7h. The formation of Fantasy Islam by
the isolation of Arab Fantasy Christianity with it's
resistance to the Councils of the Fantasy Church of
7h.1. The resistance against Rome,
Byzantium and against the dictates of the councils
["Islam" should mean "conformity"]
"Islam" means "conformity", namely, conformity to the
Holy [[Fantasy]] Books. These were Christian
[[Fantasy]] books, the Old [[Fantasy]] Testament, the
[[Fantasy]] Gospels, and [[Fantasy]] Apocrypha [60].
[60] "Apocrypha" are texts which are not
recognized by [[Fantasy]] authority of the faith.
For example, the [[Fantasy]] Copts still use a
[[Fantasy]] Gospel of [[a Fantasy]] Peter that is
not recognized by Orthodox and Western Roman
[[Fantasy]] Churches.
[The isolation of Arab Fantasy Christianity -
Resistance to the Rome Fantasy Church and Byzantine
Fantasy Church with the council dictates]
Already in the 2nd or 3rd century, the development of
an Arab-Christian [[Fantasy]] Church began, and this
development went on contantly. Basically [[Fantasy]]
Jews and [[Fantasy]] Jewish Christians may have lived
next to each other without much distinction. But then
the groups of belief developed their own [[Fantasy]]
theology. There were the councils, and the council of
Nicaea (year of 325) was separating sharply from
Oriental [[Fantasy]] Christiandom. Arab [[Fantasy]]
Christians were not accepting theology of the imperial
[[Fantasy]] Church and remained on the theological
standard of before Nicaea [p.131].
They did not want less than to find to the true
[[Fantasy]] Christianity. They were considering
themselves as [[Fantasy]] Ismaelites, as the sons of a
[[Fantasy]] Ismael in the true tradition of
[[Fantasy]] Israel [[the Jews, the people of Fantasy
Israel]], which were faked by the time. There was a
search for [[Fantasy]] Islam always respecting the
conformity of the "Scripture."
Only a few centuries after [[Fantasy]] Christ,
Oriental [[Fantasy]] Christianity had become almost a
religion of [[Fantasy]] saints, [[Fantasy]] amulets,
and [[Fantasy]] wonder activity. ANd there was also a
high importance of pictures. Al this came by the
influence of the antique world, some caracteristics
may be pagan with it. Additionally there were the
constructions of the Greek theologic thinking like the
cult of a conception without sexuality (Immaculate
Conception) and [[Fantasy]] Trinity.
This was, as well as the high importance of visual
representation, the influence of the ancient world,
one can see quite pagan features in it. Added to this
were the constructs of Greek theological thinking,
such as the cult of the Immaculate Conception and the
By contrast, the Arab [[Fantasy]] Christians were
still close to the Jewish [[Fantasy]] Christians, so,
they were much closer to the [[Fantasy]] world of the
Old [[Fantasy]] Testament than the [[Fantasy]]
Christians of the Roman and the Hellenic Mediterranean
The Arab [[Fantasy]] Christians, therefore, didn't
want to have anything with the Byzantium dictatorship
[[Fantasy]] Church, nothing to do with their
construction of a [[Fantasy]] Trinity which as
according to the Arab mentality a turning away from
the belief to one single [[Fantasy]] God. In fact, in
the [[Fantasy]] Quran there is nothing stressed more
than One Unique [[Fantasy]] God. From the point of
view of the Empire Church this was a "heresy", this
was an apostasy of the right [[Fantasy]] faith. And in
the sources of that time the Arab [[Fantasy]]
Christians were indeed called "heretics". They were
called wrong [Fantasy]] Christians, but not at all as
followers of a new religion.
[The "heretic" in Fantasy Islam is actually an
The other way round, the Arab [[Fantasy]] Christians
considered the others as heritcs, in Arabic
"musrikun". It's a tradition in the [[Fantasy]] Quran
to interpretate the bad "musrikun" as "pagans" - well,
this is one more wrong translation of a word. This
word derives from "sarik", the "comrade" and "assist".
It was about these assists who wanted to add another
holy [[Fantasy]] Jesus to their [[Fantasy]] God.
7h.2. Gods, goddesses and ancient
cults at the "Arabi" - remains in the Fantasy Quran
and on the national flags
[Desert peoples worship the moon (lunar cults) -
agricultural societies worship the sun (cults)]
On the Arabian Peninsula of the times before
[[Fantasy]] Christianity and before [[Fantasy]] Islam,
thre was the moon cult which was spread from Syria to
Yemen with regionally different types of deities. Moon
cults are typical for shepherd societies, all possible
positive qualities were attributed to the moon, sun
was considered more a destructor (very well [p.132]
traceable with desert people, so the worship for the
sun is more a cult for agrarian societies [[with
fertile soil]]). This desert tradition had a big
influence on the developing religion which is also
well visible today.
[Arab goddesses Allat (moon goddess), Uzza (goddess
of the morning star = Venus, water, fertility, human
sacrifice) and Manat - sacred trees, springs and
black stones]
In central and northern Arabia, the goddesses Allat
and Uzza were especially beloved, a sibling couple,
and also a Manat was added to them from time to time
who was predicting faith of mankind. Allat (which is
the short form of
al-Ilahah, "goddess") was the goddess
of the moon, and Uzza was the goddess of the morning
star. Therefore Hellenic sources are equaling her with
Venus. The goddesses were also responsible for water
and fertilty, and at least Uzza were brought also
human sacrifices. They were worshiped in holy trees,
in water springs, and above all in black stones. Allat
owned stones in today's Mecca, Taif and Petra; Uzza
owned holy trees also next to the today's Mecca and a
water spring not far from the holy stone of her sister
in Mecca.
Human sacrifices by criminal
Christians, Jews and Muslims
Fantasy Christian, Fantasy Jews and Fantasy Muslim
Fantasies have billions of human sacrifices by their
wars on their account. There are no worse religions
than Fantasy Muslims, Fantasy Jews and Fantasy
Christians. Among them, the Fantasy Christians are
the WORST with NATO, Agent Orange, Atomic Bombs and
Uranium Ammunition contaminating parts of the world
for billions of years.
Michael Palomino, May 26, 2019
Jinnis, malevolent spirits, were making troubles in
the desert.
[Islamic lie tradition: Fantasy Mohammed, who did
not exist, is said to have exterminated the ancient
gods - Fantasy Quran verses]
Among the Bedouins the lunar cult and star cult was
living for a long time which is described in
[[Fantasy]] Quran in several passages describing the
idolaters [61].
[61] Especially [[Fantasy]]
Sura 5:19-23.
Only [[Fantasy]] Muhamad succeeded in driving the
idols out of the [[Fantasy]] Kaaba.
[Islamic lie tradition: The sacred black stone in
Mecca - remnant of ancient cults]
Nevertheless, they have established themselves well in
his religion: Even today, the black stone of the
Allat, set in a silver frame, is surrounded during the
worshipping action. The source of Uzza, known today
among [[Fantasy]] Muslims as Zamzam, is a must-visit
on every [[Fantasy]] pilgrimage.
[Islamic lie tradition: Jinnis mentioned in the
Also the Jinnnis, the evil spirits of [[a Fantasy]]
God, are abundantly represented in the [[Fantasy]]
Quran [62].
[62] [[Fantasy]] Sura 72,
"The Jinni," [[Fantasy]] Sura 55:33, 56, 74, etc.
and they are still feared by the [[Fantasy]] faithful.
[Islamic lie tradition: Symbol of the moon goddess
Allat = crescent moon - symbol of the sister goddess
Uzza = Morning Star - flags]
The sickle moon of the pagan [[native]] moon goddess
Allat has been immortalized as the symbol of
[[Fantasy]] Islam; on flags of some [[Fantasy]]
Islamic countries in unity with the morning star of
the sister goddess Uzza.
7h.3. A Fantasy God, goddesses and
ancient native cults in Arab Fantasy Christianity
[Archeology: The Arabic Fantasy Christianity
between ancient native cults and Fantasy Islam is
However, [[Fantasy]] Islam does not follow the [...]
pagan [[native]] gods that [[Fantasy]] Muhammad has
conquered, as [[Fantasy]] tradition describes it.
There [p.133] was a [[Fantasy]] Christian interlude
for centuries which is completely concealed.
[Archeology on the Arabian Peninsula: Fantasy
Christianity on the Arabian Peninsula, in Yemen, up
to the island of Socotra (in the Horn of Africa) and
in Persia]
In the 7th century, the Arabian Peninsula was almost
entirely [[Fantasy]] christianized [63].
[63] C.D.G. Müller: Church and mission
among the Arabs in pre-Islamic times; Tuebingen 1967
original German: Kirche und Mission unter den
Arabern in vorislamischer Zeit; Tübingen 1967
There were also important [[Fantasy]] Jewish
communities. In the Nabataean Empire, which included
Mecca in the south, Trinitarian [[Fantasy]]
Christianity was widespread. The South [[of the
Arabian Peninsula]], today's Yemen [64],
[64] Even on the remote island of Socotra
in the Indian Ocean [[Horn of Africa]] are the
remains of a [[Fantasy]] church. According to Mr. H.
Waldmann (Tübingen), these ruins could go back to
the mission of the [[Fantasy]] Apostle Thomas.
was influenced by the Ethiopian [[Fantasy]] Church.
The east of the peninsula on the Gulf was under
Persian influence, there dominated the Nestorian
[[Fantasy]] Christianity.
[Archeology on the Arabian Peninsula: Fantasy
churches, fantasy monasteries, fantasy sacred
buildings - research is prohibited]
There are numerous archaeological evidences of
[[Fantasy]] churches, [[Fantasy]] monasteries and
religious [[Fantasy]] buildings throughout the Arabian
Peninsula. However, research is not permitted [65],
[65] That can be read politically
correctly in the book of Dr. Barbara Finster
("Arabia in Late Antiquity", orig. German: "Arabien
in der Spätantike") with the following words: "... a
Judeo-Christian [[Fantasy]] culture or in the
broadest sense a monotheistic epoch does not mean a
research desideratum there."
(original German: "... eine jüdisch-christliche
Kultur oder im weitesten Sinne eine monotheistische
Epoche bedeutet dort kein Forschungsdesiderat.")
but there could be even more: When in Saudi Arabia of
the 21th century objects are found from times before
[[Fantasy]] Islam, they are rigorously destroyed.
[Archeology: The Fantasy Kaaba was a holy Fantasy
place within large Fantasy churches]
And one has not to forget that Kaaba itself has a
[[Fantasy]] Christian origin. "Kaabas" are buildings
"in form of a cube", they have a tradition in South
Arabia up to the 4th century before [[Fantasy]]
Christ. IN Yemen, many Kaabas were found which were
erected as temples or [[Fantasy]] churches.
Supplement: An example of such a cube
construction in Europe is in the church of
Einsiedeln Abbey.
[Archeology: The Kaaba of Mecca was part of a
Fantasy church - foundations and apse still exist]
The Kaaba of Mecca is the northernmost such
construction. The block of 10 by 12 meters was part of
a [[Fantasy]] church. In front of the northwest side
of the cube is a square, which is completed by a
semicircular wall base (see photo page 136). These are
the foundations of the apse of the former [[Fantasy]]
church which was there berfore, the extension to
today's Kaaba. According to ecclesiastical custom,
under this altar space was a crypt for especially
promient deads. This part is called in Arabic a
"higr", a "lap".
[Islamic lie tradition: Ishmael and Hagar in the
Fantasy "Christian" apse of the Kaaba of Mecca]
According to Islamic [[Fantasy]] tradition, the
ancestor Ismael and his mother Hagar are buried here.
(Another name of the "higr" is "al-hatim", "the person
put into the ruins") [p.134].
[Archeology: images of the Kaaba of Mecca]
The Kaaba thus formed a structural unit with the apse,
with a baptismal font to the right of the entrance and
numerous mural pictures [66].
[66] There are reports stating that two of
these pictures ([[Fantasy]] Abraham, [[Fantasy]]
Mary and [[Fantasy]] Jesus) were present there in
the younger past. And there are hard rumors that
they are still present there.
After the occupation of Mecca 693 by al-Haggag,
governor of Abd al-Malik, this apse is said to have
been demolished. The main building still served as a
[[Fantasy]] church until the beginning of the 9th
century. In early Islamic times, the Kaaba was first
with windows and doors, and then it became an empty
almost closed building without windows. Scientists
consider this as a development back from Hellenistic
to Semitic [[Fantasy]] Christianity - could be an over
dimensioned Ark - with a special conection to the Old
[[Fantasy]] Testament; Kaaba was according to this
research a temple of [[Fantasy]] Abraham, before it
became definitely a mosque. In this connection has to
be seen also the disappearing of [[Fantasy]] crosses
on coins, which were followed by stone pyramids of the
Old [[Fantasy]] Testament. This is an experssion of
the turn to anicon worship, and with this development,
the black stone of Allat could have become acceptable
and "modern" again.
[Islamic lie tradition: The Arab Fantasy
Christianity is concealed]
According to the [[Fantasy]] Islamic claim, there have
never been any [[Fantasy]] Christian communities
around Mecca and Medina.
[Archeology: The Kaaba of Mecca is proof of Fantasy
Christianity on the Arabian Peninsula]
The Kaaba is the striking evidence to the contrary
[p.135]. Before, this location of the Kaaba was the
worship site of the pagan [[native]] goddess Allat,
and of the [[native]] godess of the morning star,
Uzza. Their symbols, star and sickle moon, are still
adorning the flags of several [[Fantasy]] Muslim
countries. The stone of Allat, which was the fertility
goddess at the same time, is installed in a corner of
of the Kaaba. And the semicircular foundation wall of
the former apse comes from the [[Fantasy]] Christian
period of the Kaaba, and this semicircular foundation
wall is still clearly visible [p.136].
[Islamic lie tradition: research ban on Fantasy
Christian sites]
Other relics of the area around the [[Fantasy]] church
remain [p.135] under the pavement of the mosque
district, but all research is prohibited and there is
no access for any research - as also all other non
Islamic sites in Saudi Arabia are not accessable for
research [p.136].