Since 1492 the world war is going on and is looking
for it's culmination point. Above all during the
Napoleon Wars it's becoming clear what the world has
to await. Techniques of the fleets are always more
developed, the profits are always higher. Islands and
countries are "changing" their European owner. In 1772
the so called "U.S.A." are founded thus the English
"colony" on foreign native soil is getting an
"independence". By this the world war is exponentiated
because these "U.S.A." have to install their own
economic base and economy yet. European towns and
colonial towns are growing without end.
Did anybody say anything of any compensation for the
local populations?
Michael Palomino
1999 / October 2003 / April 2005 / translation in 2014
Reinhard, Wolfgang: Geschichte der europäischen
Expansion. Bd.I: Die Alte Welt bis 1818.
Huby, Felix: Traumreisen. Auf den Spuren grosser
Entdecker. Deutscher Bücherbund GmbH, Stuttgart,
Hamburg, Munich 1980.
Structure data: DTV Lexicon of 1990
1. French and English "Christian" imperialists
on the Indian subcontinent - Prussian Company -
Dutch in Indonesia - Danish on Nicobar Islands
since 1748
The will of the
colonial powers for a complete domination in the
colonies since 1748
Since 1748 - since the
peace of Aachen and the peace for Austria's succession
modus - the will is coming up in the colonial powers
for a total territorial rulership of the "colonial
states" being stated by the complete "economic,
cultural and political dominance" until 1945, partly
until 1975, and sometimes until the 1990s. The
colonies are not serving just for trading and
settlement any more, but there is a complete dominance
as a complement for the European wars. A new type of
European dominance is created now which is
establishing in the 19th century (Reinhard, vol.I,
p.214). The complete dominance is necessary against
the other states for saving the profits. Where the
complete dominance is not necessary it is not
installed first. But then the situation is developing
that far that the complete dominance is prescribed to
be necessary for saving the profits (Reinhard, vol.I,
India becomes "economically and politically the most
important European possession" and at the same time it
is a model for the colonialism in Asia which is
developed later. The war about Madras was the
beginning of a "new epoch" (Reinhard, vol.I, p.214).
This war which began in India by the colonial powers
is favored on and on by discord on the Indian
subcontinent itself. The warmonger parties in this
case are
-- the Nizam of Hyderabad
-- the prince of Nawab of Carmatic (countryside of the
Coromandel Coast) which is dependent from the Nizam
-- several little Hindu princedoms
-- the Marathas (Hindus)
-- the English colonial army with it's center in
-- the French colonial army with it's center in
Pondichéry (Reinhard, vol.I, p.219).
The quarrels are favored with the same mechanism like in
the Netherlands: A local prince is calling the French or
the English colonial army "for help" maintaining the
power of the local prince (Reinhard, vol.I, p.219).

Map of the Indian
subcontinent in about 1750 [1]
F-India: war of succession in Hyderabad: Marathas
and French
After the death of the first Nizam in Hyderabad a war
of succession is developing. The old prince family of
the Carnatic is returning with the support of the
Marathas and is driving away the Nawabs who were
ruling until this time. Dupleix is with a "competent"
commander Charles-Joseph Patissier de Bussy and
Dupleix is ready to take the power in Hyderabad. For
this project he is even financing the war with his
private fortune and with personal borrowed money. Also
Bussy is lending money to him. The funds of the
Company are hardly touched (Reinhard, vol.I, p.220).

Dupleix, portrait [2] - Bussy, portrait [3] - two
criminal French warmongers on the Indian
since 1748
F-India: French war projects of Dupleix in India:
Foundation of a hegemony against England
Dupleix is violating
the peace of Aachen of 1748 and he is projecting new
occupations on the Indian subcontinent. He is just
considering that the French troops would be superior
against the troops of the Indian prince. Thus it's Dupleix
who is first moving from the principle of the trade
profits and who is trying to install a political
hegemony in the south of the Indian subcontinent
driving English competition away (Reinhard, vol.I,
Dupleix is speculating that the Indian troops would
be weak because there is no clear hierarchy in the
command and there is no European military exercise
in the Indian troops. The European troops are formed
with their disciplined operations, they are superior
and they are reaching a relatively high "fire
velocity". In this way also victories can be
performed with a minimum of soldiers. The handicap
of the European troops is that these troops are
consisting of detainees or of Indians ("Sepoys") -
but this handicap is of no consequence (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.223).
F-India: victory of the French armies in India:
governor at the Coromandel Coast
In 1750 the superior French troops under Dupleix and
Bussy are in fact winning at the Coromandel Coast. They
can appoint the French pretender for being the next
Nizam and they make him dependent politically. The
French receive rich gifts. The French are the governors
in all territories of the Coromandel Coast south of the
Krishna River (before called
Kistna River
[web01]), and they are with governors in four provinces
north of Masulipatam. In Paris the Crown is
watching the "successful events" with patience but also
with critic but there is no intervention (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.220).
GB: England lowering the interest rate to 3%
In 1750 the law is forcing the "United Company [...]
to the East Indies" to a
reduction of interest rates
to 3% (Reinhard, vol.I, p.143).
Germany: The first Prussian East India Company
In 1750 (respectively
in 1751 under Frederick the Great (Friedrich der
Grosse) [web02]) a
first German "Asian Company"
is founded. The majority of the shareholders are
Englishmen and people from Belgium. This Prussian
company has the "normal characteristics". But the
development of businesses is "not so favorable"
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.152).

Prussian Company, the ship "King of Prussia" [4]
since 1750
GB-Bengal: Raw silk of Bengal is directly invoiced in
England directly - Warren Hastings
Since 1750 the raw
silk from Bengal is so important for England
that the bill is payed directly now and not passing
the "President" of the company (Reinhard, vol.I,
p.174). And in the same year of 1750 Warren Hastings
is beginning his work as a "writer" for the company
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.225).
since 1750
China-Europe: adaption of the Chinese silver price
Since 1750 the Chinese silver price is adapting to the
European silver price. The trade of European silver is
sinking to 50 to 60% so, and the rest is settled with
European goods (Reinhard, vol.I, p.179).
GB-F-India: English victory in Carnatic against the
French army, captain Robert Clive, occupation of
Arcot, Dupleix is called back to France
The English reaction to the French occupations with
"governors" at the Coromandel Coast is not waiting long.
An English army under captain Robert Clive is winning in
Carnatic against the French army. Dupleix is called back
to France. In this way the Indian subcontinent is
becoming the first battle ground between the greedy
European "nations" (Reinhard, vol.I, p.220).

Robert Clive from the English East India Company [5]
[About death rates, numbers of dead people and injured
the history books are not telling anything... - this
is the normal "Christian" blood rite which is
performed "without victims" officially...]
since 1751
European colonies: beginning of the world war for the
absolute world wide domination
Since 1751 the "Europeans" are deciding about rulers and
status of "colonial" territories and about the princes
who are dependent from them (Reinhard, vol.I, p.220).
[and this concerns also chiefs of tribes, and since now
wars in Europe are also provoking wars in the colonial
territories. The world war for an absolute dominance has
begun. If France had withdrawn from it's positions when
England had not made war can only be speculated].
since 1752
DK-India: Danish trading post in Calicut
In 1752 the
Danish "Asiatisk Kompagni" can
open a
trading post in Calicut (Reinhard, vol.I,
since 1753
Austria-Sweden: steady common capital stock for the
Austrian Swedish "Kompaniet"
Since 1753 the
Austrian Swedish "Ostindiska
Kompaniet" is supplied with a steady
capital stock (Reinhard, vol.I, p.152).
NL-Indonesia: Dutch rulership over the sultanate of
In 1753 there is again war between Holland and England.
Both are quarreling about the sultanate of Bantam. The
Dutch are fixing definitely that the sultanate becomes a
complete vassal of the Dutch (to 1813). The sultan
itself has only his title nothing more (Reinhard, vol.I,
German "Bengal Company" ("Bengalische Kompanie")
In 1753 a German "Bengal Company" is
founded. This company is only a short living
smoke screen (disguise) for English private interests
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.153).
[The "Royal Prussian Bengal Trade Company" ("Königlich
Preussische Bengalische Handelskompanie") was "hit by
blows without end". The only ship "Prince of Prussia"
was stranding at the end with the loaded goods on a
sand bank and the goods had to be saved with another
ship "King of Prussia" etc. [web03]
since 1754
DK-India: Danish trading post on the Nicobar
In 1754 the
Danish "Asiatisk Kompagni" can
open a
trading post on the Nicobar Islands
before Sumatra (Reinhard, vol.I, p.151).

Map with India, Ceylon, Nicobar Islands and
Sumatra [6]
GB-F-"America": British French colonial war: world
war for colonies
On North "America"
the English colonies along the east coast are
driving for expansion to the West pushing forward to
French territories only with a little population,
but the forts are well defending these territories.
After constant frontier wars there are war actions
in 1754 in the Ohio Valley (DTV history atlas,
vol.I, p.283).
2. Earthquakes in Lisbon and in India - Portugal
is k.o. for big racist colonialism
Earthquake in Lisbon
(DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.287)
1.11.1755: The earthquake
before Lisbon - Portugal breaking away
from further colonialism developments -
and a 3 tsunamis - tsunami up to "America"

Map of the region of Lisbon with Tejo
River [10]
The following data are from Wikipedia
[web04]. [This earthquake with it's three
tsunamis can be compared with the
earthquakes in Arica in Chile].

Earthquake of Lisbon from Nov 1, 1755 [7].
This quake was provoking fires without
end, and 3 tsunami waves were tearing
houses into the sea. The upper town and
the red light district were not affected.
After the quake the king was living in a
tent camp [web04].
At 9:40 am on Nov 1, 1755 at the "Christian"
festival days of "All Hallows" the quake was
coming of a dreadful force and lasting 3 o 6
minutes. It was provoking fires without end.
And then (within 1 hour [web05]) a 20 meters
high tsunami came covering the port and
going up the Tejo River. The tsunami was
extinguishing many fires, but going back to
the sea the tsunami was also tearing yet
existing houses to the sea. And two more
little tsunamis came. What the tsunami let
be was mostly destroyed by the firestorm.
Two more aftershocks lasted about 2 minutes
each. Only the red light district (Alfama)
and also big parts of the upper town were
not affected.
In those times the region of Lisbon had
275,000 inhabitants. Of them 30,000 to
100,000 people died, as in the surrounding
villages and little towns. In the hospital Hospital
Real de Todos os Santos (Royal
All Hollows Hospital) 100s of patients
The losses of buildings and cultural values
were giant. Royal palaces, libraries, the
Opera House and the State's Library with
over 70,000 books and reports (Vasco da Gama
etc.) and also precious paintings (Tizian,
Rubens, Correggio etc.) were destroyed and
lost without possibility of a recovery.

Lisbon at around 1660 [11]
Far effects of this big earthquake
This earthquake was that strong that also in
Luxembourg houses were collapsing. In Venice
yet houses were shaking. The earthquake
could be felt up to Finland, Azores, Cape
Verde Islands and in half of Africa. In
Scotland and in Switzerland the water levels
were suddenly rising and sinking again.
The tsunami of this earthquake was spreading
up to North Sea, into the Mediterranean and
left to the Caribbean provoking giant
-- the southern coast of England was
affected by a 3 meters high flood wave
-- in Holland and in Sweden ships were
leaving their anchorages
-- at the norther coast line of Africa the
20 meters high flood wave was destroying
-- in the Caribbean the islands of
Martinique and Barbados were destroyed.
At the coast line of the Mediterranean
10,000 people died by the earthquake and by
the tsunami, for example in the today's

Tsunami map of the earthquake of Lisbon
from Nov 1, 1755 [8]
 Lisbon in around
1540 appr. (yet with town wall with
pointed ends which are missing in 1755),
and the losses by the firestorm and the
tsunamis by the earthquake of Nov 1, 1755
Reconstruction - disruption with big
colonialism - philosophic questions
All in all the fires were "working" during
5 days [web05]. Remembering this
earthquake the Carmo Convent ("Convento do
Carmo") was let in ruins in the center of
Lisbon. The earthquake provoked the
general disruption with "big" colonialism,
and it also provoked philosophic questions
why God would permit such evils in the
King Joseph I (José I) was living in a
fear from earthquakes during the whole
rest of his life living in a tent camp up
the hills. Prime Minister Sebastião de
Mello (later Marquês de Pombal) also
survived the earthquake and was
reacting absolutely pragmatically and
scientifically: Deads had to be
brought out and buried fast, survivors
had to be given food, working groups
with survivors had to take the bodies
out for burying them in the sea,
groups of survivors had to fight the
fires, plunderers were scared away
with gallows and 34 people were
executed by the reproach of having
plundered. The town was shut for
evading a flight movement of the
survivors because they were needed for
the reconstruction.
International help was given much because
Lisbon had good relations to other big
trade centers.
Reconstruction of Lisbon was performed
with broader avenues and with big squares.
Other affected towns in the region were
reconstructed according to the same
principles, sometimes also in a chequered
A survey by Prime Minister Pombal about
the earthquake with surviving pastors
survived at the "Torre do Pombo" and this
was a collection of data leading to the
first principles of modern seismology:
- <the duration of the earthquake
- the numbers of aftershocks
- the damages by the earthquake
- special manners of behavior of animals
before the earthquake
- specialties with ponds and water
During the reconstruction were also first
experiments with quake proof principles of
engineering (earthquake engineering).
So what happened in Asia in the same year of
3. Coalitions - Bengal - Hannover - Russian tsar
- Frederick from Prussia - Afghan expansion
Rebellion in Java: partition of Mataram into
Jogjacarta and Suracarta
In 1755 there is one more
rebellion on Java
Island. The mainland of
Mataram is parted by the
Dutch into the sultanates of
Jogjacarta and
Suracarta (Reinhard, vol.I, p.217).
Earthquake in India
In 1755 a heavy earthquake is destroying the documents
of the Portuguese India Company "Casa da India"
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.98).
[With these two earthquakes in the same year of 1755
Portugal is "k.o." and is saying good bye to the great
and criminal colonialism - with the exception of
since 1755
DK-India: Danish trading post in Serampore near
In 1755 the Danish
"Asiatisk Kompagni" can open a trading post
in Bengal in Serampore near Calcutta (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.151).

Danish Company "Asiatisk Kompagni", ship [12]
India-GB: Tension in Bengal between the new Nawab
Siraj and English troops
Nawab Siraj-ud-Daula
is becoming the new Nawab [ruler in India] At the same
time England is constructing Fort William / Calcutta
as a prevention against eventual French attacks. But
Nawab Siraj has got the suspicion that the English
would be in contact with his enemies (Reinhard, vol.I,
Siraj-ud-Daula, profile [13]
And look again how the criminal "noble Christians" are
behaving in Europe:
since January 1756
GB-Germany: "Convention of Westminster" between
England and Prussia
Frederick II (Friedrich II.) is looking for a partner
for a protection of the electorate of Hannover (more or
less today's Lower Saxony [web08]) concluding a contract
with the British government in 1756. This is a British
Prussian defensive treaty (DTV history atlas, vol.I,

Map with the electorate of Hannover, more or less
today's Lower Saxony [14]
Austria-F-Germany: Coalition between Austria and
France against Prussia
Count Kaunitz-Rietberg, the Austrian state's
chancellor making intrigues without end for an
"upheaval of all alliances" after the Peace of Aachen,
he is convincing Maria Theresia for a political
balance with France
(Marquise Pompadour) for
forming a coalition against Prussia (DTV history
atlas, vol.I, p.283).
since May 1756
F-Austria-Germany: "Treaty of Versailles": project
for attacking and destruction of Prussia
In May 1756 the
French Austrian alliance against Prussia is
broadened by more states:
tsarina Elisabeth
(being member of the coalition by "personal
reasons"), Saxonia, Sweden, and the Empire (without
Hannover, Hesse Kassel, Braunschweig). The project
is a common action in the next year (DTV history
atlas, vol.I, p.283).

Tsarina Elisabeth I from Russia, portrait [15] -
she has "personal reasons" against Prussia, so
she had "something" with a Prussian prince or
so, and now she wants to have a revenge, and
therefore criminal "Christians" are making wars!
since August 1756
Germany-Europe: preventive war of Frederick II
(Friedrich II.): "Seven Years War"
Frederick II is
informed that there is a coalition against his
country preparing war action in Versailles. He is
acting before and lets occupy Saxonia by his troops.
After the victory of Pirna [little town near
Dresden] Saxonia is becoming a Prussian operation
base. Frederick II is trying the split of the
enemies by destructive strokes (DTV history atlas,
vol.I, p.283).
And in India the English get into war with the local
ruler in Calcutta:
India-GB: war about Fort William / Calcutta between
the Nawab and the English troops - English
Now in 1756 the
Nawab Siraj lets raid Fort William / Calcutta. Many
English are taken prisoner and are dying in the
little Bengal prisons. English authorities in
England are making a big propaganda now pretending
that there had been a big defeat and a revenge
should be organized. The propaganda is indicating
too many victims, a material damage of 200,000
Pounds is claimed and the victims are appointed to
be martyrs. The English reaction is prepared in
Madras (Reinhard, vol.I, p.222).
[So how is this behavior of "Christian" nobility?
It's a clear escalation tactic for the destruction
of the world and other cultures].
Germany: liquidation of the Prussian East India
In 1757 the
Prussian East India Company is
liquidated (Reinhard, vol.I, p.153).
And in Europe Prussia is in a two-front war. This
could be foreseen.
Germany-F-Austria: victories of Prussia against
Austrian and French troops - Russian occupation of
East Prussia and Prussian defeats
1757 (-1758): The
Prussian territory is in danger now from all sides.
Frederick II is winning against Austrian troops near
Prague and against French troops in Rossbach
(Saxonia). But there is a defeat against Russian
troops in Gross Jägersdorf (near
Kaliningrad, Königsberg [web06]) and East Prussia is
conquered by Russian troops. But near Zorndorf
(Prussia) the Russian troops are defeated. After
another victory in Leuthen (Silesia) the
Austrian troops are winning near Kolin (CSR)
and near Hochkirch (Saxonia) (DTV history
atlas, vol.I, p.283).
And now imagine what the criminal "noble Christians"
are doing in "America":
F-GB-"America": French victories in North "America"
- overthrow of the Whig government in England
America: The war in
Europe is a welcome opportunity for the "Christian"
French and for the "Christian" English government
for making war also in the colonies in "America"
provoking massacres and destructions. French
victories in North "America" against English
settlers and against English troops are the
beginning of the overthrow of the Whig government.
GB-Germany: English government Pitt - military
assistance with weapons to Prussia
William Pitt is
taking the political leadership now. He is
reinforcing the fleet and the troops in "America".
At the same time he lets deliver war material with
the slogan: "Canada is won in Silesia" (DTV history
atlas, vol.I, p.283).

William Pitt, portrait [16]
[Pitt's strategy is to weaken all other powers on
the European continent and in the whole world - more
destructiveness is not possible, but high
"Christians" don't learn what peace is...]
And England is also "acting" in India with more
GB-India/Bengalen: English revenge and victory
under Robert Clive against the Bengal Nawab - Afghan
invasion to Delhi
From Madras England
is sending a fleet of 12 ships with 1,600 men under
the leadership of Robert Clive. 10 chips are
reaching Calcutta (Reinhard, vol.I, p.222). Clive is
using the rivalry between Indian princes and is
winning back Calcutta (Fort William). A treachery is
used as a "victory of
Plassey" [in Bengal]
against a 20 times superiority of French troops. In
this way Clive is founding the English "dominance"
in India (DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.283). The
English captain Robert Clive is even achieving the
occupation of the French capital of Arcot [near
Madras]. At the same time he is also defending Arcot
against a French revenge action with many fold
superiority (Reinhard, vol.I, p.220).

Robert Clive, portrait [17] - map with Madras
and Arcot [18]
Again at the same time Afghan troops are beginning
an invasion to the western parts of the Mogul
Empire. The Afghan government under Ahmad Khan
Abdali lets plunder Delhi (Reinhard, p.219). And now
the Bengal Nawab becomes very weak and can be
extorted easily (Reinhard, vol.I, p.222).
But at the end the Afghan Empire is not extending to

Map of the Afghan Empire of 1762 [19]
GB-India/Bengal: armistice of the Bengal Nawab with
the Company
In an armistice the
French have to acknowledge the English victory. At
the same time the French can go on with their
properties in Hyderabad. Because of his failures
Dupleix is called back from India by the French
Crown (Reinhard, vol.I, p.220). The Indian ruler
(called a Nawab) has to make confessions to the
English Company now:
-- the controversial privileges of the Mogul Emperor
have to be granted now to the English Company
-- also the rights for a fortification of Calcutta
has to be granted
-- and the Bengal Nawab is forced to give
compensations (Reinhard, vol.I, p.222).
GB-India/Bengal: further revenge projects of Nawab
Siraj against the Company - conspiracy by Clive
But Nawab Siraj is
considering more revenge actions against the
English, and also Robert Clive is not quiet
yet. He is conquering the French fort in
Chandamagore and with a conspiracy with enemies of
Siraj he is preparing the overthrow of Siraj. But
Nawab Siraj is informed of this project thus a new
conflict is preprogrammed (Reinhard, vol.I, p.222).
India/Bengal: English victory by desertion in the
battle of Plassey in - Nawab Siraj is killed by a
new Nawab - confessions to the Company and to Robert
At June 23, 1757, near Plassey
(Palashi in Bengal
[web09]), the troops of Nawab Siraj with
49,000 men with 40 cannons are prepared against the
troops of Robert Clive with 3,200 men and 8 cannons.
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.222).

Map of racist English occupied Bengal of 1767 with
Calcutta and Plassey [20]
But Siraj has to watch how his "own" men are deserting
to the English side even in groups because they also
want an overthrow of Nawab Siraj (Reinhard, vol.I,
p.222). Clive is winning the fight so with only 10 own
losses (DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.283). After this
Robert Clive is installing a new Nawab. This new Nawab
lets kill the old Nawab Siraj at once and he has to
make concessions to the Company:
-- guarantee of privileges for the Company
-- "heavy" compensations
-- surrender of custom duties from territories south
of Fort William / Calcutta
-- payment of a special prime "jagir" to Clive by
custom duties in the villages (Reinhard, vol.I,
But now see what follows under the English "Christian"
dominance in Bengal:
GB-Bengal: English plundering actions without
limits in Bengal
Since 1757 after a victorious "battle of Plassey"
the staff members of the English Company can enrich
themselves in Bengal almost without limits (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.224). The staff members are even competing
each other during these "golden times of plundering
Bengalen" (Reinhard, vol.I, p.231) who is plundering
better in Bengalen (Reinhard, vol.I, p.231). The
methods of plundering are easily prevailed with
military force:
-- when a Nawab is heading for his ancient full power
again, then he is regularly exchanged
-- every new Nawab has to provide new taxes to the
Company and presents to the staff members
-- until 1765 the Company is making an income with
this system of 10,731.683 Pounds, of this are
3,770.883 real cash, the rest as a basic pension
-- until 1765 the staff members of the Company are
getting a cash amount of 2,169.665 Pounds (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.224).
Additionally the staff members of the English Company
have the possibility now to install new businesses:
-- they are freed of all charges
-- they are prevailing this liberalization of charges
also by force
-- the Indian competition has to pay up to 40% of
custom duties
-- Nawabs making propaganda for equal rights are
overthrown (Reinhard, vol.I, p.224).
The English robbery in Bengalen is that high that in
1757 the silver flow is changing the first time since
Antique times thus silver is flowing to London. With
the profits from Bengalen are financed
-- goods for Europe
-- the China trade
-- local war policy [in Bengal and in India]
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.224).
European war in Europe, "America", and in India:
world war ("Seven Years' War")
Europe: In 1758 the
French troops are attacking the Prussian town of
Ferdinand of Braunschweig being in
British service is defending the town from the
French army (DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.283).
And now the European "Christians" make also their
big war in North "America":

This is the map of North "America"
before 1763 with New England, New
France and New Spain, and all natives
are not existing... [21]
And principally
France had the project to surround the
English colonies sometimes and to
throw them into the sea, but this was
hindered by the English "expansion" -
and all this happened on foreign
"America": In 1758 the English troops
in "America" are pushing the French colonialists
back to the
Ohio River and the English can
occupy the forts of
Louisbourg and
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.220?).
Fort Duquesne is
Pittsburg later
(DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.283).
India: French troops are defeating English
troops on native soil in "America" (Reinhard, vol.I,
Structural reforms in the English company:
residential system - Hastings in Moorshedabad
In 1758 the English
East India Company gets a reform according to the
Dutch model with a residential system. Mr. Warren
Hastings becomes a resident at the Nawab in
Murshidabad (Reinhard, vol.I, p.225).

Warren Hastings, portrait [22] -
map with
English occupied Bengal of 1767 with
Moorshedabad [23]
since 1758
GB-India: war preparations of Indian rulers against
the English
Since 1758 one of
the dismissed nawabs is forming an alliance with the
nawab (or wazir) of Oudh (today called Awadh
[web10]) and with the Mogul Emperor. The goal is to
expel the English from India (Reinhard, vol.I,

Map with the upper part of the
Indian subcontinent with Bengal,
Orisa, Oudh (Audh, later Awadh),
Panjab, Sindh, Gudjrat (Gujarat)
etc. [24]
one can see that "India" did not
at all exist as a big state yet
but these were little princedoms
as also were in Europe until 1600.
All this "big state policy" and
centralism of the later times was
only for wars as a "pooling of
since 1758
GB-Bengal: reduced English silver deliveries from
Bengal because of war preparations in India
Since 1758 the
silver deliveries from Bengal to London are reducing
because of war preparations in India (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.224).
World War ("Seven Years' War")
Europe: In
1759 French troops are attacking the Prussian town
Minden, but again Ferdinand of
Braunschweig being in British services is successful
"defending". Now follows a common Russian Austrian
attack. In the battle near
Kunersdorf almost
the complete Prussian army is destroyed. But the
alliance is divided over the partition of the pray.
Berlin is plundered, but a "miracle of the House of
Brandenburg" is hindering the partition of Prussia
(DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.283).
And in "America" there is also war between the "high
"America" / Caribbean: In 1759 the English
troops are pushing through up to the Saint Lawrence
River taking Quebec, the "heart of the enemy power".
Additionally English ships are conquering the French
island of Guadeloupe (DTV history atlas, vol.I,
And war in Bengal again, look what the "high
Christians" are doing in Bengal:
Bengal: Dutch V.O.C. is starting an attack
against the English Bengal now. But Robert Clive can
defend the Dutch. After another victory of the
English the English Company is definitely the ruler
of Bengal. All businesses are under English control
or with an English permission. The Nawab is
completely dependent on the British. The last
Frenchmen are driven away (Reinhard, vol.I, p.223),
so from Balasore, from Dacca, and from Patna
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.155).

Map of English occupied Bengal of 1767
with Balasore (below), Dacca (middle),
and Patna (left above) [25]
Since 1759
Robert Clive is projecting
gaining the complete sovereignty of the British in
Bengal, not important if by the Company or by the
British government. The profits would be that high
that the deficit of the English national budget cold
be balanced by it (Reinhard, vol.I, p.223).
4. Expulsion of Jesuits from Portugal and
it's colonies
1759: Portugal, colonies: Jesuits are
expelled from Portugal and from the Portuguese
(DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.287)
September 3, 1759: The
expulsion of the Jesuits from Portugal
[from: web11]
"Christians" are making propaganda against
"Christians" - this is just normal. These
are just "Christians". The expulsion of
the Jesuits did not come "just by the
way", but there are many lies and
imperialism behind this:
-- world wide the Jesuits are resisting to
the enlightenment, but they are also
resisting to absolutism, and therefore
they are an enemy for Portugal e.g. for
the enlightened minister Marquis of Pombal
(who was a consequent enemy of the Jesuits
making maneuvers without end against them
-- then the Jesuits were blamed that
natives in Brazil did not accept an
exchange of territories with Spain with a
resettlement thus the natives were
provoking a 5 year long little war against
-- Pombal was also inventing the reproach
that the Jesuits would form a "state in
the state"
-- at the end of 1755 - after the big
earthquake of Lisbon (Nov 1, 1755) - an
Italian Jesuit was preaching that this
would be the penalty for a godless policy
hostile to the Church

Jesuit Gabriel Malagrida, portrait [26]
-- in September 1758 there was an attack
against the Portuguese king and now Pombal
was blaming the Jesuits again without any
proof, but now Jesuit preachers were
detained (Malagrida and others) and a
decree (Jan 19, 1759) was deciding that
all fortunes of the Jesuits were
confiscated and all flats of the Jesuits
had to be left and that there was a
prohibition for all Jesuits having contact
with secular orientated people, and on Set
3, 1759 there was coming the order for
expulsion which was realized in October
1759 [web11].
So this is a good example demonstrating
the "Christian" understanding for
It can be admitted that the Jesuits
had big territories but that in Lisbon after
the earthquake had not been remained much of
it concerning houses and buildings or
5. Wars - China with port of Canton -
Afghanistan - Mysore - tsar Peter III for 6 months -
Prussia - New France is eliminated
There is a European world war in Europe, in
the "Americas", in Africa, and in India ("Seven
Years' War")
The criminal "Christians" are affecting half of
the world with their wars:
Europe: The Prussian troops of Frederick II
(Friedrich II.) can win a battle near
(near Leipzig) against Austrian troops, and there is
one more victory near
Liegnitz (Silesia).
Prussia can save itself with minor coining. Austria is
going down with it's national debt (DTV history atlas,
vol.I, p.283).
"America": destruction of New France: In the
same year of 1760 English troops of the Pitt
government are conquering the French Montreal. And the
English can break through now against the French forts
up to the Great Lakes (DTV history atlas, vol.I,
Africa: Until 1760 all French military bases in
Senegambia (today Senegal and Gambia [web12])
are conquered by the British. British ships are
winning the naval battles in
Lagos and in
and they are committing raids against French ports
(DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.283).
India: The French army is losing a battle near
Wandiwash (=Vandavasi [web13]) between Madras
and Pondichéry.
Map of today's Tamil Nadu province with Madras and
Vandavasi (anglicized: Wandiwash) [27] - Eyre Coote, portrait
[28] - Thomas
Arthur Comte de Lally, portrait [29]
The French occupied territories are lost against the
English naval supremacy and because of the English
Eyre Coote. French leadership with
the French supreme commander
Thomas Arthur Comte
de Lally is acting clumsy at the same time. The
French commander Charles-Joseph Patissier de Bussy is
called back from Hyderabad (Reinhard, vol.I, p.220).
China limiting the European powers to Canton
In 1760 the Chinese
is limiting the European ["Christian"]
powers to the port of
Canton (Reinhard,

Map of China with Canton / Guangzhou (border lines
of the 21th century) [30] - China without
Tibet+Manchuria but with Korea, map of
Robert&Gibson of 1759 [31]
England: Robert Clives presenting his victories in
Great Britain - Clive in the House of Commons as a
"Baron Clive of Plassey" - Clive's maneuvers against
the leadership of the "East India Company", Laurence
Sulivan - Clive becoming governor of Bengal again
Now Clive with his reputation and his fortune is
winning a big attention. The former simple staff
member of the "East India Company" is living an
aristocrat life style with a
"Lord" as a title.
And he is not the only one reaching a rise to
aristocracy with colonial fights in India and in
[Just all the losers are never mentioned because they
are mostly killed and they have no voice!]
Clive is making politics now and is converting into a
"Baron Clive of Plassey" with a seat in the
of Commons. In the
"East India House" a
statue of Clive is installed with a
imperial costume, and the king of England is
appointing Clive for being a
"Knight of the Bath
Order" (Reinhard, vol.I, p.223).
At the same time Clive tries a maneuver against the
leadership of the "East India Company" which is not
according to his aggressive taste.
Sulivan, the authoritative director of the
company, does not want any expansive policy. At the
same time Sulivan with his meaning is threatening the
"jagir" (leased land on the Indian subcontinent
[web14]) of Clive which he has got from Sulivan
without permission and is the base for his richness.
With the purchase of shares by front men Clive is
trying to drive Laurence Sulivan away but he is not
succeeding (Reinhard, vol.I, p.223).

Laurence Sulivan from the English East India
Company, portrait [32]. He does not permit being
driven away by Clive.
But at least Clive
can prevail of being appointed one more time as a
governor of Bengal for "clearing out the Augean
stables". Against the private enrichment of the
Company's staff members should be "intervened"
energetically... (Reinhard, vol.I, p.223).
India: Afghan victory against the Marathas near
In 1761 the Afghan
troops are expanding their invasion to the Indian
subcontinent and near
Panipat the Afghan
troops are winning against the
Therefore the pressure against Bengal and southern
princedoms on the Indian subcontinent by the
rebellious Marathas is lifted for some time (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.219).

Map with Lahore, Delhi, and Panipat [33] -
1761 (until 1782)
India: Muslim leader Haidar Ali in the princedom of
In 1761 Muslim leader Haidar Ali is getting the power in
Hindu princedom of Mysore in southern India (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.226).

Map of the Indian subcontinent of 1760 with Sindh,
Marathan States, Mysore, Nizam Dominion with
Hyderabad, Oudh, and Bengal etc. [34]
Sp: world war ("Seven Years' War") in the Caribbean,
East Asia and in India
Caribbean and East
Asia: In 1761 after the entry into the war by Spain
against England some English troops are conquering
Cuba and the "Philippines" (DTV history atlas, vol.I,
F-GB-India: French defeat against GB on native soil
- death sentence against Thomas Arthur in France
India: In Pondichéry
the French troops under Thomas Arthur Comte de Lally
have to surrender to the English. Thomas Arthur is
sentenced to death because of his defeat (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.220).
Change during the world war ("Seven Years' War"):
Death of the Russian tsarina Elisabeth - successor
Peter III is leaving the alliance against Prussia -
and Peter III is murdered
In 1762 the Russian
Elisabeth is dying. The successor
Peter III
is an admirer of
Frederick II (Friedrich II).
He is leaving the alliance against Prussia and for
this action he is murdered (DTV history atlas, vol.I,
p.283) or not. Decide yourself!

Tsar Peter III of Russia, tsar in
the first 6 months of 1762 [35]
Peter III was a German Russian
child from Schleswig Holstein
(today North Germany) and was
admiring Frederick II from
Prussia and was in a regular
direct correspondence with him.
When a successor was missing in
Russia then he was forced to go
to Petersburg, he was forced to
a marriage with Katharina whom
he was detesting. Katharina had
her own lovers then. As a tsar
Peter III began his work in
January 7162 and he was a social
revolutionist then. Additionally
he made peace with Russia which
could be understood in Russia,
also his project for an Indian
trade could be understood. But
Russian troops in Prussian
uniforms for Prussia were too
much, above all because
Katharina was against Prussia.
At the end Peter III was
deprived of power by an
intrigue. When Katharina got a
son from one of her lovers this
was the signal for an abdication
for Peter III. A little military
coup was organized and Peter had
to sign that he would not be
capable to fulfill his office.
Then he was brought to an
isolated location where he was
"dying under unclear
circumstances" on July 6, 1762
(Julian calendar) with 34 years
only. Rumors say again and again
that Katharina was ordering a
murder against her enforced
bridegroom. But it can also have
been a natural death (he was
very alcoholic according to some
sources [web16]). After Peter's
abdication and death the Russian
population was reacting just
with 5 upheavals against the
"Christian Orthodox" regime of
succeeding Katharina II ...
This is just normal "Christian"
behavior of the "high noble
Successor Katharina II is ending the war - enforced
The successor now is
Katharina II. She lets
stop the war against Prussia and lets "continue" the
tired alliance partners Austria, France, and Sweden
alone (DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.283).
Caribbean: English ships are occupying the "French"
island of Martinique in the Caribbean
(DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.283)
"Peace of Hubertusburg" for Europe: Prussia
becoming a world power
In this new "peace"
[which never lasts a long time because th criminal
"Christians" remain criminal "Christians"] the
distribution of territories remains the same of the
"Peace of Aachen" of 1748. Frederick II (Friedrich
II.) becomes a "Frederick the Great" ("Friedrich der
Grosse") now and he is the person instigating a first
national feeling of all Germans. Prussia is the 5th
acknowledged "world power" now. At the same time
France and it's failings are provoking big critics
against the French Crown (DTV history atlas, vol.I,

Frederick the Great (Friedrich der Grosse),
portrait [36]
World war: "Peace of Paris" for
"America", Africa, and India
British Empire with
"America" and India is created
1763: New France is destroyed:

Map with North
"America" of 1763 with English, Spanish
and Russian occupied territories and
some French occupied islands [37]
-- Great Britain is "winning" the Mississippi
border line
-- Canada from France and Florida
from Spain also go to England
-- Louisiana [in those times a
giant territory from the Caribbean to
the Rockies] is given to Spain (DTV
history atlas, vol.I, p.283)
[-- New
France is destroyed - the natives
are never asked or are driven away
by the racist English and later by
the "Americans" ("March of Tears"
-- in Africa England is winning Cape
Breton and Senegambia from
France (DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.283)
-- in
India the town of Pondichéry
is given back to the French side, but
the town is defined as an "open town"
now. England is beginning with it's
hegemony over India and Bengal
successfully so (Reinhard, vol.I,
Pitt is celebrated as the "Third Builder of the
British Empire" after the first two builders Cromwell
and William III of Orange (DTV history atlas, vol.I,
6. French islands - British occupation of Oudh
- Bengal with Clive - expulsion of Jesuits from
Spain and it's colonies in 1767
F: Ile de Bourbon and Ile de France go to the
French Crown
1764 Bourbon Island / Réunion Island and Mauritius
Island (Ile de France) are surrendered to the
French Crown (Reinhard, vol.I, p.150).
F: French fortified colonial towns: Pondichéry,
Chandarnagore, and Mahé
These town have French garrisons under leadership of the
"Company" (French: "Compagnie") (Reinhard, vol.I,
GB-India: British victory
against the Indian rebellion near Buxar - occupation
of Oudh
In 1764 the alliance of the nawab of Oudh and
of the Mogul Emperor is defeated by the
British troops. The consequences are:
-- Oudh is conquered by the British
-- the Emperor is becoming again an ally of the
British Company
-- Robert Clive is resigning to the occupation
of Delhi
-- the English dominance over complete Bengalen is
more steady yet
-- the nawab is dismissed and a surrogate of the
Company is installed leading the complete
administration there: Saiyid Muhammed Reza Khan
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.224).
GB-India: "peace arrangement" by Robert Clive:
Clive is selling the town of Oudh
-- for the price of 5 million rupees Clive is selling
back the town of Oudh to it's nawab
-- now the town of Oudh is working as a buffer state
at the north west border depending from the British
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.224).
GB-India: Warren Hastings becoming a council member
in Madras (until 1769)
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.225)
since 1765
GB-Bengal: cheap "silver" from Bengal in England -
English system of promissory notes
1765 the "East India Company" in Bengal can "purchase"
silver cheaply and can finance with this the tea trade
with China. The financing by England is performed by
80% with light British woolen fabrics. And a system
of promissory notes is beginning to be
established (Reinhard, vol.I, p.179).
[This silver from Bengal comes from other sellings
to other countries probably].
F: execution of Thomas Arthur (Lally) in France
of the defeat in India Mr. Thomas Arthur Comte de
Lally who was condemned to death in 1761 is executed
in 1766 (Reinhard, vol.I, p.220).
GB-India: Robert Clive is installing the "dual
system" in India with the help of the Mogul Emperor
1767 Clive is installing the Mogul Emperor in the
Allahabad District. The Emperor has just to pay a
yearly tribute of 2.6 million rupees. The emperor
himself is handing out the sovereignty of tax and also
the juridical civil authority from Bengalen, Bihar
[west up of Bengal], and Orissa [west down of
Bengal] to the company. Therefore there is a
separation of power between Emperor and Company:
-- the Company is arranging the taxes and the civil
-- the nawab is performing the military and the
penalty courts (Reinhard, vol.I, p.224).
But in fact all rights are with the company because
the company can exchange the nawab whenever the
company wants (Reinhard, vol.I, p.224).
GB-Bengal: the measures of Clives against
enrichment are only partly successful
1767 Clive can only limit the enrichment, but he
cannot eliminate it. There is a silent agreement for
more enrichment in Bengal on a low level because the
directors deny rise of salaries for the company's
staff members considering this as too expensive.
Therefore it's easier for the company tolerating the
enrichment (Reinhard, vol.I, p.224).
since 1767
GB: financial crisis of the "East India Company":
high taxes because of the "American" colonies,
speculations about Bengal and too high dividends
-- since 1767 the Company is obliged to pay 400,000
Pounds to London every year because England is
spending yearly 480,000 Pounds for the "American"
-- after the installation of the "dual system" in
Bengal since 1767 the Bengal shares in London
are winning so the Company is provoking even more
speculation expecting high dividends (Reinhard, vol.I,
->> In this situation the
Company has to raise short term credits (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.225).
Spain, colonies: expulsion of Jesuits
In 1767 the Jesuits are expelled by
duke Aranda. Jesuits are all expelled from Spain and
from the Spanish colonies (DTV history atlas, vol.I,
p.287). The Jesuit properties are sold cheaply
provoking heavy social and economic crisis in the
native reductions (DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.277).
[The white "Christian" racist from Europe has
prevailed one more time. Nothing was given to the
7. Expeditions of James Cook to Tahiti, New
Zealand, Australia, Hawaii, and Bering Strait -
Boston Tea Party and war of independence of
criminal racist "U.S.A." - India - "Peace of
Versailles" of 1783
GB-Australia: expedition of James Cook to Tahiti
Cook has got the map material of William Dampier
passing the Magellan Strait (Huby, p.18). As a
nutrition experiment against scurvy Cook's expedition
has got malt and sourcrout on board [web17]. On Tahiti
he is landing in the Matavai Bay mid of April 1769 (at
Cape Venus, "Pointe Vénus" [web18]) and then his
astronomer group is installing an observatory on the
island for watching a planet constellation how Venus
is passing in front of the Sun
on June 3, 1769 [web17].

Cook with a map [38] - the map of Tahiti in the
Pacific [39] - Tahiti panorama [40]
And this astronomic event is the basic purpose of the
(German text:
Expedition wurde auf Empfehlung der Royal Society
unter der Präsidentschaft des Astronomen Lord Morton unternommen, um
im Rahmen einer international angelegten Messkampagne
den Durchgang des Planeten Venus vor der
Sonnenscheibe – den Venustransit
vom 3. Juni 1769 – auf Tahiti zu beobachten.
Dieses astronomische Großprojekt hatte die
Bestimmung der Entfernung Erde–Sonne
und damit – auf Basis des dritten Kepler-Gesetzes
– die Berechnung der Abstände aller
anderen Planeten im Sonnensystem
zum Ziel.> [web17])
expedition was undertaken by the
suggestion of the Royal Society under the
president of astronomer Lord Morton for
being member in a measuring campaign
watching the passage of Venus in front of
the sun - the Venus transit of June 3,
1769 - on Tahiti. This big astronomic
project hat the destination to find out
the distance between Earth and Sun, and
with this - on the base of the third
Kepler law - the calculation of the
distances of all other planets in the
solar system was the aim.> [web17]
Additionally there is a group of
botanists on board with nature searcher Joseph
Banks and with the Swedish botanist Daniel
Solander (both are members of the "Royal
Society") [web17]. Between 0 and 2241m
biodiversity is high for sure].
from Tahiti

Tahiti, Diademe Mountain [41]

Tahiti, canoe catamaran [42]

Tahiti, flower crowns [43]

Tahiti, diving in reefs with brightly
colored fishes [44]

Tahiti, market in Papeete (marché
municipal) [45]

Tahiti, over water bungalow [46]
Then captain James
Cook is sailing on with the research teams
with a local guide called "Tupaia" visiting
more groups of islands [web17] before turning
to the south heading for Australia (Huby,
p.18). This turning to Australia is only
announced after departing Tahiti because this
order for the second part of the expedition is
only allowed to be opened now. Science means
in those times that there has to be a giant
"southern continent" as a counter weight for
the big continents in the north [web17].
F: French liberalization of foreign trade
In 1769 the French government is liberating the
foreign trade. This is the beginning of the
liquidation of the French Company (Reinhard, vol.I,
London: crash at the stock exchange
Because of too much speculation about the English
colonies London is suffering a stock exchange crash
and a financial crisis of the state (Reinhard, vol.I,
1769 (-1772)
GB: Warren Hastings leaving Madras working in
London now
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.225)
1769 appr.
GB, New Zealand, Australia: expedition of James
Cook - occupation of Australia

Map of the first Cook expedition to Tahiti, New
Zealand, and Australia, from 1769-1771 [39]
Cook is
circumnavigating New Zealand and is mapping the
islands (October
1769-March 1770 [web17]). Then he is
"detecting" East Australia (from April 29, 1770,
on, called "New Holland" yet [web17]). But he is
stuck in the Endeavior Reef (within the Great
Barrier Reef) and the ship needs a 6 week repair.
During this time the crew is viewing kangaroos
which are described as giant rabbits first. Later
he is landing on Australia again [web17] calling
it now "New South Wales" (Huby, p.18, [web17]). In
this way he is "saving" the continent for the
English Crown (Huby, p.18). Only on July 13,
1771 James Cook is back in England. The nutrition
experiment against scurvy with malt and sourcrout was
a full success [web17].
GB after the stock exchange crash: financial crisis
is a big financial crisis England and Ireland with big
unemployment (Reinhard, vol.I, p.224).
Bengal: Famine and death of millions because of
crop failures and no measures of the Company
At the same time there is a big famine in Bengal
(because of droughts and crop failures [web19])
provoking millions of deads (Reinhard, vol.I,
p.224) because the East India Company is just ignoring
the shortage of food there not taking any measure or
lets plant also wrong products in times of a famine.
Estimations indicate 10 million persons killed by this
famine [web19].
Robert Clives found not guilty
Now after the stock exchange crash during the famine
and food speculation in Bengal there is a maneuver
against Robert Clive being "blamed" for all this
capitalist shit. He is charged but is found not
guilty. Since then he is suffering depressions
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.224).
[Well, this is just normal criminal "Christian"
behavior blaming somebody - and mostly the wrongly
blamed is also condemned in the criminal "Christian"
India-GB: Marathas are coming up again with the
Mogul Emperor in Delhi - now they are claiming for
tributes by the Company
In 1771 the Marathas are "recovering" again. They are
manipulating the Mogul Emperor of Delhi again on their
side. And now tributes are claimed from the English
Company (Reinhard, vol.I, p.225).
DK-China: Limitation of the monopoly of the Danish
"Kompagni" - only China monopoly should be
Somebody [the Danish Crown?] is
revising the regulations of the Danish "Kompagni"
as it seems and then only the China monopoly
is permitted again. The journeys to India are leased
trip by trip (Reinhard, vol.I, p.151).
since August 1771
Cook's records kept secret - and faked
information in the public
Under the pretext of being "of lacking literary
quality" Cook's records are kept secret and not
published. A novelist Mr. John Hawkesworth is
publishing from the diaries of Cook and Banks, but
remains imprecise. And Mr. Dailrymple with his work
"Terra Australis" is changing the position of the
southern continent where Cook hardly was searching.
But the English admiralty knows what Cook with his
maps has seen and has performed. Soon a second
"scientific" expedition is wanted. Cook's original
records are published in 1863 only [web17].
GB-India: The English Company is rejecting the
tribute payments to Delhi
to the Mogul Emperor of the Marathas in Delhi
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.225).
GB: again a stock exchange crash in London -
support credit for the Company - call for statal
interventions with the Company - credit, limitation
of dividends, statal observation of the Company
In 1772 there is a second stock
exchange crash in London. Now the English
Company has to apply for a support credit at the
government boards (Reinhard, vol.I, p.225). In London
voices say that the state should intervene with the
Company. But neither England nor India want to take
the administration of Bengal now because there is no
bureaucracy for it. The actions of the British
government are the following ones:
-- the government is granting the Company a loan
of 1.4 million Pounds
-- the Company has to accept the limitation of the
height of dividends
-- the company has to accept the introduction of a
statal observance (Reinhard, vol.I, p.225).
GB-India: Warren Hastings
becomes the governor of Bengal
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.225)

Warren Hastings, governor of Bengal [48]
GB-Australia: second expedition under James Cook
this second expedition not only malt and sourcrout
are stored against scurvy but also cabbage, carrot
jelly and beer condensate. The expedition is of two
ships now, this time with Johann Reinhold Forster,
his son Georg Forster, with a classicist painter
William Hodges, and with two astronomers (on every
ship one) for controlling "time keepers". Now Cook
is directly heading for the "south continent"
heading down Africa and then passing in the cold
near Antarctica in the direction of Australia. After
reaching New Zealand half of the Pacific is searched
and at the end Africa and Europe are reached again
[web17]. After passing the Magellan Strait Cook is
detecting the archipelago of "South Georgia" for the
English Crown (Huby, p.18).

James Cook, map of the second expedition
1772-1775 [49]
since 1772
GB-China: tea is first product on the list of
importation ware
1772 the value of the English tea importation
is rising the value of the cotton importation. The
Chinese tea is running better than all other
products (Reinhard, vol.I, p.178).
James Cook in the
Antarctic ice
In January and February 1773 [during the Antarctic
summer] the second Cook expedition is confronted with
ice and fog. In the fog the two ships are loosing each
other. For this case a meeting point in New Zealand is
foreseen where both ships are meeting again in May
1773 in Queen Charlotte Sund. This is followed by a
tour to the Tonga Islands and to Tahiti [web17].
Afghanistan: death of the Afghan ruler Abdali
In 1773 the Afghan ruler Ahmad Khan Abdali is dying
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.219).

Map of the Afghan Empire during the 18th
century [50]
GB: Restructuring of the "East India Company":
"Regulating Act": statement of accounts, corrected
rights for vote and for duration of offices,
introduction of the office of a "Governor General"
This "Regulating Act" of 1773 is made by the British
government as a trial for stabilizing the leadership of
the Company:
-- rise of the minimum of share
possession for a right to vote in the "Court of
Proprietors" to 1,000 Pounds
-- reduction of the multiple right of vote
-- prolongation of the time in office for
directors to four years
-- the directors are accountable to the Minister
of Finance for their financial policy of the
-- the directors are accountable to the "Secretaries
of State" for their policy abroad (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.225).
According to the recommendations of Robert Clive a new
hierarchy is introduced:
-- the governor of Bengal becomes a Governor General
being higher than the governors of Madras, Bombay and
-- the
governor of Bengal is accompanied by a council of
four, and the governor is dependent on them, and there
is the limitation that only one member of the council
may be a member of the Company
-- concerning the British in India a supreme court is
installed for the disciplining of the British in India
->> this system results as not be balanced,
above all because of quarrels of competence between
India and England (Reinhard, vol.I, p.225).
And the regulations of the Company have to be approved
all 20 years again by the English government
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.230).
And now see what happens in the British colonies - so
"Christian" behavior we have here:
GB, colonies: "Boston Tea Party - rebellion against
England in "American" colonies
In 1773 a load of tee of three
ships of the "East India Company" is destroyed and
dumped in Boston as a sign of rebellion against the
tax privileges of England. The English government is
blocking the port then and is declaring a state of
emergency (DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.13).
England was forbidding to the colonists in New
England further settlement behind the borders
protecting the natives installing even troops for
the protection of the natives rising the taxes for
the colonists for paying these troops [web21].
Sometimes the white Nazi racism of the "Americans" was
not controllable any more and was fighting also
against the English Crown then: Some white racists
were disguised as natives penetrating into the port of
Boston throwing some tea boxes into the sea. Taxes all
in all were NOT the problem of this case [web21]. The
events about this "independence" of the "U.S.A."
between 1763 to 1788 are also called "American
Revolution" [web20]. The English Crown was reacting
with some measures [web21], but the Nazi racists and
the expansionists of the New England colonies
("U.S.A.") could prevail with tricks and perfidy and
all natives were getting their faith in concentrations
camps at the end whereas this "method" was copied then
also by England under the queen Victoria...

Boston Tea Party of 1773 [51]: Disguised racist
people throwing tea into the sea because they
want more expansion against the natives
James Cook again in Antarctic ice
During January and February 1774 (antarctic summer)
Cook's second expedition is again heading to the south
reaching the most southern point of the expedition now
without stating any other land or continent. The way
back is again passing Tahiti reaching it in April
1774. On a trip to New Zealand again he is detecting
New Caledonia with his ship "Resolution". The contact
to the partner ship "HMS Adventure" was lost and was
sailing half a year earlier back to England reaching
it in July 1774. Cook to the contrary is remaining
with the southern latitudes looking for a continent in
the south of the Earth occupying for the English Crown
South Georgia Island and the Sandwich Islands [web17].
GB: Alleged suicide of Robert Clive
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.224)
GB-India: first Governor General of India: Warren
Hastings (-1785)
new Governor General for India becomes the governor of
Bengal Warren Hastings (he has this office since
1772): Hastings has got the reputation of having
relatively "clean hands" and to be an excellent expert
about Bengal. He is incorporating a despotism of the
Mogul Emperor with European ideas, he speaks Persian
and Bengal, he understands Sanskrit (संस्कृत [web22]) and Urdu (خوش)
[web23]. Hastings's activities in Bengal are
of many kinds and are serving partly also to the
understanding between the nations:
-- he is supporting scientific Indology,
translations from Hindu and Muslim law into
English, the Translation of English law into Bengali
-- there is the goal to develop principles of law
during a rulership with responsibility also for the
exploited victims
-> for breaking with the normal patterns of action
and for gathering taxes also in the lower classes
regularly the Departments of Finance and Justice are
taken from the authority of the nawab
->> Hastings lets install in Calcutta a British
local tax administration and British juridical
courts (Reinhard, vol.I, p.225). The local
merchant agents of the Company are assigned to the
"Board of Trade" in Calcutta (Reinhard, vol.I, p.227).
But Hastings has to use more brutal means then for
"defending" his position within the Company and
against London.
All in all Hastings has to lead just three wars at the
same time for the "Company". There is the financial
need of London for the "American" colonies provoking
in India under Hastings unscrupulous and brutal
extortions for money against different Indian princes
and princesses "in the name of the Company" (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.225).
GB, colonies: First "Continental Congress" in
Philadelphia: resolution of a boycott of the
"American" colonies against the "East India Company"
At the
first Continental Congress in Philadelphia the
delegates of the 13 New England States are taking the
resolution to stop the trade with England until the
law of 1763 is reinstalled (DTV history atlas, vol.I,
Cook's expedition traveling back
From South Africa the second expedition is sailing
looking for Mathew Island which is in Portuguese maps
but cannot be found. The expedition is reaching
England on July 30, 1775. The crew of 112 suffered 4
lethal victims, no one by scurvy. One Polynesian man
called "Omai" is also arriving as a model for shows in
England [web17].
And what are the
"Christians" doing with the "ethnological" objects
of southern peoples representing also
extraterrestrials for sure?
Translation. <Ethnological objects collected
during this expedition in the South Sea were
distributed in the museums of Europe; a big part of
them was reaching the collection of Cook/Foster in
the Ethnological Museum of Göttingen in Germany.>
[web17] - today the ethnological collection of
Göttingen University [web26], just "Göttingen
Collection" [web27].
(original in German: <Während der Expedition
gesammelte völkerkundliche Objekte aus der Südsee
wurden auf Museen Europas verteilt; ein großer
Teil davon gelangte in die Cook/Forster-Sammlung
des Völkerkundlichen Museums Göttingen.>
Austria: second Austrian East India Company
In 1775 queen Maria
Theresia is providing to the former member of the
"East India Company" William (alias Wilhelm Bolts) the
monopoly for overseas trade for the Austrian ports of
Trieste, Livorno and others. Asian bases are in
the possession of the Crown yet from the times of
Charles VI and can be used (Reinhard, vol.I, p.153).
1775 appr
India: turmoils about the succession of the Peshwa
because of the governor of Bombay
In around 1775
difficulties can be foreseen concerning the succession
of the Peshwa of Poona. The governor of Bombay
is intervening into the question of succession and
this is provoking turmoils (Reinhard, vol.I, p.225).
And now see this "Christian" war behavior on native
April 18, 1775
GB-"US" colonies: Beginning of the war for
independence in "America" against England (until 1783)
On April 18, 1775,
British troops and "American" militia are having
fights the first time near Lexington (in the
colony of Massachussets [web24]). This conflict is
developing now to a war for independence (DTV history
atlas, vol.I, p.13).
1775 appr.
India: expansion of Mysore on the southern Indian
subcontinent under Haidar Ali
In 1775 about the
Muslim leader Haidar Ali of Mysore (Hyder Ali from
Hyderabad [web25]) is beginning energetically with an
expansion of his Empire to the Malabar and Coromandel
Coast, also against the mismanagement in suffering
Madras (Reinhard, vol.I, p.226).

Hyder Ali of Hyderabad in Mysore [52] - when the
criminal "Christians" are only making war then
this model is copied...
"U.S.A." with
declaration of independence of the
"American" New England Colonies, the flag
[White "Christians" on
foreign soil are claiming that they would be
"independent" without giving any rights to the
["U.S.A." are implanting themselves on robbed soil...]
On July 4, 1776, the
13 English colonies in "America" are declaring their
independence from England (symbolized with 13 stripes
of the "American" flag) (DTV history atlas, vol.II,

Flag of criminal and racist white "U.S.A." of 1773
with 13 stars and stripes [53]
At the same time
Thomas Jefferson is
postulating the own constitution with the first "Human
Rights" for the new "United States": "life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness" and from this a
racist right of resistance against all of
another kind is derived. July 4 is called the
"national day" (DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.13).
[The racist "Human Rights" of Jefferson
All these rights are counting only for white
"Christians". The natives have no right of resistance,
have no right of property. Now the holocaust against
the natives in North "America" is just beginning. From
the beginning the white Anglo Saxon racists in the
governments of the "U.S.A." have the goal to conquer
the complete continent for a direct trade with China
and India with ports at the west coast. Native tribes
are only "blocking" the way and the racists are making
"no compromise". For alliances of convenience the
natives are only short time partners. And the blacks
have no rights at all, not even in faked treaties...]

Thomas Jefferson, a white racist of the first
moment of the "U.S.A.", portrait [54]
"U.S.A.": War of independence until 1783: England
with German freelancers and native tribes against the
own settlers
The British colonial
army is partly consisting in the British Army, 17,000
German soldiers who are only partly reliable coming
from Hesse and Braunschweig, there are England loyal
"Americans" ("Loyalists") and there are native tribes
who are allied with the British now. The newly founded
"American" states are presenting three million
settlers who have not a good military training who
have hardly any financial means and war material. The
second Congress is permitting George Washington the
supreme command. He is a landowner from Virginia
(Mount Vernon) (DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.13).
"U.S.A.": War of independence: British defeat at
Delaware River, settlers applying guerrilla tactic
In 1776 the British
lead troops are suffering a defeat against the forces
of the settlers at Delaware River near
Princeton. Against the guerrilla tactic of
the settlers and because of difficulty of ordnance
they are suffering further losses (DTV history atlas,
vol.II, p.13).
GB, New Zealand and Hawaii: 3d expedition of James
Cook is heading a third time to New Zealand. Then he
wants to detect the North West Passage between Asia
and Europe (Huby, p.18). This North West Passage would
be very interesting for naval traffic now because in
the meantime Asia becomes really dangerous
during war times. Bering
was searching there in 1728 already. Additionally
the Polynesian man "Omai" should be brought back.
Additionally there is the painter John Webber and
the later travelers George Vancouver and Heinrich
Zimmermann. In the "high staff" there is William
Bligh as a "sailing master" becoming the captain of
the Bounty expedition later. In the meantime Cook's
expeditions had become very respected. For Cook a
special protection was delivers. The governments of
France, Spain and "U.S.A." gave the order to their
naval officers not to detain Cook because of his
great new map material [for new wars!] also when
they were in war with England [web17].

James Cook, map with his third expedition
1776-1780 to New Zealand, Hawaii, and Alaska [61]
During this trip he is measuring Kerguelen Island
between Africa and Australia which Cook is calling
"Poverty Islands" [web17]
Cook on Australia and on Hawaii
Cook lets land in
Tasmania and after some island trips between April and
August 1777 to Cook Islands, Tonga and Tahiti a.o.
watching a solar eclipse on July 5, 1777, the
Polynesian man "Omai" is brought to his home island
"Huahine Island" on Oct 12, 1777 with a horse and with
a knight's armor where also a house is built for him
DK-Sweden-India: Danish heritages of Swedish
possessions in India and in Bengal
In 1777 the Danish Crown is taking the
of the bases of the "Kompagni" in
Bengal (Reinhard, vol.I, p.151).
Connection between "Asiatisk Kompagni" and "East
India Company" - weapon trade for the Indian armies
The Danish "Kompagni"
is taking more and more the back exchange of private
silver profits from staff members of the English
Company. The Danish "Kompagni" is providing the
currency for the Indian trade in this way.
Additionally there is the side effect supporting the
English hidden economy. In the meantime also European
weapons are a currency for the inner Indian wars.
Besides English middlemen are providing Bengal
textiles for the "Kompagni" (Reinhard, vol.I, p.151).
And see now how the criminal "Christians" are
escalating their war in the world again:
"U.S.A.": War of independence: success for the
"settlers" - Franklin on propaganda tour in Paris -
European help for the "U.S.A." against England -
Spain+France against England
The settlers of the
young "U.S.A." are winning one more battle near
Saratoga against the British lead army. As a first
ambassador of the "U.S.a." Benjamin Franklin is making
propaganda for the "American Matter". Aristocrat
volunteers, with them the Marquis de la Fayette, the
Polish national hero Kosciuszko, and the Prussian
general and organizer of the "American" army Mr. von
Steuben are fighting for the "American" side now. The
governments of France and Spain are intervening
against England and are beginning with sieges of
English colonial territories (DTV history atlas,
vol.I, p.13).
Sp, Port., "Brazil": "Treaty of Ildefonso" between
Spain and Portugal because of "America"
In 1777 Spain is
acknowledging the extension of Portugal to the west on
the Portuguese South "American" continent in the
"treaty of Ildefonso" (DTV history atlas, vol.I,
December 1777
Cook with more islands in the Pacific
Cook is going on on tour with islands in the Pacific
detecting Kiritimati Island on Dec 24, 1777, and
watching one more solar eclipse on Dec 30, 1777 on
Eclipse Island [web17].
Jan 20, 1778
James Cook on Hawaii - stating Maoris have
settled the Pacific islands
The high islands of Hawaii are appearing on the
horizon on Jan 18, 1778, and Cook is landing on
Kaua'i Island on Jan 20 [web17].

Hawaii Islands, map [62]
The stay is 10 days. The expedition is stating a
familiarity of culture and language to the far
Tahiti [web17]. On Hawaii Cook is making "research"
about the island's population of the Polynesians.
Cook with his many maps and researches is one of the
most successful researchers and geographers of
Europe (Huby, p.18). It's noted that the Polynesians
are very skilled sailors since about 500 years and
they were populating the spread islands between
Hawaii and New Zealand. At about 900 New Zealand was
colonized by the tribe of the Maori. During
clear weather the navigation of the Polynesians is
going with the stars, during bad weather with wind
and wave directions (Huby, p.18).

Map of the Maori colonization in
the South Sea (South Pacific) [63]
Cook is calling
the Hawaii Islands as "Sandwich Islands" first
honoring the First Lord of English admiralty -
but there are already existing the "Southern
Sandwich Islands" in the southern Atlantic
Impressions from

Hawaii, hula dancers [64]

Hawaii, hula dancer with flowers

Hawaii, bright flowers [66]

Hawaii, native leader Sielu Avea

Hula dancer with coconut bikini
(coconut bra) [68]

Hawaii, Mahaiula beach [69]

Hawaii, big wave surfing [70]
Cook going to California, Oregon, Aleutian
Islands and Bering Strait
Now the expedition of James Cook is crossing
the Pacific to the east mapping during summer
on the northern hemisphere the western coast
of North "America" from California to Alaska.
In 1579 Francis Drake had called California as
"Nova Albion". In April 1778 there is a 4
weeks stopover on today's Vancouver Island at
Nootka Sund (called by Cook "King George
Sound"), and then the expedition is sailing
along the Aleutian Islands [web17].

Map of the third Cook expedition from Hawaii to
California, Oregon, Vancouver Island, Aleutian
Islands, Bering Strait and Petropawlowsk [71]
Then Cook is
crossing Bering Strait but is stopped by pack ice.
Sailing back he is reaching the Asian continent at
Cape Dezhnev and reaching the Aleutian Islands again
making a stopover on Unalaska meeting Russian fur
traders making copies of maps of the Aleutian
Islands and of Kamchatka Peninsula then. Cook is
also getting - for a future expedition - a
recommendation by the businessman Ismailow for the
governor of Kamchatka and Petropawlowsk. From
Unalaska Cook is also sending mail to the British
admiralty [web17].
GB: Readiness for war of the "East India Company" -
since 1778: deficit of the Company - Hastings with
difficulties of authority
In 1778 the Company
has 67,000 soldiers. The income of 3.8 million
Pounds are confronted with payments of 5 million
Pounds (included the tax for London for the
"American" colonies which are normal since 1767).
The first time this negative balance is coming out.
Additionally the governors of Madras and Bombay are
not willing to follow to the new Governor General
Hastings (Reinhard, vol.I, p.225).
GB-India: First Anglo-Maratha War
In 1778 (to 1782)
the "First Anglo-Maratha War" is executed by the
Company against the Marathas because of the
succession of the Peshwa of Poona (Reinhard, vol.I,
since October 1778
Cook's expedition again on Hawaii - Lono festival
Cook's expedition is leaving the "North" leaving the
winter sailing to Hawaii where they arrive at the
end of December 1778 [web17].
since 1778
"U.S.A.": War of Independence as a World War:
France against England
Since 1778 the French troops are entering the War of
Independence in "America" (Reinhard, vol.I, p.226).
February 1779
Death of Cook on Hawaii - slained because of a
During a festival for the God "Lono" there are
quarrels coming up between the Hawaiian natives and
the whites of the Cook expedition. When a dead sailor
should be buried where normally only chiefs of the
natives are buried the mood is going absolutely down.
Two days after the case Cook's expedition is leaving
Hawaii on Feb 4, 1779. But because of a damaged mast
the ship "Resolution" has to come back to Hawaii on
Feb 11, 1779. And now the natives begin to steal
There is a rumor that
the island settlers have stolen sloop of the
expedition of James Cook. There is a quarrel
coming up between Cook's crew and the island
dwellers. Cook wants to mediate and during this
trial of mediation he is slained (Huby, p.18).
Wikipedia indicates that Cook was reacting with an
escalation himself trying to take the king as a
hostage. For this Cook is paying with his life on
Feb 14, 1779 with some deads on both sides
[Where the sloop
really was is not reported. This is the
second great sailor being slained on a
Pacific island by natives, the first had
been Magellan].
The dead bodies of the
whites are cut into parts and distributed to
native families. Some families are burning the
pieces, also as a honor for the died "chief"
[Cook] Until Feb 20, 1779, the expedition now
under lieutenant Charles Clerke is waiting for
some parts of white dead bodies for their burial.
On Feb 21 1779 the sea burial is performed for
Cook. On Feb 22 the expedition is leaving Hawaii
for Petropawlowsk on the Kamchatka Peninsula. The
expedition wants to try it again at the Bering
Strait, also without Cook [web17].
Summer 1779
Bering Strait: Cook's expedition stopped by pack
ice again
Successor Charles Clerke is trying again to look for
a North West passage but is failing because of pack
ice again like Cook one year before. During the
return to Petropawlowsk Clerke is dying and his
successor is John Gore bringing back the two ships
to England until October 1780 [web17].
since 1779
"U.S.A.": War of independence as a World War:
French Spanish siege of Gibraltar - Spanish
occupation of Menorca
French and Spanish troops are sieging Gibraltar (until
1782). Spanish troops are conquering Menorca Island
which was English before (DTV history atlas, vol.I,

Map with Europe, "America", and "U.S.A." 1779 [74]
Austria: Threatening collapse of the Austrian East
India Company
(Reinhard, S.153).
"U.S.A.": War of Independence as a World War: Some
states decide a naval neutrality with England
The British side is
not without action but is raiding the ships of the
enemy states of their trade companies. The damages
are that big that several states are declaring a
"naval neutrality" concerning England. These states
are: Russia, France, Spain, Holland, Sweden,
Denmark, Austria, and Prussia (DTV history atlas,
vol.I, p.13).
World War: French occupation of Rhode Island
(DTV I. S.13)
World War: War of Mysore under Haidar Ali against
the English Company
Haidar Ali, the
Muslim leader of Mysore, lets raid the countryside
of Madras ("Carnatic") and with this he is beginning
a war against the English Company (Reinhard, vol.I,
World War: rebellion of the natives in South
"American colonies 1780-1783
Rebellion of the "last Inca"
Tupac Amaru
1780-1783 (DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.277)

Tupac Amarú in Cusco against 4 horses in 1781 [75]
- as this "kind" of execution was not successful
he was then beheaded by the "friendly Christs"
Austria: restructuring of the Austrian East India
In 1781 the Austrian
East India Company is put on a new base by queen
Maria Theresia:
-- including duke Proli (son of a former
Oostende director)
-- with the personal participation of the later
Emperor Joseph II
-- under the new name "Société impériale pour le
commerce asiatique de Trieste et d'Anvers"
["Imperial Society for Asian Trade of Trieste and
Anvers"] (Reinhard, vol.I, p.153).
Thanks to the involvement of the competitive parties
with wars about "U.S." independence and because of
an own "neutrality" this new Austrian "Société
impériale" can make big profits (Reinhard, vol.I,
After 1783 after the Piece of Versailles will come
new conflicts between this Austrian "Société
impériale" and the competitive companies (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.153).
World War: British naval victory in West India
near Saint Vincent - "U.S.A." conquering Yorktown
(DTV history
atlas, vol.I, p.13) at the coast line of
"Virginia" [web29]. "U.S." forces can
defeat English forces (under Charles Marquis
Cornwallis) driving them away from Yorktown
detaining 7,200 of them, under them is Gneisenau
(DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.13), a Prussian
general organizing fights in "America". His
success will be against Napoleon... [web30]
Indian subcontinent: In 1781 British forces
are winning a naval battle near Saint Vincent
in West India (DTV history atlas,
vol.I, p.13).
In Holland debts are rising and rising:
NL: debts of V.O.C.
In 1781 V.O.C. is on a debt mountain of 22 million
guilder. This is more than tree times the own
capital resources. The reasons of this indebtment
-- no good modernization and adaption to the always
changing competition
-- there were always payed high dividends
and no reserves were formed
-- oligarchy in Holland are administrating this
V.O.C. and the responsible banks at the same time
-- a big smuggling system was developed
-- more and more products are wanted in Europe
where V.O.C. has no monopoly for them
-- secrecy is pretending to the public that there
would be no problems thus no warning to the
oligarchy is possible (Reinhard, vol.I,
GB-India: End of the First Anglo-Maratha War:
hardly any change of the status quo
In 1782 the "First
Anglo-Maratha War" is ending. "Status quo" between
the Marathas and the Company did not change
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.225).
India: Prolongation of the war of Mysore against
the Company under Tipu Sultan
The successor of Haidar Ali, his son Tipu Sultan, is
continuing the war against the English Company
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.226).

Tipu Sultan (English: Tippoo Sultan), profile [76]
- just copying the "Christian" policy of war...
World War: British naval victory near Santo Domingo
- French admiral Pierre André de Suffren winning
against the British
In 1782 British
ships are winning near Santo Domingo . But this
victory cannot bring a change any more for England
(DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.13).
In 1782 the French admiral Pierre André de Suffren
is operating just successfully against the English
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.226).
F-Sp: Spain introducing French bureaucracy in
Spanish colonies with intendants
According to French
patterns the Spanish Crown is introducing a
bureaucracy with intendants in the Spanish colonies
in South "America". But this bureaucracy is using
80% of the tax receipts and it is not profitable at
all (DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.277).
F-India: French expedition in India against England
In 1783 the French troops under the very experienced
Marquis de Bussy are reaching India. Paris means that
victories against the English Company will be and new
territories in India would be French then (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.226).
Peace of Versailles: acknowledgment of the
"independence" of the "U.S.A."

Map of North "America" after the "Peace of
Versailles" of 1783 [77]
With this peace there are several actions connected in
the new "U.S.A.":
"Loyalists" are forced to emigrate - new
"settlement policy" is introduced - Tobago/West
India and Senegambia are French - Menorca and
Florida are Spanish
In 1783 "American" delegates in Versailles can
celebrate the independence of the "U.S.A." The
winning settlers are claiming 70,000 deads. At the
same time there are social changes in North
"America" because all "Loyalists" have to emigrate
to "Upper Canada" (DTV, vol.II, p.13). At the same
time the white "American" "settlement policy" begins
driving to the West (DTV history atlas, vol.I,
Tobago/West India and Senegambia are
attributed to France. Menorca and Florida
were under British rule before and now are owned by
Spain (DTV history atlas, vol.I, p.13).
And now after the independence of the "U.S.A." and
with the bad mood in England and in France there is
a power for revolution in France and there is a
drive for more independence in South "America" from
Catholic Spain:
F: fighters for independence are celebrated in
Paris - financial crisis in Paris
In 1783 after the
Peace of Versailles the French freedom fighters are
celebrated and critic against the "Old Regime"
("Ancien Régime") of the Crown is always stated more
and more. At the same time the French government is
shaked by a financial crisis and by war debts (DTV
history atlas, vol.I, p.13).
GB: "hangover" and "comeback" in Britain - idea for
giving up India - France would fill the gaps in
After 1783 after
having lost the "American" colonies a general political
hangover is coming up, but at the same time
there is also new political enthusiasm with new
ideas and discussions. There are voices saying that
India should be given up as a "colony" and
that the Indian trade should be managed like the
China trade. Other voices are stating that such an
arrangement "would not be possible" any more because
the trade with China would have it's "base" passing
over India. And France would fill the gaps
when the English administration and the troops would
leave India (Reinhard, vol.I, p.226).
8. British racists in Bengal - British racists
installing on Malaya - Australia as a colony of
criminals against Aborigenes
F-GB-India: no war in India any more between France
and Great Britain
In 1784 the
arrangement of the Peace of Versailles is also known
in India. Between the European powers there is a
"peace of exhaustion" (Reinhard, vol.I, p.226).
[This is a typical "Christian" behavior: peace only
because of exhaustion. Better there would be no
"Christians" any more and 90% of the wars in the
world would not be!]
GB: British government reducing tea custom duties -
reduced tea smuggling
In 1784 according to
estimations the part of tea smuggled to England is
over 50% yet (Reinhard, vol.I, p.178). In 1784 the
British government is reacting to this eternal tea
smuggling reducing the custom duties for tea
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.178). Smuggling is reducing
dramatically then because of the lower prices
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.179). Additionally
-- also the Danish tea trade is suffering big losses
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.151)
-- and the Brazil Portuguese gold is flowing into
other channels (Reinhard, vol.I, p.179).
GB: the answer to the "hangover" in England: new
India Concept and reform of the Company: "India Act"
by William Pitt junior
After the loss of
the New England colonies the British Prime Minister,
Mr. William Pitt junior, is presenting a new India
Program which should also serve to reduce the war
debts (DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.31):

William Pitt Junior, portrait [78] - he wanted
to limit the trade activities to trade again!
-- India should be governed by England until 1858
-- the authorities in India should be cleared, the
administrative machinery in India should be more
-- the share holder assembly of the Company should
be disempowered and should only have the right to
vote the directors
-- the owners of the highest offices of the Company
can be degraded by the Crown
-- the directors can keep their offices and can go
on controlling the commerce (Reinhard, vol.I, p.226)
-- a "Board of Control" is installed with six
"Commissioners for the affairs of India" also
controlling the Company's directors
-- the chairman of the "Commissioners" is like an
"India Minister"
-- Pitt is prohibiting any policy for conquest or
expansion in India because this is contradicting "to
the will, honor and to the politic principles of the
nation", only "defensive wars" are allowed
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.227)
->> as a reaction to this "India Act" the
position of the Governor General in India is
enforced against the "commissioners" (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.227).
India: separation of administration and justice
in India - project for a general tax collection
In 1784 the "India Act" is performed in every Indian
-- there is a "Collector" for taxes in every province
-- there is a "District Judge" as a civil judge and
police chief
-- and criminal courts are installed in the four "most
important towns of the country" (Reinhard, vol.I,
Additionally a program is elaborated for the tax
collection on the lowest level. This project is called
"Permanent Settlement" and should be realized in 1793
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.227).
F: new foundation of an "India Company" in France
("Compagnie des Indes")
In 1785 France is
trying to arrange it's financial situation. And a
new "India Company" ("Compagnie des Indes") is
founded (Reinhard, vol.I, p.149).
Austria: bankrupt of the Austrian Asian Company
In 1785 Austria is loosing it's
impériale" which is going
because of "inner conflicts" (Reinhard, vol.I, p.153).
Sp-"Philippines": second "Philippines Company" of
In 1785 Spain is founding it's second "Philippines
Company" (Reinhard, vol.I, p.153).
GB-Ireland: "reduction" of custom duties between
Britain and Ireland
The Protestants of
England are more and more dominating the Catholic
Ireland and custom duties between England and
Ireland are "reduced" (DTV history atlas, vol.II,
End of 18th century
GB: "Agency Houses" in England
At the end of the
18th century "Agency Houses" are founded with the
profits from the hidden economy financing China
business (Reinhard, vol.I, p.181).
GB: capital increase of the "United Company" 1786,
1789, 1793
In 1786 the capital of the company is increased again
by 800,000 Pounds (Reinhard, vol.I, p.143).
GB-Bengal: new English Governor General in Bengal:
Cornwallis - separation of trade staff and
administration staff in India - will for new

Charles Cornwallis, portrait [79] - an English
warmonger on the Indian subcontinent
In 1786 the looser of the battle of Yorktown of the
war of independence, Mr. Charles Marquis Cornwallis,
is becoming the new Governor General of Bengal
(until 1793). But Cornwallis can enjoy more
authorities than his predecessor and he is "solving"
the open problems in the administration, in the tax
system and concerning justice. The trade staff and
the administration staff are separated definitively
now in India:
-- the local trade agents of the Company are not
allowed in public offices any more
-- new officials with an office's salary are
installed but who are excluded from the businesses
at the same time
-- a "Civil Service" is founded in India (before in
England itself is existing any "Civil Service" (!)
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.227).
With the tax receipts from India have to be payed
now the administration, the army, and the interest
payments. So the facade is pretending the the money
is remaining "in the country". But historian
Bitterli is rating the procedure very critical:
"This does not mean that the money is remaining in
the country and is favoring the Indian economy, but
the chances for this were just better than in the
decades after 1757 and 1766" (Reinhard, vol.I,
(original German text: "Das braucht
nicht zu bedeuten, dass das Geld im Lande blieb
und der indischen Wirtschaft zugute kam, aber die
Chancen dafür standen doch besser als in den
Jahrzehnten nach 1757 und 1766" (Reinhard, S.231).
"Just by the way" it's the goal of Cornwallis to
evade the Pitt's prohibition of occupation actions.
Cornwallis is projecting a "forward defense" and
"subsidiary treaties" (Reinhard, vol.I, p.227/228).
since 1786
GB-India: arrogance is supported by Governor
General Cornwallis against people in India - racism
in English "communities" - respect for India in well
educated English circles
Cornwallis is
keeping mental walls against "the Indian peoples":
-- all of India is rated as corrupt
-- he is excluding all Indian people from higher
ranks in the new administration staff
-- he is introducing demonstrative gestures of
British superiority what is fostering the English
group spirit and arrogance at one side and the
Indian humility at the other side (Reinhard, vol.I,
At the same time the English "communities" in the
Indian towns are growing. In 1785 5,000 European
soldiers and 2,000 white civilists are living in
India already, 1,000 of them in Calcutta, but all in
all only 200 to 300 white women (Reinhard, vol.I,
p.232). By racist election the "communities" are
fostering racism now forming the colonial state. The
directors of the Company are preferring certain
people for lower posts and jobs, and in this way a
"closed society" is coming up. Family clans are
formed with connection under each other (for example
the families Chickeley, Plowden, or Thackeray).
Additionally the British women are with prejudices
of the English middle class living with them also in
India provoking a narrow-minded "Christianity"
against Hindus and Muslims. The Indian people is
accepted within the white family only as a "servant"
if ever (Reinhard, vol.I, p.233).
Just in another way than the "communities" is the
mind of the well educated Englishmen in India. They
show respect from the Indian culture and they have
no limits of communication with the Muslim upper
class where no caste limits are existing. Warren
Hastings is the lightening example of such
comprehension (Reinhard, vol.I, p.233).
since 1786
GB-NL-Malaya: Britain competing Holland with bases
on Malaya
Since 1786 the British Company is competing the Dutch
V.O.C. with a base in
Penang on the Malayan
Peninsula (Reinhard, vol.I, p.229).

Map with Indonesia and Malaysia with Penang on
the Malayan Peninsula [80]
GB: Impeachment against Hastings because of
reproaches of extortion
In London reproaches
against Hastings are coming up Hastings had extorted
Indian princes. But Hastings has many arguments for
his acting of collecting high taxes from the princes
in India because of the financial needs with many
wars for the Company (in 1795 he is considered "not
guilty") (Reinhard, vol.I, p.226).
GB-Australia: white "settlement" as an island for
criminals - the countryside is defended by the
Since 1788 Australia
is systematically settled by Britain with
prisoners (DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.31).
The criminals being deported by force from England
to Australia are forced to build the town of Sydney
there. But the countryside is not developed because
the natives are killing any foreigner and because
the huge desert without water is hindering any
expedition. The expeditions are dying of thirst, or
the natives are robbing the food of the expeditions
(Huby, p.19).
Wikipedia reports that this English racist scandal
using foreign territory as a prison for whites was
running until 1854 - and this is one more example
for criminal racist "Christianity":
in German:
Begriff Sträflingskolonie
Australien ist für die
Bezeichnung des frühen Australien
üblich. In der ehemaligen Kolonie Australien
gab es mehrere Sträflingskolonien
zuerst in Sydney und dem daraus später
entstehenden New South
Wales, eine „Zweigstelle“ von
Sydney auf Norfolk Island,
ferner in Tasmanien,
damals „Van Diemen’s Land“ und gegen
Ende der Sträflingverschiffung für
kurze Zeit in Western
Australia. Der Vorgang der
Verschiffung und Verbringung, der auf
Englisch „Transportation“ genannt
wird, wurde von 1788, dem Beginn der
europäischen Besiedelung des
Kontinents, bis ins Jahr 1854
praktiziert und gesetzlich am 26. Juni
1857 beendet.[1]
Insgesamt wurden in dieser Zeitepoche
134.000 verurteilte Sträflinge aus
England nach Australien gebracht.>
<The term of prisoner's colony of
Australia is normal for the first time of
Australia. In the former colony of
Australia there were several prisoner's
colonies, first in Sydney, then in New
South Wales being developed by Sydney,
then there was a "branch" of Sydney on
Norfolk Island, and also in Tasmania (in
those times "Van Diemen's Land") and
shortly before the end also in West
Australia. The procedure of shipping and
housing which was simply called
"transportation" by the English
authorities began in 1788 with the
European settlement and ended in 1854. The
law for it was abrogated on June 26, 1857.
All in all 134,000 convicted prisoners
were brought from England to
GB: The capital of the Company is increased again
by 1 million Pounds
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.143)
GB-India: Cornwallis' occupations against Mysore
In 1789 "by mistrust
on both sides" there is breaking out a war between
the Governor General of India Cornwallis and
the Tipu Sultan of Mysore. Cornwallis is
conquering parts of Mysore, also parts of the
southern Malabar Coast (Reinhard, vol.I, p.228).
And now only 7 years after the end of the independence
war of the "U.S.A." the "spirit of freedom" of the
criminal racist "U.S.A." is copied and a "French
Revolution" is breaking out:
9. French Revolution -
industrial revolution with loom machinery -
Napoleonic wars without end down to Waterloo -
England "unifying" with Ireland
F: French Revolution: "Compagnie" is suspended -
flight of the Dutch governor general to England
In 1790 by the French Revolution the French India
Company ("Compagnie des Indes") is suspended
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.149).
In 1790 the Dutch governor general is taking his
flight to England (Reinhard, vol.I, p.228).
The reasons for the failure of the French "India
-- the general reason of failure is that the French
"Company" was only installed after the Dutch and the
English one, so there hardly could be any recovery
against the two big ones
-- there was a high
dependency from the Crown: the French "Company" is
just making a policy of power not of profitability
-- the Crown is always intervening into the
Company's policy and staff administration and this
is provoking "frictional losses"
-- by low profitability there is an ever lasting
"lack of financial means" and a low capitalization
-- using international currency markets is rejected
deliberately, for example the use of currency
exchange in the "enemy" town of Amsterdam
-- the whole constellation is provoking that this
"Company" is not attractive for the capital of
French traders [but they invest in enemy states'
companies probably]
-- additionally France has got the problem that
France did not develop a central market yet but
there are different competing markets splitting the
country also according to the markets (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.150).
Balance of the European Indian trade: mercantilism is
The importations of
spices, fabrics and stimulants are about 10 to 15%.
The exportations of European goods to Asia are
marginal (Reinhard, vol.I, p.181).
since the 1790s
GB: Britain is performing Industrial Revolution now
with the weaving machine
Since the 1790s there is an "Industrial Revolution" in
England. English technicians invent the weaving machine
with the possibility of weaving large fabrics competing
the Indian production by hand. Thus the sellings of
Bengal textiles in England are going down (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.151).

Spinning machine by Hargrieves [81] - cotton
fabric machines (cotton power looms) in
Manchester, 1914
Canada: partition of Canada in an "Upper Canada" and
a "Lower Canada"
With the big enforced
emigration movement with England loyal dwellers from
the "U.S.A." settling in the Province of Quebec there
were new settlements at the other side of the Great
Lakes. Considering the different languages and
cultures this Province of Quebec was parted now
[web32]. In other words: In 1791 the English
government is parting Canada and in this way the
English government is "binding" the French "settlers"
who are not emigrating to other French territories any
more. Both parts have their capitals - Ontario and
Quebec - and the regions are different according to
religion, language, customs and justice (DTV history
atlas, vol.II, p.31).

Maps with the Province of Quebec, the 13 New
England colonies in 1774, and with the racist
"U.S.A." in 1783 [83] - map with the partition of
the Province of Quebec of 1791 into Upper Canada
and Lower Canada [84]
GB: again increase of the capital resources of the
in 1793 the capital
resources of the Company is risen again by 1 million
Pounds. With this 6 million Pounds of capital
resources are reached, and there is no more increase
up to the end of the Company (Reinhard, vol.I,
GB-India: balance of the last 10 years of the
Indian trade: only an additional factor for England
Compared with the
total fortune of England the financial significance
of the Indian trade is very low. In 1760 Great
Britain has got a total capital of 130 million
Pounds and until 1770 there is a people's income of
estimated 140 million Pounds. Thus there is a yearly
accumulation of capital of 9.4 million Pounds.
500,000 to 600,000 Pounds of transfered private
profits are just 0.36% of the people's income. The
total profits of England from India are 17,828.071
Pounds, thus from 140 million Pounds these 17.8
million are almost 13%. The goal in India was only
the personal enrichment (Reinhard, vol.I, p.232).
GB: approval of the Company's regulations for 20
more years
In 1793 the English government is approving the
regulations without any problem for 20 more years
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.230).
GB-India: introduction of basic taxes in India:
project "Permanent Settlement" - large estate and
speculation in India
In 1793 the project
of 1784 for an introduction of taxes in the lower
class is realized:
-- introduction of a basic tax
-- and the land gets a new building code enabling
large estate possessions (Reinhard, vol.I, p.227).
This introduction of
large estate properties has devastating
consequences. Now speculators are penetrating India
also in rural regions (Reinhard, vol.I, p.227).
But the "Christian" speculation with territories in
India is not the only "Christian" sin in those
times, because in Europe itself there is another
"Christian" behavior developing: war without end -
fucken "Christians" - this time with a "Napoleon":

Napoleon brings terrorism, death and misery
without end [85]
since 1793
F: Napoleonic Wars, world war: war between France
and England - French contacts to India, help for
modernization by Indian armies - capturing war
Since 1793 there is a state of war between France and
England. England has to install safeties in India
because many
European "adventurers", many
Frenchmen with them, are serving for Indian princes
and are helping to
modernize the Indian armies
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.228). Thus the Indian armies are
more and more equal to the European armies and cannot
be defeated so easily any more being short-handed
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.223). Also
Tipu Sultan from
Mysore who had been defeated by Cornwallis in
1789 is installing contacts to France hoping for a
reconquest of lost territories against England
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.228).
In the next 15 years different European coalitions are
formed against the spread of revolutionary ideas from
France (DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.25). At the same
time England with admiral Nelson is beginning a grim
fight about naval supremacy.
French ports are
blocked and
French ans also neutral ships
are captured. These actions are reinforcing the
English fleet by about 2,000 ships yearly. And the
English fleet is conquering so many French (and Dutch)
naval bases as possible (DTV history atlas, vol.II,
[Where is CCC?
So why the criminal "Christians" of the upper class
did not arrange their problems just with cookies,
coffee and cake? Because this is not indicated in the
stupid war book "Bible"! But in the Bible always a
"destruction" of the enemy is indicated. And in this
way the "leaders" of Europe did act again and again
since 1492. But peace is just going with CCC!]
GB: Hastings found not guilty in London
In 1795 the former
Governor General of the "East India Company" -
Hastings - is found not guilty concerning the
reproaches of extortion actions against Indian
princes (Reinhard, vol.I, p.226).
F-NL-GB: Napoleonic Wars, world war: Holland is
becoming a satellite of France - Dutch colonies
getting a British "administration"
In 1795 Holland is converted into a satellite of
France with this (Reinhard, vol.I, p.228).
The former governor general of the Netherlands is in
London since 1790. He gets the order to order to the
Dutch colonies for being under British protection
now. Therefore there are British occupations of the
Cape Land [South Africa], Ceylon, Malacca, and the
Moluccas Islands. Java remains Dutch because the
Company allegedly fears the administration costs
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.228).
India: victory of the Marathas against the Nizam
of Hyderabad
In 1795 the
Marathas can win a battle against the Nizam of
Hyderabad. The English Company is not helping the
Nizam against the Marathas (Reinhard, vol.I,
[And the
Marathas are dominating half of the Indian
subcontinent now].
Sp, colonies: liberalization of the Spanish trade
Only in 1797 Spain is liberating the trade with his
colonies in South "America" (DTV history atlas,
vol.I, p.277).
GB-Ireland: Irish rebellion against England
without success
(DTV history atlas, vol. II, p.31)
F-Eg: Napoleonic Wars, world war: "Egyptian
campaign" - French occupation of Malta, Alexandria
and Cairo in 1798 - English naval victory near
In 1798 Napoleon is
starting a military campaign to Egypt [for the trade
with India?]. The English government is expecting
that Napoleon is pushing forward to India passing
Syria by land or by Mauritius by the sea (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.228). Napoleon lets conquer Malta and is
landing in Alexandria with his giant French fleet
wit 232 transport ships, 2,000 cannons, 32,300
soldiers and also with 175 engineers and scholars. A
Muslim army is defeated near the pyramids and
in 1798 the Napoleon army is conquering Cairo (DTV
history atlas, vol.II, p.23). The English fleet
under admiral Nelson is destroying a part of the
French naval power near Abukir (DTV history atlas,
vol.II, p.25).
GB-India-F-Austria-Russia: Napoleonic Wars: English
protection treaty with the Nizam of Nysore against
Napoleon - English alliance with Austria and tsar
Paul I against France
In 1798 as a
prevention against Napoleon the English Governor
General Mornington is fixing the Nizam of Nysore
with a "Subsidiary Treaty" for "protection": England
is guaranteeing the protection of the Nizam's
rulership when he is accepting this protection and
will pay for it (Reinhard, vol.I, p.228).
By the impression of the French occupation of Malta
Island and of the English naval victory of Abukir
William Pitt junior can manipulate Austria and the
tsar Paul I for a coalition against Napoleon (DTV
history atlas, vol.II, p.25).
NL: "Batavian Republic" taking V.O.C. with a debt
of 140 million guilder
French Revolution is attacking also the Dutch
oligarchy. And only now
V.O.C. is restructured
which should have been since a long time [since
decades] already. V.O.C. is taken by the "Batavian
Republic" on Java as a protection of the Dutch
colonies against Napoleon thus the Dutch colonies will
not fall into his hands. V.O.C. has accumulated a
of 140 million guilders (Reinhard, vol.I,
"English measures" in Bengal are destroying the base
for a private trade system (Reinhard, vol.I, p.151).
GB-India: wars of Mornington on the Indian
subcontinent: victories against Tipu Sultan of
In 1798 and 1799 the troops of Governor General
Mornington are winning against the troops of Tipu
Sultan of Mysore. Mornington is appointed to be the
"Marquis Wellesley". The complete southern Indian
subcontinent is conquered now by the English, above
all the coast lines. In the inner of the country
complete relations of dependency are established.
These annexations and dependencies are headed against
France with Napoleon (Reinhard, vol.I, p.228).
[So how is this criminal "Christian" behavior? Because
one "Christian" from France is making war other
"Christians" from England are surrendering foreign
countries and half continents. Was there a
compensation for this "Christian" behavior? But this
criminal "Christian" madness is even becoming worse!]
since 1798
GB-India: new English Governor General in India:
Mornington - new colonial ideas during the
Napoleonic Wars - expansion policy of Bombay
Since 1798 (until 1805) the new Governor General
Richard Lord Mornington is leading the Company.
Later Mr. Mornington is appointed to be a Marquis
and should come out as a brother of the "Duke of
Wellington" (Reinhard, vol.I, p.228).

Lord Richard Mornington [86]
During the Napoleonic Wars there is always more the
idea coming up that for a protection of world wide
trade the political control would be a precondition
when there should be an expansion of trade
activities. As a consequence the government of
Bombay is practicing a real expansionary policy
under the influence of private interest groups.
Additionally there are always more proponents of a
forward strategy in the Company (Reinhard, vol.I,
Napoleonic Wars, world war: English pocket tactic
against the French army in Egypt - wars in whole
central Europe - military dictatorship under
Napoleon in France - tsar Paul I leaving the
coalition with Napoleon because of Malta
In 1799 the English
naval power under admiral Nelson is
succeeding in cutting the French army in Egypt from
it's motherland of France. A French invasion to
Syria is failing before Acre (Accon). A
French victory on land near Abukir is not leading to
the wished liberation. Thus the French dominance in
Egypt is ending fast. Napoleon's trial for hitting
the British naval power in the eastern part of the
Mediterranean have failed (DTV history atlas,
vol.II, p.23).
England, Russia, and Austria are resisting against
the French troops now considerably:
-- archduke Charles (Karl) is winning in March 1799
against Jourdan near Osterach and Stockach
-- General Suworow is winning in April 1799
against Moreau near Cassano
-- archduke Charles is winning in June 1799 against
Massena near Zurich
-- in August 1799 Joubert is loosing against
the coalition near Novi
-- Russian operations in Switzerland remain
without success
-- a British Russian invasion near Alkmaar
(in Holland) is provoking a French victory (DTV
history atlas, vol.II, p.25)
-- and Malta and the eastern part of the Mediterranean
are dominated by the British again (DTV history
atlas, vol.II, p.23).
Napoleon is succeeding escaping to France, is
overthrowing the directorate and is installing a
dictatorship. His offers for peace are rejected
by the counter coalition. At the same time tsar Paul I
is angry about the English occupation of Malta and in
October 1799 he is jumping from the coalition against
Napoleon (DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.25).
Napoleonic Wars, world war: French victories in
Europe - French purchase of Louisiana - French
landing on Martinique Island and Haiti Island
With the dictatorial conditions in France Napoleon
and Moreau can celebrate victories for
France near Marengo and Hohenlinden
against the coalition (DTV history atlas, vol.II,
In 1800 as a step for "reformation" of the French
"colonial empire" Napoleon can purchase the native
territory of Louisiana from Spain [in those times a
giant territory from the Caribbean to the Rocky
Mountains] and he can set French troops in
"West India" on Martinique Island and in Haiti (DTV
history atlas, vol.II, p.25).
[And the criminal "Christians" are not stopping their
world war!]
GB-India: wars of Mornington in India: reduction of
In 1801 Mornington lets "reduce" the sultanate of
Oudh. And he has further projects for defeating the
Marathas definitely (Reinhard, vol.I, p.228).
Napoleonic Wars, world war: "Peace of Lunéville"
between France and Austria
Austria has to confirm the conditions of
-- France is definitely winning the border at the
Rhine River, and is winning Belgium and Milan from
-- Austria is "taking" the republic of Venice (DTV
history atlas, vol.II, p.25).
A "Northern Coalition" for neutral trade
There is a group of states with the idea to create a
"neutral trade": Russia, Sweden, Denmark, and Prussia
are concluding a first trade alliance. Great Britain
with William Pitt does not want to accept such a
"neutrality of trade" (DTV history atlas, vol.II,
Napoleonic Wars: British peace projects and
overthrow of the Pitt government in Britain
The opposition leader of the "Whigs", Charles James
Fox, is urging for a finish with the fights against
Napoleon. He is provoking the overthrow of the Pitt
government (DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.31).
Napoleonic Wars: a coalition of Napoleon with
Russia against India is failing
In 1801 Napoleon and Russia's tsar Paul I are making a
coalition for the occupation of India. But the
coalition is failing because
Paul I is
murdered (DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.31).
GB-Ireland: "Union"
In 1801 Ireland is "united" with the "United Kingdom
of Great Britain" (DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.31).
The new independence of Ireland is coming in 1922
This "unification" was not at all voluntarily but an
Irish rebellion of 1798 was suppressed and then also
the autonomy of Ireland too so it was "united"

Map with Great Britain with "united" Ireland
1801-1922 [87]
GB-India: English "protection treaty" with the
Peshwa (Prime Minister of the Marathas [web07])
In 1802 the Indian Governor General Mornington is
concluding a protection contract with the Maratha
Prime Minister (Peshwa) (Reinhard, vol.I, p.228).
F-Eg: End of the French occupation of Egypt
(DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.23)
NL-Java: Dutch reform project for Java from
governor Hogendorp
The Dutch governor
Dirk van Hogendorp is
projecting a "liberal" reform program for Java
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.228):
-- possession of properties should be allowed for Java
-- forces deliveries should be abrogated
-- tax should be introduced
-- forced military services should be abrogated
-- the trade should be liberated
-- and the salary for officials should be risen
->> But this project is not realized during the
next years (Reinhard, vol.I, p.229).
Napoleonic Wars, world war: Napoleon's trial for an
occupation of "West India" is failing
In 1802 a big French
fleet is trying to conquer "West India" with the
erection of a "Caribbean Empire". But the fleet is
"stopped" by British ships (DTV history atlas,
vol.II, p.31).
March 1802
"Peace of Amiens": F and GB are deciding over the
England is resigning
to all colonial conquests with the exceptions of
Ceylon and Trinidad. France is assuring giving up
Egypt (DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.25).
Napoleon is selling Louisiana to the "U.S.A." - and
Napoleon lets occupy Hannover
Napoleon wants to
win the "U.S.A." for his projects against England.
For this Napoleon is selling the huge native
territory of Louisiana
[in those times a giant territory from
the Caribbean to the Rocky Mountains] to
Washington (DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.31). [It
can be admitted that there was a secret lodge

Map with the selling of the big Louisiana
territory to the racist "U.S.A." in 1803 [88]
with this action Napoleon supports racism on
the world decisively against all his ideas!
In the same year of 1803 Napoleon lets occupy
Hannover against England and with this action he is
breaking the "Peace of Basel" (DTV history atlas,
vol.II, p.25).
since 1803
GB-India: Wars of Mornington: Second Anglo-Maratha
War (until 1805)
In 1803 (until 1805)
the English Governor General Mornington is executing
his projects against the Marathas conquering the
northern plain with Delhi almost up to the frontier
Punjab. The Mogul Emperor is again
converted into a "fellow" of the Company (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.228).

Map of the Indian subcontinent of 1804 with
further English racist occupations under
Mornington (red stripes) [89]
[For making trade not the domination of a
country is needed but good relations...]
Napoleon becoming an Emperor - introduction of the
"Code civil" in France
Napoleon is
reaching that after his successes he is
crowned an Emperor. His family members receive the
title of princes. His ministers and generals are
honored people and marshals now. In the same year he
lets introduce the civil law ("code civil")
guaranteeing the population "personal freedoms",
"equality of rights", private possession, civil
marriage and divorce. The upper classes remains a
leading power. The noble families who have fled from
the Revolution emigrating [abroad] are called to
come back (DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.27).
[But the "Christian" madness does not stop -
criminal "Christians" are leading the world to a
massacre without limits]:
Napoleonic Wars, world war: French project for an
occupation of Australia and for a destruction of
England - counter coalition of William Pitt junior
with Russia
Napoleon is driving
for preparations of an invasion of Australia and
against England itself (DTV history atlas,
vol.II, p.31). With the slogan "Dominating the
Channel for six hours we will be the dominators of
the world" (in German: "Beherrschen wir auf sechs Stunden den
Kanal, so sind wir die Herren der Welt!") England
should be intimidated (DTV history atlas, vol.II,
William Pitt junior is reacting with a
coalition with tsar Alexander I. And Austria,
Sweden, and Naples are joining this "Third
Coalition" (DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.25).
Napoleonic Wars, world war: French invasion in
Vienna - English naval victory near Trafalgar -
Austrian victories in Upper Italy - French victory
near Austerlitz - "Peace of Schönbrunn" between
France and Prussia - "Peace of Pressburg" between
France and Austria
After the
encirclement and after the capitulation of the
Austrian army near Ulm Napoleon is
invading Vienna. On Oct 21 England is
winning the naval battle near Trafalgar
(south of Cadiz) maintaining the British naval
dominance (DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.25)
against the French and Spanish fleet (DTV lexicon,
vol.18, p.258). archduke Charles (Karl) is winning
in Caldiero (Upper Italy). Prussia is
driving for a mediation but is coming too late
because Napoleon is winning on Dec 2 already the "Three
Emperors' Battle" near Austerlitz. Archduke
Charles (Karl) is withdrawing passing Hungary for
a unification of all armies against Napoleon. In
the "Treaty of Schönbrunn" Prussia is
achieving an exchange of territories with France:
Kleve, Neuenburg (Neuchâtel in today's
Switzerland), Ansbach-Bayreuth are exchanged
with the princedom of Hannover. And Prussia is
concluding a assistance coalition with Napoleon.
On Dec 25, 1805, Austria is forced by France to
the "Peace of Bratislava" and is loosing
-- Venice and Dalmatia to the Republic of Italy
-- Tirol, Vorarlberg and Lindau to Bavaria
-- Breisgau and Constance to Baden and Wurttemberg
-- and at the same time Austria wins Salzburg
(DTV history atlas
vol.II, p.25).
GB-India: recall of Mornington after failures -
since 1805: "reserved" policy with treaties of the
Company under the new Governor General Minto
After some
failures the English Governor General Mornington
is recalled from India. Under the new Governor
Gilbert Elliot Lord Minto a
"reserved" policy is made in the Company above all
with the goal "saving" the northern frontier of
India with coalition negotiations with Persia
against France (Reinhard, vol.I, p.228).

Lord Minto, governor of the English East
India Company, portrait [90]
GB-F-Germany: Death of William Pitt junior -
Napoleon's offer giving Hannover to England -
Prussian counter project
William Pitt
junior, archenemy of Napoleon, is dying in 1805.
In an unauthorized action Napoleon is offering the
new English government the rulership in Hannover
which he had ordered to be Prussian some weeks
before. Prussia wants to react now against
Napoleon with a "Fourth Coalition War" (DTV
history atlas, vol.II, p.25).
since 1805
GB-India: college for an "Indian Civil Service"
in England
Since 1805 a
special "Indian Civil Service" is introduced in
England in Haileybury which should prepare for the
"service" in India. And these formation posts are
wanted massively. The directors can (until 1857)
favor certain circles for Haileybury so
real dynasties and dependencies are created within
the structures of the "Indian Civil Service"
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.227).
Germany-GB-F: Napoleonic Wars, world war: German
"Continental System" against England - Prussian
disaster against French troops
Prussia is
remaining alone against the English rulership in
Hannover. Then Prussia is proclaiming a
continental block ("Continental System") against
England "because England would not accept the
principles of the law of nations and would abuse
the right of blockage" (England performing it's
policy robbing ships and blocking French ports,
see DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.31). At the same
time the German troops are loosing one battle
after the other against the French cannon power
(DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.25).
F-NL: Holland becomes a "Kingdom of Holland"
remaining a satellite of France
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.228)
"Peace of Tilsit": Russian German French
"continental block" against England
In the "Peace of
Tilsit" Russia is hindering the dissolution of
Prussia with it's "objection" (DTV history atlas,
vol.II, p.29). But Napoleon can tear Russia
definitively on his side and can part Europe into
a French and a Russian "hemisphere". Russia is
joining the "continental block" against England
(DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.25).
[England is in danger loosing all European
Napoleonic Wars, world war: England bombing
Copenhague and robbing the fleet against the
"continental block" - danger for the Danish
"Kompagni" - French occupation of Portugal because
of the rupture of the "continental block"
Since 1807 Denmark
is in war with England. The "Kompagni" is in
danger and the businesses are running bad
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.151). Under admiral Nelson
England's war fleet is bombing Copenhague and the
English fleet is robbing the Danish fleet. This
should be an action against the "continental
blockage". This "continental blockage" against
England is even sharpened by the "Edict of Milan"
(DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.25,27,31). The
partners who are not following this edict
permitting trade with England are occupied - thus
Portugal in the same year (DTV history atlas,
vol.II, p.27).
since 1807
GB-Malaya: Thomas Stamford Raffles in Malaya
Since 1807 the
later English vice governor for Java, Thomas
Stamford Raffles, is working in Malaya for the
Dutch side (Reinhard, vol.I, p.229).
Napoleonic Wars: also a second coalition of
Napoleon with Russia against India is failing
Now Napoleon is
forming a coalition with tsar Alexander I for a
second "Indian Plan" for an occupation of the
Indian subcontinent. But tsar Alexander is
"hesitating" too long and the project against
England is failing (DTV history atlas, vol.II,
[And now the criminal "Christians" are even starting
mission movements terrorizing the survivors. How
much terrorism may it be by these criminal
since the 19th century
GB: English "mission movements" against Hindus -
beginning of the destructive "Europeanism" in the
19th century - critic of Minto against European
religious intolerance
Since the "French
Revolution" a "revivalism" coming up in England,
the "Clapham Sect" around William Wilberforce.
Also Charles Grant and the former Governor
General John Shore "Lord Teignmouth"
(being a governor from 1793 to 1798) are members
of this sect. Wilberforce is not only fighting
against slave trade, but he is also shouting
against Hindus rating them as "monsters of
degeneracy and cruelty" and their religion should
be "a single incredible horror".
Charles Grant himself is striving to "connect"
trade and religion and wants to "teach" the Hindus
a "better" form of society and economy. This is
the begin of the general condemnation of the
Indians and this is the beginning "Europeanism":
the drive to change everywhere the society and the
economy also of the natives - destroying all well
established structures by force (Reinhard, vol.I,
In 1807 Governor General Minto is absolutely
criticizing the aggressive intolerance of
the missioners who are operating above all from
Danish bases in India (Reinhard, vol.I, p.233).
Napoleonic Wars, world war: installation of a
"second front" against Napoleon in Portugal
(DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.31).
Sp: bankrupt of the Spanish "Philippines Company"
In 1808 the
Spanish "Philippines Company" has to quit it's
activities despite of support by the English "East
India Company" (Reinhard, vol.I, p.153).
NL-Java: reform program on Java with
fortifications under governor Daendels
Since 1808 the
Dutch governor Marshall
Herman Willem Daendels
(until 1811) lets execute a reform and
fortification program which seems to be headed
against England:

Dutch general Herman Willem Daendels,
portrait [91]
-- more efficient administration of the V.O.C.
according to a French pattern
-- every prefecture receives an own juridical
-- any personal activity of the princes in the
sultanates of
Cheribon and
is eliminated
-- roads and fortifications are installed for a
state of defense (Reinhard, vol.I, p.229).
[And now the criminality of the criminal "Christian"
upper class with it's companies is even rising with
drugs: opium...]
British China trade during the 1st half of the
19th century: cotton and opium from India
During the first
half of the 19th century the British China trade
is consisting of a medium rate of 80% of British
ware from India, first cotton, then opium
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.179).

Opium milk juice [92] - the criminal
"Christians" from Europe are beginning now
to contaminate the whole world with drugs
like opium and heroine, above all England -
a normal tactic of the lodges and secret
F-I: French occupation of Etruria/Rome
Because of the rupture of the "continental blockage"
Napoleon lets occupy Etruria / Rome (DTV history
atlas, vol.II, p.27).
GB-India: treaties of the English Company with
Sikhs and with Sindh in northern India
In 1809 the
English Company can conclude a safety treaty with
Sindh (lower Indus Valley) and with the Sikhs
in Punjab (Reinhard, vol.I, p.228).
[What are doing the criminal "Christians" again?
War, killing, blood, bones, injuries, cut legs, cut
arms, cut heads, shot eyes, hunger, separation of
families, destroyed villages and burnt towns - this
is the fucken "Christian" blood rite and
"Christianity" was never forbidden?]
Napoleonic Wars, world war: Austrian victory near
Aspern - Russian push to Krakow - Austrian defeat
near Wagram - Austria a state without port
During a national "upheaval" Austria is hoping for
a "Fifth Coalition War" against the dictation of
Napoleon (DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.25). After
the Spanish upheaval archduke Charles (Karl)
is publishing a manifesto to all "German
populations". But Prussia is hindered of acting by
the French occupation and by tsar Alexander I.
Napoleon's troops are pushing back the Austrian
troops to Bohemia. But in May Napoleon is loosing
his first battle against archduke Charles (Karl)
near Aspern. Austrian guerrilla is fighting
successfully at the Isel Mountain against
Bavaria and against French, but the Austrian army
is loosing in July near Wagram. Now in October
Napoleon is degrading Austria in the "Peace of
Schönbrunn" ("Peace of Beautiful Fountain")
creating an Austria without port (a landlocked
-- Salzburg, Innviertel and North Tirol go
to Bavaria
-- South Tirol is falling to Italy
-- Illyric provinces go to France
-- West Galicia with Cracow goes
to Poland
-- Tarnapol is falling to Russia.
-- and the Austrian army is limited to 150,000 men
(DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.29).

Map of Europe of 1809 with the blockage of the
continent by Napoleon against England [93]
Napoleonic Wars, world war:
-- Holland is annexed by France,
-- Northern Germany is annexed by France
-- England is annexing the French occupied islands
Bourbon / Réunion and Mauritius (Ile de France)
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.229)
feelings" provoked by the Napoleonic Wars
The occupations
and the distribution of liberal ideas overcoming
feudalism and introducing modern justice systems
and central bureaucracies as also the territorial
unifications of territories are supporting
national feelings which was not at all projected
by Napoleon. And these upcoming national feelings
are partly headed against Napoleon now (DTV
history atlas, vol.II, p.27).

Map of Europe of 1812 with the French
occupied Holland and North Germany [94]
["Christian" bloody rite is going on with death,
cut arms, cut legs, cut heads etc.]:
Napoleonic Wars, world war: threatening takeover
of Java by France - English invasion prepared for
Java - English invasion and new regulations - and
the reality
In 1811 is
threatening a French takeover of Java Island.
Thomas Stamford Raffles is preparing an invasion
of Java (Reinhard, vol.I, p.229).
The English Governor General Minto is occupying
Java "just in a breath" and is installing Thomas
Stamford Raffles as vice governor for Java (until
1816). After this invasion Raffles is deciding
-- the abrogation of all forced deliveries and
obliged military services
-- the introduction of taxes (Reinhard, vol.I,
->> But the reality is another one: The
deliveries and the compulsory military services
are not abrogated. But the population on Java has
to provide the old and the new performances.
Additionally Raffles has got the idea that the
Company could "keep" Indonesia in the future
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.229).
DK: Dissolution of the Danish Company
In 1813 the Danish "Ostindiska Kompaniet" is
dissolved (Reinhard, vol.I, p.152).
GB: discussion about a prolongation of
regulations for the Company - free Indian trade
In 1813 the
meanings of the English government about a
prolongation of the regulations for the Company
are split. Some voices claim a takeover of India
by the British Crown (Reinhard, vol.I, p.230),
others are claiming a liberalization of the Indian
trade, others are even discussing about a
liberalization of the trade with India and China.
The new regulations contain the following
-- the Company will only keep the monopoly for the
China trade
-- the dividends may only be payed with profits
from the China business (Reinhard, vol.I, p.231)
-- additionally it's the first time that a
"Christian" mission is permitted with the Company.
Primarily above all Hindus should be converted who
are living in a caste system which is
discriminating for them. But with this failing
mission the English despite of India is rising
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.233).
since 1813
GB-India: new British Governor General Moira
From 1813 on (until 1823) a new British Governor
General is installed with
Francis Rawdon Earl of
Moira. Moira is not an expansionist, but he
has got the order to defend India against intruders
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.229).

Rawdon Hastings (Moira), portrait [95]
[The truth is: the criminal "Christians" are the
GB-Nepal: English victory against Nepal -
appointment of Moira for a Marquis of Hastings
The troops of the
English Governor General, Francis Rawdon Earl
of Moira, are winning over the intruding Nepalese
Gurkha soldiers from the Kathmandu
Valley. Now Moira is appointed to be a "Marquis of
Hastings" (Reinhard, vol.I, p.229).
since 1815
GB-India-Russia: saving India against Russia
Since 1815 the
"safety policy" of the Company at the northern
frontier of India is also headed against Russian
trials of invasions (Reinhard, vol.I, p.228).
Europe: "New Order" of the world after
Napoleon's defeats
-- the Netherlands get back
Malakka and the
"possessions" in
-- the
Cape land [South Africa] and
"remain" British
-- the island
"Ile de Bourbon" is given back
to France as
"Réunion Island"
-- the island
"Ile de France" remains under
English rule with the Dutch name
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.229).
And since 1816 Mr.
Raffles, the vice
governor of Java, is considering British
possibilities against the Netherlands (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.229).

Map of Europe 1815 [96]

Map with Asia of 1815 [97] - in some kind the
English "possessions" are much bigger than the
Dutch, but England also wants to destroy
India: financial disaster and debts of India: 30
million Pounds
In 1815 the yearly deficit of India is 1.2 million
Pounds. The total debt of India is 30 million Pounds
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.231).
NL, colonies: Dutch possessions are in the hand
of the Dutch state
Holland is changing the system. The possessions of
the V.O.C. are part of the Dutch state now and this
is not changing until 1940 (Reinhard, vol.I, p.129).
10. Nepal with ghurka
soldiers - English Singapore against Holland -
India - Opium Wars against China who never
attacked anybody - liquidations of companies -
sold towns in India - rising British racism in
India - "Philippines" occupied by criminal
racist "U.S.A."
since 1816
GB-Nepal: Nepalese freelancers for the British
Since 1816 Nepalese Gurkha soldiers are "good"
freelancers for the English side (Reinhard, vol.I,

Gurkha (Gorkha) soldiers from Nepal, 1815
appr. [98]
warmongers are copied!
The addiction for war of the racist Europeans is
more and more influencing the native populations,
and with this they are destroying a big part of
their own cultures. The populations are loosing
their identity, become dependent from European
racist military leaders and are partly loosing
even their drive for self preservation].
GB-India: Governor General Moira projecting the
surrender of the Marathas
Since 1816
Governor General Moira is projecting a definite
"solution" of the Marathan problem: the surrender
of the rebelling Marathas and of their former
auxiliary forces, the Pindaris. In the
meantime these Pindaris are performing raids with
"flying riding groups" and with this they are
copying the "Marathan method" (Reinhard, vol.I,
GB-India: English victory against the Marathas -
beginning of the English dominance of whole India
In 1817 and 1818
there is a coordinated maneuver of over 100,000
troops of the English Company against the Maratha
territories of western Central India. the
notorious disunity of the Marathas and the
"incapacity" of their leaders is the best
condition for an English victory. With this action
the countryside behind Bombay and a big part of
the Peshwa ruled territory are annexed by the
English. The Bombay "President" is becoming the
ruler of a territorial power now the first time.
IN the future the land connection between Bombay
and Bengal is under English control (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.229).
With the surrender of the Marathas in 1818 the
English Company has made a big step for a British
rule over whole India (Reinhard, vol.I, p.229).
GB-Singapore: English military base of Singapore
against the Dutch side
In 1819 the former
vice governor for Java, Mr. Raffles, is operating
starting in Bencoolen (Bengkulu on Sumatra Island
[web34]) creating the English base of Singapore
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.229).
India: always more mixed race people in Calcutta:
racism against mixed race people
In 1822 about
2,500 Europeans are living in Calcutta, but
already 10,000 mixed race people. These mixed are
socially subordinated and are kept in minor
positions, they have no change to get higher
positions only by their skin color (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.233).
NL-Singapore: Dutch side forced to acknowledge
In 1824 V.O.C. has to acknowledge Singapore with a
treaty (Reinhard, vol.I, p.229).
GB-India: no trade of the Company in India any
In 1824 the Company is quitting the trade with
India. Private people are taking all (Reinhard,
vol.I, p.231).
NL-India: all Dutch bases in India are given to
In 1825 the Netherlands are leaving their last posts
and bases on the Indian subcontinent to Great
Britain (Reinhard, vol.I, p.153).
Civil war on Java Island
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.217)
NL-Java: reduction of the sultanates favoring
Dutch V.O.C.
In 1830 the
sultanates of Jogjakarta and Surakarta - the core
territory of Mataram on Java - are "reduced"
considerably favoring the Dutch V.O.C. They are
remaining like this until 1945 (Reinhard, vol.I,
GB-India-China: total liberalization of the trade
between England with India and China
In 1833 the
English government is not granting the Company a
monopoly any more. The Company is loosing now also
the China monopoly. The complete naval trade is
liberalized (Reinhard, vol.I, p.231).
Sp, "Philippines": liquidation of the Spanish
"Philippines Company"
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.153)
DK: liquidation of the Danish "Kompagni"
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.151)
[And what are doing the criminal "Christians" now?
They defend their drug and opium trade!]
GB-China: "First Opium War" of China against
England's opium trade
In 1840 China
begins to defend oneself against the English opium
dealers. But the English weapons are superior to
the Chinese weapons (DTV history atlas, vol.II,
GB-China: British victory with the "First Opium
War" against China: "Peace of Nanking"
In 1842 the
superior British weapons are defeating the Chinese
troops. China has to make concessions to the
European aggressors in the "Peace of Nanking":
-- Hongkong is transferred to Britain
-- China is permitting trade concessions to
England for five "treaty ports"
-- China is granting to these "treaty ports" an
own sovereignty in administration, justice, police
and custom duties.
->> As a consequence the European powers are
"hunting" for privileges in China now. The
military weakness of China is provoking the
European powers to "aggressive" maneuvers against
China (DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.91).
[The best would be when there would be no
"Christians" any more in the world because then 90%
of the wars would not be!]
F, colonies: official renaming of Bourbon Island
to Réunion Island
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.147).
DK: selling of Danish towns in India to Britain
In 1845 the Danish
kept towns in India are sold to England: Serampore
and Tranquebar (Reinhard, vol.I, p.151).
[The populations were not asked probably! - And the
more industrialization in Europe is developing the
less the criminal European "Christians" are valuing
other cultures in the world]:
since 1850
GB-India: racism is rising now: rising English
despite for all of India
British despite
against all of India is rising and is even
institutionalized in the structures of the
Company. The ethnocentric despite of all other is
not only based on the technical "superiority", but
is becoming a social structured normal behavior of
the English now (Reinhard, vol.I, p.233).
GB-China: "Second Opium War"/ Junk War: Chinese
police capturing the western junk "Arrow"
In 1856 Chinese
police is capturing the British junk "Arrow"
provoking a new war with France and England (DTV
history atlas, vol.II, p.91; DTV lexicon, vol.11,
[Why this junk
is captured is concealed. There can be many
reasons like smuggling of illegal ware, of
humans, of agents etc. But as long as there is
history about "Christian" colonialists the
"Christian" history books are not very precise.
Fact is: China did never attack anybody but only
a little junk was confiscated, this is not at
all a big ship. But it seems that the content
was so "interesting" that China had to intervene
and that England was just making war because of
In 1857 the college for "Indian Civil Service" of
Haileybury is liberalizing it's regulations
opening the college to all applicants abrogating
intern racism of the directors and "Indian
Families" (Reinhard, vol.I, p.227).
"Peace of Tsientsin" between England, France,
and China
The "first step" of this "Arrow War" is ending
with the "Peace of Tsientsin" (DTV history atlas,
vol.II, p.91; DTV lexicon, vol.11, p.113).
China-Russia: Russian Chinese treaty of Aigun
In this treaty the frontier line between Russia
and China is fixed (DTV history atlas, vol.II,
since 1858
GB-F-China: more war between England, France,
and China - destruction of the Chinese summer
palace - occupation of Beijing
After the "Peace of Tsientsin" the fights between
England, France, and China are continuing. The
European troops are destroying the Chinese summer
palace (DTV lexicon, vol.11, p.113) and they are
occupying Beijing (DTV history atlas, vol.II,
[And now see what the criminal "Christians" are
doing with China - whereas China has NEVER ATTACKED
"Peace of Beijing" between England, France, and
The "second step"
of the "Arrow War" is ending with the "Peace of
Beijing". China has to make more concessions:
-- high war compensation
-- opening of ports (DTV lexicon, vol.11, p.113)
-- installation of European embassies
-- liberalization of trade
-- permission of "Christian" mission work (DTV
history atlas, vol.II, p.91).
China-Russia: China is assigning Aigun to Russia
In 1860 China is assigning the coastal province of
Aigun to Russia (DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.91).
F-China: murder of the French consul in China
In 1870 the French
consul in Tsientsin is murdered. And the European
powers are answering with a "mission of atonement"
(DTV history atlas, vol.II, p.91).
F: liquidation of
the French Company "Compagnie des Indes"
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.149)
China-Vietnam: Chinese acknowledgment of French
In 1885 the Chinese government is acknowledging the
French protectorate over Tonking (DTV history atlas,
vol.II, p.91).
"U.S." Spanish war: "Philippines" are occupied by
the "U.S.A."
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.79)
Indonesia: Java becomes a nucleus for the drive
for independence against the Dutch
(Reinhard, vol.I, p.217)
What happens after 1945: The colonies get a political
but there is a complete economical dependency
-- because colonialism destroyed the identity of the
occupied peoples and the peoples are mentally
instable, they are occupied to find themselves
-- because the governments are corrupt and they
consider it good when a population remains in poverty
when "aid organizations" of the "First World" are
giving everything for free
-- because the "U.S.A." and the white racist CIA are
again and again manipulating countries of the "second
world" and "third world" thus there is no
stabilization but these countries will never be "First
In the "U.S.A." there is elected a government from
time to time, but the CIA is always racist in the same
Is there a compensation, stupid "U.S.A." how you are
terrorizing the world since 1945?
There are many books to buy about the criminal CIA
terrorizing the whole world.