[3.12. The
race laws of Nuremberg 1935 - Zionist Jewry splits]
[Four RV
(Reichsvertretung) demands when the race laws should
be accepted]
All these attempts at maintaining a foothold in Germany
collapsed with the publication of the Nuremberg racial
laws on September 15, and the first of twelve detailed
provisions (Verordnungen) on November 14, 1935.
Immediately following the publication, RV came out with
a four-point program demanding that, on the basis of the
new laws, the government stop the defamation and the
boycott, grant cultural and religious autonomy to the
Jews, and recognize RV as the central Jewish
organization. Under these conditions, the Jews would
accept the new laws.
(End note 68:
RV, 9/22/35 [22 September 1935])
[The Zionists in
discussion about the race laws]
This stand produced a bitter argument between the
Zionists, (p.133)
who demanded nonrecognition of the Nuremberg laws, and
the RV leadership. The Zionists had been in the peculiar
position of opposing the Nazis more vigorously than the
liberals and yet being supported, in a way, by the
government because of their advocacy of emigration to
Palestine. The Nazis argued that Zionists helped Germany
solve the Jewish problem and that Palestine could absorb
a million Jews. If only half of these were German Jews,
then the whole Jewish problem might be solved.
(End note 69:
Chronicle, 5/17/35 [17 May 1935], quoting
Der Völkische Beobachter)
This did not mean, of course, that the Nazis did not
attack the Zionists as well; Goebbels's [newspaper]
Angriff did so
[Zionists want the
national definition of Jews - Kareski (Jewish
Volkspartei) defends the race laws - more Zionists in
the RV (Reichsvertretung) - blame of Kareski -
suspicion collaboration with Gestapo]
Inside the Jewish community, the Zionists pressed for a
policy of national definition and speedy emigration, and
demanded a greater say in the affairs of RV. A spokesman
of the Zionist Right in the Berlin community (the
so-called Jewish Volkspartei), Georg Kareski, took a
different position in an interview published in the
(quoted in the Jewish Chronicle, January 3, 1936), where
he defended the new laws as offering an answer to the
problem of an alien nationality, provided they were
executed on a basis of mutual respect.
The Zionists now turned against Kareski as well, and he
was practically ostracized at a conference held at
Berlin in early February 1936. However, during the
following year Kareski tried repeatedly to oppose a
reconstructed RV, in which the Zionists now had a
greater say.
This situation came to a head in the spring of 1937 when
the leaders of RV appealed to the foreign organizations
to prevent the takeover of RV by Kareski, who, they
insinuated, was cooperating with the Gestapo. After
consultation between JDC and the British Jews, on June
11, 1937, a letter was written over the signature of Sir
Herbert Samuel to Leo Baeck, in which confidence was
reiterated in "the present personnel and management" of
RV. Serious misgivings were expressed in the event of
any change in the composition of RV.
(End note 70: Executive Committee, 9/23/37 [23 September
It is not clear whether it was this intervention that
changed the situation, but it is probable that it had at
least some influence. At any rate, RV maintained its
independence of internal Gestapo pressure for some time
longer, and Kareski's attempt was repulsed. (p.134)