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Norbert G. Pressburg: Good bye Mohammed - Mohammed never existed
7. The Metamorphosis: From Fantasy Jesus to Fantasy Muhammad
7g. The inventions: Muhammad - Mecca - Kuraish - first mosque
7g.1. Regent al-Mamun (786-833) in Marw and Baghdad (from 825) - Journey to Egypt and the word "muhamad" - 7g.2. Fantasy Muhammad and Fantasy Ali are "installed" as persons and 200 years of Fantasy Islam caliphate story are invented - 7g.3. Bakka - and also Mecca is invented - 7g.4. The tribe of the Kuraic is invented - the place "Badr" is invented - 7g.5. The first mosque
presented by Michael Palomino (2015 / 2019 / translation 2019) - p.127-130
-- "muhamad" / Muhammad = "the praised one" / "who has to be praised" - referring to a Fake Fantasy Jesus (!) [chapter 5a - p.87]
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7g. The inventions: Muhammad - Mecca - Kuraish - first mosque
7g.1. Regent al-Mamun (786-833) in Marw and Baghdad (from 825) - Journey to Egypt and the word "muhamad"
Summary[Al-Mamun: The Religion Mishmash in Baghdad]
In the meantime, the Syriac-Aramaic has gone as a language and a new language has come, "Arabi", Arabic, Arab langauge. And now old Syriac-Aramaic words are being reinterpreted in a certain way so they corresponde to a new [[Fantasy]] prophet: Muhamad, etc.
A notable regent was Zubayda's successor, al-Mamun (786-833). After initially residing in Marw, East Persia, he moved to Baghdad in 825 and eliminated the regent, his half-brother Amin (?). Al-Mamun found a spiritually vibrant city. There was a strong [[Fantasy]] Jewish community, Buddhists, [[Fantasy]] Zoroastrians, Manichaeans, Persian, Arab, Hellenistic [[Fantasy]] Christians - who arguably also discussed the writings of an Arab [[Fantasy]] prophet that gradually came into circulation.
[Al-Mamun: journey to Egypt - he finds the word "muhamad" and invents a prophet]
Mr. Mamun was a Persian man, and he never had reached the western half of his empire. But now he was making this tour in an extensive way. He was traveling with a big scientific group, first to Harran, the location of a Fantasy Abraham wehre also was the scientific center of the Sabians [56],
[56] "Star worshiper", follower of the ancient Babylonian religion.
and from there he was traveling to Damascus. He visited the Basilica of a [[Fantasy]] John the Babtist, the buildings of the [[Fantasy]] Marwanids. From there they went to the Nile. Theories about the origin of the river were discussed, he saw with his own eyes where the [[Fantasy]] prophet Moses was in his [[Fantasy]] basket on the river driven. He stopped in Jerusalem and inspected with his scientific gropu the inscriptions of Abd al-Malik in the [[Fantasy]] Church at the Temple Mountain. And a proof for a [[Fantasy]] prophet of the Arabs was found. Here it was in black on white: "muhamad abd Allah". Before under Abd al-Malik this phrase was translated like "praised be the servant of God", but now it was translated into modern [p.127] Arabic into "Muhammad, son of Abd Allah". This was a new kind of interpretation after a change of time, with a new language and with a new convention of writing, and with some goodwill. Mamun is said to have removed the name of Malik having put there his own name then [57],
[57] It is not proven that Mamun himself made the change. It may have been done in later times.In any case, he kept the year 72 "kata Araba".
[Al-Mamun: coins with "caliphate [Fantasy] Allah"]
We have coins from al-Mamun, on which he calls himself "Caliphate [Fantasy] Allah", the first mention of this title since "Abd al-Malik", but with other meaning. While with Malik the "caliphate [Fantasy] Allah", "[Fantasy] God's Herald" was the [[Fantasy]] Jesus, Maqmun is the first representative of his [[Fantasy]] God as a "caliph" and "imam". But of which [[Fantasy]] God? It should be Allah [[Fantasy]] God for sure which had sent the [[Fantasy]] Muhammad to the Arabs. But Mamun did not see himself as a [[Fantasy]] Muslim at all - the independence of what we understand today as [[Fantasy]] Islam was not yet accomplished in those times.
[Al-Mamun: Quran texts, the earth should be a flat disk - and the Earth's circumference is calculated almost exactly]
Mamun gathered the best persons of his time at his court: scientists of all disciplines and shades, there was intellectual freedom. When he heard for example that in the [[Fantasy]] Quran a flat Earth was clamed as flat as a carpet, but the Arab astronomers of those days defined it as a ball, he let investigate the case in detail. The precedure was measuring sun angles in the steppe calculating the Earth's circumference. His expedition came to the conclusion: The circumference of the globe is 40,075 kilometers (the exact number is 40,235).
[Al-Mamun with Enlightenment, Quran discussion, persecution of Fantasy Islamist Extremists (Fantasy Hanbalism)]
Quran texts were already known and in discussion. The first summary texst in Arabic is from the late 9th century. There was a radical movement very soon, represented above all by Ibn Hanbal ([[Fantasy]] "Hanbalism"), whose followers had an interpretation word by word. Mamun presented himself as the leader of the [[Fantasy]] "Mutazilites", whose mentality was closely related to the ancient philosophies and sciences. He stated that the [[Fantasy]] Quran had been created and thus could be discussed. By emphasizing rationality, and demanding logic and openness of the sources of the knowledge, the Mutazilites stood in a strong contrast to the [[Fantasy]] orthodox demand for [S.128] recognition of the [[Fantasy]] Quran as an exclusive source and its literal observance.
The Islamic tradition celebrates the time of al-Mamun as the heyday (boom times) of [[Fantasy]] Islam. Nothing is more wrong than this. As a [[Fantasy]] mutazilite, Mamun was much closer to an Arab Enlightenment than the [[Fantasy]] Islamic Quran doctrine. He fought hanbalism, that is, what later became constituted as orthodox [[Fantasy]] Islam. The Egyptian theologian Ahmad Amin (1878-1954) believed that the defeat of [[Fantasy]] Mutazilism was the greatest catastrophe in the history of [[Fantasy]] Islam.
7g.2. Fantasy Muhammad and Fantasy Ali are "installed" as persons and two hundred years of Fantasy Islam history with their Fantasy califs are invented
After al-Mamun came a big change. The words of "muhamad" and "ali" were on their way of personalization becoming names. The caliphate - until this moment only being used from Malik and Mamun in a completely other meaning - was given to all other rulers of before since [[Fantasy]] Muhammad: a fake chain of theocratic rulers was installed that never had existed in fact.
The Quran was written and at the same time Arabic language and writing was developped. The [[Fantasy]] Muhammad got his [[Fantasy]] grave in Medina, and the [[Fantasy]] Ali was defeited in the programmatic quarrel and only got a martyr legend.
7g.3. Bakka - and Mecca is invented
[Mecca did not exist]
There is a big question about the location of Bakka which is indicated in [[Fantasy]] Quran (Fantasy Sura 3:96), and at the end it was "identified" as [[Fantasy]] Mecca and this was fixed like this and it should be a "significant trade center of Mecca at the crossing of important roads". The historic reality is another one: For 6th or 76h century there is no proof for such a location of Mecca. In [[Fantasy]] Quran there is only a "Bakka", and this position is said to be identical with the first prayer house of [[Fantasy]] Abraham. Now this: All non Islamic traditions consider this [[Fantasy]] Abraham in Mesopotamia and not in Arabia. Therefore, in 8th century yet the location of Bakka was prescribed in Mesopotamia. The person of Tabari is the first person speaking of a [[Fantasy]] "Mecca" in the Arab Desert.
[Linguist Mr. Luxenberg: Bakka and Mecca]
Mr. Luxenberg considers Bakka with a Syro Arameic meaning as "fenced, bounded". According to this, Bakka / Mecca would not mean a specific location, but rather an enclosed, sacred area in general. The fact is that [[Fantasy]] Mecca was never was a city. There was a [[Fantasy]] church there like many others in Arabia in the 7th century, but there was no other special importance. Mecca as the cradle of [[Fantasy]] Islam is a retro invention of the pious [[Fantasy]] literature of later centuries. Mecca was, as Volker Popp says, the "Thule Island" of the Arabs [p.129].
Remark: Thule Island
"Thule" Island was defined by the ancient Greek explorer Pytheas. It was to be the furthest Atlantic Island west of England. In this respect, the term "Thule" was also used for "far west". - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thule.
7g.4. The tribe of the Kuraic is invented - the place "Badr" is invented
[The tribe of the Kuraic never existed]
Also from the prophet-tribe of the "Kuraish" there is no news until came Tabari, and from a location of "Badr" there is no proof at all where "decisive battles of mankind" are said having taken place [58].
[58] www.islamreligion.com [[The Fantasy Religion of Fantasy Islam]]
[The location of "Badr" cannot be found on ANY map]
Although the Google call created about 2 million results, no one has yet identified this [[Fantasy]] place of Badr. (But nevertheles, there are sketches, there are plans for war battles, and there are war tomb photos listed on google). In [[Fantasy]] Quran, this "Badr" is mentiones in the [[Fantasy]] Sura 3:123 as an isolated word which is not understood. In the absence of an alternative, Tabari called this word as a location of "Badr", whereas the logic connection to the verses of before and after is destroyed by that. Mr. Luxenberg brings a connection to the paragraph correcting the meaing of "Badr". With this word bi-badr a point was obviously added later, so leaving out this point the sense becomes bi-'idr and this means "heavenly help" and makes a real sense for all the verses [59].
[59] There are more events in the legends about a [[Fantasy]] Muhammad which seem to have their historic base from the big war of Byzantium against the Persian enemy of belief. There was a victory of [[a Fantasy]] Muhammad in the [[Fantasy]] "Battle of the Ditch" in 627 which is just in the same year of the Byzantine / Arab victory of Ninive. The year of 628 of the Byzantine / Persian peace treaty is correspoinding with the "Agreement of Huhdaibiyyah". In 630, [[Fantasy]] Islam claims that there was the opening of the Kaaba [[the holy black stone which must not be seen]]. This is the same year when the [[Fantasy]] cross was repatriated and the [[Fantasy]] Church of the [[Fantasy]] Holy Sepulcher was reopened in Jerusalem.
[The whole Mohammed Theater in the desert is INVENTED]
The entire history of the first 250 years [[of Fantasy Islam]] was relocated to the desert of Arabia with legends or completely invented new.
7g.5. The first mosque
[Mosque in Samarra]
The first original mosque ("masjid") was probably built in the new royal residence city of Samarra [[this is in Mesopotamia in today's Iraq]], with a modeled Old Babylonian ziggurat [[temple complex in different levels]] as a monument and the mother of all minarets (the steps were originally outside and wandered later inside). We are just before the beginning of the 10th century.
[The transition from Fantasy church to Fantasy mosque]
There is no precise date when Fantasy church is ending and Fantasy mosque is beginning. In Arameic, "Masjid" was and still is a general place of worship for [[a Fantasy]] God. Only much later the meaning was changing into a special [[Fantasy]] Islamic house of [[a Fantasy]] God. This [[Fantasy]] "masjid" is only then a [[Fantasy]] "mosque" when this [[Fantasy]]"masjid" has got a [[Fantasy]] "mihrab" (prayer niche) heading to Mecca [p.130].
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