"Moon plays": The moon was the
Earth - Lies and Truth in the Atmosphere
25. Van Allen radiation
belts, sunstorms and sunspots, radiation on the moon and
flashlights: "Moon flights" are impossible
The low radiation data
at the "moon astronauts" - the too low flash light rates - the
"moon flights" cannot have been performed
The moon has no atmosphere and has no protection against
sunwinds and sunstorms.
So there is a totally high radioactivity on the moon [8]
by Michael Palomino (2006 / 2021)
-- Gerhard Wisnewski: Lügen im Weltraum [Lies in space]; Knaur
-- SIDC: Daily Sunspot Number;
Explorer satellites: Data of high radioactive
radiation in the Van Allen belts
![]() Sun rhythm with the cycle of the sun surface which is covered by sunspots, NASA diagram 2005. The "moon landings" shall have been performed exactly during a maximum of sun activity 1969 to 1972... [3] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Sunspot_butterfly_with_graph.gif; http://science.msfc.nasa.gov/ssl/pad/solar/Images/bfly.gif) |
The outbreaks of the sun can give enormous amounts of high
energetic radio active part into space (Wisnewski, p.197-198).
The so called "sunwind" becomes a radioactive storm or
hurricane: "The high energetical parts race within hours through
the solar system [...] Add to this some radioactive parts fly
almost with speed of light and pass the distance between sun and
moon within 30 minutes." Astronauts in a little Apollo module
with thin walls have no chance to survive (Wisnewski, p.198).
(In: Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics and
Applications; Space Studies Board: Radiation and the
International Space Station. Recommendations to Reduce Risk,
2000, p.20; Wisnewski, p.198)
<After a huge outbreak of the sun on 28 October [2003], one
of the strongest outbreaks of the last decades the shock front
of the CME arrived already on 29 Oct at 7:00 o'clock MESZ at ACE
satellites. In the evening and during the night to 30 October
there were many coloured polar lights to see.>
(orig.: <Nach einem gewaltigen Ausbruch auf der Sonne am 28.
Oktober [2003], einem der stärksten der vergangenen Jahrzehnte,
traf die zugehörige Schockfront des CME bereits am 29. um 07:00
Uhr MESZ beim ACE-Satelliten ein. Abends und in der Nacht zum
30. gab es vielerorts farbenprächtige Polarlichter zu
As an effect there are polar lights in certain regions where the
stream of radioactive parts ("sunstorm") hit the Van Allen
Polar lights after
sunstorm of 28 October 2003 |
![]() Polar light 29 October 2003 over Görlitz [6] |
![]() Polar light at Norderney, 30 October 2003 [7] |
The sunspots
during the alleged Apollo mission Apollo 8 to Apollo 17
-- SIDC: Daily Sunspot Number:
-- Gerhard Wisnewski: Lügen im Weltraum [Lies in Space];
Knaur 2005, p.208
Precisely during the years 1967 to 1970 the Sun is again in
a high activity, a cycle "solar maximum", with a special
high Sun activity. This can be proved by the number of
sunspots. According to this number of sunspots the sunwinds
and the radioactive radiation in space are strong
(Wisnewski, p.198-199).
According to Wisnewski the average number of sunspots between
1967 to 1970 is 127 sunspots a day. The sunwinds are strong. A
manned flight to the "moon" seems not to be possible considering
the radioactivity (Wisnewski, p.199).
The moon landing fans simply say that the astronauts had "luck"
(Wisnewski, p.199).
[But the astronauts had really had "luck": They were never
forced to fly to the "moon"...]
Astronauts acting with two "moon flights", are:
James A. Lovell (Apollo 8 and 13), John W. Young (Apollo 10
and 16), Eugene A. Cernan (Apollo 10 and 17).
Apollo 9 was no "moon flight", but it's said to be only a
test of the Lunar Module in an Earth orbit. The astronauts
who had been two times "on the moon" or in a moon orbit
should have a special radio activity by the sunwinds, and
should have developed also a specially high rate of cancer
by this.
There is no special shield against the cosmic radioactive
The shield of Apollo capsules is no shield
Up to Apollo 8 NASA has not even performed animal experiments in
the Van Allen belts. NASA claims simply that the estimated
radiation data would be under 1 rad for every astronaut, so less
than at a X-ray examination of the chest (Wisnewski, p.195).
But according to Wisnewski the shield of the Apollo capsules can
only provide 7.5 thousandth part of the protection which is
given on Earth on the equator by the atmosphere and by the
magnetic field (Van Allen belt). The Apollo capsule corresponds
only to a protection wall of about 7 mm plumb, but it would be
necessary 90 cm plumb for a protection like on the equator.
(In: Völker, Lutz: Nutzlast Mensch; Institut für Luft- und
Raumfahrtstechnik, Fakultät Maschinenwesen [Human freight;
Institute for air and space technique, faculty machinery]; TU
Dresden, July 2001; Wisnewski, p.195).
NASA trivializes the cosmic radiation
NASA claims in the press map e.g. about Apollo 8:
"The solar radiation and the radiation of the Van Allen
radiation belts are no danger for the astronauts in the thick
walled Apollo capsules." (Wisnewski, p.195)
The reports about Apollo 8 and about all other Apollo flights do
not mention the Van Allen radiation belts and do not mention the
cosmic radiation (Wisnewski, p.194).
[The secrecy functions...]
But theoretically a "trip" through the Van Allen radiation belts
needs 90 minutes (Wisnewski, p.196).
Also the danger of Sun activity is mentioned in the NASA press
map only with one single sentence:
<Every solar outbreak during the mission will be watched by
the worldwide network of alarm stations for sunwinds.>
(Wisnewski, p.198)
So there is no other measure than to "watch". When the
astronauts should be on the "moon" at a moment of an outbreak of
the Sun they would be adviced to start from the moon and to fly
to the main atmosphere ship in the moon orbit. But the sunwind
is faster than the so called start procedure... (Wisnewski,
of sunspots during the "moon landings"
In the following tlables the number of sunspots is
indicated according to the "Wolf number", the definited
coordination number to fix the number of sunspots seen in
a telescope according to the telescope quality.
11 to 22 October 1968
On 21 December 1968 Apollo 8 is said to
have passed the first time the Van Allen radiation belts, is
said to have been in a moon orbit, and is said to have
passed the Van Allen radiation belts another time. This
would be the first human experiment with radioactive
radiation in a height of not known extent. Also measures are
made, but there is never planned a stop of Apollo 8
(Wisnewski, p.104).
Cosmic, radioactive radiation: Sunspots during Apollo 8 |
October 1968 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
Sum |
Average |
Sunspots (Wolf number) |
95 |
99 |
70 |
76 |
90 |
88 |
82 |
108 |
112 |
114 |
122 |
134 |
1190 |
99.17 |
Event |
Apollo 8 with alleged moon landing |
(In: SIDC: Daily Sunspot Number; http://sidc.oma.be/sunspot-data/dailyssn.php)
Astronauts: Frank F. Borman (*March 14, 1928); James
A. Lovell (*March 25, 1928), William A. Anders (born Oct 17,
(Wisnewski, p.208).
NASA claims an exposure of the Apollo 8 astronauts of 0.16 rad
(Wisnewski, p.201).
3 to 13 March 1969
Apollo 9
Apollo 9 (3-13 March 1969) is said to have performed only an
Earth orbit.
Apollo 9)
With this Apoloo 9 is not within the balance of radiation belts,
sunspots and lunar radiation on the moon.
18-26 May 1969
Apollo 10
Cosmic, radioactive radiation: Sunspots during Apollo 10 |
May 1969 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
Sum |
Average |
Sunspots (Wolf number) |
117 |
120 |
123 |
163 |
178 |
198 |
205 |
182 |
177 |
1463 |
162.6 |
Event |
Apollo 10 with alleged moon landing |
(In: SIDC: Daily Sunspot Number; http://sidc.oma.be/sunspot-data/dailyssn.php)
Astronauts: Thomas P. Stafford (*Sep 17, 1930), John
W. Young (*Sep 24, 1930), Eugene A. Cernan (*March 14,
(Wisnewski, p.208).
NASA claims an exposure of the Apollo 10 astronauts of
0.48 rad (Wisnewski, p.201).
16-24 July 1969
Apollo 11
Cosmic, radioactive radiation: Sunspots during Apollo 11 |
July 1969 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
Sum |
Average |
Sunspots (Wolf number) |
75 |
78 |
73 |
66 |
61 |
62 |
60 |
55 |
55 |
585 |
65 |
Event |
Apollo 11 with alleged moon landing |
Astronauts: Neil A. Armstrong (*Aug 5, 1930), Edwin E. "Buzz"
Aldrin (*Jan 20, 1930), Michael A. Collins (*Oct 31, 1930)
(Wisnewki, p.208).
NASA claims an exposure of the Apollo 11 astronauts of 0.18
rad (Wisnewski, p.201).
14-24 Nov 1969
Apollo 12
Cosmic, radioactive radiation: Sunspots during Apollo 12 |
November 1969 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
Sum |
Average |
Sunspots (Wolf number) |
67 |
68 |
67 |
75 |
86 |
94 |
123 |
127 |
132 |
129 |
119 |
1087 |
98.8 |
Event |
Apollo 12 with alleged moon landing |
Astronauts: Charles P. "Pete" Conrad (*June 2,1930-dead July
8, 1999, traffic accident), Richard F. Gordon (*Oct 5, 1929),
Alan L. Bean (*March 15, 1932) (Wisnewski, p.208).
NASA claims an exposure of the Apollo 12 astronauts of 0.58
rad (Wisnewski, p.201).
11-17 April 1970
Apollo 13
Apollo 13 is said to have been on a "moon
trip" and is said to have suffered an explosion of an
oxygene tank. The atmosphere ship shall have been on a moon
orbit, then the astronauts are said to have changed from the
main atmosphere ship to the ascent stage of the Lunar Module
and they are said to have passed the flight back in the
ascent stage only, and a short time before the landing they
are said to have changed from the ascent stage to the main
module (Wisnewski, p.196).
On the flight back the astronauts of Apollo 13 are said to
have passed the Van Allen radiation belts in the Lunar
Module, only in a case of about 3 mm aluminium (Wisnewski,
According to the press map the ascent stage has a heat
shield and micrometeor shield of diverse layers of mylar and
a thin aluminium profile.
(In: NASA: Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Mission; Press Kit,
Washington, 6 July 1969, p.96, 101; Wisnewski, p.196).
Cosmic, radioactive radiation: Sunspots during Apollo 13 |
April 1970 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
Sum |
Average |
Sunspots (Wolf number) |
183 |
163 |
141 |
124 |
106 |
92 |
82 |
891 |
127 |
Event |
Apollo 13 mit angeblicher Mondumrundung |
Astronauts: John L. Swigert (*Aug 30, 1931-dead Dec 27, 1982,
bone cancer), Fred W. Haise (*Nov 14, 1933), James A. Lovell
(*March 25, 1928) (Wisnewski, p.208).
NASA claims an exposure of the Apollo 13 astronauts of 0.24
rad (Wisnewski, p.201).
31 Jan-9 Feb 1971
Apollo 14
Cosmic, radioactive radiation: Sunspots during Apollo 14 |
January 1971 |
31 |
Sum |
Average |
Februar 1971 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Sunspots (Wolf number) |
103 |
90 |
85 |
81 |
80 |
73 |
78 |
82 |
64 |
45 |
781 |
78.1 |
Event |
Apollo 14 with alleged moon landing |
Stuart A. Roosa (16 Aug 1933-12 Dec 1994,
complications in a hospital), Edgar D. Mitchell (*17. Sep
1930) (Wisnewski, p.208).
NASA claims an exposure of the Apollo 14 astronauts of 1.14
rad (Wisnewski, p.201).
26 July-7 Aug 1971
Apollo 15
Cosmic, radioactive radiation: Sunspots during Apollo 15 |
July 1971 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
Sum |
Average |
August 1971 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Sunspots (Wolf number) |
84 |
75 |
72 |
70 |
72 |
69 |
72 |
61 |
58 |
48 |
45 |
38 |
44 |
808 |
62.2 |
Event |
Apollo 15 with alleged moon landing |
David R. Scott (*June 6, 1932), Alfred M. Worden (*Feb 7,
1932), James B. Irwin (March 17, 1930-dead Aug 8, 1991,
heart attack) (Wisnewski, p.208).
NASA claims an exposure of the Apollo 15 astronauts of 0.30
rad (Wisnewski, p.201).
16-27 April 1971
Apollo 16
Cosmic, radioactive radiation: Sunspots during Apollo 16 |
April 1972 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
Sum |
Average |
Sunspots (Wolf number) |
60 |
55 |
59 |
58 |
65 |
77 |
81 |
83 |
82 |
88 |
83 |
63 |
854 |
72.2 |
Event |
Apollo 16 with alleged moon landing |
Astronauts: Thomas K. Mattingly (*March 17, 1936), Charles M.
Duke (*Oct 3, 1935), John W. Young (*Sep 24, 1930) (Wisnewski,
NASA claims an exposure of the Apollo 16 astronauts of 0.51
rad (Wisnewski, p.201).
7-19 Dec 1972
Apollo 17
Cosmic, radioactive radiation: Sunspots during Apollo 17 |
December 1972 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
Sum |
Average |
Sun spots (Wolf number) |
24 |
29 |
42 |
53 |
61 |
64 |
67 |
69 |
71 |
66 |
71 |
58 |
49 |
700 |
53.8 |
Event |
Apollo 17 with alleged moon landing |
Astronauts: Eugene A. Cernan (*March 14, 1934), Ronald E.
Evans (*Nov 10, 1933-dead April 6, 1990, heart attack),
Harrison H. Schmitt (*July 3, 1935) (Wisnewski, p.208).
NASA claims an exposure of the Apollo 17 astronauts of 0.55
rad (Wisnewski, p.201).
The radiatino of the Van Allen belts and of the sunspots is
not all yet:
The cosmic radioactive radiation on the moon
The radiation on the moon itself has to be rather high and
cannot be estimated. The radiation data of the so called
"lunar probes" are secret... (Wisnewski, p.202)
[respectively not one single lunar probes has reached the moon
probably and all is a lie about the lunar probes].
NASA tells us: The moon has no atmosphere and is not protected from the sunwinds and sunstorms, so all radioactivity is coming on the moon. The moon is totally radioactive and no human can survive there. So, the moon is a radioactive prohibited area and any "moon landing" is an illusion (conclusion Palomino). NASA says: The moon is radioactive, so never enter [8] |
The cosmic radioactive radiation which got the "moon astronauts"
during their stay on the "moon" is never mentioned by NASA. The
radiation data for the moon itself are kept "secret" by NASA.
Also the alleged radiation data measured by the "lunar probes"
are kept secret, or the data are singular because there is no
other lexicon which wants to confirm the data (Wisnewski,
[It's strange that from the biggest radiation source, the moon
itself, the data is missing. The cecrecy of NASA finctions to
hold on an illusion of "moon landing"...]
This is NO conspiracy theory, stupid journalist, but these are
Illnesses by radioactive radiation |
Dose in Sievert |
Illness |
0.5 to1 |
Change of the blood picture, red skin, some sickness, vomiting, seldom death |
1 to 2 |
Negative effect to the bone marrow, vomiting, sicknett, bad general condition, about 20 % lethality |
over 4 |
Heavy limitations of the general condition and heavy disturbance of the blood picture. Very high infection rate, 50 % lethality. |
over 6 |
Add to all there are gastrointestinal symptomes [stomac problems]. Very high lethality. |
over 7 |
Lethality almost 100 %. |
over 10 |
Damage of the central nervous system (CNS), paralysis possible before death |
over 100 |
Death within seconds by breakdown of central nervous system (CNS). |
This is NO conspiracy theory, stupid journalist, but these are
No radiation symptoms at the "moon astronauts"...
There are never radiation symptoms found at the "moon
astronauts". Only the third astronaut of Apollo 13, John. L.
Swigert, dies with 51 years by bone cancer. All other "moon
astronauts" stay safe and healthy (Wisnewski, p.197).
The average radiation dose on the manned Apollo flights
according to NASA
The alleged measured radiation dose at the "moon astronauts"
after the flight back is yet under the NASA estimation of 1 rad,
so it's said to be between 0.1 and 0.5 rad. Only Apollo 14 is
said to have 1.14 rad and shall have had more than 1 rad of
radiation (Wisnewski, p.201).
According to the measures at the "moon astronauts" the Van Allen
radiation belt would not exist (Wisnewski, p.201-202), and this
is an impossibility which is acting against the own measuring
data from the Explorer satellites (Wisnewski, p.202).
[and the sunspots, the sunwinds and the sunstorms and the cosmic
radiation on the moon is also not existing according to NASA.
This is really a Mickey Mouse phantasy spaceflight in the sense
of Mr. Gearloose...]
A project for a "moon hotel": Massive walls against the
cosmic, radioactive radiation
The architects of the world find it "interesting" to
plan houses for the moon because gravity is only 1/6 of Earth's
gravity. So there would be "bold" constructions possible
(Wisnewski, p.203).
Architect Hans-Jürgen Rombaut plans e.g. a hotel "Lunatic", with
radiation protection. That for he plans thick protection walls
protection effect against radiation:
-- 12 cm wall of moon material [but this is radioactive!]
-- 3 cm glass
-- 35 cm water
-- 3 cm glass
total 53 cm thick (Wisnewski, p.203).
This is not the protection on Earth by the atmosphere which
would correspond to a protection shield of 90 cm plumb. But the
"hotel visitors" would have only a stay of some days, so
53 cm would be enough, the architect says. The hotel staff has
to house and cook and sleep underground (Wisnewski, p.203).
The contradiction to the NASA indications with an atmosphere
ship of thin metal walls and a Lunar Module of aluminium could
not be better (Wisnewski, p.203).
Factor: Light flashes during the flights of the
atmosphere ship
The light flashes reported during the flights from the
astronauts is "high energy radiation of particles coming into
the eye. The high energy particles urge through the space ship
casing, glasses and helmets into the eye and produce little
light flashes on the retina. And now it's interesting that these
light flashes were count by the different space crews."
Already in the Earth orbit are light flashes (Wisnewski, p.200).
The "moon astronauts" have allegedly not counted more light
flashes as during an orbit round the Earth
It's strange that the astronauts during their "trip to the moon"
had not counted more light flashes as astronauts in an orbit
around the Earth in a low height. The Apollo atmosphere ships
report an average of only 14 light flashes per hour. Apollo 17
does not report any light flash. Later the space station MIR
(400 km in orbit) counts an average of 11 light flashes per
hour, but Apollo-Soius counts 27 (220 km in orbit), and Skylab
78 (440 km in orbit) light flashes per hour.
(In: Casolino et al.: Light Flashes Observations On Board Mir
And ISS With Sileye Experiments; Academy Press, 2003; Wisnewski,
[According to the number of light flashes the "moon astronauts"
had been in an orbit around the Earth during their "moon trips".
This is NO conspiracy theory, stupid journalist, but these are
The astronauts never were on the "moon" according to the
radiation data
The radiation data of the "moon trips" (e.g. Apollo 8 with 0.16
rad) are as high as the radiation data of simple Earth orbits
(e.g. Apollo 7 with 0.16 rad). [Also Apollo 9 with an Earth
orbit is reported with only 0.2 rad of radiation according to
NASA data].
It's impossible that the radiation exposure of flights in an
Earth orbit and of "moon flights" could be the same. Apollo 13
with a flight back in an ascent stage through the Van Allen
radiation belts shall not have got more radiation than a flight
around the Earth. Also this is an impossibility. NASA claims
radiation had simply been no problem respectively was "low"...
(In: NASA: Biomedical Results of Apollo; Wisnewski, p.202)
According to the detailed data of sunspots this is an absolute
lie of NASA and a simplification of space flight in stile of
Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse. The NASA staff defend the visions
of space flight how they are presented in Mickey Mouse books and
unreal science fiction films by Walt Disney and Wernher von
(Conclusion Palomino)
Also the rate of light flashes is not higher than during a
normal Earth orbit, partly it is even lower. This is another
impossibility (Wisnewski, p.200-201).
[According to the radiation data and the rate of light flashes
the astronauts have never been "on the moon", but they made
Earth orbits for a long time or in case of Apollo 17 with no
light flashes they went to get a coffee and watched the films
about a "moon landing" in TV...]
The old, healthy "moon astronauts"
Despite of the Van Allen radiation belts and the sunstorms 1967
to 1970 [and the high cosmic radiation on the moon which is kept
secret] shall only one "moon astronaut" have died because of
cancer (Wisnewski, p.199-200).
The old, healthy "moon astronauts" with special radioactive exposure: Fred Haise |
Example "moon
astronaut" Fred W. Haise, in May 2005 71 years
old: He is said having crossed the radiation belts
with Apollo 13 two times, one time only in a thin
walled ascent stage of the Lunar Module
(Wisnewski, p.197) [10] |
"Moon astronauts" with two "moon flights": Lovell, Young, Cernan |
Example "moon
astronaut" James A. Lovell, in May 2005 77 years
old. Lovell shall have passed the radiation belts
with Apollo 8 and with Apollo 13, one time in a
thin walled ascent stage of the Lunar Module with
Apollo 13 (Wisnewski, p.197) [11] |
Example "moon
astronaut" John W. Young, in May 2005 74 years
old, listed with Apollo 10 and 16 (Wisnewski,
p.207,208) [12] |
Example "moon astronaut" Eugene A.
Cernan, in May 2005 71 years old, listed at Apollo
10 and 17 (Wisnewski, p.207,208) [13] |
The moon landing fans claim, the Apollo heroes had been immune
against the radiation and had "luck" (Wisnewski, p.197).
Balance: No "moon flights" because there was no radiation
data and no cancer illness caused by moon flights
The radiation risk on the "moon flights" exists
-- because of radioactive radiation by the Van Allen radiation
-- because of the cosmic, radioactive radiation by sunstorms
with a high number of sunspots
-- because of cosmic, radioactive radiation on the moon.
According to their state of health and of their age the "moon
astronauts" were never on the moon, because the cosmic,
radioactive radiation would not permit a healthy life after the
"moon flights"...
This is true: The "moon astronauts" had "luck" because they
never had to fly on the moon...
(Conclusion Palomino)
No space flight because of the radiation belts
Smolders cites Viktor Bazikin, a former member of the Union for
Astronomy and Geodesy [Earth measuring] in the Academy of
"The radiation data measured by Sputniks, rockets and balloons
have proved without any doubt that the radiation is the main
obstacle for trips into space."
(In: Smolders, Peter L.: Soviets in Space, N.Y. 1974, p.104-105;
Wisnewski, p.206).
Factor: Russia had no Walt Disney comics - only atmosphere
flight possible
The nature of humans seems not to belong to space. The Russians
had even no Walt Disney dreamers manipulating the population
with science fiction novels. The visions in the science fiction
films of Walt Disney and Wernher von Braun seems according to
the data not be practicable until now. The space research
institutions of the Western countries (NASA and others) are
following a wrong ideal, and NASA can produce all possible
pictures of planets, "lunar samples" and "Mars samples" which
cannot be verified and probably are all a fake. But the media
report this shit as "sensation" and make money with it
increasing the edition numbers up to the time that all will
realize that space flight can be performed in the atmosphere
only. Only atmosphere flight is possible.
(Conclusion Palomino)
This is NO conspiracy theory, stupid journalist, but these are
Picture sources
[1] satellite Explorer 17: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Explorer_17
[2] Van-Allen radiation belt and "sunwind", space diagram in black and red:
[3] sunspot diagram of NASA 1800-2000: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Sunspot_butterfly_with_graph.gif;
[4] sunspots after the outbreak on 27 October 2003: http://www.saevert.de/aurorapics2003.htm
[5] radioactive stream after Sun outbreak on 27 October 2003, diagram: http://www.saevert.de/aurorapics2003.htm;
Polar lights on 28 / 29 October 2003 after the Sun outbreak of 27 October 2003:
[6] Norderney: http://www.saevert.de/aurorapics2003.htm; http://www.meteoros.de/cgi-bin/aurora3/webbbs_config.pl?noframes;read=2373
[7] Goerlitz: http://home.arcor.de/alexander.wuensche/html/astro/astro_beob_11.htm; http://home.arcor.de/alexander.wuensche/html/astro/astro_beob_11.htm
[8] shield radioaktive - Zutritt verboten: http://www.emailleschilder.com/divers3.htm
[8] moon: http://www.astronomia.de/index.htm?http://www.astronomia.de/mond.htm
[9] Lunatic hotel plan: http://www.astronomija.co.yu/suncsist/sateliti/mesec/hotel/lunarnihotel.htm
[10,11] Fred Haise and James Lovell, young and old:
[12] John W. Young: young: http://images.jsc.nasa.gov/lores/S64-29940.jpg;
old: http://news.space-explorers.com/display.asp?v=02&i=21&a=5&p=1b
[13] Eugene A. Cernan:
young: http://www.scienceandsociety.co.uk/results.asp?x9=MANNED+SPACE+FLIGHT,+USA,+APOLLO+10;
old: http://www.afocr.org/directors/cernan.htm
-- sunspots: http://www.angewandte-geologie.geol.uni-erlangen.de/klima1.htm
-- symbol radioactivity with scull: http://www.klar-schweiz.com/radioaktivitaet.htm
-- symbol moon with radioactivity: http://www.retzstadt.de/mond.htm; http://www.emailleschilder.com/technik2.htm