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Einstein without sources 1a: Summary 02

Einstein: faker+thief+math was made by Mileva - Einstein parents making propaganda against Mileva - Einstein since 1933 becomes a Zionist warmonger against Germany

Einstein at the Patent
                              Office in Bern, mostly at the lectern  Polytechnic of Zurich (since
                              1911 called ETH) in the reddish light of
                              sunset   Mileva Einstein
                              1914 with two sons Eduard (4) and Hans
                              Albert (10)
Einstein at the Patent Office in Bern, mostly at the lectern - Polytechnic of Zurich (since 1911 called ETH) in the reddish light of sunset - Mileva Einstein 1914 with two sons Eduard (4) and Hans Albert (10)

Einstein refused high mathematics - Mileva did the high math for him - Einstein with violin - Mileva with piano - Einstein with diploma, Mileva without diploma - Suspicion of abuse in childhood - Jewish Einstein parents always against Mileva - 1905: Publications WITHOUT sources - Mileva's surname Maric (Marity) is deleted - gang criminality with the journal "Annalen der Physik" - career in Bern, Zurich, Prague, ETH Zurich - cousin Elsa on the orders of the Jewish family - 1919: Mileva will get the Nobel Prize money in 1923 - 3 houses in Zurich bought and sold again - Einstein from 1930 in Princeton: "work" with lectures and famous women - from 1933: Zionist Einstein as a warmonger against Germany, not speaking with Germans - 1939: signature under the atomic bomb letter - 1948: Mileva dies alone in the hospital - Frieda Einstein brings the Mileva letters off - letter research with Evelyn Einstein - 1955: Einstein makes suicide: operation denied - "Einstein quotes" are often not from him

  by Michael Palomino (December 6, 2019)
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Einstein analysis

                          at the Patent Office in Bern, mostly at the
                          lectern in the upright position  Polytechnic of
                          Zurich (since 1911 called ETH) in the reddish
                          light of sunset 
Einstein at the Patent Office in Bern, mostly at the lectern in the upright position - Polytechnic of Zurich (since 1911 called ETH) in the reddish light of sunset
(Einstein at the lectern: https://www.bern.com/en/detail/einstein-house)

After two months of analysis of Einstein data also this Albert Einstein has fallen:

Here are the analyzed works and chronologized data about Einstein and Mileva, his first wife who was making him always the high mathematics:



Einstein rejecting high mathematics - Mileva is making the high mathematics for him

--- during his studies in the ETH (which was called Polytechnic until 1910) he let do his student friend and girlfriend Mileva Maric from Serbia do the high mathematics always, instead of learning the high mathematics himself, and the whole Polytechnic knew about it (Plötz 1990 [1])

                          Maric (Marity), 16 years old in 1891   Einstein 17
                          years old, at the beginning of his studies at
                          Polytechnic in Zurich 1896  
Mileva Maric (Marity), 16 years old in 1891 - Einstein 17 years old, at the beginning of his studies at Polytechnic in Zurich 1896

Einstein with violin - Mileva with piano

--- both were "highly romantic", he with violin, she with piano, and both had so much knowledge about physics so they wanted to invent physics in a new way, so, Einstein was missing many lectures and classes and was experimenting with Mileva rather in the physics laboratory, and all in Poly knew about it (Video 1999 [2])

Polytechnic in Zurich, a physics
                          laboratory of 1898 appr.  the matriculation register
                          of Mileva, many courses are missing  
Polytechnic in Zurich, a physics laboratory of 1898 appr. - the matriculation register of Mileva, many courses are missing

They let "pass" Einstein – Mileva not

--- finally Einstein got a diploma with a medium rate of 4.91 (required had been 5.00), and Mileva did not get any diploma because she had spent one semester in Heidelberg and because many courses were missing, but also because she fought for Einstein to get an assistant job (Plötz 1990 [1]) - maybe this was too much for Dr. Weber to have Mileva then as an assistant - and when she made a second "trial" she was already pregnant (Wasmayr 2004 [3], Video 1999 [2]), so Einstein had made her pregnant already BEFORE her diploma, and an assistant with baby at Polytechnic does not work - so, Einstein turns out to be an absolute criminal having destroyed the career of Mileva, and Mileva with her helper syndrome did not defend herself... (conclusion).

Tactic of concealment with Einstein - first daughter Lieserl is concealed - Einstein at the Patent Office since May 1902

--- Concealing things was just a normal habit with Einstein, for example Mileva's collaboration was concealed, or the first child Lieserl was concealed which was born before marriage in February 1902 and was dying by scarlet fever or was adopted away (Stachel 1996 [4]) - it was like an eternal illness how both were concealing things, also after their marriage of January 3, 1903: There is the presumption that Einstein had thought the child could damage his position ast the Patent Office (Video 1999 [2]), he had this position only since May 1902, and Mileva accepted all this - she had a helper's syndrome like a nun, unfortunately Mileva was not a social revolutionary (conclusion)

The daughter of Einstein and Mileva:
                          Lieserl in Serbia   the Patent Office in
The daughter of Einstein and Mileva: Lieserl in Serbia - the Patent Office in Berne

Habit of concealment: suspicion of abuse in the childhood

--- eternal concealment habit with Albert Einstein could have it's origin of a child abuse in his childhood, at least of being hit much again and again, so he actively learned to conceal things as a tactic of survival in life (conclusion).

Jewish parents of Einstein making propaganda and defaming the Christian Mileva without end

--- now see this: Mileva from Serbia (from the region of Novi Sad, Christian Orthodox, being supported by her father Milos Maric who was an official) - tis Mileva was only attacked on and on by the Jewish Einstein parents (Video 1999 [2]), so, the father Hermann Einstein gave is approval of marriage only when he was dying on his bed in Italy in October 1902 (Balkan-Forum [5]), and the mother Pauline Einstein was writing defaming letters conjuring her and never gave the approval of marriage (Video 1999 [2]) - Einstein parents NEVER welcomed Mileva, NEVER have seen her, NEVER have listened to her (she was limping because of a pelvis deformation - Video 1999 [2]): Jewish Einstein parents wanted that Einstein would marry a Jewish daughter from Jewish Winteler family in Aarau where he had made his secondary school degree (Mossad Wik. [6]), there had already be a "romance", but Einstein did not want (Einstein [7]), it seems that this Winteler daughter was not intelligent enough for him (conclusion).

The Jewish mother Pauline Einstein was
                            always making propaganda against the Maric
                            family   Maric family, Mileva right (12 years
The Jewish mother Pauline Einstein was always making propaganda against the Maric family, Mileva right (12 years old)

It seems that Einstein was concealing his incapacity in high math to his parents, and he was concealing that Mileva was doing the math for him (conclusion) - but the whole Polytechnic knew about it (Plötz 1990 [1]), only his parents did not know about it (conclusion).

1905: Publications by Einstein WITHOUT indication of sources - Mileva Einstein-Maric is deleted - this is gang criminality by Einstein and the review "Annals of Physics" ("Annalen der Physik") in Leipzig

--- since 1903 since marriage Einstein and Mileva lived together in a flat at Kramgasse in Berne. Mileva was researching at Berne University in reviews about the latest physics articles, when at the same time Einstein was working at Patent Office and developing contacts to other intellectuals. Einstein formed a new circle of friends with "Olympia Academy" with science and philosophy, and in this manner new content was developed from all sides (Video 1999 [2]) - but now with Einstein's works which were published in 1905 in the scientific review "Annals of Physics" in Leipzig all indication of sources are missing (Ripota: Plagiator [8]) for concealing all predecessors and collaborators only presenting himself and Mileva as the only inventors (conclusion). The manuscripts were signed also by Mileva with her double family name Einstein-Maric resp. in Hungarian version Einstein-Marity (Walker 1990 [9]), and the chief department of the "Annals of Physics" were even printing these texts without sources instead of pleading for a version with sources (!) (conclusion).

Einstein's "Olympia Academy" in
                          Berne with Habicht, Solovine and Einstein   the review
                          "Annals of Physics" ("Annalen
                          der Physik") in Leipzig  
Einstein's "Olympia Academy" in Berne with Habicht, Solovine and Einstein - the review "Annals of Physics" ("Annalen der Physik") in Leipzig

--- the review "Annals of Physics" in Leipzig where the Einstein articles were published has deleted then the "Maric" family name from Mileva (in Hungarian: "Marity") presenting Einstein as the only author - this was observed by Russian physician Mr. Abram F. Joffe and published in 1960 in his book in Russian  "Remembrances of Albert Einstein" - in 1905, he had been a student then with Dr. Röntgen and he was with this Dr. Röntgen in the supervisor board of the review (Plötz 1990 [1]); Walker 1990 [9]) - Mossad Wikipedia indicates 1955 for the year of publication (Mossad-Wik.: Mileva Maric [21]) in Russian:

Joffe 1955: Abram F. Joffe: Памяти Алъберта Эйнштейна, Успехи физических наук, срт. 57, 2, 1955 (Pamyati Alberta Eynshtyna, Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, 57, 1955). Erinnerung an Albert Einstein, 1955 (russisch) (Mossad-Wik.: Mileva Maric [21], note 8)

And this Einstein has NEVER protested against this, has NEVER dedicated a book for Mileva or mentioned her in any preliminary text, and therefore all this behavior is a clear gang criminality, which was perhaps even ordered "from above": by the Emperor, or by Zionist agents from London etc. (conclusion)

--- basically the work of the Theory of Relativity was a group work with Einstein, Mileva and with the members of the circle of "Olympia Academy" and all predecessors - and now this Einstein should have all the fame for his own? Einstein is a thief (conclusion). And this tactic of concealing predecessors counts also for all other works... (see the Einstein chronology)

This shows: Einstein was NOT AT ALL a social revolutionary because he had had the opportunity here to fight for women's rights - but he was following the guidedline of the German Emperor against women being hand in hand with it because women were also discriminated from being teacher by the woman teacher's celibate: married women were not allowed to be women teacher: they were rated "dangerous" because of their sexual activity... (1880-1919 and 1923-1952) (see: Mossad Wik.: Lehrerinnenzölibat [10])

since 1908: Einstein's career at universities: Berne, Zurich, Prague, ETH Zurich

--- then, this Einstein (without high math!) made career, he left his chocolate job at the Patent Office in 1908 for charging himself more and more with stress one after the other: university of Berne, university of Zurich, university of Prague, ETH Zurich, and when he was in Prague, he had contacts with Jewish intellectuals and Mileva remained nowhere nursing children (Video 1999 [2]) - a nanny? It seems that Einstein did not know what this is (conclusion).

Polytechnic of Zurich (since 1911
                    called ETH) in the reddish light of sunset 

In 1901 Einstein was denied an assistant job at ETH (Polytechnic), in 1912 he became a professor there



since 1912: Einstein and his cousin Elsa - the Christian Mileva is rejected

--- the religious war of Einstein parents against Christian Mileva did never finish in this Einstein family: when this Jewish Einstein was on a visit of his Jewish Einstein family in Berlin, he was following the order from his Jewish Einstein family to reject Mileva and also his two sons  a Jewish cousin Elsa was presented to him (with 2 children from her first marriage) and this Elsa was eliminating Mileva then (Video 1999 [2]), and Einstein permitted all this (!) - religion war in this Einstein family is a taboo until today (conclusion), so, in 1912, he was a professor at ETH of Zurich and had all chances for a career for sure (Video 1999 [2]). But now Mr. Max Planck dame from Berlin to Zurich manipulating Einstein in the sense of the German Emperor with a luring offer for coming to Berlin (Plötz 1990 [1]) - Mileva NEVER wanted to go to Berlin, she had nothing in common with Prussians and even less with Jewish Einstein family members who had fought her from the beginning (Video 1999 [2]).

Now, with the project of moving to Berlin, Mileva became increasingly depressive and distrustful (Wasmayr 2004 [3]).

since 1914: Einstein in Berlin with famous women and blue blood women - Mileva and the two sons remain in Zurich

--- in March 1914, Einstein changed to Berlin preparing a flat, and Mileva followed in April 1914 with her two sons (4 and 10 years old) (Wasmayr 2004 [3]), but now Einstein wanted degrade Mileva in 1914 in Berlin for being a cleaning woman (Video 1999 [2]) and he permitted to be picked up by famous women and blue blood women being "served" by them, he was "picked up" in the evening and "brought" back in the morning, and the sons were present and saw it all how her father was robbed (Ripota: Einsichten 2018 [11]), so Mileva and her two sons were traveling back from Berlin to Zurich in August 1914 and was saved from both World Wars, after the funeral march to the train station she was picked up by the student's friend Michele Besso... (Wasmayr 2004 [3])

Mileva Einstein 1914 with two
                          sons Eduard (4) and Hans Albert (10) - Hans
                          Albert had to comfort Mileva  view to Zurich  
Mileva Einstein 1914 with two sons Eduard (4) and Hans Albert (10) - Hans Albert had to comfort Mileva -- view to Zurich

--- imagine, Einstein (with Swiss passport!) remained also in Berlin during WWI with his Jewish family with Elsa and with his famous women and blue blood women - Mileva and his two sons Hans Albert and Eduard wished that Einstein would come back to Zurich (Video 1999 [2]), for having a safe salary teaching at ETH and making a safe career with his family in Zurich and all would have been safe for sure (conclusion) - but Einstein did not want that, he preferred the famous women and the blue blood women in Berlin, he had a visit at the Emperor's Castle, he had written communication and probably also other communication with noble blue blood women from half of Europe (Der Bund [12]), and the war had "no effect" to his "work" etc. (!) (Plötz 1990 [1]) - the second wife of Einstein, his Jewish cousin Elsa, permitted all this, she just wanted to have a rich famous Jew as a husband (Mossad Wik.: Elsa Einstein [15]) - if there had been better husbands than this Albert Einstein remains an open question (conclusion).

1914: The Einstein sons are baptized Christian Orthodox in Novi Sad

--- coming back from Berlin in 1914, Mileva took her sons for safety to Novi Sad where they were baptized with the Christian Orthodox rite so they would be safe from the criminal Einstein family - she indicated the religion of the father Albert Einstein as a Roman Catholic... (Video 1999 [2])

Novi Sad in Serbia   the house of the Maric
                          family (Hungarian: Marity) in Novi Sad in
Novi Sad in Serbia - the house of the Maric family (Hungarian: Marity) in Novi Sad in Serbia

Divorce: The Nobel Prize money will be given to Mileva

--- since 1915 the Jew Einstein (probably following the order of his Jewish family - conclusion) was soliciting divorce from Christian Mileva, and he had to admit that Mileva had contributed much to his works and had to promise her the Nobel Prize money of the future Nobel Prize (Plötz 1990 [1]) which was in discussion for him since 1910 (Nobelpreis [13]) - this was arranged in the divorce agreement of 1919 in Zurich (Plötz 1990 [1])

since 1915: Einstein's money from war Germany is always less worth - Mileva with existential crisis

--- during WWI,  Einstein's money in Berlin was always less worth (Barbara Wolff 2019 [14]) - (officially this should be only a short war like in 1870/1) - but now it became very bad: alimony was always less [14], Mileva became ill with crisis and breakdowns with many stays in hospitals because she had to confess to herself that her philosophy of "We are ONE Stone" (in German: "Wir sind wie EIN Stein" - just "Einstein") did not work any more (Video 1999 [2]), and at the end she was even starving hunger and had to accept a secret private loan for surviving in Zurich [14])

--- during hyperinflation in Germany of 1923 this Einstein was again in the "wrong" country (conclusion), but then finally came the

Nobel Prize money 1923 - 3 houses in Zurich 1923 until 1930

House Hutten Street
                      no. 62 in Zurich House Hutten Street no. 62 in Zurich

--- when Einstein after a long back and forth got a Nobel Prize in 1921 finally (the experts knew that almost ALL was only copying work, ev. they also knew that Mileva was half the author, but Einstein had predicted an aberration of star light by the sun during an eclipse in 1919 so the Jewish Zionist press was urging for a Nobel Prize (Mossad Wik.: Albert Einstein [6]), so Mileva got following the divorce agreement the Nobel Prize money in 1923 finally, and what happened? Einstein and Mileva were playing Monopoly now with 3 houses in the luxury class in Zurich Oberstrass on Hutten Street 62 and in Zurich Fluntern at Hinterbergstrasse 84 and 86 (Barbara Wolff 2019 [14]) - well, the fact is that in the Monopoly game the political conditions never change (conclusion) so the houses had soon to be sold again [14].


Einstein has to "look for" high mathematicians

                    with his second wife Elsa on Japan tour 1921--- Einstein remained a stupid man and from 1915 on he had even to "add" high mathematicians for getting help in high math (this was payed by German tax payer!), at the same time he boycotted Mileva, she never should be his "assistant" (!) (Video 1999 [2]) - oh, all this remained well secret that this Einstein could no high mathematics but had math assistants being payed by the tax payer, but perhaps the right nationals knew about it... (!)


Einstein with his second wife Elsa on Japan tour 1921

from: https://artsandculture.google.com/exhibit/%C2%A0einstein-s-trip-to-the-far-east-and-palestine/QQpRfXM-


1919-1926 appr.: Einstein in the League of Nations - traveling Berlin-Zurich-Geneva

--- from 1919 on, Einstein was also working in commission of the League of Nations traveling again and again from Berlin to Geneva making a stopover in Zurich observing the purchased houses from Mileva (Barbara Wolff 2019 [14]), instead to distribute the Nobel Prize money in different sectors (conclusion) - but the most stupid thing that Einstein in Weimar Germany could do was to support criminal Communists in prisons (Mossad Wik.: Albert Einstein [6]), because Einstein had never seen neither the Soviet Union nor the Gulag - Einstein was a political fool, and this was revenged later very badly - Germans he was only helping in the class hall (conclusion), and rumors state that his classes were more chaotic than systematic

At the same time his son Hans Albert Einstein was making his engineer career in Germany, in Serbia, and at the end in the "USA". Novi Sad gets a railway bridge from him (Video 1999 [2])

The bridge of Hans Albert
                          Einstein in Novi Sad, destroyed in WWII    Mileva Einstein on a balcony of her
                              house Hutten Street no.62? in the 1920s or
The bridge of Hans Albert Einstein in Novi Sad, destroyed in WWII - Mileva Einstein  on a balcony of her house Hutten Street no.62? in the 1920s or 1930s

1930: The third house is bought

--- since 1929 world economic crisis was going on but Einstein again remained a fool not taking earnest this crisis, and together with Mileva the third house was bought in Zurich Fluntern in 1930 yet (Barbara Wolff: Was geschah mit dem Preisgeld? - 2019 [1])

since 1930: Einstein 3 months in Princeton every year: "work" is lectures and famous women

--- since 1930 Einstein got the possibility (payed by German tax payer (!) to pass the winter months at Princeton University in the "USA" for 3 months (Mossad Wik.: Albert Einstein [6]), so: instead to make a stopover in Zurich celebrating Christmas with Mileva, he went on tour with a steamer to Princeton every time (conclusion) - and by all this nonsense which was produced by Einstein, the second son Eduard became "crazy", he had lost his father when he was four years old, and now he had to observe what this crazy Einstein father was producing, so Eduard became aggressive schizophrenic rage attacks (Barbara Wolff 2019 [14]) and was transferred partly to psychiatric hospital Burghölzli where he was destroyed with insulin shock therapy and electroshocks (Video 1999 [2]) - so, Einstein was NOT a psychology revolutionary either - Einstein was a sociological and psychological FOOL IDIOT (conclusion).

--- what happened in Princeton: the same like in Berlin: classes with "free time table", and famous women were visiting him, he received them being dressed in a bathing suit, and when it was a little bit "open" occasionally the woman could decide what was to do - sometimes Einstein was "not seen any more" for some days (Balkan Forum [5])

--- well, all these "activities" of Einstein from 1920 to 1933 were well known to the secret services, and the friendship with criminal Communists was always cited for spying him, and right national Germans had him on her list, because he got a full professor salary being a physic professor without high math knowledge, and mainly playing his romances with famous women AND being in Princeton 3 months per year which was also payed by German tax payer, instead of learning high math at last and perhaps also helping to poor Germans - and the Jewish Rothschild press was cheering Einstein presenting him as "the genius of the century" - this is all a BIG LIE! (conclusion)

Einstein is not giving one cent for poor Germans

--- Einstein supported his Jewish Einstein family in Berlin, supported the Zionist World Jewish Congress (WJC) for installing a Jewish State (see Herzl 1896), supported Mileva with letters and with money transactions and advice how to handle the houses, was installing lawyers etc. (Barbara Wolff: Preisgeld 2019 [14]) - he was also engaged with the League of Nations (Biografie [17]) - but if he has ever done something for impoverished Germans who had lost everything in 1923 is not mentioned anywhere - such an action would not have been "in line" with the Zionists, and general philosophy for finding Mother Earth was too high for him (conclusion).

1933: Einstein's propaganda against the Third Reich provokes the religious war

--- when Hitler took over Germany on Jan. 31, 1933, Einstein was in Princeton (!) and was railing against the National Socialists with a public declaration (Mossad Wik. [6]) and with this he opened officially the Jewish war against the Third Reich (!), whereas there had not happened much yet (!) - and as the Jewish Zionist propaganda of the WJC against the Third Reich did not stop respectively was developing and organizing even a world wide eternal boycott of Germany, the Hitler government was acting then with a confiscation of the Einstein bank accounts in Germany as a caution measure against an overthrow (Barbara Wolff 2019 [14]) - with this propaganda, Einstein brought all Jewry in Germany in trouble, above all his own family - Einstein's family was emigrating more and more to Princeton where Einstein had a job with a dollar salary (1 dollar=4.20 Swiss francs in those times), and WJC was organizing this boycott against NS Germany with the help of Einstein (conclusion). In 1934 Einstein was in Belgium and went to the German embassy, handed over his German passport and emigrated definitively to Princeton with his cousin spouse (Mossad Wik.: Albert Einstein [6]). He had no children with his cousin (she brought 2 daughters from her first marriage) [6], but Einstein had more children with other women, one of them is Evelyn Einstein who was urging for the letter research (Mossad Wik.: Evelyn Einstein [16]) - against the Jewish Zionist Einstein Association which wanted to conceal everything. There could be still many Lieserls in this world (conclusion)

-- with this escalation since February 1933, Einstein was serving exactly the Zionists for fighting Germany one more time as it is prescribed in the Zionist program to destroy Germany all 50 years for dominating Europe (Freedman: speech 1961) - probably this Einstein was even under mind control of Rothschild in London, his main reference persons were in the World Jewish Congress (WJC) which are agents of Rothschild, and it seems he NEVER did anything for Germans... (conclusion)

--- the Jewish Zionist boycott of the Third Reich was organized by WJC, Einstein was a figurehead for this and this is a taboo topic until today (!) (Dec.7, 2019) - the countermeasures against Jewry in Germany are known, and all was proceeded according to the Zionist plan in London driving Ashkenazim Jews to Israel (Herzl: The Jewish State 1896), East European Jews with Yiddish were not wanted by Rothschild in Israel, and for all this always "the Germans" should be blamed (conclusion)

--- Einstein had been a WJC figurehead since 1919 already with activities for Hebrew University in Tel Aviv, with fundraising tours or speeches etc. (Mossad Wik.: Albert Einstein [6])

1934-1955: Einstein remains in Princeton, picking up Jews - but he NEVER talks with Germans (!)

--- Einstein continued to stay in Princeton ($ 1 was then 4.20 Swiss francs), he had contacts to highest circles in the "USA", famous women came and he received them in his bathing robe, also woman spies came (Balkan Forum [5]), and step by step he took his family members who were emigrating to him resp. who he had provoked to emigrate (!), for example his sister Maja (Mossad Wik. [6], or his son Hans Albert from Zurich was also emigrating to "USA" in 1937/8 following his advice (Barbara Wolff 2019 [14]) whereas this son Hans Albert was Christian Orthodox, was not a Jew at all, as also the son Eduard not either (!). So one can conclude: Einstein was sociologically and psychologically a ZERO (conclusion). Officially Einstein is presented y Zionist Mossad media as a "pacifist" (?!). The facts are others (!). Boycott of Germany by Jewish WJC manipulations who gave Hitler always a reason to act against Jews lasted from 1933 to 1945 (!).

High criminal
                            Albert Einstein in Princeton
                            ("USA") - photos from google
                            (Dec.6, 2019) - simulating a
                            "pacifist" (!)
High criminal Albert Einstein in Princeton ("USA") - photos from google (Dec.6, 2019) - simulating a "pacifist" (!)

1939: The signature of cr. Einstein for the construction of the atomic bomb against Germany
--- in 1939, Einstein permitted to e manipulated to sign a letter with his signature by two Hungarian Jewish physicists Szilárd and Wigner with the claim to develop atomic bombs against Germany because German physicists had published about atomic split - WITHOUT speaking with the German physicists - and German research was still miles away from any chain reaction which was the precondition for an atomic bomb ... [18]

                          atomic bomb letter with the signature of
                          Albert Einstein to Roosevelt from 1939
The atomic bomb letter with the signature of Albert Einstein to Roosevelt from 1939

from: https://www.christies.com/lotfinder/einstein-albert-typed-letter-signed-to-3886884-details.aspx

Because of his friendliness to Communists in his life of before, Einstein was not allowed to take part in the atomic bomb project (!) (Biographie: Atombombe [19]). FBI wanted also to hinder that he could remain in the "USA" in general (Balkan Forum [5]), and therefore Einstein got his "US" passport also only in 1940 when he could be "used" as a war-important propagandist against Germany (conclusion)

1939-1948: Einstein is refusing any visit in Switzerland - Mileva dies alone in 1948

--- in Switzerland, the living conditions became always worse and generally tightened, and for house owners always more taxes and charges were invented so that Mileva went soon bankrupt with their three houses: the two houses in Fluntern were foreclosed, the creditors went partly empty and the first house in Hutten Street no. 62 had to be protected, as also Einstein's fortune in the "USA" had to be protected, therefore Albert and Mileva with lawyers were installing a fake company (Huttenstrasse Realty Corporation) - at the same time, Einstein never came for a visit any more, also not after 1945, nor after 1946 after he was retired, but Mileva and her ill son Eduard had to stay the time from 1937/8 to 1948 alone - when Mileva in 1947 had to sell the last house, Einstein was not coming - when Mileva died in a hospital room alone on August 4, 1948, Einstein did not come - nor was coming for her funeral (Barbara Wolff: Preisgeld 2019 [14]), and he NEVER came to visit her grave until his death in 1955 - this was the expression of his Jewish family against Christian Orthodox Maric Family of Serbia, it seems that he was sworn on the racism against Christians by WJC, one can only guess it, there should exist documents in the WJC archives about that how Einstein was handled etc. It seems that WJC was determining where Einstein was allowed to travel... (conclusion)

--- the son Eduard in Zurich got a legal guardian Mr. Meili, and Einstein has secured always any supply for Eduard financially, at the end with the legal guardian Meili (Barbara Wolff: Preisgeld 2019 [14]) - the rumor that houses had to be sold for Eduard's supply (Video 1999 [2]) is not right because there were other reasons for selling the houses: tenants left because after 1929 they could not pay the rent any more, flats remained empty for months because no tenant could be found for the expensive luxury apartments because since 1931 the crisis also hit Switzerland - luxury houses became unprofitable in times of crisis, and since 1939 always more taxes and charges were invented so the houses became one more time unprofitable, 1943 with an obligation of installation of air raid shelters etc. (Barbara Wolff: Preisgeld 2019 [14]).

A profitability of the luxury houses would at best have set in from 1948, with the East-West conflict and the reconstruction of Germany with the new economic miracle ... (Conclusion)

1948: Mileva's debts - remaining sum of the Nobel Prize is divided in 1950

--- the inheritance of Mileva were heaps of debts, which Einstein had to pay, and the remaining money of the Nobel Prize was divided at the end of 1950 between the sons Hans Albert and Eduard (Barbara Wolff: Preisgeld 2019 [14])

1948: Mileva's letters come to Hans Albert Einstein - Frieda Einstein takes them

--- the wife of Hans Albert Einstein (now a professor at Berkeley near San Francisco) - Frieda Einstein - came to Zurich from San Francisco to liquidate Mileva's apartment and "accept" the heritage of Mileva (Barbara Wolff 2019 [14]), but she could not take much with her because there was not much space in the airplane (conclusion) - therefore, she took only the letters and maybe a few books, later she began to look through the letters and publish: And now, Lieserl was found, the first daughter of 1902, who had been kept secret (Evelyn Einstein Dies [20])

Daughter Evelyn Einstein - letter research against the Einstein Society in Jerusalem

--- the Einstein daughter Evelyn Einstein had as mother a dancer from New York and was adopted by the Einstein son Hans Albert and raised as his daughter - Evelyn Einstein promoted then the letter research, because she wanted to know the truth about her family - against the Jewish Einstein Society in Jerusalem, who had got all estate from Albert Einstein (Evelyn Einstein Dies [20])
even before his death (!)

Evelyn Einstein,
Evelyn Einstein, portraits

And so it may be that there are still many Einstein children who are kept secret in the world ...

1955: Einstein denies an operation and dies - a Jewish Zionist racist against Germany and copyright robber takes all secrets with him to the grave

--- at the end of his life, Einstein became even a suicider: in 1955, he rejected an operation and wanted to die under the motto "It's time to go" (Mossad Wik.) - worse cannot be acted to the public which had made him a hero of the century (conclusion) - Einstein died because of an aorta rupture in the belly region (Mossad Wik. [6]) and he took all secrets, all lies, all frauds and all Jewish racism against Christians and Germans to his grave - as a Swiss and an "American" (conclusion) - "scientists" meant that the Einstein brain would be something special and handed it around (Mossad Wik. [6]) - well, there is not much special with it considering realities a little bit more in detail... (conclusion)

"Einstein quotations" are mostly not from Einstein

--- and also this is no surprise: many quotes from Einstein are not from Einstein but are only attributed to Einstein - this is all a Jewish Zionist media psychopathy

                          results about Einstein quotes in German which
                          are "not from him" ("nicht von
                          ihm") (google, 6-12-2019)
Search results about Einstein quotes in German which are "not from him" ("nicht von ihm") (google, 6-12-2019)

So what means Einstein? This means fraud, embezzlement, gang criminality, neglecting of children, religious war and religious racism, and at the end suicide rejecting an operation. Is this a "genius"? Not for sure - but Mossad media are not allowed to report about this...

Look here:

-- Einstein did NOT find solar water disinfection (see the web site with Mother Earth on
-- Einstein did NOT find solar kitchen with glass and reflecting oven
-- Einstein did NOT find earth wall heating without heating (see Earth Ship with Mother Earth on
-- Einstein did NOT find earth pit greenhouses half underground for winter planting (see Walipini with Mother Earth on
-- Einstein did NOT find how to convert deserts into forest (see the instructions on the web site with Mother Earth on
-- Einstein did NOT find the solution of the Jewish figures with 4 to 6 million more Jews world wide since 1935/6 (see the research with the table)
-- Einstein did NOT find criminal Swiss in the Hitler government for installing the Nuremberg laws (!) (see here)
-- Einstein did NOT find natural agriculture from Fukuoka in Japan (see permaculture agriculture with Mother Earth on
-- Einstein did NOT propagate free energy of Tesla
-- Einstein did NOT propagate compressed air as clean energy
-- Einstein did NOT find the upwind tube power plant on the mountain slope
-- Einstein did NOT find the wave power plants
-- Einstein did NOT find the stream power boy
-- Einstein did NOT NOT NOT...

Conclusion: Einstein was a BLIND man!

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Einstein rejecting high mathematics - Mileva is making the high mathematics for him -- Einstein with violin - Mileva with piano -- They let "pass" Einstein – Mileva not -- Tactic of concealment with Einstein - first daughter Lieserl is concealed - Einstein at the Patent Office since May 1902 -- Habit of concealment: suspicion of abuse in the childhood -- Jewish parents of Einstein making propaganda and defaming the Christian Mileva without end -- 1905: Publications by Einstein WITHOUT indication of sources - Mileva Einstein-Maric is deleted - this is gang criminality by Einstein and the review "Annals of Physics" ("Annalen der Physik") in Leipzig -- since 1912: Einstein and his cousin Elsa - the Christian Mileva is rejected -- since 1914: Einstein in Berlin with famous women and blue blood women - Mileva and the two sons remain in Zurich  -- 1914: The Einstein sons are baptized Christian Orthodox -- 1914: The Einstein sons are baptized Christian Orthodox in Novi Sad -- Divorce: The Nobel Prize money will be given to Mileva -- since 1915: Einstein's money from war Germany is always less worth - Mileva with existential crisis -- Nobel Prize money 1923 - 3 houses in Zurich 1923 until 1930 -- Einstein has to "look for" high mathematicians -- 1919-1926 appr.: Einstein in the League of Nations - traveling Berlin-Zurich-Geneva -- 1930: The third house is bought -- since 1930: Einstein 3 months in Princeton every year: "work" is lectures and famous women -- Einstein is not giving one cent for poor Germans -- 1933: Einstein's propaganda against the Third Reich provokes the religious war -- 1934-1955: Einstein remains in Princeton, picking up Jews - but he NEVER talks with Germans (!) -- 1939: The signature of cr. Einstein for the construction of the atomic bomb against Germany -- 1939-1948: Einstein is refusing any visit in Switzerland - Mileva dies alone in 1948 -- 1948: Mileva's debts - remaining sum of the Nobel Prize is divided in 1950 -- 1948: Mileva's letters come to Hans Albert Einstein - Frieda Einstein takes them -- Daughter Evelyn Einstein - letter research against the Einstein Society in Jerusalem -- 1955: Einstein denies an operation and dies - a Jewish Zionist racist against Germany and copyright robber takes all secrets with him to the grave   -- "Einstein quotations" are mostly not from Einstein



[1] Senta Trömel-Plötz: Mileva Einstein-Maric: The Woman Who Did Einstein's Mathematics - speech at AAAS 1990 - Link pdf (18 Seiten)https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/13fbac_a0a29f94832f4674bb1c1f1aa0b7e45c.pdf


[2] Video: Милева Марић: Ајнштајн из сенке (Mileva Marić: In the shadow of Einstein - 1999)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6xAfVGRLNA (29min.) - YouTube channel: DzonsonBor


[3] Manfred Wasmayr: The tragedy of the couple Albert and Mileva Einstein (original German: Die Tragödie des Ehepaares Albert und Mileva Einstein); from:  Physikgeschichte PLUS LUCIS 1/2004, p.30-33 - Link pdf (4 Seiten)



[4] John Stachel: Albert Einstein and Mileva Marić. A Collaboration That Failed to Develop; In: H. M. Pycior, N. G. Slack, and P. G. Abir-Am (eds.), Creative Couples in the Sciences, Rutgers University Press (1996). printed again in: John Stachel (2002), Einstein from ‘B’ to ‘Z’, Boston/Basel/Berlin: Birkhauser, p. 39–55 - pdf:



[5] Balkan Forum Info: http://www.balkanforum.info/f16/privatleben-albert-einstein-2772/


[6] Mossad Wikipedia: Albert Einstein (German version): https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein


[7] Einstein was a birth father: http://www.nmoi.org/articles/EinsteinWasaBirthFather.html


[8] Peter Ripota: Einstein: The greatest plagiarist of all times of the 20th century: (original German: Einstein: Der größte Plagiator aller Zeiten des 20. Jahrhunderts): https://www.kultur-szene.de/der-groste-plagiator-aller-zeiten-des-20-jahrhunderts/


[9] Evan Harris Walker: Ms. Einstein - speech at AAAS 1990 pdf (18 Seiten)



[10] Mossad-Wikipedia: Woman teacher's celibate (original German: Lehrerinnenzölibat): https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehrerinnenzölibat


[11] Peter Ripota: View insight (original Gemran: Einsichten) 2018, p.236


Book by Peter Ripota: Unique view inside of Einstein (original German: Einsteins einmalige Einsichten) (2018):


Buch von Peter Ripota 2018: Einsteins einmalige Einsichten: Die Relativitätstheorien und wie es dazu kam - Peter Ripota - Google Books - Brief 1914 p.236


Book by Peter Ripota: Unique view inside of Einstein (original German: Einsteins einmalige Einsichten) - examples of texts:



[12] Newspaper "Der Bund" (Berne): "The fool from the Patent Office" (original German: "Der Hansjoggeli vom Patentamt"):


[13] Noel Prize and Many Difficulties (original German: Nobelpreis und viele Schwierigkeiten):



[14] Barbara Wolff: What happened with the prize money? (original German: Was geschah mit dem Preisgeld?) - 2019

Barbara Wolff: „Derartige kolossale Opfer ...“ - Der Nobelpreis für Physik für das Jahr 1921 – was geschah mit dem Preisgeld?

from: MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE - https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/sites/default/files/P493.pdf (78 pages) - 2019 - Preprint N°493

[15] Mossad Wikipedia: Elsa Einstein (German version): https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elsa_Einstein


[16] Mossad Wikipedia: Evelyn Einstein (German version): https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evelyn_Einstein


[17] Einstein at the League of Nations (original German: Einstein beim Völkerbund): https://www.menscheinstein.de/biografie/biografie_jsp/key=3175.html


[18] Hungarian Jewish atomic physicist Leó Szilárd provokes Einstein to give his signature: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leó_Szilárd

Hungarian Jewish atomic physicist Eugene Paul Wigner provokes Einstein to give his signature

Szilárd and Wigner are provoking Einstein to the signature for the letter claiming the construction of atomic bombs: Mossad Wikipedia: The Einstein-Szilárd Letter: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstein–Szilárd_letter


[19] Biography: atomic bomb (original German: Biographie: Atombombe): http://www.einsteingalerie.de/bio/atom.html


[20] NYT: New York Times: Evelyn Einstein Dies:


[21] Mossad Wikipedia: Mileva Maric:

Note 8:
Joffe 1955:
Abram F. Joffe: Памяти Алъберта Эйнштейна, Успехи физических наук, срт. 57, 2, 1955 (Pamyati Alberta Eynshtyna, Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, 57, 1955). Erinnerung an Albert Einstein, 1955 (russisch)
