Joint's reconstruction work in NS Germany since 1933
- Jewish press fights]
Reconstruction was, of course, another sphere of
activity which JDC took a very special interest. Much
was said about the need for reconstruction in the German
situation, though the emphasis on this decreased as the
Nazi intent to evict the Jews became obvious. In the
early 1930s, however, this was not quite so clear,
Table 6: Loan
Kassas of the Reconstruction Foundation in
No. of kassas
Capital (in marks)
No. of loans
Amount loaned (in marks)
and JDC tried, through the Reconstruction Foundation, to
create loan
in Germany on the well-tried East European model.
After 1937 a swift decline set in as the German
government made the kassas operations practically
impossible, and at the end of 1938 they were terminated.
JDC also tried to create Free Loan kassas outside the
Reconstruction Foundation system, as in Poland, and
invested over 400,000 marks in them between 1933 and
1937. But before they could take root, the Nazis made
their operations impossible too, and they were
liquidated along with the rest of the
kassas in December
(End note 57:
-- Printer, p. 97;
-- 24-Gen. & Emerg. Germany, Foundation, 1933-39
-- 26-Gen & Emerg. Germany, Lists, etc. 1935/6
-- 28-30-ZA report, 1936)
[1934: Less
anti-Semitism in NS Germany - discussions about the
Jewish future 1935]
The situation in Germany itself fluctuated from year to
year. It cannot even be said that there was always a
distinct trend for the worse. For instance, in 1934 -
the year of the great purge in the Nazi party (June 30)
- it seemed that the anti-Semitic wave had abated
slightly, and there was no new wave of terror or boycott
directed against the Jews. "Superficially regarded",
said Kahn, "it would appear that a certain halt has been
called in Germany to the measures adopted against the
Jewish population."
(End note 58: Kahn report, 3/28/34 [28 March 1934]; In:
WAC, Box 321 (b)
Hitler himself had reportedly said as much at a meeting
with the German
(state governors). In other words, there was still room
for a certain measure of self-delusion.
Against that background a great controversy between the
nationalist and liberal wings of Jewry continued in
Germany. Zionists demanded the recognition of Jewish
separateness on the basis of Jewish national
identification. The liberal CV rejected this point of
view with "determined unanimity", because they saw in
Germany the center of their endeavors "now, just as in
the past".
(End note 59: CV-Blaetter für Deutschtum und Judentum,
1/10/35 [10 January 1935], by Dr. Emil Herzfeld. (Fate
played a trick on Dr. Herzfeld: ultimately he had to
settle in Palestine, where he lived out his days in
national Jewish Tel Aviv). The declaration in support of
Hitler's foreign policy was made in November 1933; see:
Grunewald, op. cit. [The Beginning of the
Reichsvertretung; In: Leo Baeck Yearbook; London 1956],
pp., 57 ff.)
The liberal Jews of Germany obviously thought that they
would outlast the Hitler regime, and in 1934 and early
1935 it was still possible to believe that. In early
1935 Dr. Jonah B. Wise, one of the leaders of JDC, who
had just come back from Europe, agreed with this
position mainly from a pragmatic point of view. The
question was "to meet the onslaught of Hitler and
survive it. They (the German Jews) feel they have
possibilities of surviving for some years. If conditions
do not radically change, many affluent persons will
remain in Germany. Most of them will remain because
there is no place for them to go and no country wants
people over forty unless they have the highest
specialization for some work." However, Wise added a
remark that reflected a growing conviction among German
Jews in the spring of 1935: "That the young people will
leave is almost certain. It is said that Germany will be
an old folds' home and a graveyard."
(End note 60: Executive Committee, 3/26/35 [26 March
1935]; Hyman said in his contribution to a summary for
1934 (R53): "The hope of Jewish leaders to find an
orderly, constructive transformation of a segment of
Jewish life, especially for the youth, within the
borders of Germany itself, to be supplemented by a
carefully nurtured preparation of waves of annual
emigration, has been disappointed, since training is
permitted only for emigration, immediate or ultimate."
B.C. Vladeck, a Labor member of the JDC Executive
Committee, put a socialist interpretation on the same
ideas when, in a discussion with the Zionist Berl Locker
(12/23/35-WAC, Box 323 (d), he said that "there is a
vast underground movement in Germany of 'Aryans',
socialists, etc., who are fighting the Fascist regime
and that the Jew must fight along with them." Therefore,
the task of progressive Jews in Germany was to stay
where they were).
[End 1933: RV supports
Hitler's foreign policy]
RV [Reichsvertretung] was largely under the control of
liberals like Hirsch, Seligsohn, and Brodnitz. At the
end of 1933 it came out with a declaration supporting
Hitler's foreign policy; this was done not because of
Nazi pressure but because of the German-centered
convictions of its leading members.
[Jan 1935: Jewish Saar
Germans included]
In January 1935 it "heartily welcomed home" the 4,800
"Jewish Saar Germans" after the Saar plebiscite had
resulted in the annexation of that area by Germany.
(Saarlander Jews even came from abroad to vote for the
inclusion of the region in Germany!)
(End note 61: Jewish Chronicle, 1/13/35 [13th January
1935]. On the 18, the Chronicle reported that a man
named Herr Fischel had come all the way from Buenos
Aires, his fare paid by the German consulate, to vote
for Germany).
[Naumann's National
German Jews section]
There was an even more extremist Germanic section of
Jewry, led by Dr. Max Naumann, whose organization tried
to create a category called the National German Jews
(Nationaldeutsche Juden). "We would regard it as a
national calamity for Germany and for us National Jews,
who are among the best Germans, if Hitler did not take
the fate of the German people in his hands. The members
of our league, more than 5,000 people, voted as one man
for Hitler as Reich president. Hitler is our future. No
one but he can solve the Jewish question."
(End note 62: Ibid., 1/11/35 [11 January 1935].
Interview of
La Croix
with Naumann)
This, of course, was the opinion of but a small lunatic
fringe, but it is significant that these opinions should
have been stated as late as the end of 1934 and early
RV [Reichsvertretung], however, was far from a supine
servant of the Nazi dictatorship.
[Jewish press in NS
Germany: RV fighting the regime: Streicher's Stürmer
Throughout 1935 Baeck and Hirsch and their friends tried
to fight back, supported by the foreign organizations,
and took their case to the still-legal Jewish press in
Germany. For instance, on February 8, 1935, the
published a frontal attack by Rabbi Eschelbacher on
Der Stürmer, Julius
Streicher's obscenely anti-Semitic paper.
(End note 63: P. 11, in an article called: Eine Nummer
des Stuermer [A number of the Stuermer])
In the same issue there was a direct attack against
Streicher himself, for "accusing" an opposition leader -
wrongly - of being Jewish. One argument used by RV
[Reichsvertretung] was that since the Nazi rule was
totalitarian, the Nazis could have done more against the
Jews than they actually did. Since "only" certain
restrictions were in force, the conclusion was that
German Jewry had the right to fight back on the basis of
the actual laws on the books, that they could prevent a
worsening of the situation by appealing to the law.
(End note 64: CV-Zeitung, 1/31/35 [31 January 1935])
[Jewish press in NS
Germany: Public protest against Streicher]
In the January 31, 1935, issue there was even a public
protest by RV, signed by Baeck and Hirsch, against
Streicher. Entitled "The Honor of German Jews", it
culminated in the statement that "for the guarding of
our honor nothing remains to us but a solemn public
(End note 65: Ibid. [CV-Zeitung, 1/31/35 [31 January
1935]: "Zur Wahrung unserer Ehre bleibt uns nichts als
feierlicher Protest.")
A possibility of appealing to the courts under the laws
of libel was hinted at.
[Jewish press in NS
Germany: Attack against Nazi minister Schemm]
This point was made in even more explicit terms on
February 14, when a direct attack was printed on the
Nazi minister Schemm, the "leader" of the Nazi Teacher's
Association, who had abused the Jewish religion. Schemm
was told that he had thereby maligned the Christian God
and had "harshly insulted, not only the religious
feelings of German Jews, but those of Jews all over the
world as well."
(End note 66: Ibid. [CV-Zeitung], 2/14/35 [14 February
1935], p.11)
[Jewish press in NS
Germany: Rundschau demands]
The Zionist
Rundschau published an article demanding that
the government cease to defame Jews, that it guarantee
decent material conditions under prevailing legislation,
and that it establish orderly emigration procedures and
autonomous cultural institutions.
(End note 67: Quoted in
Jewish Chronicle, 3/15/35 [15 March
It must be remembered that this took place in Nazi
Germany almost two years after the abolition of all
parties and the independent press. The courage displayed
by RV was wholly admirable, but of course no results
were achieved.