-09-07. The sea has to take over
the poisoned water... [32]

New Orleans:
Freeway broken into peaces after hurricane "Katrina"
[29]. Concrete never holds in a storm, and the
engineers don't want to see this until now...
The Stalingrad of the
"USA" is complete
Estimations say there will be 10,000 deads, perhaps
even more. This is a "Stalingrad". It is a massacre.
It is a crime by different structure faults and
failures of the government of the "USA" under
"president" Bush. And at any time a storm can come
again, perhaps in two weeks.
This "Stalingrad" is infinite. The world destroying
comes to a first end in New Orleans...