7. Die Metamorphose: Von Jesus zu Muhamad
"In den Adern
des Propheten fliesst Tinte - auch die der
europäischen Orientalisten."
Karl-Heinz Ohlig, Religionswissenschaftler
7a. Byzantium, Persia and in between
the Christian "Arabis"
7a.1. The early "Arabia" with
religious fights in today's Kurdistan
[War without end and manipulations between
Byzantium and Persia]
The history of the Near East in the first half of the
[[fantasy]] post-Christian millennium was
characterized by the permanent conflict between Persia
and the Byzantine Empire. There were direct encounters
on the battlefield, but mostly there were
representative wars, because both powers maintained a
network of Arab allies, who changed sides often
["Arabia" to the Middle Ages: Part of the Fertile
With Arabia of today we mean the Arabian Peninsula. In
antiquity and in the Middle Ages, Arabia included
Syria, Palestine and Mesopotamia, sometimes more,
sometimes less. Arabian Peninsula was only a part of
it. However, the northwestern part was linked to the
culture of the Mediterranean by the Nabataeans, these
were Hellenized Arabs.
["Arabia" to the Middle Ages: Variety of religions
and promises of salvation - struggles among fantasy
This ancient Arabia was a political and religious
pressure cooker. It was not by chance that three of
the five world [[fantasy]] religions originated here.
[Fantasy]] Jews, Greek, Babylonian, Asiatic pagans,
Melkites, [[Fantasy]] Jacobins, Syriac [[Fantasy]]
Christians, Coptic [[Fantasy]] Christians, Catholic
[[Fantasy]] Christians, Nestorians [[Fantasy
Christians]], Zoroastrians, Buddhists and others were
in constant competition. Every day, so to speak, there
appeared on every corner a [[fake]] herald of
salvation, a messenger of [[a Fantasy]] God, a
[[Fantasy]] Messiah, a new [[Fantasy]] prophet.
Constantly under the pressure of the imminent end of
the world, one had to be prepared for it.
The individual factions had their own religious
[[fantasy]] texts, which were each discussed,
attacked, defended. These debates were particularly
intense about the "true doctrine" between the
individual [[Fantasy]] Christian factions [p.107].
The central point here was the question of the nature
of [[Fantasy]] Jesus. The discussion was carried out
both on the Greek-philosophical point of the needle
point as well as palpably [44].
[44] This counts for example for the
Council of Ephesus (431), which was registered in
history as "robber's synod". Reverend [[Fantasy]]
Fathers of the [[Fantasy]] Church launched fists and
sticks at each other, and bullyboy teams were hired
to enforce the true teachings.
For the Monophysites, [[Fantasy]] Jesus had only one
divine nature, for others, the monarchists,
[[Fantasy]] Jesus was indeed an envoy of [[a Fantasy]]
God, but still only human, and for yet others,
[[Fantasy]] Jesus was the Son of [[Fantasy]] God and
in addition to his human nature had also a
divine nature. These were the questions that occupied
the people of the Middle East for centuries in an
intensity that was almost incomprehensible to us
today. However, their salvation depended on the
ever-awaited return of the [[Fantasy]] Messiah, who
would judge them with the flaming sword. The attitude
to life was to live in the end times.
[The separation of Arab Fantasy Christianity from
the rest of Fantasy Christianity: Mistletoe is
Fantasy Trinity]
In numerous councils where these questions of
[[Fantasy]] faith were vigorously debated, namely in
Nicaea in 325 and in Chalcedon in 451, the "doctrine
of the [[Fantasy]] Trinity", the doctrine of the
[[Fantasy]] "Holy Trinity," became the official dogma.
This separated the Arab [[Fantasy]] Christians from
the mainstream.
7a.2. Deportation of Fantasy
Christians to Persia and the term of "Arabi" for the
population in Mesopotamia
[Hijacking and forced labor in Asia]
But a certain spatial separation had happened before
already. General war practice in the Orient was the
murder and / or deportation of the vanquished. Those
who survived the battles and the ensuing slaughter
were transported away and used for various work
projects in their own provinces.
The deportation of the [[Fantasy]] Israelites by
Nebuchadnezzar to Babylon is known.
The three great wars of Schapur I. (240 / 42-270 AD -
ended in huge deportation waves of the population of
today's Syria and Iraq. For example, the [[Fantasy]]
Bishop of Antioch on the Syrian Mediterranean coast
was deported with his community to Khuzistan
(Chuzestan, today Iran -
and deported for the construction of the newly founded
city of Gundeschabur (now Iran -
Another destroyed and deported [p.108] city was the
northern Mesopotamian central Hatra, located between
the Euphrates and Tigris rivers (today North Iraq
[45] The leaving gaps, in turn, were often
filled by more or less forced deportations from
Greece and from the Balkans.
[[These deportations are the reason that also blond
people can be found in the Middle East]].
[The term "Arabi" = "dwellers of the west" - from
Persian perspective]
The inhabitants of this area, the "Jasira" ("island")
(= Upper Mesopotamia, today Kurdistan -
(Mesopotamia)), were called "Arabi", "the
inhabitants of the West ", seen from the land beyond
[[eastern]] of the Tigris River [[so, seen from
Persia]]. Here, the term "Arabs" becomes manifest for
the first time, but it is not the same meaning as we
know it today.
[Deportaitons: Syro-Aramaic language and Fantasy
Bibles are spreading up to Persia]
The Arabi spoke Syro-Aramaic. One can suppose for sure
that on the way to the Persian Diaspora, they also
took their sacred [[Fantasy]] books with them, the
Peshitta, the Aramaic [[Fantasy]] Bible and the
Diatessaron, the Aramaic [[Fantasy]] Gospel.
Another coup was carried out under Khosrau I., who in
540 again deported the entire population of Antioch to
the East and had them built the city
"Veh-Antiokh-i-Khosrau" ("The Better Antioch of the
Khosrau"). The deportees continued their religious
life in Persia.
7a.3. Byzantium against Persia -
robbery of the Fantasy Cross of Jerusalem 613 and
repatriation of the Fantasy Cross 630
[613: Persia occupies Jerusalem - destruction of
the Holy Fantasy Sepulcher and robbery of a fantasy
cross - 619 Egypt]
In the 7th century, the conflicts between Persia and
Byzantium took on the character of a religious war.
613 there was a new push of Persia towards the west.
Khosrau II occupied Syria and conquered Jerusalem in
614. He demolished demonstratively the [[Fantasy]]
Church of the Holy Sepulcher and took the relic of the
[[Fantasy]] Holy Cross as a trophy with it. In 619 he
conquered Egypt.
[Reconquest of Byzantium from 622 - destruction of
the fire temple in Ganjak]
This action could not be accepted by Byzanz. Emperor
Heraclius attacked Persia with an army. Under the
personal guidance of the Emperor - an absolute rarity
in late antiquity - in 622 a battle took place in
Armenia, during which the Persian army was defeated
completely. The following year, Herakleios took the
city of Ganjak and had destroyed the Fire Temple there
as a revenge for the action in Jerusalem. Two more
battles followed to the complete and triumphant
victory of Byzantium.
[Byzantium gives up Syria and Mesopotamia to have
troops in the Balkans]
Khosrau still did not want peace, so he was murdered
by his own people, and his son Siroe made peace with
Byzantium then. In the ensuing "equalization", the
emperor [[of Byzantium]] got back his Arab territories
nominally - which he had never really mastered. But
within [p.109] the complete reorganization of the
Byzantine Empire (the "Thematic Conference"),
Heraclius had already decided to give up Syria and
Mesopotamia as imperial territory, but kept some
cities and all the harbors under his control. The
urgently needed consolidation of its central area
which had absolute priority, because in the West [[on
the Balkans]], the Empire was fighting for its
[Constantinople does not have to be capital -
repatriation of the Fantasy Cross to Jerusalem 630]
As early as 618, Heraclius, originally from North
Africa, had thought of abandoning Constantinople as
the capital and governing it from Sicily. A popular
uprising and the [[Fantasy]] clergy prevented him, but
the [[Fantasy]] Church had to finance his campaign,
which he victoriously won in 628 and then crowned in
630 with the solemn and personal return of the
[[Fantasy]] Crucifix relic to Jerusalem.
It had not been an ordinary campaign, but this was the
first [[Fantasy]] crusade of history, the struggle of
the [[Fantasy]] Christians against the
7b. Die "Arabi"-Identität zwischen Byzanz
und Persien
7b.1. The "Arabi" Jesus Fantasy
Christians and the Byzantine Jesus Fantasy Doctrine
of Herakleios -- 7b.2. Time since 622: The first
feeling of an "Arabi" identity between Tigris and
Egypt - Maavia vs. Byzantium -- 7b.3. Abd al-Malik
against Byzantine with the Dome of the Rock in
Jerusalem with the inscription "praised [Fantasy]
7b.1. Die "Arabi"-Christen und die
Byzanz-Doktrin von Herakleios
[Christen im heutigen Kurdistan ("Arabi") mit
Trotz gewisser religiöser Unterschiede hatten die
Arabi mit Herakleios sympathisiert. Mehrfach belegte
Vergleiche machten die Runde mit Chosrau als Pharao im
alttestamentlichen Sinne, der die Kinder Ismaels
verschleppt habe, und die nun heimgeführt würden [46].
[46] Auch der Koran bezeichnet den
Perserkönig irrtümlich (?) als "Pharao".
Die Christen Persiens sahen Herakleios deshalb als
ihren natürlichen Verbündeten. Nach der Niederlage
zerfiel das Persische Reich in Fürstentümer, auch in
solche der Arabi. Zum einen lag die Autorität der
persischen Zentralmacht in Scherben, zum anderen war
mit dem Tod des Herakleios 641 die Bündnissituation
aus dem grossen, glorreichen Krieg beendet.
[Die "Arabi"-Emire nach dem Tod von Herakleios 641
bleiben Christen]
Die arabischen Emire, durchwegs Christen, hielten nun
die eigentliche Macht in Persien in der Hand. Hierfür
lassen sich zahlreiche archäologische Belege finden,
etwa die Münzprägungen der verschiedenen Emire, viele
mit einem christlichen Bezug im Münzbild.
[Byzanz mit Vasallenverträgen im
Zweistromland - direkte Macht nur an den Küsten
sowie Jerusalem und Damaskus]
Die persische Hegemonie in Mesopotamien, Syrien und
Ägypten war auf regionale Vasallen gestützt gewesen.
Die Niederlage gegen den Kaiser hatte zwar die
persische Hauptmacht und das sassanidische
Herrscherhaus vernichtet, die Emire von Mesopotamien
bis Ägypten jedoch unbeschädigt gelassen. Byzanz
behielt als starke Seemacht lediglich die Häfen sowie
einige wenige religiös wichtige Orte wie Jerusalem und
Damaskus [S.110] und schloss im Stile der altbekannten
"foederati" Vasallenverträge mit lokalen Fürsten.
[Kompromissformeln von Herakleios ohne Erfolg]
Herakleios hatte auch versucht, einen theologischen
Ausgleich mit dem Osten zu erzielen, aber seine
Kompromissformeln waren abgelehnt worden. Es half auch
nichts mehr, dass sein Nachfolger Konstans II. die
"Ekthesis", die Glaubensformeln, die 646 sogar zu
Aufständen in Nordafrika geführt hatten, aus der Hagia
Sophia (Kirche in Konstantinopel, heute in Istanbul
ein Museum -
entfernen liess.
7b.2. Zeit ab 622: Das erste Gefühl einer
"Arabi"-Identität zwischen Tigris und Ägypten -
Maavia gegen Byzanz
[Die Solidarität der "Arabi" vom Zweistromland bis
Ägypten - und es wird die Wiederkunft Christi
Praktisch von einem Tag auf den anderen waren die
arabischen Emire jetzt ihre eigenen Herren, sie waren
plötzlich Teil einer Grossmacht, und das ohne grossen
Kampf. Kein Wunder, dass die Christen in Ägypten oder
Syrien kooperierten: Sie hatten es nun nicht mehr mit
Feueranbetern oder der verhassten Reichskirche zu tun,
sondern mit Leuten, die ihre Religion teilten.
Das Land von Ägypten bis Persien war nun plötzlich
arabisch dominiert, man war wie durch ein Wunder den
Schraubstöcken Byzanz' und Persiens entrollen. Der
Antichrist war besiegt, der Weltuntergang vertagt,
eine neue Ära war angebrochen, die in der Wiederkunft
Christi gipfeln würde.
[Die "neue Zeit" ab 622 nach dem byzantinischen
Sieg gegen die Perser]
Das Jahr 622 wurde so zur wichtigsten Jahreszahl des
frühen Arabiens. Es wurde als so wichtig und
einschneidend begriffen, dass man das Jahr des Sieges
der Christen über die Feueranbeter und der damit
verbundene Aufstieg der Araber als der Beginn einer
neuen Zeitrechnung festsetzte (wobei das byzantinische
Steuerjahr weitergeführt wurde, was der Wissenschaft
ein unschätzbares Instrument an die Hand lieferte).
Diese arabische Zeitrechnung (griechisch: "kata
Araba") folgte dem Sonnenkalender.
[Muslimische Lügentradition: Mohammed habe 622
Mekka verlassen, um in Medina Zuflucht zu suchen und
habe Herakleios mit dem Islam gedroht]
Nach der islamischen Tradition war ein arabischer
Prophet namens Mohammed 622 von der Stadt Mekka nach
Medina geflohen, und dieses Datum hatte den Beginn
einer neuen islamischen Zeitrechnung markiert. Diese
folgte dem Mondkalender. Nur, niemand benutzte diesen
Mondkalender, sondern den Sonnenkalender "nach der
Zeit der Araber". Nirgendwo ist der Name des Propheten
noch der seiner neuen Religion genannt. Nach
islamischer Tradition hatte Muhamad einen Brief an
Kaiser Herakleios gesandt mit der Aufforderung, zum
Islam überzutreten. Aus byzantinischen Quellen wissen
wir nichts über dieses Angebot. Nicht weiter
verwunderlich, denn wir können mit grosser Sicherheit
annehmen, dass Herakleios von dem Gründer einer völlig
neuen Religion, der ihm [S.111] noch zu Lebzeiten sein
halbes Reich und seine heiligen Stätten weggenommen
haben soll, nie gehört hatte. Seine Schreiber und die
Betroffenen hätten uns mit Sicherheit davon erzählt.
[Muslimische Lügentradition: Keine Quellen
vorhanden muslimische Expansion nach Damaskus oder
Nach dem Zusammenbruch bzw. dem Rückzug der
Hauptmächte brach eine unruhige Zeit an, die durch die
Positionskämpfe der einzelnen Emire gekennzeichnet
war. Die islamische Geschichtsschreibung stilisiert
diese internen Positionierungs-Scharmützel zu einem
glorreichen Eroberungskrieg der Muslime. Die
wissenschaftliche Geschichtsforschung weiss allerdings
nichts vom Sieg der Muslime bei Gabitha, auch die
"grosse Entscheidungsschlacht" am Jordan (Yarmuk) der
Muslime gegen Byzanz ist unbelegt. 639, also noch zu
Lebzeiten (!) des Herakleios, sollen die Wüstenkrieger
Muhamads Damaskus erobert haben - auch dafür gibt es
nicht den geringsten historischen Beleg. Nach
islamischer Tradition soll 640 Amr ibn As mit der
grünen Flagge des Propheten an der Spitze eines
muslimischen Heeres in Kairo eingezogen sein - und
auch darüber schweigen sich die Quellen der Zeit aus.
Es existiert allerdings von Abd al-Maliks Bruder Aziz,
Emir in Ägypten, eine auf das Jahr 690 datierte
Inschrift an einer Brücke von Fustat (Alt-Kairo), die
mit der Floskel "Amen" endet.
[Forschung: Maavia (Muawiya) mit dem Ziel eines
neuen Perserreichs bis Ägypten]
Der Erste, der die Chance zur Gründung eines neuen
Grossreiches, das Persien und die ehemaligen
arabischen Besitzungen Byzanz' umfassen sollte,
wahrnahm, war Maavia [[Muawiya]]. Eine Neuauflage des
Persischen Reiches unter Einschluss der Araber, nichts
weniger strebte er an, beinhaltete natürlich die
Wiederaufnahme des sassanidischen Kampfes gegen
662 kehrte Kaiser Konstans II. seiner Hauptstadt
Byzanz den Rücken. Nicht nur hatte er sich mit der
gesamten östlichen Christenheit zerstritten, seine
höchst kaiserlichen Auffassungen wurden zu allem
Überfluss auch noch von Maximus dem Bekenner, dem
prominentesten Theologen seiner Zeit, als Häresie
abgekanzelt (was dieser allerdings mit der
lebenslangen Verbannung auf die Krim bezahlte).
[Byzanz: Regierungssitz wird nach Sizilien verlegt
- Maavia in Damaskus beginnt mit Kämpfen gegen
Konstans II. also machte die Drohung des Herakleios
wahr und verlegte seine Residenz nach Syrakus auf
Sizilien - dem östlichen Reich drohte somit
Im selben Jahr, 662, wurde Maavia [[Muawiya]] in
Darabgerd, Südiran, zum "Amir al-Muminin" gewählt. In
dieser Eigenschaft herrschte er bald über
Persien [S.112] und den ehemals byzantinischen
Osten. 663 nahm er in persischer Tradition wieder
Kriegszüge gegen den Westen auf.
Maavias Residenz war Damaskus mit dem wichtigsten
Heiligtum und Pilgerzentrum der Zeit, der
Johannesbasilika mit dem Haupt Johannes des Täufers
als Reliquie. Die wichtigste Inschrift, die von Maavia
erhalten ist, haben wir bereits oben kennengelernt [[
den Stein von Gadara (Israel), eine griechische
Inschrift, mit dem Kreuzzeichen beginnend, die seinen
Titel nennt: "Amir al-Muminin". Exakt derselbe Titel
findet sich von ihm in Persien in persischer Sprache.
Wie wir gesehen hatten, bedeutet er "Oberster
Schutzgewährer", die gängige Übersetzung "Führer der
Gläubigen", womit wie selbstverständlich Muslime
gemeint sind, ist ohne irgendeine Basis.
[Maavia wechselt die Seite und wird zum Verräter
von Byzanz]
Maavia war ursprünglich Verbündeter und Lehnsherr des
Kaisers, wurde aber zum Verräter, weil er als
Byzantinerfreund die Unterstützung im persischen Teil
seines Reiches verloren hätte. Maavia prägte auch
Münzen in Jerusalem, die Figuren mit dem Kreuzglobus
in der Hand darstellen.
[Muslimische Lügentradition: Muawiya soll zum Islam
konvertiert sein, soll der Sekretärs von Mohammed
gewesen sein, soll zum Kalifen von Medina ernannt
worden sein, soll 639 als Statthalter von Damaskus
eingesetzt worden sein, soll Feinde des Islams
besiegt haben und das Kalifat gegründet haben]
Maavia ist unter dem Namen Muawiya eine der wenigen
historisch fassbaren Personen im bunten Reigen
traditioneller Darstellungen des frühen Islams. Die
Wissenschaft weiss nichts Gesichertes über seine
Herkunft, die islamische Geschichtsschreibung aber
weiss es: Muawiya sei 603 in die einflussreiche Sippe
der "Omayaden" vom Stamme der Kuraisch in Mekka
geboren worden, 630 sei er zum Islam konvertiert und
habe dem Propheten als Sekretär gedient. Dann sei er
zum Kalifen von Medina ernannt und 639 vom Kalifen
Umar als Statthalter von Damaskus eingesetzt worden.
Unter seiner Führung seien die Feinde des Islams
besiegt worden, dazu sei er aus mehreren Schlachten
siegreich hervorgegangen, was ihm das Kalifat
eingebracht, allerdings auch zur Abspaltung der
Schiiten unter dem "rechtmässigen Kalifen" Ali geführt
[Forschung: Maavia / Muawiya verliert gegen
Konstantinopel und wird tributpflichtig - Maavia /
Muawiya wird in Damaskus gestürzt]
Zu den Fakten:
Die Schwäche der Perser war die Seekriegsführung
gewesen, weshalb sie letztlich immer vor
Konstantinopel - wie auch früher schon vor Athen -
gescheitert waren. Maavia hatte nun durch den Besitz
Ägyptens und Küstensyriens die Möglichkeit, eine
Flotte einzusetzen. Nach der schrittweisen Eroberung
einzelner Inseln auf dem Weg nach Konstantinopel
errichtete er [S.113] 672 eine Flottenbasis in der
Nähe der byzantinischen Hauptstadt, und als er 674 zum
Angriff schritt, erlitt er eine fürchterliche
Niederlage vor den Mauern der Stadt. Der Feldzug
endete in einem Desaster, trotzdem machte nach
islamischer Darstellung der "Kalif Muawiya" das
Byzantinische Reich tributpflichtig für die Muslime.
Genau das Gegenteil ist wahr. Maavia musste sich den
Frieden mit Byzanz erkaufen und erklärte sich zu einem
jährlichen Tribut von 3000 Goldstücken nebst Sklaven
und Pferden bereit.
Dies brachte eine starke Opposition im Osten zustande,
die Maavia absetzte. Maavia behielt einige Gebiete im
Westen, verfiel in Bedeutungslosigkeit, über sein Ende
ist nichts bekannt (die islamische Tradition kann
allerdings mit Details aufwarten).
Der Aramäer Maavia, der muslimische "Kalif Muawiya"
der Tradition, war in Wirklichkeit arabischer Christ.
7b.3. Abd al-Malik gegen Byzanz mit dem
Felsendom in Jerusalem mit der Inschrift
"gepriesener Jesus"
[Forschung: Abd al-Malik aus dem ostchristlichen
Marw - christlich und buddhistisch bis zum
Mongolensturm von 1221]
Der Nachfolger Maavias, Abd al-Malik, stammte aus Marw
in der ostpersischen Provinz Chorasan (heute
Turkmenistan). Marw war das antike Antiochia Margiana
und fiel im 5. Jahrhundert n. Chr. an Persien. Nach
dem Zusammenbruch des persischen Sassanidenreiches als
Folge der Niederlage gegen Byzanz [[622]] gelangten in
der Region ansässige Araber an die Macht. Die
traditionell behauptete islamische Eroberung von Marw
und der anderen mittelasiatischen Oasen hat nicht
stattgefunden. Noch aus dem 9. Jahrhundert sind
christliche und buddhistische Klostergründungen belegt
sowie Missionierungen entlang der Seidenstrasse. Erst
mit der Zerstörung durch die Mongolen im Jahr 1221
kann man gesichert von der Islamisierung Marws
[Forschung: Abd al-Malik ab 681 mit erneuertem
Tributvertrag an Byzanz - Verehrungskult
"Muhamadismus" für Jesus "Isa bin Maryam"]
Wie Münzinschriften belegen, gelangte Abd al-Malik 681
an die Macht, musste aber schon vorher von Bedeutung
in der Region gewesen sein. Seine Herrschaft war auf
innere Konsolidierung gerichtet, daher erneuerte er
den Tributvertrag mit Byzanz zu höheren Zahlungen.
Malik wollte dem Kaiser vielleicht aus Überzeugung,
vielleicht aus Mangel an militärischen Optionen, auf
religiösem Gebiet Paroli bieten. Seine Regierungszeit
war relativ friedlich, und in seiner Zeit blühte der
sogenannte "Muhamadismus" auf.
Sassanidischer Tradition entsprechend symbolisierten
Münzen immer die Ideologie des Herrschers. Das war bei
Abd al-Malik der "muhamad", der Gepriesene. Ab dem
Jahr 660 tauchten Münzen aus Persien mit dem Logo
[S.114] "muhamad" auf, in Kombination mit christlichen
Symbolen oder weiteren Nennungen wie "abd Allah"
(Diener Gottes) oder "nam" (selig).
Mit "muhamad" war nun zweifellos keine Person gemeint,
es war viel mehr ein Titel. Abd al-Malik selber sagt
uns unzweideutig in der Inschrift in seinem Heiligtum
in Jerusalem, im "Felsendom", wer der "muhamad" war:
Isa bin Maryam - Jesus, Sohn der Maria.
[Forschung: Abd al-Malik mit dem Felsendom gegen
Kaiser Byzanz mit seiner Hagia-Sophia-Kirche - die
ostchristliche Messiaserwartung]
Der Kaiser von Byzanz als Vorsteher der Reichskirche
hatte die Hagia Sophia (die Hagia-Sophia-Kirche, dann
Moschee, heute ein Museum in Istanbul -
Abd al-Malik dagegen als Vorsteher der arabischen
Kirche hatte keinen monumentalen Sakralbau. Die Zeit
dränge, denn für den Jahreswechsel 699/700 wurden der
Weltuntergang und die Rückkehr des Messias erwartet.
Ihn wollte er in der neuen Basilika an der Stelle des
alten salomonischen Tempels in Jerusalem erwarten. Er
nahm den Bau des "Felsendoms" in Angriff, den er 694
abschloss. Der Bau mit seinem achteckigen,
christologisch-symbolhaften Grundmuster [47]
[47] Vgl. hierzu [[das Kapitel]]: Die
Kirche am Tempelberg [[S.99-106]]
entspricht syrisch-byzantinischer Kirchenarchitektur
und wurde ohne Zweifel als christliches Heiligtum
gebaut. (Die Annahme, Karl der Grosse habe beim Bau
seiner in den Grundelementen identischen Pfalzkapelle
in Aachen eine muslimische Moschee kopiert, ist nicht
sonderlich realistisch).
[Forschung: Die Glaubensbekenntnisse - Abd al-Malik
ohne Dreieinigkeit, dafür mit dem "gepriesenen
Propheten": "muhamad rasul"]
Im Inneren der Hagia Sophia hatte Herakleios sein
Glaubensbekenntnis im Sinne der Dreieinigkeit
anbringen lassen. Malik verewigte in seiner Kirche am
Ort des Tempels seinerseits sein Glaubensbekenntnis
(im vollen Wortlaut haben wir es bereits oben [[
"Es gibt keinen Gott ausser Gott allein,
er hat keinen Teilhaber."
"Gelobt sei der Knecht Gottes und sein
"Jesus Christus, Sohn der Maria, ist der
Gesandte Gottes."
"So glaubt an Gott und seinen Gesandten
und sagt nicht Drei."
Dies ist ein christlich-vornizensisches
Glaubensbekenntnis reinsten Wassers. Abd al-Malik
lehnt die Dreieinigkeit ab ("so sagt nicht Drei"), für
ihn ist Jesus der "muhamad rasul", der "gepriesene
Prophet", aber nicht der Sohn Gottes.
[Forschung: 7-armiger Leuchter von Abd al-Malik
wird 5-armig]
Eine Münze Maliks unterstreicht das religiöse
Fundament seiner Kirche am Platze des alten Tempels:
Sie bildet den siebenarmigen Leuchter ab zusammen mit
der Inschrift "Es gibt nur einen Gott" (
"la ilaha
'lah"). Er sieht sich als Erneuerer Zions in
der wahren Tradition Davids. Diese Tradition ist auch
im späteren Islam erhaltengeblieben, nur wurde David
mit dem Allzweck-Titel "Prophet" ausgestattet. Der
Leuchter mit den sieben Armen der Primzahl 7 wandelte
sich bald zu 5 Armen der Primzahl 5, wohl um eine
Distanz zum jüdischen Komplex zu schaffen.
[Forschung: Die Verbreitung des Konzepts des
"gepriesenen Propheten": "muhamad rasul"]
Abd al-Malik hatte also den Osten seines Reiches
verlassen und war nach Westen gezogen, nach Jerusalem.
Das mit den verschleppten Arabi in den Osten
verschlagene "muhamad"-Motto war mit ihm vom Osten
nach dem Westen gewandert und tauchte in der Folgezeit
auf Prägungen in Syrien und Palästina auf. In
Nordafrika fand der "muhamad" ebenfalls Verbreitung,
nur in Ägypten, im Bereich der koptischen Kirche, tat
sich das "muhamad"-Konzept schwer.
Der "Muhamadismus" im Sinne des "Gepriesenen" (Jesus)
war das bestimmende Merkmal der Zeit Maliks. Seine
Anhänger wurden die "Muhamedaner", womit zu jener Zeit
keineswegs Muslime gemeint waren [[sondern Christen,
die Jesus als "der Gepriesene" verehrten]].
[Muslimische Lügentradition: Die Fehlinterpretation
auf Münzen von Abd al-Malik mit dem Wort "muhamad"]
Gerade in Abd al-Maliks Münzen sieht man
traditionellerweise einen Nachweis, dass es sich bei
ihm um einen islamischen Kalifen gehandelt habe. Mit
dem Aufscheinen von "muhamad" sei klarerweise der
Prophet gemeint, ausserdem sei eine häufig
auftauchende Figur mit Schwert ("standing caliph") und
der Inschrift "kalfat Allah" [["kalifat Allah?]] die
Darstellung des jeweiligen Kalifen. Es gibt eine ganze
Reihe solcher "Stehenden Kalifen". Es sind typisierte
Darstellungen, und nur gelegentlich findet sich die
Nennung des Herrschers, regelmässig aber die Nennung
MHMD oder ausgeschrieben "muhamad(un)". Der "Stehende
Kalif" ist in Wirklichkeit der "Gepriesene", nämlich
Jesus. Er hält stets ein überdimensionales Schwert in
der Hand, das Richtschwert, auf einige Darstellungen
deutlich als Flammenschwert zu erkennen. Das ist die
Rolle, die er im Zeitverständnis einnimmt: der
eschatologische Jesus, der als Verkünder Gottes
("Kalfat Allah") alsbald auf die Erde zurückkehren
wird, um am Jüngsten Tage Recht zu sprechen.
[Forschung: Auf Münzen von Abd
al-Malik fehlt das Byzantinerkreuz - dafür eine
Steinpyramide "Yegar Sahadutha"]
Oft findet sich auf Maliks Münzen eine "Leiter", so
[[sagen]] manche Interpreten. Dieses Gebilde findet
sich auch auf byzantinischen Münzen mit dem
byzantinischen Kreuz obendrauf. Auf Maliks Münzen
fehlt dieses Kreuz, manchmal ersetzt durch eine Kugel
oder einen Kreis. Dies wird nun [S.116]
traditionellerweise so interpretiert, dass Malik als
muslimischer Herrscher das Kreuz entfernen liess. Nach
neuer Interpretation ist das Verschwinden des
byzantinischen Kreuzes aber nicht nur Teil der
ideologischen Auseinandersetzung mit Byzanz, sondern
auch eine Rückbesinnung auf die alte mitische
Tradition anikonischer Steinidole. denn die "Leiter"
stellt ohne Zweifel die "Yegar Sahadutha" dar, die
alttestamentliche Steinpyramide im Zusammenhang mit
der Jakobslegende, die zum Allerheiligsten führt. Auch
im Westen seines Reiches, in Nordafrika, weisen Maliks
Münzen die "Yegar Sahadutha" auf, zusammen mit seinem
monophysitischen Programm in Latein:
"In nomine domini non deus nisi deus solus non est
(Im Namen des Herrn, es gibt nur einen Gott allein und
er hat keinen Teilhaber). [S.117]
[Forschung: Die Tradition vieler
Titel und Verehrungen, ohne den Namen des
Gepriesenen zu nennen]
Es erhebt sich auch die Frage, warum Titel häufig
genannt werden ("muhamad", "abd Allah" etc.) ohne
denjenigen, der gemeint war, gleich beim Namen zu
nennen. Es ist die vom Respekt diktierte Scheu der
Zeit, grosse, heilige Namen nicht leichtfertig
auszusprechen. Dies ist schon aus dem Alten Testament
bekannt. Von den Nabatäern wissen wir nicht einmal den
Namen ihres höchsten Gottes, lediglich den Titel
("Dusares"). Der "Gesalbte" ("Christus") ist genau so
ein Titel, wie es "muhamad" ist. Auch weltliche
Herrscher der Zeit bevorzugten solche Titel, und zwar
bewusst herabstufende. 629 legte Herakleios den Titel
"autokrator" ab und liess [S.118]
sich bescheiden als "basileus" ("König") titulieren.
Justinian II. nahm gar "servus Christi" ("Diener
Christi") als Haupttitel an, genauso wie die "Knechte
Gottes" Maavia und Abd al-Malik. Eine Reihe von
Herrschern ist uns nur vom Titel, der ihr geistliches
Motto ausdrückt, bekannt, nicht aber vom Namen her.
[Archäologie: Viele christliche Symbole in der
Ostkirche: Fisch, Kreuz, Palme, Lamm Gottes]
Und letztlich bildeten die Münzen der "Omayaden" die
Palette der gängigen christlichen Symbole ab: Fisch,
Kreuz, Palme, Agnus Dei (Lamm Gottes) [48],
[48] In einer traditionellen
Münzbeschreibung "Vierbeiner" genannt.
und, wenn auch mit etwas ideologischem Abstand, die
alttestamentliche Steinpyramide. Das Kreuz spielte in
den orientalischen Kirchen generell eine weit
geringere Rolle als in den westlichen.
[Archäologie: Muslimische Münzen fehlen für Muawiya
/ Maavia und Abd al-Malik vollständig]
Wir besitzen eine grosse Anzahl eindeutig christlicher
Münzen aus Zeiten und Regionen, die nach dem
traditionellen Bericht schon lange islamisch gewesen
sein solle. Wie lässt sich das erklären? Es gibt keine
Erklärung ausser der, dass die Emittenten Christen
waren. Muslime können nicht präsent gewesen sein, denn
Münzen waren ein viel zu wichtiges Mittel der
Demonstration von Macht und Ideologie, als dass jemand
den Unterworfenen die Prägehoheit überlassen hätte -
und das über Jahrhunderte hinweg. Sobald Muslime
auftreten, drücken sie das in ihren Münzen aus.
[Muslimische Lügentradition: Falsche Interpretation
ostchristlicher Münzen]
Was wir mit Erstaunen feststellen, ist, dass die
Numismatik [[Münzkunde]] der Vergangenheit versuchte,
ihre Interpretation religiösen Geschichtsbildern [[der
muslimischen Lügentradition]] anzupassen, anstatt das
religiöse Geschichtsbild den Fakten [[anzugleichen]].
[Archäologie: Im 7. und 8. Jh. ist keine neue
Religion "Islam vorhanden"]
Nirgendwo in Relikten oder Dokumenten des 7. und 8.
Jahrhunderts, islamische oder nichtislamische, kommt
die Nennung von Muslimen oder Islam im Sinne einer
neuen Religion in Arabien vor. Und das, obwohl nach
islamischer Tradition zu dieser Zeit bereits der
gesamte Orient islamisch gewesen sein soll. Gerne wird
als Beleg für die Existenz des Islams im 8.
Jahrhundert Johannes Damascenus genannt. Der spricht
aber nicht - man muss einfach nur mal hinschauen - von
"Muslimen", sondern von der "Häresie der Ismaeliten".
Häretiker sind diejenigen, die die offizielle
Glaubenslinie verlassen haben - das war von der
Reichskirche aus gesehen bei der arabischen Kirche
Maliks der Fall -, es sind aber [S.119] niemals
Anhänger einer anderen Religion. Es ist Usus geworden,
"Araber" mit "Muslimen" gleichzusetzen, obwohl es
dafür keine historische Rechtfertigung gibt.
[Archäologie: Der Begriff "Muslim"="Orthodoxer",
Der Begriff "Muslime" ist zum ersten Mal für das Jahr
753 auf einer persischen Münze nachgewiesen. Diese
"Muslime" sind jedoch nicht die Angehörigen der
Religion des Islams, wie wir es heute als
selbstverständlich verstehen, sondern es sind
aramäisch die "meshlem", die "Orthodoxen", die
"Rechtgläubigen" (was auch die Griechisch-Orthodoxen
von dich behaupteten).
[Kreuzzüge: Papst Urban II. weiss gar nicht,
wer da in Palästina lebt: arabische Christen]
In seinem Aufruf zum ersten Kreuzzug 1096 sprach Papst
Urban II. von der Rückgewinnung des Heiligen Landes
und von seiner Neubesiedelung. Er skizzierte Palästina
als das Land der Bibel, "wo Milch und Honig fliesst".
Viele Kreuzfahrer nahmen ihre Familien mit und waren
fast vom Schlag getroffen, als sie dann der heissen
Steinwüste ansichtig wurden. Urban sprach über
"Gottlose" im Allgemeinen, verlor aber kein konkretes
Wort über Muslime und ihre Religion. Hätte er sie als
die Hauptgegner wahrgenommen, so kann man erwarten,
hätte er Ross und Reiter genannt.
7c. Change of meanings in Syro Arameic
vocabulary by Muslim lie tradition - the word
"mahdi" ("savior") and "muhammad" ("the praised
Research: The Christian-Arabic Fantasy vocabulary
from the Syro-Aramaic language - The
reinterpretations in the Muhammad Fantasy Muslim lie
tradition - Reinterpretations: the word "Mahdi"
(Fantasy "savior") - Black Mahdis (Fantasy saviors):
Sudan and "USA" - Shiite Fantasy Mahdis (Fantasy
saviors) in Iran: Fantasy Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi is
expected to come, represented by the Ayatollahs -
The three Jesus Fantasy Christian mentalities: Rome
- Byzantium - and Arab Jesus Fantasy Christianity in
Jerusalem - The term "Mohammed" according to Muslim
lie tradition: Propagation of a Fantasy Mohammed
going to the north - in real: The term Mohammed
spread from Persian golf to the Mediterranean
[Research: The Christian-Arabic vocabulary from the
Syro-Aramaic language]
Many of our typical Muslim-looking concepts are simply
Arabic, until the end of the first millennium they had
nothing specifically Islamic about them:
Allah: this is a very early Aramaic term
for [[a Fantasy]] "God" in general and still used
today by Arab Christians.
Muhamad: The praised, [[Fantasy]] Christ.
Abd Allah: Servus [[Fantasy]] Dei, servant of [[a
Fantasy]] God.
Rasul: [[Fantasy]] Prophet.
Mahdi: [[Fantasy]] Messiah.
Bismillah: in the name of [[Fantasy]] God.
Bismillah rahman rahim: in the name of the gracious
and merciful [[Fantasy]] God. ("In nomine dominis
[[fantasiae]] miseriscordis"), a common
Christian-Latin formula.
La illah ilallah: There is no [[Fantasy]] god but
[[Fantasy]] God alone. This is the Arabic
translation of the Latin forms "Non deus
[[fantasiae]] nisi deus [[fantasiae]] solus"
Both statements can be found on Arab coins, which were
defined as Islamic without any investigation.
[The reinterpretations by the Muslim lie tradition]
These formulas and many others are originally terms of
Arab [[Fantasy]] Christianity. One has to separate
oneself from the idea that the emergence of one of
these words necessarily has something to do with the
religion of [[Fantasy]] Islam or even its existence.
Only later did these concepts acquire a specific
[[Fantasy]] Islamic affiliation, often in a strangely
undifferentiated form, as the example of the "mahdi"
[Reinterpretations: the word "Mahdi" ("Savior")]
The "Mahdi," the savior, is then, as today,
[[Fantasy]] Jesus for the Arab [[Fantasy]] Christians.
In the [[Fantasy]] Quran, the "Mahdi" is also "Isa bin
Maryam" [[Fantasy Jesus]]. Although with
[[Fantasy]]Muhammad the chain of [[Fantasy]] prophets
is supposed to have been completed, the mainstream of
Sunni Islam expects yet another arrival of a
[[Fantasy]] Messiah, without, however, specifying it
and without defining its relation to the final
[[Fantasy]] Prophet Muhammad.
[Black Mahdis (Fantasy Saviors): Sudan and "USA"]
There were already numerous Mahdi [[Fantasy Savior]],
but never beyond local meaning, several dozen in
Africa alone. The most famous was Muhamad Ahmad, who
established a [[Fantasy]] theocracy in Sudan, which
was smashed in 1898 by the [[Jesus Fantasy]] British
[[resp. by the Committee of the 300 drug dealers of
the Queen of England]] [49].
[49] This episode is told by
the movie "Khartoum", 1966
The last known Sunni Mahdi [[Fantasy Savior]] was in
1930 Master Wallace Fard Muhammad, founder of the
"Black Muslims" in the [[Jesus Fantasy]] United
[Shiite Mahdis (Fantasy Saviors) in Iran: Imam
Muhammad al-Mahdi is expected to come, represented
by the Ayatollahs]
Among the [[Fantasy]] Shiites (the "Twelver Shiites"
[[again code 12 - the perfect dozen]]), the
[[Fantasy]] expected Mahdi is connected with a special
person: to the hidden twelfth Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi
[[again code 12]], according to the constitution of
Iran from 1979 the official head of state, and until
his arrival he will be represented by the Ayatollahs.
Muhammad al-Mahdi - or maybe the "praised [[Fantasy]]
Messiah"? According to the Iranian-Shiite [[Fantasy]]
view, the [[Fantasy]] Mahdi could only appear in the
midst of chaos. It may therefore be a well-done act to
create chaos to accelerate the arrival of the
[[Fantasy]] Messiah. A missile, which was presented in
August 2010, received according to this kind of
thinking [[Fantasy]] name "Mahdi". President
Ahmadinejad repeatedly prophesied the early appearance
of [[a Fantasy]] Jesus and (!) of the [p.121]
[[Fantasy]] Mahdi Muhamad. 7 years (again the prime
number) after the appearance of the two would be the
Last [[Fantasy]] Judgment [50].
[50] See the Iranian website in
preparation for the apparition of the [[Fantasy]]
[[همايش بين المللی دکترين مهدويت]]
[The three Fantasy Christian mentalities: Rome -
Byzantium - and the Arab Fantasy Christianity in
While [[Fantasy prophet]] Paul interpreted his
interpretation of [[Fantasy]] Christianity from the
Orient and romanized it, while Byzantium established
[[Fantasy]] orthodoxy, Abd al-Malik created an
independent Arab [[Fantasy]] church. Of course, he was
a [[Fantasy]] Christian, as were all the [[Fantasy]]
Marwanids (vulgo "Omayads") and the first of the
subsequent "Abbasids". The "muhamad" [["the praised
one" - namely a Fantasy Jesus]] was the [[Fantasy]]
saint of the house, and the Dome of the Rock was his
[The term "Muhammad" according to Muslim lie
tradition: Propagation of a Fantasy Muhammad to the
north - real: The Muhammad term spread from the
Persian golf to the Mediterranean]
In the Islamic-historicizing [[Fantasy]] literature of
the ninth century, [[Fantasy]] al-Walid had conquered
Mesopotamia from Mecca and invaded Syria and Palestine
in the footsteps of [[Fantasy]] Abraham, beating the
legendary [[Fantasy]] battle of Yarmouk. The Islamic
tradition assumes an expansion of the [[Fantasy]]
Muhamad from the south to the north, but in reality,
the "muhamad" [[the phrase of the praised after the
deportation of [[Fantasy]] Christians to today's Iran
and after the victory of Byzantium against Persia in
622]] was moving from the East to the West. With him,
many [[Fantasy]] Christian Arabs were moving, who had
once been deported or had to leave their country under
the pressure of the Byzantine imperial [[Fantasy]]
church, returned to their ancestral homeland: this is
a "hijra", well conceivable as the historical model
for the legendary "hijra" of the [[Fantasy]] Prophet
from Mecca to Medina.
7d. Al-Walid in Damascus - the son of
Abd al-Malik in Jerusalem
New Jesus Fantasy
holy district in Damascus with Jesus Fantasy
Arabic-Christian sayings - "In [Fantasy] religion
there is no compulsion" - Muhammad Fantasy Muslim
lie tradition: invention of the Muhammad Fantasy
Omayads in Mecca - and the Caliph Abd al-Malik in
Jerusalem - Research: Jerusalem was at that time a
Jesus Fantasy Arab-Christian center - Jesus
Fantasy pilgrimages to Jerusalem - a Fantasy
prophet is expected - everyone should learn the
Fantasy book
[New holy district in Damascus with
Arabic-Christian sayings - "There is no compulsion
in religion"]
Al-Walid (the "Bogmouth" of the conquest literature)
was a son of Abd al-Malik. He created his own
residence in the Persian tradition, in Damascus. He
enlarged the area of the [[Fantasy]] Sanctuary of
[[Fantasy]] John the Baptist from the time of Maavia
and built a new [[Fantasy]] sacred district. This
building which is nowadays called [[Fantasy]] "Omayad
Mosque" was undoubtedly built by Walid as a
[[Fantasy]] Arab-Christian worship site. Among other
things, he installed the so thoroughly misunderstood
saying: "In [[Fantasy]] religion there is no
compulsion." This was not a verse from the [[Fantasy]]
Quran, as the tradition is considering, but this
saying later came into the [[Fantasy]] Quran, or there
is the meaning of Luxenberg who claims an existence of
[p.122] an Aramean urtext edition of a Quran. Walid
turned against the imperial religious dictate - and
probably let be the zealotry of his father. His
brother Hisham took over the [[Fantasy]] sanctuary of
Sergius, a popular Syrian soldier [[Fantasy]] saint,
in Rusafa. With Hisham the rule of the Marwaniden
ended around 750 in the east. It was followed by a
250-year-long sequel to the west, in al-Andalus.
[Muslim lie tradition: Invention of the Omayads in
Mecca - and the Caliph Abd al-Malik in Jerusalem]
In the Islamic [[Fantasy]] tradition, the Marwanids
are the "Omayads / Umayyids" from Mecca, dating back
to a [[Fantasy]] Omar / Umar. Again, any evidence is
missing. However, the Islamic [[Fantasy]] tradition
does not seem to be so sure with the Omayades, because
some of them are described as not good model
[[Fantasy]] Muslims. For example, the "Caliph Abd
al-Malik" is said to have tried to guide the
participants of the [[Fantasy]] Muslim pilgrimage, the
"Hajj", manipulating them from Mecca away to
[Research: Jerusalem was a Fantasy Arab-Christian
Center at the time - Fantasy pilgrimages to
Jerusalem - Fantasy prophets are expected - everyone
should learn the book]
Of course, the pilgrimages in the time of Malik led to
Jerusalem, it was with its Dome of the Rock the
religious center of the [[Fantasy]] Arab Christians.
Abd al-Malik's overall goal was the return to the
[[Fantasy]] Promised Land, and this was also
personally executed [51],
[51] Zion, Falasitn in coin legends
(original German: Falastin in Münzlegenden) [[source
cannot be found in the Internet]]
where the end of the world should be waited. For being
prepared for that, [[Fantasy]] Christians of
[[Fantasy]] "Islam" should learn the book well for not
get quarrels when the [[Fantasy]] Messiah will
7e. More invented caliphs: Umar II and
the Marwans
7e.1. Invented Muhammad Fantasy caliph: Umar II -
8 Omayad caliphs invented - 7e.2. Caliph Marwan: the
location was called Marw and then the Muhammad
Fantasy Islamic califs Marwan I and Marwan II are
7e.1. Invented Caliph: Umar II - 8
Omayad caliphs seem to be invented
[Muslim lie tradition: Caliph Umar II is invented -
8 of the 14 Omayad caliphs seem to have been
According to Islamic [[Fantasy]] historiography,
another "Omayad Caliph," Umar II, has left us
[[Fantasy]] instructions what unbelievers are allowed
to do to [[Fantasy]] Muslims and what not. However,
research cannot find any sign of life of an Umar, and
it's rather sure that he is also from the empire of
legends. Traditional [[Fantasy]] literature indicates
14 "Omayades Caliphs", but 8 of them remain without
any proof according to the present state of research
and can be deleted from the list.
7e.2. Caliph Marwan: Marwan I and
Marwan II are invented from the location's name of
The invention of the [[Fantasy]] caliphs Marwan I and
Marwan II in the traditional [[fantasy]] report shows
the basic incomprehension of the basic dynastic
concept. The Persian root MRW was misunderstood or
deliberately twisted, and from the place of origin of
the dynasty, Marw in East Persia, a person named
Marwan was invented, of course coming from Mecca and
with [p.123] an ancestry from the [[Fantasy]]
Prophet's circle. The reason for such failures was the
desire for an affirmative representation at any price,
so this is a simple falsification of history, but also
the discrepancies that resulted in the subsequent
recalculation of the Arab solar calendar in the lunar
calendar of Hijrah time, had to be concealed. Gaps
were filled at will, and this is not at all a singular
case of historiography of earlier days. [52]
[52] In the [[Fantasy]] Bible, some
personalities therefore reach a tremendous "biblical
age" because the exact genealogy has been forgotten
and the gaps were filled with expanded lifetimes.
[[Biblical age is clearly explained by the
ufologists that the pharaohs and Assyrian rulers
were extraterrestrial gods (in Greek: eloim)
to form more beautiful people by mingling with
ancient humans]].
7f. Boom times of the Syrian Arab
Fantasy Church - comparisons, the Fantasy Messiah
did not come, new honorary titles, Harun Rashid
invented, Barmakids
7f.1. Heyday of the Syrian Arab Jesus
Fantasy Church - 7f.2. Comparisons of Ancient Jesus
Fantasy Christianity with the Fantasy Quranic
Content - 7f.3. Jerusalem: The expected Fantasy
Messiah did not come - "the praised one" ("muhamad")
did not come - 7f.4. The word "wali-Allah" ("Deputy
of [a fantasy] God") - the word "ali"
("Outstanding") - 7f.5. New honorary titles among
Arab Jesus Fantasy Christians - all "converted" by
Muhammad Fantasy Muslims - 7f.6. Harun al-Rashid
also seems to be invented - 7f.7. Barmakids - with
Buddhist origin
7f.1. Boom times of Syrian Arabic Fantasy
[756: The Fantasy Prophet's Tomb in Medina -
Fantasy Christian Confessions]
The transition from the "Omayads" to the "Abbasids"
must be seen as a transitional period also in the
religious sense, although the great change took place
only after al-Mamun (died 833). The first "Abbaside"
built in 756 a [[Fantasy]] sanctuary in Medina,
today's [[Fantasy]] "prophet's grave". He also taught
[[Fantasy]] Christological confessions, but
[[Fantasy]] Mary and [[Fantasy]] Jesus are already in
the background. According to Mr. Karl-Heinz Ohlig, the
inscriptions of Medina may show for the last time the
word "muhamad" as a [[Fantasy]] christological
predicate [[Syro-Aramaic: the praised one]]. Step by
step the [[Fantasy]] sanctuary of Medina [[the Fantasy
prophet's grave]] was more important than that of
"Damascus" [[the Basilica of Fantasy John the
[Boom times of the Arab-Syrian Fantasy Church -
direct trust in Fantasy Jesus and Fantasy Abraham -
Greek pomp and cult of images etc. are rejected]
The 7th and 8th centuries, precisely the time of the
claimed [[Fantasy]] Islamic conquest, was the heyday
of the Arab-Syrian [[Fantasy]] Church. Numerous new
churches were built, the most famous being the Dome of
the Rock in Jerusalem and the Basilica of St John in
Damascus. [[Fantasy]] Missionary work extended beyond
the borders of Persia to [[Buddha]] China.
Theologically, in the [[Fantasy]] Arab Church there
was a new development away from the [[Fantasy]] Godman
Jesus and the related philosophical [[Fantasy]]
problems of the Greek way of thinking. Rather, [[the
Fantasy]] God speaks through the various [[Fantasy]]
prophets, of whom [[the Fantasy]] Jesus is just one.
The Greek [[Fantasy]] Church was, so to speak,
nationalized step by step.
The Arab [[Fantasy]] Christianity was characterized by
Semitic religiosity and thus always close to the
tradition of [[Fantasy]] Abraham. In this tradition
was the gradual rejection of Hellenistic [[Fantasy]]
Christianity with its pomp, its cult of images and its
not for everyone comprehensible
philosophical-theological constructs [p.124].
7f.2. Comparisons of ancient Fantasy
Christianity with the Fantasy Quran content
[Ancient Fantasy Christianity: Fantasy Mary is
Fantasy holy because of the Fantasy virgin birth,
but Fantasy Joseph is practically negated because he
is not a Fantasy god]
For the ancient understanding, it was the absolute
minimum as a precondition that a [[Fantasy]] son of a
[[Fantasy]] God, if not already divinely born, he at
least had to be born by a virgin birth. Therefore it
was only logic that Mary's [[Fantasy]] husband, the
[[Fantasy]] Joseph, was pushed at the brink of the
events and had become almost invisable, but the
Fantasy mother herself was transferred to the state of
[Muslim lie tradition: Fantasy Muhammad and the
Fantasy father "Abd Allah" get a pedigree until down
to Fantasy Abraham - invented caliphs Omar and
In the [[Fantasy]] Quran, the [[Fantasy]] Joseph is
not mentioned in any syllable, but the Arabs had their
problem elsewhere: in their understanding, it was
impossible that a woman could be in the center of a
story like the Roman [[Fantasy]] Mary, and for her
important personality and her legitimacy only an
absolutely impressive pedigree was possible. There was
another interpretation for "abd Allah" [["servant of a
Fantasy God"]] the Fantasy "Muhamad's" father was
defined, and in the further development, the
[[Fantasy]] Muhamad was provided with an impressive
line of [[Fantasy]] ancestors, and this family tree
was passing [[Fantasy]] Abraham and [[Fantasy]] Noah
even going back to [[Fantasy]] Adam. In this way,
[[Fantasy]] Muhammad is linked with the [[Fantasy]]
patriarch Abraham, the Persian [[Fantasy]] "Ali" is
named a [[Fantasy]] son-in-law, the [[Fantasy]]
"Omayads" go back to a [[Fantasy]] Omar, the
[[Fantasy]] "Abbasids" to a [[Fantasy]] Abbas and both
come from the immediate surroundings of the
[[Fantasy]] Prophet. So, this is the poem for the
[[Fantasy]] legitimizing for all space and all time!
[53] However, the engineers [[of this family tree]]
owe us all evidence.
[53] Saddam Hussein caused a trouble in
the Arab world when he once addressed King Hussein
of Jordan as a "cousin". This was seen as an attempt
to sneak into the [[Fantasy]] Prophet's family, to
which the Hashemite dynasty of King Hussein goes
In dem kulturell disparaten Raum war die
syro-aramäische Sprache die Hauptsprache und das
verbindende Element. das ging so weit, dass sogar in
Persien zahlreiche offizielle Dokumente in Aramäisch
verfasst wurden. Auch politisch war der Raum
differenziert und meist unruhig. Die Zentralgewalt
reichte nicht wesentlich über die grösseren Städte
hinaus, in den Provinzen trugen die kleineren und
grösseren Emire ihre Machtkämpfe aus.
In the culturally disparate space, the Syro-Aramaic
language was the main language and the connecting
element. This went so far that even in Persia many
official documents were written in Aramaic. Also
politically the work was more differentiated and
mostly restless. The central authority was not ruling
much more than the bigger towns, and in the
countryside the emirs were fighting their power
7f.3. Jerusalem: The expected Fantasy
Messiah did not come - "the praised one" ("muhamad")
did not come
With the erosion of the power of the [[Fantasy]]
Marwanids eroded also the position of the "muhamad"
[[the "praised" Fantasy Jesus]]. A major reason may
have been the disappointed [[Fantasy]] Messiah
expectation: The "muhamad al-mahdi" was [p.125]
missing, he had not appeared as expected to the
[[Fantasy]] Last Judgment on the Temple Mount. Maybe
that was even the deciding moment for the
disappearance of the muhamad [[Fantasy]] Jesus
7f.4. The word "wali-Allah" ("Deputy
of [Fantasy] God") - the word "ali" ("Outstanding")
[The separation of the Fantasy Shiites with a
Fantasy "Ali"]
In the east of the empire, the concept of [[Fantasy]]
Jesus dominated as "sali-Allah," the "representative
of [[Fantasy]] God." The "wali-Allah" is associated
with the title of "Outstanding" (ali) and becomes the
executor of the will of [[Fantasy]] God in the style
of a Persian knight. Just as the [[Fantasy]] "muhamad"
became one person, so did the "ali". This sparked a
dispute that led to the splitting ("schia") of the
party of the [[Fantasy]] "ali": the today's
[[Fantasy]] Shiites.
Like the [[Fantasy]] "Muhamad", the [[Fantasy]] "Ali"
originated in Persia [54]
[54] The [[Fantasy]] "Ali" in the south,
the [[Fantasy]] "muhamad" in the east
but up to the present day, he never really got beyond
his home country.
[Muslim lie tradition: The first "Alide" is said to
have called Abbas and have installed the "Abbasids"
- with an invented family tree]
The first postmarwinian ruler may have been an Alide.
We know his coins, but he does not tell us his name.
The [[Fantasy]] Islamic tradition, however, knows him:
It is an Abbas, who is describing himself as a child
of family of the [[Fantasy]] Prophet. The "Abbasids"
[55] They called themselves the "Hashim",
the "noble ones", who are the first to be
resurrected. They ended the traditions of
[[Fantasy]] Marw and Jerusalem and they built Mecca
as a religious center, with first the [[Fantasy]]
Abrahamic tradition as a priority.
came to an equally dubious name and a historically
largely unsecured succession as before them the
[[Fantasy]] "Omayads".
7f.5. New honorary titles among Arab
Fantsy Christians - all "converted" by Fantasy
[Other honorific titles for worshiping a Fantasy
Jesus, without naming the Fantasy Jesus by name]
The "muhamad" motto of the Fantasy Marwaniden was
replaced by a number of other titles, so the Fantasy
Jesus was dominating secretly by these titles. The
government's regent used often these titles as a
predicate for a Fantasy Jesus:
-- "al-hadi" (the savior, the redeemer),
-- "mardi" (the beloved son),
-- "harun" (the righteous),
-- "mansur" (Victorious),
-- "mahdi" (the savior, the redeemer)
and other titles more;
-- [[Fantasy]] Moses was such a good speaker so he got
a Fantasy calif at his side, this was Aaron, another
"herald", and this attribute tradition started with
him now.
These titles are very Fantasy Christian and Fantasy
Biblical programs and titles. Fantasy Islam tradition
took these titles and presented them as names for
[Invented caliphs with the conversion of Fantasy
Christian honorary titles]
There was certainly no caliph al-Mansour, al-Mahdi,
Musa al-Mahdi or al-Saffah, and the first "Abbasids"
were certainly Fantasy Christians [p.126].
7f.6. Harun al-Rashid also seems to be
["Harun al-Rashid" is called in Syriac-Aramaic "the
righteous herald Aaron"]
The historicity of the prototype of a fairytale
Islamic potentate, the famous Harun al-Rashid, is also
in danger. After all, a woman, a Zubayda, was
producing her own coins during his Fantasy time of
reign of 13 yeras. Did she rule under the motto of
"Harun al-raschid", the "Just Herald Aaron"?
7f.7. Barmakids - with Buddhist origin
["Parmak" is an honorary title of a head of the
Buddhist monastery of Nawbahr]
A significant power factor at the Abbasid court have
been the Barmakids for generations. These were
Buddhist temple chiefs in Baghdad, who had immigrated
from the Buddhist eastern provinces of the Persian
empire, named after the title "Parmak," the head of
the main Buddhist monastery of Nawbahr, from. They
functioned as viziers under several rulers, and they
were key partners in power - may be some of them were
even rulers themselves. There are still many questions
to solve.
7g. The inventions: Muhammad - Mecca -
Kuraish - first mosque
7g.1. Regent al-Mamun (786-833) in
Marw and Baghdad (from 825) - Journey to Egypt and
the word "muhamad" - 7g.2. Fantasy Muhammad and
Fantasy Ali are "installed" as persons and 200 years
of Fantasy Islam caliphate story are invented -
7g.3. Bakka - and also Mecca is invented - 7g.4. The
tribe of the Kuraic is invented - the place "Badr"
is invented - 7g.5. The first mosque
7g.1. Regent al-Mamun (786-833) in
Marw and Baghdad (from 825) - Journey to Egypt and
the word "muhamad"
In the meantime, the Syriac-Aramaic has gone as a
language and a new language has come, "Arabi",
Arabic, Arab langauge. And now old Syriac-Aramaic
words are being reinterpreted in a certain way so
they corresponde to a new [[Fantasy]] prophet:
Muhamad, etc.
[Al-Mamun: The Religion Mishmash in Baghdad]
A notable regent was Zubayda's successor, al-Mamun
(786-833). After initially residing in Marw, East
Persia, he moved to Baghdad in 825 and eliminated the
regent, his half-brother Amin (?). Al-Mamun found a
spiritually vibrant city. There was a strong
[[Fantasy]] Jewish community, Buddhists, [[Fantasy]]
Zoroastrians, Manichaeans, Persian, Arab, Hellenistic
[[Fantasy]] Christians - who arguably also discussed
the writings of an Arab [[Fantasy]] prophet that
gradually came into circulation.
[Al-Mamun: journey to Egypt - he finds the word
"muhamad" and invents a prophet]
Mr. Mamun was a Persian man, and he never had reached
the western half of his empire. But now he was making
this tour in an extensive way. He was traveling with a
big scientific group, first to Harran, the location of
a Fantasy Abraham wehre also was the scientific center
of the Sabians [56],
[56] "Star worshiper", follower of the
ancient Babylonian religion.
and from there he was traveling to Damascus. He
visited the Basilica of a [[Fantasy]] John the
Babtist, the buildings of the [[Fantasy]] Marwanids.
From there they went to the Nile. Theories about the
origin of the river were discussed, he saw with his
own eyes where the [[Fantasy]] prophet Moses was in
his [[Fantasy]] basket on the river driven. He stopped
in Jerusalem and inspected with his scientific gropu
the inscriptions of Abd al-Malik in the [[Fantasy]]
Church at the Temple Mountain. And a proof for a
[[Fantasy]] prophet of the Arabs was found. Here it
was in black on white: "muhamad abd Allah". Before
under Abd al-Malik this phrase was translated like
"praised be the servant of God", but now it was
translated into modern [p.127] Arabic into "Muhammad,
son of Abd Allah". This was a new kind of
interpretation after a change of time, with a new
language and with a new convention of writing, and
with some goodwill. Mamun is said to have removed the
name of Malik having put there his own name then [57],
[57] It is not proven that Mamun himself
made the change. It may have been done in later
In any case, he kept the year 72 "kata Araba".
[Al-Mamun: coins with "caliphate [Fantasy] Allah"]
We have coins from al-Mamun, on which he calls himself
"Caliphate [Fantasy] Allah", the first mention of this
title since "Abd al-Malik", but with other meaning.
While with Malik the "caliphate [Fantasy] Allah",
"[Fantasy] God's Herald" was the [[Fantasy]] Jesus,
Maqmun is the first representative of his [[Fantasy]]
God as a "caliph" and "imam". But of which [[Fantasy]]
God? It should be Allah [[Fantasy]] God for sure which
had sent the [[Fantasy]] Muhammad to the Arabs. But
Mamun did not see himself as a [[Fantasy]] Muslim at
all - the independence of what we understand today as
[[Fantasy]] Islam was not yet accomplished in those
[Al-Mamun: Quran texts, the earth should be a flat
disk - and the Earth's circumference is calculated
almost exactly]
Mamun gathered the best persons of his time at his
court: scientists of all disciplines and shades, there
was intellectual freedom. When he heard for example
that in the [[Fantasy]] Quran a flat Earth was clamed
as flat as a carpet, but the Arab astronomers of those
days defined it as a ball, he let investigate the case
in detail. The precedure was measuring sun angles in
the steppe calculating the Earth's circumference. His
expedition came to the conclusion: The circumference
of the globe is 40,075 kilometers (the exact number is
[Al-Mamun with Enlightenment, Quran discussion,
persecution of Fantasy Islamist Extremists (Fantasy
Quran texts were already known and in discussion. The
first summary texst in Arabic is from the late 9th
century. There was a radical movement very soon,
represented above all by Ibn Hanbal ([[Fantasy]]
"Hanbalism"), whose followers had an interpretation
word by word. Mamun presented himself as the leader of
the [[Fantasy]] "Mutazilites", whose mentality was
closely related to the ancient philosophies and
sciences. He stated that the [[Fantasy]] Quran had
been created and thus could be discussed. By
emphasizing rationality, and demanding logic and
openness of the sources of the knowledge, the
Mutazilites stood in a strong contrast to the
[[Fantasy]] orthodox demand for [S.128] recognition of
the [[Fantasy]] Quran as an exclusive source and its
literal observance.
The Islamic tradition celebrates the time of al-Mamun
as the heyday (boom times) of [[Fantasy]] Islam.
Nothing is more wrong than this. As a [[Fantasy]]
mutazilite, Mamun was much closer to an Arab
Enlightenment than the [[Fantasy]] Islamic Quran
doctrine. He fought hanbalism, that is, what later
became constituted as orthodox [[Fantasy]] Islam. The
Egyptian theologian Ahmad Amin (1878-1954) believed
that the defeat of [[Fantasy]] Mutazilism was the
greatest catastrophe in the history of [[Fantasy]]
7g.2. Fantasy Muhammad and Fantasy Ali
are "installed" as persons and two hundred years of
Fantasy Islam history with their Fantasy califs are
After al-Mamun came a big change. The words of
"muhamad" and "ali" were on their way of
personalization becoming names. The caliphate - until
this moment only being used from Malik and Mamun in a
completely other meaning - was given to all other
rulers of before since [[Fantasy]] Muhammad: a fake
chain of theocratic rulers was installed that never
had existed in fact.
The Quran was written and at the same time Arabic
language and writing was developped. The [[Fantasy]]
Muhammad got his [[Fantasy]] grave in Medina, and the
[[Fantasy]] Ali was defeited in the programmatic
quarrel and only got a martyr legend.
7g.3. Bakka - and Mecca is invented
[Mecca did not exist]
There is a big question about the location of Bakka
which is indicated in [[Fantasy]] Quran (Fantasy Sura
3:96), and at the end it was "identified" as
[[Fantasy]] Mecca and this was fixed like this and it
should be a "significant trade center of Mecca at the
crossing of important roads". The historic reality is
another one: For 6th or 76h century there is no proof
for such a location of Mecca. In [[Fantasy]] Quran
there is only a "Bakka", and this position is said to
be identical with the first prayer house of
[[Fantasy]] Abraham. Now this: All non Islamic
traditions consider this [[Fantasy]] Abraham in
Mesopotamia and not in Arabia. Therefore, in 8th
century yet the location of Bakka was prescribed in
Mesopotamia. The person of Tabari is the first person
speaking of a [[Fantasy]] "Mecca" in the Arab Desert.
[Linguist Mr. Luxenberg: Bakka and Mecca]
Mr. Luxenberg considers Bakka with a Syro Arameic
meaning as "fenced, bounded". According to this, Bakka
/ Mecca would not mean a specific location, but rather
an enclosed, sacred area in general. The fact is that
[[Fantasy]] Mecca was never was a city. There was a
[[Fantasy]] church there like many others in Arabia in
the 7th century, but there was no other special
importance. Mecca as the cradle of [[Fantasy]] Islam
is a retro invention of the pious [[Fantasy]]
literature of later centuries. Mecca was, as Volker
Popp says, the "Thule Island" of the Arabs [p.129].
Remark: Thule Island
"Thule" Island was defined by the ancient Greek
explorer Pytheas. It was to be the furthest Atlantic
Island west of England. In this respect, the term
"Thule" was also used for "far west". - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thule.
7g.4. The tribe of the Kuraic is
invented - the place "Badr" is invented
[The tribe of the Kuraic never existed]
Also from the prophet-tribe of the "Kuraish" there is
no news until came Tabari, and from a location of
"Badr" there is no proof at all where "decisive
battles of mankind" are said having taken place [58].
[[The Fantasy Religion of Fantasy Islam]]
[The location of "Badr" cannot be found on ANY map]
Although the Google call created about 2 million
results, no one has yet identified this [[Fantasy]]
place of Badr. (But nevertheles, there are sketches,
there are plans for war battles, and there are war
tomb photos listed on google). In [[Fantasy]] Quran,
this "Badr" is mentiones in the [[Fantasy]] Sura 3:123
as an isolated word which is not understood. In the
absence of an alternative, Tabari called this word as
a location of "Badr", whereas the logic connection to
the verses of before and after is destroyed by that.
Mr. Luxenberg brings a connection to the paragraph
correcting the meaing of "Badr". With this word
bi-badr a point was obviously added later, so leaving
out this point the sense becomes bi-'idr and this
means "heavenly help" and makes a real sense for all
the verses [59].
[59] There are more events in the legends
about a [[Fantasy]] Muhammad which seem to have
their historic base from the big war of Byzantium
against the Persian enemy of belief. There was a
victory of [[a Fantasy]] Muhammad in the [[Fantasy]]
"Battle of the Ditch" in 627 which is just in the
same year of the Byzantine / Arab victory of Ninive.
The year of 628 of the Byzantine / Persian peace
treaty is correspoinding with the "Agreement of
Huhdaibiyyah". In 630, [[Fantasy]] Islam claims that
there was the opening of the Kaaba [[the holy black
stone which must not be seen]]. This is the same
year when the [[Fantasy]] cross was repatriated and
the [[Fantasy]] Church of the [[Fantasy]] Holy
Sepulcher was reopened in Jerusalem.
[The whole Mohammed Theater in the desert is
The entire history of the first 250 years [[of Fantasy
Islam]] was relocated to the desert of Arabia with
legends or completely invented new.
7g.5. The first mosque
[Mosque in Samarra]
The first original mosque ("masjid") was probably
built in the new royal residence city of Samarra
[[this is in Mesopotamia in today's Iraq]], with a
modeled Old Babylonian ziggurat [[temple complex in
different levels]] as a monument and the mother of all
minarets (the steps were originally outside and
wandered later inside). We are just before the
beginning of the 10th century.
[The transition from Fantasy church to Fantasy
There is no precise date when Fantasy church is ending
and Fantasy mosque is beginning. In Arameic, "Masjid"
was and still is a general place of worship for [[a
Fantasy]] God. Only much later the meaning was
changing into a special [[Fantasy]] Islamic house of
[[a Fantasy]] God. This [[Fantasy]] "masjid" is only
then a [[Fantasy]] "mosque" when this
[[Fantasy]]"masjid" has got a [[Fantasy]] "mihrab"
(prayer niche) heading to Mecca [p.130].
7h. The formation of Fantasy Islam by
the isolation of Arab Fantasy Christianity with it's
resistance to the Councils of the Fantasy Church of
7h.1. The resistance against Rome,
Byzantium and against the dictates of the Jesus
Fantasy councils - 7h.2. Gods, goddesses and ancient
cults at the "Arabi" - remains in the Muhammad
Fantasy Quran and on the national flags - 7h.3.
Gods, goddesses and ancient cults in Arab Jesus
Fantasy Christianity
7h.1. The resistance against Rome,
Byzantium and against the dictates of the councils
["Islam" should mean "conformity"]
"Islam" means "conformity", namely, conformity to the
Holy [[Fantasy]] Books. These were Christian
[[Fantasy]] books, the Old [[Fantasy]] Testament, the
[[Fantasy]] Gospels, and [[Fantasy]] Apocrypha [60].
[60] "Apocrypha" are texts which are not
recognized by [[Fantasy]] authority of the faith.
For example, the [[Fantasy]] Copts still use a
[[Fantasy]] Gospel of [[a Fantasy]] Peter that is
not recognized by Orthodox and Western Roman
[[Fantasy]] Churches.
[The isolation of Arab Fantasy Christianity -
Resistance to the Rome Fantasy Church and Byzantine
Fantasy Church with the council dictates]
Already in the 2nd or 3rd century, the development of
an Arab-Christian [[Fantasy]] Church began, and this
development went on contantly. Basically [[Fantasy]]
Jews and [[Fantasy]] Jewish Christians may have lived
next to each other without much distinction. But then
the groups of belief developed their own [[Fantasy]]
theology. There were the councils, and the council of
Nicaea (year of 325) was separating sharply from
Oriental [[Fantasy]] Christiandom. Arab [[Fantasy]]
Christians were not accepting theology of the imperial
[[Fantasy]] Church and remained on the theological
standard of before Nicaea [p.131].
They did not want less than to find to the true
[[Fantasy]] Christianity. They were considering
themselves as [[Fantasy]] Ismaelites, as the sons of a
[[Fantasy]] Ismael in the true tradition of
[[Fantasy]] Israel [[the Jews, the people of Fantasy
Israel]], which were faked by the time. There was a
search for [[Fantasy]] Islam always respecting the
conformity of the "Scripture."
Only a few centuries after [[Fantasy]] Christ,
Oriental [[Fantasy]] Christianity had become almost a
religion of [[Fantasy]] saints, [[Fantasy]] amulets,
and [[Fantasy]] wonder activity. ANd there was also a
high importance of pictures. Al this came by the
influence of the antique world, some caracteristics
may be pagan with it. Additionally there were the
constructions of the Greek theologic thinking like the
cult of a conception without sexuality (Immaculate
Conception) and [[Fantasy]] Trinity.
This was, as well as the high importance of visual
representation, the influence of the ancient world,
one can see quite pagan features in it. Added to this
were the constructs of Greek theological thinking,
such as the cult of the Immaculate Conception and the
By contrast, the Arab [[Fantasy]] Christians were
still close to the Jewish [[Fantasy]] Christians, so,
they were much closer to the [[Fantasy]] world of the
Old [[Fantasy]] Testament than the [[Fantasy]]
Christians of the Roman and the Hellenic Mediterranean
The Arab [[Fantasy]] Christians, therefore, didn't
want to have anything with the Byzantium dictatorship
[[Fantasy]] Church, nothing to do with their
construction of a [[Fantasy]] Trinity which as
according to the Arab mentality a turning away from
the belief to one single [[Fantasy]] God. In fact, in
the [[Fantasy]] Quran there is nothing stressed more
than One Unique [[Fantasy]] God. From the point of
view of the Empire Church this was a "heresy", this
was an apostasy of the right [[Fantasy]] faith. And in
the sources of that time the Arab [[Fantasy]]
Christians were indeed called "heretics". They were
called wrong [Fantasy]] Christians, but not at all as
followers of a new religion.
[The "heretic" in Fantasy Islam is actually an
The other way round, the Arab [[Fantasy]] Christians
considered the others as heritcs, in Arabic
"musrikun". It's a tradition in the [[Fantasy]] Quran
to interpretate the bad "musrikun" as "pagans" - well,
this is one more wrong translation of a word. This
word derives from "sarik", the "comrade" and "assist".
It was about these assists who wanted to add another
holy [[Fantasy]] Jesus to their [[Fantasy]] God.
7h.2. Gods, goddesses and ancient
cults at the "Arabi" - remains in the Fantasy Quran
and on the national flags
[Desert peoples worship the moon (lunar cults) -
agricultural societies worship the sun (cults)]
On the Arabian Peninsula of the times before
[[Fantasy]] Christianity and before [[Fantasy]] Islam,
thre was the moon cult which was spread from Syria to
Yemen with regionally different types of deities. Moon
cults are typical for shepherd societies, all possible
positive qualities were attributed to the moon, sun
was considered more a destructor (very well [p.132]
traceable with desert people, so the worship for the
sun is more a cult for agrarian societies [[with
fertile soil]]). This desert tradition had a big
influence on the developing religion which is also
well visible today.
[Arab goddesses Allat (moon goddess), Uzza (goddess
of the morning star = Venus, water, fertility, human
sacrifice) and Manat - sacred trees, springs and
black stones]
In central and northern Arabia, the goddesses Allat
and Uzza were especially beloved, a sibling couple,
and also a Manat was added to them from time to time
who was predicting faith of mankind. Allat (which is
the short form of
al-Ilahah, "goddess") was the goddess
of the moon, and Uzza was the goddess of the morning
star. Therefore Hellenic sources are equaling her with
Venus. The goddesses were also responsible for water
and fertilty, and at least Uzza were brought also
human sacrifices. They were worshiped in holy trees,
in water springs, and above all in black stones. Allat
owned stones in today's Mecca, Taif and Petra; Uzza
owned holy trees also next to the today's Mecca and a
water spring not far from the holy stone of her sister
in Mecca.
Human sacrifices by criminal
Christians, Jews and Muslims
Fantasy Christian, Fantasy Jews and Fantasy Muslim
Fantasies have billions of human sacrifices by their
wars on their account. There are no worse religions
than Fantasy Muslims, Fantasy Jews and Fantasy
Christians. Among them, the Fantasy Christians are
the WORST with NATO, Agent Orange, Atomic Bombs and
Uranium Ammunition contaminating parts of the world
for billions of years.
Michael Palomino, May 26, 2019
Jinnis, malevolent spirits, were making troubles in
the desert.
[Islamic lie tradition: Fantasy Mohammed, who did
not exist, is said to have exterminated the ancient
gods - Fantasy Quran verses]
Among the Bedouins the lunar cult and star cult was
living for a long time which is described in
[[Fantasy]] Quran in several passages describing the
idolaters [61].
[61] Especially [[Fantasy]]
Sura 5:19-23.
Only [[Fantasy]] Muhamad succeeded in driving the
idols out of the [[Fantasy]] Kaaba.
[Islamic lie tradition: The sacred black stone in
Mecca - remnant of ancient cults]
Nevertheless, they have established themselves well in
his religion: Even today, the black stone of the
Allat, set in a silver frame, is surrounded during the
worshipping action. The source of Uzza, known today
among [[Fantasy]] Muslims as Zamzam, is a must-visit
on every [[Fantasy]] pilgrimage.
[Islamic lie tradition: Jinnis mentioned in the
Also the Jinnnis, the evil spirits of [[a Fantasy]]
God, are abundantly represented in the [[Fantasy]]
Quran [62].
[62] [[Fantasy]] Sura 72,
"The Jinni," [[Fantasy]] Sura 55:33, 56, 74, etc.
and they are still feared by the [[Fantasy]] faithful.
[Islamic lie tradition: Symbol of the moon goddess
Allat = crescent moon - symbol of the sister goddess
Uzza = Morning Star - flags]
The sickle moon of the pagan [[native]] moon goddess
Allat has been immortalized as the symbol of
[[Fantasy]] Islam; on flags of some [[Fantasy]]
Islamic countries in unity with the morning star of
the sister goddess Uzza.
7h.3. A Fantasy God, goddesses and
ancient native cults in Arab Fantasy Christianity
[Archeology: The Arabic Fantasy Christianity
between ancient native cults and Fantasy Islam is
However, [[Fantasy]] Islam does not follow the [...]
pagan [[native]] gods that [[Fantasy]] Muhammad has
conquered, as [[Fantasy]] tradition describes it.
There [p.133] was a [[Fantasy]] Christian interlude
for centuries which is completely concealed.
[Archeology on the Arabian Peninsula: Fantasy
Christianity on the Arabian Peninsula, in Yemen, up
to the island of Socotra (in the Horn of Africa) and
in Persia]
In the 7th century, the Arabian Peninsula was almost
entirely [[Fantasy]] christianized [63].
[63] C.D.G. Müller: Church and mission
among the Arabs in pre-Islamic times; Tuebingen 1967
original German: Kirche und Mission unter den
Arabern in vorislamischer Zeit; Tübingen 1967
There were also important [[Fantasy]] Jewish
communities. In the Nabataean Empire, which included
Mecca in the south, Trinitarian [[Fantasy]]
Christianity was widespread. The South [[of the
Arabian Peninsula]], today's Yemen [64],
[64] Even on the remote island of Socotra
in the Indian Ocean [[Horn of Africa]] are the
remains of a [[Fantasy]] church. According to Mr. H.
Waldmann (Tübingen), these ruins could go back to
the mission of the [[Fantasy]] Apostle Thomas.
was influenced by the Ethiopian [[Fantasy]] Church.
The east of the peninsula on the Gulf was under
Persian influence, there dominated the Nestorian
[[Fantasy]] Christianity.
[Archeology on the Arabian Peninsula: Fantasy
churches, fantasy monasteries, fantasy sacred
buildings - research is prohibited]
There are numerous archaeological evidences of
[[Fantasy]] churches, [[Fantasy]] monasteries and
religious [[Fantasy]] buildings throughout the Arabian
Peninsula. However, research is not permitted [65],
[65] That can be read politically
correctly in the book of Dr. Barbara Finster
("Arabia in Late Antiquity", orig. German: "Arabien
in der Spätantike") with the following words: "... a
Judeo-Christian [[Fantasy]] culture or in the
broadest sense a monotheistic epoch does not mean a
research desideratum there."
(original German: "... eine jüdisch-christliche
Kultur oder im weitesten Sinne eine monotheistische
Epoche bedeutet dort kein Forschungsdesiderat.")
but there could be even more: When in Saudi Arabia of
the 21th century objects are found from times before
[[Fantasy]] Islam, they are rigorously destroyed.
[Archeology: The Fantasy Kaaba was a holy Fantasy
place within large Fantasy churches]
And one has not to forget that Kaaba itself has a
[[Fantasy]] Christian origin. "Kaabas" are buildings
"in form of a cube", they have a tradition in South
Arabia up to the 4th century before [[Fantasy]]
Christ. IN Yemen, many Kaabas were found which were
erected as temples or [[Fantasy]] churches.
Supplement: An example of such a cube
construction in Europe is in the church of
Einsiedeln Abbey.
[Archeology: The Kaaba of Mecca was part of a
Fantasy church - foundations and apse still exist]
The Kaaba of Mecca is the northernmost such
construction. The block of 10 by 12 meters was part of
a [[Fantasy]] church. In front of the northwest side
of the cube is a square, which is completed by a
semicircular wall base (see photo page 136). These are
the foundations of the apse of the former [[Fantasy]]
church which was there berfore, the extension to
today's Kaaba. According to ecclesiastical custom,
under this altar space was a crypt for especially
promient deads. This part is called in Arabic a
"higr", a "lap".
[Islamic lie tradition: Ishmael and Hagar in the
Fantasy "Christian" apse of the Kaaba of Mecca]
According to Islamic [[Fantasy]] tradition, the
ancestor Ismael and his mother Hagar are buried here.
(Another name of the "higr" is "al-hatim", "the person
put into the ruins") [p.134].
[Archeology: images of the Kaaba of Mecca]
The Kaaba thus formed a structural unit with the apse,
with a baptismal font to the right of the entrance and
numerous mural pictures [66].
[66] There are reports stating that two of
these pictures ([[Fantasy]] Abraham, [[Fantasy]]
Mary and [[Fantasy]] Jesus) were present there in
the younger past. And there are hard rumors that
they are still present there.
After the occupation of Mecca 693 by al-Haggag,
governor of Abd al-Malik, this apse is said to have
been demolished. The main building still served as a
[[Fantasy]] church until the beginning of the 9th
century. In early Islamic times, the Kaaba was first
with windows and doors, and then it became an empty
almost closed building without windows. Scientists
consider this as a development back from Hellenistic
to Semitic [[Fantasy]] Christianity - could be an over
dimensioned Ark - with a special conection to the Old
[[Fantasy]] Testament; Kaaba was according to this
research a temple of [[Fantasy]] Abraham, before it
became definitely a mosque. In this connection has to
be seen also the disappearing of [[Fantasy]] crosses
on coins, which were followed by stone pyramids of the
Old [[Fantasy]] Testament. This is an experssion of
the turn to anicon worship, and with this development,
the black stone of Allat could have become acceptable
and "modern" again.
[Islamic lie tradition: The Arab Fantasy
Christianity is concealed]
According to the [[Fantasy]] Islamic claim, there have
never been any [[Fantasy]] Christian communities
around Mecca and Medina.
[Archeology: The Kaaba of Mecca is proof of Fantasy
Christianity on the Arabian Peninsula]
The Kaaba is the striking evidence to the contrary
[p.135]. Before, this location of the Kaaba was the
worship site of the pagan [[native]] goddess Allat,
and of the [[native]] godess of the morning star,
Uzza. Their symbols, star and sickle moon, are still
adorning the flags of several [[Fantasy]] Muslim
countries. The stone of Allat, which was the fertility
goddess at the same time, is installed in a corner of
of the Kaaba. And the semicircular foundation wall of
the former apse comes from the [[Fantasy]] Christian
period of the Kaaba, and this semicircular foundation
wall is still clearly visible [p.136].
[Islamic lie tradition: research ban on Fantasy
Christian sites]
Other relics of the area around the [[Fantasy]] church
remain [p.135] under the pavement of the mosque
district, but all research is prohibited and there is
no access for any research - as also all other non
Islamic sites in Saudi Arabia are not accessable for
research [p.136].
7i. Islam invents 200 years WITHOUT
documents and monuments
7i.1. The Muhammad Fantasy Islamic lie
tradition suppresses the entire Arab Jesuf Fantasy
Christianity - 7i.2. The development of the Muhammad
Fantasy Quran from the Christian Jesus Fantasy
Qeryan of the Arab Jesus Fantasy Christians - 7i.3.
A Fantasy Muhammad is invented - and 200 years of
history are invented - 7i.4. The place al-Hira in
Mesopotamia - and a Hira cave in the Mohammed
7i.1. The Islamic lie tradition
suppresses the entire Arab Fantasy Christianity
[Islamic lie tradition claims a "history tradition
gap" of 200 years]
For many Islam [[Fantasy]] researchers, the 7th and
8th century are a period full of questions, because
there do not exist any Islamic [[Fantasy]] scripture
from this period. Quran expert Mr. Rudi Paret calls
this a "history tradition gap" [67].
[67] Rudi Paret: The gap of the history
traditions about the original [[Fantasy]] Quran;
Wiesbaden 1954
(original German: Die Lücke der Überlieferungen über
den Urkoran)
The [[Fantasy]] Muslims of those times could not write
and were illiterates? They could and they proved it
many times. They wrote - but not in the classic
Arabic, and they did not speak it as the [[Fantasy]]
Quran experts are expecting it.
[Documents from the middle of the 9th century
in Quranic Arabic]
From the middle of the 9th century, the paperwork
suddenly began again with great intensity. Reports
reach us from the late 6th century, whose actors
suddenly speak Quranic Arabic giving us detailed
accounts of events from the time of 200 years ago and
even earlier. Why are there no reports from then
[Islamic lie tradition: narrative tradition without
writing in the first 200 years of Islam]
The answer of the Islamic scholars is that Arab
culture was an oral one with a great narrative
tradition. They claim that there were many persons who
had learnt the complete [[Fantasy]] Quran by heart.
Well, those people must be mental giants, but why the
Arabs should have been able to write before the times
of [[Fantasy]] Muhammad, then not any more, and then
suddenly after 200 years, they began again with their
writing work?
[Archeology: documents and monuments in the 7th and
8th centuries after Fantasy Christ]
This shouting that there was a big oral tradition has
long since been refuted. We own many proofs of the
written tradition.
[Islamic lie tradition: From the mid-9th century
on, a Fantasy Quran in Quranic Arabic invents 200
years of Islamic history that never existed]
There were inventors now filling this "history
tradition gap" with much material, but thematically
very poor. The main part of it were texts of a Holy
[[Fantasy]] Book being called [[Fantasy]] Quran, and a
giant quantity of material was written about a
[[Fantasy]] prophet being called Muhammad. Both are
not mentioned at the beginning of the gap - but at the
end there was no other topic any more. All literature
seems to present more and always more with proofs for
this [[Fantasy]] prophet and his new [[Fantasy]]
[Islamic lie tradition: books that do not fit the
concept are burned - book burnings]
There were also fragments of scriptures,
cross-references, or registries from a number of books
that no longer existed, but which are known to have
existed and not to be in tune with the chorus of
[p.137] [[Fantasy]] prophet cheerleaders. And also a
serie of [[Fantasy]] Quran variations was disappearing
whose former existence is known. For a long time
European Orientalism believed the usual traditional
explanations that the reason for the elimination had
been problems of orthography or of dialects, even
though the stories of the [[Fantasy]] prophets
themselves are reporting about book burnings.
No, we know today that censorship and destruction of
books took place to the greatest extent.
Sometimes they did not even bother to disguise it.
[Islamic lie tradition: Fantasy Muhammad stories
and their authors - the destruction of the early
The oldest biography of the [[Fantasy]] Prophet is
said to have come from Ibn Ishak, but this version
does not exist anymore. Ibn Hisham (died 834) bases
his story on this story, but writes in his
introduction: "I will omit some of what Ibn Ishak has
mentioned in this book, when the [[Fantasy]] prophet
is not mentioned, none of it can be found in the
[[Fantasy]] Quran ... and if it can neither serve as
an explanation nor as a proof ... "
That's the point. Historic information of the whole
early [[Fantasy]]Islamic litarature is only
legitimized when it's a [[Fantasy]] proof for the
[[Fantasy]] prophet. The Quran is presented as unique,
[[it would be]] without predecessors and without it's
announcer [[Fantasy]] Muhammad it would not be
conceivable, [[this]] is the traditional credo.
[Fantasy Quran: Old Arabic strophic songs - with
precursors without influence of the invented
"Muhammad" - Arab poet tradition]
But from Old Arabic times before [[Fantasy]] Islam,
there are poetry and poets with literature tradition.
We know their poems, their terms, their formal design.
Their content is - when there are religious works - of
[[Fantasy]] Bible and [[Fantasy]] Christian origin.
Their form and their [[Fantasy]] content of those Old
Arabic strophic songs can be found often in
[[Fantasy]] Quran again.
This means that the [[Fantasy]] Quran is not unique at
all as the [[Fantasy]] tradition claims. There are
provable precursors concerning the content and it's
stile. So, the claim that [[Fantasy]] Quran's rhyming
prose would not be imaginable without it's interpreter
[[Fantasy]] Muhammad is a big contradiction to the
facts. There is no dependence at all, as researchers
show. [[Fantasy]] Quranic poetry is within the
development of Arabic poetic tradition and was not
only born with the [[Fantasy]] Quran and with it's
[[Fantasy]] herald.
[Islamic lie tradition: The invented "Muhammad" is
said having been an illiterate for all his life]
With the trial to cut any connection to the
pre-Islamic poetry and tradition, there are more
stupid claims of the traditional [[inventors]] that
the [p.138] [[Fantasy]] prophet had not been able to
read nor write. So, one should not have the thought
that the [[Fantasy]] prophet had taken over something
of the former times. Finally the [[Fantasy]] Quran
should come fresh and exclusively from [[Fantasy]]
Heaven and not from the past.
[Islamic lie tradition: Before Fantasy Islam, there
was only a Fantasy "nothing"- and then with the
invented "Mohammed" the culture was there]
According to Islamic [[inventors']] opinion, there was
nothing before the [[Fantasy]] Muhamad, at least
nothing intelligent was there, officially called
"dhhiliyya," "the time of ignorance, of barbarism."
And suddenly everything in one stroke: The [[Fantasy]]
Prophet, the [[Fantasy]] Revelation, the [[Fantasy]]
Quran, and lots of fiction books on the [[Fantasy]]
subject. But all that comes 200 years later!
[Archeology: The cevelopment of the book of faith
in the Arab-Christian Fantasy period up to the
Fantasy Quran]
The "history transmission gap" did not exist in
reality. The Arabs have very well recorded and
written. There was a [[Fantasy]] Quran development,
step by step, version by version. We have numerous
manuscripts proving this process. But they did not
write one single word about the [[Fantasy]] Prophet.
So, they were writing about their [[Fantasy]] Holy
Book, but they were not writing about its author, the
[[Fantasy]] prophet? The reason is that there was just
nothing to write about a prophet. There were no
[[Fantasy]] Muslims at all, so they could not write
[[Fantasy]] Islamic scriptures at all.
So, there is the big question what has happened in the
meantime during these approximately 200 years between
the alleged events and their proclamation. Just a
[[Fantasy]] Islam was born. But without a rabid
archangel, without inspirations on a mountain, without
intervention troops from [[a Fantasy]] Heaven and
without God-sent sandstorms. It was a development.
[Islamic liar tradition: The entire development of
the 200 years from 600 to 800 is concealed for
presenting a "veritable revelation" - Josef van Ess]
But there had to be a scheme of action with this new
[[Fantasy]] religion: Good and old Semitic tradition
affords for a religious big event a great revelation
as an introduction. So the complete [[Fantasy]]
Islamic historiography was omitting the 200 years of
before and put the [[Fantasy]] prophet at the
beginning of the story.
In fact, the 7th century was connected directly with
the 9th century now - what catched the eyes of several
historians already. There is for example the
souvereign famous Islam researcher Mr. Josef van Ess
who lets begin his theologic history of
[[Fantasy]]Islam in the second Islamic century: He
claims that from the first [[Fantasy]] Islamic century
(from the times of a certain Muhammad and the big war
times) there was nothing safe to report.
7i.2. The development of the Fantasy
Quran from the Christian Qeryan of Arab Fantasy
[Research: Luxenberg traces about 400 Aramaic words
in the Quran - not only the headscarf and the
virgins are lied]
As already shown, Mr. [[linguistic researcher]]
Luxenberg was able to prove that many passages of the
[[Fantasy]] Quran were not written in Arabic.
So far, he detected about 400 [p.139] Aramaic words in
the [[Fantasy]] Quran. At first glance, this does not
seem so much. But as it was shown, already not
understanding these 400 words created excellent errors
of understanding wo the world is full of fantasies
with [[Fantasy]] headscarves and [[Fantasy]] virgins
in Heaven. And there could be more detections.
[Research: The first Fantasy Qurans had a consonant
language with Aramaic-Arab mixture]
The [[Fantasy]] Quran scripts originally consisted of
the consonant framework of an Aramaic-Arabic mixed
language. There was a constant work with this
[[Fantasy]] Quran, and there are numerous manuscripts
proving this.
[Research: The Fantasy Quran was the continuation
of the Aramaic liturgical book "Queryan" of the
Arab-Christian Fantasy community]
This [[Fantasy]] Quran was the continuation of
[[Fantasy]] Qeryan for a specific Arab community, and
it was clearly a Christian [[Fantasy]] Quran. Having
asked for example an Arab in the year of 700 about
about his belief, which was 100 years after [[the
Fantasy]] Muhammad, so his answer had been (if this
was not a [[Fantasy]] Jew very clearly: he was a
[[Fantasy]] Christian. Asking this in different
regions, differnet traditions had been visible. For
example different interpretations of [[the Fantasy]]
Moses, of [[the Fantasy]] Abraham or of [[the
Fantasy]] Jesus who was considered as [[Fantasy]] God,
[[Fantasy]] son of [[a Fantasy]] God, as a [[Fantasy]]
prophet, as a [[Fantasy]] envoy. We would have found
that the difference in beliefs was primarily the role
attributed to [[the Fantasy]] Jesus. The accents were
different, but no one was expecting a new [[Fantasy]]
religion or had any reason to change his [[Fantasy]]
[Research: Fantasy Christianity reports nowhere
from a new Fantasy Islam from 622]
During two or three centuries, there were only fluid
boundaries, nobody was forced to chose between
[[Fantasy]] Christianity or [[Fantasy]] Islam.
This is also the reason why the [[Fantasy]] Christians
in Syria, Persia or Spain did not mention the
appearance of a new religion. [[Fantasy]] Christianity
was spread everywhere.
[Islamic lie tradition claims: There are no Arab
Christians - all have been Fantasy Muslims already
and they cooperated with Fantasy Christians]
By a gradual transition, of course, the Arab
[[Fantasy]] Christians had also become widespread
[[Fantasy]] Muslims. But the inventors invented
conquest legends and now there had to be found an
explanation for this why the "subject" [[Fantasy]]
Christians and countries were cooperating willingly -
and by this cause the fairy tale of tolerance of
[[Fantasy]] Islam was created.
[Islamic lie tradition claims: The honored Fantasy
Jesus becomes a fantasy prophet "Muhamad abd Allah"]
On the way from the Qeryan to the Quran, not so much
theology changed, but the role of the [[Fantasy]]
Jesus changed mainly. Only when this was no longer a
central figure, but a [[Fantasy]] prophet among
others, only when the proclaimed became a herald, the
[[Fantasy]] Quran had become the book [p.140] of
another [Fantasy]] religion. The [[Fantasy]] Muhamad
abd Allah is the product of this shift in meaning and
not the cause.
7i.3. A Fantasy Muhammad is invented -
and 200 years of history are invented
[Islamic liar tradition claims: The new Fantasy
religion is justificated with 200 years of invented
Fantasy Islam history]
Theologically, there was no sufficient reason and no
justification for a new [[Fantasy]] religion visible.
But without a justification no new [[Fantasy]]
religion could be installed - and with the myth of [[a
Fantasy]] Muhammad, this justification was delivered
subsequently. Only this [[Fantasy]] Muhammad myth is
the characteristic of [[Fantasy]] Islam.
[Research: The "Arabi" wanted to have their own
Fantasy prophet - another one was invented - and 200
years of history were invented]
The burning desire for an own [[Fantasy]] gospel
seemed to be fulfilled, but what was not fulfilled was
the desire for an own [[Fantasy]] prophet - this one
had been predicted many times already. The
[[Fantasy]]Jews had their [[Fantasy]] prophet, the
[[Fantasy]] Christians had one, and now, in the 9th
century [[after Fantasy Christ]], also the Arabs
should get their own [[Fantasy]] prophet.
There will have been rumors about an Arab [[Fantasy]]
prophet, but unfortunately his life was 200 years or
more before and no records were existing, so one had
to refer to oral [[Fantasy]] reports, and from one day
to the other one there were many sources bubbling
never stopping. These [[Fantasy]] narratives were also
rated as proof for the authorship of the [[Fantasy]]
prophet for the [[Fantasy]] Quran which was partly
existing already as a proof.
The result was a retro-interpretation of the
[[Fantasy]] Holy Book and of the history of the last
200 years in total. All was invented mainly in the 9th
century in Mesopotamia. The editors were collecting
all what they could have with [[Fantasy]] records, and
they put it down. But it came out that they did not
understand the language and the signification of the
time of origin rightly. Therefore, since the beginning
of hour 0, there are interpretations, there are
maneuvers, there are presumptions - and this is the
characteristic of [[Fantasy]] Quran until today
They invented califs and invented battles where no
calif was and no battles were, and they invented
wonders helping when the fantasy was in danger to
develop too extremely. One can assume that they
integrated stories about existing actors - a sheikh or
a prominent, local preacher - into their reports, but
all names were changed into the new [[Fantasy]] lable
of a "Muhammad".
[Islamic lie tradition: The inventors describe the
Bedouin societies in detail]
In this [[Fantasy]] Quran many instructions are
incorporated, and there are juridic regulations with
the last and last but last detail which are referring
all to the Bedouine societies of those times. One can
assume that the [[Fantasy]] religion integrated desert
specific elements soon allready. But the new invention
with the reinterpretation may be even more
[Islamic lie tradition: The Fantasy Quran is
written by several people]
Now, there is a big difference between the [[Fantasy]]
suras from Mecca (see e.g. in the theologic part of
[[Fantasy]] Quran) and the [[Fantasy]] suras from
Medina (see e.g. in the executive regulations). This
difference is too big for rating it being written from
only one person of only one time epoch - because this
is a completely different handwriting.
[Islamic lie tradition: Fantasy Abraham suddenly
comes from Mecca and is called a Fantasy Ibrahim and
was a Fantasy Muslim]
The editors were not hesitating in changing the
location of the legendary [[Fantasy]] Abraham from the
Old [[Fantasy]] Testament: they changed him to Mecca
appointing him to be the first "true believer", and
this had to be - without writing it - this could be
only a [[Fantasy]] Muslim. Mr. Kamal Salibi from
Lebanon [[a Fantasy Muslim researcher]] was shifting
all the old tradition with it's Old [[Fantasy]]
Testament to the today's Arabia and tried to
confiscate it for [[the Fantasy]] Islam [68].
[68] [[see the book of]] Kamal Salibi: The
Bible came from the land of Asir; Hamburg 1985
(original German: Die Bibel kam aus dem Lande Asir)
[Islamic lie tradition: The invention of the
Quranic Arabic for the newly invented religion with
the Fantasy Koran]
Of course, the language of the new [[Fantasy]] book
should be Arabic, but there was no comprehensive
Arabic. And above all: there was only a rudimentary,
Arabic scripture - so, first a well readable and
compulsary writing had to be defined. Therefore the
[[Fantasy]] Quran inventors were also grammar
specialists and they were not creating less than Quran
Arabic. One can admit for sure that the [[Fantasy]]
Quran was the first text in this new language version.
Addition: A similar case with a new
language standard was Luthers Fantasy Bible
translation with a new standard German language.
When the new book was published the propagandists were
eager to install it as the only true book and as the
all-encompassing book. People with that book would not
need any other book any more, all past would be in it,
all present and also all future would be in it, all
life sectors would be arranged. With this propaganda
began the mixing of private life, public life, civil
life and state's life which is the characteristic of
[[Fantasy]] Islam. And even Mr. Esel Luqman from [[the
book]] "Akhikar" was cited in this [[Fantasy]] Quran
with a separate [[Fantasy]] sura (Akhikar was the book
of wisdom from India). This was a souvenir from the
homeland of [[the Fantasy]] Muhammad, the Buddhist
influenced area of eastern Persia [p.142].
So, the editors thus reinvented language, writing and
history in a new way, and by this, they lost all
relationship to the reality of their past.
[Research: The Islam liars forget to replace the
goddess symbols with a crescent moon and with a
morning star (!)]
Nothing documents the totally broken relationship of
[[Fantasy]] Islam to its own past better than the
symbols of the hated heathen deities [[the gods of the
natives!]] on its flags and prayer houses: Crescent
Moon and Morning Star.
7i.4. The location of al-Hira in
Mesopotamia - and a cave Hira with Fantasy Mohammed
[Research: Al-Hira as the place of an Arab tribal
union - the "Hirensers" as a community of "Ibad"
("servants of God")]
An important station from historic fact to [[Fantasy]]
legends is al-Hira, without any doubt. This is a
location in southern Mesopotamia. Here was living a
group of Arab tribes which had joined together because
of their religion as a connective cross-tribal
element. Hirensers understood themselves ad a
community of "Ibad", the "servents" (this means:
"servents of [[a Fantasy]] God").
[Islamic lie tradition: "Ibad" should be called
Also the [[Fantasy]] Quran is reporting about "Ibad".
But the correct name should be "Abid" (this is the
plural of "Abd"), well, "Ibad" is a Mesopotamian
special form with reference to the described
community. Or it's just a fault in the writing?
[Islamic lie tradition: Hira cave is said to be a
cave in a desert where Fantasy Muhammad was
Remember: Hira was also a location near Mecca (a
mountain or a cave) where - so the Islam [[Fantasy]]
tradition - [[a Fantasy]] Muhammad received his first
revelations. Is this a coincident? In fact, there is a
good reason to assume that this real existing location
al-Hira was taken by the inventors being shifted to
another location, just an event with many parallels in
history. So, there are the [[Fantasy]] Christs of
Hira, the Hirensic [[Fantasy]] Christians. Are we
dealing now with the original [[Fantasy]] Muslims?
[69] There is a legend speaking of a
[[Fantasy]] trader and preacher who adopted Arab
[[Fantasy]] Christianity in al-Hira and was
spreading it in southern Arabia. His name was
Qutham, the legend says, and he was known later as a
[[Fantasy]] Muhammad.
(We speak about these Hira [[Fantasy]] Christians or
Ibadites later in another chapter yet where they come
as [[Fantasy]] Christian Arabs to Spain and convert to
be [[Fantasy]] Muslims there).
7j. Summary on Arab Jesus Fanatasy
7j.1. The Arabic Jesus Fantasy Christianity had
extensive knowledge of other religions - 7j.2.
Islamic lie tradition: From the liturgical book
Queryan the Muhammad fantasy "Quran" was made -
7j.3. The split between Moses Fantasy Judaism -
Jesus Fantasy Christianity - Muhammad Fantasy Islam
- 7y.4. Islamic Lying Tradition: The Muhammad Fairy
7j.1. Arab Jesus Fantasy Christianity
had extensive knowledge of other religions as well
As born Semites and learned [[Jesus Fantasy]]
Christians, the Arabs were not only familiar with the
great tradition of the Old [[Jesus Fantasy]] Testament
and the [[Moses Fantasy]] Torah. Yes, they lived these
ancient myths of [[Fantasy]] Moses and [[Fantasy]]
Abraham, the expulsion of the ancestral [[Fantasy]]
fathers by the pharaoh, the prophecies, the
[[Fantasy]] conquest, the [p.143] inevitable
[[Fantasy]] apocalypse, and the hope of final
[[Fantasy]] redemption. Comparisons were made with
events of the present, looking for parallels, looking
for signs. In the treasure of myths of the Semitic
religions, the same patterns of action are found again
and again.
[Christian Liar Tradition and Islamic Liar
Tradition: Fake Jesus and Fake Muhammad have the
same pattern: mysterious Fantasy birth, Fantasy
lectures as a Fantasy child already, Fantasy
apparitions, Fantasy sermons, Fantasy ascension]
There is just a [[Fantasy]] prophecy of a [[Fantasy]]
prophet. He appears, there are [[Fantasy]] mysteries
about his [[Fantasy]] birth, with 12 years he gives
[[Fantasy]] lectures, has [[Fantasy]] appearances, is
misunderstood, persecuted, goes into the desert,
preaches, works [[Fantasy]] miracles and ultimately
ascends to [[Fantasy]] heaven. All of this is found
again in the Prophet of the Arabs. Even in the
minority, the [[Fantasy]] right ones always win, and
when a common miracle is not enough, armies of
[[Fantasy]] angels [[extraterrestrials]] come for a
support. This is the case In the Old [[Moses Fantasy]]
Testament, in the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Quran, in the
ancient Orient.
[Jewish Liar Tradition and Islamic Lie Tradition:
Same Pattern for Jewish and Muslim Occupations]
Invading a foreign land, then this has to be with fire
and sword. There is destruction, murder, all is
birning, this happens in the Old [[Moses Fantasy]]
Testament and in [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Quran. Everyone
knows this [[Fantasy]] history how the [[Moses
Fantasy]] Israelites destroyed [[Fantasy]] Jericho (of
course with a wonder as a support) causing a
[[Fantasy]] bloodbath. But we know from archeology
that Jericho was not inhabited at the time in
question. Even for the described bloody occupation of
whole [[Fantasy]] Palestine, there is no
archaeological proof.
There is the same with all the [[Muhammad Fantasy]]
Islamic conquests in the name of the [[Fantasy]]
Prophet. Research and archeology are unaware of the
[[Fantasy]] conquest of Syria, Persia or Egypt by
[[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslims at the time. The Arab
Empire was junt not the result of [[Muhammad Fantasy]]
Islam, it was already there. The large-scale
[[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamization could happen because
the Arab empire already existed and offered a broad
base to the developing Arab religion. First there was
the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Prophet legend, and then the
glorious [[Muhammad Fantasy]] battles and the glorious
[[Fantasy]] conquerer were added. There is [[Fantasy]]
Al-Walid, for example, the alleged jihadist and
glorious conqueror, actually built the [[Jesus
Fantasy]] St. John's Cathedral in Damascus around 710,
instead of waging war for the [[Fake Muhammad]]
[Islamic Lying Tradition: Two hundred years of
history invented]
The [[lying]] authors of the traditional [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] report had no access to a sense of history
how it's researched today. Their ideas moved in the
pictures and in the epic [[Muhammad Fantasy]]
tradition of Middle Eastern space. We are dealing here
not with historical accounts, but with the fulfillment
of expectations and of district markings [p.144] as an
identity formation: "Our religion, our superiority,
our wire to above." So listen!
7j.2. Islamic lie tradition: From the
liturgical Jesus Fantaasy book Queryan was made the
Muhammad Fantasy Quran
The Qeryan, the Aramaic liturgical [[Jesus Fantasy]]
book of the Arab [[Jesus Fantasy]] Christians, ended
after half a millennium, after manyclaims, changes,
additions and omissions in the Arabic [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] Quran, the book of a new religion. The
[[Muhammad Fantasy]] Quran had started as a [[Jesus
Fantasy]] Christian book and then became the Islamic
[[Muhammad Fantasy]] Quran when [[Fake Fantasy]] Jesus
lost his special position. Theologically, the book is
very emaciated, but the old core is still there. The
fact that it is no longer immediately recognizable as
an Arabic-Christian book is due to the later edits.
Only in the course of these arrangements, this book
got it's [[Fake Fantasy]] Muhamad existence and
profile. And the old message was varied with a new
interpretation, and beduins were introduced, so in
this way the new [[Fake Fantasy]] religions got its
typical character.
[[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islam, with its holy [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] book, was not born in the world just
overnight. It didi neither spread in just some years
over the half of the world of those times as the
religious [[Muhammad Fantasy]] legends want to
manipulate us.k [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islam has got a
long and complicated history of origin and [[has]] its
origin in Arab [[Jesus Fantasy]] Christianity.
7j.3. The split between Moses Fantasy
Judaism - Jesus Fantasy Christianity - Muhammad
Fantasy Islam
[[Jesus Fantasy]] Christianity is a separation from
[[Moses Fantasy]] Judaism, [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islam
is a split from [[Jesus Fantasy]] Christianity. This
split was prepared in the 7th and 8th centuries and
was completed only in the 9th or even 10th century,
only then we have the conditions as they are described
by the tradition for the 7th century. The widespread
establishment of what we understand today as
[[Muhammad Fantasy]] "Islam" did not take place before
the 12th century.
7j.4. Islamic Lying Tradition: The
Muhammad Fairy Tale
The depictions of the [[Fake Fantasy]] Prophet and his
book in the Islamic tradition, especially those of the
first 200 years, belong to the category "Fairy Tales
from the East". It would be as if the saga of
Nibelungen would be called to be true.
[The research is in flux]
Truth about history is getting it's shape step by step
thanks of the sciences, also we are just at the
beginning of this process, as it was said in the
introduction [p.145].