March 4, 1493
For repairs of the ships Columbus is landing with the
"Pinta" is reaching the continent
northern Portugal in the Spanish town of
(Internet: R.H.Ossian: Pirate King's Library: Christopher
The Portuguese are reacting not so friendly to the arrival of
Columbus in Lisbon but treating him as an enemy.
King John
II is receiving the expedition graciously but he is
calling for possessing the newly found territories. Columbus
cannot accept this (Reinhard, vol.II, p.41).
March 15, 1493
Reception of Columbus in Spain - syphilis - the "Great
Admiral of India"
Accidentally both ships - "Nina" and "Pinta" are reaching
Spain in Palos (Internet: R.H.Ossian: Pirate King's Library:
Christopher Kolumbus).
Columbus is received in Spain as an admiral (Huby, S.55).
Columbus is making his tour passing Spain town by town where
festivals are organized for him. And he brought six natives
(Reinhard, vol.II, p.41). The imported natives are on the tour
through Spain having contact with Spanish women infecting them
by intercourse with syphilis which is unknown in Europe until
these days (Reinhard, vol.II, p.64).
[As the immune system in Europe is not ready to fight the
syphilis agent there are many heavy symptoms which the natives
from "America" do not have. Now the epidemic is spreading from
Spain over South of France and Italy over whole Europe].
Columbus gets a second order for a second "trip to India"
(Huby, p.55).
Columbus is promoted and can call himself now
Admiral of India" now (Reinhard, vol.II, p.43; Huby,
England's frustration: Henry VII of England has to
confess that he was not right to reject the the proposal of
Columbus' brother searching for a "west way" (Reinhard,
vol.II, p.47).
Spring 1493 appr.
Hispañola: The sailors staying on "Hispañola" are
beginning to suppress and to rob the Taino natives. At the
same time the Spanish of the fort of Navidad are organizing a
life of luxury.
Taino natives are also organizing something and they
even have the courage to attack the Spanish fort "Navidad" /
"Christmas" and they are even killing all whites and
destroying this fort (Huby, p.55) under the leadership of
or there is another version:
Because of fights of the Spanish settlers beneath themselves
and because of conflicts with the natives the settlement of
Navidad is destroyed in spring 1493 (Reinhard, vol.II, p.41).
Spring and summer of 1493
Spain is preparing a second big Columbus expedition
now. Within 5 months 17 ships are built and equipped
+ there is a crew composed of over 1,200 men
+ cattle, plants, seeds and farmer's equipment is disposed for
the trip (Huby, p.55).
With this Columbus gets
-- for the organization: the help of
Juan Rodriguez
de Fonseca
-- for the financing matters: the help of
Pinelli from
Genoa (Reinhard, vol.II, p.41).
1493: World map of
Laon (drawing by Ravenstein)

this world map of Laon of 1493 are existing Europe,
Africa and Asia only [15]
May 5, 1493
"Partition" of the world by Pope Alexander VI
For arranging the "responsibilities" between Spain and
Portugal the Pope is called for a solution now. By a
"bull" the Pope is defining a general frontier line of the
two Empires, the meridian of 39.5º. Spanish Crown is
authorized to dominate the western half, the Portuguese
Crown the eastern half, ruling with "Christian" [partly
lethal] authority" for trips to "India" (Reinhard, vol.I,
Detail from a fresco painting
of Pinturicchio in the Vatican with Pope
Alexander VI [16,17]
This Pope Alexander VI comes from
Valencia and is fixing the "Spanish" and the
"Portuguese" sphere. The quotation of the Papal bull:
German text:
"Kraft unserer apostolischen Gewalt und der
Autorität des Allmächtigen Gottes, die uns über den
heiligen Petrus zugekommen ist, sowie als
Vikar Jesu Christi, schenken,
gewähren und teilen wir zu Euch und Euren Erben
und Nachfolgern, den Königen von Kastilien
und Leon, auf immer alle entdeckten und zu
entdeckenden Inseln und Länder in Richtung nach
Westen und Süden, wobei eine Linie vom Nordpol
zum Südpol zu ziehen ist, welche von den
Azoren und Kapverdischen Inseln hundert
Meilen nach Westen und Süden verläuft, so dass alle
entdeckten Inseln und Länder jenseits der Linie
Euch gehören, und wir setzen Euch, Eure Erben
und Nachkommen als deren Herren mit voller,
freier und allseitiger Gewalt, Autorität und
Jurisdiktion ein [...]." (Reinhard II., S.43) |
"By our apostolic strength and authority of our
almighty God which has fallen to us by Holy Petrus
and as a vicar of Jesus Christ we give,
permit and part for you and for your successors, the
kings of Castile and Leon, for
always all detected and in future detected islands
and territories to the west and to the south,
respecting a border line from the North Pole
to the South Pole which is running 100 miles
from the Azores and Cape Verde Islands thus
all detected islands and territories at the other
side of this line [...]
will be yours, and we are installing you and
your successors as their lords with full,
free and all kind of violence, authority and
jurisdiction [...]." (Reinhard, vol.II, p.43)
+ there is the order for mission
+ there is the prohibition to all other dukes to intrude
there [this means: persons of other belief like Muslims have
a harsh prohibition for trips to "West India", but also Jews
and converted Jews are pursued]
Further conditions:
-- the juridical form is an ordered feud
-- the Pope is referring to his "responsibility" for the
health of the non-believers (Reinhard, vol.II, p.44).
->> this bull is a Spanish stroke against Portugal
which has a similar treaty with the Pope for African
territories already
John II of Portugal is protesting opening
direct negotiations with Spain because of the sea route
which is not so optimal for Portuguese ships along the
currents (Reinhard, vol.II, p.44)
John II is always eager for testing if
there in the northern part of "West India" could be some
Portuguese territory yet (Reinhard, vol.II, p.47).

King John II of Portugal [18]

Map with the Papal line of 1493, meridian
of 39.5º [19]
The Portuguese king is
protesting meaning that the partition of the world
with the meridian of 39.5º would not be the
optimum for him because the fleets would need more
space for sailing exploiting well the winds and
sea currents.
Summer 1493 appr.
Portugal: The competition
to Spain is going on
King John II takes the resolution to continue with
his own program of India despite of the discovery of "India"
by Spain on a direct naval route (Reinhard, vol.I, p.50).
Columbus' hope for a copy of the Portuguese system of
military bases
Columbus wants to copy the colonial system of Portugal with
it's military bases for making big profits with the trade
with the local population in "West India". Columbus'
ideas are above all about gold, slaves and spices. Therefore
it is like this: Also when he is writing "sympathetic" texts
in his ship describing "innocence" of the natives he is not
stopping his drive for profit (Reinhard, vol.II, p.41).
On Sep 25, 1493 Columbus is starting the second expedition
to "West India", now with a route a little bit more south.
Columbus means that the village of "Navidad" / "Christmas"
can be found well and healthy and perhaps some gold can be
found (Huby, p.55).
This second expedition is comprising
14 caravel ships,
nao ships, and 1,200 to 1,500 men, fully
equipped for installing new settlements (Reinhard, vol.II,
Here is a
Portuguese nao ship [20]
This is a big ship of about 1565 with the typical
sails with huge crosses on it as it was also
during any "crusade" before, and as it is
"typical" for "Christian" colonialism: This is the
Templar's Cross which is everywhere, and for every
ship 100e trees have to be cut...
Somebody is asking why Spain has hardly any forest
left but almost only desert is left in Spain?
On this second trip of Columbus are traveling also Juan
Ponce de Leon, the latter governor of "Costa Rica" / "Rich
Coast" (Internet: R.H.Ossian: Pirate King's Library: Juan
Ponce De Leon)
and Diego Velásquez, the latter governor of Cuba.
(Internet: Compton's Encyclopedia: Velásquez, Diego; Stand

Juan Ponce de Leon [21] |

Diego Velasquez de Cuellar, later governor of
Cuba [22] |
End of 1493
Columbus "detecting" 20 "Caribbean" islands
Among others this expedition is detecting
"Guadeloupe", and
"Martinique". Only gold
cannot be found by Columbus (Huby, p.65). The crew of
Columbus is showing a "good discipline" now (Huby, p.55).
Naming: The "Antilles" get their name according to the
legendary island "Antilia" (Reinhard, vol.II, p.41).
[It seems that these colonialists have never the simple idea
asking the natives for the original names of the islands.
After the holocaust against the natives with the
extermination these original names are lost for ever].

"Antilles" Islands with Martinique and Guadeloupe [23]
Hispañola: Caribs and Tainos
This second Columbus expedition is "detecting" several West
Indian islands and is beginning with white settlements of Hispañola
Calumny of cannibals of Columbus
Columbus is calling the natives of the Caribbean simply "Caribs"
because these natives had allegedly been cannibals [Spanish:
carne=meat]. In reality most of these rumors are calumnies.
There are inventions of Barbaric cults justifying the
"civilization" process. The "Caribs" were mostly
hunters and sailors, and the Tainos were peaceful
[Thus Carib is "meat eater" and Caribbean is "meat eater's
region", cannibal region. In this way the racist Nazi
Christs with Columbus were thinking and writing. And all
these calumnies and defamations will be confirmed later with
Hispañola: At the end of 1493 Columbus has to detect
that the fort "Navidad" / "Christmas" is devastated
and all whites are killed. Columbus has to look for another
place of settlement (Huby, p.55).
3. Columbus
founding the town of "Isabella" - new partition of the
world with the treaty of Tordesillas June 7, 1494 -
flight of Tainos to Cuba
On Jan 2, 1494 Columbus is landing with his expedition on "Hispañola"
where he is founding the first "Spanish town" on "native
ground" where he is considering the position would be
favorable. He is naming the town according to the racist
"Christ" Spanish queen "Isabella".
Later is turning out that the location for "Isabella" is not
favorable but Columbus is not changing the position any more
keeping this unfavorable position (Huby, p.55).
In this uncomfortable climate of Hispañola (hot and
humid) more than the half of the crew of this Columbus
expedition is falling ill between January and March 1494
thus this time over the half of the expedition wants to go
back home with Columbus (Huby, p.55).
[Not mentioned:
The sailors of Columbus are probably not accustomed to wash
their clothes themselves, and in this hot and humid climate
of the Caribbean there are more agents in the clothes than
in Europe. The same problem will be with natives when they
begin wearing clothes: There are much more illnesses with
clothes because the clothes are not washed...]
June 7, 1494
Pope, Spain, Portugal: Treaty of Tordesillas
There is an "agreement" between the Spanish and the
Portuguese side in the treaty of Tordesillas fixing
the border line of responsibility on the meridian of
46.5º (Reinhard, vol.I, p.49).

Tordesillas, the bridge passing the Duero River [30]

Map with Tordesillas (Spain) with the Duero
River [31]
->> now both sides recognize the
bases of the Papal bull
->> the demarcation line is shifted from the meridian
of 38.5 to 46.5 degrees
->> now all further conflicts because of the
Portuguese East India fleet should be evaded and winds and
currents in the southern Atlantic should be exploited and
used in a good way driving enough to the west
->>at the end the "result" is a Portuguese Brazil"
because a bigger end of South "America" is within the
Portuguese territory within the meridian of 46.5º (Reinhard,
vol.II, p.44).

Map with the Tordesillas line
at a meridian of 46.5º - June 7, 1494 [32]
1494: To this partition of the world with the
meridian of 46.5º also the Portuguese crown was
Tordesillas memorial plate with "beautiful words"
= Colonialism="community" [!]
The purpose of the treaty is described in absolutely
"beautiful words" and the colonial slave economy and policy
of robbery are described as "community". Quotation:
Text in German:
Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494
"An diesem Ort unterschrieben am 7.Juni 1494
Diplomaten - Kastilier und Portugiesen - unterstützt
von Kartographen beider Länder, ein Abkommen, das
auf päpstlicher Erlaubnis basierend, die Welt in
zwei Zonen teilt, die Ziel der Entdeckung und
Evangelisation sein sollten. Aus diesem Abkommen
entstanden die Länder, die heute die
hispanisch-lusitanische Gemeinschaft in
"Amerika", Asien und Afrika bilden."
(Internet: M.Payer: Chronik zur Geschichte der
Philippinen) |
"At this location on June 7, 1494, diplomats - of
Castile and Portugal - are signing - with the
support of map specialists of both countries, an
agreement. The base for this agreement is the Papal
permission to part the world into two zones with the
aim of detection and christianization. With this
agreement the countries are defined being called and
forming the Hispanic Lusitanic community in
"America, Asia, and Africa."
[->> this "community" was a slave system and a system
for the destruction of mankind in favor of the white, Spanish
->> this treaty of
Tordesillas is a juridical
beginning of a 500 years long world war with the white race
against all others
->> Spanish and Portuguese government and Vatican should
correct their idea of history adapting this memorial plate
mentioning the holocaust against the natives.
Did anybody mention any compensation? Are there any memorial
festivities for the exterminated natives?]
since 1494
Spanish "colonial order" - provisional theoretical
prohibition of slavery - natives taking flight to
For the Spanish countries the state is installing a colonial
law dependent from Spain - against arbitrary action of the
conquerers (DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.225). The Spanish
Crown is prohibiting any enslavement of the population of
West India (Reinhard, vol.II, p.59) [on the paper...]
1494-1496 appr.
Hispañola: During the following time the
natives are making war against the white occupants. The
of T
aino Anacaona is murdered by the Spanish during
peace negotiations. The successor
Hatuey can achieve
at the end of 1496 about to give way for a flight of the
Taino over the Strait to
Cuba (H.Jestrabek:
[Little rests of the natives are surviving until today in
the inner of the
Dominican Republic / Sunday's Republic
(TV reports)].
Gold findings on "Hispañola" - Columbus rated to be
"lost" in Spain [!] - Columbus sending a slave ship to
Spain - Columbus on Cuba and on Jamaica - robbery by the
whites on Hispañola and counter attacks of the natives -
punishing expedition under Columbus against the natives-
first trip to India by Da Gama
Beginning of 1495
Hispañola: First findings of gold
Again Columbus is sending little expedition groups to the
inner of the island, this time under the leadership of
de Hojeda. The result is
->> findings of gold dust and gold nuggets
->> this gold is washed by hard labor in the rivers of
Despite of this
Columbus is writing now in an
enthusiastic style to king
Ferdinand that he would
hope to be able
"to send as much gold as there is in the mines of
(Huby, p.55)
When Columbus would come to Spain without a big prey then a
punishment is threatening by the Spanish king, at least the
degradation of his title "admiral"].
On Feb 2, 1495 a part of the Columbus expedition - 12 of 17
ships - are making the trip home. Columbus is staying in the
"Caribbean". There is a freight for the king financing the
costs for the expedition:
-- there is gold of a value of 30,000 ducats
-- there is cinnamon tasting like bad ginger
-- there is minor pepper
-- there are 60 parrots
-- there are 26 natives, three of them are said to be
"cannibals" (Huby, p.56).
Already with this second expedition Columbus is dislocating
During wars in Europe at the same time the dukes, kings and
emperors are victimizing their farmers and warriors with
100.000s of them. But of those religious "Christian" ritual
human murders nobody is speaking until today].
Spain: As in the middle of March 1495 appr. the
Columbus expedition has not come home yet the Spanish king is
declaring this expedition as "lost" and is opening "West
India" for private "investors" (Reinhard, vol.II, p.44).
Here one can see also the dependency of the king by other
noble families which has played a big role as it seems].
Now Columbus makes his own expeditions within the Caribbean
with some more expeditions in the west of
He hopes to see some of the big towns of India. But he has to
notice that Hispañola is an island (Huby, p.56).
[Until this time Columbus considered
"Hispañola" a
peninsula of
Japan called
At the end of April 1495 Columbus is going on searching
"detecting" the coast line of
Cuba at
Bay, and then he is heading along the whole southern
coast line meaning that this would be one [more] Indian
peninsula (Huby, p.56).
The positions of
"Hispañola" (today Dominican Republic and
Haiti), with Cuba and Jamaica [33]

Map of Cuba, the province of Guantanamo [34]
Map of Guantanamo
Province with Guantanamo Bay (Spanish: Bahía de
Guantanamo) [35]
May 1495 appr.
Spain: Columbus is sending a slave ship for the Spanish
Columbus is sending a first ship with
400 rebellious natives from Hispañola to Spain
thus the emperor should have his profit with them
(Reinhard, vol. II,p.41).
(Columbus himself remains on
Hispañola for further
"science"). Columbus means that this slave ship would be a
duty for him because there would be simply not enough profit
for the Spanish king for this expedition.
During crossing the Atlantic on the way to Spain 50% of the
native captives on this slave ship are dying.
After the arrival of this slave ship in Spain the captain
assist of Columbus concerning financial matters and co
organizer of this second expedition, is selling the natives
"promoting" the Andalusian economy (Reinhard, vol.II, p.43).
[not mentioned:
-- Fonseca is purchasing himself a part of these slaves
-- the natives have the syphilis agent...]
Sending slaves by Columbus are not approved by the Spanish
Crown and partly the natives are even sent back, but slavery
as slavery is not condemned (Reinhard, vol.Ii, p.48).
From Cuba to Jamaica: On May 3, 1495, Columbus is
calling the south cape of Cuba as
"Cap de Cruz" ("Cape
Cross"). Then he is separating from the island (which
is Japan as he means...) and then he is detecting Jamaica on
5 May, 1494 calling the bay where he is landing
Gloria" ("Saint Glory") "honoring this beautiful land"
(Huby, p.56).
Today this bay is called Saint Ann's Bay
Map of Cuba [36]:
The position of Cabo Cruz /
"Cape Cross" and the position of Jamaica
south of Cuba

of Jamaica [37]:
The position of Saint Ann's
Bay which was called "[bahía] Santa
Gloria" / "Saint Glory Bay" first
During the whole summer Columbus is searching the
"Caribbean" but he is only detecting islands and he is
sailing around Jamaica (Huby, p.56).
Summer 1495
Hispañola: Chaos and mutual massacres
Gangs of soldiers and groups of not content white colonialist
are striving the country spreading horror against the remnant
natives there. The tribes are counter attacking and killing
white people (Huby, 56).
On Sep 29, 1495 Columbus is returning to
Hispañola and
he is ill. And he is desperate because
oo he has no proof that
Cuba is a peninsula of
oo he has no proof for any civilization of
China or
or for a proximate location near the Great Khan
oo he has hardly found any gold and had not found any pearl
which could be awaited from "India"
oo and in the town of
"Isabella" there is a chaos
(Huby, p.56).
Instead of punishing his rebellious troops who have taken
action against the natives the Great Admiral Columbus is
performing one punishment expedition after the other now
against the natives on "Hispañola" (Huby, p.56).
[Oct 25, 1495]
Portugal: death of king Johann II - and projected trips to
Successor is
Manuel I continuing also the Portuguese
India program. The wisdom about the wind conditions to India
is eventually extended on secret expeeditions (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.49).
Portugal's king
Manuel I is projecting regular trips
to India under
Vasco da Gama. Under the leadership of
the discoverer of the "Cape of Good Hope"
Bartholomeo Diaz
Bartolomeu Dias], new ships are built for
da Gama (Internet: R.H.Ossian: Pirate King's Library:
Bartholomew Diaz).

Portugal: king Manuel I

Bartolomeo Diaz, profile [39] |
End of 1495
Columbus on his trip
home - brother Bartholomé Columbus staying in "Isabella"
Some hundred Spaniards do not want to stay on "Hispañola"
and are going back to Spain with Columbus (Huby, p.56).
[In Spain people mean that Columbus would be lost yet...]
Spain deciding for the territorial principle - English
expedition under Cabot / Caboto - town of "Isabella"
destroyed by natives - foundation of the town "Santo
Domingo" / "Holy Sunday" - Columbus hiding in Spain in a
convent - Spanish investigation commission for Hispañola
1496 appr.
Spain with new projects for a "way to West India"
There are several reasons for Spain for reinforcing the
"West India project":
-- there is system and network of military bases yet
-- from the new territories no profit is flowing yet
respectively there is no purchase of appreciated goods
selling them with high profits in Europe as this was in the
Middle East during the "crusades" and as this will be with
the Portuguese ships reaching India
-- and as it seems Columbus does not come back.
The Spanish Crown is making detailed projects:
-- with settlements and colonies guaranteeing the rule and
the maximum of profits
-- first the "detectors" have to measure the land precisely
-- and for this huge project money in the Crown is missing
(Reinhard, vol.II, p.44).
Thus the expense for the Crown of 104,000 guilders for the
station on
Hispañola are not responsible considering
"profits" of gold of only 30,000 ducat.
->> Thus now the Spanish colonization system is
differing from the Portuguese model with it's trading posts
and is switching on a private ruler's model over territories
because the merchant good as a profit bringer is missing.
->> for more "penetration" and installing of
mines the Spanish Crown does not want to give the needed
->> the Crown of Castile is installing further
inducements for private initiative and private capital under
the leadership of the Crown
->> there are long term projects for a maximum
of profit with the occupation of land as a mean for profit
(Reinhard, vol.II, p.47)
->> the whole project is not such an economic
one any more but is becoming more a political process now
with the systematically projected submission of all native
populations. In India for example such a submission of the
populations is performed since 1800 only (Reinhard, vol.II,
England: Henry VII wants to support expeditions in the
North West searching for a way to "India". He is granting a
detector's patent to the Venetian
Giovanni Caboto with
traditional conditions and Caboto is called rapidly in an
English way Cabot (Reinhard, vol.II, p.47).
Giovanni Cabot / John
Cabot [40]: sailor for England heading for
Newfoundland, today a part of Canada
Hispañola: Also the second settlement which is
founded by Columbus, "Isabella", is destroyed during fights
between whites and natives (Reinhard, vol.II, p.41).
Hispañola: The brother of Christoph Columbus,
Bartholomé Columbus, is founding the town "Santo
Domingo" / "Holy Sunday" (Huby, p.56). This is the
oldest, today yet existing town of Europeans in the "New
World" (Reinhard, vol.II, p.41).
"Hispañola", today Dominican
Republic with the position of the town of "Santo
Domingo" / "Holy Sunday" [41]
June 11, 1496
Spain: Arrival of Columbus in Cadiz - Columbus is hiding
himself in a Minorite Franciscan convent - investigation
Two of seven ships are reaching Spain. Columbus is coming
back with 250 whites and 30 natives. The ships are made
principally only for 25 persons each
Columbus himself is aware of his mismanagement and is hiding
himself in a convent of the Minorite Franciscans. But he has
one more time energy for a third expedition (Huby, p.56).
The Spanish Crown is withdrawing the declaration that
Columbus would be "lost" and the private initiative for
colonization is stopped (Reinhard, vol.II, p.44).
Since June 11, 1496,
Columbus is loosing the
confidence of
Ferdinand and
-- because the profits from "West India" are not coming
-- because Columbus is a patient personality and it seems
that he is not inappropriate as a leading person.
He could not appease the Spanish settlers who were
quarreling without leadership.
->> for a certain time there is no more
expedition permitted (Reinhard, vol.II, p.43)
->> the never lasting stories how and from
where in this new "West India" gold should be "brought" are
not bettering his position (Reinhard, vol. II, p.48).
The royal court of Castile is following the rumors about
mismanagement on "Hispañola" Island and is sending an own
investigation's commission to
Hispañola for
investigating the rumors. Columbus does not know about this
(Huby, p.56; Reinhard, vol.II, p.43).
Caboto / Cabot detecting North "America" for England -
Aztec expansion and Aztec sun stone with sacrifice of
human blood
North "America": Italian
Giovanni Caboto is
landing on the North "American" continent (DTV history atlas
vol.I, p.225). Cabot is reaching
Newfoundland and is
detecting rich fishing grounds. Like Columbus also he means
to be in
After his return a rumor is spreading that sailors from
had reached Newfoundland even before him (Reinhard, vol.II,

Map with the trip of Giovanni Caboto / John Cabot

Giovanni Caboto, portrait [43]

Italian stamp honoring Giovanni Caboto / John
Cabot on an Italian stamp [44]
Spain: Columbus is making propaganda for a third
expedition to "West India", but now nobody wants to support
him any more. The Spanish rich nobles (Grandes) are even
trying to delay and to bloc a next trip of Columbus. In the
meantime Columbus is suffering a joint inflammation (Huby,
At the same time
Hernando Cortés is heading for
studying there. And at the same time
Vasco da Gama
should find the direct way to India for the Spanish Crown.
(Michael Waesch: Hernando Cortez:
Vasco da Gama / de Gama [45],
sailor of Spanish colonialism searching the direct
way to India
Mexico: Imperialism of Aztec in Chiapas and in Guatemala -
sun stone and blood of hearts
(A.Baumann: mesoamerika/azteken-zeittafel.htm; new:
Aztecs in Mexico believe they would be in the age of the
"fifth sun". Sun had been formed in Teotihuacán when the god
Nanahuatzin was falling into a fire and therefore had
converted into the rising sun. As the sun was without
movement in the sky the gods were sacrificing blood giving
energy for the movement in the sky.
This "fifth sun" should be honored by a "sun stone"
symbolizing the necessity of human sacrifices for the sun:
thus the sun has enough energy for rising the next morning
In 1497 the sixth Aztec ruler - Axayácatl - lets
manufacture this stone for installing it in the main temple.
(A.Baumann: mesoamerika/azteken-sonnenstein.htm; new:
This basalt stone is 24 tons heavy and shows the sun god Tonatiuh
where warmth is coming from, and according to the idea of
the Aztecs he needs the most precious warmth which exists:
blood of the heart of human beings from the living heart
(Huby, p.109).
Aztec cults in Tenochtitlán

Model of the temple of Tenochtitlán, capital of the
Aztecs [46]

Sun stone of the Aztecs in Tenochtitlán [47]

Sun god Tonatiuh of the Aztecs [47]
Portugal-Africa-India: Start
of the expedition under Vasco da Gama on Aug 3, 1497 heading
for India. This trip is documented by Álvaro Velho and is
lasting until 1497. With this the "Vasco da Gama Age" is
beginning for Portugal, with four ships and 170 men
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.50).

Map with the position of
Mozambique [48]
On March 2, 1498 the coast of the
today's Mozambique is reached and the coast line of
Africa is "detected". There are Arab and Persian
princedoms (mixed language is Kisuaheli with Arab
and Bantu elements).
This African coast has become rich by
the trade with India: African goods are gold and ivory, and
Indian products are textiles and glass works (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.51).

Second expedition
of Cabot is not coming back - Portugal's slavery on
Madeira - Da Gama reaching Calicut - Columbus on
Trinidad and at the Orinoco River - detention of
Columbus on "Hispañola" and the investigation
commission - Hojeda robbing the map of Columbus -
expeditions under Hojeda and Vespucci
England: Cabot gets a second permission for another
expedition for looking for the "way to the west". But this
expedition does not come back again (Reinhard, vol.II, p.47)
At the same time Portugal is establishing a slave economy
on Madeira on sugar plantations. In 1498 for example
Madeira is delivering to Portugal 1,800 tons of sugar
(120,000 arrobas). But parts of it are also flowing to
Antwerp and to German traders of the Welser family
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.46).
Portugal-India: On May 20, 1498, Vasco da Gama's fleet is
reaching Calicut. In their "Christian" madness against
Muslims the Portuguese consider the Hindus as Christians
first holding prayers in the Hindu temples (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.50). After a friendly reception by the local raja
Samoré ("master of the sea") there are mutual defamations
of Christian against Muslims respectively Arabs (being
"thieves", "devils" etc., Reinhard, vol.I, p.51).
On May 30, 1498 the third expedition of Admiral Columbus
is starting to "West India". Columbus can start with eight
ships. His route is more to the south yet as before and
after the two failing expedition he is hoping to find
really a direct way to Japan or China yet (Huby, p.56).
Map with the expeditions of Columbus
(Colombo) [49]
-- 1492 : Guanahani - San Salvador - Hispañola / La
Española (La Spañola) - Jamaica - Cuba
-- 1493 : Antilles
-- 1498 : Trinidad-Venezuela-Orinoco River delta
-- 1502 : Mexico and Panama
Columbus always means
that Cuba would be a peninsula of Japan or China...
On July 31, 1498 this third expedition
of Columbus is reaching the today's island of Trinidad, and
then Columbus is touching the continent the first time.
There is the conclusion that this must be a continent
because Orinoco River delta is so wide (Huby, p.56).
Map with the positions of
Trinidad and Tobago with Venezuela and the Orinoco
River delta [50].
Impression about the world of the natives of the Orinoco
River delta (photos from April 2005)
Colonialists are partly not ready to learn from the natives
who have the direct contact with nature yet. As the natives
here are living in a territory with many obstacles where was
nothing to be found for the "Christian" colonialists the
natives here were spared from the "American" Holocaust
Today the natives in Venezuela also have clothes, mainly by
juridical reasons because otherwise they would be downgraded
by the racist "Christian" whites not to be "humans"...
Columbus is yet believing now that he had found the
Asian continent.
These natives have houses on stilts and the "detectors"
let inspire themselves calling this region "Little
Venice": "Venezuela".
( -
April 2005)
Columbus means that this
had to be at least "another" continent, an unknown part
of South-East Asia. Columbus is keeping his idea that
Cuba would be a Chinese [or Japanese] peninsula
(Reinhard, vol.II, p.43).
Columbus is disappointed again when he has to note that
the dwellers are neither blacks nor orientals but they
are the same kind of beings like the "Caribs".
->> these natives are not trading any silk nor
->> the native women have neck jewelry with seed
grains and with real pearls (Huby, p.56).
In August 1498 Columbus is convinced of a new continent
among others with the Biblical justification. Columbus
is noting into his log book the following:
"I believe that this is a big new continent which was
unknown until today. And also reason is deciding for
this thesis because of the big river, and because it is
also written in Esra in the fourth book chapter 6 that
there are sic parts in the world with dry land and one
with water." (Huby, p.56)
"Ich glaube, dass dies ein sehr grosser
Kontinent ist, der bis heute unbekannt war. Und auch
die Vernunft spricht sehr dafür wegen eines so grossen
Flusses, und weil es doch von Esra in seinem 4.Buch,
Kap. 6 also verheissen ist, dass sechs Teile der Welt
trockenes Land sind und ein Teil Wasser." (Huby, S.56)
Columbus, who is worrying about his brother on "Hispañola"
and who has provisions for "Hispañola" on board which
are threating to rotten wants to keep more detections of
this continent for another time. Now he is heading to
the north and therefore on Aug 15, 1498 he is missing
the almost endless pearl fishing grounds near "Margarita"
Island only by some few miles (Huby, p.56).
On Aug 31, 1498 the third expedition of Columbus is
reaching the new town of Santo Domingo / Holy Sunday
which was found by his brother Bartholomé. The
investigative commission of king Ferdinand
(Huby, p.56) under F. Bobadilla (H.Mückler:
Kolumbus, Christoph) lets detain Columbus at once and
Columbus is in chains (Huby, p.56).
(Hermann Mückler:;
April 2005)

Statue of Columbus in Santo Domingo / Holy
Sunday in the Columbus Park [70]

Christopher Columbus / Christophe Colombe [71]
At the end of 1498 appr. Hojeda [Columbus is in
chains in a prison] is robbing the fresh sea map of Columbus
and is making own expeditions with Vespucci in the
"Caribbean". Hojeda and Vespucci are bringing the wanted
robbery goods to the Spanish Crown during the next years.
During the same time Columbus has to stay trials (Huby,
Vespucci and Hojeda are driving [with the
robbed map] to the northern coast of South "America"
noticing the coast line. Also Vespucci is
considering these "detected" territories as parts of Asia
as Columbus did (Reinhard, vol.II, p.45).
Alonso de Ojeda [72], sailor
in South "America" in Portugal's colonialism

Amerigo Vespucci [73], sailor in Portugal's
"Hispañola": Columbus
At the end of 1498 approximately Columbus has to stay a
trial. Columbus cannot reject the reproach of lack of
leadership. As a governor of a colony he is failing
completely. His title as a "governor and supreme judge
of the islands and territories of the Indies" is denied
(Huby, p.57).
Resolution of deprivation of all native populations -
pearls and gold in southern Caribbean - return of the
first Indian fleet of Da Gama with heavy losses -
expedition of Portugal up to Greenland
Spain: The Crown is opening the new territories for
Castile private initiative in general.
->> the Crown is appointing sailors for being
dictators for life for the occupied territories (title
"capitán general" / "capitán adelanto")
->> and there are precise rules for the procedure
->> and there are tax regulations:
-- 20% of the prey has to go to the Crown
-- when the Crown is sharing to the expedition then 50% of
the prey has to be given to the Crown (Reinhard, vol. II,
[-- this is the juridical base to deprive all native
populations in whole "America"
-- the Spanish sailor has no sociological study at all but
they have the power in "America"
-- the possession of maps is a guarantee for power and
Did anybody tell something about a compensation?]
From 1499 to 1506 Spain is undertaking 11 expeditions to
"West India" with findings of pearls and gold in the
Caribbean, under leadership of members of Columbus'
first expeditions from sailor and merchant families from
Andalusia and Italy from
In general these expeditions after Columbus are named by
the "historians" as "Andalusian trips":
->> "the eastern and northern coast lines between
Panama and northern Brazil are "searched" (Reinhard,
->> the travel reports of the "little detectors" are
sensational for the racist "Christian" noble families in
Europe, above all when there are reports about new pearl
and gold sources (Reinhard, vol.II, p.49).
In 1499
Peralonso Nino is detecting the endless
fishing grounds just behind
Margarita Island
[today next to
Venezuela]. At the same time a
rumor is spreading that Columbus had detected the pearl
fishing grounds, but he had kept this as a secret for
enrich himself later with it (Huby, p.56).
Portugal is not sleeping. The Portuguese are stating that
the trade routes between Arabia and India are firmly
established, The trade routes seem to be unchangeable:
India is delivering ginger, pepper and cinnamon
Arabia, and the
Malacca Peninsula is
delivering cloves (Reinhard, vol.I, p.52)
-- pepper comes from
-- there is an Arab "pepper line" from
Calicut to
Aden and there is a trade route of the sultanate of
Gujerat from
Malacca to the
Indus River
with trade monopolies in the center of
Cambaya and
in the ports of
Diu, Rander, and
But this structure of the Arab trade routs is uphold with
family connections only. Monopolies or rights for trade
posts are not known to the Arabs or Indians (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.53).
India: Goa: At the end Vasco da Gama can conclude a
trade with
raja Samoré getting a load of spices
and an offer to the
king Manuel in Portugal for
pepper, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and gem stones, as an
offer for gold, silver, corals and scarlet fabric
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.52).
Now the trip home is becoming another torture because
da Gama was not instructed about the winds on the
sea. Because of many lethal cases by scurvy without wind
one of the ships is burnt (Reinhard, vol.I, p.52).
The fleet is reaching the
Azores where
Da Gama
is burying his brother
(Internet: R.H.Ossian: Pirate King's Library: Vasco da
In summer 1499 the fleet can reach
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.52). For his "performance" the king of
Portugal is giving him
-- the title "Don"
-- a generous pension
-- and the permission to go on with the trade with India
[with enormous profits].
May be the lacking information about the wind conditions
which caused the death of the brother of Da Gama is
provoking a drive for revenge against the raja Samoré].
Portugal-Greenland: In 1499 Portugal is also
performing an expedition to the north up to
under the leadership of
Juão Fernandes, a
Portuguese farmer (Portuguese: "Lavrador"). Perhaps there
is a direct way to
"West India" in the north...
The goal is the occupation of "West India", which is at
the eastern side of the Tordesillas line.
João Fernandes is reaching Greenland and is calling
it "Farmer's Land" ("tierra del Lavrador").
Later [when?] this name of "
Lavrador" of
is given to the island which is today's
(Reinhard, vol.II, p.47).
[According to the partition of the meridians Greenland
should be parted between Spain and Portugal. But the cold
was hindering them to do this as it seems...]
New ruler's title of Manuel I defined for the world
war against Islam - second Indian fleet under Pedro
Alvares Cabral touching the Brazilian coast line -
death of Bartholomeo Diaz during a storm - reaching
Calicut - massacre against Muslims - gold from Guinea
for Portugal - theoretic prohibition of slavery of the
Spanish Crown - Inka Empire - the Columbus brothers
are in chains
Portugal: King Manuel I is creating
himself a new title: "King of Portugal and Algarve, ruler
of Guinea and of the detections, of shipping and of trade
with Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, and India". The aim against
Muslim Arab trade route is defined with this (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.52).
[With this Manuel I is supporting a new epoch of world war
against Islam without considering the life conditions in
Muslim ruled territories. It seems very strange that
"Western" media are only speaking about "Arab extremists"
but never about "Christian extremists"!]
In 1500 the "second India fleet" of Portugal under the
command of Pedro Álvares Cabral is starting with
13 ships and 1,200 to 1,500 crew members to India
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.53). Within this group is also the
detector of the Cape of Good Hope, Bartholomeo Diaz.
(Internet: R.H.Ossian: Pirate King's Library: Bartholomeo

Pedro Álvares Cabral, sailor in Spanish
colonialism [74]

Cabral on a Portuguese stamp [75]

Bartolomeu Dias / Bartolomeo Diaz, sailor in
Portuguese colonialism [76]
The fleet of Cabral:
Now is happening the following: Because of a navigation
fault this fleet is detecting the today's
on April 22, 1500 (or Aug 22, 1500? Reinhard, vol.II,
p.44). This land is becoming a new stopover and the land
is called
"Land of the true cross" (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.53), in Portuguese
"Ilha da Vera Cruz"
(Reinhard, vol.II, p.44). Then the expedition is
confronted with heavy storms and four ships are sinking.
Diaz is within the group of the deads (Internet:
R.H.Ossian: Pirate King's Library: Bartholomeo Diaz). On
Sep 13, 1500 the expedition is reaching
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.53).
Here is a depiction of Portuguese trips to India on a
stamp of Mozambique when Mozambique was a Portuguese
colony before.
The depiction of the
Portuguese trips to India on a stamp of
Mozambique when Mozambique was a Portuguese
colony yet [77].
->> now King Manuel
of Portugal is claiming the newly detected land
because it is part of his sphere of influence (Reinhard,
vol.II, p.44)
->> and king Manuel is beginning to send own
expeditions to South "America" (Reinhard, vol.II, p.45).
"Christians" provoking a massacre in Calicut
against the raja Samoré and the Muslims
Raja Samoré is permitting the Portuguese the
installation of a trading post. But Cabral is
claiming getting privileges against the Arab
competition what raja Samoré is not permitting
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.53).
[not mentioned:
-- Cabral is representing the new title of
king Manuel I
-- perhaps Cabral has the desire of a revenge
against this raja because he was not informed about
the wind conditions during the last time before].
Now Cabral is performing violence capturing a full
starting Arab ship. Now the mistrustful Muslims are
conquering the Portuguese trading post killing 50
Portuguese, within the victims also the leader of the
trading post. Now Cabral is capturing 9 or 10 more
Muslim ships in the port and lets massacre 500 to 600
Muslims (Reinhard, vol.I, p.53). The ships are
plundered and burnt. The last action of Cabral in
Calicut is the shooting with his ship's artillery and
leaving the town with his ships (Reinhard, vol.I,
[This violence was not depicted on any stamp for
Gold for Portugal from Guinea: Between 1500 and 1520
Portuguese "colony" of Guinea in Africa is delivering
at least 700 kg gold to Portugal (Reinhard, vol.I,
[With this Spain is getting under real pressure].
Portugal, North "America":
Search for land in the north - no return
An expedition under Gaspar Corte Real, member
of the famous family of the Azores, is drowning near
Newfoundland (Reinhard, vol.II, p.47).
Statue of Gaspar Corte de Real on
Newfoundland [78,79]
The position
of Newfoundland in connection with Europe [80]
In the same year of 1500
Spain is deciding a definite juridical prohibition of
arbitrary slavery [which is only for Spain itself?],
because the kings need subjects for governing the new
countries. But prisoners of a "justified war" [!] should
be enslaved as before according to European war law
(Reinhard, vol.II, p.59).
Spain: "Hispañola": emigration of Vasco Nuñez de
He is beginning to install a farm on "Hispañola". But
the project is not successful ending with indebtment.
(Internet: R.H.Ossian: Pirate King's Library: Vasco Nuñez
de Balboa)
Peru: In 1500 the Inka Empire is reaching it's
widest extension. It is comprising about one million km2
- from today's Ecuador and Columbia over
Perú and Bolivia down to Chile
and Argentina.
Map with the
Inka Empire (in Quechua language:
Tahuantinsuyo) and the four parts [81]
Quintanilla de Nogales, Graciela ; Espada de
Rosquellas, Rosa ; Montesinos Rollano,
Germán: Nueva Geografía de Bolivia
1999. -- 8. ed. -- La Paz : Multimac, 1999. --
Depósito Legal No. 4-1-280-90. -- S. 41
There is a vast image circle about Inka culture of
Huaman Poma Curi Occlo - a successor of Inca nobles - in
1130 he was depicting the life in the Inca Empire in
pictures. This comprehensive circle was lost during a
long time and was refound in 1908 by the searcher
Richard Pietschmann - in the library of Copenhague -
which seems to be very strange.
Spain: In October 1500 the royal investigator on
Hispañola, Mr. F. Bobadilla, lets bring
the Columbus brothers Christoph and Bartolomé
to Spain.
(Internet: H.Mückler: Kolumbus, Christoph).
Columbus, the "conqueror of the Atlantic", is coming
back to Spain in chains (Huby, p.57).
Columbus in
chains in a ship (and also his brother was in
chains...) [82]
Back in Spain Columbus gets a partly rehabilitation and
is getting the position and the salary of an Admiral
again. But
-- the rights of a viceroy are not given any more
-- and the administration of the occupied territories is
executed now by "experts of the Crown" (Reinhard,
vol.II, p.43).
Portugal tries again to search a way to India in the
North. There is starting an expedition under Miguel
Corte Real, the brother of Gaspar Corte Real
who never came back. And also Miguel Corte Real's
expedition is not coming back (Reinhard, vol.II, p.47).

Miguel Corte Real, sailor in Portugal's colonialism [83]
Expedition of Coelho and Vespucci to South "America"
- holocaust on "Hispañola" under Ovando introducing
the "Ecomienda" system ("protectorate") - order of
Spanish Crown for forced labor for natives -
destruction of the culture of the natives -
Portuguese English fishing before Newfoundland
In 1501 and 1502 Portugal is performing
competitive expeditions against the Spanish in South
"America" because one little part of Brazil is
allowed of being occupied by Portuguese troops.
Under the leadership of Gonçalo Coelho a first
Portuguese expedition is sent to "Portuguese West
India". One of the expedition members is also Mr. Amerigo
Vespucci, the "trading post director" of the Medici
family in Sevilla. This expedition is mapping
the eastern coast line of South "America".

Amerigo Vespucci, sailor of Portugal's colonialism in
South "America" [84]
Vespucci is contested. For
one group he is a forger and liar, but his followers of
the Medici family he is a significant detector,
among others also for his school mate Gonfaloniere
Soderini to whom 6 letters were sent by Vespucci -
rumors say (Reinhard, vol. II, p.45).
The beginning of the systematic destruction of native
Spain-"Hispañola": In 1501 Nicolás de
Ovandoneuer is appointed to be a "Governor and
highest judge of the islands and continental territories
of India". With his gorgeous fleet this new "Master of
India" is starting his "work", and with him the "American
Holocaust" is beginning on "Hispañola" in a big style, in
the today's Dominican Republic and Haiti (Huby, p.57).
Nicolas / Nicolás
de Ovando, colonialist for Spain [85]
Under his leadership the holocaust against the
natives began...
Spanish crown is ordering to the
natives forced labor in gold mines with arbitrary wages,
"because for collecting
gold and for other works which we are ordering to perform
it will be necessary to serve oneself of the services of
the Indians so you should force them to work in our
service system and to everybody has to be paid the salary
which seems appropriate to you." (Reinhard, vol.II, p.60)
(in German: "denn um Gold zu sammeln und die
anderen Arbeiten zu tun, die wir durchzuführen anordnen,
wird es nötig sein, sich der Dienste der Indianer zu
bedienen, weshalb ihr sie zur Arbeit in unserem Dienst
zwingen sollt, wobei jedem der Lohn zu bezahlen ist, der
euch angemessen erscheint." (Reinhard II., S.60).
The Spaniards were now destroying the native's life
systematically with forced labor. The local population was
not accustomed to "regulated" farming with fields and
cattle with a plan. they did not know neither the wheel
nor the clock. For the Spaniards this is not
understandable and they are interpreting this behavior as
"laziness" thus they mean that a forced labor for natives
would be the only solution (Reinhard, vol.II, p.60).
Ovando is leading on "Hispañola" and is beginning
the destruction of the natives so, he is beginning the
"American Holocaust". To the population of "Hispañola"
Ovando is stating that
Spain would not use the
territories for the own use because all this would only be
a "help" for "relieving their situation" (Reinhard,
vol.II, p.48).
The truth is just the contrary: The successors of Columbus
on "Hispañola" are just installing a horror of rulership
and they are beginning to exterminate the local tribes of
the Dominican Republic / Haiti by forced labor (Huby,
Spanish white rulers on
"Hispañola" were installing the
"Encomienda system"
["protectorate"], a rule of concentration camps against
the natives, a feudal suppression system:
-- a Spaniard gets a part of the robbed land as a feud
-- a certain number of natives is "added" and these
natives are under a forced labor duty or tax duty
-- and there is a forced instruction of the "true belief"
- with catholicism
-- for the slightest reasons there is
hanging -
burning -
cutting noses
being attacked and being torn by dogs.
[These conditions are obviously similar to the "American",
English, Russian, and German concentration camps. Every
Spanish overlord could have his own private concentration
camp. Only historiography has not come with the definition
of concentration camp for these dreadful conditions of
enslavement and destruction of identity until today
Portugal-England: In 1501 both countries are
concluding a common agreement over the "detections" in the
North Atlantic area. By their activities a Portuguese
mapping activity is developing in the North Atlantic.
Additionally an international fishing activity is
developing near
Newfoundland, lasting until 1510
(Reinhard, vol.II, p.47).
Fourth Columbus expedition - beginning construction
of military forts in Santo Domingo - Ovando's
robbing fleet is destroyed by a storm - no direct
way to China and India - Aztec expansion and Aztec
prophecy for the return of a priest king
Portugal-India: In February of 1502 a
second trip to India is starting under Da Gama.
(Internet: R.H.Ossian: Pirate King's Library: Vasco da
Spain: At the same time Columbus is insisting at
the Spanish Crown for one more permission for a new trip
to "West India" auditioning several times at the king
(Huby, p.57).
In March 1502 appr. the fourth and last trip of Columbus
to "West India" can start (Huby, p.57). .
Now Columbus wants to find definitely the passage to India
[and he is always thinking yet that Cuba would be a
peninsula of China].
->> As a prevention king Ferdinand is giving
Columbus a letter for Vasco da Gama for the case
that Columbus should meet Da Gama (Reinhard, vol.II,
Hispañola: Following the order of Fray Nicolás
de Ovando the construction of military forts is
beginning in Santo Domingo in 1502 at Ozama River.
The fort is called according to the river "Fort Ozama"
(Spanish: "Fortaleza Ozama"). This fort is made of ocher
coral stone from the sea, and the leader of the
construction work is major Gomez Garcia Varela.
See here the details about this fort:
(April 2005).
It can be admitted that since this time the natives were
obliged for heavy stone work and stone transports being
killed in masses. The web site is not mentioning who
really was building the fort...
In April 1502 the expedition under Columbus is reaching
the island of Hispañola at Santo Domingo. A fleet of
Ovando is ready to start full of robbed goods and gold. At
the same time Ovando is rejecting the permission to use
the port. Now Columbus is warning Ovando from a storm
which will reach Hispañola soon, but Ovando is not taking
this warning earnest (Huby, p.57).
Ovando's fleet is starting and is just sailing into the
storm. 19 ships are sinking by this cyclon, the crews are
drowning and killed, three ships are crashing at the coast
line. The ships of Columbus remain without damage (Huby,
Now in summer 1502 Columbus lets go his expedition far to
the West controlling the Mexican coast line. He detects
the coast lines of the today's states of Honduras,
Nicaragua and Costa Rica. He is sending
little expeditions without end to the inner of the land
for detecting a passage to India and gold, but he has no
success (Huby, p.57).
In autumn 1502 the expedition of Columbus is confronted
with the rainy season. Columbus is heading from
the coast line of today's Columbia to Hispañola
rapidly. But now the rain is working together with wood
worms. The holes in the ships are always bigger. The ships
"Capitana" and "Santiago" are sinking
before the arrival in Jamaica already. With only
one ship his expedition is reaching Jamaica and
there Columbus has to wait 17 months for a salvation
(Huby, p.57). The crew is suffering hunger and illness.
There is a rebellion coming up (Reinhard, vol.II, p.43).
Map with the fourth
expedition of Columbus in 1502 in Central
"America" [86]
In 1502 Pizarro is emigrating to Hispañola,
with the governor of the colony [Ovando].
(Internet: R.H.Ossian: Pirate King's Library: Francisco
1502-1504: World
map of Caveri
World map of
Caveri [Canerio] 1502-04 with the eastern
coast line of "America", without western coast
lines [87]
Mexico: Aztecs: Government
of Moctezuma II and conquests
(A.Baumann: mesoamerika/azteken-zeittafel.htm; today:
Montezuma II is "expanding" his empire (until his
fall is coming in 1520) (DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.223).
The Aztecs believe to a prophecy of astrologists and fortune
tellers: They are awaiting a priest king "Quetzalcoatl" who
was expelled in former times. According to the sun timetable
this priest king
Quetzalcoatl will come from the
Moctezuma II will resign then because the gods
"want" it like this, the wise of the Aztecs mean... (Huby,
Map with the
expansion of the Aztec Empire with the basic
territories and the expansions since the
government of Itzcoatl [88]
Welser family - all colonial profit is lost with
European wars and banks - foundation of the West India
Office in Sevilla - Da Gama's fleet is making high
profits - Vespucci in Patagonia - calumny of Vespucci
that all natives would be cannibals and all native
women would be addicted to sex - Spain's system of
concentration camps: orders for forced relocations of
natives in "villages" and "forced civilization" -
system of "repartimientos" ["partitions"] and
"encomienda" ["protectorate"] in "West India" - hunger
and illnesses
Germany-Spain: There are negotiations between German
bank house "Welser" of Augsburg with the Spanish
king for a share with the exploitation of "America".
Wars in Europe: In fact there are arriving huge
fortunes to Europe from robbed "America", but Spain and
Portugal cannot enjoy these treasuries because the big part
is flowing into the war departments and into the hands of
other European powers and banks.
Spain: A first
"West India Office" is
founded in
Sevilla, a control board for "West India"
with the name "Casa de la Contratación de las Indias de
Sevilla" ["Indian Sevilla Trade Center"] (Reinhard, vol.II,
[This "trade" has got it's base on the
Holocaust" against the natives with extermination of
millions by hunger, slavery and mass robbery. Did anybody
say anything about compensation?]
Spain-"Hispañola": Cortés is emigrating. He
is about 18 years old, a soldier, a farmer, and he is
working in the Spanish military head quarters.
(R.H.Ossian: Pirate King's Library: Hernando Cortez)
Portugal: Da Gama's fleet is coming back from India
making high profits with the first tax payments from India
in form of gold. Da Gama receives one more time money and
honors from the Portuguese king. Da Gama becomes a royal
(Internet: R.H.Ossian: Pirate King's Library: Vasco da
1503-1504: Vespucci's expedition
Portugal is organizing an expedition under
The Spanish Mr. Vespucci has accepted an "invitation" from
the Portuguese kings and is working for the Portuguese Crown
now. Vespucci's expedition is heading for South "America"
and according to his own indications he is reaching the land
which is called
"Patagonia" later (Reinhard, vol.II,
Vespucci's calumnies: "Wilds" would be cannibals
Vespucci does not know what is honor. He is downgrading the
natives without limits. In letters he is describing the
natives of "Portuguese West India" as "wilds":
-- they would have no law
-- they would have no belief
-- they would have no property
-- they would be without drive for power, inheritance or
-- but they would be full of drive for revenge and greed for
human flesh (Reinhard, vol.II, p.46).
["Christian" victims for the army of the "nobles" and for
"Christian" goals is rated in the western media as a
honorful event until today and is not rated as mass murder
for which the nobles are responsible! - "American" Natives
never committed such a mass murder with armies!]
since 1503
Vespucci: Atlas "Mundus Novus": systematic calumnies
against the natives
After his return this Mr. Vespucci is not only writing
letters with calumnies, but he is even printing an atlas
"Mundus Novus" with reports to the Italian nobles, the
Medici family, about his Brazil trip.
->> Vespucci claims that the native women would all be
lascivious and would be ready for promiscuity without limits
(Reinhard, vol.II, p.46)
->> and this faked propaganda work is printed with 40
editions in only few years in six different languages
(Reinhard, vol.II, p.45).
[Now this is one of the proofs how the criminal "Christians"
are downgrading any other culture in their madness of
alcohol and dominance not seeing anything of it].
Vespucci: Mundus Novus |

 Vespucci: Mundus
Novus: cover with a king in a knight's armor.
German translation of 1505 [89]

This is a propaganda
illustration of Mundus Novus by the "Christian"
racist Amerigo Vespucci [90]: See the
manipulations: The natives are very big and the
white Europeans are depicted as little persons
like Lilliputians. In this way the natives are
always blamed being a danger and in this way
fear and enemy stereotypes are spread.
This racist "Mundus Novus" can be
seen in the Internet under the same name with the word
"Vespucci" in different versions, e.g. in German in a home
work by Ruben Schönenberger on
(April 2005).

Bartholomé Columbus / Alessandro Zorzi, abstract
for a map of "West India" 1503-1522 [91]
Spain: Since 1503 the Spanish Crown is ordering the
natives getting a "forced civilization" in "villages".
"installing villages where the natives are living together
how the persons do in our kingdoms [...] that they will put
clothes and will handle life as reasonable human beings."
(Reinhard, vol.II, p.60)
(German text: "dass Dörfer angelegt werden, in
denen die Indianer zusammenleben, so wie es die Personen
tun, die in unseren hiesigen Reichen leben [...] dass sie
sich kleiden und wie vernünftige Menschen umhergehen."
(Reinhard II., S.60).
Now the
"Spanish masters" are obliged
-- to treat the natives as "free workers"
-- to "lodge" the natives
-- to "clothe" the natives
-- to "give food" to the natives
-- to "give wages" to the natives
-- to instruct the natives with "Christian religion" during
their free time.
->> this is the system of "repartimientos"
["partitions"], the forced relocations with "the partition
of the natives" giving them to "trustful persons" who are
appointed by the "officials of the Crown" and who have to
assist a certain number of natives considering the number of
the natives being assisted has to be determined by the
chiefs themselves
->> this is the "Europeanization", this is the
destruction of native culture on their own land
->> these forced relocations and registrations in
"villages" are also a mean for tax control of the exploiting
state of Spain (Reinhard, vol.II, p.60).
Spanish concentration camps against the natives
This practice of "repartimientos" ["partitions"] and
"encominenda" ["protectorate"] is including
-- forced labor without limits
-- recruitment of women's work and children's work by force
-- separation of families
-- brutal terrorism when there is resistance of flight
-- often is not even given the minimum of food for them.
->> this system is partly worse than slavery
(Reinhard, vol.II, p.60)
->> forced labor is also eliminating fertility
(Reinhard, vol.II, p.64) [when women are starving so much
thus their reproduction apparatus is failing, no period is
coming any more etc.]
-- because the working force is not considered as a good
which has to be fostered
-- because the working force is "used" for getting a maximum
of profits without considering anything
-- because the working force is replaceable in a certain way
when somebody is dying (Reinhard, vol.II, p.60).
[Until today the media of the "Western World" did not really
think about this American Holocaust committed against the
natives by the Spaniards during 200 years... Is there a
memorial day in Spain for this mass murder committed against
the natives?]
The destruction of the native cultures - the destruction
of the ecological balance in Central and South "America" -
mass death provoked by the white man with new illnesses
oo native cultivation on poles is "abrogated"
oo agriculture with plow and meadow is introduced and is
provoking a logic erosion of the soil on slopes
oo this white man is also introducing new illnesses which
were unknown to the locals until today with infections by
bacteria and viruses
oo "domestic animals" are additionally infecting thus there
is a new rule: Where the number of domestic animals is
rising the number of natives is falling
oo dispersed habitats of the natives are forbidden and the
newly installed "villages" are reinforcing the infections
becoming real infection centers for illnesses
+ most of the natives have a blood group which cannot form
antibodies against pestilence and small pocks.
This means
->> already a cold and influenza can have catastrophic
consequences for the locals
->> Mestizen with mixed new blood groups have more
->> in tribes only having peaceful friendly contact
with the Europeans there are also many lethal cases after
the white have left - without any effect of any force
(Reinhard, vol.II, p.64).
[This means: The narrow conditions by forced relocations
into villages and the forced labor did favor the mass death
of the natives decisively].
[Comparison of the "American Holocaust" with the NS
One has really to imagine that this "American Holocaust" was
performed just with the same methods of NS Holocaust against
the Jews. Both times also Vatican was essentially involved
(Hitler is not excommunicated until today...). The
comparison is cited here one more time:
Table: comparison
of "American" Holocaust with NS Holocaust
Holocaust against the natives 1500-1850 |
NS Holocaust
against the Jewish population and members of
left parties and gypsies 1933-1945
Situation of war
and competition between Spain and Portugal
War situation with
Russia |
Organization of a
500 years long world war by the Vatican
Recognition of the
NS state by the Pope with a concordat
Forced relocations
into narrow conditions, high rate of infection
Deportations into
narrow conditions, high rate of infection
forced clothes |
forced clothes |
forced work in
stone pits, gold panning, gold mines, silver mines
forced work in
production plants, stone pits, work with stones,
dig ditches for tanks, at the end tunnel
confinement for resistance |
confinement for resistance |
hardly any food
often hardly any
food, theft by neighboring captives
hunger and illness
up to the mass death
hunger and illness
up to epidemics up to mass death
slave huntings e.g.
whole islands and coast lines are "native free"
(word creation by Michael Palomino)
head money for Jews
in eastern Europe 1941-1944, definition of whole
regions as "free of Jews"
the occupants are
heading for their career |
the occupants
are heading for their career |
Order to erect a
"Christian" world domination against all natives
Order to erect a
Nazi world dominance against communis
Calumniation and
calumny against the natives stating they would be
"cannibals" and "subhumans"
Calumniation and
calumny against Jews, left party members and
gypsies as "rats", against Russians as "subhumans"
The Spanish Crown
was never having a close look at the events.
Hitler was never
having a close look at the events.
Did the natives receive any compensation from Spain
or from Vatican?
Did the white Spanish power groups in Central and South
"America" pay a compensation for the natives?
Who is responsible for the school books?
It's the task of the media and education boards of the world
to disguise this white Spanish racism in Central and South
"America" at least breaking this Spanish racist taboo
the situation which is in favor to the natives who are
living now yet.
Columbus coming back to Spain seriously ill - denial of
all titles
"West India": In spring 1504 Hernan Cortés is
emigrating to "Hispañola".
(Internet: Encarta Online Concise: article: Cortés,
Hernán; estate 1999)
In April 1504 Columbus and his crew are saved in Jamaica
and are brought to "Hispañola" (Huby, p.57).
In June 1504 Columbus is saved. He did send
natives in canoes to "Hispañola" for getting help. Saving
ships can bring the crew and Columbus to "Hispañola".
(Internet: R.H.Ossian: Pirate King's Library: Christopher
The last action is performed from Sep 12, 1504, on: Columbus
is taken as a passenger to Spain. Columbus is
seriously ill and this ship is especially prepared for him
for his trip home. He is reaching the shipowner company of
Sanlúcar on Nov 7, 1504 (Huby, p.57).

The position of Sanlúcar at the Spanish
coast line next to Cadiz [92]
At the end of 1504 Columbus is only received in a friendly
way by king Ferdinand because queen Isabella
is going to die. Columbus is guaranteed a supply. But he
is loosing all titles and wages (Reinhard, vol.II, p.43).
Columbus' expeditions are presented in Spain as
useless actions (Huby, p.57). But Columbus does not want
to resign to his demands (Reinhard, vol.II, p.43) and he
is inventing new reasons presenting himself as a better
man before the king:
-- natives in "Western India" would be more simple to
mission than Hindus and Muslims and Buddhists
-- friendliness and openness of the native could be used
for forming "just well usable slaves" of them.
But this propaganda of Columbus is failing because now
other sailors are taking the lead for more "detections"
(Huby, p.57).
At the same time Columbus is not remaining a poor
man despite of all denial of all titles. He is going on
having parts of the gold mine on Hispañola [where
natives have to die for whole Spain... Holocaust brings
(Internet: R.H.Ossian: Pirate King's Library: Christopher
More information about the Holocaust in the
Dominican Republic-Haiti: