Papers Vol. 3 Nr.1: until 1902 (p.415)
Collected Papers Vol. 4: since ab 1902
-- Stachel: boss of the
review "Physics Today" in the "USA"
-- AAAS: American Association for the
Advancement of Science
WCRI: Walker
Cancer Research Institute
Circle of friends of
Einstein's "Academia
the Habicht brothers, Maurice
Solovine, Angelo Besso and his
-- Ehrenfest (pen friend)
-- Max Born,
dialogue partner
Friends of
-- Helene Kaufler-Savic,
Helene Kaufler, Zurich
-- Bogdanovich,
a mathematician in the
Ministry of Education in
Belgrade, who was well
acquainted with Mileva
-- Dr.
Ada Broch,
friend of the
Family in
of other
-- Dr. jur. Emilie
Kempin-Spyri, first woman
lawyer in Switzerland being
blocked by arrogant men
-- Lise Meitner
may "collaborate" for being
concealed when the
publication comes
-- Eda Nodacks has got the
idea in 1934 - and
Hahn+Strassmann receive the
Nobel Prize
-- 1895-1900:
ETH-Professor Jean Pernet:
Einstein has no knowledge of
-- 1900-1902:
ETH-Professor Weber rejects a
position as assistant to the
truant and rebel Einstein, first
supervisor of Einstein, quit
-- Professor
Kleiner, second supervisor of
Einstein, quit
-- Professor
Zangger, looked for a job
for Einstein at Zurich
University in 1915
who did Einstein's mathematics - chronology
of data
by SENTA TROEMEL-PLOETZ; Franklin and Marshall College,
Department of German and Russian, P.O. Box
3003, Lancaster, PA 17604-3003, U.S.A., and
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn, Germany
arranged by Michael Palomino 2019
1875: Birth
of Mileva Maric (Hungarian: Marity)
-- calm, serious mother from a wealthy family
-- the father is self-taught and employed in the
military of Austria-Hungary, is also civilian
civil servant (p.422)
Switzerland 1880-1970: Women in
Switzerland are allowed to study - but are BLOCKED
to work at a university
At that time, as a
matter of course, the other women at the Swiss
institutions of higher learning immediately
dropped their scientific interests and their
work once they got married, so as to take up
their duties as housewives and mothers. They had
come as the most brilliant and gifted women from
all over Europe, they had gained access to the
Swiss universities as auditors because they were
deemed harmless enough, then as regular students
with the help of some German male professors,
expatriates from the German university
[[system]] for political reasons, thus opening
for Swiss women students the way to the
university. All of them willingly gave up their
academic inclination once their "real calling"
began. Those who wanted to combine their
academic life with a family were literally
destroyed, like Kempin-Spyri and Mileva
[Tesis: This block of women was
because of criminal Sigmund Freud calling all
women hysteric. Men did NOT WANT to understand
what the needs of women really are. In Catholic
Church it' like this today yet (2019) that women
are rated generally as "dangerous" because
Cacholic men are only praying against love every
day and become impotent with 40...].
+ Croatia 1881-1894: Mileva's
childhood and schooling - father =
self-taught, in the military,
civil servant
The data of Desanka
Trbuhovic-Gjurics states:
-- The father recognizes Mileva's
extraordinary talent, but there is
no intellectually stimulating
climate in the family for her
-- There were other intelligent,
promoted women like Sonja
Kovalevskaja, Sophie Germain, Marie
Curie, etc. who had it much easier
-- The people around Mileva is
amazed of her math talent and they
react with resistance, so Mileva has
to go the path alone (p.422)
-- Mileva successfully attends
several secondary schools (p.422)
-- in the end, Mileva is accepted as
a private pupil in Zagreb in a male
upper secondary school, after one
year also in the physics class
women teacher's celibate against
married women in Germany 1880-1951 and in
Zurich 1912-1962
In the Emperor's Germany, women were forbidden
to give lectures when they became married,
this was the law from 1880 to 1919 and from
1923 to 1951, in Baden-Württemberg until 1956.
Racist Zurich had women teacher's celibate
against married women from 1912 to 1962, so
just after the diplomas of the Einstein and
Mileva, the block of teaching for married
women was installed. It can be assumed that
this women teacher's celibate was provoked by
criminal Sigmund Freud who defined women
generally "hysteric" and did NOT UNDERSTAND
ANYTHING of women].
Serbia + Croatia: Schooling
from Mileva
-- Mileva has an unusual talent in math, has
academic interests, and has a good will
-- Mileva Maric always feels lonely as a
physics genius in boys' classes, at the end
she is in the "elite male grammar school"
Switzerland 1894: Mileva has to choose a
country where women are allowed to study:
- Mileva goes to Zureich (Zurich) to a
girls' school to graduate (p.422)
[In those times, women can study also in
University of Zurich 1895: Mileva studies
medicine for 1 semester
Study time at the Polytechnic 1896-1900:
Einstein lets Mileva do the math according
to the saying:
"My wife
solves all my mathematical problems."
The Collected
Papers by Albert Einstein, however, conceal
this important point (p.415).
-- Einstein says Mileva is a better
physicist than many men
(S.419 - see: Desanka Trbuhovic-Gjuric: "In
the shadow of Albert Einstein", 1983
edition, p.41)
1896-1900: ETH Professor Jean Pernet:
Einstein has no knowledge of physics
-- a professor at the Polytechnic in Zurich,
Jean Pernet, advises Einstein to study something
other than physics (Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983, p.
Translation of Plötz:
physics is very difficult. You don't
lack diligence and good will but simply
knowledge. Why don't you study
medicine, law, or literature
instead?" (p.421)
Mileva plays the "talent"
for Einstein
-- Mileva supports Einstein in
high math and gives him the
mathematical proofs (p.421).
did not have to worry about the
proofs because Mileva
Einstein-Maric was doing
Zureich 1896: Mileva changes to
math + physics at the ETH
For the Polytechnic University
[[called ETH since 1911]] she has
to pass an additional entrance
exam in math (p.422)
[Are the
entrance exams available
from Mileva?]
At the same time,
Mileva is very close to her
homeland and loves the Bačka
[[Backa, Batschka]] in the Balkans
Polytechnic + ETH 1895-1962: The atmosphere
of arrogant men in the Polytechnic (since
1911: ETH): They simply do not want women
-- at the Polytechnic around 1900 there is a
male arrogance, is elitist-male (p.422)
-- at the Polytechnic Mileva is again the only
woman in the whole course Math + Physics (p.422)
-- men simply mean "that women do not belong
there" (p.422)
-- No positive expectations are placed on women,
no promotion, no care as for male students
-- Male students benefit from the privileges of
promotion and assistantship (p.422)
-- The professors do not specifically support
Mileva, they tolerate Mileva, but she must
certainly organize everything herself (p.422)
-- Professors do not expect Mileva to succeed
atmosphere against women: the poison of
the criminal Sigmund Freud
At the end of the 19th century, Sigmund
Freud, as a guru, dominated "modern"
psychology with his general difamation
that all women were "hysterical" in the
case of doubt. This spiritual poison
spreads throughout the "educated,"
male-dominated upper class of the world,
and therefore women are in a hopeless
situation. Then after Freud came Bleuler
claiming that anything that does not fit
into the picture was "schizophrenic", so
that women did not have a chance either.
Only C.G. Jung with neutral psychoanalysis
has "neutralized" the criminal
psychologists Freud + Bleuler: Freud and
Bleuler came out as two psychotic ...]
from 1896:
Mileva is de facto the scientific employee of
Polytechnic in Zurich 1896-1900: The gifted
Desanka's information in the book "In the Shadow
of Albert Einstein" say:
-- Mileva Maric [[Hungarian: Marity]] is a
"highly gifted woman" (p.421)
-- Mileva Maric is the fifth woman ever to study
math and physics (Section VI A) (p.421-422)
-- Mileva Maric is the only woman in her class
1896-1919: Mileva glaubt an das "grosse
Talent" von Einstein
Polytechnic 1896-1919: Mileva believes in the
"great talent" of Einstein
-- Mileva believes in Einstein (p.421)
-- Einstein lets himself be driven by Mileva
-- Einstein constantly needs the support of
Mileva, her opinion, her judgements (p.421)
-- For Einstein, the judgment of Mileva is more
important than his own judgment (!) (p.421)
-- Mileva gives Einstein everything she has:
diligence, perseverance, mathematical genius,
mathematical devotion (p.421)
-- Mileva works for Einstein's success in pure
self-abandonment and develops Einstein's
abilities (p.421)
-- Mileva also financially supports Einstein in
crises (p.421)
-- Mileva is Einstein's doll in bed and cares
for the house (p.421)
-- Mileva subordinated all her abilities, dreams
and aspirations to Einstein (p.427 -
Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983, p.119).
[Einstein and Mileva were already in
other worlds - against the professors
Einstein and Mileva knew so much about new physics
that they were already "floating in other worlds"
against the professors, and they also did their
own experiments in the laboratories and did not
keep the timetable for many professors. Einstein
and Mileva were pioneers, many knew about it, but
the professors did not like this because students
can not be professors ... web08]
1897: Birth of mathematician physicist Desanka
Trbuhovic-Gjuric, who publishes the first
Mileva biography in 1969
-- Desanka (1897-1983) becomes Serbian
mathematician and physicist, as Mileva is
-- Desanka then teaches at the Institute of
Technology and at the University of Belgrade
-- After her retirement she is researching and
writing the biography of Mileva Einstein-Maric,
the first wife of Albert Einstein (p.415)
Final study period 1899-1901 of
-- Albert Einstein writes his
diploma thesis and his
dissertation (p.419)
-- Friends of Mileva say they feel
that Albert Einstein exploits her
too much
(p.419 - see: Desanka
Trbuhovic-Gjuric: "In the shadow
of Albert Einstein", 1983 edition,
1899ca .: The topic of the
diploma thesis for Mileva: heat
Mileva reports in a letter to a
-- Professor Weber is very
satisfied with the topic "heat
conduction" (p.422)
-- Mileva looks forward to
research results (p.422)
-- Albert Einstein also chose an
"interesting topic" (p.422)
Polytech. 1900: Einstein does
for Dr. med. Weber a "diploma
[at least half of
which is probably inspired and
written by Mileva - this diploma
thesis by Einstein should be
carefully examined with which
handwriting she is written (!)].
The grading of
the diploma
Einstein 4,5
(from a
maximum of 6)
- Mileva only
4,0 (from a
maximum of 6)
-- Both
diploma theses
dealt with
-- Einstein
did not
care about the
subject, but
Mileva was
about the
-- Apparently
Dr. Weber
rated Mileva
down with a
much too low
mark for her
thesis, the
treatment of
women at
colleges in
Europe around
1900, to
Fight of Dr. Weber against
Dr. Weber rejected to give the truant and
rebel Einstein an assistant job - then
Mileva was fighting for Einstein against
Dr. Weber - this could not be accepted and
Dr. Weber rated Mileva down. Mileva had a
helper's syndrome].
Polytech. 1900:
Polytech professor Weber rejects
a position as assistant to
while all other fellow students
have got an assistant post after
their diploma with Dr. Weber
(p.421). Plotz:
"Professor Weber,
another physicist and ETH
professor, for whom he did his
thesis for the diploma, refused
categorically to give Albert
Einstein an assistant post
while giving all his co-students
assistantships after their exam."
[because Einstein could not behave,
was a truant and a rebel, threw
instructions in the basket or provoked
explosions in the laboratory etc.].
1900: Mileva wanted to extend her
diploma thesis as a dissertation for a
Dr. title
The physics professor Dr. Weber did not
want to allow that, otherwise he would
have had to take on Mileva as his
assistant (p.422).
1900: The men's society "takes over" achievements
of women
-- Women authors are not accepted (p.418)
-- Woman co-authors giving ideas or woman employees
are not even mentioned (p.418)
-- Women as authors or co-authors simply "disappear"
and men "take over" the work, or the woman is
definitely referred to the "second place" (p.418)
-- At best, the name of a woman may appear in a
dedication (p.418), but Einstein probably did not
even devote a dedication or a book to Mileva (p.418)
1900: woman mathematicians get no recognition
from the men
-- Certain mechanisms in the system block the
women's careers (p.417)
-- Certain mechanisms in the system suppress women
-- With the couple of Albert and Mileva Einstein,
the effect of the system has fatal consequences for
Mileva (p.417).
Europe at 1900 appr: Hate against women at
universities: teachers joke against women +
teach prejudices
-- Attention and interaction of teachers in the
classroom focuses on boys (p.423 - Thorne,
Kramarae & Henley, 1983; Spender, 1982)
-- Women at universities are even more
discriminated as the gender expectations are
higher in adult women than in girls (p.423 -
Treichler and Kramarae (1983)
-- The propaganda in the class rooms provokes a
cold atmosphere with typical male interaction
patterns (p.423)
-- There is also a general disbelief towards
competent women (p.423 - Hagen & Kahn, 1975,
Piacente et al., 1974, Seyfried & Hendricks,
-- There is also a specific bias towards women
in the Academy (p.423 - Farley, 1982; Spencer,
Kehoe, & Speece, 1982; Rossi &
Calderwood, 1973; Abramson, 1975; Howe, 1975;
DeSole & Hoffman, 1961) Haber, 1981).
-- The perception of women is totally
distorted (p.423)
-- Women in a male course are bombarded with
prejudice (p.423)
-- The professors do not allow women to take
a doctorate, not an assistant job, not the
access to the university's inner life
-- Professors with discriminatory marks
against women confirm their own prejudices
-- Women also rate women worse than men,
which begins to change only in the 1970s (!)
(p.423 - Chabot & Goldberg, 1974,
Mischel, 1974, Levenson et al., 1975)
1900: The Swiss university
system fights and blocks
intelligent women: example
-- Women are systematically
rated lower, so they do not have
a diploma, and certainly do not
write a thesis (p.423)
-- The case of dr. jur. Emilie
Zurich- "USA" -Berlin-Basel
1880-1901: The case of Dr.
med. jur. Emilie Kempin-Spyri
- blocked to death by the men
She graduated at the University
of Zurich in 1887 with a
doctorate "summa cum laude", but
does not get a job permission
because she has no voting right
as a woman in Switzerland; the
court approves her claim that
men and women are equal before
the law, but can not obtain a
profession permit; a
habilitation is assigned to her
in 1888; she emigrates to the
"USA" and founds the First Woman
Law College, then returns to the
CH, tries a second habilitation
(p.423), but the university
senate refuses to do so, then
the State Education Committee
overrules the Senate with a
permit and Kempin-Spyri gets in
1891 the "venia legendi" for
Roman, Anglo-Saxon and American
law; Colleagues or students do
not take her seriously, her
lectures are hardly attended,
she does not get a
professorship; her husband as a
journalist is also unsuccessful;
the family moves to Berlin,
opens an international
consulting office; the man
leaves the family, she has the
two children alone, she works to
the point of exhaustion, she is
in debt; In 1899, Kempin-Spyri
suffered a nervous breakdown,
was sent to psychiatric clinic
Schällemätteli in Basel, and
friends had to pay the costs.
Finally, she applied for home
help and then died of cancer at
the age of 48 before accepting
the position for 10 francs a
(p.424 - see: Susanna Woodtli:
Equality: The struggle for the
political rights of women in
Switzerland, Frauenfeld,
Huber-Verlag 1975)
(original German: Susanna
Woodtli: Gleichberechtigung:
Der Kampf um die politischen
Rechte der Frau in der
Schweiz. Frauenfeld,
Huber-Verlag 1975)
Zurich and the whole world 1900: men rate
women worse: ETH, BBC etc. - women write
under male pseudonyms to be successful (!)
-- Women are rated worse than men, this is
still the case in 1979 (p.422 - from: Gruber
and Gaebelein 1979, p.299, see also:
Rosenkrantz et al., 1968; see also: Elman,
Press, & Rosencrantz, 1970)
-- Women are rated worse, even if they
produce the same results (S.422 - from:
Goldberg, 1968, Pheterson, Kiesler &
Goldberg, 1971, Mischel, 1974, Starer &
Denmark, 1974)
-- Identical texts are rated worse when the
signature is with a a female name (p.422 -
from: Goldberg, 1968)
-- when the "norm" white, male,
Anglo-Saxon-Protestant is not fulfilled, the
work is rated worse (p.422 - from:
Bosmajian: "The Language of Oppression"
-- Even male babies are brought up more
favorably than female babies, depending on
the educator (p.422)
-- Women who write novels must write under
male pseudonyms (!) (p.423)
-- The selection of people to conferences
still takes place according to the names,
and choosing the subjects without names,
suddenly more women and minority authors are
admitted to conferences (p.423)
-- Women as newscasters have little chance
in some TV channels, e.g. in the BBC (p.423
- from: Kramarae 1984).
[Tesis: Sigmund
Freud was against all women -
and upper class copied Sigmund
Freud - all women were in
danger for being called
The macho Sigmund Freud with his
primitive "will"-psychology was
the main force against the
understanding of women claiming
that all women would be hysteric
or at least all women would be a
risk for being hysteric without
control. This was a GUIDELINE
blocking women from school
systems, from carrers and from
politics - in criminal
Switzerland this block was
partly until 1989 when the
Federal Court gave women the
right to vote in Appenzell
Innerrhoden - against the votes
of the men there (!)].
[Tesis: The
system of discrimination
The system of discrimination of
women was so perfect that women
could only make carreer helping
a man - and men expoited women
for this with robbery of
identity and copyright and honor
- this criminality towards women
was "normal" in those times]
1900-1910: time of "greatest
creativity" with Einstein
-- with Mileva, Einstein experiences "his greatest
creativity" (p.421)
-- the remark about the role of Mileva in
Collected Papers Vol.1 (1987, p.381) is a criminal
understatement (""Her
intellectual and personal relationships (sic!)
with the young Einstein played an important
role in his development")
[The reality is another one:
Einstein's works from 1900 to 1919 are to a
considerable extent an expression of the
creativity of Mileva Maric (!)].
helper syndrome for Einstein: Mileva withdraws in
protest against Dr. Weber her diploma thesis
Zureich 1900: Mileva fights for Albert Einstein,
who does NOT get an assistant job with Dr. Weber -
and thus she risks her own diploma - Mileva
commits self-sacrifice (!) - while Albert Einstein
was the worst and under 5.0 (!)
From Trbuhovic-Gjuric's book, it
seems that Mileva Einstein-Maric
jeopardized her promising
collaborative relationship with
Professor Weber because she
fought for Albert Einstein when
he, as the only student out of
four, did not receive an
assistantship after the Diplom
examination at the ETH (p.425).
[Diploma of
Albert Einstein with 4.91 -
to get rid of him?
Albert Einstein had an average
of 4.91 for his diploma and
principally he did NOT pass
because the Polytechnic
Highschool required a clear
5.0 for passing. So the
professors donated the diploma
to the rebel Albert Einstein
and let him "just slip
through" [web04]. Weber
refused him an immediate job
as an assistant. The
professors probably rightly
said that Einstein had missed
so many lectures, always
copied from others and often
rebelled in the internships,
and now he is also under 5.0,
so he should first go
somewhere else looking for
something. It may be that the
whole thing was just a
maneuver to get rid of
Einstein. Therefore investigation
is needed:
-- Einstein's exams and
dissertation as well as the
exams and dissertations of the
fellow students should be
-- there should exist letters
from Mileva to Weber at the
Weber family with the appeal
for the rebel Einstein
-- there should still exist
minutes from the sessions of
the Physics leaders of the
Polytechnic Highschool when
the case of Einstein and Maric
was discussed [conclusion -
Weber had categorically declared
that he did not want Albert
Einstein as an assistant. I do
not know whether one of the
three men students also fought
for Albert Einstein and by doing
so risked his relationship with
Weber. One of them, Albert
Einstein's friend Marcel
Grossmann, at least later on,
got his father to use his
connections and get Albert
Einstein his first full-time
position (at the Swiss Patent
Office, Bern) (p.425).
helper syndrome for Einstein:
Mileva Maric INVENTS an
"unfairness" (!) -
Mileva Maric withdraws her own
diploma thesis in protest
Mileva Einstein-Maric, in any
case, had conflicts with Weber
because she wanted him to see
his unfairness [[?]] to Albert
Einstein who, in his final exam,
had an average [[4.91]]
quite a bit below that of
the other three men
candidates. Did she
ever give any thought to the
possibility of fighting for an
assistantship for herself? Did
any one of her fellow students
fight for her? ¨Would Albert
Einstein, had he been in her
position, have fought for her at
the expense of his career? I
think we can answer the last
question because Albert Einstein
did not do anything for her,
never mind any fighting for her,
even when it would no onger have
harmed his career. --
Trbuhovic-Gjuric writes (1983,
"She went so
far to eventually
[[finally]] withdraw her
excellent Diplomarbeit
stopped her research with him
[=Weber, ST-P], and in August
1901, left the Polytechnikum
for good." (p.425)
[1900: Thesis: The
evaluation of Dr. med. Weber
on Einstein and on Mileva:
Albert = raven bad and
Mileva = hysterical
Dr. Weber will have told
-- This woman Mileva Maric is
blind with love and does not
want to accept the fact that
the Albert Einstein just can
not do a polytechnic
-- Albert Einstein is also so
bad because he just missed
lectures and rebelled so much
-- and when Mrs. Mileva Maric
is so blind with love, then,
according to Sigmund Freud,
she is "hysterical",
unpredictable and then one
should not permit a diploma to
-- and THAT'S WHY Mileva did
not succeed for her diploma
two times].
Again, the consequences for the
woman were different from those
for the man. Albert Einstein,
who had the primary conflict
with Weber, got his Diplomarbeit
[[dissertation]] (which he was
not interested in) graded better
than hers, he got his degree
(Diplom), he even started his
doctoral dissertation with Weber
and when that did not work out,
someone else (Kleiner) was found
with whom he continued. Even
when Kleiner refused it or
advised him to withdraw in 1901,
it did not keep him from getting
his doctorate four years later.
Mileva remains without
degree - Einstein rated
her as a PhD - Einstein
was exploiting her (!!!)]
Einstein-Maric ended up
without any degree
whatsoever, although
Albert Einstein had
envisaged her as a PhD
[[Dr. Phil.]] when he
would still be "ein ganz
gewöhnlicher Mensch" ("a
totally ordinary human
being") ("Collected
Papers, Vol. 1", 1987,
p.260). While she was
working on her
dissertation and preparing
for her exam, she also had
other duties. Mileva
Einstein-Maric's friends
thought that Albert
Einstein was exploiting
her too much. This was
said just at the time when
both of them were writing
their Diplomarbeiten
[[dissertations]] and
before the final oral
examinations. (p.425)
Mileva fails twice her diploma
- no reasons indicated]
this rule also, we do
not hear anything
in the "Collected Papers,
Vol.1", about why
Mileva Einstein-Maric
failed twice. In
the first exam, which she
apparently took with Albert
Einstein, we can see her
grades and the statement of
her failure in document 67. In
the second case, we have to
take the editor's word in
another footnote for the fact
(note 1 to document 121),
therefore we do not know
wheter she failed by default,
that is, by withdrawing her
Diplomarbeit, [[dissertation]]
as Trbuhovic-Gjuric suggests
Mileva withdraws her
diploma tesis in protest
against Dr. Weber
because of Einstein's
not given assistant
writes (1983, p.59):
went so far to
[[finally]] withdraw
her excellent
stopped her research
with him [=Weber, ST-P],
and in August 1901, left
the Polytechnikum for
good."> (p.425)
of Mileva is kept
But not
only are the leads in
book not followed up,
there are also no
questions asked about
the numerous
references to Mileva
doctoral dissertation
by Albert Einstein
himself. What happened
to this doctoral
dissertation? Do
we know its title?
Is it still in
Are parts of it
reconstructible from
letters or documents?
course, this is not a
biography of Mileva
Einstein-Maric, and
there must be a limit
to asking questions
about her in the
"Collected Papers of
Albert Einstein"
letter to Helene
Mileva completed a
dissertation -
this dissertation
has "disappeared"]
The most important
requirement is to
ask few questions
about the woman, and
many, but not all,
questions about the
man. Following this
rule, every one of
the seven letters by
Einstein-Maric to
her friend Helene
Kaufler-Savic that
are reprinted have
parts deleted, even
parts that are
needed and referred
to later. For
example, one letter
(document 64) has
three deletions. And
editorial footnote
indicates that one
deletion concerns
which she wrote that
she had completed
("Collected Papers,
Vol.1", 1987,
p.245). We have to
trust this
Another editorial
footnote (footnote 5
of document 75) to a
later letter from
Albert Einstein to
refers exactly to
the deleted portion
of document 64, this
time quoting an
incomplete sentence
from it, from which
the predicate is
missing: "eine
grössere Arbeit-...
die ich mir als
Diplom- und
wahrscheinlich auch
als Doktorarbeit
ausgewählt (p.429),
..." (a larger work
... which I chose as
my thesis for my
diploma, probably
also for my
doctorate ...)
("Collected Papers,
Vol. 1", 1987,
p.260). From this
excerpt we cannot
deduce what she is
saying about the
topic which she has
chosen. Is she that
unimportant that
only bits and pieces
of her letter are
put into a later
footnote? Is what
she says about her Diplomarbeit
(which, as we
know, has
that unimportant?
Instead of
presenting document
64 fully, footnote 5
of document 75, with
its fragment of a
sentence is referred
to again and again
in further editorial
footnotes. Good
editorial practice?
Certainly not, but
good editorial
practice is
apparently not
required when it
comes to women.
The estate of
Mileva after
her death:
Mrs. Frieda
The estate of
Mileva after
her death was
taken by Mrs.
Einstein to
Berkeley near
San Francisco
where the Hans
family lived
(see: Wolff:
Preisgeld -
thesis should
be there in
Berkeley, or
the other
Einstein son
Eduard had it
and when he
died in 1965
nobody came.
Or the thesis
was thrown
away in 1948
because not
all books
could be taken
by air plane
to Berkeley?]
from 1900:
The collaboration Einstein-Mileva
from 1900: Einstein confirms the further
cooperation with Mileva - in letters (!)
This cooperation is also reflected in Albert
Einstein's letters (p.425):
In September 1900, almost
immediately after his exam, Albert
Einstein writes to Mileva Einstein-Maric:
"Ich freue mich auch sehr auf
unsere neuen Arbeiten" ("I am also
looking forward very much to our new
papers") (p.425 - "Collected Papers,
Vol.1, 1987, p.260).
In a
letter of October 1900, the letter in which he
calls her his equal, he again refers to common
work on capillarity, which they will send to
the [[review of]] "Annalen" [[Annals of
Physics in Leipzig]] if it should turn out
(p.425) to be successful (p.426 - "Collected
Papers, Vol.1", 1987, p.267).
In a letter of March 1901, Albert Einstein
writes to Mileva Einstein-Maric:
"How happy and proud I will be
when both of us together will have brought
our work on relative motion to a successful
end" (p.426 - "Collected Papers, Vol.1",
1987, p.282).
1901: Albert Einstein submits a dissertation,
[[written partly by Mileva?]]
but apparently she withdraws (p.419). Quote Plötz:
the time when he wrote his thesis
(Diplomarbeit) and his dissertation (submitted
in Fall 1901, later apparently withdrawn.>
[There is the big
question why Einstein had to withdraw
his dissertation in 1901. Maybe it was
written by Mileva or in Mileva's
handwriting? Where is it?]
April 1901: work by Einstein +
Mileva: "Phenomena of Capillarity"
"Annals of Physics" April 1901: Einstein enters a
work: Conclusions Drawn from the Phenomena of
Capillarity. In: Annalen der Physik, 4, 513-523
-- the work is published on Einstein's name, Mileva
remains unmentioned (p.430)
-- Einstein does not protest, although in letters he
keeps on "our work" (p.430)
-- even here Einstein systematically promotes the
success of men and the women are systematically
discriminated (p.430)
The false "obedience" in Emperor Germany
against the women
If Einstein had protested and said that Mileva
should also be mentioned in the article, he
might have received a reprimand or even a
publication ban, because in Emperor Germany
the Emperor always decides, not Einstein! And
so the discrimination of women goes on and on,
because all "high ranks" always want to
maintain "obedience" and do not want to change
the discrimination of women ...]
April 1901: Albert Einstein
claims: "Our research" and "our work"
In einem Brief vom
April 1901 spricht er über "unsere
Forschung" und "unsere
Arbeiten" und bezieht sich auf das,
was nur unter seinem Namen veröffentlicht wurde:
Die Arbeit "Folgerungen aus den
Capillaritätserscheinungen" in den "Annalen der
Physik" 4 (1901) (S.426 - Collected Papers Band
1, 1987, S.286).
Mai 1901: Albert Einstein behauptet: "Gemeinsam
auf dieser schönen Straße weitermachen"
In a letter of May
1901, he is referring to the same paper again by
"our paper" and says,
"If only we had a chance soon to continue
together on that beautiful road"
(p.426 - "Collected Papers, Vol.1", 1987,
In a letter of the same month he
writes (p.426):
"Think how beautiful it will be when
we are able again to work together
without any disturbance and interference from
outside! Your present sorrows will be
brilliantly replaced by sheer pleasure and our
days will pass quietly without any hectic"
(p.426 - "Collected Papers, Vol.1", 1987,
1902: Mileva has given away her child -
has Weber as an enemy - has the Jewish
Einstein parents as enemies - and still
supports Einstein
the exam, from the middle of 1900 to the
middle of 1902, a very difficult time began
for both of them. Albert Einstein could not
get any position he applied for, although he
tried again and again. Mileva Einstein-Maric
was pregnant with a child by Albert Einstein,
gave birth to it in 1902, out of wedlock, and
evidently had to give it up for adoption [[by
financial reasons or because she was outlawed
by her family?]]. Albert Einstein's parents
objected to Mileva Einstein-Maric as a person,
and to the planned marriage. Mileva
Einstein-Maric stuck with him, stuggling
against the external world, be it Weber or
Albert Einstein's parents, supporting him when
he got rejected and, above all, working with
him ("Collected Papers, Vol.1", 1987, p.275):
"Wir leben und arbeiten immer noch wie früher"
("we are living and working the way we did
earlier", meaning: as students).(p.425)
.: Mileva comes up with the idea to
investigate the ether - and Einstein
then gets the award
Plötz asks:
Plötz fragt:
"Why did he not
acknowledge in public that it was she
who came up with the idea to
investigate ether and its importance
(Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983, p.69)?"
1902-1905: Einstein + Mileva
publishing 3 articles
-- "On a Heuristic Point of
View Concerning the Production and
Transformation of Light"
German: "Einen die Erzeugung
und Verwandlung des Lichtes
betreffenden heuristischen
-- "On
the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies "
(original German:
bewegter Körper" enthält die
Spezielle Relativitätstheorie
Mid-1902-1909: Einstein gets a
job at the Patent Office in Bern
The father of friend Marcel Grossmann has rendered
a service to Einstein here (p.418)
Mid-1902-1909: Einstein maintains his study
group "Academia Olympia": Einstein + Habicht
brothers + Solovine + Besso + Mrs. Besso
" Together
with friends (the brothers Habicht,
Maurice Solovine, Angelo Besso, and his
wife), they met regularly to read
philosophical and scientific works which
they discussed and studies. They called
their group Academia Olympia."
The "fruitful phase" of Einstein with Mileva
in Bern from 1902 to 1909
Desanka Trbuhovic-Gjuric (1983, p.158) quotes
Albert Einstein's friends,
Reichenstein: "It is strange how
fruitful that short period of his life was.
not only his special theory of relativity
but a lot of other basic papers bear the
date 1905." (p.419)
Leopold Infeld, one of his
biographers, remarked on "the irony of fate
and the external contradicitons" in Albert
Einstein's life (Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983,
p.158): "His most important scientific work
he wrote as a little civil servant in the
Patent Office in Bern." (p.419)
Peter Michelmore, who had much
information from Albert Einstein, said
(Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983, p.72):
helped him solve certain mathematical
problems. She was with him in Bern and
helped him (p.419) when he was having such
a hard time with the theory of
relativity." (p.420)
Minkowsky, a great mathematician
and a former professor of Albert Einstein,
who knew him well and was his friend, is
said to have remarked to Max Born:
"This was a
big surprise to me because Einstein was
quite a lazybones and wasn't at all
interested in mathematics" (p.420) -
Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983, p.74).
a mathematician in the Ministry of Educaiton
in Belgrade who was well acquainted with
Mileva Einstein-Maric, is reported to have
said that she had always known that Mileva
Einstein-Maric had helped her husband a
great deal, especially with the mathemtical
foundation of his theory, but Mileva
Einstein-Maric had always avoided talking
about it (p.420 - Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983,
Patent Office in Bern
1902-1909: Einstein does not register the
name of Mileva?
Plötz asks:
"What kept
him from giving her full name when he
published a patent which appeared under
the name Einstein-Habicht?" (p.418
- Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983, S.69)
6.1.1903: Marriage of Albert
Einstein with Mileva Maric
Einstein-Maric continued to collaborate
with Albert Einstein as they had been
doing since they first studied together,
and she was also responsible for the
household chores.>
from 1903: close cooperation
Einstein-Mileva after the marriage
Einstein's wish would come true even though
the time was not so quiet and unhectic for
Mileva Einstein-Maric. Their collaboraiton
became even more intensive beginning in 1903,
when they got married. Whereas before, they
had to spend some time apart, they now had
uninterrupted time together. --
Trbuhovic-Gjuric writes (1983, p.68) (p.426):
The marriage of these two very
different, highly gifted people was very happy
at that time. She was happy with him - content
to work for him and around him. She carried
the full burden of everyday life; he could
spend his time on his work and she heloped him
not only with her knowledge but also with her
confidence in him, and her stimulating energy.
She was overjoyed that he valued and loved her
for these characteristics which distinguished
her from other women. She made it possible for
him to have a quiet, ordered life, free of
worry. The congenial sides of her personality
caused resonances of harmony in him.>
1903? Einstein letter to the father of Mileva:
Mileva = source of inspiration + guardian
<Why did his recognition of
her work remain private, for example, he
told Mileva Einstein-Maric's father (p.418 -
Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983, p.76):
I didn't mary your daughter
because of the money but because I love her,
because I need her, because we are both one.
Everything I have done and
accomplished I owe to Mileva.
She is my genial source of inspiration,
my protective angel against
sins in life and even more so in science.
Without her I would not have started my work
let alone finished it.> (p.418)
1904: The first son Hans
Albert Einstein - Mileva's brother comes to
Zurich for babysitting
<Things changed
slightly when their first child (in
wedlock) was born in May 1904.
Mileva Einstein-Maric's work
increased, but she still supported,
and worked with, Albert Einstein.
When her brother studied in Zurich,
he became her helper, babysitting
for the child, and this allowed her
time to check her husband's
computations.> (p.426).
Novi Sad - early 1905: Einstein+Mileva live
with baby Hans Albert in the residence of the
Maric family
Novi Sad - Early 1905: Einstein Trumps
Mileva: "She solves all the mathematical
problems for me"
<He told a group of Serbian
intellectuals in 1905: "I need my wife.
She solves all the mathematical problems
for me."> (p.418 - Trbuhovic-Gjuric,
1983, p.75).
Novi Sad - Early 1905: Mileva with prophety
of the success of Einstein
Einstein-Maric told her father during a visit
by Albert Einstein and herself in 1905: "A
short while ago we finished a very important
work which will make my husband
world-famous.>" (p.420 - Trbuhovic-Gjuric,
1983, p.75).
Bern 1905:
Albert Einstein submits a dissertation and
receives a "Dr.Titel"
1905ca. Einstein says that the subject of
heat conduction of his thesis was of no
interest to him
1905: Einstein has a "creative breakout"
and publishes the documents
with which he will win the Nobel Prize
1905: Einstein
has 5 articles in the "Annals of Physics"
("Annalen der Physik")
-- there is e.g. his dissertation with 21
pages, written in Zureich (Zurich) (p.419)
[As it seems, Einstein has presented
only his old work of 1902 which was written by
Leipzig: "Annals of
Physics" 1905: Einstein + Mileva
enter 3 manuscripts
-- with the signature Einstein-Maric
-- "Heuristic point of view concerning
the generation and transformation of
light" (p.419)
-- "Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies"
which contains the Special Theory of
Relativity (p.419)
-- the articles are in Volume XVII of
the "Annals of Physics" ("Annalen der
Physik") (p.419)
The control of the manuscripts: Röntgen and
Joffe have seen the double name
-- The entered manuscripts are reviewed by the
editorial staff, including Dr. Ing. Röntgen,
who has an assistant, Abram F. Joffe, who
later becomes a famous Russian physicist
-- he sees that all three original manuscripts
are signed with Einstein-Maric (p.419 - see:
"In the shadow of Albert Einstein" 1983, p.97)
The publication of the 3
articles by Einstein and Mileva: WITHOUT Mileva's
family name "Maric" [[Hungarian: "Marity"]]
-- the editors are elimintating arbitrarily the
family name "Maric" [[hungarianized: "Marity"]]
The public thinks that all 3 articles are from
Einstein alone
-- The public does not notice that Mileva has
a substantial share of the 3 articles and
Einstein does not even protest (!)
-- This is a gang crime committed by Einstein
and the editors of the "Annals of Physics"
("Annalen der Physik") in Leipzig
-- That makes Einstein a forger, and the
"Annals of Physics" are a forger's gang]
Leipzig: "Annalen der Physik" 1905: The
publishers cancel from the signature
Einstein-Maric the name of Mileva Maric - and
Einstein does not protest?
Plötz asks:
<Why did he
not immediately insist on a correction
when Mileva Einstein-Maric's name was
dropped as an author of the articles that
appeared in 1905 in the Leipzig "Annalen
der Physik"? Later on he received the
Nobel Prize for one of those articles.>
1983, p.69)> (p.418)
from 1905:
Einstein becomes famous and gets heaps of high
posts at universities - Mileva gets nothing
So this Einstein is in Prague, Berlin, Princeton
or Pasadena - and Mileva stays in nowhere
from 1905: Einstein becomes famous and
achieves everything - Mileva becomes
invisible, remains unknown and unheard
-- Einstein was pampered for success (p.415)
-- Mileva's successes were destroyed (p.415).
from 1905: Manuscripts from 1905 have
The manuscripts with all the notes to these three
works [[of 1905]] no longer exist (p.419). Plötz:
manuscripts, together with all the notes for
these three papers, are no longer
existant.> (p.419)
it is possible that the "Annals of Physics"
destroyed the manuscripts
-- it is possible that Einstein himself
destroyed the manuscripts to cover up the
collaboration of Mileva
-- 1943 in the "USA" Einstein states that he
himself destroyed the manuscript on the Theory
of Relativity]
Sad - 1907: Einstein+Mileva live with
son Hans Albert in the residence of
the Maric family
1907: The
patent for the Einstein-Habicht apparatus
for the measurement of small electrical
currents - Mileva does not want to
register (!)
Mileva collaborates on the invention of the
Einstein Habicht apparatus (p.418). Desanka
Trbuhovic-Gjuric writes:
"Together with Paul
Habicht she worked at the construction
of a machine for measuring
small electrical currents
by way of multiplication. It took a
long time, not only because she had so
much to do [Einstein's mathematical
problems, ST-P], but also because of
her thoroughness and perfectionism.
She had already distinguished herself
in the physics lab in Zurich. When
both she and Habicht were satisfied
with their results, they left it to
Albert Einstein, as a patent expert,
to describe the apparatus."
418 - from: Desanka Trbuhovic-Gjuric:
"In the shadow of Albert Einstein"
(German: "Im Schatten von Albert
Einstein"), edition 1983, p.65):
-- The "Annals of Physics" publish in 1907
Einstein's article on the Einstein
Habicht-apparatus entitled "A New
Electrostatic Method for Measuring Smaller
Quantities of Electricity", only under
Einstein's name (!) (p.418)
[so: Mileva
AND Habicht are left out (!)]
-- The
"Physical Magazine" No. 7, 1908 publishes
another article by Einstein with a detailed
description of the measurement method with
the Einstein Habicht-apparatus, again only
under Einstein's name (!) (p.418)
Mileva AND Habicht are left out (!)]
-- The patent
for the Einstein Habicht apparatus is
registered under Einstein-Habicht (Patent
No. 35693), Mileva is renouncing
Trbuhovic-Gjuric comments it
like this what happened (1983, p.65):
When one of the Habicht
brothers asked Mileva Einstein-Maric why
she had not given her own name in the
application for the patent, she
answered: What for, we are both only ONE
STONE (=Einstein). Then Paul Habicht
also decided to give only his last name.
[Tesis: Mileva with
farmer's mentality does not
see the reality in Zurich
Leaving everything to the husband is a
farmer's bride's mentality when a big
family is around and when there is no
need to fight for life. Mileva is
awaiting a reward at another moment. But
this tactic is not working in Zurich
with Einstein and in a men's world:
Mileva suffers a psychological lack of
reality and the men do not see this but
are exploiting her and at the end she is
destroyed by Leipzig (review "Annals of
Physics" eliminating her name) and
Berlin (where Einstein is dropping her
off his brain with his family and secret
friends clubs)
The false modesty is also caused by the
criminal psychology of Sigmund Freud,
who defines women as "hysterical" and
that is parroted in the upper class and
at all universities. Mileva will avoid
any attention so as not to be rated
The consequences for Mileva
without entry in the Patent Office:
-- Authorship with the indication "Einstein"
is automatically given to Albert Einstein
-- Mileva loses all authorship at work,
although she has spent much time on the
Einstein Habicht-apparatus (p.418)
[So: The
world does not at all know officially
that Mileva Einstein has essentially
been working testing the Einstein
Habicht apparatus].
CH 1907: New
Civil Code: Women must put the husband's name
This counts until 1988 (p.418)
Einstein becomes a professor at the
University of Zurich - students live in
the house - Mileva solves Einstein's
mathematical problems until after midnight
- Einstein is only a dishwasher and can
<In 1909, Albert Einstein
received a professorship at
the University of Zurich.
His income was better than in Bern
but, to give him more financial
independence, Mileva Einstein-Maric
took in student lodgers
who lived and ate with them. Mileva
Einstein-Maric strained her physical
limits. A student of Albert Einstein
reports coming to his apartment
(p.426 - Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983,
"The door was open,
the steps and the hallway were wet
from cleaning, and his wife, after
all this work, was standing in the
kitchen cooking the midday meal
with her sleeves rolled
A mathematician of the
University of Zagreb recalled that
Albert Einstein every now and then
helped his wife doing the household
chores because he felt sorry that
after her housework was done, she
had to do his mathematical
problems till way past midnight
(p.426 - Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983,
But Mileva Einstein-Maric did not
tire and was happy about her
husband's success. She wrote to her
friend Helene on September 3, 1909
(p.426 - Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983,
My husband is at a congress
of German natural scientists in
Salzburg at the moment where he is to
give a talk. He is considered among
the first German speaking physicists
now. I am very happy about his
successes because he really deserves
them.> (p.426
July 1910-1914: Mileva with two
sons - 1 year in Prague - Einstein
becomes a professor at the ETH -
no time for family life - Einstein
still without high mathematics
-- with the birth of the second son
Eduard, Mileva has even more work
-- Mileva has no personal interests
any more (p.426)
-- Mileva's health is deteriorating
-- From now on, Mileva's
mathematical contribution to the
work of Einstein is reduced (p.426 -
"In the Shadow of Albert Einstein"
(1983), p.89)
Albert Einstein still can not do
high mathematics and has to ask
advanced students and friends for
help (!!!) (p.426). Plötz:
then on, Mileva Einstein-Maric's
contribution to the mathematical work of
her husband diminished (Trbuhovic-Gjuric,
1983, p.89). Albert Einstein began to ask
advanced students and friends for
help.> (p.426)
1911: The Einstein family in
-- Albert Einstein receives a
professorship (p.426) for
theoretical physics (p.427)
-- the marriage between Albert and
Mileva is no longer happy (p.427).
1911: Einstein with contacts to
intellectuals - Mileva must guard
Crazy Einstein, without high math, is not
only teaching physics in Prague but is
also contacting Jewish intellectuals and
is present at social events with
intellectuals in the evenings. Mileva has
to stay at home nursing children, and baby
Eduard is mostly ill and undstable.
Einstein does not know what is a nanny,
and Mileva feels discriminated - to
Einstein this is not important... - in:
Video 1999 [web08]
1912: Einstein becomes ETH
-- Mileva has the hope that the
relationship with Einstein will be
happy again (p.427)
-- Mileva hopes that old student
memories could make her marriage
happy again (p.427)
-- Mileva's hopes are not fulfilled
-- Mileva's health worsens (p.427)
Einstein visits Berlin: with cousin
Elsa - and defames Mileva
-- Einstein makes a visit to Berlin
visiting his Jewish Einstein family
-- The Jewish Einstein family presents
him a cousin Elsa, divorced, with 2
children, and so a new pair
Einstein-Elsa is forming against
-- Mileva is just desperate, as
Einstein does not return to his
feelings, but goes emotionally more
and more away from her
-- Einstein defames Mileva and laughs
at Mileva in letters to Elsa [he
copies the style of his Jewish mother
against Mileva (!)]
-- Instead of organizing nannies,
Einstein commits one emotional cruelty
after another to Mileva and degrades
her to the suspicious and depressed
housewife (!)
in: Video 1999 [web08]
Zurich 1912: Introduction of
female teacher celibacy
This woman teacher celibacy
remains until 1962: Married
women are not allowed to teach
at universities and colleges
Mileva reports to Helene Kaufler
by letter: Albert has no time left
for the family
in the middle of 1913
appr.: Albert Einstein
tells Max Born
of his interest in
going to Berlin
1914: Einstein's
Jewish family does not recognize
the marriage between Einstein and
the Orthodox Christian Mileva (!)
- Jewish racism against Mileva -
and Einstein permits this (!)
Early 1914: Max Planck lures
Einstein to Berlin
-- Max Planck comes to Zurich to
discuss Einstein's specific
conditions of his position in Berlin
-- the conditions are so good [[on
paper !!!]] that Albert Einstein can
not resist (p.427)
-- Einstein has [[Jewish]] relatives
in Berlin (p.427)
-- Mileva Einstein-Maric does not
understand why they should move to
Berlin (p.427)
a professor position at ETH
Zurich is a fairly safe place
for Europe, and the family is
rooted in Zurich, it could not
have been better in Zurich,
and Einstein family members as
Mileva's family members are
not so far].
Mileva has no friends in Berlin
-- Mileva does not like Germany
[[March 1914: Einstein goes to Berlin
for installing - in April Mileva
comes with the two sons]]
(in: Wasmayr: Die Tragödie - 2004)
April-July 1914: Mileva Einstein
moves to Berlin with her two sons
- the Einstein family is
discriminating Mileva + does not
recognize the marriage
-- Mileva Einstein has no access to
the [[Jewish]] family circles of
Einstein (p.427)
- [Apparently, the Jewish Einstein
family does NOT speak with Mileva, but the
DEFAMATIONS are going on - and Einstein continues
to conceal Mileva's contribution in high
mathematics and her ideas for his works - it's a
MAXIMUM OF CRUELTY of the Jewish Einstein family
what is committed here against Mileva (!!!)]
the Jewish family Einstein does NOT
recognize the marriage between [[the
Jewish]] Einstein and [[the
Christian Orthodox]] Mileva, but is
making propaganda against this
marriage (p.427). Plötz:
<Mileva Einstein-Maric had no
friends there and disliked Germany. Albert
Einstein, however, had close relatives
with whom he kept in close contact. Mileva
Einstein-Maric had no access to these
circles, they did not acknowledge
their marriage and objected to her.>
betrays his family with his two sons
-- Einstein follows his relatives and tells
the Mileva by letter that he will act
emotionless against her when other women come
-- Einstein is constantly being picked up by
other women in the evening, and Mileva has to
spend the night without Einstein, and the kids
see all this when other Berlin women "take
away" their father - and Einstein allows it
all (Ripota: Einstein's unique Insights -
German: Einsteins
einmalige Einsichten - 2018)
-- Mileva can not accept all this and she
decides to return to Zurich]
1914: Mileva travels from Berlin
back to Zurich with both sons
[[-- shortly before the war begins,
Einstein brings Mileva and his two
sons to the station, Einstein cries
(in: Wasmayr: Die Tragödie -
-- Mileva returns to Zurich with
both sons from Berlin (p.427)
[[being acompanies by friend Michele
Besso (in:
Wasmayr: Die
Tragödie - 2004)]]
-- Mileva's family urgently needs
Einstein's help (p.430)
-- Albert Einstein remains in Berlin
with his [[Jewish]] relatives and
becomes a member of "senior
organizations" (p.427)
-- Albert Einstein has thus created
a "new life situation" (p.430)
is a wimp!!!
-- Einstein lets the Jewish
family dictate whom he should
live with! Einstein is a bubi,
an eternal child!
-- It can be assumed that the
sons hated this Jewish
Einstein family
-- And poverty, when
Einstein's money from the war
zone barely has any value due
to inflation, is yet to come!]
1914: Albert Einstein lives in
Berlin separated from Mileva
Einstein's alimony from Berlin
from 1915 to 1923 was
worthless due to the war
inflation in Germany during
the First World War. Mileva
with her two sons was pushed
into poverty for 8 years. The
sons were "brushed" and did
not forgive this to their
macho father Albert Einstein.
If Einstein had stayed in
Zurich, he would have been
able to build up a large
professorship with Mileva with
many assistants and new
Berlin August 1914-1922: Einstein [is in the war
zone] and can hardly support his family in Zureich
[because of war inflation]
war inflation and the hyperinflation of 1923
meant that money from Berlin was worthless.
Germany thought for a long time that they
would win the war, and the hyperinflation of
1923 was caused by the German government
Berlin - until the end of 1914: Einstein is a
member of "high-level organizations"
-- Einstein becomes a member of the Prussian Academy
of Sciences (p.427)
-- Einstein is director of the Kaiser Wilhelm
Institute for Physics (p.427)
Zionist manipulation with Einstein
Criminal Zionist Jewish circles are
manipulating Einstein for Israel
propaganda driving all Jews into the
desert against Muslims - in: Christopher
Jon Bjerknes: Albert Einstein: The
Incorrigible Plagiarist - 2002].
1914-1923: Germany loses WW1
- inflation - hyperinflation -
Einstein's money is worthless - Mileva
+ 2 sons in Zurich suffer 8 years of
[German money loses value - Mileva
without money - secret borrowing of
money - private lessons]
The First world
War started. Albert Einstein
advised his wife to stay in
Switzerland; he refused to
join them, saying that the
war had no influence on his
work. Mileva Einstin-Maric
thought his work was the
only reason keeping him in
Berlin - in reality, he had
found another woman, a
second cousin and an
appropriate partner for him
now, and he quickly moved in
with her. Mileva
Einstein-Maric had to take
care of the two children
(now 4 and 10) by herself.
She had no regular income.
Albert Einstein did not send
money regularly or in
sufficient amoujnts. She was
too proud to ask her family
for help. Also, her children
were not supposed to know
that there was no money to
pay for the lodging house or
for their clothes. She went
hungry. She wanted to give
music lessons but could not
leave the children alone.
She finally asked a friend,
who had to promise utter
discretion, for a loan. When
Albert Einstein eventually
sent money, she could rent
an apartment. He promised to
take care of his family.
She started to give private
lessons in mathematics and
Italian. She sent birthday
gifts to Albert Einstein in
Berlin. One year after she
had left Berlin, Albert
Einstein came to Zurich. He
gave no answers to his
wife's and his older son's
questions about his plans
for the future of the
family. When back in Berlin,
he again sent money
irregularly and, due to
devaluation, it was worth
less and less. Mileva
Einstein-Maric refused help
from friends. She heard that
Albert Einstein had moved in
with his cousin, who loved
luxury and fame, and fitted
his present stage of life as
a famous physicist. Mileva
Einstein-Maric still hoped
for his return. Common
friends of the Einsteins in
Zurich stood by her side,
advised him against a
divorce and reminded him of
his responsibility to the
family he had founded, his
responsibility as a father.
[from 1915:
about divorce
- Mileva gets
sick with
multiple heart
-- Albert
Einstein asks
Mileva for a
divorce, at
the same time
he says he
will "he
would remain
faithful to
her in his way"
- this letter
is guarded by
Mileva until
death (p.427 -
1983, p.119)
-- Albert
Einstein no
Mileva when
she suffers,
and after
this, Mileva
knows, she has
lost her
forever [[to
Berlin and the
(p.427 -
1983, p .119)
never recognized her helper syndrome - and
male "science" with alcohol festivities
celebrates the "hysteria" of women
-- the helper syndrome was only clearly
defined in psychology in 1977, by the
psychoanalyst Mr. Wolfgang
Schmidbauer in his
famous book "helpless helpers" (original
German: Die hilflosen Helfer - Amazon
-- "science" was blocked by criminal Sigmund
Freud and the stupid alcoholic upper class
calling all difficulties of women
<Mileva Einstein-Maric
became sick, had to give the
children to her friend
Helene, had heart attacks
and was admitted and
readmitted to three
hospitals. The younger
child, Eduard, aged 7,
stayed with her in one
hospital, the other with
Professor Zangger, who tried
to get a position for Albert
Einstein again at the
University of Zurich.
Finally, her sister came
from Yugoslavia to take care
of her.> (S.427).
[1919: Germany abolishes the
teachers' celibacy until 1923
and married women are allowed to teach at
universities and colleges - but only until 1923,
then the female teacher celibacy is reintroduced
until 1951 [web07]
February 14, 1919: Divorce
of Albert and Mileva Einstein - the
divorce agreement of 1919 awards the
future prize money to the Mileva
-- the divorce agreement (see "Collected
Papers, Vol. 1", 1987, p. 381) provides that
Mileva receives the Nobel Prize money of the
future Nobel Prize (p.420)
[Rumors for
Einstein as a Nobel Prize winner were
going on in Stockholm since 1910. But
since his robbery was known, he got the
prize only in 1922 after the prediction of
the sar light aberration during the
eclipses of 1919 - under pressure from the
Jewish Rothschild media].
-- Einstein
knows that he himself can not do high
mathematics and Mileva has always solved all
high mathematics for him (p.420). Plötz:
us assume that he was giving her private
recognition for her contribution which he had
not given her publicly. By then, he must have
been aware of how much he owed her
mathematical genius; his own genius was on the
decline and he did not achieve anything
comparable after what is defined as his
"creative outburst of 1905".> (p.420)
February 1919: divorce - Einstein with gastric
ulcer + first heart attack - course at the
university, excursions - marriage in Berlin -
German money without value
The divorce took place on February 14, 1919. This
year Albert Einstein had a stomach ulcer and he had
his first heart attack. At the Zurich University a
class was set up, which Einstein taught. There were
visits with his families, trips with his sons, and
when he married his cousin, his older son, 15 years
old, turned away from him (p.427).
1919ca .: Einstein marries again
refuses any new marriage or publication of her
own ability. Maybe she hopes Einstein will
come back someday, when he realizes that
Germany is just a chaos - organized by
Berlin since 1919:
Einstein has to play the "genius
of the century" for the
Rothschild media
although he can not do high math
(!!!) (p.421 - Jewish Zionists
occupy Einstein for their IL
propaganda: see: Christopher
Jon Bjerknes: Albert
Einstein: The
Plagiarist - 2002)
Berlin from 1919: Einstein goes
down : Einstein's "genius"
without Mileva is "on the
descent" - Einstein must
"organize" math helpers
-- without Mileva Einstein is
without high mathematics now (!)
-- Einstein married as a second
wife a non-scientist who does not
understand science (p.420), and
Einstein is even making jokes
against Mileva by telling in
"I'm glad my
second wife doesn't
understand anything
about science because my
first wife did."
-- all later
works after 1905 never approach the level
of his works of 1905 (p.420)
-- Einstein, without high mathematics, has
to "organize" help for high mathematics
again and again, these are pupils or
friends, e.g. Marcel Grossmann
(p.420-421). Plötz:
his second wife was chosen for
different reasons, ("I'm glad my
second wife doesn't understand
anything about science because
my first wife did"), he needed at
various points someone "to
solve his mathematical
problems". He chose students
or friends: "I encountered
mathematical difficulties
(p.420) which I cannot
conquer. I beg for your
help, as I am apparently
going crazy"
(Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983,
p.96) he wrote to his friend
Marcel Grossmann, who then
helped him.>
[So: starting in 1919, Einstein's
students in high mathematics are
better than Einstein himself - and
that's really a disaster].
from 1919: Blows for Mileva: Mileva's
brother does not come back from Russia - father
died - mother died - sister died
fate of her family in Yugoslavia brought her
additional suffering: her gifted brother never
returned from Russian military imprisonment;
her younger sister slowly became mentally ill;
her father died of heartbreak; her mother died
at 88; her sister died young in 1938. Mileva
Einstein-Maric had remained attached to her
homeland throughout her life, and loved the
Bačka [[Backa, Batshka]].> (p.428)
Berlin 1920ca.: Einstein finds a "silly
mathematical transformation" - "you can prove
-- an ex-student of Einstein remembers [who?]
-- Einstein got stuck in a lecture because of a
"silly mathematical transformation" he could not
figure out
-- the students could not either, Einstein tells
them to leave half a page empty
-- then Einstein solves the transformation with a
small piece of paper on the board with the
commentary (p.421):
main thing is the result not the mathematics,
because with mathematics you can prove
anything" (p.421-
Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983, p.88).
<A former
student of Einstein
recalls that Albert
Einstein got stuck in the
middle of a lecture
missing a "silly
which he couldn't figure
out. Since none of the
students could either, he
told them to leave half a
page empty and gave them
the result. Ten minutes
later he discovered a
small piece of paper and
put the transformation on
the blackboard, remarking:
"The main thing is the
result not the
mathematics, for with
mathematics you can
prove anything"
(p.421 - Trbuhovic-Gjuric,
1983, p.88). .
Berlin 1920: Einstein is
going down: Einstein announces in a
letter to Ehrenfest that he has no new
In 1920,
he wrote to Paul Ehrenfest as follows
(p.421 - Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983,
"... I did not make any
progress in the general theory of
relativity.... Also on the question of
electrons I didn't come up with
anything. Is it my hardened brain or
is the breakthrough really that far
off?" (p.421)
Einstein much on
visit to Zurich
In the
following years, Einstein kept visiting
Zurich and his family, but he could not
(p.427) take care of his family in Zurich
financially because of the devaluation of
the German mark [[Reichsmark]]
travels back and
forth between
Berlin and the
League of
Nations in
Geneva and
"passes" on the
way in Zurich.
(from: Barbara
Wolff: What
happened to the
prize money?
German: Was
geschah mit dem
Preisgeld? -
2019) - web06)]
[There is the
question what
Einstein did in
Geneva in this
League of
Stockholm 1921: The faker Einstein receives the
Nobel Prize for the article "A heuristic point of
view concerning the production and transformation
of light"
Stockholm 1921: Einstein receives the Nobel Prize
and Mileva is NOT MENTIONED (!!!) (p.420)
1921: The faker Einstein becomes Nobel
Prize winner
-- and Mileva has to stay outside, she only
gets the money (p.416)
-- the life of Mileva remains unknown to the
public (!) (p.416).
Einstein war seit 1910 für den
Nobelpreis im Gespräch. Aber an einen Fälscher
wollte man nichts geben, denn seine Fälschungen
und Raubaktionen mit Werken ohne Quellen waren in
Insiderkreisen der Physik bekannt. Ab 1919 ab der
Sonnenfinsternis, als sich die Ablenkung des
Sternlichts bestätigte, machte die
Rotschild-Presse den Einstein zum weltweiten
Superstar. So wuchs der Druck auf das
Nobelpreiskomitee abermals, und sie musste dem
Einstein einen Nobelpreis geben, aber gab dem
Fälscher Einstein den Nobelpreis nicht für die von
Poincarée abgeschriebene Relativitätstheorie,
sondern für den "heuristischen Gesichtspunkt" ].
[1910-1921: The Rothschild press increases the
pressure for Einstein to win the Nobel Prize
Einstein was in conversation since 1910 for the
Nobel Prize. But one did not want to give anything
to a forger, because his forgeries and robbery
actions with works without sources were known in
insider circles of physics. Starting in 1919, from
the solar eclipse, when the distraction of the
starlight was confirmed, the Rotschild press made
Einstein a worldwide superstar. So the pressure on
the Nobel Prize committee grew again, and it had
to give the Einstein a Nobelpreis, but gave the
faker Einstein the Nobelpreis not for the theory
of relativity which was a copy of Poincarée, but
for the "heuristic point of view" - see: Mossad
Wikipedia: Albert Einstein (German version of Dec.
[1921: Einstein is on a trip to Japan and can not
pick up the Nobel Prize in Stockholm, he will pick
it up only in 1922].
1922: Albert Einstein
receives the Nobel Prize
Gothenburg [[1922]]: Einstein holds
the Nobel Prize speech
at the Nobel Laureates' Congress, and
Mileva is NOT present and NOT MENTIONED
[Einstein and Mileva are TWO fakers
working without sources. So, this is more a
painting of numbers...
Not mentioning Mileva is a big fraud against the
public in this case].
Einstein travels to Zurich to give
Mileva the full Nobel Peace Prize
[Supplement: Einstein is passing
Zurich between Berlin and League of Nations in
Geneva - house purchase
-- Einstein regularly travels between Berlin and
Geneva (League of Nations)
-- Einstein and Mileva pick a house that could be
bought with Mileva's Nobel Prize money
-- The house at Hutten Street 62 is bought, a
tenement house on the Zurich Mountain (Zürichberg)
with a view of the lake and the Alps
-- Mileva can now live rent-free and gets the
rents from others
-- In the following years, two more houses are
bought on the Hinterberg Street in Zurich
Fluntern, whereby one of the two houses is working
with deficit
-- and starting from 1929 starting from the world
economic crisis and with son Eduard coming out as
a rebel (definition: schizophrenic) Einstein with
Mileva have only the crisis with the houses, and
successively all houses must be sold, the Hutten
Street 62 is sold finally in 1947
from: Barbara Wolff: What happened to the prize
money? (German: Was geschah mit dem Preisgeld? -
2019) - web06].
[1923: Germany reintroduces female teacher
In Germany, married women, as professors at
universities and colleges, are banned because they
are married. This racism against women goes on
until 1951, in Baden-Württemberg until 1956, in
the canton of Zureich (Zurich) until 1962 -
1925ca .: Einstein
complains at a congress on
"Ever since the
mathematicians have taken up my
theory of relativity, I don't
understand it any more myself."
(p.421 - Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983,
Novi Sad 1929:
Bridge of the son Hans Albert
over the Danube
-- Einstein's son Hans Albert
worked in Novi Sad on a bridge
across the Danube: he did the
static calculations (p.428 -
Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983, p.171)
-- The bridge is paid by Germany
as reparation for WWI, and in
WWII the bridge is destroyed
again ... (p.428 -
Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983, p.171).
from 1929: son Eduard with rebellion
against everything - the Einstein family claims
that this would come from Mileva's family
<In 1929, the younger son,
Eduard, now 19, became psychotic.
From then on, Mileva
Einstein-Maric hat to take care of
him, taking him to doctors, paying
for the enormous psychiatric
expenses because he was in and out
of the Burghölzli [[psycholocig
experiment area for electroshocks,
water torture and toxic pills etc.
under Mr. Bleuler]], a psychiatric
hospital [[terrorism site]] in
Zurich, and especially dealing
with the outbursts in which he
destroyed furniture, tried to
strangle her, wrote of his hate to
his father whose fault it was, so
he thought, that he had lost his
mind. (p.428)
In Albert Einstein's family, there
was certainty that he had
inherited this disease from his
mother's side.> (p.428)
[Criminal Jewish Einstein
family against Mileva and son Eduard
-- The Jewish Einstein family not only
destroyed the marriage between Albert and
Mileva, but
-- This Jewish Einstein family is now
inventing a heredity for "schizophrenia" and
missed the opportunity to establish a
-- And so Einstein not only drops Mileva,
but also drops the son Eduard, and thus
Einstein fails in ALL psychological areas
and is certainly NOT a philosopher, but he
is a criminal show-animal (conclusion
from 1929: Einstein's son Eduard has basic
mental orientation problems
-- Eduard needs constant male care (p.428) [[but
only temporarily - see Wolff 2019]]
-- Eduard complains of constant earache, has
attacks of schizophrenia, Mileva can not help him,
and when he is at home he required all her
remaining strength (p.428).
= Rothschild money island - wars around
Switzerland - D is to break every 50 years
- and the Einstein did not know that
Eduard did not know the following:
-- cr. Shitzerland (with bank secret and
poison pharma and Nestlé) is the Zionist
Rothschild money island in continental
Europe, and all around can be destroyed by
wars, so that all money flows into
Switzerland, which always remains intact
(indications from Swiss justice circles, and
conclusion from: Knechtel: Die Rothschilds -
-- Germany must be destroyed every 50 years,
because that's how the Zionist Rothschilds
in London have Europe in their hands,
because when Germany is destroyed, 50% of
the industrial production in Europe is
destroyed (speech from Freedman in
Washington 1961 - link)
-- Albert Einstein did NOT know that, and
Eduard Einstein's mental state was broken by
these circumstances and the behavior of his
father's religious racist Jewish family and
of his father's behavior (leaving the
family, going to Germany, not even coming
back after the war's defeat) so,
that's why Eduard shattered things and
furniture in anger, why he wanted to "break"
(strangle) others' lives out of anger
because those circumstances were shattering
his life, but unfortunately he had no idea
of the political causes - (conclusion
1929: Einstein stops talking about the Zurich
family - Mileva is a teacher at the grammar
school - Eduard with a guard
-- Albert Einstein stops talking about his first
marriage with Mileva (p.428)
-- Einstein's money is coming irregularly
-- Mileva teaches physics at a grammar school
1930s: Example of misogyny in the upper class:
Hahn + Strassmann vs. Lise Meitner and Eda Nodack
Lisa Meitner works with Mr. Hahn
for 30 years, is allegedly even the woman director
of the Strassmann-Hahn team, she gives the ideas (eg
the term "split"), she makes the exact, physical
interpretation of the general experiments, then she
is discriminated as a Jew and may no longer work at
universities - Hahn and Strassmann remain and
publish the work on the split of uranium, without
mentioning Lisa Meitner, and later cream off the
Nobel Prize, Lisa Meitner remains without anything
(p.431) -
see: Fritz Krafft (1978): Lise Meitner: her life and
times. On the centenary of the great scientist's
birth; In: Angewandte Chemie, Ing. Ed., Engl, 17,
p.826-842 (p.432)
-- At the beginning of March 1939 the research is
published in the journal "Naturwissenschaften" and
Strassmann + Hahn get the fame (S.431)
-- 10.3.1939: Chemist
Eda Nodack
informs the journal with a letter that she had the
idea as early as 1934 that the nucleus of the
uranium atom could break through radiation with
neutrons, but she had been "persistently ignored"
-- 20.3.1939 appr.: The editors of
"Naturwissenschaften" mean that Hahn + Strassmann
have "neither time nor desire to answer the letter"
see: "Ignoranz in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,
December 7, 1988 (p.431)
Zurich 1930-1948: Mileva with
Diseases - Eduard with aggression and high costs
<Mileva Einstein-Maric's
health deteriorated further, and so now, at
times, she lifted the veil of her proud
silence and talked with friends about the fact
that Albert Einstein did not care about his
sick son. A friend, Dr. Ada Broch, reminded
Albert Einstein in a letter of his
responsibility and asked him to send money.
Mileva Einstein-Maric visited Eduard in the
[[psychiatric terrorism site]] Burghölzli, in
walking across town in snow and ice, she broke
her leg, had to stay in hospital and felt
death coming on. She worried about what would
become of Eduard, by himself, with his father
and brother far off in the United States.>
-- even the younger sister of Mileva is slowly
becoming mentally ill (p.428).
Novi Sad region 1936ca: Mileva's father dies of
heartbreak - mother dies at the age of 88
Hans Albert Einstein emigrates with his
family to the "USA"]
Eduard is left in Zurich with Mileva ALONE.
(in: Barbara Wolff: What happened to the prize
money? (German: Was geschah mit dem Preisgeld?
- 2019) - web06)
Novi Sad region 1938: Death of Mileva's sister -
Mileva's last visit to Novi Sad - Mileva looks at
Hans Albert's bridge
<Her sister died
young in 1938 [...] Her son, Hans
Albert, had done the static computations for a
bridge over the Danube, built in 1929. During
her last visit to Novi Sad, after her sister's
death, she asked to be taken to the bridge,
part of the reparations paid by Germany after
WWI. She was very moved when she saw it, but
did not say a word. For her, writes
Trbuhovic-Gjuric, this bridge was more than a
means of connecting the wide bankds of the
Danube, it brought to realization an idea of
her son in her motherland. She was not to see
that son again, and the bridge was destroyed
in WWII (p.428 - Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983,
New York 15.2.1944: The
New York Times announces a reward for the person,
who finds the original manuscript of the Theory of
-- On Feb.15, 1944, NYT is announcing a reward of 11
million 500,000 US dollars (then about 46 million
francs), so that the original can be integrated into
the Library of Congress (p.419 - "In the shadow of
Albert Einstein", Issue 1983, p.72)
[-- nobody comes (!)]
since 1945: The "USA"
operate worldwide with cultural
imperialism through the "US"
American academic establishment
and so the Americans do not learn many
things that are important to
understand the world, but are only
watching on their own products
Zurich - early 1948: Mileva is
thrown out of her apartment
-- On January 3, 1948, Mileva is
informed that she can no longer live
in her apartment in the house [[Hutten
Street 62]] (p.428)
-- Mileva had planned to stay in the
apartment [[Hutten Street 62]] until
her death (p.428)
[[-- Mileva has to look for a cheaper
apartment, not at all pleasant in
winter in January]]
[Addition: The house
Hutten Street 62 was sold twice -
the clause to stay in the house, did
not count any longer
Einstein had given the advice to
install in the sales contract a clause
contained that she may stay in her
apartment. The house was resold within
2 months, and then this clause was
void and Mileva had to look for a
smaller, cheap apartment - see Barbara
Wolff: What happened to the prize
money? (2019) - web06]
[And this reselling maneuver may be a
maneuver of two friends to cheat the
Einsteins from the real worth of the
house (conclusion [web05])].
1948: Eduard with
a new attack -
Mileva's collapse
May 1948, Eduard had another
schizophrenic attack. Mileva
Einstein-Maric broke down and was
taken to a clinic. She was
paralyzed on the left side of her
body. She wanted to visit her son
in the Burghölzli and kept ringing
the bell. The bell was turned off.
She lost consciousness. Her son
visited her daily before her
death. The day before her death,
she regained full
consciousness.> (p.428)
[Supplement: Mileva with 87,000
francs in the hospital
At hospital admission Mileva secretly takes 87,000
francs in notes, which are then found in the
hospital. The money comes from illegally sold
mortgage promissory notes to provide for Eduard
and to withdraw the money from the Einstein. In
the end, the sons Hans Albert and Eduard share
this sum in 1950 - the remainder of the Nobel
Prize money.
from: Barbara Wolff: What happened to the prize
money? (German: Was geschah mit dem Preisgeld? -
2019) - web06]
4.8.1948: Death of Mileva
Mileva died on 4.8.1948 at the
age of 73 (p.428).
arrogance of
Einstein: he
never comes to
Zurich again -
and Mileva's
estate comes
to Hans Albert
to Berkeley
-- Einstein
never visited
Mileva after
1945 even
though he was
retired, even
though he had
plenty of
time, and
there was
every reason
to celebrate
World War II
-- Mileva's
estate was
collected by
the wife of
first son,
Hans Albert
Einstein -
Einstein - in
Zurich, with
the help of a
power of
attorney from
Hans Albert -
when there
exists a
tesis of
Mileva in the
estate so it
should have
landed at Hans
-- the
disputes ran
because of
debts on the
house Hutten
Street 62
until 1950,
finally, Hans
Albert and
shared the sum
87,000 francs
which was
found with
from: Barbara
Wolff: What
happened to
the prize
money? (2019)
- web06]
[It can be
supposed that
many things of
estate were
thrown away
because it was
possible to
transport all
books in the
airplane to
Berkeley. So
it can be
supposed that
also Mileva's
tesis was
thrown away -
or was taken
by Eduard and
was thrown
away after his
death in 1965
- or some
books landed
in the Social
Archives in
<Around that time,
Albert Einstein uttered the much quoted
sentence: "Only a life lived for others is worth
[Zürich 1948-1965:
Einsteins Sohn Eduard 17 Jahre in der
Zwangspsychiatrie Burghölzli mit
Bleuler, Elektroschocks und Giftpillen -
Todesanzeige ohne "Mileva Maric"]
Plötz: <After
Mileva Einstein-Maric had died, her
son lived more than 17 years alone in
the Burghölzli, fulfilling her deepest
Eduard has lived
in home care for
many years, not
always in the
Burghölzli prison
see: Barbara
Wolff: What
happened to the
prize money?
(German: Was
geschah mit dem
Preisgeld? - 2019)
- web06]
[1951: Germany
abolishes female
teacher celibacy
- BW only in
Married women are
allowed to teach
again as a
professor at
universities and
colleges - web07]
[1962: The
canton of Zurich
abolishes female
teacher celibacy
Married women in
the canton of
Zurich are allowed
to teach as a
professor at
universities and
colleges - web07]
Zurich 1965: Death of
Einstein's son Eduard
-- in the obituary the family name of
mother Mileva Einstein-Maric is missing
(!) (p.428)
-- the people in Zurich do not notice
Mileva, just celebrate "their" Professor
Albert Einstein and his son Eduard (p.428)
-- Einstein left son Eduard when he was 4
years old, and when he got ill, Einstein
never visited him (p.428)
Serbia since 1966:
Science of Desanka for Mileva
Serbia 1966: Desanka
Trbuhovic-Gjuric writes her Mileva
-- Desanka (*1897) is 69 years old
-- Desanka (1897-1983) is a Serbian
mathematician and physicist, as
Mileva was (p.415)
-- Desanka taught at the Institute
of Technology and at the University
of Belgrade (p.415)
-- after her retirement she is
investigating and writing the
biography of Mileva Einstein-Maric,
the first wife of Albert Einstein
research of Desanka: The search
for data was difficult: Mileva was
often hiding herself
Trbuhovic-Gjuric writes in her
foreword, dated Fall 1982, that
she attempted to collect
memories, details, and small
events in the life of Mileva
Einstein-Maric, about which she
learned from people who knew her
- relatives, friends,
acquaintances - or from letters,
diaries, documents, to form "a
mosaic of the life from the
still existing pebbles." This
was certainly not an easy task,
especially because, as she said,
the literature contained only
few observations about Mileva
Einstein-Maric and those
contradicted each other and were
possibly tendentious to her
disadvantage. But also, in
contrast to Albert Einstein,
Mileva Einstein-Maric was, like
her mother, taciturn about her
life and her experience to the
point where she asked people to
not talk about her.>
Why the modesty of Mileva?
<We cannot be
content with "Mileva
Einstein-Maric's modesty, her
willingness to sacrifice, her
kindness, her fear of publicity
and avoidance of personal
recognition, the unconditional
devotion to the work of her
genius husband and to her
familiy" as an explanation of
why Mileva Einstein-Maric is not
known today, as the fourth
edition suggests in its rather
Christian blurb. For us, the
mere fact that Mileva
Einstein-Maric did not want to
talk about her own merits, and
her mathematical work for Albert
Einstein, does not relieve
Albert Einstein of the
responsibility for his silence
in this matter. He could have
talked about it, but he did not.>
speaks of the immense
self-denial in Mileva
Einstein-Maric's life.
Although she did not start
out altruistially, she
gave up all her dreams for
herself when she met
Albert Einstein. Her love,
and his love for her,
changed her life. Her love
made her accept all
sacrifices as meaningful
because they served her
husband's career. But
Albert Einstein enjoyed
the fruits of this fame
with another woman. Mileva
Einstein-Maric died
lonely, worried by the
sorrow about her son. "She
died an impoverished old
woman, pushed aside even
by the clinic personnel"
(p.428 - Trbuhovic-Gjuric,
1938, pp.178, 180).
The book "In the Shadow of Einstein"
is written without public support - it
shows suppressed facts about Mileva
-- Desanka Trbuhovic-Gjuric has no
financial support for
researching her book (p.430)
-- Desanka is financing this work from
her own pension and is sacrificing her
free time (p.430)
-- The biography "In the shadow of
Albert Einstein" is a pioneering work
for women and unique in Einstein
research (p.430)
-- Until 1990, the book "In the Shadow
of Albert Einstein" is the only book on
Mileva and asks new questions about the
life of Einstein: questions
About Einstein and the women,
oo About the responsibility to his
oo How does he express gratitude to
oo How was the financial support for
his children and Mileva?
oo On the financial regulation
concerning the house [[Hutten Street
62]], where Mileva was kicked out a
short time before her death
oo On the scientific contributions of
Mileva concerning the works of
(p.430 - Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983, p.
160, 174)
[In the book "In the shadow of Albert
Einstein" are some wrong assumptions which were
corrected by new research, e.g. by the documents:
-- 2004: Wasmayr: The Tragedy of the Einstein
Family (orig. German: Die Tragödie der Familie
Einstein) - translation link
-- 2019: Barbara
Wolff: What happened with the prize money? (orig.
German: Was geschah mit dem Preisgeld?) (Max
Planck Institute in Munich) - translation link
1969: Book by Desanka Trbuhovic Gjuric
on Mileva: "In the shadow of Albert
Einstein" in Serbian
-- The book is published by the Bagdala
publishing house in Kruševać (p.415)
-- in 1969, Desanka (1897-1983) is 72
years old (p.417)
-- The Mileva biography is pioneering
work in the sense of women's rights, a
pioneer of feminism (p.417-418)
-- until 1983 the book remains without
translation (p.415)
1969: Desanka Trbuhovic-Gjurics: Her thoughts
with her book
-- Desanka knows that without Mileva the theory of
relativity would not exist, this is completely new
territory for worldwide physics (p.417)
[this is wrong - Einstein and his
"Olypmpia" gang with Mileva only made a summary of
-- Desanka wonders why Mileva remains unknown, but
Einstein became a world star (p.417)
[Desanka did not consider 1) the law
against women of 1900, 2) the Jewish racist
Einstein family against Christian Orthodox Mileva,
and 3) Mileva had a helper's syndrome].
-- Desanka wonders what would have happened to
Mileva if she had not met Einstein (p.417)
The question arises, why Mileva has not taken
a better man than just one who uses her in
math and does not learn math himself?]
-- so
far Desanka has compared her own
life with Mileva's life (p.417)
-- Desanka Trbuhovic-Gjurics was
born 25 years after Mileva, so in
1900 (p.417)
-- In the year of 1969, Desanka is
72 years old
-- Desanka does not complain
about patriarchy, the system
of male privileges (p.417)
-- Desanka does not even
blame Einstein for the fact
that Mileva has not made
career (p.417)
-- Desanka simply mentions
the "modesty" of Mileva,
"who demanded no
recognition, but was happy
and content when Albert
Einstein succeeded" (p.417)
-- Desanka does not want to
confront with Einstein at
the same time, but she fades
him out (p.417)
The author
Mrs. Trbuhovic-Gjuric: To
show Mileva as a woman
motivation was to focus
on the unknown,
unacknowledged, and on
what was "unjustly put
aside into oblivion ...
without disputing the
indubitable merits of
the other side"
(Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983,
p.5). The reader is left
to draw her or his own
conclusions.> (p.417)
<Throughout the book
she carefully sticks to
this objectivity - she
never evaluates,
comments on, or judges
Albert Einstein's
behavior. She only wants
to make Mileva
Einstein-Maric's life
visible by collecting
facts about it and
she wants to make her
scientific contribution
known. She is uniquely
qualified for this
endeavor through her own
biography, as a Serb
with similar upbringing
and identical fields, as
a mathematician and
physicist, and as a
person with ties to
Zurich. But, especially,
she brings her female
perspective to the task
and the result is a book
written with the kind of
empathy a man could not
have mustered. She
wanted to rescue Mileva
Einstein-Maric from
oblivion and write her
into Serbian and
scientific history. She
knew that no man would
do that job for Mileva
Einstein-Maric, whose
own husband failed to
give her the public
recognition she
deserved.> (p.417)
schwärmt für
<And the
herself, said
the following
about the paper
(1983, p.71):
so pure, so
simple and
elegant in its
formulation -
of all the
physics has
made in this
century, this
work is the
Even today
when reading
pages printed
almost 80
years ago, one
feels respect
and cannot but
be proud that
our great
Serbian Mileva
in the
discovery and
helped edit
them. her
lives in those
lines. In
the equations
show almost
byond a doubt
the personal
style she
in mathematics
and in life in
general. Her
manner was
always devoid
of unnecessary
and of pathos
her work, she
was not the
co-creator of
his ideas,
something no
one else cojld
have been, but
she did
examine all
his ideas,
then discussed
them with him
and gave
expression to
his ideas
about the
extension of
quantum theory
and about the
special theory
of relativity
... Mileva
was the first
person to tell
Einstein after
the completion
of his paper:
this is a
great, very
great and
whereupon he
sent it to the
"Annalen der
[["Annals of
Physics"]] in
from 1969: No translation of
Desanke's Mileva biography "In the shadow
of Albert Einstein" until 1983
The book is
nowhere translated until 1983 and so the
sometimes groundbreaking truth content in
Western Europe and in the "USA" remained
unknown, even Einstein biographers do not
perceive the book (p.415)
1970s: The equal grading of women at
universities begins slowly
-- Women also rate women worse than men,
which begins to change in the 1970s only (!)
(p.423 - Chabot & Goldberg, 1974,
Mischel, 1974, Levenson et al., 1975)
-- men maintain their lower valuation of
women at universities (p.423)
Novi Sad 1975: Mileva's 100th anniversary:
remembering Albert + Mileva Einstein
<But far off in Novi Sad in today's Yugoslavia,
people apparently have a different sensibility for
the matter, a different sense of time and possibly
some evidence the men of Princeton do not possess:
on the 100th birthday of Mileva Einstein-Maric
they revealed a plaque on the Maric family
residence which reads:
"In this house Albert Einstein the
creator of the relativity theory and his
scientific collaborator and wife stayed in 1905
and 1907."> [p.430]
Definition of helper syndrome
-- Mileva had a helper syndrome
-- The helper syndrome is clearly defined in
psychology only in 1977, by the
psychoanalyst Wolfgang
Schmidbauer in his classic "The
helpless helper" (German: "Die hilflosen
Helfer" - Amazon
link (German)
Collected Papers on Einstein are published
The editors say that Mileva only played an
"important role" in his "development" leaving
out all cientific work (p.415):
"Her personal and
intellectual relationships (sic!) with the
young Einstein played an important role in
his development." (p.415)
1983: The Mileva biography of Desanka "In the
Shadow of Einstein" comes out in German
-- Desanka Trbuhovic Gjuric's book: "In the shadow
of Albert Einstein's The tragic life of Mileva
Einstein-Maric", ed. by Paul Haupt-Verlag in Bern
Schatten Albert Einsteins. Das tragische
Leben der Mileva Einstein-Maric")
-- Now the data on Mileva should be taken seriously,
but the world of high mathematics and physics or
even in the ETH refuse to read the book (p.415)
-- The people at the ETH know the persistent remark
of Einstein "My wife solves all my mathematical
problems", but they are just laughing about it,
instead of taking this statement seriously
1983: Switzerland has 40 professors but
over 2,000 professors
-- So something is not right there in the
system of the Switzerland (p.244)
-- If this continues, then in 600 years the
proportion of women in professorial posts
will be 10% (p.244)
1986: Case Kempin: She gets a requiem
-- The woman composer Patricia Jünger from Basel
composes a requiem for Kempin-Spyri (p.244 - web02)
-- The Requiem premieres at the 1986 Donaueschingen
Music Festival (p.244)
-- The woman composer Patricia Jünger is rewarded
with the Karl Sczuka Prize with 15,000 DM (p.244 -
-- So many women deserve a requiem who had studied
around 1900 and that men have turned them to hell
1987: Princeton:
"Collected Papers" Volume 1
appears with letters until 1902
Plötz clearly states that the
Collected Papers do not devote a
cent to women's research around
Mileva Einstein (p.430):
<"The Collected
Papers of Albert Einstein" is an enormous
endeavor, funded by numerous foundations and
by the wealth of private persons. If only
one-hundredth of the resources were expended
on Mileva Einstein-Maric and other women
physicists and mathematicians of our time, we
could answer all our questions. .>
1988: The fourth edition of Desanka "In the
Shadow of Albert Einstein" appears - pages of
content is eliminated and has been added
The bound edition of the book is not so cheap
yyy1988: Die 4. Ausgabe des Buches "Im Schatten
von Albert Einstein" - "der Herausgeber" ohne
Name löscht 3 Seiten und fügt neue Seiten hinzu
Die jugoslawische Autorin beantwortet einige
dieser Fragen. Sie erzählt von einem Leben und
Schicksal, das jede/n bewegt und das bei
LeserInnen, die über das Schweigen der
Frauenstimmen und die Vernichtung der Frauenarbeit
Bescheid wissen, eine tiefe Anerkennung findet.
Seit ich dieses Buch zum ersten Mal gelesen habe,
hat es mich verfolgt. Ich konnte es nicht beiseite
legen. Ich musste es gleich noch einmal lesen; ich
musste nur in privaten Gesprächen und in
öffentlichen Vorträgen immer wieder darüber
sprechen. - Die Autorin ist jetzt tot; ich hätte
mich gern mit ihr unterhalten. Ich traue der
deutschen Fassung des Buches nicht, die keinen
Übersetzer nennt, sondern einfach "redaktionelle
Bearbeitung" von derselben Person angibt, die nun
in der vierten Auflage zum "Herausgeber" avanciert
und das Original geändert hat. Also, das Buch hat
unmarkierte [1] (S.416)
[1] Hinzufügung von zwei Buchstaben,
S. 139-140 und S. 196-197; ein Auszug aus einem
Brief S.202; Hinzufügung von Text im Postscript
des Herausgebers, S. 212-213.
und markierte [2] Ergänzungen (S.416),
[2] An drei Stellen wird ein Nachtrag
hinzugefügt; S. 48-52, S. 59-78 und S. 161-162.
aber da wurden nun auch drei Seiten gestrichen und
ein eigener 17-seitiger Text wurde ersetzt. Wie
können wir wissen, welche Änderungen er durch
seine erste "redaktionelle Überarbeitung" der
deutschen Übersetzung vorgenommen hat -
Trbuhovic-Gjuric hat möglicherweise ihr Buch
selbst ins Deutsche übersetzt - oder, wenn er auch
der Übersetzer war, durch seine eigene
Übersetzung? (S.416)
Der Herausgeber [[Paul Haupt in Bern]] begründet
seine Änderungen mit dem Hinweis auf neues
Material, das insbesondere in "Die Gesammelten
Dokumente von Albert Einstein" [[englisch: The
Collected Papers of Albert Einstein]], Band 1"
(1987) ans Licht gekommen ist. Möglicherweise hat
er jedoch die eigentliche Motivation
unbeabsichtigt in einem Zusatz zu seinem Nachtrag
(unmarkiert) preisgegeben. Dort zitiert er eine
Passage von Trbuhovic-Gjuric (die er aus dem Text
der neuen Ausgabe herausgearbeitet hatte), in der
der Autor Mileva Einstein-Maric als Unterstützung
für Albert Einstein bezeichnete, zu einer Zeit,
als keiner seiner Professoren etwas für ihn tun
wollte. Und als er wiederholt abgelehnt wurde, als
er sich um eine Stelle bewarb. Trbuhovic-Gjuric
schreibt, dass Mileva Einstein-Maric ihn
unterstützt hat (S.416):
Mit ihrer unendlichen Liebe, die es
ihr ermöglichte, an ihn zu glauben und ihn
vollständig zu verstehen. Sie war die Quelle
seiner Hoffnung und seines Vertrauens in seine
eigenen Ideen. Sie war die einzige, die ihm
nicht nur emotional zur Seite stand, sondern
auch aufgrund ihres wissenschaftlichen
Verständnisses, in dem sie ihm ebenbürtig war.
Diese Unterstützung war stärker als alle
feindlichen Kräfte der Welt. Sie half ihm auch,
gegen seine eigene Natur zu kämpfen, denn er
traf Entscheidungen schnell, änderte sie aber
genauso schnell. Ihre Entscheidungen brauchten
Zeit, um zu reifen, aber dann waren sie
unwiderruflich. Wahrhaftigkeit und Integrität
von Wort und Tat waren Teil ihres harmonischen
Charakters (Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983, S. 58-59).
[3] (S.416)
[3] Dieses Zitat und alle anderen Auszüge aus
deutschen Texten wurden vom Autor dieses
Artikels übersetzt.
Vierte Ausgabe von "Im Schatten von Albert
-- der Herausgeber ohne Name bezweifelt die
intellektuelle Gleichheit von Einstein und
Mileva (S.421)
1988: Die
4. Ausgabe des Buches "Im
Schatten von Albert Einstein":
Herausgeber Paul Haupt in Bern
streicht aus dem Buch "Im Schatten von
Albert Einstein", was er will
Der Herausgeber [[Paul Haupt in Bern]]
hinterfragt das, was er als
"provokativen Kern dieser
Charakterisierung" bezeichnet, das
gleiche wissenschaftliche Verständnis,
und stellt fest, dass:
Was auch immer der Fall
gewesen sein mag, Einstein fühlte sich
zu der Zeit, als er seine
grundlegenden Entdeckungen machte,
genauso und drückte es mit diesen
Worten aus, die jetzt ans Licht kamen:
"Wie glücklich ich bin, dass ich in
Dir eine ebenbürtige Kreatur
gefunden habe, die gleich
kräftig und selbständig ist wie ich
selbst. " (Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1988, S.
213) [4] (S.416)
[4] Dieses Zitat stammt aus Albert
Einsteins Brief an Mileva
Einstein-Maric vom 3. Oktober 1900
(Collected Papers, Band 1, 1987, S.
Aber anstatt Albert Einsteins eigene
Aussage als Beweis für die Hypothese von
Trbuhovic-Gjuric heranzuziehen, ließ er
[[der Herausgeber in Bern]] ihre
Beschreibung von Mileva Einstein-Maric
nicht stehen, sondern löschte sie
einfach aus. Dennoch schlussfolgert er
in einer wahrhaft scheinheiligen Weise
(Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1988, S.213):
Man kann sich keinen
schöneren Zufall vorstellen: Die
Tatsache, dass die Idee und die
Auswahl der von Einstein und
Trbuhovic-Gjuric verwendeten Ausdrücke
übereinstimmen, spricht sehr gut für
das Buch, wie die Autor es hinerlassen
hat. (S.416)
Das ist ziemlich vieldeutig: meint er
das serbische Original, das wir nicht
lesen können, oder die überarbeitete
Version, die er uns jetzt anbietet [S.416]
und für die aufgrund seiner Absicht die
Vereinbarung nicht mehr in Anspruch
genommen werden kann? Es ist ein
großartiges Beispiel für Ironie, dass er
ein Buch anpreist, das er nicht
unberührt lassen konnte, und eine
Autorin anpreist, dessen Worte er nicht
billigte und an der er herumspielen
musste, während er uns eine Version des
Buches aufzwang, das die Autorin uns gar
nicht hinterlassen hat! (S.417)
"Physics Today" 1989: Harris
Walker officially asks if Einstein has
represented ideas of Mileva
In a letter to Physics Today, Harris Walker
asks clearly whether Einstein has just
represented Mileva's ideas, "Did Einstein
espouse his spouse's ideas?" (p.430)
1990: Mileva's work for Einstein is still
almost unknown
The original of
the book "In the Shadow of Albert Einstein" was
inaccessible - the second edition of 1983 is the
basis contained in "The Collected Papers of Albert
Einstein, Vol.1"
the original is not accessible to me and the
fourth edition does not have the credibility
of the book I originally read, I will now stay
with the second edition of 1983 which, l by
the way, is listed as a biiographical source
in "The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein,
vol. 1".> (S.417)
1990: ETH continues to be a male society
-- Shortly before 1990, the first full woman
professor was appointed at ETH (p.422)
-- For female students, ETH remains "not a
hospitable place" (p.422)
-- Women in math + physics studies are scarce, and
still less become get an assistant job (p.422)
1990: For male Einstein biographers,
the fate of Mileva is not important -
and so it is with all women at the
side of "famous" men
Plötz clearly means:
-- Male authors never acknowledge women
for their scientific contributions
-- Some men, however, begin to ask
questions in the case of Einstein, e.g.
Harris Walker on "Physics Today" in
February 1989 entitled "Did Einstein
espouse his spouse's ideas?" (p.430)
-- Not even Mileva's housework and
childcare is recognized by Einstein to
defend Einstein for having time to teach
AAAS 1990: Vortrag von Plötz: These von Plötz: Mileva
hätte ohne Einstein eine großartige
Karriere gemacht (?!)]
<But going back to Mileva
Einstein-Maric, there is another
factor which we should consider (and
which not surprisingly is also at
play in Emilie Kempin-Spyri's life).
Mileva Einstein-Maric most certainly
would have gotten both her Diplom
[[diploma]] and her doctorate had
she not met Albert Einstein.
[Tesis: Then she just
would have had fallen in love with
another man being exploited].
When she fell in love, she worked
together WITH him. Or rather, when they
worked together, she fell in love with
him. Once she was committed to him,
however, she worked for him
instead of for herself - out of love.
She may not even have noticed the
difference at first because she kept
working more than ever, but her love did
change her very strong dedication to her
studies in that she no longer pursued
them in the interest of her own career,
but rather of his.> (p.424)
1990: Missing social services for
intelligent Women
-- Women often still today (as of 1990)
only choose between children or work
(p.424), also in Germany (p.425)
-- Trömel-Plötz has written her own study
about this topic what conditions must be
fulfilled concerning child care so also
women can make a career (p.425 -
Trömel-Plötz: fathers and school: Why the
German school remains as exploitative as
it is (original German: Väter und
Schule: Warum die deutsche
Schule so ausbeuterisch
bleibt, wie sie ist); In:
Uta Enders-Dragässer & Claudia Fuchs
(Eds.): Women's Matter School (original
German: Frauensache Schule). Frankfurt,
Fischer pocket book edition)
-- The same problem exists in the "USA"
with women in a science career, well, the
best constellation is for women when the
husband is a Dr. in a different
discipline, to an integration is achieved,
while at the same time it will be sure
that the man does not help (p. 425 -
Barbara F. Reskin: Sex differentiation and
the social organization of science. In:
Sociological Inquiry 48, p.3-4, 6- 37)
from 1990: Mileva research is on the
rise - new books are announced - many
letters are still sealed in depots
two books that have been announced by the
Zurich publisher Origo, one, a book of memoirs
by a woman named Julia Niggli, who talks a lot
about the Einsteins, and another one, the
letters of Mileva Einstein-Maric and Albert
Einstein between 1897 and 1938, might still
appear and answer some [p.430]
questions. So far "legal impediments" have
hindered their appearance (Trbuhovic-Gjuric,
1983, p.80). The letters are kept
inaccessible in the Estate of Albert
Einstein in New York
(Trbuhovic-Gjuric, 1983, p.173) or in the Einstein
Family Correspondence Trust, Los Angeles.
They might still be published at some point in
the future. After all, Einstein has been dead
for 34 years.> (p.431)
The patterns of wrong male and female behavior -
<We can see so many patterns in this life
-- Men who take the beauty, youth, and health of
women and leave when these are gone [p.428]
-- Men who take the intelligence and energy of
women and make them work: they expect women to
do the household chores and all the other
everyday work that is needed; they expect them
to take care of the children; they expect them
to create a home atmosphere free of worries;
they expect to be free for their work; they
expect them to do their work, type for them, do
their correspondence, go to the library, etc.;
they exspect them to give them ideas, stimulate
them, advise them, comfort them, support them,
be their muses, hostesses, companions, nurses,
and therapists.
-- Men who leave their first wife when children
come, leave her to do all the work with small
children on her own.
-- Men who do not care for their children, other
than verbally repeating their commitment.
-- Men who do not even feel financially
responsible for their children and shirk alimony
payment. (In West Germany today [[in 1990]], 50%
of men do not pay alimony for their children; in
the United States, the figure is said to be
-- Men who quickly find new, usually younger
companions for a second marriage; mostly these
companions are well in sight before they leave
their first wife.
-- Women who change their life once they fall in
love and whose life is changed, whether they
want it or not, once they marry and have
-- Women who feel responsibility toward their
children and take it as their natural duty to do
the work for society of bringing up the next
generation without getting any recognition or
help for it.
-- Women who do NOT quickly find a second,
younger, and energetic husband who will help
them bring up the children.
-- Women who have no leisure time to pursue
their academic, artistic, or other interests
once they have children.
-- Women who have to fight for survival because
their husbands do not support them.
-- Women who, having come from wealthy
background or having taken care of themselves
independently, end up in poverty after divorce
[9] Cf. the New Jersey
Reports on "Women in the Courts" with the
finding that the distribution of income
and property after divorce, no matter what
social class a couple belong to, is unfair
to the women. See also: "Michigan Bar
Journal, 63" (6), June 1984 and Crites,
Laura L., & Hepperle, Winfred L.
(Eds.). (1987). "women, the courts and
equality". Newbury Park: Sage.
-- Women, who started out as promising, got
better grades as students than their husbands,
and find themselves not advancing in their
career with the same speed as their husbands.
-- Women who find it difficult to keep up their
work, who have worse working conditions, usually
working at night, who finally, overburdened,
give up their creative work altogether.
-- Women whose ideas and work is appropriated by
men, their husbands, professors, fellow
students, and published under the men's names.
We know these patterns, but we do not apply them
yet, think by them, write by them, judge by them
when we are dealing with a woman's life. So it
comes as no surprise that the editors of Volume
1 of the "Collected Papers of Albert Einstein",
which covers, however, only the time before his
marriage, cannot find any evidence that Mileva
Einstein-Maric's role was more than "a sounding
board for Einstein's ideas". I would not be
surprised if not even the next volume, which is
to cover the crucial period before and after
1905, would discover any trace of Mileva
Einstein-Maric's part in their joint work. "The
Collected Papers" are firmly grounded in the
tradition of constructing man's success and
deconstructing woman's contributions. They are
themselves a beautiful example of how it is
done.> [p.429]
[[sind im Text integriert]]
Abramson, Joan (1975): "The invisible woman:
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Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Bosmajian, Haig (1974): "The language of
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Park: Sage.
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(1961): "Rocking the boat: academic women and
academic processes". New York: Modern Language
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Elman, Judith B., Press, Ann, & Rosenkrantz,
Paul S. (1970, August): "Sex roles and self
concepts: real and ideal." Paper presented at the
meeting of the American Psychological Association,
Farley Jennie (1982): "Academic women and employment
discriminations: a critical annotated bibliography".
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Geis, Florence, Carter, Mac R., &
Butler-Thompson, Dore (1982): "Research on seeing
and evaluating people". Newark, DE: University of
Goldberg, Philip (1968): "Are women prejudiced
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Gruber, Kenneth J., & Gaebelein, Jacquelyn
(1979): "Sex differences in listening
comprehension"; [[In]]: Sex Roles, 5 (3), 299-310.
Haber B. (1981): "Why not the best and the
brightest? Equal opportunity or academic freedom".
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