-- Since February 2016, a global cooling is under way, which will last for at least 25 years due to the time delay of 25 years [web01 - Item 25]
The NWO-Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of Rothschild = geological illiterates
Rothschild's NWO Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is a CO2 propaganda apparatus - they are illiterate because there are NO geologists in this climate council
The propaganda group about of climate change is called
IPCC=Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), [a climate council] [web01]
-- The [NWO] World Climate Change Council [of Rothschild, Committee of the 300 in London] (called the IPCC) ignores all scientific research on climate change caused by solar activity, ignores the fact of time delays, and continues to claim that global warming up to 2016 was through CO2 [web01 - point 22]
-- the [NWO] World Climate Change Council [of Rothschild, Committee of the 300 in London] (called: IPCC) continues to lie that CO2 is the trigger for a global warming, which was actually triggered by the sun [web01 - point 25 ]. Quote:
"The IPCC is totally wrong - the sun and not CO2 was the trigger of modern global warming." [web01 - point 25]-- The [NWO] World Climate Council (CO2 Propaganda Apparatus) [by Rothschild, Committee of the 300 in London] claims that global warming is due to the emitted CO2 [web01 - point 19]
-- the [NWO] "science" calls this contradiction a "puzzle" (see Liu et al.: Holocene Temperature Conundrum - 2014) [web01 - point 19]
The NWO climate council claims: people should be responsible for climate change?
-- The [NWO] World Climate Change Council [by Rothschild, Committee of the 300 in London] claims that people could have caused global climate change by CO2 emissions [web01 - point 2]
The NWO climate council claims a greenhouse hypothesis - until today (2019) WITHOUT any evidence
-- The [NWO] World Climate Council claims not only CO2 as the cause of global warming, but also a "greenhouse hypothesis": Atmospheric gases could trap heat. A control of this greenhouse hypothesis is not possible because nowhere is it possible to simulate an Earth's atmosphere [web01 - point 5]
-- Even computer models for the "greenhouse hypothesis" are nonsense, because these computer models are created only on the basis of hypotheses, and the forecasts are wrong: For the period between 1995 and 2015, a double to three times too high increase was predicted [web01 - point 6]
-- recent publications clearly show that the "greenhouse hypothesis" is nonsense [web01 - point 6].
The Rothschild NWO universities have NO idea because they do not believe the geologist, but believe the propaganda politicians + are dependent from them - and demand research funds for nothing
The NWO Universities of Rothschild are partaic and corrupt
-- The [NWO] World Climate Council [by Rothschild, Committee of the 300 in London] claims a man-made climate change (anthropogenic, global warming, English: Anthropogenic Global Warming AGW) [web01 - point 2]
The NWO universities copy the CO2 lie of the media + even set up "research institutes" to "research" due to the CO2 lie
-- The [NWO] universities [of Rothschild, committee of the 300 in London] have followed the [NWO] media propaganda against the CO2, have set up research institutes that are working solely on the CO2 lie and seek solutions [but solutions are not possible because CO2 is certainly NOT involved in climate change, so this is a research that is not successful] - examples are the Grantham Institute (Imperial College), Tyndall Center, etc. [web01 - point 2]
Few "climate scientists" believe in CO2 as the cause - they receive their income from the CO2 lie
-- [NWO] scientists often argue that there is "97% consensus among scientists" about the claim that man-made CO2 causes global climate change. But this "consensus" refers only to a relatively small group of "climate scientists" who spread their lies by readings, seminars, books, and they are economically dependent on the CO2 lie (they are susceptibility to bias, erroneous tendency to a bad behavior) [web01 - point 3]
The NWO Climate
Council has its dolls at NWO
universities that make the CO2 lie a
-- The authors ("researchers") of the
[NWO] IPCC [from Rothschild, Committee of
the 300 in London] are puppets of the
[NWO] governments and [NWO] universities
[of Rothschild, Committee of the 300],
these dolls copy the CO2 lies as a
profession, they develop a self-interest
that continues to be a man-made climate
change (Anthropogenic Global Warming AGW -
BIAS - tendency to a misguided behavior)
[web01 - point 2]
-- to defend their reputation (continuinh publishing their publications, and continuing lectures) [and they never have to admit that all is a lie since the 1980s]
-- they continue to file fees with the lie
-- they continue to lodge research funds with the lie [web01 - point 2]
Example of a climate institute: CO2 propagandist Rahmstorf of the PIK (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
(original German: Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung)
-- the [NWO] - "climate scientist" Dr. Stefan Rahmstorf published in 2008 an article "Anthropogenic Climate Change" claiming than CO2 would be the only cause for the global warming from 1940 to 2005 because other authors also claimed that solar activity had not risen significantly between 1940 to 2005 [web01 - item 15]. Quote:
"... there is no valid alternative ... to CO2 as a driver of modern warming from 1940 to 2005, because ... different authors agree that solar activity has not significantly increased over this period." [web01 - point 15]-- [that is, the "climate scientist" Dr. Stefan Rahmstorf has just copied some books what he likes and left off what was not of his point of view, instead of researching and comparing properly and drawing new conclusions]
-- the same [NWO] - "climate scientist" Dr. Stefan Rahmstorf from the PIK Institute receives $ 1 million from a "private foundation" [web01 - Item 15]
2) The big climatic
fluctuations with the ice ages: by the
position in the Milky Way, when the
earth flies through an arm of the Milky
Way - climate research from Svensmark
![Die Milchstrasse ist in Spiralen
angeordnet [3] - und wenn die Erde einen
solchen Spiralarm durchfliegt, kommt es
zu einer Eiszeit Die Milchstrasse
ist in Spiralen angeordnet [3] - und
wenn die Erde einen solchen Spiralarm
durchfliegt, kommt es zu einer Eiszeit](d/006-faktoren-sonne+milchstrasse-d/003-milchstrasse-in-spiralen.jpg)
The Milky Way is arranged in spirals [3] - and when the earth flies through such a spiral arm, it comes to an ice age
This scientific investigation (by Henrik Svensmark from Denmark) shows clearly the important result that the cloud forming depends from the sun's activity. And it's also proved that the big climate changes with the Ice Ages are depending from the position of the Earth in the Milky Way which has 4 spiral arms. So when the Earth is passing one of the spiral arms then will be an Ice Age. One complete turn around the center of the Milky Way (with 4 passages of the 4 spiral arms) is called "calactic year" and is lasting 250 million years. Here is the film protocol with the investigation which was performed by the group of Mr. Svensmark (with 35 photos):
Solar activity is reducing cosmic radiation from the outside - and there will be less clouds with higher solar activity
Cosmic radiation has the effect forming aerosol particles forming clouds. Sun has different phases of activity, one time more (with more sun spots) and another time less (with less sun spots). More solar activity provokes more sun radiation in solar system and less cosmic radiation can enter from Milky Way into our solar system. Less cosmic radiation provokes less cloud formation and provokes a hotter climate on Earth.
Galactic year of our solar system: passing spiral arms of Milky Way causing glacial periods
Milky Way has the form of a spiral, and our solar system is amidst in it on it's own orbit: this orbit is called the galactic year (which has 250 millions of years for one orbit around the milky way's center). On this orbit our solar system is passing some spiral arms of Milky Way galaxy, and in these arms cosmic radiation is especially high provoking much cloud formation and therefore provoking glacial periods.
Sea's temperatures also are in correlation with cosmic radiation
Geochemical investigations can measure the content of oxygen in fossils and therefore it's possible to determinate the water temperature of the sea of the last 500 million years. There is a direct correlation between cosmic radiation and sea's temperatures.
Good information about climate research of Svensmark: Climate change and Galactic year - link

3) CO2 is present in such small amounts (0.038%) that it certainly does NOT cause climate change
The truth about CO2: Cooling gas (!) - The proportion of CO2 in the atmosphere: 0.038% - The proportion of CO2 provoked by man: 4% (!) - Climate change with 0.00152% share DOES NOT WORK!
![Himmel mit Atmosphäre [4,5]: Der
CO2-Gehalt der Atmosphäre ist nur 0,038%,
davon sind nur 4% vom Menschen fabriziert,
das sind 0,00152% - diese winzige Menge
kann ja wohl nicht einen weltweiten
Klimawandel auslösen... Himmel mit
Atmosphäre [4,5]: Der CO2-Gehalt der
Atmosphäre ist nur 0,038%, davon sind nur
4% vom Menschen fabriziert, das sind
0,00152% - diese winzige Menge kann ja
wohl nicht einen weltweiten Klimawandel
Heaven with atmosphere [4,5]: The CO2 content of the atmosphere is only 0,038%, of which only 4% are man-made, that is 0,00152% - this tiny amount can not cause a worldwide climate change ...
Data from communication partner Daniel Reinders (VK) from Germany (former truck driver, Stuttgart region, post on VK from 3.5.2019 - Link)
The properties of CO2: cooling effect
-- CO2 is a useful gas and growth gas
-- CO2 has a cooling effect, can be used as a cold store, CO2 storage is cooling storage, CO2 is used in air conditioning systems as a coolant
CO2 is practically non-existent in the atmosphere, and the proportion provoked by humanity is tiny
-- The atmosphere contains only 0.038% CO2
-- Note: Wikipedia which controlled by the Mossad states a similar value, see here the German Wikipedia: "Carbon dioxide (CO2) is contained in the atmosphere at a level of about 0.04% (about 400 ppm)." (Link: Kohlenstoffdioxid in der Erdatmosphäre) - ie 0.4 per thousand are CO2 (0.4% o)-- nature produces almost 96% of CO2 itself, and the proportion of CO2 in the atmosphere that humans provoke is only 4%
The English Mossad Wikipedia is much more precise (link: Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere): CO2 content of the atmosphere during glaciation times was 0.018% - and in 2010 it was 0.041%. Quotation:
"Carbon dioxide concentrations have shown several cycles of variation from about 180 parts per million during the deep glaciations of the Holocene and Pleistocene to 280 parts per million during the interglacial periods [but Mossad Wikipedia is concealing higher levels in the past!]. Following the start of the Industrial Revolution, atmospheric CO
2 concentration increased to over 400 parts per million and continues to increase, causing the phenomenon of global warming[10] [but Mossad Wikipedia is concealing higher levels in the past!]. As of April 2019, the average monthly level of CO
2 in Earth's atmosphere exceeded 413 parts per million.[11] The daily average concentration of atmospheric CO
2 at Mauna Loa Observatory first exceeded 400 ppm on 10 May 2013[12][13] although this concentration had already been reached in the Arctic in June 2012.[14] As of 2010 it constitutes about 0.041% by volume of the atmosphere, (equal to 410 ppm) [15][16][4][17][18] which corresponds to approximately 3200 billion metric tons of CO
2, containing approximately 870 billion metric tons of carbon. Each part per million by volume of CO
2 in the atmosphere thus represents approximately 2.13 billion metric tons of carbon.[19]"
-- 4% of 0.038% is 0.00152% - so humanity is responsible for only 0.00152% in the atmosphere - that's practically nothing
The big question now is: why should humanity be responsible for climate change with a 0.00152% share in the atmosphere? That is NOT working!
The harmful bio-fuel (bio-methane-ol)
-- Bio-methane (ol) drives 35 times more than CO2
-- Bio-methane (ol) is hardly taxed
-- Bio-methane (ol) really warms up
Still to the diesel cars: The highly toxic carbon monoxide (CO) of the gasoline cars is concealed by Rothschild's K300 media (!)
Data from communication partner Daniel Reinders from Germany (Post on VK from May 3, 2019 - Link)
With gasoline cars, their high carbon monoxide (CO) levels are concealed:
-- A gasoline car emits 810 times more CO than a diesel engine
-- A gasoline car emits approx. 50% more CO2 than a diesel engine (see also the post on VK 28.4.2019 - Link)
Note: Cancer heals by pH! Do not be afraid of diesel soot:
Note: Cancer healing with natural medicine: soda, apricot kernels, cannabis oil, noni, graviola, mistletoe, Hufelandkliniken, cancer pills combined with methadone - no more afraid of diesel soot
The fact is that earlier LESS cancer has occurred, even though there was MORE air pollution. Cancer is therefore NOT primarily from the air pollution, but cancer comes, as has been shown by the research of sodium bicarbonate, from a too low pH value in the body (pH below pH6, measured sober in the urine). Everybody can control the pH himself/herself with the diet in order to become less susceptible to diseases (!) - with a healthy diet (note - link), with whole foods, with raw food (Bircher-Benner - link (German)), with blood group nutrition (Dr. D'Adamo - link), all this is increases the pH in the body, so that the pH never falls below pH6, but will be always between pH6 and pH7 (measured sober in the urine). At a pH in the body between pH6 and pH7 cancer is hardly possible in PH7 because the body is only slightly acidic and there is enough oxygen in the blood to neutralize pollutants. When there is cancer being caused by a low pH, the cancer heals very quickly with 1 tea spoon of soda in 1 cup of water + 3 table spoons maple syrup / sugar molasses / Algarrobina with intake sober + in the evening 2h after the last meal etc. (90% healing rate - healing in 10 to 12 days), or with bitter apricot kernels (slowly increase up to 50 per day, about 3 to 6 months, even apple seeds work!), or with cannabis oil (healing time 12 to 18 months, 10 drops 1 hour before meals morning + evening) , or with noni or graviola (intake: sober in the morning 2 tablespoons), or cancer also heals with mistletoe preparations (in the clinics in Arlesheim) or in Hufeland clinics in Germany, or there is the trick to combine cancer pills with methadone, be free to do this for persons who have access to methadone (the weaning of methadone can be made with sodium bicarbonate), etc. (Note Cancer 10: healing cancer - link)
When the indicated links do not run (cr. Mossad has something against healing people and often blocks good websites), then the same websites are also here:========
-- healthy nutrition note - link
-- whole foods, with raw food Bircher-Benner - link (German)
-- blood group nutrition Dr. D'Adamo - link
-- healing cancer: Note Cancer 10: healing cancer - link
Cancer is caused at low pH values by:
-- Air pollution
-- Pesticides
-- Varnishes
-- Solvent
-- Contaminated fruits and vegetables from mafia countries where toxic waste and nuclear waste is burried or thrown into the sea, e.g. from contaminated Italy (link)
Michael Palomino, June 24, 2019