Israel Finkelstein / Neil A. Silberman:
The Bible unearthed. Archeology's New Vision of
Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts; The
Free Press, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.,
2001; German edition has got the title "No trombones
before Jericho" (orig. German: "Keine Posaunen vor
Jericho"): edition C.H.Beck oHG, Munich 2002;
Here in this
analysis is used the German version "Keine Posaunen
vor Jericho" of DTV, Munich 2004, second edition of
2005. All page indications refer to the German
version. I hope the page numbers are not very
Logic thinking with
enlightenment is putting the Old Testament (Torah) into
-- logic thinking and rationality are
beginning contradicting to the biblical stories
-- literary and linguistic points of views
give clear definitions which texts don't match together
Biblical research
in the 18th century
The archaeologists begin
with the registration of a huge number of inscriptions in
hieroglyphic scripts (p.28).
Since the 1820s: deciphering of
hieroglyphic scripts
Since the 1920s the
archaeologists are studying monuments. In the 1920s
Jean-François Champollion is achieving in deciphering the
hieroglyphs. Since this point of time the events described
in the Bible can be compared with the Egypt reports
the 1840s: Excavations of towns, palaces and cuneiform
Historians from England, France, the
"USA", and from Germany are excavating towns, huge palaces
and archives of cuneiform scripts of the Assyrian and
Babylonian Empires. The towns of Ninive and Babel
mentioned in the Bible are recognized as aggressive
Empires (p.28). IN the cuneiform scripts are mentioned
Israelite kings like Omri, Ahab (p.28) and Jehu, and also
Judean kings like Hezekiah and Manasseh (p.30).
Now the reports of the Bible can be
compared from two sides. It's the first time that exact
historical dating is possible (p.30).
Now are coming the doubts if Moses had
Analysts come to the conclusion
that the OT has been written completely by a latter writer
The 5 books of Moses are allocated to
different writers:
-- texts of "J" come from the Yahwists
from Jerusalem with the name of JHWH as God
-- texts of "E" are from the northern
Reich of Israel with the name of Elohim as God
-- texts of "D" are the texts of the 5th
book of Moses which is stylistically absolutely isolated
-- texts of "P" are texts of the priests
with reports of the rites, called "Priestly Sources"
-- texts of "R" are sentences between
the important texts or explanations of the revisers of the
5 books of Moses (p.24).
All analysts see the Pentateuch as "a
mosaic of different sources" (p.24). ¡
The journeys of the clergyman Edward
Robinson: He is the first identifying old hills of ruins
In 1838 and 1852 Edward Robinson is
making long journeys in Palestine and states that there
are dozens of old hills and ruins of forgotten biblical
sites (p.26-27), "using the biblical geographic
information and comparing it with the modern Arab location
names in the land." (p.27)
Robinson identifies the ruins near
ed-Dshib as Gibeon, near Betin as Bethel, and near Selun
as Silo (p.27).
Further archaeologist
research identifies further locations as Megiddo, Hazor,
Lachish etc., in the late 19th century for example by the
British Royal Engineers of the Palestine Exploration Fund
The analysts recognize the conformity of the description
of the country in the Bible with the real landscape
19th century
Detection of a victory
inscription of the Moabite king Mesha
The detection of a victory inscription of the Moabite
king Mesha in eastern Jordan in 19th century brings new
cognitions mentioning a victory against the Israeli
armies. By this a war between Israel and Moab is confirmed
(2d book of Kings 3,4-27) (p.30).
Syria and Jordan having a new
The Turkish regime is taking high taxes and is threatening
the population been drawn into the Ottoman Reich. This and
other things provoke that many families in villages are
returning to be Bedouins withstock breeding in the desert
where they are kept in tranquility (p.133).
since 1880
Systematic excavations in the
Middle East and in Egypt
Since 1880 archaeological research is making great
progresses with new historical dating techniques (p.30).

Herzl, portrait
of a racist patriarch against the Arabs
now Theodor Herzl's racist book "The Jewish State" is
Herzl claims that it would be possible to expel the Arabs
in a simple way like the natives in "America". But since
1915 this plan is not possible any more because the Arab
population is armed in the fight against the Turkish
imperial power. Zionist don't see that change and by their
strong propaganda and collaboration with the Nazi powers
are driving many Jews into the war trap in Middle East].
since 1900 appr.
New technique of historical
dating by the "US" scholar William Albright
-- now there can be systematically stated the ages of
the stiles of architecture, of potsherds and of other
artifacts according to the system of Albright
-- layers of settlements and graves can be historically
dated quite accurately (p.30).
Beginning of the systematic
excavations of villages
As a consequence one hill of ruins after another is
excavated (Arabic "tell", Hebrew: "Tel"). In many layers
can be detected the local religious cults of thousands of
years (p.30).
Emigration wave of Jews from Germany by Nazi Zionist
collaboration, and Holocaust of the Jewish with mass death
in ghettos, by deportations, in camps and in tunnel
constructioning, mass deportations by Stalin to the Gulag
camp system, mass death in the Red Army etc.]
since the 1940s
New biblical research in the 20th
Since the 1940s the analysts are naming the
stylistic and theological uniform works of 5th book of
Moses (Deuteronomy) and the books of Joshuah, Judges,
Samuel and Kings as the "Deuteronomistic History" (p.25).
For example the book of Josiah is repeating parts of the
5th book of Moses (Deuteronomy)
-- with the claim that Israel had to be ruled by the ruler
of the whole folk of the Jews elected by God
-- the laws of the Sinai should be followed strictly
-- there is a harsh warning from idolatry (p.108).
The style in the book of Joshua and the style of the 5th
book of Moses is the same, and by this it can be admitted
that it was the same author (p.108).
Wars in the Middle East: The Jewish
State of Israel is in a lasting war against the Arab
forces because the Arabs don't let expel oneself that
simply as Herzl was announcing it. the Jewish
organizations with JWC a.o. don't see the change of the
since the 1970s
First critical biblical
First archaeologists are renouncing the
connections in the Bible and are interpreting their
findings in an independent way without Bible, but with
social sciences and with development schemes. The new
methods are spreading and by this there is a new view on
the biblical history (p.33).
But many archaeologists are interpreting
their findings according to the biblical context until the
1990s considering the Bible as a reliant and
chronologically relevant document (p.32-33).
since the 1990s
The new biblical thesis: The
content of the Bible has big contradictions
The historical context of the Bible is
obvious, but there are great contradictions in respect of
archaeological findings and the biblical text (p.32).
Archeology succeeds in filling and
explaining the gaps between the biblical texts and reality
by archaeological findings. Bible itself is coming out as
an artifact with many statements jumping around with
indications about different societies (p.33).
of an inscription with the description of an Aramean
seal against Israel
Orthodox religious madness
Jewish priests are preaching the racist laws of the "holy
books" until today (p.336).
[According to the "holy laws" any
contradiction against a priest is absolutely forbidden,
and officially racism in religious sermons is rated as a
"religious freedom". It's a horror].
government brought to it's senses renouncing an Empire
of Israel
in 2006 the Israeli government is renouncing officially to
the wrong prophecy of an Empire of Israel from the Nile to
the Euphrates. But many Jewish groups are going on with
this mad idea in an unreal religious madness in the sense
of the faked Joshua and want the expulsion of the staying
Palestinians, and militant groups of Palestinians are
defensing themselves].