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"Moon plays": The moon was the Earth - Lies and Truth in the Atmosphere - the moon lie
24. Impossible live TV broadcast from the moon - faked, blurred "moon films" with faked radio communication
The moon gravitation is not expressed in the "moon films" - the wrong claim about aliens of Apollo 11
Apollo 15 fake, the film with a hammer and a feather, but one cannot check out if it's a feather [1]
by Michael Palomino (2006)
from: Gerhard Wisnewski: Lügen im Weltraum [Lies in Space]; Knaur 2005
A live TV broadcast from the moon is not possible and is a big lie
The live TV broadcast "from the moon" to the Earth is not possible. Big TV cameras of the TV studios of the 1960ies with their transmission antennas and with the current supply for the camera equipment are not available on the moon. The weight of a big TV camera of the 1960s current supply device inclusive was about 80 kg and was absolutely not transportable. On the moon there never had been any electricity for this joke.
The antenna for a live TV broadcast had been not so big on the moon (about as big as an opened umbrella). But the receiving antenna on the Earth should be very big and had to be very quick to handle because of the Earth rotation, or it had to be planted on the North or on the South pole for staying always on the same place. If the receiving antenna is on the shadow side of the moon there is no radio communication
When there would be a radio communication over the "mother ship" which is in an orbit around the moon during the "moon landing" the problem becomes even bigger because the "mother ship" is circulation around the moon and is also on the shadow side of the Earth for half of the time. By these circumstances life TV broadcast are hardly possible.
And it's strange that there is not one single "moon foto" showing a "moon astronaut" making films with a big TV camera.
And how should be hold a radio communication over a distance of 380,000 km? A satellite has today about 300 km maximum distance from the Earth. When we admit 500 km maximum and would reinforce the radio signal from the moon to the Earth with satellites we would need a chain of 760 satellites to transmit the radio signal. Add to this the Earth is turning and all satellites would have to turn corresponding to the Earth's turn. So a radio communication from the moon to the Earth is not possible at all.
By all these factors there is the conclusion that there has never been one single human on the moon until now who was handling a video camera there or has made a film there, and it's sure that never had been performed a live TV broadcast from the moon. All "moon films", the little films from the video camera on the Lunar Module inclusive (which has never flown but was hanging on the rope), are a big lie...
(from: Wisnewski: Lies in Space)
Apollo 15: Alleged "moon film" with a hammer and a feather
Apollo 15 fake, the film with a hammer and a feather, but one cannot check out if it's a feather [1]
Astronaut David Scott of Apollo 15 is said having let fallen down a hammer and a feather to prove that in the vacuum of the moon both falls at the same speed. But the film is blurred in a kind that nobody can recognize what is falling on the picture (Wisnewski, p.230).
Look the video with a radio communication (in English) without any time delay of 2.4 seconds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C5_dOEyAfk
In the "moon films" the effect of the moon gravitation is missing
On the moon there is said to be only 1/6 of the Earth gravity. But the jumps of the "moon astronauts" in the "moon films" prove that the "moon astronauts" "on the moon" are not jumping more far or higher as on Earth. A so called jump of the "moon astronaut" John Young "on the moon" is e.g. on foto no. AS16-113-18339 (Wisnewski, p.227).
Apollo 16 fake, NASA photo AS16-113-18339 with an alleged jumpo of the "astronaut" John Young,
but this is not at all a jumping position, but more a photo composition [2]
[The foto looks like a composition. This is not a posture of a jump].
Jumps in astronaut suits on Earth were never tested. By this there is no comparison possible with the circumstances "on the moon". Also the walking habit "on the moon" is the same as it is on Earth, with 1/6 of gravity impossible. The feet should be higher over the soil of the moon, and a much lighter walking habit should be possible. The "spacious extension of the movement" is not performed. Wisnewski:
"Surprisingly the factor of the amplitude is not changing at all, but only the factor of time is changing. The movements are only slower, but not higher and not with more extension."
(orig.: "Erstaunlicherweise verändert sich das Merkmal Amplitude überhaupt nicht, sondern lediglich das Merkmal Zeit. Die Bewegungen laufen also langsamer ab, ohne höher oder weiter auszufallen." (Wisnewski, p.229)
The production of "moon films"
Slow-motion and blurred set lens - pictures from the moon hall and from simulators
At "moon films" only the factor time is different to normal films. So it's very simple to produce "moon films": One takes films from the "moon hall" at Houston and records them in slow motion with a blurred set lens one more time, ready (Wisnewski, p.229). Add to this blurred fotos from the simulators are mixed (Wisnewski, p.281).
The blurred "moon films" can come from the simulations without problem because when the films are blurred nobody can control this:
"No one could say if the extremely bad TV pictures of Apollo 11 are astronauts on the moon or perhaps between the faked craters of Langley."
(orig.: "Kein Mensch könnte anhand der extrem schlechten TV-Bilder von Apollo 11 sagen, ob sich die Astronauten nun auf dem Mond befinden oder vielleicht zwischen den falschen Kratern von Langley." (Wisnewski, p.285)
and mix radio communication to the wrong films
The radio communication has to be added in a studio separately. The helmets of the astronaut suits are very good for the film fakers because the faces are not visible and with this also the movements of the lips are not visible (Wisnewski, p.229). So, concerning the radio communications with "moon astronauts" all conversation can be a fake (Wisnewski, p.231-233). A time delay of 2.4 to 2.7 seconds is a very simple radio moon reflection and is possible since 1949 (Wisnewski, p.233).
[So, everybody who has a little knowledge in making films can produce "moon films" when the simulators are available].
Partly in the "moon films" even the radio communication and the pictures are not coordinated, e.g. when astronaut Aldrin (Apollo 11) reports the landing, but the Lunar Module is in the air yet (Wisnewski, p.234). the order to stop the landing engine ("Engine Stop") comes much too early and the Lunar Module should crash down when the order would be performed. But the Landing Module is not crashing in the film... (Wisnewski, p.234-235).
Today (2010) one can see a part of the "moon landings" on Youtube, here e.g. the "moon landing" of Apollo 11, a loudless horizontal landing without any engine noise, absolutely unreal. Coming to the end the foto is unsharp and there is a dust simulation as it seems, and at the end almost all is black but the dust is white. And in fact there is the order "engine stop" before the definite landing on the ground. But you can see this theatre here yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BvbD-1qZtc
[There remains the manipulation of the films: Elements of the moon hall and of the simulation devices have to be painted out of the films. Normally the elements are painted out with black simulating a stay in space, very simple...]
But even this is not always carried out. In the film of Apollo 11 during the alleged live TV broadcast "from the moon" at 20 July 1969 there are blurred beams in the picture. According to Wisnewski these are beams from the moon orbit model LOLA. One can compare them with the foto L-65-5579 from 1 August 1965 (Wisnewski, p.289-292).
Alleged UFO meeting at Apollo 11 with coloured film is impossible
According to NASA staff member Otto Binder hobby radio operators have received talks from Apollo 11 astronauts by an own VHF receiver. The voices tell how "moon astronauts" can see aliens:
<NASA: "What is there? Mission Control to Apollo 11."
Apollo 11: "These babies are huge. Enormous. O my God. You would not believe it! I can tell you, there are other space ships here, in a row on the shadow side of the crater border. They are on the moon and watching us.">
(orig.: <NASA: "Was ist da? Mission Control ruft Apollo 11."
Apollo 11: 'Diese Babies sind riesig. Enorm. Oh, mein Gott. Sie würden es nicht glauben! Ich sage Ihnen, es sind andere Raumschiffe da draussen, aufgereiht auf der abgewandten Seite eines Kraterrandes. Sie sind auf dem Mond und beobachten uns."> (Wisnewski, p.262)
Proofs for the fake:
-- during the [faked] "Live TV broadcast" this text never was spoken out
-- "moon astronaut" Neil Armstrong would never speak about aliens without permission
-- the ground control would was never called "Mission Control" by the "moon astronauts" but "Houston" (Wisnewski, p.263).
Add to this rumours say that Edwin Aldrin had made coloured films about the aliens "on the moon" (Wisnewski, p.262).
But according to Wisnewski in 1969 there were no colour video camera available which could have been transportable for a "moon trip" (Wisnewski, p.263).
[There were no cameras "on the moon" at all which had the capacity for making TV films and live TV broadcasts "from the moon"...]
But: The CIA headquarters with all their foto and film studios for production of faked fotos and faked films are at the same place as one of the big moon landing simulation centers: At Langley near Hampton (Virginia)...
Photo sources
[1] "Hammer and feather", photo: http://hammerandfeather.wordpress.com/about-2/
[1] "Hammer and feather", film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C5_dOEyAfk
[2] Parachuter Young in the airwithout jumping positino, photo composition: http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/BROWSE/lunar-module_1.html;
[3,4,5,6] Apollo 11, landing movie : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BvbD-1qZtc
[7] Lunar model LOLA: http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4308/ch11.htm