-- A.G.
Ploetz: History of Second World War,
vol.II, D: Psychological warfare (orig.
German: Geschichte des zweiten Weltkrieges
Band II., D. Psychologische Kriegsführung);
Wuerzburg. Same Editor. 1960.
-- web sites.
Propaganda of Hitler's NSDAP is combined here
with the allied propaganda in a chronology.
Readers can see a survey about poster propaganda
from 1933 to 1945. You can see exactly fantasy
and reality of the propaganda agitation.
Surprisingly also "American" propaganda is very
Presentation of this material is only permitted
for documentary purposes.
Michael Palomino 2007, translation 2010
before 1933
of NSDAP for NS party convention at
Nuremberg of 1927
A young soldier is holding a
swastika flag which is almost bigger
than the soldier.
Note the "red city" in the
background. This seems to be an
allusion to the communists who had
their centers in the German towns.
It seems that the standard bearer
has not much control resp. his
tenure is a tenure which was normal
at the NS party conventions.
All in all the picture card is
giving the impression that there is
not needed much change to convert
the communist town into a swastika
town, because the red color of the
town and the red color of the flag
are almost the same. And the main
subject was to conquer the communist
centers in the country. A gray sky
is promising a coming
"thunderstorm", and the political
leaders partially also wanted this
"thunderstorm", but partially they
want Hitler only as a provisional
of NSDAP in Weimar Republic with the
text: "Brake the Dawes' chains, list
10, Hitler's movement" (orig. German:
"Brecht die Dawes-Ketten, Liste 10,
Hitler-Bewegung", 1928
the French occupation of the Ruhr
Basin Dawes was an allied financial
expert fixing again the reparation
of Versailles Treaty on 16 August
1924 in a Reparation's Commission.
At the same time Reichsbank was put
under international control and
Germany was given a bond. At the
same time all this brought more
German dependence from the "USA".
So, after Versailles Treaty and
after Ruhr Basin occupation the
right national wing parties had new
stuff to draw Germany "in chains" as
one can see it here. Germany is
clenching it's fist as a symbol that
forces in Germany are blocked and
cannot develop. But "develop" in
these times means to make war and to
control colonies. There are some
exotic towers on the poster in the
background. Smoking chimneys are the
symbol for jobs. The red sky is
clearly the color of NSDAP.
during inflation times 1930 to 1932 - Hitler
benefits from poverty
Industrials' policy after
stock market crash of 1929 was without mercy.
The allied only gave in on 9 July 1932 that
Germany did not have to pay any reparations
any more. Industrials of the world let sink
the whole world into a deep depression, with
millions of jobless persons electing extreme
parties in their plight because the mainstream
parties became untrustworthy and no one than
the extreme parties promised solutions for the
plight. Add to this also a big part of the
elite did not want any more their Weimar
Republic and wanted to have an other Emperor
installed. For this development Hitler should
be a provisional government. At the same time
communists worked for their world revolution
and they had their centers in the German towns
which were attacked directly by NSDAP for
years. So, there was missing the path of
common sense, and since 1923 the population in
Germany was starving another plight again.
of NSDAP in Weimar Republic saying
"The red war" ("Der rote Krieg"), 1930
"The red war - mother or comrade? -
Human being or machine? - God or
devil? - Blood or gold? - Race or
bastard? - Folksong or jazz? -
National Socialism or Bolshevism?"
(orig. German:
"Der rote Krieg - Mutter oder
Genossin? - Mensch oder Maschine? -
Gott oder Teufel? - Blut oder Gold?
- Rasse oder Mischling? - Volkslied
oder Jazz? - Nationalsozialismus
oder Bolschewismus?")
The term "The red war": In Weimar
Republic there was an eternal
propaganda war between the right
wing parties (Loyals (to the
Emperor) and National Socialists)
against the communist parties. Both
sides had the most aggressive color
red as a base in their flags, and
it's the most aggressive color
following color psychology.
Therefore there was defined a "red
The poster presents National
Socialist characteristics in
comparison with communists and
"USA". National Socialists try to
present their racist ideas as
positive elements representing
communists generally as comrade or
machines saying that a mother in
communism would be no mother any
more but a "comrade", and that
humans in communism would be no
humans any more but "machines". This
communism would be from "devil", and
National Socialism would be from
"God". Then are listed some elements
against "USA": "Full-blooded" humans
would be stronger than
"mixed-blooded", this means that one
would be on the winner's side with
the racists. There is listed the
"full-blooded" folk song against
jazz music of the "mixed-blooded",
as an allusion of the black
musicians in white sex clubs in the
"USA". The comparison between
"full-blooded" blood and gold is an
allusion to the international stock
exchange with it's clans making
millions of dollars with insider
knowledge and financial tricks
(there were also some Jewish persons
winning with stock exchange
speculations in the "USA", the
allusion is headed against them).
So, the poster is mixing communist
and "US" structures but is asking at
the end only about "communism or
Bolshevism". So, the poster is
equating communism and "USA", resp.
the energy against communism also
should fight against "USA". Some
terms like "machine" or "gold" also
will be terms of National Socialism
in Second World War (soldiers as
machines, looted gold etc.), and the
"full-blooded" are mentally always
limited compared with the
of NSDAP in Weimar Republic calling
"Hitler for President of the Reich"
(orig. German: "Hitler wird
Reichspräsident"), 1932
personally claims on the poster: "We
will take the fate of the nation
into our hands" (orig. German: "Wir
nehmen das Schicksal der Nation in
die Hände"). The poster is agitating
with swastika flags and a portrait,
besides can be seen industrial
plants representing jobs. Hitler's
right hand is alluring the voter
with it's forefinger. The gestures
are simple an clear.
of NSDAP in Weimar Republic "Open the
door for freedom - List 2", July
claims: "And now: Open the gate to
freedom! A strong hand has to steer!
Come out from the swamp! Come on
with the forces of reconstruction!"
(orig. German: "Und nun: Stosst auf
das Tor zur Freiheit! Eine starke
Hand ans Steuer! Heraus aus dem
Sumpf! Vorwärts mit den Kräften des
The word "freedom" is again taken
from slavery for reparations (Young
plan had foreseen work for
reparation until 1988) which was
lifted only on 9 July 1932. The
world wide political situation was
in fact a "swamp", and the persons
could hardly find work and the
families had hunger at home in
masses. The poster first is claiming
"freedom" of full stomachs against
the mainstream parties which have
become absolutely untrustworthy. The
swastika flag on the town hall is
announced, and everybody knew of it.
But the poster also has an absolute
military dimension for "freedom" and
where the open "gate" is leading.
There is a queue of soldiers (left)
and there is the population with a
Hitler salute (right). So, this
poster also is an indirect warning
from the war projects of a National
Socialist government. And everybody
knew of it...
of NSDAP in Weimar Republic "Work and
bred by National Socialism, list 1",
with swastika moon, 1932
poster claims that with a vote for
list 1 there would be "work and
bread". The smoking chimney is the
symbol for working industry and
jobs. At the sky is a swastika moon.
This means that with National
Socialism will be work for day and
night as in a dream during the
night. So, NSDAP is representing
itself as a "dream" for the
population without saying that the
waking up will be in a big war. But
the war is drawn well on other
posters, and it's also written in
"My Struggle" (orig. German: "Mein
Kampf") on the last 20 pages.
Poster "We want work and bread - vote
for Hitler" (orig. German:
"Wir wollen Arbeit und Brot - wählt
Hitler"), 1932 |
Poster "Front and fist - vote
front-line soldier Hitler" (orig.
German: "Der Stirn der Faust - wählt
den Frontsoldaten Hitler"), 1932 |
Poster "Work and bread - elect list 1"
(orig. German: "Arbeit und Brot -
wählt Liste 1"), beginning of the

Poster "Women! Save the German
families - vote for Adolf Hitler"
(orig. German: "Frauen! Rettet
die deutschen Familien - wählt Adolf
Hitler"), beginning of the 1930s

Poster of Weimar Republic: "Germans!
Give the answer to the system. Vote
for Hitler!" (orig. German: "Deutsche!
Gebt dem System die Antwort. Wählte
Hitler!", beginning of the 1930s

Poster of Weimar Republic: "Our last
chance: Hitler" (orig. German: "Unsere
letzte Hoffnung: Hitler"), 1932 |
It's always disastrous
when stomachs are making politics. After 1929
the capitalists let go down Germany for three
years, but Hitler did not receive even 50% of
the votes.
Hitler poster of Weimar Republic,
1932: "I will promise all, and
won't fulfill anything" (orig.
German: "Verspreche alles, halte
nichts"), list 1, Social
Democrats, 1932
Not only
Hitler had his profits from poverty of crisis
times. But also the communists were in the
streets giving bread to the people and could
perform their vote catching with the simplest
methods. The main stream parties as the Social
Democrats did not have a big chance with it's
standards. Therefore they made propaganda with
it's enemy...
Anti Hitler poster

Hitler with a Grim Reaper swastika, 1933 in the
review "The Nation" (orig. German: "Die Nation")
Picture card
in Third Reich (3R): "On 16 and 17
Sept. 1933 concentration of troops
of Thuringian Hitler Youth in
Rudolfstadt" (orig.
German: "Gebietsaufmarsch der
Thüringer Hitlerjugend in
Rudolfstadt am 16.u.17. Sept. 1933")
Death is coming with
Hitler in locksteps: There are painted
marching skeletons. But this kind of posters
was not allowed for much time any more. Since
the foundation of the Third Reich since
February 1933 National Socialist propaganda
machine was working and only National
Socialists were permitted, with posters,
picture cards, stamps, and neon signs and so
Germany: Goebbels'ss propaganda: methods
-- always repetition of certain thesis
-- simplification of complicated issues,
e.g. the terms of Marxism, democracy,
"international Jewry"
-- headwords like living space (German:
Lebensraum), plutocracy, stab in one's back,
"never capitulate"
-- concealing of certain details
-- concealing of defeats with certain words,
e.g. defect movements (German:
-- distortion of issues
-- concentration on focal points and
neglecting others
-- technique of lies as for example: "We
want the real peace" (German: "Wir wollen
den wahren Frieden")
-- wrong denials (Ploetz, p.764).
of a dangerous populist fantasist |
Hitler's speech, hands
up, probe of a speech

Hitler, radio speech in 1933. The
mass media liked to hel Hitler
because a Hitler's speach was a
warranty for a big audience.

Hitler's speach pointing into a
direction: First it was going "up",
then all was plunged into ruin.
Hitler's gestures are part of the propaganda.
Hitler did all to be "loved" by his public
combining human gestures with it's speeches. And
the masses let manipulate themselves meaning
that Hitler would be "human"... and Goebbels did
exactly the same...
German NS
agents bribing foreign newspapers
so the foreign newspapers
were writing in a German friendly way, e.g. in
the "USA" the bribe was by the Railway
Information Service (Ploetz, p.763).
there was allways anti Bolshevists NS
/ 1934
"Whole Germany is listening the
Fuehrer with it's people's
receiver", apr. in 1933 / 1934
is actuating the construction of a
"people's receiver" (German:
"Volksempfaenger" (VE), the VE 301
(referring to the Hitler
election of 30 January 1933,
these times the radio "people's
receiver" is the "modern"
condition for mobilization of the
masses, also in other countries.
Air raid protection
3R "Air raid protection is self
protection" (orig. German: "Luftschutz
ist Selbstschutz"),
This voter's slogan
"Yes" (orig. German: "Ja") for 19
August 1934 refers to the vote
about a merger of the offices of
the President of the Reich with
the Chancellor of the Reich. The
Reich's Air Raid Association
(German: Reichsluftschutzbund
(RLB)) gave out the slogan of
"Yes" (German: "Ja").
Basically this poster
shows already here the situation
of "David" against Goliath: A
bowman shall fight bombers. There
are many bombers, and by this one
can consider these air planes as
an allied coalition. So, there is
the Reich (bowmen) against the
rest of the world, and this fight
will be fought with unqualified
means (bow against air plane).
Another interpretation would be
that the air protection would be
as easy as a children's bowman
against all bombers. Probably the
poster had this effect. There can
be seen also religious emotions in
the poster abused for the war by a
cathedral in the background.
Religious feelings are abused for
war resp. the air protection has
to protect the cathedral, a
systematic propaganda trick coming
up again and again.
3R "The fighter in the air
protection" (orig. German: "Der
Kämpfer im Luftschutz"),
Goering, 1935
This is the excerpt of a Goering's
speech reinforcing the consciousness
for an air protection in the
population. This population is
committed to air protection service
with the claim: "The fighters of the
air protection have as much
responsibility and honor as the
soldier at the front"
(orig. German:
Kämpfer im Luftschutz hat so viel
Verantwortung und so viel hre wie
jeder Soldat an der Front").
So, the official duty of air
protection was - in it's meaning -
equaled to the military service in
the army (from: "Civil air
protection" (orig. German: "Der
zivile Luftschutz", 2nd edition,
1937, p.133).
At the same time this text of 1935
makes already clear where will go
the Third Reich: Germany will be
bombed and destroyed, in spite of
Knight's Cross and swastika flags.
Also other countries had their
preparation for air protection, but
not so systematically as in Third
Reich Germany...
3R "Air protection RLB" (orig.
German: "Luftschutz RLB" with spear
and shield
air protection posters hang out at
all possible public places like
railway stations, post office
branches, banks, restaurants etc.
Officially this was
"enlightenment" of the population.
"Shield bearers" in Third Reich
were an important symbol for the
combination of artistic design of
posters with a high valued
propagandistic validity. This was
one of the patterns of political
The shield bearer is taken from the
wars of Stone Age. So, it's clear
where will lead the Third Reich:
There will come another Stone Age.
Ah, everybody knew...
of 3R "Air protection money lottery"
(orig. German: "Luftschutz RLB
Geldlotterie", 1935
regime had no scruple to combine
the air protection propaganda with
other propaganda in combination
with the money instinct. Here Air
protection was selling lottery
tickets of a "First money
lottery", and there should be
given winnings of all in all
250,000 Reichsmark, and every body
buying a lottery ticket at the Air
protection was given a "Art's
review" ("Kunstblatt"). By this
the fright of bombings was
combined with the money instinct
to conceal the fright of the
coming losses of a future war...
Stamps of 3R wit "Air
protection RLB" ("Luftschutz RLB"
with shield bearer, since 1935.
By this, war propaganda is coming
with every mail to in the house...
of 3R "Woman in the Air
protection" (German: "Frau im
Luftschutz"), before 1938
The Air protection
service was a duty also for the
The painted
person is similar to a front-line
soldier (the woman has no
breasts), and the official shown
equipment with helmet and gas mask
container probably is shown to
make the air protection helpers
more equal to the soldiers, at
least according to the status.
Comparing with
original photos there can be seen
helmets, but no gas mask

Air protection assistants at
Kuhlerkamp in Hagen in 1943
Propaganda picture cards
big event in the Third Reich got "it's picture
card". So, the manipulation is coming by mail
service into the households.
Reich picture card of party
convention with Hitler's bust at the
stadium's entrance, 1934
manipulation of this picture card
is obvious: Hitler is the new
Caesar, and he wants his place in
the Walhalla hall. But there is a
difference: Caesar was a war
criminal and a liar, but he won
all wars at the end and could
prove a right feeling for his
considerations, but Hitler had no
personality but was a blocked Puer
aeternus without any consideration
of reality since 1941.
Ok, it's not forbidden to take
Caesar as it's model until
murder of Federal Chancellor
of 3R in Austria: "member of the
party the murder of the
chancellor" (orig. German:
"Parteimitglied der
Kanzlermörder"), 1934
After the murder of
Federal Chancellor Dollfuss in
1934 members of the Fatherland's
Front are signing shops of
National Socialists. The picture
was published in the corporative
state's propaganda newspaper "The
Picture Week" (German: "Die
of 3R "Triumph of the Will" (orig.
German: "Triumph des Willens"), 1935
propaganda film of Leni
Riefenstahl shows the proceedings
of NSDAP party convention of 1934
with excerpts of speeches of the
higher party members, also from
Hitler, referring to the
proceedings in First World War and
Versailles Treaty.
The film is a pioneering work for
further propaganda films in the
Reich and abroad and gets some
But basically the term "Triumph of
the Will" is very problematic
because with this term it's not
said that there are also
situations in life in which there
has to be reduced the will to
reach a good solution. And the
word "middle course" does not
appear at all...
5 October 1937
"USA": Roosevelt's "Quarantine speech" in
against the fascist states (Ploetz, p.768).

Roosevelt, quarantine speech in
Chicago, 5 October 1937
6 October 1937 apr.
Berlin: Sharp answer to Roosevelt's
"quarantine speech"
against Roosevelt (Ploetz, p.768).
of 3R "Farmer, think of air raid
protection. Let's qualify! Reich's
air raid protection association"
(German: "Bauer,
denk an den Luftschutz. Lass dich
ausbilden! Reichsluftschutzbund"),
This poster should
especially motivate the rural
population to be active in air
raid protection, "which is
experientially heavy to be
manipulated and to be won for the
necessity of an air raid
protection in the countryside"
(orig. German: "die
erfahrungsgemäss schwer zu
beeinflussen und zu gewinnen ist,
das Interesse für die
Notwendigkeit und die Forderungen
des Luftschutzes auf dem Land
(see: Der
zivile Luftschutz, 2. Auflage,
The "people's gas
the beginning in air raid protection there
is a heavy propaganda about possible attacks
with chemical combat agents. In June 1937
there is promoted a "German people's gas
mask" which is sold since 1938 as "VM37".
The gas mask is "enhanced" during the
following years yet.
Spring 1938
Annexation of
propaganda for a "Yes" (German: "Ja") at the
vote of 10 April 1938 has many variations
with many tricks. But Austrian population
has no idea what the annexation will mean.
It will mean a reorganization of whole
Austria and the installation of a German NS
administration in Austria. Already three
months after the annexation the majority of
the Austrians is regrets the annexation
annexation's propaganda in Austria
in 1938

tram in 3R-Austria for the speech of
gauleiter Buerckel for the people's
vote about the annexation, 1938

tram in 3R-Austria "Buerckel is
speaking" for the speech of
gauleiter Buerckel for the people's
vote about the annexation, 1938

sign in 3R-Austria "Yes" (German:
"Ja") with imperial eagle and
swastika, at Hietzinger square in
Vienna, 1938

in 3R-Austria "The whole population
says Yes" (German: "Das ganze Volk
sagt Ja", with Hitler salute, 1938

in 3R-Austria "The German Yes"
(German: "Das deutsche Ja"), 1938,
accompanied with male angles
These propaganda tricks say:
-- who does not vote "Yes" is not of
the folk
-- who does not vote "Yes" is not an
Well, the angels will turn out as
angels of the devil...
picture cards


Picture card of NSDAP
for the NS party
convention at Nuremberg of
of 3R of NSDAP party convention at
Nuremberg of 1938
The picture card of 1938 is similar
to the picture card of 1927, but
there are some important
differences: The soldier has not an
asking posture any more (1927) but a
quiet posture (1938). The town in
the background is not red any more
(communist) but the town is brown
now (as brown as the Nazis). And the
sky is not painted in a dangerous
gray any more (1927) but is painted
in yellow and blue. Well, in this
manner one can pretend well any will
of peace...
"One folk, one Reich, one
Fuehrer!" (orig. German "Ein Volk,
ein Reich, ein Führer!", 1938 and
After the annexation of
Austria is coming out this poster
with the slogan "One folk, one
Reich, one Fuehrer!" (orig. German
"Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer!"
When Hitler had resigned at this
point of history he had been one of
the best leaders of German history
in all history books. But there had
to be put into action the last 20
pages of "Mein Kampf" yet...
English guaranty for Poland is presented
as a policy of encirclement
p.765), and by this is justified the
abolishment of non-aggression pact with
Poland. The documents and declarations of
British, French and Polish government are
concealed almost completely (Ploetz, p.765).
propaganda: strong press campaign
against Poland
(Ploetz, p.764)
1919 Poland is a topic for
aggressions in Germany since East
Prussia is separated from German
main lands, and since a part of
German population was expelled
from West Prussia in 1919 / 1920.
Since many years Hitler wants to
build an exterritorial motorway by
Poland to East Prussia which the
Polish government denies. In
Poland also Germans are expelled,
and both governments cannot find
any solution.

of Poland 1919-1938
23 August 1939
German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact
->> now the German anti Bolshevistic
propaganda is stopped totally (Ploetz,

Nonaggression pact between Third Reich and
Soviet Union, 23 August 1939, Ribbentrop
(behind in the middle), Molotow (in the
foreground, and Stalin (behind to the
was not capable to recognize his mental
illness and was not capable to take a look to
functioning democracies. Therefore principally
Hitler was one of the candidates for
Theatric radio against "the enemy"
-- there are special news
-- there are front reports from the propaganda
companies (German: Propaganda-Kompanie, PK)
-- there are radio comments of ministerial
conductor of Propaganda Ministry, Hans
-- there is presented the feature story of
Goebbels from the weekly "The Reich" (German:
"Das Reich") (Ploetz, p.763).
card of 3R "General peace party
congress 1939" (German:
"Reichsparteitag des Friedens 1939")
eagle is shown in an aureole ("sea
of beams") as it's often the case
in Third Reich's propaganda (and
also in other propaganda). Looking
at the eagle there provoked a lot
of religious feelings, and the
people of these times hardly can
resist to this. The manipulation
is an absolute one and indirectly
sanctifies war and militarism in
the Third Reich.
The "General party congress of
peace" was canceled after outbreak
of war with Poland.
(in 2014:
since September 1939
War in Europa: There are used the same
propagandistic means as during First World
(Ploetz, p.762)
War propaganda
-- is primitive primitive atrocity
-- is lying tactics
-- the population is leaded in a fine
suggestive way in the sens of the military
The aim:
-- to raise the will to fight
-- to undermine the enemy.
-- isolation of the population from press
products from abroad
-- prohibition of listening of the radio of
the enemy (Ploetz, p.762).
card "Danzig is German" (German:
"Danzig ist Deutsch"), 1939
Since 1919 Danzig is
"Free town" with a majority
speaking German. Poland did not
allow any motorway from central
Germany to Danzig, and the
trains to Danzig had to be
sealed and the curtains had to
be shut. No German was allowed
to look out of the train. So
German propaganda had no problem
to justify German occupation of
Western Poland in 1939.
Propaganda poster "Take
care of spies - take care during
talks" (German: "Achtung Spione -
Vorsicht bei Gesprächen") in 1939
apr. |
3 September 1939
Bromberg bloody Sunday and more Polish
Polish atrocities against Germans are used by
Goebbels's propaganda to declare the thesis of
"Polish primitivism" (German: "polnisches
Untermenschentum") (Ploetz, p.765).

Bromberg bloody Sunday, 3 September 1939,
victims and foreign journalists
then the murder of Germans at Bromberg is
used by German propaganda against Poland,
and propaganda functions perfectly for a
total occupation of Western Poland. The
polish side meant that German army would
consist of paper soldiers it a "march to
Berlin" would be easy. High Polish army
members also meant that the French would put
into motion their armies to Southern Germany
and Hitler would get into a two-front war
now already. But these were all Polish false
Below: "As Hitler's adjutant" (German: "Als
Hitlers Adjutant")
propaganda in OKW for Wehrmacht sector and
for homeland sector
published by the FHQ under the boss of
Wehrmacht high command (German:
Wehrmachtführungsstabes), Colonel-General
Jodl (Ploetz, p.764).

Jodl, portrait
Berlin: Struggle about leadership of
propaganda against foreign countries
Goebbels and Ribbentrop are fighting about
the leadership against the foreign
countries. And also the NSDAP sector for
foreign affairs (Auslandsorganisation der
NSDAP) under Bohle is intervening (Ploetz,
about the propaganda against
foreign countries

Goebbels, portrait |

Ribbentrop, portrait |

Bohle, portrait |
Berlin: Struggle about
propagandistic influence in German
between "Reich's press chief" (German:
"Reichspressechef") Dr. Otto Dietrich and
Goebbels. Goebbels is mostly winning through
by most unscrupulous ways (Ploetz, p.763).

Otto Dietrich, portrait
German propaganda in
naval war: Keyword is the blame of
English piracy
(Ploetz, p.769)
Naval war:
German propaganda is exaggerating the
statistics of sinking of submarines of
the enemy
->> by this it's possible to pretend
heavy supply difficulties in England
pretending that England would be blocked
->> with these success lies whole
German population is consoled for food
rations becoming more and more little
(Ploetz, p.769).
Naval war: sinking of British
passenger steamer "Athenia"
personally is blamed for sinking
of "Athenia" by German propaganda
because there were many
"Americans" on the steamer, and
because Churchill wanted to create
another "Lusitania" case (Ploetz,
German side in naval war wanted to
interrupt English-"American"
maritime trade to starve out
England. To carry out this
barbaric aim German submarines
shot without warning English cargo

Steamer Athenia
since September 1939
Almost no propaganda against "USA"
(Ploetz, S.768)
1939 ca.
Berlin publishes Polish documents about
the outbreak of the war
indicating a war's policy of "US" ambassador
Bullit in Paris and Biddle in Warsaw
(Ploetz, p.768).
since December 1939 apr.
Violation of neutrality of "USA" by
military aid for England
->> this is rated mildly by
German propaganda because Hitler wants to
prevent any war with "USA" (Ploetz, p.768).
since December 1939 apr.
German propaganda in the "USA": is carried out
with the aim to foster the isolation of "USA"
(Ploetz, p.768)
End of 1939
propaganda: German White Books should
support the thesis from German "defensive
war" against Poland
-- with the method of omitting
-- with the method of isolated news taken out
of the context (Ploetz, p.765).
propaganda: Churchill, Eden, Duff Cooper
would be "warmongers"
(Ploetz, p.765)

Anthony Eden, portrait |

Churchill with hat and cigar

Duff Cooper, portrait |
Goebbels's propaganda: justification of
the defensive war against Poland
(Ploetz, p.764)
First English air planes intruding German
air space
with little harm
->> German propaganda claims for
"mobilization of world's conscience" and is
threatening with counter strikes (Ploetz,
Drôle de Guerre: German propaganda above
all against French soldiers at the
oo radio broadcasts for
the French soldiers
oo leaflets
oo faked letters and
oo radio broadcasts with
direct contacts to the soldiers at the front
oo blaming English
government for the war (Ploetz, p.765).
Finland war
Finland war has a very important meaning for
the mis performance of propaganda. Red Army
cannot win against clever Finnish skiing
soldiers. Stalin's Red Army cannot advance
and is defeated with some little won
territories. This provokes all Western
propaganda to the conclusion that the Red
Army is weak and easy to defeat.
Consequently all governments underestimate
the Red Army thinking that Wehrmacht could
reach Moscow in 8 or 12 weeks. And Hitler
means that Soviet Union could be defeated
also without England or without Japan. But
this was a big fault...
Finland makes peace with Russia and gives in
leaving some little territories to Russia.
With this peace in spring 1940 Finland is
shocking all Europe, and NS regime in Berlin
means that Finland would drop out as
alliance partner against communist Russia.
(see: Valentin Falin: Second Front ("Zweite
war: Finland's skiing soldiers
stopping the Red Army

war, soldiers marching

Finland war, skiing soldiers in

Finland war, war poster with
Finlandia flag

Finland soldiers, Soviet lorry
convoy stopped

Finland war, Soviet tanks destroyed
Third Reich
propaganda posters
of 3R "The enemy sees your light.
Darken!" (orig. German: "Der Feind
sieht dein Licht. Verdunkeln!"), since
1940 about
The poster is really saying what means
war: A skeleton on an air plane is
symbolizing the dead, and the ball in
it's hand is the bomb.
At the same time the scenery is
absolutely unreal because the sky is
cloud-covered, but air raids were
performed mostly with clear sky. So,
the clouds are a symbol for another
"thunderstorm" coming up over Germany,
resp. the poster claims that the enemy
had hidden himself in the clouds, or
the enemy had brought the thunderstorm
clouds to Germany. That's all absolute
nonsense because Hitler was the one
who wanted the war, together with some
industrialists from abroad.
facts are other ones: The air raids
were foreseeable for years resp. the
whole world was waiting for the
"technological development" to
execute an "air war". For this "air
war" Hitler has much too less
antiaircraft defense, he has
only propeller-driven
aircrafts, and the jet fighter is
available since 1939 but is not in
use because of the "protection of
the pilots". And by all this, death
is in fact coming over Germany. One
can ask why the jet fighter was not
used since 1939...
in the 3R "This house is badly
darkened" ("Dieses Haus ist schlecht
verdunkelt"), since 1940 appr.
darkening there were guards walking
through the streets controlling the
darkening of every window if any
light would be visible. Houses with
failing darkening were noted and
fixed a posting with the blaming
text: "This house is badly darkened"
(German: "Dieses Haus ist schlecht
verdunkelt!"). So police spy society
was developed on and on and it can
be admitted that this procedure also
was performed in other countries and
also on the allied side with the
exception of "USA" which had no air
raid with the exception of Pearl
Harbor in Pacific.
Text: "This house is badly darkened!
By this not only the residents of
this house are in danger, but also
the neighbors. The enemy drops it's
bombs where a light can be seen. Air
raid guard and residents are wanted
providing darkening of the house as
fast as possible and absolutely
completely. This posting will be
removed only when all flats and the
stair house - also to the court's
side - will be darkened perfectly."
(orig. German:
"Dieses Haus ist schlecht
verdunkelt! Dadurch sind nicht nur
seine Bewohner, sondern auch
die Nachbarn gefährdet. Der Feind
wirft seine Bomben dort ab, wo er
einen Lichtschein bemerkt.
Luftschutzwart und Hausbewohner
werden aufgefordert, selbst dafür zu
sorgen, dass auch in diesem Hause
die Verdunkelung schnellstens und
restlos durchgeführt wird. Dieser
Anschlag wird erst entfernt werden,
wenn alle Wohnungen und das
Treppenhaus - auch nach der Hofseite
- einwandfrei verdunkelt sind.")
of 3R "Light is the safest bomber's
target" (orig. German: "Licht ist das
sichere Bombenziel"), since 1940 apr.
Text: "It could be confirmed that the
hostile air planes in western parts of
the country are attacking only during
the night and let drop their bombs
without any concept where can be seen
a light. So everybody has it's duty to
darken it's dwellings as fast as
possible in it's own interest and in
the interest of the whole folk to
beware it from any harm from the air.
What counts above all for the border
region also counts for the home land.
There has to be omitted also all that
could provoke an intrusion in the
night and a bombing provoked by any
(orig. German:
"Es ist festgestellt worden, dass
die feindlichen Flieger im
westlichen Grenzgebiet fast
ausschliesslich nachts angreifen und
ihre Bomben dort planlos abwerfen,
wo sie einen Lichtschein erkennen
können. Es ist deshalb Pflicht eines
jeden, die Verdunklung schnellstens
durchzuführen im eigenen Interesse
sowie im Interesse des gesamten
Volkes, das es gilt, vor jedem
Schaden aus der Luft zu bewahren.
Was besonders für das Grenzgebiet
gilt, gilt in dem gleichen Masse für
das Heimatgebiet. Auch dort muss
alles vermieden werden, was bei
nächtlichem Einflug des Gegners
irgendein Ziel für seinen Bombenwurf
bieten könnte."
This situation was at the beginning
of air raid war when English air
planes arrived German air space but
did not know where they were, so
they let drop their bombs on
isolated light targets.
The idea to prevent air raids by
preventing war was not in the
program of the NS regime. And many
criminal governments mean until now
(2010) that air raids would be a
method of politics...
in 3R "Youth serving the Fuehrer -
all 10s to Hitler Youth (HJ)" (orig.
German: "Jugend dient dem Führer -
Alle Zehnjährigen in die HJ")
and physic child abuse in Third
Reich was beginning with 10 years,
and since 1936 Hitler Youth was
It can be assumed that in Soviet
Union the child drill was similar.
propaganda posters

Poster England: Hitler in swastika panties
1940 /
"USA": German agents bribing public
opinion in the "USA"
Nazi Germany is paying about 1 million
dollars for publication of German friendly
reports (Ploetz, p.763).
English air raids on German territory
German propaganda presents English air
raids as "militarily useless" and are
trivialized (Ploetz, p.769).
But concerning the darkening of houses the
air raids were not trivialized...
since beginning of the 1940s
German-English radio war ("airwaves war")
about the beginning of the war
->> every side accuses one another
have "begun" the war
->> every side claims that their
attacks would be only "revenge"
->> Goering claims: No English air
plane will succeed intruding into German air
space (Ploetz, p.768).
But English air planes have arrived

Farley, book "Radio War" 1932
radio can be used for "radio war" was
shown years before already in thrillers.
Farley lets play an imaginary radio war of
"USA" against Siberia.
German occupation of Denmark and Norway
NS regime claims for justification of
occupation of Denmark and Norway:
neutrality of the two countries has to be
-- in Norway there were found British
documents for British expansion of the war
-- NS leadership is operating with
propaganda figures pretending a superiority
of German air forces and with propaganda
figures of high losses of English navy
(Ploetz, p.766).
April 1940
Ribbentrop presenting English documents
about expansion of the war
Ribbentrop presents a "White Book" about
"English French policy of expansion of the
war" (Ploetz, p.766).
May 1940 / Beginning of Battle of France
"Battle of France"
"Battle of France" is a project
since the victory against Poland, and the
Battle of France is postponed several times
because of bad weather or because of other
bad circumstances.
(see: Valentin Falin: Second Front (German:
Zweite Front)
German propaganda justifies the attack of 10
May 1940 with an alleged English threat with
a projected British French attack to the
Ruhr basin (Ploetz, p.766).
German friendly fire on Freiburg - the
destination of the bombs was a French town
The German propaganda used the case
threatening with "revenge" against England
(Ploetz, p.768).
10 June 1940
Entry into
the war of Italy: Anti English
propaganda is forced in the Arab regions
(Ploetz, p.767)
That's because England is ocupating Arab
territories as "colonies" yet against any law
of nation.
3R "With our flags is the victory!"
(orig. German: "Mit unsern Fahnen
ist der Sieg"), 1940
eagle is taking territories in
Europe as far as possible. The
flags are moving in colons in
lockstep like a wall. There is
also a soldier's song with the
same title...
August 1940 NS regime occupied the
European countries Czechia,
Western Poland, Denmark, Norway,
Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, and
France, and is administrating the
former colonies of France in
Africa. Far East with Indonesia,
Vietnam and Cambodia is given to
Japan. The Axis Powers are forcing
a "axis unification" with a common
frontier between Germany and Japan
in India (see: Valentin
Zweite Front), and communism
should be backed behind Ural
Mountains. That far should fly the
eagle yet. This cannot come out
well. But the propagandists mean
that since the Finland war the Red
Army would be a heap of caos and
Wehrmacht could occupy Moscow in 8
to 12 weeks. That's why Stalin is
working with Japan's new
government since Hitler Stalin
pact for a nonaggression pact -
and Hitler does not know about
(Valentin Falin: Zweite Front)
Principally Stalin should be
encircled by Germany and Japan,
but Japan is not playing along any
July 1940
The English side is resigning all peace
offers from Hitler's side
English government resigns to all offers of
the Hitler regime for a common military
campaign against communist Gulag Russia.
->> German propaganda has to maintain
the belief of a final victory in the
population in full strength
->> the English fascist leader William
Joyce serves as "Lord Haw-Haw" for German
propaganda (Ploetz, p.766).

William Joyce, portrait
Hitler is
waiting on and on that Churchill will be
with Hitler's Germany for the projected
military campaign against Russia, but
Churchill leaved Hitler against Russia
alone. Churchill thinks in another way: When
Hitler will be able to exploit the natural
resources of Russia, so it will never be
possible to win against Hitler any more...
(among others from: Valentin Falin: Second
Front (German: Zweite Front)
And the Hitler fool is performing the
military campaign against Russia in spite of
all, although Japan and England are not part
of it and although England even has it's
position against Germany.
August 1940 / after the occupation of France
German propaganda with it's Europe slogan
["fortress of Europe"]
NS regime calls:
-- all European countries should join the
German Empire in Europe
-- the NS regime stresses the axis
Rome-Berlin (Ploetz, p.766).
NS regime means that by the Europe slogan
above all neutral countries would join which
have refused until this point of time, above
all Switzerland. But Switzerland also was also
"interesting" when it will stay a democracy,
because Switzerland turned now into an
espionage center for all war parties.
Jean Ziegler: Switzerland, the gold and the
deads (German: Die Schweiz, das Gold und die
since 13. August 1940
Strong German bombings on England
NS government in Berlin justifies
the forced bombings against England with
British attacks on German towns (Ploetz,
since 7 September 1940
The Battle of Britain: Large-scale attack
on London
The Battle of Britain is declared by German
propaganda as a "retaliatory attack"
(Ploetz, p.769).
English population gets a staying impression
of German bombings against English towns.
London population has to fly to tube tunnels.
Parts of London's population took the flight
to the north of England where they were not
either sure. English towns without air raid
defense were exterminated systematically by
German fire storms. Resistance in the English
population against Nazi Germany was rising and
called for revenge. English Royal Air Force
was fighting for it's life, and England only
can breathe freely when Hitler is making it's
military campaign against communist Russia.
Royal Air Force succeeds with first carpet
bombing against German town in 1942
only, but then with precise destruction, with
fire hurricanes.
(see: Bombing
since autumn 1940
German "Europe" slogan is succeeding
Some South Eastern countries were joining
the German Empire now (Ploetz, p.766).
November 1940
German bombing of Coventry
regime is claiming that England
would be shortly before it's
ruins. NS propaganda is creating
the new word "to coventrize"
(Ploetz, p.769).

poster of communist Soviet Union
of SU "Stalin is taking care of all
of us", 1940
poster is one single big lie.
Stalin regime had tremendous
problems with it's army. Stalin
let murder a big part of the
officers in 1937, and against
Finland he had lost a war. After
the nonaggression pact with the
Third Reich Stalin had to fulfill
the treaty delivering natural
resources and corn that was
missing for the own population.
So, this poster is a big "sedative
pill" before the "big storm". And
the whole world knew what will
come after the occupation of
Stalin only could confirm his
government hoping that other
neighbors would not make war
against Russia. So he could
contract a nonaggression agreement
with Japan - which was the
Japanese revenge against Hitler
for his nonaggression pact with
Russia in 1939. So he could
prevent a pincer movement (when
Germany and Japan would attack
Russia at the same time), and it
could be foreseen that Hitler
would turn into a second
(see: Valentin Falin: Second Front
(Zweite Front)
Third Reich
propaganda posters
of 3R "Darken!" with a dome, 1941
poster shows a window and the moon
in a bright moonlit night. The
scenery is real because the air
raids were performed always during a
bright moon light. The cathedral in
the background plays again with
religious feelings to which the
lower class and the middle class can
hardly resist. Add to this the
church was also praying for the
Reich, for the war, and for the
victory - against communism.
RLB showing the fighting of firebombs,
in 1941 appr.
were meetings with demonstrations
teaching how firebombs could be
extinguished which had hit the
NS regime tried to suppress the
danger and forced the population to
empty the attics so nothing could
catch fire there. In the case of an
impact of a fire bomb one should run
into the attic with a basket of
water in the hands, one should take
the bombs into the hands and to put
into the water. Since 1942 there
were "fire storms" also in Germany
with over 1000 bombs and all defense
with water baskets was in vain.
The big enigma
will be for ever why Hitler only used the jet
fighter only in 1945. The justification
"protection of the pilots" from the high
acceleration must be a faked reason, because
the jet fighters also could accelerate in a
slow way. It seems that Hitler wanted to see
the population suffering, so the population
would develop more fury against the enemy yet.
of 3R "German youth working and
fighting" (orig. German: "Deutsche
Jugend arbeitet und kämpft") in 1941
youth was systematically militarized
and above all was deployed in
agriculture, then also in the air
raid defense, and at the end also in
the last defense "Volkssturm".
to North Africa is supported by Italian
(Ploetz, p.767)
April 1941
German propaganda for military campaign
to the Balkans
NS propaganda claimed that the
military campaign to the Balkans would be
"necessary" to stop any British "attempt
causing trouble". The fight would not be
against the populations but against the
governments who were slaves of Britain
(Ploetz, p.767).
since April 1941 apr.
German propaganda disguising the
preparations for the military campaign
against Russia
with the aim to install an European unity
front against Gulag Soviet Union
-- claiming that there would be prepared an
English landing
-- there were well performed "indiscretions"
which should confuse the enemies
-- there was published a "Redbook" of
Antikomintern describing the anti-German
position of Soviet Union and of the
Communist Party (KP) during the time of the
nonaggression pact
-- there was the claim that the Russian side
would prepare attacks against Germany
(Ploetz, S.767).
Broad circles of the neutral countries follow
the German propaganda against Russia giving
later any technical aid to the Third Reich,
also when it's is clear that Hitler will turn
into a second Napoleon...
April 1941 apr.
German propaganda in Russia against the
communist system is not taking place and
is a missed opportunity for the German
"Concerning the people of USSR (Ploetz,
p.767) the propagandistic chance of an
influence with anti Stalin propaganda cannot
be used because Hitler's madness of Eastern
primitiveness makes it impossible for him to
see the psychologic situation of these
populations. Only to the non-Slavic
populations (Caucasus, Crimea) there is
sometimes a good propaganda instigating some
independence movements.
Also during the later times of the war it's
not possible for the German propaganda to
use the starting possibilities of anti
Stalin propaganda (Vlasov army) because
Hitler prohibits any support for such
So, there stays unused a big chance of
German psychological warfare. And also
atrocity propaganda against Bolshevism -
which is partly true - does not change this
position." (Ploetz, p.768)
(orig. German:
"Gegenüber den Völkern der UdSSR (Ploetz,
S.767) kann die propagandistische Chance
einer Beeinflussung im antistalinistischen
Sinne nicht genutzt werden, da Hitlers Wahn
vom östlichen Untermenschentum ein echtes
Erfassen der psychologischen Situation
dieser Völker verhindert. Lediglich
gegenüber den nichtslawischen Völkern
(Kaukasus, Krim) ist zeitweilig eine
geschicktere Propaganda, die deren
Selbständigkeitsbestrebungen anspricht,
Auch in den späteren Phasen des Krieges
gelingt es nicht, die immer noch vorhandenen
Ansatzmöglichkeiten (Wlassow-Armee)
propagandistisch auszuwerten, weil Hitler
jede Unterstützung dieser Bestrebungen
So bleibt eine grosse Chance für die
deutsche psychologische Kriegsführung
ungenutzt. Daran ändert auch die in
bestimmten Abständen immer wiederkehrende
Greuelpropaganda gegen den Bolschewismus,
obwohl z.T. auf Tatsachen beruhend, nichts."
(Ploetz, S.768)
May 1941
Rebellion in Iraq against colonial rule
->> Since then German propaganda is
also acting in Arab regions (Ploetz, p.767).
since 22 June 1941
Beginning of the military campaign
against Russia ("Barbarossa")
The NS regime calls the fight against
Bolshevism as an "European task" (Ploetz,
p.766). From one moment to another German
anti-Bolshevist propaganda gets it's revival
(Ploetz, p.767).
of SU: "Don't gossip, the walls have
their ears", since 1941 |
of SU: The telephone speaker is a
Fascist friend (since 1941).
this is warned that telephone
communications can be listened.
Important things should not be
spoken on the telephone any more.
of 3R "European victory - your
prosperity" (orig. German: "Europas
Sieg - dein Wohlstand"), July 1941
poster is showing Nazi visions with
a strong hand grabbing European
Soviet Union for natural resources
(oil, industries and corn), and with
Winston Churchill having died resp.
England should be Churchill's grave.
Well, it came the other way round...
Add to this the poster conceals who
big the Soviet Union is, and how
little Europe is. The Russian
campaign had no chance from the
beginning, when England was not
neutral and Japan did not attack
Soviet Union from the east. But
Hitler and his generals refused to
believe this as it seems. Perhaps
Hitler and his generals also were
put under pressure from abroad
because NSDAP was essentially
financed from abroad, and the
financers waited for the "reward"
now (see: Hitlers
25.11. 1941
countries joining to Anticomintern pact -
and this is celebrated in Germany
(Ploetz, p.767)
military campaign against Russia - which
should have ended already - more and more
countries join the anti communist
Antikomintern, and German policy is
pretending always yet a belief of a final
victory, although the war cannot be won any
more considering any statistics: The
lightning war tactics (German: "Taktik des
Blitzkriegs") has failed...
(in: Valentin Falin: Second Front (German:
Zweite Front); Michael Gerlach: Calculated
Murders (German: Kalkulierte Morde)
7 December 1941
Japanese air raid on Pearl Harbor on Hawaii
(Ploetz, p.768)

Pearl Harbor / Harbour, the battle ships
Maryland and Oklahoma in 1941
"US" President
Roosevelt knew about the Japanese air raid
attack since 10 days before. He allows the
attack sacrificing 2,000 human lives having a
cause of war against the axis powers and
declaring war against the axis powers. Only in
the 1990s the population is given the
information that Roosevelt did allow this
Japanese attack.
(in: Robert B. Stinnetts: "Day of Deceit")

Roosevelt, war declaration of 8 December 1941
since 7
December 1941
Beginning of sharp German propaganda
against "USA"
-- "USA" and Roosevelt are named
"warmonger no. 1"
-- there are personal offenses as were against
Churchill already (Ploetz, p.768).

SU: "Winter fashion", end of 1941
Third Reich propaganda leaflets
of 1942 with leader's words against
English bombs 1939-1940
We can see Goering (above), Hitler
(in the middle), and Robert Ley
Goering's leader's word of 9 August
"We won't hand over the Ruhr basin
to one single hostile bomb."
(orig. German:
"Wir werden das Ruhrgebiet auch
nicht einer einzigen Bombe
feindlicher Flieger ausliefern.")
Hitler's leader's word of 4
September 1940:
"When British air force is dropping
2 or 3 or 4 thousand kilos of bombs,
so we will drop in one single night
150 000, 180 000, 230 000, 300 000,
400 000 and more kilograms."
(orig. German:
"Wenn die britische Luftwaffe 2 oder
3 oder 4 Tausend Kilo Bomben wirft,
dann werfen wir in einer Nacht 150
000, 180 000, 230 000, 300 000, 400
000 und mehr Kilogramm.")
Ley's leader's word of 20 August
"The way to England is free, -
Germany has got dominance in the air
(orig. German:
"Der Weg nach England ist frei, -
Deutschland besitzt die
Vorherrschaft in der Luft!")
the urban population the lies were
only too obvious. Meanwhile in 1942
the English air force was performing
commandos with 1000 bombs. One by
one the centers of the towns were
destroyed by "fire storms", Cologne,
Hamburg and the towns in the Ruhr
basin, with murder of civil
population without strategic sense.
In many cases strategic industries
were spared from destruction until
1944.The center of Berlin could not
be destroyed in one night because of
it's massive stony construction.
Berlin had nights of bombing for
(see: David J. Irving: "And German
towns have not died" (orig. German:
"Und Deutschlands Städte starben
Third Reich
propaganda posters
of 3R "Purchase popular gas mask"
(German: "Erwirb Volksgasmaske"), 1942
was always gas mask propaganda, but
gas was not applied. Churchill
threatened that he would apply gas
against German towns when German
troops would apply gas at the
eastern front against Russia. But
the problem was evident: The troops
did not want to enter a contaminated
town with the danger also to be
contaminated by the gas. So there
was only gas propaganda, there was
one mustard gas case in Poland, and
there were gas accidents.
of 3R "Come with us to Children
evacuations", since 1942
evacuations (German:
Kinderlandverschickung, KLV) to the
country side were performed by NS
People's Welfare (German:
NS-Volkswolfahrt, NSV) and basically
the idea was to give poor children
the chance of a relaxing holiday
trip. Because of the increasing
bombings since September 1940
children between three and 14 years
were evacuated from the towns to
safe territories under leadership of
"Reichsjugendführer" and leader of
Hitler Youth, Baldur von Schirach.
In the KLV evacuation camps was
performed a corresponding mental
manipulation in the sense of
National Socialism.
The poster is from 1942 or 1943.
Children evacuations were not a duty
but were recommended.
(in 2014:
The poster pretends a joyful holiday
trip. Reality was another one: The
children did not know if their
parents would live yet after
of 3R in occupied Europe: "Germany's
European mission" (German:
"Deutschlands europäische Sendung"),
since 1942 appr.
poster was posted in occupied NS
territories and in NS satellite
states since 1942.
(in 2014:
The poster has many manipulative
elements. Once again there is an
aureole, this time coming from the
eagle, lightening Germany, resp.
Germany stays in a sea of beams. At
the same time German eagle is
enthroned as an absolute power
protecting the air space. the wing
hanging down is marking the frontier
to Asia pretending a posture of
defense against Russia. All is a
lie: The eagle is in a two-front
war, the air space is not protected
at all, and communism will - also
because of Hitler's stubbornness -
push forward up to Berlin. The lie
of such posters will be in mind in
Europe for a long time yet...
propaganda posters

in England: Hitler as "Maneater" on
skulls, 1942-1943
poster presents Hitler as a
bloodthirsty maneater gnawing at a
leg's bone. There are skulls around
him representing different European
countries suffering Nazi occupation
(France, Greece, Yugoslavia, Poland,
Belgium) or which have adopted some
Nazi rule (Rumania / Romania). The
sky is painted in a dark blue as it
is before coming the night, the soil
is orange as it would be a mixture
of yellow (sand of the desert) with
red (blood). The poster is
predicting: The countries with NS
law are in a desert without food and
without water. They were forced by
Hitler there. There will be many
deaths, and the night is coming for
these countries, and the culprit is
Hitler alone, this says the poster.
Hitler had had all possibilities to
end the war and to install a status
quo in Europe. But he even rejected
Stalin's peace offers, with the
simple justification that he did not
want another Versailles tribunal
against Germany. And then came the
night for Germany...
And many of Hitler's subordinates
would have had the power to declare
Hitler as an ill person and to make
him fall - but the illness "victory
madness" and the illness "war" are
not recognized as illnesses until
And Hitler
had Parkinson, had terrible
amalgam in his mouth
(provoking nerve damage) and was committing drug abuse. Well,
what comes out when Germany is in
the hands of a Parkinson man, you
will see below...
posters of "USA"
of the "USA": "United We Win", since
propaganda was necessary to
convince the peace movements to
be part of the armament against
the NS regime and against Japan.
"USA" were in danger to be
encircled by Germany and Japan.
(see: Valentin Falin: Zweite
considering the collaboration of
"US" industry with German Nazi
industry this poster is
absolutely obsolete...
The poster also has a
racial aspect. A black and a
white man are composing an air
plane cockpit. The blacks should
help the whites winning the war.
But at the end the racial laws
were not abolished and equality
between blacks and whites was
introduced during the 1970s
only. The white race and it's
colonial government on the
native's continent were
absolutely unfaithful so, not
only referring to this poster.
Natives are missing totally on
this poster although "USA" are
on native's soil...

the "USA": "Avenge Pearl Harbor! Our
bullets will do it", 1942 appr.
Now the white "US" government called
for revenge of Pearl Harbor. The
poster shows some frightening details.
We see air planes with red points
marked as Japanese. The white man is
swimming with it's life jacket in the
sea symbolizing the situation of "USA"
which would drown if there was no
resistance. But the white man stays
alone, without blacks and without
natives. So it's clear who is giving
the commands in the war, and it's
clear that blacks and natives will not
count in the statistics. The stars on
the life jacket are the symbol of the
occupation of the native's continent.
Women do not exist either on the
poster. The raised fist of the man is
symbol for his fury. The man has got
white hairs and a white pointed beard
and has got a Caesar's hook nose. This
combination is very rare, and every
element represents a characteristic:
White hair for wisdom, the pointed
beard for Asian wisdom which has to be
defeated, and Caesar's hook nose
stands for the future victory. The sky
is yellow representing the hope. The
poster is stimulating the viewer to
copy the man.
Well, considering the
collaboration of "US" industry
with German Nazi industry this
poster is absolutely obsolete...
the "USA": "Our Carelessness - Their
Secret Weapon - Prevent Forest Fires",
1942 appr.
"USA" are in a two-front war (like
Hitler Germany), against the Nazi
symbol and against the Japanese flag
with the red sun, whereby the
"American" continent never is
attacked. Anyhow white "US" government
means that it is it's right to erase
town by town on European continent and
on Japanese islands. This is justified
by the slogan "Prevent Forest Fires".
The poster indicates that there would
be big fires in the "USA". But this is
not at all the case, but the fact is
the contrary: The "USA" are erasing
whole towns in Europe and are
provoking fires in Europe, and later
also in Vietnam etc. With this poster
is beginning global destructive policy
of "USA", from Europe over Vietnam up
to Iraq.
And, considering the
collaboration of "US" industry
with German Nazi industry this
poster is absolutely obsolete...
the "USA": Women's brigade WAAC, 1942
On 15 May 1942 President Roosevelt
signed a law for a foundation of
Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC).
The women replace the men on working
places like driver, parachute
production, translator, cook, weather
service, air space control.
WAAC was set up because "US" army was
in danger of lack of men. The soldiers
themselves did not like WAAC. They
feared that women also would become
women soldiers and would harm their
"maleness", or they feared the loss of
a war safe job.
The sentence: "This is my war too!"
with a white blond women with a flag
with stars and stripes in the
background also reminds the proud
"American" times since 1776.
But, considering the
collaboration of "US" industry
with German Nazi industry this
poster is absolutely obsolete...

in the "USA": "Buy Victory Bonds",
poster shows clearly the two-front
war of the "USA" between the
swastika and the Japanese flag with
the red sun. There are several
propaganda tricks: Third Reich and
Japan are represented as dark,
spider like hands. Well, for many
persons spider is provoking anxiety.
These spiders want to snatch at the
white woman with a white baby,
whereby the Japanese hand is already
touching the white woman, not so the
German hand. Why: Japanese bombs
fale on Hawaii which was "US"
territory, but German bombs have not
dropped on the "USA" yet. But now
the main manipulation comes: The
"American" white woman and above all
the baby are symbol for innocence,
as "USA" would be innocent for this
situation. But "US" industrials were
essentially helping Hitler's war
machinery (Henry Ford, antiknock
agent, bonds etc.). All in all the
poster is a big falsification of
reality. And the poster is provoking
the lowest male instincts to protect
women and child from bugs, all in
all very racist statement.
Well, considering the truth about
criminal racist warmonger "USA",
"USA" is the spider since 1942...
English air raids on German territory -
German propaganda tactics
-- system to conceal everything
-- system to juggle with shot statistics
-- stressing the character of terror of the
attacks (Ploetz, p.769).
That all war is terror - this was not
allowed to think. Practically whole Eastern
Europe and half of European Russia were in
ruins by German bombs, and this was hidden
by the nazis to their folks what they were
doing there...
since 1942 appr.
-- Greece: suffers a harsh Italian
occupation policy
-- western Yugoslavia: suffers a harsh
Italian occupation policy
-- Serbia: suffers a harsh German
occupation policy
Harsh occupation policy means harsh revenge
reactions, kin liability, 10 murders for 1
murder, deportations, camps with disastrous
conditions etc.
consequence of the harsh occupation policies
was that German propaganda in later times
had almost no success (Ploetz, p.767).
November 1942
North Africa: successful English American
->> German propaganda prescribed this
landing as a "treason" by Darlan, Giraud,
and by other French generals (Ploetz,

Darlan, portrait |

Giraud, portrait 1940 / 1941
November 1942
English propaganda against French Vichy
government is becoming sharper
(Ploetz, p.770)
And now in January 1943 there is the defeat of
Stalingrad, but German nazi propaganda is
going on...
Third Reich propaganda posters
3R "30 January 1933-1943. One fight -
one victory" (orig. German: "30.
January 1933-1943. Ein Kampf - ein
Sieg"), 1943
30 January 1943 is 10 years birthday
of NS takeover of power. The poster
should be a symbol for 1933 in
combination with a military victory in
1943. After Stalingrad the poster was
(in 2014:
The poster is painted very dark,
basically not at all typical for a 10
years anniversary. The poster pretends
to the viewer that a victory would be
possible by flag marches and Hitler
salute, and add to all this march was
in absolute obscurity. In fact Germany
was more and more in "the dark", and
also the army (Wehrmacht) was marching
more and more in the dark, and all
hope for a victory was a big lie.
Already half a year before in the
middle of 1942 it was clear that
Hitler would not win his Russia
military campaign when "USA" sent new
tanks to communist Stalin in his Gulag
Soviet Union...
Poster of 3R "30
January 1933-1943. One fight - one
victory", 1943Picture card in
3R "Fuehrer orders, and we follow"
(German: "Führer befiehl, wir
folgen"), 1943
This picture card wants to use the
defeat of Stalingrad as an opportunity
to claim the absolute servility. The
ruins of Stalingrad are painted in red
with the communist flag with the
communist star. But there is the
Fuehrer's hand coming with it's
mission light. The hand is coming in
an "aureole" (sea of beams) provoking
religious feelings in the viewers soul
to which the population of these times
hardly can deprive. The picture card
wants to say: When you follow to the
Fuehrer, so you will be "holy", and
it's a "holy" war against communism,
against the red towns. Well, so the
complete collapse is "holy", and the
German population has to follow the
Fuehrer to it's collapse...

3R "Victory or Bolshevism" (German:
"Sieg oder Bolschewismus"), February
Shortly after the defeat of
Stalingrad this poster is coming up
pretending that German population
has only the choice between victory
or Bolshevism with caos. Party
propagandists ware instructed to
post this poster more than others.
(in 2014:
The poster is a mockery about the
proceedings. "Victory" shows a
German blond mother with a blond,
long haired daughter in her arms,
and the daughter is making the
raised fist as signal for the fight.
But many German towns are already in
ruins, and many children are already
separated in children evacuation
camps. Bolshevism is painted as a
dark world where people cannot walk
any more. They are on the floor
bracing with it's arms, and a dark
figure is watching supervising them.
Also this scenery is an absolute lie
because the Red Army was always
better organized now and in the back
whole Russia was working to supply
the wounded and to produce weapons.

of 3R "One fight, one will, one
victory at any price" (German: "Ein
Kampf, ein Wille, ein Ziel: Sieg um
jeden Preis"), 1943 appr.
poster shows men in posture of
attack, but the expected deads are
Industry chimneys give much smoke
but it's not enough for the big
victory because allied industry is
also working at full stretch, but
the poster conceals this fact. The
price will be Germany...
All in all it's absolutely sarcastic
to speak of a victory yet because
"USA" were helping communist Gulag
Soviet Union. So, "US" industry was
supporting both war parties instead
of bocking the help for the Third

in 3R: "Adolf Hitler is the victory"
(German: "Adolf Hitler ist der Sieg!")
propaganda of NS government is
sparked off again in 1943 referring
to a decisive battle on the Russian
front, with many new weapons, with
decisive parts from Switzerland.
Slowly but steadily German
population is realizing that
drowning of it's Empire is coming
when Hitler would go on like this,
because victories are hardly
reported, and "USA" is supporting
Stalin's Red Army with weapon
supplies over the Norwegian Sea and
over Iran.
3R: "Protect your harvest, this
secures victory!" (German: "Schützt
die Ernte, sie sichert den Sieg!"), in
This poster from "Reichs Association
for Avoidance of Damage" (German:
Schadenverhütung") calls for a
prevention against harvest damages
showing how a little fire on the soil
in front of a granary is extinguished.
This fire had been provoked by an
unobservant smoking farmer.
(in 2014:
3R in Ukraine: "Report to Galician
Legion fighting against Bolshevism"
(German: "Melde dich zur Galizischen
Legion zum Kampf gegen den
Bolschewismus"), in 1943 appr.
This is a recruitment poster for an SS
division of Ukrainian nationalists.
There were other posters in this
manner in other NS occupied countries,
e.g. in Holland or in Norway.
(in 2014:
After Stalingrad NS regime had more
and more difficulties to fill up the
SS unites because the membership in
the SS signified more or less a safe
death. At the end people were forced
to enter the SS, e.g. imprisoning them
in a church for three days etc.
3R: "The enemy is listening" (German:
"Feind hört mit"), in 1943
The shaver says: "When I will tell you
this: At..." (German: "Wenn ich Ihnen
das sage: Am... "). Then the poster
claims: "The enemy is listening"
(German: "Feind hört mit"). At least
six more posters in this manner were
(in 2014:
The poster simply has the function to
provoke anxiety and to blame the enemy
for the projected German defeat. But
Hitler had many possibilities to make
in 3R "Come out with old clothing and
shoes" (German: "Heraus mit alten
Spinnstoffen und Schuhen"), 1943
Reich could not win new natural
resources and now was dependent on a
recycling system. By this the
population was instructed to hand
out old clothes and shoes
(in 2014:
of 3R "At the end will be victory"
(German: "Am Ende steht der Sieg"),
1943 appr.
more time German eagle stands in an
"aureole" (sea of beams) provoking
again religious feelings in the
viewer's soul to which the ordinary
population cannot resist. The poster
suggests that "victory" believers
will be "holy". Swastika stands in a
circle of victory laurel. The colors
are hold in romantic colors of a
sunrise promising a good sunny day.
The eagle is placed where the sun
is, so the Nazi eagle should be the
sun itself.
At the end of the war there will be
a victory in fact, the victory over
war. Europe of 1945 is abolishing
war, and - with the exception of
stupid Yugoslavia - this motto was
kept until today (2010) and is
supported by a common currency. This
in fact is a victory, but without
swastika, and without aureole.
in 3R Austria: "Help winning as air
intelligence assistant" (German:
"Hilf siegen als
Luftnachrichtenhelferin"), 1943 appr.
this poster is more or less neutral,
but it discovers the hopelessness of
NS government depending on women in
the war which basically never had
been foreseen.
German propaganda announcing "revenge"
against England: preparation of first
(Ploetz, p.769)
German propaganda: slogan "Fortress
Since this time Nazi propaganda pretends
protecting Europe from Bolshevist flood with
the slogan "Fortress Europe", to support
mentally the common fight (Ploetz, p.767).
since 1943 appr.
German propaganda against England and
"USA": They would be steered by
"International Jewry"
->> "International Jewry" is declared
"world's enemy" to provoke even more
resistance in German population
and: The western allied are presented as
assistants and promoters of Bolshevism, and
"Christianity" of England and "USA" is
called a "hypocrisy" (Ploetz, p.768).
since January 1943
After defeat
of Stalingrad German propaganda is
concealing and concealing
-- German propaganda is going on stressing
"superiority of German soldiers"
-- German propaganda is going on stressing
"superiority" of German leadership, now in the
-- there is concealment and disguising, in
change with brutal presentation of the
reality, provoking a shock in the population
and provoking more fighting in the population
(Ploetz, p.769).
February 1943
propaganda: For weeks he is presenting the
Katyn case
(Ploetz, p.764)

about Katyn in 3R France: "When
Soviets will win the war - so
Katyn will be everywhere" (French:
"Si les soviets gagnaient la
guerre - Katyn partout")
The poster shows Lenin or another
person with a star formed collar
sharpening hammer and sickle. But
it's concealed that basically
Hitler wanted to do the same with
about Katyn in 3R Slovakia "Forest
of the deads at Katyn"
The poster shows how Russians are
shooting Polish officers. The poster
shall be a warning that in Gulag
communism everybody will be shot who
resists against communism.
(in 2014:

3R: "Scrap paper collection 1943",
April 1943
in Third Reich was lack of all raw
material, also paper, and scrap
paper collections were introduced.
The poster shows joyful children,
first of course an Aryan blond
boy, then a brown haired boy, and
finally a blond Aryan girl. The
children are carrying big bundles
of papers, the first boy also
carries a book and a card case
under his arm. So, it seems as if
the children would perform the
scrap paper collection. This means
that Hitler Youth now also
contributed their share to the war
with children from 10 to 13 years
old, resp. probably the children
were "employed". The grinning of
the boys seems to be a childish
joy, or perhaps because related to
the performance because perhaps
there was a reward to have. But
basically the children were in
children evacuation camps...
All in all there were destroyed
many documents of value during
Second World War, in Germany and
in the occupied territories. The
documents not only burnt, but were
given to recycling, or even were
used as toilet paper...

3R "Produce weapons for the front"
(German: "Schafft Waffen für die
Front"), summer 1943
factory manager hands over some
hand grenades to a soldier, and at
the bottom of the poster is shown
the industry producing on and on.
Important parts came from
Switzerland, e.g. from ABB for
rockets, or from the "USA", e.g.
the antiknock agent.
front which never stops, this was
the eastern front, and Nazi
propaganda was pretending yet that
a victory against the Red Army
would be possible - referring to
the figures of soldiers against an
absolute superior Red Army.
But industrialists in Third Reich
were going on to be "interested"
in a "victory" because with war
production it was easy to fill
one's pockets, and the bank
accounts for this were untouchable
in Switzerland...
Capitulation of fascist Italy and capture
of Mussolini
->> German propaganda calls the
capitulation of Italy a "treason" of Italian
king and Italian government of Badoglio
->> German propaganda claims that
Badoglio alone had made possible the landing
of "American" troops in Italy (Ploetz,

Armistice of Italy in 1943
propaganda posters
of the allied: swastika is broken,
hands in the same form braking the
swastika. The arms have their flags
on their arms painted, and
geographically they are more or less
well orientated with France and
"USA" to the left, England up to the
right, and the Soviet Union below to
the right. But there are missing
further allies because these were
not all. There are missing Canada
and Belgium for example. And
swastika is going in the wrong
direction. The allies did not notice
this. Mirroring the picture with a
swastika turning itself in NS
direction would mean that hammer and
sickle would go to the wrong
direction and that the flags of the
allies would be badly orientated.
The sky with the concentrating
cumulus predicts a thunderstorm for
But the poster is only a big false
appearance because big parts of the
allied industries are also producing
for German war production - up to
the end of the war!
posters of the "USA"
of the "USA": "Work as hard as a
Jap", 1943 appr.
you worked as hard and fast as a
Jap we'd SMASH Tokyo a lot
sky threatens with the Japanese
flag with the Japanese beaming
sun. The text is shown before a
school class. The pupil in the
foreground is a black with
glasses. The whole school class
are only blacks. So, the poster as
absolutely racist saying that
black would work slower than
whites, and that the saying on the
poster would be above all for the
of the "USA" against Japan: "Don't
talk - rats have BIG ears", in 1943
poster is very complex. In front
of the Japanese flag with the
Japanese beaming sun the Japanese
rat is cleaning the main island of
Japan with a samurai sword. The
ears are bigger than the rat
itself. The rat has got an Asian
hat with a communist star on it.
Perhaps this is an allusion that
the spy will be in a disguise
listening to Russia. At the bottom
to the left there is a person
watching Russia, Between the
graphics and the mouse there is a
direct link. The glasses are the
glasses of Japanese Emperor
The presentation of Japanese
people as mice is absolutely
racist and includes the allusions
that they would be varmints.
leaflets of Soviet Union

Leaflet of SU showing Hitler with
a chain of skulls, in 1944 appr.

Leaflet of SU "Hitlers crusade"
showing Hitler passing dead bodies
of his soldiers, in 1944 appr.
Hitler was going on refusing any peace. He
also did not want to go to exile. Soviet
leadership is presenting the lost battles
concealing the own losses of communism in the
Gulag and in the war.
Third Reich
propaganda posters
of 3R about evacuation of children to
the countryside: "Air terror is going
on - mothers, bring your children
away!" (orig. German: "Der Luftterror
geht weiter - Mütter, schafft eure
Kinder fort!"), 1944
The own terror NS leadership cannot
confess. War and victory madness are
not recognized as illnesses until
today (2010)...
3R: "Mam, bring me away! - air terror
is going on", in 1944 appr.
The child is taking the flight from
the bombs and is asking being brought
The scenery is absolutely unreal
because a child always wants to stay
with it's mother. So the child can
have said only: "Mam, when will we
leave?" or "Mam, where will we go?"
But the mother has to stay in town and
has to help fire-fighting because
there have hardly left men in town
because the men are at the front, and
many of the men yet in town are
handicapped and are not capable for
fire-fighting operations.
The child is walking on a fire carpet
and has to flee from the bombs. So,
the poster shows a fire storm and is
an indirect confession of NS defeat
against the allies which have
practically the total air supremacy
over whole Germany. And one may ask
why the "Fuehrer" let fighting going
on and nobody has taken measures, and
why the jet fighters were not used.
3R in Holland against terror "America", 1944
The picture
shows a robot Yankee with wings of the "US"
Air Force and with two white and two black
arms, with a hat of Ku-Klux-Klan and with many
more "details" of "American" superficial
-- a women in summer clothes as "Mis America"
with native feathers and with plugged Jazz
-- another woman as "Miss America" in summer
clothes with military hat of 1865 and "American"
-- at the left black arm there is a rope to hang
people, in the hand is a record
-- in the right hand of the black arm is a
banker with a dollar sack
-- in the hand of the left white arm is a rifle
and on the wrist is a handcuff
-- in the hand of the right white arm is the
drumstick of a timbal with a poster with a
Jewish star serving the robot as torso
-- the torso over the timbal consists of a
birdcage where a black man is sitting in a white
trousers on a stone watching a black woman with
white mini skirt dancing. The floor of the cave
has got the title "Jitterburg - Triumph of
-- at one leg there is a ribbon with the text
"World's most beautiful leg"
-- the feet of the Yankee robot are bloody bombs
and one foot just has bombed a temple hall. The
other leg is in the air threatening what is
under it.
In the background there can be seen the Statue
of Liberty and New York sky line, right
Holsten gate of Luebeck and an old center of a
German town with a fountain in the foreground,
behind the red smoke there can be seen slim
steeples, e.g. from Saint Mary's church of
Below to the left there is a little person
with huge mouse ears shown with the back to
the viewer with a shield in red writing: "De
U.S.A. zullen de Europeesche Kultur van den
andergang redden" ("USA should save European
culture from their destruction").
This cartoon describes the conditions in the
"USA" very well: The white beauty queen has
put an adornment of a native chief whereby teh
natives in the "USA" have the "American"
passport but have no rights and are partly
eliminated. The symbol of the cave for the
blacks is right because there is strong racism
in the "USA" until the 1970s, and the blacks
are not eliminated, but they are shut up in a
box concerning their rights. The banker with
it's dollar sack is the shugar of the "USA"
for impoverished Europe. Superficiality of the
white "American" population allows the war
against Europe and is laying - together with
English units - not only all German towns, but
also towns in Holland and in France in ashes.
So, there is the question which "Freedom" is
represented by the "Statue of Freedom" of New
York, because: The banks of the "USA" have
financed communism and Third Reich at the same
But unfortunately it's not an act bringing
peace to point out the mistakes of the other
ones when oneself one is not capable to create
peace, and Hitler had no middle course between
victory or flight. So, this cartoon is good,
but is only a bad diversion.
poster in Italy
of Saló Republic: "Black Brigade"
(Italian: "Brigate nere"), 1944
July 1944 Mussolini gave the order
to militarize it's Fascist
Republican Party. All members were
forced to be members in the Black
Brigade ("Brigate nere"), a new
armed unit taking over the functions
of the army and of the police and
integrating paramilitary groups
(Italian SS, X Mas etc.).
Principally the Black Brigade was
responsible for the climate of
terror in northern Italy from 1944
to 1945, operating under a black
flag (Italian: "bandiera nera").
skull on the flag is speaking for
its own. The man is a blond fighter
type with tanned head and tanned
arms, athletic like a body builder.
But such strong vulgarians mostly
don't have much in their brain
because they only know their school
German propaganda with the "wonder
->> in big parts of the German
population stays the hope for a turn in the
aerial war until winter 1944/45 (Ploetz,
since 1944/45
Whispering campaigns gain importance
(Ploetz, p.764)
April 1944 appr.
"Atlantic Wall" is called as
"insuperable" by German propaganda
-- presentation in the radio and in
-- there is the hope, that this propaganda
would force the resistance of German western
-- there is the hope that this bluff would
hinder an allied invasion in the west for ever
(Ploetz, p.770).

Atlantic Wall, Hanstholm battery 1
June 1944
German "revenge" against England with V1
and V2
(Ploetz, p.769)
6 June 1944
Allied landing in France
->> German propaganda claims the
landing of allied troops was wanted to
eliminate them afterwards (Ploetz, p.770).
June / July 1944
3 months
for building a base
The allies suffer heavy fights with
house-to-house fighting and trench warfare.
The allies need 3 months building a definite
(from: Tagesanzeiger online: Das
Martyrium der Normandie; 3 August 2010;
German retreat from France and Belgium
->> German propaganda acting by
whispering campaign blames high officers for
the retreat because of "treason": von Kluge,
and von Stuelpnagel (Ploetz, p.770).
since September 1944
Call for the last defense "Volkssturm"
("popular storm")
in 3R: "For freedom and life, popular
storm!" ("Um Freiheit und Leben,
Volkssturm!"), since September 1944
the denomination of "Volkssturm"
("popular storm") the NS regime lets
mobilize elders and youth for a
fight against allied troops.
(in 2014:
There are some remarkable elements
in this poster: Writing is very
declined and implicating a movement
arriving at the two defenders, and
this moving should be halted by the
weapons of the defenders. This
should make clear to the viewer that
now the case is all or nothing.
Native soil of the Old Reich has to
be defended. There is not one single
warlike action shown on the poster,
but there can be seen two men, one
young, another old, in a position of
defense, as if they would hold two
flagpoles in their hands. This
position is real as long as the
allies have not come yet. Also the
equipment is probably real, in
reality with shovels or medieval
spears in their hands, without
uniform, without helmet, without
emergency provision and without
pistol. So, the poster represents
the whole truth, whereby only the
superior allied armies are missing.
Because when the allied armies would
be represented on the poster all
knew very quickly that in this case
there is nothing to win any more...
front: Break through of Red Army to East
->> German propaganda is commenting
this break through with the presentation of
Soviet atrocities (Nemmersdorf) and by this
provokes panic in the German population
->> the presentation of Russian
atrocities has to be stopped (Ploetz,
When Nemmersdorf was re-occupied by German
forces on 21 October 1944, there could be
detected that 23 German civilians were shot
by Red Army, mostly women and children. It's
the first documented act of atrocity of the
Red Army on German soil in Second World War.
And the Red Army is violating on and on and
since 16 December 1944
Ardennes offensive: German propaganda
stressing new force of German army
(Ploetz, p.770)
plus: German propaganda compares the
campaign with the Battle of France of 1940
[!] (Ploetz, p.771).
Analyzing the Battle of the Bulge Hitlers
tanks only had luck because there was cloudy
weather and the allies had no way to inform
what was going on for one week...
Principally this Ardennes offensive is one
of the big criminalities of Hitler because
he had been able to give way to the Western
allies protecting the Eastern Front against
communism, but Hitler did not want peace. He
was going on playing a poker with his
"wonder weapons", but the allies had changed
their tactics and Germany was going to be
without fuel...
since end of 1944
Collapse of the Ardennes Offensive
->> German propaganda calls the
collapsed offensive as a trial to "trouble"
the allied offensive preparations (Ploetz,

Poster of the SU: The three big allied ("USA",
England, and "SU") are cording up Hitler's
neck, 1944 appr.
since the beginning of 1945
Goebbels's propaganda against America and
to keep on against the allies against the
Morgenthau plan and against "enslavement"
<"Morgenthau plan" and other allied
projects for Germany were stimulating
Goebbels's propaganda provoking a fight of
despair against these forces who wanted to
"enslave" and to "eliminate" the German
(orig. German:
<Der "Morgenthau-Plan" sowie die bekannt
gewordenen alliierten Pläne für Deutschland
leiten Wasser auf die Mühle der
Goebbels-Propaganda, die das Volk zu einem
Verzweiflungskampf gegen die Kräfte aufruft,
die das deutsche Volk "versklaven" und
"vernichten" wollen.> (Ploetz, S.771)
January 1945
Eastern front: Red Army breaking through
at Oder river
->> German propaganda named
"fortresses" and defensive lines for an
alleged preparation of a counter offensive,
and by this manipulation should be stopped
the escape movement
->> many Germans believed in this
propaganda thinking themselves safe for too
long and then they were rolled over by Red
Army (Ploetz, p.770).
30 January 1945
Germany: film propaganda for "keeping on"
"Kolberg" a.o. (Ploetz, p.764).

Film Kolberg
February 1945
German propaganda propagating "Werewolf"
calling collaboration with the allies as
->> then there are some
"Werewolf" actions against Germans who are
collaborating with the allies (Ploetz,
April 1945
Battle of Berlin - Berlin is trapped by
the Red Army
->> until 28 April 1945 German Nazi
propaganda pretends to Berlin population
that there will be the possibility to be
liberated claiming to keep on (Ploetz,
12 April 1945
Death of Roosevelt
(Ploetz, p.771)
20 April 1945
Goebbels's propaganda going on dispersing
"victory confidence"
with the conjuration of historic
parallels when Berlin also was encircled but
was liberated soon (Frederick the Great in
Seven Year's War, and czarina Elisabeth has
died, and President Roosevelt has died)
but this propaganda has no effect any more
(Ploetz, p.771).
May 1945
Balance of the German propaganda
machinery in Europe
"During Second World War German propaganda
had big effect in the homeland, and allied
propaganda against Germany had almost no
effect. Until 1945 psychological warfare of
the allies (with Soviet part) in Germany has
almost no success. In their own countries
the allied propaganda is a big help for
At the other side also German propaganda
(with the exception of the Arab region) has
no effect in other countries. All in all one
can make out that psychological warfare
within the own national borders has proven
oneself, but as a mean to decompose the
enemy's resistance has failed."
(orig. German:
"Im zweiten Weltkrieg hat sich die deutsche
Propaganda im Innern als erfolgreich, die
gegen Deutschland gerichtete alliierte als
wenig wirksam erwiesen. Bis 1945 bleibt der
psychologischen Kriegsführung der Alliierten
(einschliesslich der Sowjetischen) in
Deutschland jeder grössere Erfolg versagt,
während sie innerhalb ihrer eigenen Länder
überall Entscheidendes zum Siege beiträgt.
Andererseits vermag auch die deutsche
Propaganda (abgesehen vom arabischen Raum)
nicht über den von Deutschland beherrschten
Raum hinaus zu wirken. So kann man
zusammenfassend feststellen, dass sich die
psychologische Kriegsführung innerhalb der
eigenen Staatsgrenzen durchweg bewährt,
jedoch als Mittel zur Zersetzung er
Widerstandskraft des Gegners versagt hat."
(Ploetz, p.762)

in 3R Austria: "Freedom and life.
Popular storm" (German: "Freiheit und
Leben. Volkssturm!"), May 1945 |

in SU: "Victory!" May 1945

of antifa "One folk, one Empire, one
asshole" ("Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein
Arschloch") |
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