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July 17, 2014: flight MH-17 - one more Boeing 777 of Malaysian Airlines affected (part 1)

According to the latest information the crash site is a fake and the flight MH17 was hijacked - probably by CIA like MH370.

No emergency call - flight into the prohibited zone as single airplane of many airplanes -- the claim of the rebels they had hit the airplane was loaded into the Internet already BEFORE the flight was fired -- criminal government of Ukraine is hiding a black box and the rebels are hiding dead bodies -- remote control of MH17 is concealed embarrassingly -- criminal organizations CIA+Pentagon+NATO

Boeing 777 der Malaysian Airlines: Die Triebwerke
              sollen noch 4 Stunden lang einwandfrei gelaufen sein - so
              die Daten von Rolls Royce im Wall Street Journal  map with the
              flight path of flight MH17, MH17 landing in the no-fly
              area in the war zone of Donetsk
Boeing 777 of Malaysian Airlines [1] - map with the flight path of flight MH17, MH17 landing in the no-fly area in the war zone of Donetsk [6] - probably by remote control



presented by Michael  Palomino (2014 / 2015)


April 2014

CIA and FBI taking Ukraine by an overthrow

The base for this whole development in the Ukraine is the fact that in April 2014 the criminal CIA and FBI have in fact "invaded" Ukraine by an overthrow in Kiev on Maidan. Thus criminal Mr. Obama with CIA, Pentagon and NATO was "taking" Ukraine and Mr. Putin was taking Crimea and since then the criminal "U.S.A." are trying to provoke any kind of escalation against Mr. Putin - but truth will beat the criminal "U.S.A." Mr. Putin just has some erotic problems prohibiting nice underwear in Russia which cannot be understood at all as if Russian women would not be beautiful...

Massenmörder und Drohnenproduzent Obama, Portrait  Erotik-Verweigerer Putin, Portrait
Mass murderer and drone producer Obama, portrait [2] - objector of erotics in life Mr. Putin, portrait [3] - why?
"U.S.A." never wants peace - peace is not foreseen in the "U.S." governmental strategy...

What did criminal CIA do with Ukraine? They made with it what could be "expected":

May 4, 2014

"Assisting work" of CIA in Ukraine: preparing criminal action for manipulating the world

And since April 2014 the criminal CIA and FBI can do any maneuver they want in Ukraine:

<Dozens of FBI, CIA agents in Kiev 'assisting Ukraine security'>: http://rt.com/news/156692-ukraine-cia-fbi-agents/

But this "assisting work" is not an "assisting work" for a better life, but these are manipulations for self destruction using bribes, subjugation and instigation for committing maneuvers and criminal action. CIA is always the same thing and already in Chile, Central "America", in Vietnam and in Laos, or also in Israel it was always the same criminal CIA. Now this CIA has also the power of a remote control of Boeing air planes and this is generally known but is always hidden in the mainstream press when there are reports about "vanished" air planes (September 11, 2001, MH370 in 2014, or MH17 in 2014).

Timing: soccer world championship had to be awaited

On July 15, 2014 the soccer world championship is ending. Until this time no big action should be in Ukraine, but only 2 days after this the big action was coming - well prepared. The timing was "perfect" getting the control of the world wide news after the soccer events. On July 16, 2014 the Ukrainian secret service is loading it's faked video about the "rebels" into the Internet. Ukrainian secret service has just prepared itself too early.

Let's have a look to the time line now, and at the end we add the fact that Boeings can be remote controlled by CIA:

News from July 17, 2014

According to the latest information the crash site is a fake and the flight MH17 was hijacked - probably by CIA like MH370.

Flight path
                of MH17 from Amsterdam to Rassypnoje near Donetsk in
                Ukraine, July 17, 2014  Crash site of
                MH17 on July 17, 2014
Flight path of MH17 from Amsterdam to Rassypnoje near Donetsk in Ukraine, July 17, 2014 [4] - crash site of MH17 on July 17, 2014 [5]

Ukraine: Boeing 777 of Malaysian Airlines is shot down - and nobody wants to be the culprit: <Boeing 777 of Malaysian airlines shot over Ukraine> (original in German:
<Boeing 777 der Malaysian Airlines über der Ukraine abgeschossen>)

The aim was perhaps the airplane of Putin? <Aim of Ukrainian rocket could have had the airplane of Vladimir Putin> (original in German: Ziel der ukrainischen Rakete hätte Wladimir Putins Flugzeug sein können>)


Impossible rockets
Criminal CIA was claiming immediately that the "rebels had shot down the Boeing 777 with a rocket. In this discussion Russian news commented that the Russian Defense Department had stated some "radar activities" with a "Ukrainian rocket base" blaming the Ukrainian government having shot down the Boeing 777 with a "Buk" rocket. Almost at the same time Ukrainian government said that there are no rocket bases in the considered region, the range of the rockets is not so far reaching the region of Donetsk and there are no rockets used in the fight with the "rebels".
See e.g. this news:
<Ukrainian flight control instructed another flight level to MH17> (original in German: <Ukrainische Flugsicherung wies MH17 andere Flughöhe zu>);

People's Army has not such big rockets for taking down an airplane in 10 km of height: <Borodai dementing having shot the Boeing: VRD does not possess the equipment for this> (original in German:  <Borodai dementiert Boeing-Abschuss: VRD hat keine passenden Waffen>

The People's Militia has not at all any air plane and thus the Ukrainian army has no rockets ready for any action there:


Additionally there is missing any eye witness for a launch of a rocket having seen or heard a launch of a rocket hitting a big civil air plane.

Flight level of MH17 was only changed a little bit by 500m downwards (from 35,000 to 33,000 feet) and this is not at all important for this case. The Boeing 777 was never under 10km of flight level.

Ukrainian jet fighters always concealed by western CIA media

Then always more news from independent media were coming about Ukrainian jets - and these news are concealed by CIA manipulated western main stream media until today:

The air plane was shot down by an Ukrainian air fighter? <Lugansk stating: Malayan Boeing was shot down by Ukrainian jet fighter> (original in German: 
<Lugansk behauptet: Malaysische Boeing wurde von ukrainischem Kampfjet abgeschossen>; http://german.ruvr.ru/news/2014_07_17/Malaysische-Boeing-vom-ukrainischen-SU-25-4554/

News from July 18, 2014

According to the latest information the crash site is a fake and the flight MH17 was hijacked - probably by CIA like MH370.

Now on this day there is a big propaganda against Putin, but new facts are coming out:

Eye witnesses reporting that jet fighters had shot the air plane in the air: Eye witnesses: Malayan Boeing was shot by rockets of jet fighters> (original in German:
<Augenzeugen: Malaysische Boeing wurde von Kampfjet mit Raketen beschossen>;

Flight altitude was changed a little bit: According to Malaysia Airlines the Ukrainian flight control instructed flight MH17 not to fly on 35,000 feet (10.7km) but only on 33,000 feet (10.058km): <Ukrainian flight control instructed MH17 for another flight level> (original in German: <Ukrainische Flugsicherung wies MH17 andere Flughöhe zu>).

Well, this little variation seems normal to evade other air planes. But now there comes something which is not at all normal:

Alleged telephone recording: <Recorded telephone call of the rebels: "We shot down an air plane"> (original in German: <
Abgefangenes Telefonat der Rebellen: „Wir haben ein Flugzeug abgeschossen“>)

And now comes a decisive fact:

The flight into the prohibited no-fly area: <Before the crash: flight MH17 derived from the projected route> (
<Vor Absturz: Flug MH17 ist von geplanter Flugroute abgewichen>);

Map with the flight path of
              flight MH17 landing exactly in the no-fly area of the war
              zone around Donetsk
Map with the flight path of flight MH17 landing exactly in the no-fly area of the war zone around Donetsk [6]

And there are rumors that Putin was on his way back from Brazil to Moscow just at at the same time in the same region and his air plane had the same colors like the Malayan one:

Question: Was Putin the projected target in the sky?: <Russian agency confirming that Putin's air plane was also white> (original in Spanish: <Agencia rusa afirma que blanco era avión de Putin>)

But this similar position is referring to Warsaw and this is over 500km from Donetsk. Quotation comes here from this article <MH17: Should Putin's engine be taken down?> (original in German: <MH17: Sollte die Putin Maschine abgeschossen werden?>):

<I can say that Putin’s plane and the Malaysian Boeing intersected at the same point and the same echelon. That was close to Warsaw on 330-m echelon at the height of 10,100 meters. The presidential jet was there at 16:21 Moscow time and the Malaysian aircraft - 15:44 Moscow time,” a source told the news agency on condition of anonymity.>

Map with the flight path of
                Putin and of MH17 on July 17, 2014
Map with the flight path of Putin and of MH17 on July 17, 2014 [7] - the only common spot is the crossing near Warsaw

Thus the claim of a journalist that Putin should be hit is just another BIG LIE of CIA media for diverting the public from real facts of the case. Additionally Putin's air plane is always flying with jet fighter protection thus it's impossible that Putin had been the target. But a trouble of colors is really possible provoking that Ukrainian pilots will be more aggressive than normally!

Vergleich der Flugzeuge der
              Iljuschin von Putin mit der Boeing777 von Flug Mh17
Comparison of Putin's Ilyushin with the Boeing777 of flight MH17 [8] - did the similar colors provoke a fury in the Ukrainian jet fighter pilots?

Ukrainian jet fighters

Now one more decisive fact is coming: The war area was defined as a no-fly area and in any no-fly area a foreign air plane is considered as a spying object and normally jet fighters then force this spying object to a landing:

Jet fighter of Ukraine
Jet fighter of Ukraine [9]

There was war and a no-fly area - and Ukraine considered the air plane as a spying air plane of Russia: <Donetsk: Kiev could have considered the Malayan Boeing for a spying air plane of Russia> (original in German: <Donezk: Kiew könnte malaysische Boeing für Spionageflugzeug Russlands gehalten haben>);

<Expert says: Malayan Boeing was shot down by unprofessional military forces from Kiev> (original in German: Experte: Malaysische Boeing von unprofessionellen Kiewer Militärs abgeschossen>

Ukrainian jet fighters were starting to the civil air plane. For this fact there are testimonies and the proof of the on-line radar:

Eye witnesses are stating clearly that there were jet fighters rising: <Eye witnesses: Malayan Boeing was shot by rockets of jet fighters> (original in German:
<Malaysische Boeing wurde von Kampfjet mit Raketen beschossen>)

Other news report is indicating clearly that there were 2 more air planes just near the crash site: <On-line flight radar is showing two more air planes just near the crash site> (original in German: <Online-Flugradar zeigt zwei Flugzeuge in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Absturzort>)

And here is the same one more time: <Spanish air traffic controller says: Two Ukrainian military jets were aside of the Boeing before the crash> (original in German: <Spanischer Fluglotse: Zwei ukrainische Militärflugzeuge neben der Boeing vor Absturz>)

<"Zwei ukrainische Militärflugzeuge wurden neben der Malaysia-Boeing wenige Minuten vor deren Sturz entdeckt." Das schrieb ein spanischer Fluglotse, der die Maschine gesteuert [als Fluglotse in Europa geleitet] hatte, in seinen Twitter. „Die Militärflugzeuge flogen neben der 777 drei Minuten vor deren Verschwindung, nur drei Minuten“, schreibt Carlos. "Als das Flugzeug von den Radaren verschwand, berichteten uns die Kiewer Behörden, dass es verunglückt war. Wie konnten sie es so schnell erfahren?“, bemerkt er ebenda.>

Translation: <"Two Ukrainian jet fighters were detected some minutes before it's crash." This was writing a Spanish air traffic controller in his Twitter who had steered the engine [had controlled the engine as a flight controller in Europe] before. "The military jet fighters were flying next to the 777 for three minutes before it's disappearing, just 3 minutes", Carlos is stating. "When the plane was disappearing from the radar the Kiev authorities were reporting that it had crashed. How could they get the sure information so fast?" he remarked.>

So the Ukrainian jet fighters were waiting full 3 minutes for a signal of the Boeing 777 of flight MH17 and there was no signal as it seems!

According to the latest information the crash site is a fake and the flight MH17 was hijacked - probably by CIA like MH370.

Then Ukraine government is charged heavily for this MH17 case:

The claim of the rebels is turning out as a faked maneuver - and criminal government of Ukraine is performing new maneuvers:

The claim that the rebels had shot down MH17 is a fake: <After the Boeing crash: expert calls the recording of the rebel's telephone call a fake> (original in German:
<Nach Boeing-Absturz: Experte nennt Aufzeichnung von Telefonat der Volksmilizen gefälscht>);

Criminal government of Ukraine wants to conceal that MH17 was shot down: <Donetsk authorities fear a blow by Kiev considering the crash site of the Malayan Boeing> (original in German:
<Donezker Behörden befürchten Schlag Kiews auf Absturzstelle malaysischer Boeing>)

And any claim for more sanctions against Russia as it is described for example on mmnews here

is a claim into the WRONG direction because in the case of flight MH17 Putin is NOT AT ALL ONE OF THE CULPRITS:
-- there is NO rocket part of the scenery
-- the video of the alleged "rebels" without identity with the alleged self-incrimination having shot down MH17 is a FAKE by the Ukrainian secret service.

To the contrary any sanctions should hit the real culprits: ban this CIA, dissolve this Pentagon, and dissolve NATO - then will be peace in Europe and on the world!

News of July 19, 2014

According to the latest information the crash site is a fake and the flight MH17 was hijacked - probably by CIA like MH370.

Criminal Ukraine lets disappear one of the black boxes - and the rebels let disappear dead bodies - Putin is in a twilight now: <Downing of flight MH17: Americans want to tight the measures against Putin> (original in German: <Abschuss Flug MH17: Amerikaner wollen die Schlinge um Putin zuziehen>); http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2014/07/19/abschuss-flug-mh17-amerikaner-wollen-die-schlinge-um-putin-zuziehen/

Dead bodies and luggage are spread over a radius of 30 km: <OSCE: All luggage of the killed Boeing passengers are intact> (original in German: <
OSZE: Alle Sachen ums Leben gekommener Boeing-Passagiere unversehrt>);

The last evidence that the claim of the rebels was a fake is coming here - the culprit is the Ukrainian secret service. They installed this "recording" during already the evening BEFORE the air plane of MH17 was shot down - and it seems this Ukrainian secret service wanted to be "well prepared" for more manipulations against Russia:

The faked video against the "rebels" being installed in the Internet on July 16 already

Evidence against criminal Ukraine: Call of the rebels was loaded into the Internet already BEFORE the air plane was shot down etc. pp.: <Shot down of MH17: many strange things heading the suspicion to Ukraine> (original in German:
<MH17-Abschuss: Zahlreiche Merkwürdigkeiten lenken Verdacht auf Ukraine>)

The video against the
                "rebels" was loaded one day too early into the
                Internet - on July 16, 2014 already
The video against the "rebels" was loaded one day too early into the Internet - on July 16, 2014 already [10]

<Schließlich fanden Internet-Blogger heraus, dass ein angeblich vom ukrainischen Geheimdienst abgehörtes und die Rebellen belastendes Telefongespräch schon am Abend vor dem Abschuss abgespeichert worden sein soll.  In dem Telefonat berichtet einer der Separatisten über den Abschuss eines zivilen Flugzeugs und über den Fund von bereits rund 200 Leichen. Der schwere Verdacht: Das Telefonat könnte eine Fälschung sein, um den Separatisten zu schaden. Eine Fälschung freilich, die anzufertigen sich nur lohnt, wenn man weiß, dass es zu einer solchen Tragödie kommen wird…>

Translation: <Finally some Internet bloggers found out that the alleged recorded telephone call charging the rebels being recorded by Ukrainian secret service was installed and stored in the Internet already the evening BEFORE the air plane was shot down. In this call one of the separatists was reporting about having shot down a civil air plane and already about 200 dead bodies could be found. But now there is the heavy suspicion: This call could be a fake for charging and damaging the separatists. And producing such a fake is only worth while  when the faker knows that such a tragedy will happen soon...>
Data of YouTube concerning the faked video
                      loaded on July 16, 2014 on 7 o'clock in the
                      evening about (19:10:24)
Data of YouTube concerning the faked video loaded on July 16, 2014 on 7 o'clock in the evening about (19:10:24) [11]

This faked rebel phone call is described on a web site of www.zerohedge.com:

The decisive parts come from second 43 on, and at the same time the actors are not shown at all. Thus both actors can also be two CIA actors being well bribed for reading a manuscript stating ONE DAY BEFORE that an air plane of "Malaysian Airlines" was shot down

<The purported smoking gun is "revealed" in the second section which begins 43 seconds and lasting one minute in between a "Major" and "Grek" who are also allegedly Russian rebels. It is here that the conversation goes into explicit detail describing the contents of the downed airplane, and makes it clear that it is a civilian airplane, describing the civilian carnage, and stopping just why of naming this a Malaysian Airlines flight.

This is the key segment as it explicitly makes it clear that the plane the alleged separatists in the first part were talking about was not the Su-25 but MH 17. The only problem is that there is absolutely no way to confirm who "Major" and "Grek" are, and considering the entire Ukraine civil war has been merely one provocation and counter-provocation after another, explicitly staged in advance by either the CIA on the side of Kiev or the Kremlin on the Russian side, one does have to wonder whether the said two "smoking gun" participants aren't merely two random people speaking Russian and reading off a script?

The clip concludes with another unnamed "Militant" who supposedly is speaking to Mykola Kozitsyn, one of the purported leaders of the Cossacks operating in east Ukraine. The Militant makes it clear to Kozitsyn that it is not a military plane and has "Malaysian Airlines" written on the side. One wonders just where one could find such writing on the side of the crashed and exploded fuselage but that one is for the forensics to decide.>

Let's make a summary for the flight of MH17 on July 17, 2014: rockets are a LIE, rebels as culprits are a LIE, Black Boxes are robbed, Ukrainian jet fighters are hidden by faked CIA media, and remote control of Boeings by CIA is concealed at all
-- any rocket is a BIG LIE
-- the claim of the rebels having shot down a civil air plane and having rescued 200 dead bodies already is also a BIG LIE
-- Ukrainian jet fighters are CONCEALED in the western CIA media
-- the possibility of remote control of Boeings by criminal CIA is completely CONCEALED
-- and without any reason these criminal "USA" with "President" puppet Obama are just sanctioning Russia more and more whereas there is no evidence at all against Russia in this MH17 case!

MH17=manned drone?
Now one has to know that the "U.S." government of Obama with criminal CIA, criminal Pentagon and with absolutely criminal NATO has not only killed 1,000s of people by remote controlled drones which are also Boeings, but in this case a civil airplane of MH17 was converted into a manned drone. If there was machinery with hidden cameras transmitting spying data is not known (yet).

"U.S.A." is top in remote controlling of air planes
performing this in the whole world - and for this project the "bases" are spread world wide. Just some countries are defending themselves stubbornly against these destructive "U.S.A." who are threatening the whole world by these remote controlled drones threatening, intimidating, and dominating the whole world with it.

One just has to consider the following: the news never mention that a Boeing can be remote controlled by CIA - but "U.S.A." can remote control drones and Boeings on half of the world already. Censored CIA media of the "Western" world are simply concealing this terrorism committed by "U.S.A.", CIA, Pentagon, and by NATO!

"U.S." drone from
              Boeing "Phantom Eye"  "U.S." drone from Boeing "Scan
"U.S." drone from Boeing "Phantom Eye" [12] - "U.S." drone from Boeing "Scan Eagle" [13]

Considering the fact that any Boeing can be remote controlled by CIA there will be clear conclusions what happened in the sky near Donetsk on July 17, 2014 - and such a remote control could have been possible from many "U.S." bases in Europe, for example from Ramstein in Germany where also all drone killings of the "U.S.A." are managed being committed in the Middle East and in Pakistan. The world is coming into a new dimension with this: Boeing civil air planes are NOT SAFE ANY MORE:

According to the latest information the crash site is a fake and the flight MH17 was hijacked - probably by CIA like MH370.

The conclusions: MH17 was in the no-fly area not reacting to the jet fighters - was remote controlled by CIA - and Ukrainian jet fighters were shooting down the plane then - and CIA+Pentagon+NATO only laugh at Europe

1st: There was war and there was a no-flying area - and Ukraine considered the air plane of MH17 as a spying plane of Russia - (it seems that the crew in the Boeing had no idea about the no-flying area or just deliberately entered there with a secret agreement with CIA - just MH370 already was an agreement with CIA landing the plane in Diego García).

We have the news:

Donetsk: Kiev could have considered the Malayan Boeing for a spying air plane of Russia (original in German: Donezk: Kiew könnte malaysische Boeing für Spionageflugzeug Russlands gehalten haben)

Expert says: Malayan Boeing was shot down by not professional military forces of Ukraine (original in German: Experte: Malaysische Boeing von unprofessionellen Kiewer Militärs abgeschossen)


2nd: When MH17 was considered a spying air plane then it's clear that the Ukraine military forces wanted to make their "career" by performing "brave actions", and this "brave action" was the rising of jet fighters against this MH17.

We have the news:

Eye witnesses state clearly that jet fighters were rising: <Eye witnesses: Malayan Boeing was shot by rockets from jet fighters> (<Malaysische Boeing wurde von Kampfjet mit Raketen beschossen>)

On-line radar showed 2 more air planes near MH17 just before the crash site: <On-line air radar showing two air planes just near the crash site> (<Online-Flugradar zeigt zwei Flugzeuge in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Absturzort>)
(It seems that the CIA has manipulated the official radar well but forgot to manipulate the online radar).

3d: DON'T LET CHEAT YOURSELF BY CIA - CIA is dominating 80% of the media in Europe (yet!) and CIA is protecting the Nazi government of Ukraine as an instrument against Russia.

Indications of "recordings of telephone calls" or of black boxes can be forged easily, but ruins and the blocked no-fly area and the jet fighters in the sky cannot be faked, and military ambition in a war for more "career" cannot be forged either.

Perhaps the pilots in the jet fighters even meant that this would be Putin's engine and did shot without end: <MH17: Should be Putin's engine the target for be shot down?> (original in German:<MH17: Sollte die Putin Maschine abgeschossen werden?>)

But experts say that Putin's air plane is always with jet fighter protection - and Putin's air plane did not pass the no-fly area.

And now the scenario is developed what happened really in the sky:

Ukrainian military forces considered MH17 for a spying air plane

-- they considered the air plane for a spying air plane because it was passing the no-fly area which was very well known as it seems and which is very little thus one can pass it easily without violating it

Then one can consider the remote control of the Boeing 777 by CIA and then the scenario is even more dramatic:

It seems the remote controlled Boeing 777 was deliberately steered into the no-fly area

-- CIA was remote controlling MH17 with it's Boeing 777 deliberately into the no-fly area and the pilots themselves were relying to the "autopilot" and did not control anything

--  CIA was instructing the Ukrainian military forces to shot down the "spying air plane"

-- the government of Malaysia seems to be involved with a secret treaty as it is involved into the case with MH370 where was also a "collaboration" with CIA.

Thus CIA wanted just to sacrifice 300 people for beginning one more war.

There is a play with the numbers 777 - and 7777

CIA and NATO+Pentagon are playing with 777 - perhaps as a little "joke" because the emergency Sqawk code in the cockpit for 7777 is
"7777 intercepted by military forces"
(in: http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/enthuellungen/mike-adams/ziemlich-ueberzeugende-beweise-dafuer-dass-malaysia-airlines-mh37-entfuehrt-wurde-durch-manipulat.html)
The parallels between MH370 and MH17 are very striking - and also the sense what is staying behind this 7777.

But there is even a more sophisticated scenario with this remote controlled Boeing 777: Perhaps the Malayan pilots wanted to answer the jet pilots but they could not do anything because CIA had blocked all devices of the Boeing by remote control:

Remote controlled Boeing 777 - pilots cannot do anything any more - Ukrainians are firing
When the Boeing 777 was remote controlled by CIA and was deliberately lead into the no-fly area then the Boeing 777 remained remote controlled and the pilots could not handle anything in the cockpit, perhaps they saw the jet fighters and the jet fighters just wanted an answer signal but the Malayan pilots could not give any signal because the Boeing was going on being remote controlled.

Why the pilots of the Boeing 777 could not give any emergency signal? Because it really seems that the Boeing 777 was remote controlled by CIA and all devices were shut.

It's well possible that the CIA and the Ukrainian military had arranged that there could be civil air planes eventually crossing the war zone and then there would be the right to bring these machines down to a landing. Probably the remote control and the shut down of the devices was performed secretly and then the not responding Boeing 777 was an absolute surprise for the Ukrainian pilots and for the Ukrainian government.

When the Boeing 777 was never answering the Ukrainian pilots were firing then because the Boeing was not moving from it's track and did not say anything as it seems because CIA was blocking any device in the cockpit. The pilots were following the normal fighting rules, may be they were speaking even with the President, and it seems that CIA was hoaxing everybody here - like with MH370 with Diego García.

It's just very strange that in the CIA main stream press there is never any report about the rising jet fighters, and the radio communication of these pilots should also be available somewhere.
For concealing the jet fighters criminal CIA is just lying about a rocket and Ukraine itself is keeping secret a black box, but the blames against the rebels are all a fake etc. etc. When Ukraine had nothing to hide then they would not keep secret any black box.
In this case CIA+Pentagon+NATO are just the culprits with
-- hijacking of about 300 people into a war no-fly area
-- provoking the panic in the Ukrainian military for killing them because the plane was considered a spying air plane because it was not answering by remote controlled and shut devices.
-- and all the lies and wrong blames after the crash are calumny against Russia and against Putin speaking about a rocket which was never launched (no eye witnesses) and never heard (no eye witnesses) blaming Putin he had shot an air plane but such a shot down of an air plane had ruined his reputation. This is impossible!

The culprits CIA+Pentagon+NATO are just laughing again against Europe, but Europe will not be so stupid as in 1914 and THE CULPRITS WILL BE FOUND. CIA+Pentagon+NATO are manipulating Europe since 1945 and are not stopping their destructive activities only laughing at Europe playing with the different populations.

Suspicion against the Malayan government - MH370 and MH17 - Malayan government gets rewards from CIA?

After the story about the "disappeared" flight MH370 with the landing in Diego García with the claims that all passengers were dead and the luggage destroyed when mobile phones were running during days yet and one of the passengers gave a message from the prison in Diego García, there is a similar suspicion with MH17: The government of Malaysia is involved in the disappearing procedure of MH370 and in the shot down of MH17 and is getting rewards for this "collaboration" with CIA as it seems.

Principally two crashes of big air planes within 4 months of the same company are NOT A COINCIDENCE.

Everybody can see the facts: In the case of MH17 there is a BIG FAKE. When the events of MH370 and MH17 are considered and compared together there is automatically this conclusion: The Malayan government is bribed by CIA for giving lives in the air planes, and

CIA+Pentagon+NATO=criminal organizations

These criminal organizations committed the wars in Vietnam, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, killing over 2,700 people in the WTC blasting the WTC, and now they are just spreading violence and unrest in the world by murdering and disappearing action against human beings with air planes. Criminal organizations of CIA, Pentagon and NATO have to be dissolved immediately.

All three - CIA, Pentagon, and NATO - have their origin in criminal "U.S.A." and are legitimizing their existence with wars abroad from "U.S.A." - this means, by destroying the whole world, with the exception of the "U.S.A." More criminal it's not possible. And flight MH370 and flight MH17 were probably just the "beginning" of a new "radio technique".

What we had:

-- we had September 11, 2001 with faked telephone calls and bribed justice was never hearing the firefighter witnesses in the name of the victims and with many stolen passengers
-- we had the stolen air plane of MH370 with the perfect landing in Diego Garcia with more stolen passengers,
-- we have the case of MH17 now with faked phone calls an impossible flight path into a well known no-fly area where no other air plane touched this war zone.

Thus the maneuvers of this group CIA+Pentagon+NATO are in general always the same ones and these three are only spreading weapons and the same manipulations and should be dissolved immediately. In popular words: This "American" shit of CIA+Pentagon+NATO is never bringing peace but only bringing war and destruction in the whole world - these three have no right to exist any more.

The Malayan government
It seems the Malayan government is involved in the remote controlled flight of MH370 selling passengers to CIA being landed in Diego García, and also in the case of MH17 in Ukraine the Malayan government was for sure "collaborating" with CIA for a big bribe pretending now to be "innocent"...


Michael Palomino, July 7, 2014
Logic analytic historiography since 1992
history: www.hist-chron.com

According to the latest information the crash site is a fake and the flight MH17 was hijacked - probably by CIA like MH370.
weiter lesen: http://www.gmx.net/themen/nachrichten/panorama/40b5evo-bericht-allianz-zahlt-flug-mh370#.A1000146
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Photo sources
[1] Boeing 777 der Malaysian Airlines: http://www.planespotters.net/Aviation_Photos/photo.show?id=330014
[2] mass murderer Obama and drone producer: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obama
[3] objector of erotics in life Mr. Putin, portrait: http://en.ria.ru/military_news/20120220/171406103.html
[4] map with flight path of MH17 from Amsterdam to Donetsk: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/malaysia-airlines-mh17-karte-grafiken-route-flugroute-a-981784.html
[5] crash site of MH17 from July 17, 2014:
[6] Map with the flight path of flight MH17 landing exactly in the no-fly area of the war zone around Donetsk:
[7] map of eastern Europe with Poland and Ukraine:
[8] air planes of Putin (Ilyushin) and MH17 (Boeing777): http://www.mmnews.de/index.php/politik/19139-mh17-von-ukraine-abgeschossen
[9] jet fighters of Ukraine:
[10] the faked video about the "rebels" was loaded one day too early into the Internet:

[11] data of Youtube concerning the faked video loaded on July 16, 2014 on 7 o'clock in the evening about:
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-07-17/ukraine-releases-youtube-clip-proving-rebels-s hot-down-malaysian-flight-mh-17
[12] "U.S." drone from Boeing "Phantom Eye": http://www.uavglobal.com/boeing-phantom-eye/
[13] "U.S." drone from Boeing "Scan Eagle":
