Israel Finkelstein / Neil A. Silberman:
The Bible unearthed. Archeology's New Vision of
Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts; The
Free Press, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.,
2001; German edition has got the title "No trombones
before Jericho" (orig. German: "Keine Posaunen vor
Jericho"): edition C.H.Beck oHG, Munich 2002;
Here in this analysis is used the German version "Keine
Posaunen vor Jericho" of DTV, Munich 2004, second
edition of 2005. All page indications refer to the
German version. I hope the page numbers are not very
facts: The differences between Canaanites and
Canaanites towns e.g. on the
Israeli villages bordering the
are towns full of arts
-- are towns full of ceramics
-- are towns with great buildings
-. are towns with imported luxury
-- are towns with fine worked ceramic vessels
are villages with shafts without plans
-- are villages where only rough ceramics can be
found as with half nomads (p.116)
-- are villages with only rough tools and
instruments (p.116-117)
Finkelstein / Silberman: Posaunen
2001, edition 2004 |
development of the city towns coming from the oval
Excavations in old villages in the today Israel
Palestine are giving the result that in the population
there was developed an ethnic Israeli identity only step
by step (p.113).
The villages of today partly have essential differences:
Jerusalem / Urusalim
According to archaeological findings Jerusalem - which
was called Urusalim in these times - never had any big
monument or fortress, and according to historian Nadav
Naaman this Jerusalem was the center of only a very
small elite (p.259).
around 1,200 B.C.
Beginnings of an Israelite identity in 250
mountain villages (European Iron Age I)
-- archeology can state 250 new communities on mountain tops,
and this was really a wave of foundations, in the South
from the Jewish highlands up to the highlands of Samaria
in the North
-- around 1,200 B.C. there had been a dramatic change as
it seems, with a basic change of kind of living
-- there was no violent invasion or infiltration of
another ethnic group, there are no findings for this [of
fires, ashes or other findings of violence]
-- the villages on the mountain tops are populated until
the times of kings
-- according to Finkelstein / Silberman the highland
population of the highland villages can be considered as
the first Israelite population (p.123).
Simple life in the mountain
villages during European Iron Age I
The layout of the village
-- the villages contained approximately 100 inhabitants
each on appr. 1/2 hectare, maximum were some 100
inhabitants on 1.5 hectares (p.124)
-- the villages mostly were on mountain tops or on a
little ridge (p.123), and the territory mostly was not
bigger than 1/2 hectare (p.123-124), mostly on the
eastern margin of the fields, with a great view (p.123)
-- the forests consisted mainly of oaks and terebinths
-- sometimes but very seldom the village was founded
also at the ridge of narrow valleys
-- water was collected for "winter" in water cisterns in
the rock with rainwater, or there was brought water from
a spring (p.123).
[Climate fluctuations with colder winters
or summers are not mentioned by Finkelstein /
The oval layout of the mountain top villages
First are constructed the villages on border to the
desert where both kinds of living with herds and
agriculture are possible. Only later the villages are
constructed more in the West where it's less favorable
for herds and for agriculture, but it's more favorable
for olive cultures and for vineyards (p.120).
Political position of the mountain villages
-- the position of the villages is absolutely offside of
the big trade routes, there is no foreign trade, and
good craftsman do not exist either (p.126)
-- the villages have no walls, perhaps because it was
not necessary, or because there were no means and no
wisdom for it (p.125)
-- there is no indication of any attack by fire or
destruction by violence (p.126)
-- the villages have no public buildings, have no
documents, have no seals, and have no imported ceramics,
and have hardly jewelry
-- all houses have more or less the same size, one house
has a surface of appr. 56 m2,
and by this it can be admitted that also the possessions
were distributed more or less in the same quantities
-- all houses are made of rough field stones, rough
stone columns are roof supports or are columns for the
second floor (p.124)
-- between the the houses there are stony pits which
serve as corn deposit (p.124).
-- in every house there are many grindstones and many
sickle blades for corn economy
-- courtyards with fences are indications for keeping of
animals where the animals were kept in the night
-- jugs and pots were of ceramics
-- there could be found findings from tombs, but hardly
findings from cults, only in one single village in the
northern highlands was found a figurine of a bull of
bronze, an indication of a Canaanite cult (p.124)
-- [and there were found no skeletons?]
-- on Ebal
Mountain there is a strange stony structure interpreted
as an old Israeli altar, but the function of this
installation around this stony structure is
controversial (p.125)
-- nowhere could be found any weapon (p.126).
There was agriculture and pasture agriculture with
plow of oxes and with sheep and goat herds (p.126).
Village development
-- the houses and farms are amplified during the decades
and centuries
-- only in rare cases the original building has been
preserved. It was mostly torn down and there was
constructed a second building on the first one
-- in the village Izbet-Sartah there was preserved the
old oval village center, and the new houses were
constructed around the center (p.127).
ceramics coming up since 1,200 B.C. appr.
Archeology states that there is an
ornamentation wave coming from the Aegean, so a new
"Philistine ceramic" is formed. This wave of stylistic
cultural influence of Philistine ceramic is reaching the
foothills - according to the archaeological findings.
This ceramic can always be stated in a certain layer,
from the North down to Jezreel plain (p.151).
Map with the territories of the Israelites
according to the old and wrong historiography
"from Dan to Beersheba";
in dark red kingdom of Judah is painted.
Add to this neighbor states Phoenicia, Geshur,
Philistine, Ammon and Moab are indicated.

Map with the different Egypt Empires
around 1000 B.C.
Climax of the mountain
villages with almost 45,000 inhabitants
according to archaeological field research (p.124).
Ethnic differentiation
between the Israelites and others: no pork
Ethnicities are manifesting themselves by language,
religion, clothing, rites of burial, and nutrition rules
(p.135). Israelite villages up to the kingdoms have got
the characteristic that the archaeologists cannot find
any bone of a pig. The population resigns to pork, as it
seams, and by this they make a difference to the
neighbor populations of Ammon, Moab, and Edom (p.136).
With the earlier waves of villages there were always
bones of pigs to be found, but with the last wave of
villages not any more (p.136).
To the contrary in the villages of the Philistines a
considerable part of the bones is from pigs (p.136).
Finkelstein / Silberman admit that the prohibition of
pork was an element of a common identity of "proto
Israelites". By this the village populations created a
new ethnic barrier. The reasons for the prohibition of
pork and the ethnic barrier are not cleared. The custom
resigning to pork is the oldest proven cultural custom
In certain regions the pig was a holy
animal. There was some reason to deny the pig, also
making difference to other believes].
The legend of Isaak and the eternal
quarrel of the twins Jacob and Esau about the right of
OT claims:
-- Isaak is said having met "Abimelech,
the king of the Philistines" in the town of Gerar (Genesis
26,1) (p.50)
-- the woman of
Isaak, Rebeka, is said having been pregnant with twins
and having received a prophecy that these twins would be
the origin for two separate folks, "and the elder will
serve the younger" (Genesis 25,23) (p.52-53)
-- the wife of
Isaak, Rebeka, is said having born the twins Esau and
Jacob, and their descendants are said having fought each
other for centuries because Rebeka is said having sent
her favorite son Jacob disguised to the deathbed of
father Isaak, and by this method he is said having
received the right of primogeniture whereas this right
of primogeniture principally had been for Esau (p.43)
-- by this Esau allegedly has to found
his tribe in the desert, and by this the Israelite
tribes Esau and Jacob are said having made war for 100s
of years because of this right of primogeniture: Jacob
is said having taken the flight of the anger of Esau,
but God is said having confirmed the right of
primogeniture for Jacob (Gen. 18, 13-15) (p.53)
-- by this Jacob should rule as an
educated patriarch over Esau who is only a hunter like
patriarch of Edom (p.53).
The contradictions in the legend of
Isaak: the criterion of the city of Gerar: Gerar only
was a village in the times of Isaak
The town of Gerar
and Isaak visiting the Philistine king Abimelech (Gen.
26,1) are not fitting together because the Philistines
were constructing their towns in the coastal plane of
Canaan coming from Aegean, but only after 1200 B.C.
during the growth in 11th and 10th century B.C. They
ruled Canaan until far in the Assyrian period (p.50).
Today the town of Gerar (today
identified as Tel Haror north west of Beersheba) is
mentioned in the text of Abraham (Gen. 20,1) and seems
having been especially important in the moment of the
writing down of Pentateuch (7th century B.C.), at
least it was very known. But at the beginning of
European Iron Age, in the period when Isaak is said
having lived, Gerar is only an insignificant village at
the beginning of Philistine history - according to
Then, in 8th and 7th century B.C.,
Gerar is growing much and is an important fortified
Assyrian administrative center, "an obvious landmark".
The town of Gerar which was only a
little village in the times of Isaak, is an evidence
that Isaak has not existed. But conservative scholars
are writing these circumstances about the town of Gerar
off as a secondary detail and believe until today that
there existed the two twins Jacob and Esau always in
wars (p.50).